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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Whoever Fluke is I do not think he is gone once the reveal happens. The plot is getting too layered, especially now that Helena is after ELQ and pulling Nik in. I see a Fluke reveal and then a Fluke on the run story and likely several months before we actually see the show down between Luke and Fluke:  Feb: Fluke reveal. May: Jason Reveal and Sonny out of Jail, Nov: Fluke vs Luke the final showdown.  The break between big events in May and Nov give TG his summer exit as he goes chasing after Fluke


This really scares me b/c TG doesn't seem very healthy to me and the thought of this getting derailed and reworked again is horrifying. Many times I'm taken out of the scene by the state of his health. That Parkinson like tremor he had in the scene with Tracy and the teacups was very noticeable, he'd have been better served not using props so much.


I'm over Naxie.  I really don't get it.  Kirsten Storms is young and cute.  Maxie can be a bit of a one-note ditz but is a really significant legacy character.  KSt shows up to work every day and does her job.  I don't understand why she keeps getting saddled with horrible actors playing go-nowhere characters (e.g. Nathan, Cooper) or playing the love interest to characters who shouldn't have one but that the show feels obligated to pair up (e.g. Spinelli).  

Surely there are better uses for this character?  


Actually while I know he isn't very popular her Nathan is more popular in general plus it is clear Ron likes him well. Naxie is being used in promos and media promotions too. Couple that with Nathan being Dr. O's child and Ron's love of KG it actually gives Maxie a BIGGER part than if she wasn't paired with him. Being paired with Nathan is better for her b/c look at Lulu and Anna, they both should have more story but are really used as prop characters at least Maxie has her own story.

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I noticed the tremor, too.  Also when they had that side of Luke Friday tied to the chair with his hair all up and back all I could think of was that old sound system (?) commercial where the guy's hair gets blown back from the sound.  Same kind of side shot.


I've come up with a new way to watch.  Watch it once....read you guys...then go back to watch it again to see the things I missed that you caught.  Kinda makes it more interesting.  I missed Tracy's necklace the first time 'cause I was fixated on her jacket (she and Helena need to do a fashion show sometime).


I am sooooo over the whole who-is-Fluke crap, too, though they have thrown so much shit on canvas I'm wondering what's gonna stick.  Just get it over with soon...m'kay?

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I'm probably closer to 81 than you are.  sigh

Then rock that décolletage, and make the citizens of an upstate NY town quake in their boots at the mere mention of your name! 



I had a thought yesterday: Laura already had mental health issues so, do they really want to go the DID route with the second person in the greatest couple daytime television has ever seen? Isn't that kind of redundant? OR, OMG I just thought of this: Is Helena's wedding curse playing out??????? I was only 11so I don't remember exactly what the curse was....maybe this is Ron's homage to Helena and Luke/Laura? 

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Whoever Fluke is I do not think he is gone once the reveal happens. The plot is getting too layered, especially now that Helena is after ELQ and pulling Nik in. I see a Fluke reveal and then a Fluke on the run story and likely several months before we actually see the show down between Luke and Fluke:  Feb: Fluke reveal. May: Jason Reveal and Sonny out of Jail, Nov: Fluke vs Luke the final showdown.  The break between big events in May and Nov give TG his summer exit as he goes chasing after Fluke


Given that the soap press and the comments on the facebook page, which for whatever reason the network seems to car about, are calling for this story to end quickly, I don't see them dragging it out until next Nov.  I think we'll get the Fluke identity reveal in Feb and then it'll wrap up for good in late Apr/early May at the very latest.

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I'm so over Ron using Lucas and Brad - on and off screen - to talk about his favorite TV shows.  How about putting the remote down and writing them a story, Ron?


Funny you say that, because every time we get a line like that, I assume that it's shorthand for "I was busy watching (whatever show is mentioned) instead of working on story line." 

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Rage permeates the character, and seems to percolate below the surface in the actor as well. For example, I don't buy that Luke had to speak cruelly to Lucky for Lucky's own good. At some level, cynical Geary gets off on chewing up other characters and actors and spitting them out.


It's a scripted show? And also, Tony Geary has worshipped Jonathan Jackson (and only ever accepted his Lucky) for years and years.


There are plenty of things to give TG shit for - including his mostly benign disinterest in any other actors in the role of his son - but he's not marauding through the studio actively trying to terrorize the cast like some soap stars.

Edited by jsbt
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So, now that Jake has the kill order for Sam, how long before he goes to do it and "something" more powerful than mind control stops him?  Somewhere, deep down, his all consuming love for her overrides the kill order.  Until....he flashes to the time that he actually DID threaten to kill her and his mind explodes from the irony.


I know that sounds like a real deal spoiler, but I assure you it's just terrible speculation on my bitter ex-JaSam fan heart.

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So, now that Jake has the kill order for Sam, how long before he goes to do it and "something" more powerful than mind control stops him?  Somewhere, deep down, his all consuming love for her overrides the kill order.  Until....he flashes to the time that he actually DID threaten to kill her and his mind explodes from the irony.


I know that sounds like a real deal spoiler, but I assure you it's just terrible speculation on my bitter ex-JaSam fan heart.

I believe the spoilers say that he runs into Liz on his way and is side-tracked from his mission.

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I remain convinced that Fluke is Pat, and that s/he had sex reassignment surgery. She has a grudge against Luke and Bobbi, obvi, and this has to do with what happened to her in that house.  I think Bill is red herring.


I know there is no logic against why Pat would have issues with Sonny etc; I have no explanation for that but I am sure Ron will come up with something.



Speculated that Haus Nutmeg: Patricia became a dancer at Sonny's club and was friends with Karen Drexler. She saw how Sonny pumped her up with drugs. Something something bad shit going down, now Patricia has white-hot hatred for the Stripclub Moobster who became the Most Powerful Criminal Godfather in the Eastern Universe or Such.


Patricia something something trans something something became a man who looked like Luke. Fluke has a burning hatred for his siblings.


I will wager that, if they have Patricia as Fluke, will be retconned as the one who killed Kannie, and Ava has false memories. A side bet that the "they retconned Joe Jr. into raping Kannie rather than have consentual DID sex and Kannie really wanted Trey" is re-retconned again.

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I get where some of you awesome posters think Fluke is a DID storyline, and I myself am on the fence with that, but if Luke isn't really in the basement, why would Fluke have made it a point to go back inside the house to lock the door to the basement. Something or someone is definitely down there.


ETA: In rereading my post, the use of "awesome" sounds sarcastic. I assure my fellow posters that it is not, and reflects my continued admiration for the observations made by all of you.

Edited by tvfanatic13
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I kept laughing...well more than usual at Sam's angry outburst about Jake letting Faison get away. She was so indignant about Jason's killer being free and all I could think of is what would she say if she knew Jason let his own killer free, but he isn't really dead. What I wouldn't give to see her head explode trying to process THAT. heh!


I wouldn't mind her anger so much if I thought she'd keep it once she learns Jake is Jason, but it just seems likes a lot of wasted energy b/c she'll just throw her arms around him and all is forgiven so why do they even bother?

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While I enjoy seeing the vets, and would rather watch them any day over Franco, Nina, Olbrecht, et al, this story told via flashbacks is fucking ridiculous and lazy.  So, so lazy.


On a happier note, LH looked great in that black and white dress and silver necklace.

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Can someone explain to me why I found myself so invested in who won the mayoral race? Like, when Scotty came out with a piece of paper saying there was a clear winner, and then it cut to commercial, I was as close to "edge-of-my-seat" as this show has made me in a while. That sounds more pathetic than I intended. 

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OMG, you guys, talk about some hot nonsense, seemingly designed to shit on Anna and Felicia and spotlight Spencer.


I kept track on Twitter but I cannot bring myself to watch it at 3. Sorry. It sounds like hot garbage. 

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What the heck show did I just watch?  Was "the missing ballet box" an actual "thing" before today?  Did any of those review scenes actual happen?  Does anyone even care?  That was the weirdest episode I think I have ever watched


ETA: yes Hot Garbage is accurate

Edited by Blackie
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What, and give her an actual story?


Oh, let's not go that far. But making her mayor - sure, they'll do it. Ron's making Dorian Lord mayor of Llanview, while a nice touch and something she waved around often for plot purposes in amusing ways, didn't give her a bigger story on OLTL. I do happen to think it's a nice touch for Felicia, even if this whole thing seems very stupid.

Edited by jsbt
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"How dare you accuse me of something that's totally true!"  Shut the fuck up, Duke.

"Screw feeling bad, you're in the good mob now!"  Shut the fuck up, Shawn.

"I made my dwiver dive into fweezing cold water!"  Shut the fuck up, Spencer.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Someone explain this to me as if I were Sonny, why the hell would Lucy, Shawn et.al. be involved with tossing the ballot box? I do not understand.

Lucy thought it would help felicia for some reason what I don't get is why Duke would protect Lucy.Maybe because most of there friendship is told offscreen lol.


Personally I can't see Felicia as mayor at all lol.Shes too soft hearted lol.Now someone like Tracy yes.

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I feel like this would have been better if they just did it straight linear form instead of doing it flashbacks. 


Why is everyone being so nice to Spencer. Threaten to take his pony away if he doesn't fess up!


Lulu going to Nikolas for pre-school advice? Not, say, Liz?!?! Surely they could have come up with a better excuse to her at Nik's door.


Nik, deserves a spanking as much as his son did. He's not even excited about being evil. He's just as bored by it as everything else.


Just shut up Lucy.


Of course they have to drag Lomax into the circle of evil. It was funny when she slapped the sticker on Lucy and said "bye Felicia!"


I ain't gonna watch this til tonight but this conspiracy sounds like the dumbest thing I've ever heard. At least, at the end of it, Felicia will hopefully be mayor.



Well, technically she already is mayor, but I get what you mean. I'm sure she will be. 


OMG, you guys, talk about some hot nonsense, seemingly designed to shit on Anna and Felicia and spotlight Spencer.



I don't think it was designed to shit on Anna and Felicia at all. I do think it was nonsense though for the most part. I don't know, I didn't hate it? No Kiki, no Carly, no Sonny, no O no Franco no Nina. Although there was Spencer.

"How dare you accuse me of something that's totally true!"  Shut the fuck up, Duke.

"Screw feeling bad, you're in the good mob now!"  Shut the fuck up, Shawn.

"I made my dwiver dive into fweezing cold water!"  Shut the fuck up, Spencer.


Oh, so THAT'S what he said.

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Came here to say the same thing about today's show.  Lucky me I have to leave in five minutes.  I'll buzz through the rest online.  This ballot box stuff is bullshit as is all the talking between the gov't guy and Anna (although they look sophisticated together).


It's SO weird for me to see gorgeous Felicia still gorgeous but aging.  We're the same age but she looked like a kid when she first came on the show in 84/85.  I'm still stuck in the 90's when it comes to her.  And why does Lulu have pageant hair?  It looks ridiculous.

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I don't think it was designed to shit on Anna and Felicia at all.


Maybe "designed to shit on" wasn't the right way to put it, but I thought both the build to this big "gotcha!" with Lomax firing Anna in favor of Sloane (and are we supposed to be rooting for Anna and Sloane to get it on after this?) and Felicia barely being in the episode that was ostensibly about her storyline sucked.


Of course they have to drag Lomax into the circle of evil.


Yeah, so are she and Sloane in the Legion of Doom too, since Nikolas was burning the ballots on their behalf?

Edited by TeeVee329
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That was the worst episode of any soap ever made, including that one of Passions where Julian Crane's long lost son had his baby and all of the portal to hell episodes oh and the episodes where Faith and Hope and Charity and um Nice? screamed about evil, evil, evil! I want zombie James E. Reily as head writer now. It can't get worse.

I want my hour of life back.

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I only watch the show sporadically these days, but does anyone actually like the SL of Felicia running for mayor?  Not only is she supremely unqualified, but one negative add explaining how she abandoned her daughters would immediately knock her out.  A man in Kansas had vicious TV adds attacking him for going one time to a strip club twenty years prior - and he lost!  I realize Luke was once mayor, so it doesn't require much experience, but come on.

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That was the worst episode of any soap ever made, including that one of Passions where Julian Crane's long lost son had his baby and all of the portal to hell episodes oh and the episodes where Faith and Hope and Charity and um Nice? screamed about evil, evil, evil! I want zombie James E. Reily as head writer now. It can't get worse.

I want my hour of life back.


Oh, this was weird, but hardly the worst. The episode where everyone threw up on the Chew is probably still the worst. imo, of course.

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I only watch the show sporadically these days, but does anyone actually like the SL of Felicia running for mayor?


I thought the idea of it had some promise, it could have been a fun side story for the vets (Felicia, Mac, Kevin, Lucy, Anna, Duke).  But it was almost completely off-screen and the parts that were on-screen were not great, Bob.

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I only watch the show sporadically these days, but does anyone actually like the SL of Felicia running for mayor?  Not only is she supremely unqualified, but one negative add explaining how she abandoned her daughters would immediately knock her out.  A man in Kansas had vicious TV adds attacking him for going one time to a strip club twenty years prior - and he lost!  I realize Luke was once mayor, so it doesn't require much experience, but come on.

I never understood how that Luke could have beat Lee Baldwin myself a lawyer who everyone seemed to respect and love but thats a differnt story lol.I guess tenchically you don't need a lot of experience.

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Oh, this was weird, but hardly the worst. The episode where everyone threw up on the Chew is probably still the worst. imo, of course.

I liked that one because it had characters I like and food. Also, a cameo from Link from The Legend Of Zelda, too. The vomiting was much, but Ron rarely gets things right. Big win for me: AJ was alive, and I believe Nik either got barfed on or was barfing. Also, no Spencer. I will take massive barfing and living AJ over Spencer, Zombie Cat, Shawn, and Nik not getting barfed on anyday. My love is cheap.

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I can't with what this show is doing with Nik. He would NEVER, at this point in his life, work with Helena or help Helena or let Helena take a shit in his house.

Hells brainwashed every character, apparently, because that is the only thing that makes a lick of sense.

When am I gonna quit this show!? Sigh.

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I'm jealous of anyone enjoying the show right now. I'm super serious. I have absolutely no enjoyment and I really think it's the curse of watching the show for decades. Nothing makes sense. Who are these people!?

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I never understood how that Luke could have beat Lee Baldwin myself a lawyer who everyone seemed to respect and love but thats a differnt story lol.I guess tenchically you don't need a lot of experience.

The one's easy,  Lee Baldwin never saved the world from terminal frost bite.  Ultimately, Lee did end up as Mayor though, so it all worked out in the end.

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I'm jealous of anyone enjoying the show right now. I'm super serious. I have absolutely no enjoyment and I really think it's the curse of watching the show for decades. Nothing makes sense. Who are these people!?


I think you may be right. I can NOT watch Y&R b/c it literally is NOT Y&R.

I enjoy GH b/c it is super campy at times and has some hott beefcake to look at. As far as I'm concerned shirtless men are great(except NOT Ric)

But even I do not like this Fluke nonsense and the St Jasus propping....oh and Carly. Of course my Patdick hate goes without saying. heh!

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Nik, deserves a spanking as much as his son did. He's not even excited about being evil. He's just as bored by it as everything else




I would not mind it at all if Tyler followed KA out the door at this point. If there's an actor and character I wouldn't blink an eye over if he suddenly up and vanished, it'd be that guy.


It's a miracle they didn't have his new lady friend "Ivy" lurking in the shadows as he knelt by the fireplace so we'd know that she's involved in all this shitty nonsense as well. She was probably off recharging her batteries.




"How dare you accuse me of something that's totally true!"  Shut the fuck up, Duke.

"Screw feeling bad, you're in the good mob now!"  Shut the fuck up, Shawn.

"I made my dwiver dive into fweezing cold water!"  Shut the fuck up, Spencer.




"Shut the fuck up everyone!"


I want someone hired who roams from scene to scene just shouting that out at random.


And how nice to have a Mac and Felicia sighting which proved fruitless, futile, and filled to the brim with bs. Hooray...yet again Ron wishes to prove to us all to always be oh so careful what we wish for.

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Have not watched yet but if Lomax and Solane are in the LOD and are now in positions of power in PC, then along with Dr O every major position is filled by some one evil and awful/ I am sick to death of Ron propping bad guys at the expense of the good. If Anna is out as Police Commissioner wouldn't she just re up in the WSB now that Frisco is in charge.


It is bad enough Ron shits on Steve Hardy every day that Dr. O is COS now we are going to Shit on Anna/Robert/Sean and Mac every day with Solane as Police Commissioner and on Lee every day with Lomax.


He's not a good writer, he is not a cute writer and please stop telling me he loves soaps. He hates this soap far more than Guza ever did.


The barge is looking good

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I think that Duke may have had his minions, Shawn and Jordan, hide that ballot box to ensure that Flea would lose and Lomax would fire Anna. He may have thought that if Anna wasn't PC, he would have another chance with her.

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So did that asswipe, Sloane quit the Justice Department?


And Lomax fired Anna for that douche, just like she fired Mac because he wasn't doing his job, I guess. So now Anna's out for her shiny new toy, until he doesn't do shit, and then who will she hire next?

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The barge is looking good

Come on aboard.  We have comfy chairs, both inside and out, great snacks, drinks with little umbrellas and GH from the 80's and 90's runs constantly.  Best of all, we're not exposed to the drek currently onscreen. 


First MaiTai's on me.  LOL




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So did that asswipe, Sloane quit the Justice Department?


And Lomax fired Anna for that douche, just like she fired Mac because he wasn't doing his job, I guess. So now Anna's out for her shiny new toy, until he doesn't do shit, and then who will she hire next?


I guess?  You would think, if he really wanted to be a thorn in Anna's side, it'd be easier for him to do at a federal level, but what do I know.


And Lomax fired Anna because it seems she made some kind of deal with Sloane to rig the election.

Edited by TeeVee329
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So lemme get dis straight:


We have the Legion of Doom consisting of: Helena, Flewq, Faison, and Jerry


And their minions: Heather, Larry, Dr. O, Nik, Sloane, Lomax?!?


The Lomax actress is fantastic at playing shady bitch, or as those types are commonly known, a politician.


Uh . . . I really want the jackets that Dante & Nathan were wearing.  And I think Kristina's hair may look even better than Finola's 'bringing peace to the Middle East' bob.  

Edited by Tiger
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