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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Bishop, I wouldn't worry about Patrick being written as the bad guy. He's not. That's just how I view him. And my opinion doesn't go a long way. Lol.

Also, Robin isn't really the victim. Like you said, she chose to save Jason and he should have stayed dead. I'm sure that's what Ron will ultimately say and Robin will come back at some point to say just that and leave.

I don't think it's fair to blame Patrick because he's not sitting around pining over Robin and wringing his hands.




There's so much unfinished business between Robin and Patrick that it all alone could be a spinoff from GH. 


Patrick has proven to be someone who jumps around when he isn't being attended to or if he just decides he wants someone else over the person who's already with him. 


I detest Sabrina but the way he steamrolled her the second Robin resurfaced was classic Patrick Drake. It isn't so much about the damage he does or the people he hurts, he wants what he wants when he wants it.


He's set his sights on Sam now but that doesn't mean he has to act as if Robin is on a Norwegian cruise line. He isn't bothering to build a real relationship with Sam or else why the rush? Why the hurry? Why not just let things happen instead of being so desperate to make sure she still really, truly, totally likes him enough to throw her panties at him pretty much?  


He isn't taking the time to adjust to finding out about who really caused the car accident, he hardly seemed concerned about it but I guess what else could one expect from a guy who referred to his own dead son as "that kid". He was more worried about Sam not liking him anymore and that had nothing to do with Robin or their floundering marriage, that's just Patrick being a the same grade A selfish playboy that he's always been, imho.


The way he's handling the situation with Robin and the way he wants to now "move on" with Sam, just to single out what's happening currently, screams to me that Patrick cares about numero uno first and foremost just as when he first came to town.


Personally I don't need Robin being the "victim" to view Patrick as a slimy scuzzball, he does that all by himself.

  • Love 5

I know Ivy and Agent Sloan didn't know each other very well anyway, but LOL that she never looked back once she glommed onto Nik in the elevator.


The Alexis/Ned/Olivia/Julian stuff at the party was so embarrassing. Julian and Olivia grudge fucking? Yech. They should have both been a lot drunker.


Carly, if you can't take it, don't dish it out. And while Liz's taste in men is questionable, she hasn't gotten together with a SERIAL KILLER who facilitated the rape of her son. 


And "We started out sleeping together"? Carly and Jason had one night together. ONE NIGHT. And LOL that she thinks Jason always put her first. 


LOL at Anna interrupting Ric and Liz and then whispering, "I'm glad you're getting your life back."


Color me surprised that Nathan didn't carry Maxie into the bedroom. 

  • Love 3

Oh Carly, you stay delusional.  GAWD she is such an asshole.  Making it sound like SAM was a jealous harpy.  The only reason Sam hated on you was because you had NO boundaries.  Which was just as much on Jason as you, but Sam was usually a much bigger person where you were concerned.  


She really is ridiculous.  And I love how she was the one that baited Ric, and got upset when he dished it back.  


Today's show was almost as boring as Tuesdays.  I figured SamTrick were going to get interrupted when they were lollygagging around the MetroCourt. 

  • Love 13

LiRic continue to charm, I don't know why I always get hooked by them. But Oy Ric, pushing marriage already? Ease up, honey.


Of course, the problem with bringing up the panic room, just highlights the fact that it happened about 8 years ago, and Morgan (the child Carly was pregnant with) is now in his 20's. But the best part was Ric being able to point out that Michael wants nothing to do with Carly these days. 

  • Love 5


LOL at Anna interrupting Ric and Liz and then whispering, "I'm glad you're getting your life back."


That was simultaneously hilarious and a little awkward. Okay, a LOT awkward. I wasn't sure what the point of Sloane not having a shirt on if she was just going to leave.


I'm sure the Naxie fans are squeeing as much as the Ohio State fans are right now (blech), but I think they took too long to get them there, because I'm over them. Wondering what Nathan's going to do for Valentine's Day now. He's going to have to keep topping himself.


Carly, delusional as ever. Shut up, with your crap about Sam being jealous. If anything, it was the other way around.


My UO: Julian and Olivia were the hottest and most interesting of everyone.

  • Love 8

Well there were certainly a lot of half dressed bodies on today.


William seems to like grabbing his leading ladies bums, heh, and they like ripping off his shirts, no buttons are safe in his love scenes. I actually wasn't as scarred by Julian and Liv's scenes as I thought I would be.


I think that mainly had to do with the way Will and Lisa played it, snarky, sarcastic and like they were just rolling with it and fooling around. I could have sworn she cracked up when she was yanking off Will's shirt.


Sam and Patrick continue to both bore and disgust.


Carly "leaning" on Jake and spilling her guts to him just like she did with Jason...Ron has no original thoughts, I'm convinced.


Finola is too good for this show, she puts so much life into her scenes and they just waste her. The agent still fails to impress me, shirt on or off the actor is pretty terrible imo. 


Maxie and Nathan finally got to do it, I was so worried...


Liz and Ric are no different than the same people who have tried to make it "work" ten times before and always fail miserably so...don't care, never did and never will. 

Carly, if you can't take it, don't dish it out. And while Liz's taste in men is questionable, she hasn't gotten together with a SERIAL KILLER who facilitated the rape of her son.



Yeah. I thought she was going to call herself out and say she was speaking from experience, but . . . nope.


Ric retorting "speaking of sons, I hear Michael isn't speaking to you" was great.


Oh, put your shirt back on, Agent Not Hot.


The look on Carly's face when she saw Jason jealous of Liz and Ric was hilarious. "Really? Her?"

  • Love 6

I only saw the first half. And I do have a question: In what world do single women (or men) voluntarily go to New Year's Eve parties that they know everyone else will be attending with a date? I can accept Carly being there because she owns the hotel, but Anna? and Olivia? I know she works there, but she was parading around in that stupid hat all night and NOT doing anything that would make it clear she was there as a hostess and not an attendee. So, Ron, take note: most women have just a little bit more self respect than you might think. 


Also, Jason/Jake, I don't think you can pour Scotch, either. That bottle you used for Carly's drink looked a lot like a bourbon bottle to me. 


Other than thinking the Liz/Rick/Anna scene was actually kind of humorous, that's all I've got. 


ETA: Damn, RP cleans up GOOOOOD.

Edited by rur

Loved the Liz/Ric/Anna scene.  


I don't think it's that unusual for singles to go to a NYE party where couples will be there.  If just about everyone you know in town will be there, then why not?  Also, weren't Lulu and Dante initially supposed to be there (before getting distracted with helping Maxie and Nathan)?  So maybe Olivia was planning on spending some time with them?  I wasn't paying enough attention, but didn't Nik also initially go as a single, before snatching someone else's date?  Jake was also there with no date.  


I like how Carly expects Liz to be more wary of the guy who locked Carly in a panic room than Carly was of the guy who arranged her son's rape and stalked her and her loved ones.  If we have to see Jake doing anything with Carly, I hope that, when he gets his memories back, he is suitably turned off that he went there.  

  • Love 7

Tired of Maxie and her whiny "I'm not deserving" crap.  No, you don't deserve most of the good stuff you get.  You're immature, selfish, self-centered, live for only the moment etc etc.  Just shut up and accept all the good that comes your way.  Or change, and you know, don't suck so much.


Julian and Olivia had more chem than most of the couples on screen.


I think Patrick shines most in scenes with Sam but their kisses are kinda meh.


Lucy and Duke - yech.


Liz & Ric.  Don't really like either but I like them together.


Ned & Alexis.  They both looked like they were going through the motions and hoping that the other one would call quits so they could pick Julian/Olivia.  On a shallow note, Ned needs a little Grecian formula.  The side view isn't flattering.


I don't know Jason.  He wasn't on when I watched early 80s and was dead-ish when I rejoined last May.  This Jason is like a stuffed teddy bear.   I don't mind him but I'm not getting any reaction either.


At least we didn't have to see Sonny kiss anyone. 

  • Love 2

Naxie was sweet and MEOW! Nathan shirtless. Today was how they should have been without so much "ships passing in the night" crap. One or two misses was enough not 38922783. Maxie's hair was georgous.


I'm one of Olivia's few fans and I like her chemistry with both Ned and Julian. She and Julian were really good with all the arrogance and snarking. I love how Julian is treating Alexis right now. Of the quad I like her the least. She and Ned don't spark at all.


The Anna stuff was weird.


Sam and Patrick. ugh! All the talk of sex was ridiculous and they didn't come across as any more hott or sexy than Alexis and Ned. Both seem like they'd produce about as much heat as making a grocery list.


OMG! I haven't even watched long and the level of hypocracy Carly spouts on daily basis just chaps me to no end. She is just gross and I keep trying to give Jakeson some time but this Charlie Brown image he's projecting isn't appealing.


I really don't like Ric and think he is an arrogant jerk(and not in a hott way like Julian) so it may color my perspective, but I find he and Elizabeth boring and lacking in chemistry. Even though he is also an ass I find she mostly has the best chemistry with Nik.

I've always been creeped out by Carly's attachment to Jason.

 Carly seeks validation from Jason, because one of the tenets of his character is that he is a moral snob. Sure he might have go on about letting people do their own thing, but despite what the members of his soft harem would declare up and down, he was the most morally self righteous character on GH. 

  • Love 3

My UO: Julian and Olivia were the hottest and most interesting of everyone.


Agreed. In fact, I'll go so far as to say I actually loved those scenes. I'm into everything that was happening there.


I really don't like Ric and think he is an arrogant jerk(and not in a hott way like Julian) so it may color my perspective, but I find he and Elizabeth boring and lacking in chemistry.


I love Ric, but I agree. I just don't see it. It feels so forced to me.


Honestly, with the exception of Olivia/Julian and Maxie/Nathan, all the couples felt palpably forced in this episode, IMO. It didn't bother me with Anna/Sloane though because for some inexplicable reason I actually enjoyed them. Anna just elevates any scene and makes it watchable, no matter how stupid the writing/her screen partner is.


Yea, I must've definitely been high during Tuesday's episode because Jason/Carly was straight-up awful in every single way today. Like honestly I can't even begin to describe how bad everything about that shit was.


ETA: Wait, there was something amazing in the Jason/Carly scenes; Jason wiping Carly's kiss off with his tie. I LOLed.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

Naxie finally got laid but boy was it awkward, to me at least.  Maxie looks like such a little girl that it's bizarre watching her in sex scenes.  I also agree that it took a little longer than it needed to to get them to this point.  Perhaps it might've worked better had there been a lot of stuff going on with them in between, but they were torn apart courtesy of the judge, and were practically backburnered for the most part.  

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 2

I missed it - what did Carly say to Ric that prompted his line about Michael not speaking to her? 


The optimistic/delusional side of me wanted Robert, followed by Robin (who he had just saved from Helena) to come in just before midnight so Robert and Anna would kiss and Anna would be spared from having to think about/see Duke period, and spared the dance/kiss with Agent Sloan. Yuck. Also, so "Jake" would have a flash of memory of Robin saving his life, and go and enthusiastically plant a kiss on her just as Patrick turned to see Robin in the room and Jake make the move.  The "I'm getting some from Sam tonight" buzz kill look/Jake wants my wife? HOW DARE HE?!  reaction would be a hi-larious Friday cliffhanger. The WTF looks from Liz, Patrick, Sam and Carly would be priceless. 


I invented that scenario in part because I hate that Carly grabbed "Jake" for a kiss at midnight. Blech!!!

  • Love 1


ETA: Wait, there was something amazing in the Jason/Carly scenes; Jason wiping Carly's kiss off with his tie. I LOLed.

That was pretty funny. 


I was a little afraid that Anna was in bed waiting for Agent Sloane in the wrong room and Ric & Liz surprise her.  Awkward!


I think I liked Anna's dress the best.

Why wasn't Lulu hosting a NYE party at The Haunted Star?  Isn't that a thing?

I don't hate Olivia and Julian. I fear this could be them using LLC's RL pregnancy and that really scares me (I'm not going off spoilers, just the fact that she's pregnant) but if they don't go there, I could watch more of them. Poor Dante though, Sonny will surely remembers he exists just to complain to him should he find out, even from jail.


I wish Dante and Lulu were a part of this NYE besides apparently doing Nathan's bidding. It would have been nice to have an actual established couple instead of some of this forced ish.


Anna and Ric at the door was the best part of the episode... maybe even the week.

  • Love 1

I watch this show once every four months and only when I get a holiday from work. Shall I say, actually,  that I turn it to abc when it is aired and nothing has changed from the previous four months. I then turn the channel after 10 minutes.  I was so happy to see Liz and Ric this time. I like the first incarnation, the second incarnation, and the third incarnation looks just as cute. I am sure that this will not last long though. 


I gather "Jake" is Jason but everyone has to talk to and about him as if he is a different person. (No need to answer because I really don't care.)

  • Love 5

Also, did Carly really call Jake an "honorable man"?  Bitch, you barely know the guy.   HE barely knows who he is.  I just can't with this whole Jake worship already.  We get it, it's going to be oh so ironic when they find out this man that they all worship (minus Sam) is really Jason.


Also, how is it that Jake was out shoveling snow, but it's oh so inconceivable that he could pick up a 90 pound woman and use her as a shield since he was "still recovering"? 


I am really not feeling Maxie and Nathan. 

  • Love 3

I just realized that Lisa is a couple of years younger than William so I can only imagine she must not have thought it was so bad she got to play bedmates with the actor close to 50 who yet has the body of a man half his age. To me William just knows how to handle a lady, he has that firm yet gentle touch and boy can he kiss.


The way Julian said "Really?" when Liv admitted he wasn't as bad as she first assumed was funny I thought, especially the look on his face when he said it. I was actually glad they didn't try and play sloppy ass drunk, and hopefully they'll act like two consenting adults having adult fun because they're unattached and wanted some company.

  • Love 4

Ric retorting "speaking of sons, I hear Michael isn't speaking to you" was great.


That's nice and all, but given she seems perfectly happy hanging out with Jake(son), Carly is not suffering nearly enough for my liking.


We need more scenes of her trying to talk to Michael, Michael walking past like he can't even hear her, and Carly bursting into tears.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 18

That's nice and all, but given she seems perfectly happy hanging out with Jake(son), Carly is not suffering nearly enough for my liking.


We need more scenes of her trying to talk to Michael, Michael walking past like he can't even hear her, and Carly bursting into tears.



All I can see is Carly pulling a the Nina move and so she'll start shouting Michael's name over and over and over again as if she will be able to verbally beat him into submission.


"Michael! Michael! Michael! Come back Michael! Michael come back! MICHAEL!!!!!"


Maybe she'll end up suffocating on her own hot air and drop dead. One can only dream...

  • Love 13




ETA: Wait, there was something amazing in the Jason/Carly scenes; Jason wiping Carly's kiss off with his tie. I LOLed.


That was awesome in so many ways. BM adds such extra hilarity to this role. So many little, subtle things crack me up

What he really needed was a long steam shower, a gargle with Listerine, and possibly a dental cleaning.  Hard to get that much nastiness off with just a tie.

  • Love 2

Carly thinks Sam was jealous of her connection with Jason Lol more like she was sick of Carly and her codependency on her husband. Carly was always so jealous and insecure when Jason had a life outside of catering to her every whim.


Also hilarious how she can talk smack about Ric but then completely forgets that she almost married Franco. 

  • Love 13


Also, how is it that Jake was out shoveling snow, but it's oh so inconceivable that he could pick up a 90 pound woman and use her as a shield since he was "still recovering"?


And Carly's completely over-dramatic "You could have frozen to death!" line just adds to the ridiculousness of it all.


I completely missed Jakeson wiping off the kiss with his tie. I must go back and watch again just for this. Hee.

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