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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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GENERAL HOSPITAL: Maybe you're in the mood for some dramatic tension, with Sonny and---



read Mallory's "Nope" in Lana Kane's voice from Archer.  "Nooooope!"



but is Sam really Rafe's guardian?  I thought she lost that court battle.  Don't Rafe and Kiki both live with Silas now?


Sam isn't officially Rafe's guardian because you are right, she lose the court case.  But Silas decided to let Rafe live with her while Danny was sick.  Eventually Rafe (& later, Kiki) moved in with Silas, so I don't know what was up with that bit of dialogue.


Powdered sugar's a helluva drug.


LOL!!  The kid is probably using it in his hair, too.  Something must keep the helmet head of his as immovable as Bobbi's face.  Too bad they didn't decide to give Rafe a personality before they gave him an addiction.  It begs the question, though, why they just couldn't have done a Bobby Martin from AMC thing with him and just sent him to the attic to polish his skis and never bring him back down.


I really wanted to reach into my TV screen and slap Carly silly when she told Morgan that he had to find a way to get back with his father.


I agree.  And I also think that we should get to see Carly slapped every day - and twice when she props Orange Glow.  When she suggested to Morgan that they have a "mother/son" lunch I was waiting for Morgan to ask her is she was finally ready to tell him who his real mother was.  As far as I've seen Carly only has one kid she gives a rats ass about and it's not Morgan or Joss. 


Oh yeah, the dead/dying baby......I don't know any spoilers about the kid, whether he lives or dies, but maybe they'll discover some magical mystery clinic somewhere at the literal last minute and that will be the reason for TC's exit storyline?  I'd ask why Ron C. has put everyone through this mess when it has served utterly no purpose but then again I ask that same question about virtually everything he's written for GH.


Oh, and because it can't be said enough - Franco, just die.

Edited by boes
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Lillybee - You are not alone. The "I really wanted to reach into my TV screen and slap Carly silly" is a fairly common reaction with us GH snarkers when LW is in a scene and Carly has lines. The one time I remember her not being awful was in a scene of Carly comforting Kristina (played by LA) after the shootout in the hospital involving her boyfriend Kiefer's father. 


That Slagbeast is genuinely disappointed that Sonny has not murdered Ava yet. Ugh. 


Can someone pretty please tell Morgan that his father shot his mother in the head while he was being born. It REALLY needs to sink in that the best thing for him and for Michael (during a decent bros conversation) would be just to walk away from their 'loving parents.'

  • Love 6

I have watched the Patrick/Sabrina stuff from right after they put them together. I have never understood Ron's insistence to make this pairing happen and the rush to convince us that Patrick was over Robin and "in love" with Sabrina.


I was bored this weekend and looked up some old clips online and I still love the Scrubs stuff. Loved Robin interrupting the wedding. Loved Patrick's reaction. Didn't care one bit about Sabrina's reaction except that she interrupted the reunion. I am still hoping that Robin comes back and she, Patrick and Emma go off into the sunset


Watching the scenes where Britt tells them Gabriel isn't going to make it, all I could think was how screwed up Emma is going to be over this. I imagine there will be confusion regarding the fact that her mom "died" and came back - couldn't Gabriel do the same?


I am scared that in a few years it will turn out that Gabriel somehow survived and shows back up in Port Charles ala Chelsea on Days.


Sabrina can leave and not come back and it will make no difference to me. The only way I would care is if she takes Felix with her - then I would be ecstatic.

  • Love 6

I don't know any spoilers about the kid, whether he lives or dies, but maybe they'll discover some magical mystery clinic somewhere at the literal last minute and that will be the reason for TC's exit storyline?  I'd ask why Ron C. has put everyone through this mess when it has served utterly no purpose but then again I ask that same question about virtually everything he's written for GH.



Noticed that Patrick has been using every opportunity he can to paw Sabrina while the two of them are sitting there teary-eyed about Gabriel? He's hugged her, kissed her head, put his arms around her, and finally--to my utter shock today--he was running his big paws all over the front of her jeaned thighs, getting closer with each sweep to her Sweet Spot. Ugh this character is a hound-dog, consciously or unconsciously ( if he thinks he is just comforting her).


Patrick's always gotta have it, and if he doesn't get some, he will find a way with the nearest female, no matter what the circumstances. It's been awhile since Robin dumped him, and Patrick is jonesing for a woman. I think Sabrina is well aware of this trait of Patrick's, and is using the sympathy act to draw him in. They both want each other for lots of sex, and poor dying Gabriel is the facilitator and convenient excuse to move closer, especially physically. The irony is that the two would probably pronounce how good came out of the baby's death because they "healed" each other afterwards. (Patrick is more guilty of this rationalization than Sabrina, who does have some motherly feelings of loss for the baby.)

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I feel sorry for TeCa having to do a dead baby story while pregnant.


I don't. It's what she signed up for. If she has a problem with it, maybe she needs to find another line of work.


I missed the last day of TWoP for the most part. I'm finally all caught up here. I actually really enjoyed Friday's episode, was practically bored to tears by Siam and Niz yesterday but loved Britt/Brad, Britt/Nathan and Molly schooling Alexis and calling out Julian. The rest was a snooze.


Can't really decide who sucks the most: Sonny, Carly, Franco, Ron, or me for watching their bullshit.


I welcome Nina if she can make Sam watchable again.


I liked Ava eyerolling Sonny today with "is that thing really necessary?"

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Franco is giving Sonny a run for his money though.  Between the character himself and the way the actor chooses to play him - I feel an overwhelming desire to punch him in the face every time I see him.


Regarding yesterday, is Morgan going to be the only one who is disgusted by Sonny and Ava banging on a grave?  Carly had no reaction to that.  I mean honestly - how are you not disgusted by that? Its f'd up.    

Edited by ch1
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Franco is giving Sonny a run for his money though.  Between the character himself and the way the actor chooses to play him - I feel an overwhelming desire to punch him in the face every time I see him.


Regarding yesterday, is Morgan going to be the only one who is disgusted by Sonny and Ava banging on a grave?  Carly had no reaction to that.  I mean honestly - how are you not disgusted by that? Its f'd up.    


I gotta agree with ch1. I give Franco an edge on sucking over Sonny. At least Maurice Benard doesn't intentionally make his murderer character act like everything is a big ol' guffaw.


Can someone pretty please tell Morgan that his father shot his mother in the head while he was being born. It REALLY needs to sink in that the best thing for him and for Michael (during a decent bros conversation) would be just to walk away from their 'loving parents.'



I think it's sunk in for Morgan. It would sink in for Michael if someone would just tell his poor confused face what the hell was going on.


I actually was more struck by Carly's non-supportive parenting skills when she said, "look, you're just gonna deal with the fact that your ex-girlfriend is gonna be dead soon, mmk?" At least she didn't propose ice cream as consolation though, I suppose.

Edited by ulkis

oh, how could I forget to mention this classic line


"if that test isn't positive, tonight, Kiki will be dining alone and you'll be dining . . . . . . . . . in hell"


I LOLed. And he whisper yelled 'in hell' too! Such fun!


A woman who has been in a coma for 20 years would look emaciated, older than her years, have terrible motor skills, probably have trouble communicating and be relearning such basic skills as talking and using appropriate communication skills, and be a little frightening to small children and animals.


So at least casting got the right person for the part......


Oh man! Best post of the day!


My fave part of yesterday's ep was definitely Rafe's diamond stud earrings. What a gift! This story is going to the best worst story ever. I'm so excited!


Morgan, my baby! His face when Ava said she was pregnant was beautiful. And his description of the Ava/Sonny affair was so great. BC's 'wtf at this shit' face throughout was perfect.


I unabashedly love Nathan. I loved his "That was weird," after his convo with Ava/Sonny. I was glad he commented on it because throughout I was like OK Sonny he's probably gonna pick up on your murderous rage buddy so tone it down.


I was wondering where you were, tvgoddess! I'm glad you came over!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4
I actually was more struck by Carly's non-supportive parenting skills when she said, "look, you're just gonna deal with the fact that your ex-girlfriend is gonna be dead soon, mmk?" At least she didn't propose ice cream as consolation though, I suppose.

Both Carly and Franco's preemptive strikes there were so bizarre. Lauren and Morgan are idiots, but I think they'd wonder why their parents knew before anyone else that Ava was dead.


Oh, Franco is, by far. Ulkis is right, MB ar least shows effort in his acting. RH is mailing it in like I have never seen before.


It's embarrassing to watch RoHo give absolutely nothing to his scene partners and play a scene in a totally different vein. What a jerk.


At least rehash one of the OK-good ones

There weren't any that I can recall...


If anyone does, please tweet it to Ron.

  • Love 2

Elizabeth annoys me to no end, and her wish-washy whining behavior drives me insane.  She went from standing by Ric and telling off Julian to a COMPLETE 180 degree turnaround based on a comment by Nikolas about what was in the newspaper - Julian's newspaper, btw.  I don't think Elizabeth has grown, changed, or developed in more than six years.  It's the same.stuff.all.the.time.  


I am really enjoying the Nathan/Britt relationship, and I want to learn more about them and their family dynamic.  I have no interest in Nina/Silas.  We all know that RC is just writing another triangle with Nina/Sam/Silas, and I'm already bored.  Nina and Silas will be making googly-eyes at each other while Sam looks on sadly from the sidelines.  Yawn.  I'd rather have Nathan find out he's a Cassadine (because we all know he's Victor's son, enough bread crumbs have been dropped by RC).  Then Victor and Nikolas can be looped into the story along with Britt.  I'm not talking about any romances here, just soap drama.  That's what I want.  I certainly don't want Nikolas near Elizabeth.  She's a train wreck for men.


I am also intrigued by the Rafe storyline.  As much as he hasn't had a purpose on the show since he arrived, it makes sense to show how the drugs being in Port Charles is having an impact on the younger set.  I think this storyline can be very interesting if done properly.  Jury's still out on that one.


Lastly, I have no use for Franco and Kiki.  WHY is Kiki still on the show?  I have a feeling that Franco is on his way out because RH looks bored out of his mind, and maybe he's just waiting to leave.  Kiki, however, is going to stick around as long as KA and RC have a friendship.  The character of Kiki is utterly pointless.  She has no friends, no job, no relationships (other than Michael who is saddled with her forever it seems), and she spends more time with the serial killer than with her own father.  Another big yawn.


Am I ever going to get another Kevin/Lucy scene after their last big conversation at Kelly's?  Do I need to see Kiki jogging through the park rather than actually showing some movement in the Kevin/Lucy/Scotty story?  

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My eyes were still focused on his hair while my mind was trying to figure out why I am still watching this soap.  Rafe is just one more character on a long list from this cast that make this soap unwatchable. 


You're not wrong! Rafe's hair is a definite improvement from the last time we saw him though. I miss the really bad hair. Just imagine it with the earrings. And the coke. Now that's UCG to end all UCG!


I hope there's some explanation today as to why Alexis et al. were just like, "Sure, scary looking lady we've never seen before, come hold our baby," to Nina.



Elizabeth annoys me to no end, and her wish-washy whining behavior drives me insane.  She went from standing by Ric and telling off Julian to a COMPLETE 180 degree turnaround based on a comment by Nikolas about what was in the newspaper - Julian's newspaper, btw.  I don't think Elizabeth has grown, changed, or developed in more than six years.  It's the same.stuff.all.the.time.


This! Ditto! Same!


I am also intrigued by the Rafe storyline.  As much as he hasn't had a purpose on the show since he arrived, it makes sense to show how the drugs being in Port Charles is having an impact on the younger set.  I think this storyline can be very interesting if done properly.  Jury's still out on that one.


There is no way in hell that this storyline will be done properly. It would be interesting if it was though, I agree. But I'm intrigued by it for how bad it'll be!

Edited by peachmangosteen

I hope there's some explanation today as to why Alexis et al. were just like, "Sure, scary looking lady we've never seen before, come hold our baby," to Nina.


Yes, this.  I found that bizzare.  Even if stupid Nina had introduced herself vaguely as a friend of Silas' or something, I still feel like Alexis et. al. wouldn't have just casually handed Danny over to her to hold.


And how come Monica doesn't get to come to the party?!?!

  • Love 1
I hope there's some explanation today as to why Alexis et al. were just like, "Sure, scary looking lady we've never seen before, come hold our baby," to Nina.


At least Nina was surrounded by everyone, so it's not as if she were sitting with Danny by herself and could take off with him at any moment. It's still completely dumb, of course.


I don't think Elizabeth has grown, changed, or developed in more than six years.  It's the same.stuff.all.the.time.


This applies to every character on the show.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Yes, this.  I found that bizzare.  Even if stupid Nina had introduced herself vaguely as a friend of Silas' or something, I still feel like Alexis et. al. wouldn't have just casually handed Danny over to her to hold.


And how come Monica doesn't get to come to the party?!?!


You know, I never even thought about her saying she knew Silas. That's plausible. But still, like you said, it's still weird, especially with who they are/what they've been through recently, that they'd just accept that and be like yea you can play with the baby.


At least they had Sam talk to Monica on the phone about the party. Still, Monica should be there. It's so annoying.

Edited by peachmangosteen

I'm calling it now. Rafe is going to overdose, Sam/Silas etc. will be "devastated", Julian will realize that it is his fault for not disposing of Puke and will admit to lying, starting the crumbling down of his world.


And Monica wasn't at the party because then they would have to pay LC.

Edited by tvfanatic13

This applies to every character on the show.

True, but with Elizabeth, imo, it's the SAME storylines.  It's always a guy.  It's always the same guys (Lucky, Jason, Ric or Nikolas), and she is only happy when the guy who wants her is pining for her.  She never wanted Nikolas until he hooked up with Britt.  THEN she wanted him.  As soon as she helps to unearth Britt's secrets, and Nikolas doesn't immediately take Elizabeth back, she wants nothing to do with him.  Now we know she's not in love with Ric because she said so.  So doesn't want Nikolas because he didn't want her back the minute he found out about Britt and so she wants to give RIc a try even though she knows Ric's past.  So not only does she not even try dating Ric, she just jumps into bed with him.  Then she stands up for Ric for all of a few hours until Nikolas hands her a newspaper, and based soley on that newspaper (and not even taking into account whose paper it is and that she never even read the article), she crumbles into tears about "How could he does this" and "I believed him."  So now that Ric is no longer a possibility, is she going to want Nikolas back?  Because that's the only time she ever wants Nikolas back - when she's alone.  If my brother was interested in Elizabeth Weber, I'd tell him to run for the hills.  She's not a bad person, in terms of her character, but she is basically a ten year old emotionally, when it comes to her relationships with men.  She wants the guy when he's not available.  When he IS available, she doesn't want him and goes after the other guy saddled with problems.  Then when it implodes, she runs back to the guy she dumped - who has already moved on with someone else.  It's the SAME.THING over and over.  She bores me to tears.

  • Love 5

I'm calling it now. Rafe is going to overdose, Sam/Silas etc. will be "devastated", Julian will realize that it is his fault for not disposing of Puke and will admit to lying, starting the crumbling down of his world.


Not taking that bet, though I submit it might not be a straight overdose.  Rafe may simply do something really bad/effed up while on that SPECIAL TELENOVELA POWDER (it's all-purpose, don't you know!), which may or may not get him killed, and it comes out that he's on the stuff, and then everything proceeds exactly as described.  (Bonus points if Molly, rather than Alexis, gets to hit Julian with something.)


Sadly, TeCa, isn't the first soap actress required to act out the death of their baby while actually pregnant.


And that in itself is disgusting. Can't imagine acting that out I know its their job but damn its cruel.


However TeCa still was terrible as per usual. 

Sam found another color other than black, color me shocked...

I'm liking Molly's reaction to Julian, but then again I'm teamRic always

I'm still laughing at the "20 yrs ago" marriage photo of Silas and Nina

I think RH gave up with Franco and is playing "Todd" now and KiKi still annoys the crap out of me

MB go on vacation already

Bring on Nina this is gonna be so awful its good!


Oh, Franco is, by far. Ulkis is right, MB ar least shows effort in his acting. RH is mailing it in like I have never seen before. And yesterday, with Kiki, it was just bad. The best thing about the stuff in the park was the woman telling him to get a real job. I want to tell RH the same thing.


I don't know weather to applaud or be disgusted by RH complete lack of shame and worthless "acting". Does he know people can see him?

  • Love 2
I am also intrigued by the Rafe storyline.  As much as he hasn't had a purpose on the show since he arrived, it makes sense to show how the drugs being in Port Charles is having an impact on the younger set.  I think this storyline can be very interesting if done properly.  Jury's still out on that one.



There is no way in hell that this storyline will be done properly. It would be interesting if it was though, I agree. But I'm intrigued by it for how bad it'll be!


Plus that kid can't for shit, so that doesn't help.

And that in itself is disgusting. Can't imagine acting that out I know its their job but damn its cruel.

However TeCa still was terrible as per usual.

Sam found another color other than black, color me shocked...

I'm liking Molly's reaction to Julian, but then again I'm teamRic always

I'm still laughing at the "20 yrs ago" marriage photo of Silas and Nina

I think RH gave up with Franco and is playing "Todd" now and KiKi still annoys the crap out of me

MB go on vacation already

Bring on Nina this is gonna be so awful its good!

That's not even Todd with RH mailing it in at his worst.

  • Love 1

Did Levi SERIOUSLY just say "the daughter you raised was selfish and materialistic" to Mac's face, implying that he was a crappy father? DIE, Levi. 


Mac says he doesn't think Maxie needed to be fixed, Levi says "I disagree." I really don't get why he's so opposed to Maxie fighting for baby Georgie. Looks like he truly believes he saved/fixed Maxie. Ugh.


I had to turn it off when Epiphany started crying over the Purina baby. UGH the propping!! She really didn't even cry when her friend/colleague Robin "died"!!!


I heard Moobster say Ava has 9 months to live and turned that crap off.

  • Love 4

I hope that Morgan keeps up his Sonny hate. "you should have that tattooed on your forehead" will never get old.


Just to provide context:


Sonny: I never meant for this to happen.


Morgan (resigned): you should get that tattooed on your forehead, it would save us time


Morgan: did you [Ava] want to compare us? A simple measuring tape would have done the trick.




Everything else was pretty super duper boring. Except for Maxie's dress, that was cute. Nice of Nathan to say he misplaced the notice. But seriously, Maxie has no job, skipped the appointment, and is dumb enough to listen to Levi. I felt bad for her when it looked like it was gonna be another 6 months, but I couldn't blame judge Dick because she's so dumb


The name Silas is to me what Rocco is to most of the rest of you.


I hope Nina goes psycho soon because those scenes were boring and awkwardly written. Really boring. Like, "found myself hovering in spirit above my body" boring.


Levi/Mac. snooze. Patrina and the fake plastic baby of manipulation: snooze.

  • Love 2

They're trying to go for the re-Ronning of BJ's death, I know they are.  And they can't.  No one could touch the perfection of those scenes twenty year ago (?).  Sorry, but TeCa is no BM and considering how detached JT has been from the whole story, him as Bobbie doesn't work either.  (I figured that was what they were trying to do yesterday with "I scored 100% on my Nursing Exams" Santiago's denial and rationalization about organ transplants in a child who's organs are ALL shutting down.  Callback to Bobbie wanting a second opinion.  At least Tony reminded her she was a nurse, yadda yadda yadda.)


Kudos to Ava telling Morgan there would be no abortion.  At least for the fact, I want that kid to be Morgan's, so Carly is a grandmother.  And Morgan got the zingers in on his dad today!  


Nina's gonna go psycho at some point, but we all know that, right? 

  • Love 2

Finally, a situation where both Alexis and Julian get to be side by side their daughter, and boy did she need them with the Nina now in town to "reclaim" Silas. Why god, why.


You've gotta love it when a baby doll is so fake and small not even the actors know which way to hold it properly. JT acted like a father losing his baby, I am not even sure if she was able to force out more than a single tear, the difference in acting levels between those two, imho, was staggering. And the whole listening to the baby's heart beat while he died...ok Ron, no need to bash us all about the head with your sledgehammer of "feels for Sabrina".


When is Morgan going to end up in Kevin's chair? Good grief, his parents are selfish slaggards and Ava's an untrustworthy disgrace.


All things Levi I did not bother to even pay attention, even though it involved Mac. And I still see no chemistry between Nathan and Maxie.

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I dunno what to say about the baby dying.  I mean, a baby dying is sad.  But given all this manipulative drama involved two characters I loathe (Sabrina, Felix) and two that I like, but am not hardcore fans of (Patrick, Piph), it didn't move me in the slighest.  I'm mostly just relieved Sabrina's heavenly touch didn't cure the baby's organ failure.


It's day one of this Nina shit and it's already old.  We're in for weeks of Nina playing this innocent, wounded angle and Sam and Silas sharing pained looks over her head and...UGH.  It's gonna be a long summer.  And way to not give a shit about your brother, Nina, you bitch.


How Mac didn't haul off and slug Levin in the snout, I dunno.  And Levi comparing himself to Mac and noting that they're both Australian better not be foreshadowing that they are related.


Cram it, Felix.  His line about Britt playing a cruel joke on Sabrina and Patrick was super lame.

Edited by TeeVee329
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