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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Maxie/Nathan still don't do anything for me.


Maxie and Nathan have some potential to be cute, I guess, but the fact that its moving at the speed of light doesn''t work for me. Besides, Nathan is too busy having lots of off-screen sex with Anna to do more than give Maxie a promise ring.


Since they are fictional and both suck, I'd be all for a Cranco murder-suicide deal once the truth about S&C knocking boots (Oh, barf! Part Deux) comes out.


I've decided to call Carly and Sonny re-uniting in blasphemy CarSon: Electric Crapaloo.

  • Love 6


It's not at Kim's convenience. They're the ones who ask her when/where to come back. 



Why does she not simply refuse?  She's the one who wants to be a director.  I really wish she would simply stick with that.


Kim is doing those two assholes a favor by coming back.  She brings ratings, even when the stories they write for her are brain-numbingy stupid and repetitive.  They could easily keep Robin in play without having Patrick behave like a total douche, all without killing her off or recasting the character, but it would require good writing and pacing.  Obviously that's not going to happen with this team.


I find that hard to believe and would be glad if she would disappear permanently.  Why not quit doing them this favor, then?  


I'll say it till I'm blue like a Smurf, Roger Howarth should have been Stephen Lars. He could have been a character we care about, still had that *eye roll* whatever with LW, argued with Sonny, had scenes with Heather, been a doctor, and been a major player. Also, as a doctor, I'm sure him being at the hospital would have allowed him to interact with Nina and be involved with the AJ reveal. Hell, Stephen Lars revived AJ the first time. I'm sure he'd be pissed that Sonny undid his work.



That would have been a good idea.  Franco sucks.  It's hard to believe they really though bringing him back was a good idea.  They waste this actor on it.  

  • Love 4

Why does she not simply refuse?  She's the one who wants to be a director.  I really wish she would simply stick with that.


Money. I mean, I definitely get wishing that she would refuse, I do too, but I don't blame her coming back when they ask. Now if she initiated all these small returns herself I'd be annoyed.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

Aww...Naxie were just adorable. They are the best part of the ooie gooie soapy delight.


I didn't find Naxie adorable. Maxie's sarcastic eye-rolls, attempts at ironic humor, messy Amy Winehouse-style hair and allusions to Nathan as a "cop" painted her more and more as a "pro" or a moll sizing up a potential "john." All she needed was a cigarette dangling out the side of her mouth. Maxie has apparently adopted Carly's haircutter and stylist; their hair looks and moves similarly in the back, especially when Maxie's hair swings and isn't randomly anchored with cheap bobby-pins.


Monica, can we talk? Don't let yourself get too excited about the hot old guy you found on the Internet. If this is your first date and he suddenly leaves you to go cuss out another couple at an adjoining table, he's got rotten manners, an out-of-control ego, and possibly a temper to match. Quelle horreur! Develop a headache and get out of there...go cougar some of those young fellas at work instead!


Franco and Neener were like two kids spying on their parents having sex. Rather than confront Carly in an adult way, Franco is forever her misbehaving child. His "art therapy" promotes a kindergarten setting for his "work". Carly's attraction to him is rooted in his childishness too, making her feel like a powerful Mommy who has the privilege of sex with him too. Just like her creepy,  fantasy quasi-incestuous relationship with Michael.



  • Love 7

There is no amount of bleach on the face of the earth that will cleanse Michaels apartment of the stain that is Carson.  I hope Franco drives Carly back to Shaddybrook and Sonny to prison for the rest of their lives.


Only if the SERIAL KILLER then offs himself in despair over how Carly broke his MURDERING black heart, too. Because all 3 are bottom-feeding scum.

  • Love 7


Well, while Samtrick do suck in the setting of Robin being fucking kidnapped AGAIN and Sam's hitman hubby breathing air...Purina was a whole other realm of suck, so I'm biased and can't be at all upset that Patrick treats her like a gnat. They NEVER KNEW EACH OTHER, baby or not. RC tried to shove the square peg in the round hole, and it just didn't happen for fetch. Bummer. Maybe Carlos can cheer her up. But really, don't know, don't care.


Yeah, Patrick's complete lack of interest in Sabrina only proves to me what I always knew anyway--he was never interested in her in the first place. He just felt like he was supposed to be and talked himself into the idea because Sabrina was so gung-ho about it and well, Emma liked her. But I never for a second bought he genuinely had feelings for Sabrina. He was grieving!shell Patrick that only sparked back to life when Robin returned.


I buy that he's interested in Sam 100x more now. He's actually animated and smiling. It's a nice change from the Purina fantasy. For me at least.


And I firmly do not wish for Kimberly to say no when asked to come back. I'll take her however I can get her. I'm quite able to accept that she's being held against her will but Patrick and Anna are none the wiser. No problem rooting for Patrick to move on when he thinks Robin's done the same, regardless of whether she actually has or not. Heck, I look forward to watching him deal with his own shame at not having realized Robin was a captive this whole time. I think it'll be a great guiltfest. Bring it.

Edited by TheGourmez
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So Maxie's Cardiologist is on a date with Maxie's Family Court Judge.



So if the judge sends her into a panic attack tomorrow, Monica can kick his ass and admit Maxie to the hospital.



Judgy Wudgy is so much in my "Oh FFS, where's the barge?" territory. If FrankenRon can't think of any other reason to keep Nathan and Maxie apart than to have him threathen to keep McKenzie away forever (some more)....


There was a time I hoped Judgy Wudgy was in cahoots with the WSB/Fluke/Ethan as a reason. Now I don't give a damn.

  • Love 1

I had the teleconference from hell Monday, and ended up watching on demand. However, that means I had your comments to read first.


1. Sonny and Carly. Yuck. However, the lighting was perfect for their close ups. They look like they are both 30 in the semi nude closeups. I could see the light change for both. There are people on the show that are very good at what they do. I think 90% of the crap is Ron's fault.


2. Nina and Franco. These two were good. I dislike the serial killer, and she is silly, but their scene was good.


3. Enough with wasting Monica to prop other stories. ENOUGH.


4. I have no words for how crappy Sam and Patrick in Paris are. Tracy just grates with her extreme and false sounding extended stupid attack.


5. Is Maxie being an annoying git the actress making an acting choice, or is this all Ron's fault? Nathan is the nice guy, strong, helps others, and is the least bad cop on screen. He deserves someone nice, halfway smart, and not her.


6. I am reserving judgement on Liz and Jason. I want to see where this is going.

Edited by Happyshooter
  • Love 2

I find that hard to believe and would be glad if she would disappear permanently.  Why not quit doing them this favor, then?


You'd have to ask Kim.  My guess would be that she has an affinity for a character she's played since she was 7, knows that there are fans of her character, doesn't want to burn bridges with the petty regime that runs the soap, and needs to earn money to pay her bills. 


I don't know what's so hard to believe about the rest of it.  The ratings do indeed go up whenever Robin pops back up; Ron does write shitty, stupid stories for her which Frank allows; and they could write and pace a different story for her that explains her absence and allows Patrick to move on.

  • Love 2

Franco and Nina-so much potential (seriously loved how she ran out after Franco, completely forgetting about Silas and the wheelchair for once).Ahhh, the sweet, vague reminiscences of early T&B.....


But this is RC we are talking about, so I'm more cautious than I wish I had to be. Has he ever, ever written a good pairing? Like, seriously, has he?


I used to be all for SamTrick but the cliched writting for them these last couple of weeks has turned me off from them. Having to share the same hotel room?Really? The writting has basically turned into self parody at this point.


I'm starting to love Carson, if only because the way they are skanking it up everywhere is amusing. They're just so dumb and horny, its like watching  2 16 year olds in the backseat of a car or something, except its funnier because they're middle aged, and they seem to be so clueless and blinded by their soon-to-be waning sex drives they've managed to get an ex psycho killer on their ass. I hope they skank it up all over Port Charles before being found out in the most embarassing way possible. Skank on, CarSon, skank on!

Edited by Bawoman
  • Love 5

OK, so Jason is waking up and his first sight is of Liz who has been talking to him since he came into the hospital on a stretcher.  I could take a Liz-Jason redo much more happily than I can a Sam-Jason repetition.  I cannot stand Sam and her whispery, whiney voice going on and on and on and on about her emotions.  The bitch talks too much. 


When did Nina suddenly become the "caution and forgiving advice giver" to stupid-ass Franco?  Watching her the last couple of days makes he wonder at this rather sudden redemption attempt.  I am looking forward to Silas' reaction to seeing Nina up and about once he closes his fly-catching mouth.


What purpose is Nina going to serve once she is forced to give up her hold on Silas? Are they going to push her fully toward Franco?  How are they going to live? Neither one of them has any money.  I don't supposed Franco's little job will support them even if they live in a room above the Floating Rib or at the Spencer cafe cum hotel. 


Carly and Sonny at Michael's apartment:  the less said of that the better. 

Did Precious Michael call Kiki to have her join him on the island?

I can't believe this new Kiki who is all gungho on telling the truth about everything to everyone. 

Definitely not looking forward to any scenes with Nik and Britt.  That pairing just doesn't work in any way, shape or form.  If we have to have Kelly T on the show why not push her toward Morgan where their real life relationship MIGHT translate to some chemistry on the screen.  Right now she is a black hole of suck with every character she shares a scene with, even with her newly recognized brother. 


QUERY:  Has Jason been programmed to do something 'evil'?  A couple of times Victor said he had plans for Jason.  Since we cannot really believe that Victor is actually dead, can we expect to see him monitoring Jason or even handling Jason?  What about Stavros?  Dead?  I doubt it.  Helena was much to calm when she saw his body lying there in the exam room.  Is resurrecting Stavros once again is Robin's newest mission. 


But this is RC we are talking about, so I'm more cautious than I wish I had to be. Has he ever, ever written a good pairing? Like, seriously, has he?


On OLTL there were a few, I can't think of one he's pulled off on GH. They've all had rushed stories alternating with yawning absences. The only couple that had steady attention was Purina and they were a lost cause due to poor chemistry and reductive writing. Her insta-love for him verged on making her seem unbalanced, while the writing and acting that had him vaccilating between wild grief for notdead Robin and mild appreciation of Sabrina's old-fashioned virtues didn't exactly come off as someone rediscovering life and love.

  • Love 1

But this is RC we are talking about, so I'm more cautious than I wish I had to be. Has he ever, ever written a good pairing? Like, seriously, has he?


Not to be a broken record, but I'll echo yuggapukka and say he had a few on OLTL.  On GH, though?  Not really.  I think the only romances I have been invested in to any degree since his tenure were the early days of Nik/Britt and Morgan/Ava.


ETA...oh, I forgot Liz and AJ, I was into it, so naturally it was destroyed before my eyes.  Siiigh, Quiz!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2


But this is RC we are talking about, so I'm more cautious than I wish I had to be. Has he ever, ever written a good pairing? Like, seriously, has he?


On GH? Or ever? Had some successes on OLTL -- some on purpose and some by accident but he's really not very good at writing romance. Oftentimes, he's just downright bad at it. He speeds things up when he shouldn't, he lets things languish when he shouldn't, he always, always, always tries for a triangle -- most especially when he shouldn't.


I understand people seeing the T&B vibe given that one half is Roger but I also have to laugh because, from what I'm seeing, Nina is basically talking Franco down from crazy places while he froths at the mouth over his beloved Slagbeast... And that was never the basis of T&B. They really did just commiserate together over their lives and became legitimate friends while she was extricating herself from her disastrous love affair with Max and he was, you know, under suspicious for the current rash of serial rapes that were taking place around him. They were both hung up on other people. (Which Franco and Nina both are, I guess, but it wasn't the center of every conversation with T&B the way it is with Franco/Nina.) Hell, she started a completely new relationship while she was becoming friends with Todd. There was a lot more complexity than there is today which is frustrating because all of the ingredients are there today... (I guess except for money and time and the way writers are organized... to save money and time. What a vicious circle.)


In one sense, I guess that Franco and Nina have a more 'organic' feel to them because they aren't being shoehorned together the way Todd/Carly and then Franco/Carly were but even that is disingenuous because it's fairly obvious that Ron has a new toy to play with so he's torpedoing Cranco for the sake of Franco/Nina.


It's a shame because they just don't have the time to build up pairings the way they used to. They don't let characters have conversations that last more than a minute. Todd and Blair met early in the year and didn't have sex until December... and then married two months later on a desperate play that she made... but even though she conned him into marriage you knew that the friendship, the relationship, was real. The foundation was strong... strong enough to survive a lot of shit that came after... strong enough to last almost 20 years later. There are precious few relationships on soaps anymore that have that foundation which is a real shame.


It seems to me that the strongest relationships on GH currently are Dante/Lulu -- which is getting hammered due to Lulu's constant victimization and the never-ending baby cycle; Robin/Patrick -- which is getting shred to bits due to poorly thought out writing and trying to have it both ways; and... I guess... Sonny/Carly who have been off and on for more than a decade? But who are vile and awful despite the fact that they really do kind of belong together in the worst way possible.


I know there are other relationships but... Ron's just really bad at developing them or giving them any kind of foundation to work on.

Edited by Dandesun
  • Love 4
But this is RC we are talking about, so I'm more cautious than I wish I had to be. Has he ever, ever written a good pairing? Like, seriously, has he?


Not really on GH.  Early Morgan/Ava and Nik/Britt (but both of them seemed like plot points not actual written romances).  On OLTL, Jared and Natalie had a pretty well-written story.  The beginning of Rex and Gigi was actually not bad either, but then it completely went off the rails in the summer of 2008 with the 1968 storyline and then went completely off with the Stacy mess in 2009.

  • Love 1


Not really on GH.  Early Morgan/Ava and Nik/Britt (but both of them seemed like plot points not actual written romances).


So... by accident. It seems to me that early Morgan/Ava wound up being rather like Blair/Eli on OLTL. (*sob!* Eli!) They were so obviously set up to be a skeevy opposition couple to be compared and found wanting next to the Chosen Couple Michael/Kiki on GH, Not!Todd/Tea on OLTL... but they wound up being fun and sexy and interesting and totally outshone the Chosen Couple.


One thing you could pretty much count on was that the intended skeevy couple was actually having great sex and orgasms and enjoying their time together while the Chosen Couple was all dreary and Sad Pandas Being Sad because their love was so powerful or something.


Seems he hasn't learned that lesson yet.

  • Love 7

On what planet does judges behave like this one who sat himself down at Maxie's table, blamed her for being kidnapped and ordered her to not date? Can't her lawyer just request a new impartial judge and not this ass? Spinelli who is/was a mob henchman for Jason the judge is praising as having Georgie "striving" but Nathan the cop is bad because he lied? 


Of course mobsters good, cops bad.  He's also on a date with Monica, a Quartermaine who has done how many crimes and born how many criminal children but he's going to attack Maxie and Nathan?


Can Ned dump Alexis's gross self please. He's too good for her. 


Franco with icky Carson was hilarious. "This is who you want to spend the rest of your life with?" Yes because the murdering thug gangster is morally better.


Loved the Nina/Silas scenes. His accusing her of sprinting through the hospital and his sitting himself down in her wheelchair and that Silas is putting the pieces together.  I'm actually really loving Nina and Franco's scenes together and now apart. 

  • Love 8
It's a shame because they just don't have the time to build up pairings the way they used to.


I think they do have the time—they just don't want to take it. Too much work. It's easier to go to insta-love than to write how it gets there.


the 1968 storyline

I will always have a soft spot for this story, if only because Jared-as-Clint was so dead-on with his impersonation. The reason for the story was ridiculous—I couldn't care less about Rex or Rex and Gigi—but there were some really funny parts, IMO.


(*sob!* Eli!)


NOW AND FOREVER. God, he and Blair were hot. And remember all of Blair's sex dresses? Sigh.

  • Love 4

So, is this the 5757886 time Alexis has called it quits with Julian?

The Naxie stuff is so dumb, but what's not on this show?

Sam/Patrick really spent the entire episode talking about sharing a bed? I don't care how many times Patrick says they're "adventure buddies," they are not interesting in that way and never will be. Sam sleeping with all that makeup on her face cracked me up. Patty only having sex on the brain was typical. Get it done already.

I love Jason. I love BM as Jason. He talks! He laughs! He's emotional! This is what I've wanted for yeaaaaaars. BM and BH have sweet chemistry, too.

  • Love 5


Loved the Nina/Silas scenes. His accusing her of sprinting through the hospital and his sitting himself down in her wheelchair and that Silas is putting the pieces together.


When Easton is allowed to exercise some of that dry humor he's not half bad. I think it probably suits him more at this point than the emotionally distant brooder.

  • Love 7


On what planet does judges behave like this one who sat himself down at Maxie's table, blamed her for being kidnapped and ordered her to not date? Can't her lawyer just request a new impartial judge and not this ass?


That judge's underwear is too damn tight. His commands are verging on ordering her to work as a maid/butler/farmhand to prove her worthiness. It reeks of bad comedy contrivance. TPTB need to end the suck on this and just have the over-stepping fucker removed from the case and give Naxie some credible ostacles and conflicts. Why not give them problems with either of his bat-crap crazy aunty-mothers?  Hell, have the judge be under the thrall to one of them for... reasons. This whole thing is happening for ......reasons, might as well stick with that as the motivator. 

  • Love 5

Today is an example of me caring to much.


That damn judge upset me.

That the judge upset me is the reason I try to not get invested in couples.


I want Nina to put that judge on her list.


I'm trying to figure out why Monica would let him berate one of her patients like that.


I'm also wondering why Maxie just didn't race over to Alexis once she got to Ned's side.  I know Alexis isn't her lawyer, but she could help

  • Love 7

Why not give them (Maxie/Nathan) problems with either of his bat-crap crazy aunty-mothers?  Hell, have the judge be under the thrall to one of them for... reasons. This whole thing is happening for ......reasons, might as well stick with that as the motivator. 


I wouldn't be surprised at all if we found out that Donna Mills put the judge up to this somehow.

  • Love 1

The Dishonorable Judge Cockblocker needs to be shot in the next mob shoot-out.


All those Sonny/Carly/Franco scenes were missing was a laugh-track.  I particularly loved when Sonny said that mini-mall kiosk piece of crap was "ugly".  Equally funny was Sonny's purple hue.  I guess he got into Nik's stash again.


I hate to admit this, but I really like BM as "Jake" and think he and BH have chemistry. 

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 7

Whoa Whoa Whoa, you are kidding me right? In a town where Liz can spend 3487742 hours at the hospital without a mention of her kids and Patrick can go with his "adventure buddy" out of the country, Maxie is a bad mother b/c she was kidnapped! ugh


I can see how angry I'll be today. I don't know if shirtless Julian can make up for Ron yet AGAIN trying to say it is the woman's fault she is kidnapped!

Yes judge if a woman lives a life where kidnapping is a potential then having a cop for a boyfriend is just the WRONG idea. ugh ugh ugh!

  • Love 4

So, is this the 5757886 time Alexis has called it quits with Julian?

The Naxie stuff is so dumb, but what's not on this show?

Sam/Patrick really spent the entire episode talking about sharing a bed? I don't care how many times Patrick says they're "adventure buddies," they are not interesting in that way and never will be. Sam sleeping with all that makeup on her face cracked me up. Patty only having sex on the brain was typical. Get it done already.

I love Jason. I love BM as Jason. He talks! He laughs! He's emotional! This is what I've wanted for yeaaaaaars. BM and BH have sweet chemistry, too.


I am trying to tell myself not to get sucked into any of the Jason and Liz shit… yet DAMMIT! Billy Miller is already going with the banter and the jokes and the angst and it's working on me. Jason's never, ever led to anything good for Liz, so I'm hoping the damage is minimal on her end b/c I'm sure that the show will work toward a Jason/Sam reunion, but GODDAMN BH and Miller are sparking for me.


I hate this fucking show.


Also I like Nina/Franco. Someone. Shoot. Me. Argh.

  • Love 9

I find Sonny to be entirely unappealing, so his sexy times with Carly look really bad, as in zero chemistry.  Not sure if she has chemistry with Franco, but that doesn't seem to be as bad as this.  It is so hard to fathom why she is drawn to him, blech.


But now I am going to enjoy Franco's little game that he is playing with them.  Carly seems afraid of him, and she should be, and she should have known better to get involved with him.


I still don't get why Sonny doesn't just kill Franco to solve his problem, but I guess now that Kiki knows, it wouldn't quite solve it after all.

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