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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Can someone at least call the FASHION POLICE on Jason?

Carly: Joss took you down! Hell yeah!


Shut up, Griffin's boo hoo face.

Michael: Sam, has anyone told you you make a great PI?

She found a blanket for frig's sake. Oh sheesh, we get in, Aurora wasn't right for Sam. 

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1 minute ago, ulkis said:

Can someone at least call the FASHION POLICE on Jason?

Carly: Joss took you down! Hell yeah!


Shut up, Griffin's boo hoo face.

Michael: Sam, has anyone told you you make a great PI?

She found a blanket for frig's sake. Oh sheesh, we get in, Aurora wasn't right for Sam. 

Did Carly really say "hell yeah!?"

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Someone needs to explain it to me slowly how Carly can walk freely outside of that safe house Jason had her set up in and she hasn't been immediately taken into custody for being a fugitive of Ferncliff.

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27 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Sounds like missing today will be a net gain for my physical and mental health.

I don't know, to me the whole show was worth it just to hear Sonny tell Michael to go home because "your wife just died". 

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54 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Michael: Sam, has anyone told you you make a great PI?


On the next GH: “Sam, has anyone told you that you’re the bravest most beautiful woman in the whole wide world? And you look 22!”

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Just now, ulkis said:

There was definitely a hell yeah in there.

Gah!  All I can think of is LW's twitter/insta  #bestteamintown #bestfriend #carlysworld #thisisus #hellyeah #imthegreatestcarlyever!!!!!!

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58 minutes ago, ulkis said:

She found a blanket for frig's sake. Oh sheesh, we get in, Aurora wasn't right for Sam. 

Didn't Michael find the blanket?  Sam just said that it might be important because the CEO of ELQ couldn't figure that out. How is that company still functioning?

46 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Someone needs to explain it to me slowly how Carly can walk freely outside of that safe house Jason had her set up in and she hasn't been immediately taken into custody for being a fugitive of Ferncliff.

Port Charles laws. You know how in sci fi there are different rules for other worlds?  There are different rules for Port Charles and #1 is that Sonny, Carly and Jason always win.

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22 minutes ago, Hater said:

Gah!  All I can think of is LW's twitter/insta  #bestteamintown #bestfriend #carlysworld #thisisus #hellyeah #imthegreatestcarlyever!!!!!!

#myboyfriendtotallygothisjobonhisown #yeptotallydid #ithadnothingtodowithme

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Why is sonny yelling at JordN and why would she care if he goes public with Ferncliff’s treatment of Car,y? She’s the police commissioner not the head of Ferncliff. She has absolutely zero resoonbility for what happens there. Her department did its job by arresting Carly and returning her to the mental hospital. Those were a judges orders. Sonny can seek ‘justice’ through the courts or even the press. But Jordan should be telling him to FOAD.

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44 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Didn't Michael find the blanket?  Sam just said that it might be important because the CEO of ELQ couldn't figure that out. How is that company still functioning?

Either way what happened didn't really call for, "wow, you're a great PI!"

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It's the little things that I appreciate and I loved when the cop was dragging Nelle away she lunged and tried to kick Chase as she was going by.  Looked like an ad lib by Chloe cuz Josh had a WTF look on his face when she did it.  That Nelle is feral!!

The rest....eh.  I don't hate Carly but oy vey she needed to shut up today.  Jason, also shut up.  

Also the anvils were falling hard today.  GrifKi's ONS will come up in court.  Ava will lose her ish on both of them.  Kristina is coming back.  Blech.  

Edited by Perkie
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Aw, Carly is out of... wherever she was.  I was hoping that would last until November sweeps!  And why would the D.A. (sorry, can't remember her name) tell Sonny to his face that she's coming after him?   That's just dumb.

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23 minutes ago, norahs99 said:

And why would the D.A. (sorry, can't remember her name) tell Sonny to his face that she's coming after him?


foreplay. They’ll fuck by end of August. ?

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1 hour ago, Perkie said:

Also the anvils were falling hard today.  GrifKi's ONS will come up in court.

As soon as he told Ava he loved her, you could hear it drop.   So he'll be called to testify and will be asked (by Scotty?) if he ever slept with KiKi….and the priest cannot lie.

During that scene, I kept wondering why Griffin looked like he had aged 20 years.

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5 hours ago, tveyeonyou said:

I don't know, to me the whole show was worth it just to hear Sonny tell Michael to go home because "your wife just died". 

Omg, he really did - hilarious! I had to go back and rewatch.  I missed it the first time because i am usually playing a game or something on my tablet while it is on.


And, speaking of trace DNA, now Michael,  Sam, Julian and Chase have also handled that stupid blanket.  Did I miss anyone? Hello.... chain of evidence?

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Oh Chase, it was nice knowing you.

Oh new DA, I didn't really care about you, but you're dead to me also.

Nelle, you acted rings around the entire Corinthii clan and I'm sorry you were sacrificed at their altar. 

Edited by TVbitch
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Sonny was in peak form today, threatening Jordan to blow the lid off the injustices at Ferncliffe, a place she has absolutely no jurisdiction over. Oh, and LOL at him playing the wise elder with Chase about not being able to anticipate every possibility with a plan.

Then there's Carly, outraged that Nelle took advantage of a grieving family and tore them apart. I liked that Nelle pointed out to Carly she did exactly the same thing to her own mother. "I was the worst. Until I grew, and learned, and changed." Yes, now Carly has other people do her dirty work for her. And she has a ton of nerve sneering at Nelle for using the baby against Michael. Why isn't she a pile of ashes yet?

Carly really laid it on thick about poor, downtrodden Joss. WTF was that about?

4 hours ago, ulkis said:
4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Didn't Michael find the blanket?  Sam just said that it might be important because the CEO of ELQ couldn't figure that out. How is that company still functioning?

Either way what happened didn't really call for, "wow, you're a great PI!"

Michael found the blanket and thought the timing was suspicious enough people would think he planted it. Sam, the crack PI, assured him if Nelle knit it her DNA would be all over it, so Michael needed to take it down to the PCPD pronto for tests. How would either have figured this out without the other?

"Carly was sent to Ferncliffe because of you. Now you have a chance to set things right." CARLY WAS SENT TO FERNCLIFFE BECAUSE OF CARLY. My new rage blackout topic.

I enjoyed watching JdP and KS chew the scenery with each other.

SB's reaction when Margaux said she'd remand Carly to Shady Brooke was hilarious. If he'd been drinking, it would have been a spit take. LW's face after she hoped she and Jason would be in adjoining jail cells (!!) was weird.

Ugh, Chase. I knew he'd kiss the Corinthos ring eventually, but I'm sorry it's so complete so soon. 

7 hours ago, tveyeonyou said:

I don't know, to me the whole show was worth it just to hear Sonny tell Michael to go home because "your wife just died". 

I know. They couldn't dub that later?

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Then there's Carly, outraged that Nelle took advantage of a grieving family and tore them apart. I liked that Nelle pointed out to Carly she did exactly the same thing to her own mother. "I was the worst. Until I grew, and learned, and changed." Yes, now Carly has other people do her dirty work for her. And she has a ton of nerve sneering at Nelle for using the baby against Michael. Why isn't she a pile of ashes yet?

I know SB and MB have big fanbases, but is Laura Wright's Carly even that popular? I feel like we're getting so much Carly the Heroine lately.

Sonny saying Michael's wife died reminds me of when MB accidentally said "his - his Abby died".

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17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Carly really laid it on thick about poor, downtrodden Joss. WTF was that about?

She didn't do any of this for herself .... it was all for her children, Michael, Joss and poor dead Morgan.  There's not a self-centred bone in her body.

20 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

LW's face after she hoped she and Jason would be in adjoining jail cells (!!) was weird.

Carly was so excited at the idea that she would be in jail with Jason. Better than being in bed with Sonny.

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So Jordan was conveniently away from the station as Jason turned himself in to the DA, Carly came out of hiding to taunt Nelle, Sonny got to act all wise and offer advise to Chase, Michael turned in the blanket, Diane finally remember how to be a mob lawyer getting her clients off and the DA was closing the case on Nelle and agreeing to letting Carly go free.

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38 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I know SB and MB have big fanbases, but is Laura Wright's Carly even that popular? I feel like we're getting so much Carly the Heroine lately.

Sonny saying Michael's wife died reminds me of when MB accidentally said "his - his Abby died".

I guess they also gave LW the big emmy bait summer storyline that NLG got in 2016 and Kelly got last year.

But she's a packaged deal with the other two with Burton playing Jason, no matter what.

Edit: I'm not watching but is Lassie going jail? 

Edited by Hater
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For all Carly's peacocking around today talking about how much she'd grown she proved she's still the same nasty bitch who sauntered into PC twenty years ago.

And Jason was equally as annoying telling Margaux her career would be ruined if she didn't "make things right" by exonerating Carly.  Christ, I only went to the University of Law and Order for my legal degree and I still know more than the shit these writers are shoveling.

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It's pretty troubling that Carly continues to talk/gloat about how proud she is of her 14 year old daughter physically in a fight with a suspected murderer, and taking her down.  "That's my girl!" attitude.

In even the mafioso world, I am pretty sure the Don/Donna would want the 14 year old to just run, or call the bodyguards.

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13 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Port Charles laws. You know how in sci fi there are different rules for other worlds?  There are different rules for Port Charles and #1 is that Sonny, Carly and Jason always win.

I'm pretty sure she entered the station though the Port Charles wormhole.

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With all the noise Nelle was making in the interrogation room, kicking chairs, etc. NO ONe heard anything? No one opened the door to see if the prisoner was hurt? Or dead? No, JordN just continued begging Sonny not to go to the press, and when she left, Chase fell all over himself apologizing to Sonny. Then he was shocked, SHOCKED! When Carly walked out of the interrogation room. And he STILL didn’t ask why she was there with the prisoner. (sigh) I had high hopes for Chase but they’ve been dashed.

And just because everyone was fooled by Nelke’s victim act doesn’t exonerate Carly for assaulting a nurse and breaking out of ferncliff not once but TWICE! Even if margeaux vAcates the attempted murder charge, Carly is still guilty of the others crimes and should be sent to pentonville. Or at least be made to write ‘I will not attack a nurse’ 500 times on a blackboard. She wouldn’t mean it but he’ll neither did I when I had to write ‘I will not take two steps at a time’ in 3rd grade lol!

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11 hours ago, MarciNJ said:

Omg, he really did - hilarious! I had to go back and rewatch.  I missed it the first time because i am usually playing a game or something on my tablet while it is on.


And, speaking of trace DNA, now Michael,  Sam, Julian and Chase have also handled that stupid blanket.  Did I miss anyone? Hello.... chain of evidence?

It was awesome! I rewound it at least 5 times, I'm usually half-watching too but because it was CL's last day I actually paid attention. Nelle may have sucked but CL can face-act with the best of them. I was laughing so loud my cat jumped lol. 

I was shocked nobody jumped on Nelle's "she double crossed me" line when she saw the blanket.

9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I know. They couldn't dub that later?

Seriously, is that budget that low? I'm surprised MB didn't insist on dubbing one damn important word for his Emmy reel.

8 hours ago, ulkis said:

Sonny saying Michael's wife died reminds me of when MB accidentally said "his - his Abby died".

Lol, I forgot about that! He's been fumbling lines a lot more than usual lately, but at least he was true to form with the way he treated Margaux. If it was any other show I'd think they were setting up a Sonny/Margaux/Carly/Jason thing, especially with the way the camera lingered on Carly and Jason stroking each other's hand.

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2 minutes ago, BlueMax said:

Michael: Sam, has anyone told you you make a great PI?

It would be nice is she would use those PI skills to find her kids.  Oh, that's right, they are at Monica's.

I think they should probably make everyone on Soaps sterile.  Otherwise people are always complaining that the parents don't spend enough time with the kids, or that the annoying kids are on screen too much.

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Drew runs a media company and has how many employees but he can't handle getting emails from a school concerning his high-school aged son? The writing for Drew is pathetic and apparently he and Sam are never allowed to interact to talk about their daughter. No wonder Billy allegedly wants to leave.

I hate what they have done to Maxie to try and get us to sympathize with Peter. Nina cares about children's health and safety? In comparison to Valentin who left an innocent child with Faison, sure, but Maxie needs to go have a little chat with her friends Lulu and Sam about Charlotte and Avery respectively before she says crap like that.

Fine time to be acting like you care and have to save her immediately, Dr. Michael Easton, considering it took two months which included group texts with Robin and Emma, for you to figure out Anna was kidnapped, and he didn't even figure it out, Robert did.

Edited by LexieLily
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19 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

[Drew] can't handle getting emails from a school concerning his high-school aged son?

I know. I'm sure at least half of those e-mails require no action from Drew. Way to reinforce that women have to be the day-to-day parent, Show.

Are we sure LWB/FS isn't actually Sonny's son? Because they share a similarly annoying "it's not my fault this stuff happened" attitude.

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It's like the show doesn't know what to do with Anna and Finn other than thrust them into another silly caper, and this one seems particularly unimaginative. So there's bad guys working for a mysterious entity with mysterious motivations, wow, you're blowing me away, GH. 

I'm already tired of Margaux making the rounds with PC's criminals to basically say "I'm going to get you...next time! Yeah, that's right, I will totally build a case against you, don't even TEMPT me!" It's not at all intimidating and only highlights how laughably ineffectual the town's authority figures are.

Kiki's suddenly brimming over with love and affection for Ava so it will be all the more devastating for everyone when the Kiki/Griffin bomb is dropped. I do think Ava will forgive Kiki because I don't think she's capable of turning her back on her daughter, but I do hope she kicks Griffin to the curb, especially since I think his newfound declarations of love are nothing more than him overcompensating for his guilty conscience.

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26 minutes ago, Linny said:

I'm already tired of Margaux making the rounds with PC's criminals to basically say "I'm going to get you...next time! Yeah, that's right, I will totally build a case against you, don't even TEMPT me!" It's not at all intimidating and only highlights how laughably ineffectual the town's authority figures are.

Margaux would do good to learn and would be much happier when she realizes there are no actual laws or consequences in Port Charles. An escaped fugitive gets to just saunter into an interrogation room at the PCPD so that she can spend an episode being unbearably smug, and a serial killer and sexual predator is walking around town as self-appointed judge and jury of another sexual predator. For starters.

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32 minutes ago, Linny said:

It's like the show doesn't know what to do with Anna and Finn other than thrust them into another silly caper, and this one seems particularly unimaginative. So there's bad guys working for a mysterious entity with mysterious motivations, wow, you're blowing me away, GH. 

Did anyone else wonder, when Anna insisted they disable Robert's tracker, if that might be Alex?

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Margaux is milking Drew. She has the drive that she did not give him. She promised Sonny that she would build an ironclad case against him. She has been asking Drew about the memory transplant and him only remembering being Jason. Even the stuff in Peter's room stank of set up.

Meanwhile, please make the Anna/Finn trainwreck stop. Good god! I can't with those two together.

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The best part of today's show is that there was no Sonny/Carly/Jason/sadz Michael. Anna/Finn is almost as bad but at least they're not smug.

How does Drew function if he can't tell the difference between non-essential emails and things he has to take care of?  It's not like Oscar is in elementary school and h e has to go in and help out in the classroom and on field trips.

1 hour ago, Hater said:

I saw a screencap of Margo at the hospital, who is doing EH's makeup and hair?  Because it's tragic. 

Everyone's makeup is tragic.  It's like they're all the same shade of matt orange/beige, Peter included. The women also have super highlighted dark eyes and usually pale lips and no colour on their cheeks. It's like a bunch of store mannequins took over the show.

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1 hour ago, Linny said:

I'm already tired of Margaux making the rounds with PC's criminals to basically say "I'm going to get you...next time! Yeah, that's right, I will totally build a case against you, don't even TEMPT me!" It's not at all intimidating and only highlights how laughably ineffectual the town's authority figures are.

I liked Elizabeth Hendrickson on AMC, but she's miscast in this role.  But of course, she's really only here to pair with Billy Miller.

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

How does Drew function if he can't tell the difference between non-essential emails and things he has to take care of?  It's not like Oscar is in elementary school and h e has to go in and help out in the classroom and on field trips.

Must be the Jason in him. He probably blinks, stares, stares, stares, blinks again. 

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So I guess if Billy leaves, which I'm thinking he will at this point.  Drew is being written out as a dupe to Margo so she can try and beat Scummy and Lassie with the "memories."

But we all know how that's going to turn out.  <YAWN> 

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6 minutes ago, Hater said:

So I guess if Billy leaves, which I'm thinking he will at this point.  Drew is being written out as a dupe to Margo so she can try and beat Scummy and Lassie with the "memories."

But we all know how that's going to turn out.  <YAWN> 

God forbid the DA actually be written as a decent person and Sonny/Jason actually have the potential to lose something. We can't have that in a story so right off the bat it's stacked against Drew and Margaux is written as a self-serving, underhanded bitch.

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39 minutes ago, LillyB said:

Does the DA know that she has Drew's memories on that flash drive?

Pretty sure, yes.  She was there when Peter told Drew AGAIN that he had the flash drive o' memories when Obrecht kidnapped him.  And when Margeaux looked at the flash drive's contents, it showed that it was Andre's work on Jason & Drew.

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Robert: So, did you get a good night's sleep?

LWB/FS:  You know I didn't.  The WSB kept me up all night putting highlights in my hair.

Robert: . . . 

Today's episode was just weird.  The only reason I can think of that Margo DA is keeping the flash drive a secret is that at some point she's going to try and bargain Drew's memories for a laundry list of Jason's.  How that would work, I'm not sure since Drew doesn't care.  He's never seemed to care.  Think of all the info he could get about his past from a high school reunion.  Or it could make a good launching point to start digging.  But nope.

Lauren's dress was downright demure.  That whole be yourself and change clothes was just a few wasted scenes.

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Now that Peter is no longer kidnapped or being held in custody or recuperating from his injuries, can for the love of god, someone get a razor. Either shave that scraggly beard or at least trim it.

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You know I love you Tristan, but please back away from the clippers. 

I wish they would wrap up their painful "me too" storyline.  Good idea, poorly executed, what with having the person who was harassed be a lying ho who slept with her mom's boyfriend.  Both clothing choices (and final hairdo) looked like she was applying to parochial school.

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