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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Between the flimsy set for the clinic and RKK's scenery chewing, I'm surprised there's a set left after today.  Never really thought DZ  or ER were that great of actors, but damn, they're stellar just for keeping a straight face during all that.  I was watching it having alternating bouts of the giggles and fits of nausea during those scenes.  I hope this story is over with soon.  They actually wrote Maxie almost as a grown up today.  It was nice to see her be honest and nice to see a story where it's not just insta-love.  It's always bothered me in love triangle stories where it's all, "Oh noes! I am in love with two mens! Which one should I choose? Oh okay, well that guy turned out to be a colossal ass so of course I'm in the truest of true forever love with whatever the other guy's name is!".   It shows some growth on her part that she's like, "Uhhh, let me take just a few steps back here and figure myself out here".  Does Victor just use the crappiest low level thugs ever? I mean he's a Cassadine and the head of the WSB and he uses freaking Levi/Peter/Shamalamadingo and Rafe to carry out his evil plans? It just doesn't seem like he's really thought his evil plans through very well.  Please stop giving Spencer big words that he can't pronounce (or screen time in general).  I need closed captioning like I'm watching a drunk real housewife trying to enunciate whenever he's on just to figure out what he's saying. He's a kid, if you're going to insist using him this much, give him words that are easier for a kid to pronounce.  Poor Rocco, he's going to need lots of therapy after being babysat by the world's sleaziest grampa.  That was all kinds of inappropriate, but MB is somewhat adorable when he's acting around babies.  

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Not liking the Stavros/Lulu embryo story but at least it's better to just take Lulu's egg than what he did with Laura back in the day to create Nik.  (Although why only one egg? Doesn't he know the odds of an AI egg not taking?)



When did Stravros learn how to remove an egg from someone to create this baby? He's not only been frozen for most of his life, but I don't recall him being any sort of doctor during the few times he was unfrozen (then again perhaps I've forgotten something along the way).


So I finally paid some attention to the kids today. What the hell? It was even worse than what I've read here! 'Luke used my feelings for you against me' what kid speaks like that? Give me a break.


Shut up Nik. Shut up Dr O. And for the love of all that is good in the world: shut up Carly and Sonny.


Never really thought DZ  or ER were that great of actors, but damn, they're stellar just for keeping a straight face during all that



So true. I don't know how they managed it at all.

Edited by hypnotoad
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Nathan may be a block of wood but he's a decent person and he doesn't deserve to get stuck with Maxie's dumb drama queen ass.


I don't buy Maxie's sudden grown-up insights at all except as stupid plot points towards moving into couplehood with Nathan. His confessions of feelings toward her will come back and bite him in the butt in the future when her brainless childish behavior causes him grief like it did to Mac and Felicia (those over-permissive and indulgent parents). No matter what she says, Nathan is really just fresh meat for Maxie's bed. She is incapable of real mature love and a relationship. Nathan should take a good long look at her inconsistent but mostly lazy and indifferent behavior towards her own child.


And if Stavros really wants airhead Lulu, he should just keep mentioning baby rabies every five minutes to win Lulu's attention. Of course once she's enjoyed the narcissistic "me as center of the universe" feelings of pregnancy, and the baby is born, Lulu will pawn it off to inappropriate relatives like Sonny and her Dad (the grandchild babykiller himself) or needy Olivia.


Sam and Patrick are so slow and pathetic in their detective sleuthing. He's a world-class surgeon, right? Get a job with whatever medical institution is the rival of the one where he used to work. Problem solved, except he wouldn't get all those opportunities to watch Sam's butt twitch and her blouse fall open.




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Does anyone remember a 1985 TV movie called "Chiller".  It was directed by Wes Craven and starred Michael Beck.  It is about a rich man who "is cryogenically frozen in the hopes that he can be revived. 10 years later, the procedure is a success, and Miles returns--without his soul."  The Michael Beck character "returned" evil and crazy.  This movie was really well done and totally scared the crap out of me.  I recently found the movie on DailyMotion but have not had time to watch it.  

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When did Stravros learn how to remove an egg from someone to create this baby? He's not only been frozen for most of his life, but I don't recall him being any sort of doctor during the few times he was unfrozen (then again perhaps I've forgotten something along the way).


He probably used some doctor minions

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Upon hearing Stavros say Lulu got her fire from her mother, I had a teeny, tiny hope that maybe Genie Francis would be back on GH for a bit. I want her to walk into that clinic with a gun, shoot Stavros in the chest exactly where he had Nikolas shot and say, "That's for our son," shoot Stavros in the groin in the equivalent area to where an ovary is located and say, "That's for my daughter," and then shoot Stavros in the head and say, "And that's for me." Stand there, watch him yell and die, find Helena and deal with her (to avenge what was done to Lucky), and then leave with her daughter and son-in-law at her side. Luke is not needed. This could be great as a story of a mother and her kids, who survived the insanity of Stavros and Helena. 

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My immediate reaction to the thought of having Stavros' baby would be to throw up in his face.  Lulu has more fortitude than I do.  And if we must have all of these Cassadines taken out of mothballs, why can we not have the return of Stefan?  He'd be a better match, physically, for Nathan's father, at least.


Continuing to subject us to Levi is also cruel, though I admit he's more tolerable now that his true colors are showing.  I'm hoping he decides to take some petty revenge on Nathan, just as Victor gets official word he's Nathan's father, and Victor offs him.


I like Britt a whole lot better when she's not conspiring with Spencer and catfighting with Elizabeth.  Let's have more of that, please.


It's lovely that we're having some forward movement on the whole who hired Rafe storyline.  Too bad it's all in the wrong directions. Even if Patrick thinks Ava and/or Luke is responsible, it's irresponsible of him not to bring his own Victor theory to Sam, so as not to take any chances with Emma's life.  But he has (plot points) reasons not to.  Oy.

Edited by Fellaway
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Don't know about Genie, but Frakes is always directing something. IMDB says this year he's directed an episode of Switched at Birth, Falling Skies, The Librarians, and two episodes of Hit The Floor (sadly, neither one the ep Scott Evans, who the OLTL fans among you will know as Fish, guest-starred in).

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New to this forum. I've been watching GH on a fairly regular basis since Luke and Laura got married when I was in the sixth grade. The show is a shell of its former self, but I can't stop watching out of sentimentality or maybe stupidity.

Anna's hair looked great today - so shiny and bouncy! She's giving Liz a run for her money in the awesome hair department.

I like Britt best when she's fighting Obrecht instead of stooping to middle school hi jinx to win back Nicholas.

Stavros looks naked without the sinister beard. Hopefully the baby will get LuLu's looks!

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Welcome KittyS.  Some of us go way back - before Luke came on the scene.


I was surprised that Kiki didn't wander into the clinic plot but anticipate that she'll be all over every Jason subplot via MyKill and probably has been told that she has an upcoming WTD plot.  


Yet another episode with Uncle Sonny scenes ruining any chance of my enjoyment of the episode.  


KG - hate the character but much love for the actress.

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I'm kind of surprised that Maxie couldn't give Nathan an answer about her feelings for him.  I realize that she's reeling from Levi's duplicity, but still, it's unfortunate that she would allow that to stand in her way.  That being said, there was something particularly cheesy about some of the dialogue between them yesterday, especially from Nathan.  I don't know, but it's like Maxie might be his very first girlfriend or something.  Hee!  Also, I'm not getting the play-by-play flashbacks either for two people who haven't really shared any real experiences together.  I thought the flashback of Nathan offering to comfort Maxie with his handkerchief aka snot rag was kind of cheesy and unnecessary.  Someone said on another message board that Maxie and Nathan just met a few short months ago.  They didn't meet back in the 1970s.  I thought that was funny but quite accurate at the same time.

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This I kinda understand.  In an organization like that, the chain of command is so lengthy and so much information is probably need-to-know that I'm fine with them not knowing.  They're all agents, but it never seemed like they were high up the ranks.

Sean ran the WSB back in the late 1970s..


Robert was offered the job in 1991, but turned it down.




The whole Peter Harrell/Levi plot point is so fucking stupid. I guess I should be glad he's apparently not Sly Eckert after all.


I guess. But Sly Eckert at least makes a little sense than Peter Harrell.  Does this mean Fluke will turn out to be Slader? Ha, just joking. Right? ..... Right?




Also, I'm not getting the play-by-play flashbacks either for two people who haven't really shared any real experiences together.


That's the hallmark of Ron's writing. He can't write two people falling in love to save his life. He, frankly, doesn't have a clue how to go about it. I can see him thinking, "But I followed the formula -- meet cute. Antagonize each other first. Hand cuff them together. Have them fall asleep on each other. What more am I supposed to do?"


From what little I saw of yesterday's show, I thought it funny too that Maxie talked about being in love with Levi. We never saw that either.  Not that I like Levi. But that was yet another false note.

Edited by Francie
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Oh. my. God.


I just caught Stravos's "It is I" moment.  All that is missing from an RKK episode of GH are two robots in the bottom corner.


Although, I have to admit, I might -- just might -- be tempted to see a scene with Stavros and Nina. I think we'd have to have park rangers on hand to oversee that campy mess.

I would watch the shit out of Stavros and Nina. Every. Day.  He has an embryo, she wants a baby, they need to team up! Who's with me??? 


I've always liked RKK's work, I like Stavros despite the way the show has him getting hammier with each defrosting (I suspect RKK is being directed that way), and I can't wait to see what's next! My wish is that he'd get to interact with other characters.

(I can't get past Stavros' thing for Lulu. Lulu sucks man. He needs someone more worthy. I totally get where Helena is coming from in regards to the men in her family and their taste in women)

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Sean ran the WSB back in the late 1970s..


Robert was offered the job in 1991, but turned it down.


Sorry, I must have missed Sean running the WSB not being alive and all. ;)


But my point stands that none of them have been involved in the higher levels of the WSB for years so Victor pulling off some kind of internal coop and the lower-level field agents not knowing (a la "Captain America: The Winter Soldier") works for me.

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I can't get past Stavros' thing for Lulu. Lulu sucks man.



I think that old Lulu (JMB) could have handled those scenes.  The only semi-chemistry that this nuLulu has had with another actor has been with - Milo. 


I would watch the shit out of Stavros and Nina. Every. Day.  He has an embryo, she wants a baby, they need to team up! Who's with me???




I forgot that Nina drugged Silas into having sex with her and Stavros invaded (or had invaded) Lulu's body. So both of these characters participated in a form of rape.  It's sort of scary that Ron sort of just glosses over that 'stuff'. 

Edited by sunnyface
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I would watch the shit out of Stavros and Nina. Every. Day.  He has an embryo, she wants a baby, they need to team up! Who's with me???


I'm not sure that they would be able to replace all the scenery that would be eaten if these two had scenes together.

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why can we not have the return of Stefan?  He'd be a better match, physically, for Nathan's father, at least.


There's no way Stefan would get involved with someone as insane as Liesl Obrecht.


I was surprised that Kiki didn't wander into the clinic plot

She's consulting on the side with Anna to figure out the best way to rescue everyone.


I would watch the shit out of Stavros and Nina. Every. Day.


There'd be no scenery after their first exchange.


(I can't get past Stavros' thing for Lulu. Lulu sucks man. He needs someone more worthy. I totally get where Helena is coming from in regards to the men in her family and their taste in women)

I know. I sort of got it when JMB was in the role, but sorry, I can't buy him wanting ER's Lulu. Some essential Lulu-ness got lost in the recast for me. Helena must be tearing her hair out that her male relatives are still so obsessed with Spencer women.

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For me it's that ER doesn't look like Genie Francis. When I'm watching I'm like, hey buddy, why don't you go gather some rocks with Lucky? He reminds me more of Genie than this chick does. (And also, hey buddy, why don't you and your horrible performance also go die there while you're at it?)

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I was checking to make sure my station wasn't changing GH's time on Monday when I noticed my series recording wasn't scheduled, even though GH wasn't moving from 2 PM. No problem, I thought. A little glitch. I turned series recording back on and thought nothing of it until yesterday afternoon, when I saw Tuesday's GH didn't record. I went back in and, sure enough, the series recording was turned off again...and wouldn't turn back on. I hit the series record sequence, the light came on by GH and immediately turned into the circle with a line through it, indicating it wasn't set.


Flummoxed, I set each day by hand and checked to see if my DVR was revolting against any other programs. It wasn't. Just GH.


Do you think my DVR is trying to tell me something?

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I'm not sure that they would be able to replace all the scenery that would be eaten if these two had scenes together.

They can start with Silas's apartment. That set is so dark and dull. It bums me out. 

I'm kind of down with Stavros and Nina. But who will be the vessel? 


Robin! She's at the clinic already, so it's just practical. 

(They have to let Stavros and Spencer have a scene together.  We'll see if Stavros still wants kids after that) 

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I didn't get how "good" Anna's scenes were, I actually thought they made her look totally incompetent. She couldn't pull one thing out of her ass, got schooled by Dr. O and TIIC had BRITT actually get the job accomplished that Anna should have done.


  I disagree. For one thing, any mistakes Anna has made during the kidnapping were much more because of Victor/the WSB's stonewalling her at every turn. As for Dr. O., Anna was not only right to put her on blast, as far as I'm concerned, she held back. Dr. O is guilty of doing the same things to Anna's family, especially Robin, that she's accusing Anna of doing to Nathan.  As for Dr. O's telling Victor that she didn't tell him that Nathan might be his son because it's "irrelevant," it's not only relevant, Nathan's in danger because of it. Had Dr. O been honest with Nathan and Victor a long time ago, Nathan might not be in this mess in the first place. Then again, this isn't the first time Dr. O has put Faison above her kid, as Britt learned the hard way. About Britt, if she had gotten the job done, then Nathan, Maxie, Lulu and Dante would be free by now.



Not liking the Stavros/Lulu embryo story but at least it's better to just take Lulu's egg than what he did back in the day to create Nik.


  Not really, IMO. Just because Stavros didn't impregnate Lulu the old-fashioned way that doesn't make it any less wrong.

Edited by DollEyes
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I'm wondering if anyone will think that Jason revived is worth the price of Stavros and Helena (except for Sonny and Carly, of course...).  I could see the whole town hating on Robin for this.  I mean, really?  And it's not like the holy hit man is an innocent, either.  

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Okay, so if Stavros manages to impregnate Lulu, Nic will be the kid's Uncle-Brother?


That's messed up, even for the Cassadines.


It's giving Morgan's Father-Brother a run for its money.


Since the Cassadines have Dante and Lulu and Sonny finally gives a shit about both, we may finally see the Helena/Sonny showdown. Unless it ends in Sonny's Poochified Dead Dead DEAD! Death, I'm not looking forward to it.



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I'm wondering if anyone will think that Jason revived is worth the price of Stavros and Helena (except for Sonny and Carly, of course...).  I could see the whole town hating on Robin for this.  I mean, really?  And it's not like the holy hit man is an innocent, either.

New Jason better be hot AND talented.

And able to bring back SK. That's what I really want.

At this point, I'm about to throw soup at my tv and yell "Whyyyyyyy?"

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It's giving Morgan's Father-Brother a run for its money.


Since the Cassadines have Dante and Lulu and Sonny finally gives a shit about both, we may finally see the Helena/Sonny showdown. Unless it ends in Sonny's Poochified Dead Dead DEAD! Death, I'm not looking forward to it.




NOOOO!!!  Don't put the wonderful Constance Tower in a scene with the king of the pregnant pause.  She doesn't deserve that.  

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The whole Stavros/Lulu thing is a classic RC move, and sometimes it works - tie a classic character/villain into a contemporary lead. It's a nice idea and workable, but it often falls flat in the execution with him. He did it on OLTL by having crimeboss Carlo Hesser target Tina Lord's daughter, and now he's doing it by having crazy unfrozen Stavros fixate on Laura's daughter.


I can understand Stavros transplanting his obsession onto a younger, beautiful woman who resembles the Laura he remembers - Stavros is a demented undead lunatic, he's been dead for over thirty years and he has only the vaguest concept of reality. The Lulu thing makes sense to me. But what doesn't make sense is a) not having Laura there for it and b) playing it out in these little tiny dribs and drabs of story over the last year. Let Stavros make his play, go after Lulu, get foiled and then end the story. If he comes back again, make it about his hatred for Luke and Laura, their whole family, not just the daughter. Don't keep bringing it back like he's about Lulu above all things just because Lulu is under 30 and played by a much cheaper actress. And stop doing stories all about rape, babies, eggs and sperm. Stavros already threatened Lulu with this last time. I have time for Unfrozen Supervillain Stavros, but I am so not into watching Stavros sexually menace the same young woman over and over and over.

Edited by jsbt
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I'm down for Stravros and Nina scenes b/c I do think they'd be highly entertaining, but only if Nina got to do her full on BSC wheelchair ninja antics.


And actually this whole Nina can't have kids b/c she's in EARLY menopause is not truely accurate. Early menopause just means you produce less eggs and are heading towards menopause. It would be hard to get pregnant but not impossible. So if she was given fertility drugs like Lulu was going to take she could still carry a baby like that one grandmother did IRL to be a surrogate for her child.


In theroy it isn't out of the realm of possibility that Nina could carry Lulu/Stravros' embryo.

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Stavvy Baby is like being at really bad community theatre where they are acting for the back row and we are all in the front. That being said, yuck. This isn't looking as bad as the Luke rape of Laura, but close.


I was military police. Cuffs, including body chains, double lock for two reasons. 1, so the cuff doesn't tighten and cut off the blood, and, 2, so you can't pick them with a wire or clip. We used to play pranks on each other, so I had my big key on my duty belt, and small ones inside the top of my combat boot and inside the back pocket of my uniform. That was 90% because of the other cops and 10% bad guy fears. I could see Det West having a spare key or three stashed, but not being a super locksmith. The big issue is if both holes are towards the elbow it takes forever to get out even with a key.


Speaking of which, STFU Maxie, and move your half brained ass.


Not sure why Molly and Jordan were on today other than some Julian story propping. The charm thing was creepy.


Just realized we viewers are all old. The ads were chocolate, super cover-up makeup, worn out teeth, worn out bones, depression,  bladder leaks, and dried up vajayjay meds.  I think there were three ads for childrens food and cleaning kids clothes. Even the hair shampoo ads were all actresses in their late 30s.


Soemone spoke truth to Alexis about her dating habits, while also agreeing to have sexy time to make Julian green faced (or something). QM family for the fact telling win.


It has been so long I forgot there were other black actors on the show besides mob related characters. Oh, wait, Felix. Does he count, or is he his own kind of person?


Sorry, just saw the Ava baby drama. It isn't time for a tock yet, is it? We just had a big one with Sobby.

Edited by Happyshooter
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I'd be here for Ava and Jordan taking down Fluke together.


They SORASed Ava's pregnancy I guess. She looks huge.


I wish TJ was allowed to interact with Michael and Morgan and be friends with them. It was nice seeing him and Molly today though.


I'm so done with Ric if when he comes back, he makes another beeline to Liz and doesn't spend any time with Molly again.

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I feel sorry for the kids who are hanging around while their moms watch this show.  They're going to think that babies come from Thermoses.


Though it might give them nightmares b/c to me it looks more like lunchboxes. Poor kids might be afraid of lunchtime at school.

Edited by Cattitude
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Dr. O is guilty of doing the same things to Anna's family, especially Robin, that she's accusing Anna of doing to Nathan.

It's not the same at all. Anna isn't responsible for Nathan being held at the clinic now. He begged to be on this case and was doing his job as a cop and got caught up in the Cassadine nuttiness. The only begging Robin did was to go home.


This isn't looking as bad as the Luke rape of Laura, but close.


It's worse, IMO. Luke never stole an egg from Laura. (Which, there isn't enough ew in the world for that happening to Lulu.) There was also no menacing or harassment.

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I know where babies come from and I still can't use our thermos. I keep washing them, but they are forever unclean.

The brain was in the clinic today. I liked Lulu/Dante remembering the surrogacy process and all that garbage. ER is at least growing into a role she had a shit introduction to. Maxie will so find Jason, won't she, and get knocked out? Yawn.

Normally I like Ned/Alexis but I know she will dump him anyway. I want Ned to win. Dammit. Ava is having pregnancy issues already? Damn. That was quick.

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Best parts of today were  A) Julian with nuDanny - very cute new kid and adorable playing together on the floor, and B) Dante saying Lulu was always a whole woman, but Stavros was never/will never be man enough for her. I like him tossing insults like "inbred', "freak", etc. at Stavros. I swear Dante is the only younger man on this show currently in a relationship who is loving, protective, and respectful of his woman.  

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Day 2 of RKK's scenery chewing was as bad as day 1.  I hope this is a short, short term return.


I have always loved Ned & Alexis' friendship.  Wally and Nancy just look like they are having fun playing together.  


Julian just leaves me cold.  Maybe because he's coming off more than a little whiny & spineless with all the my intentions were honorable shpiel. 


Ava is a newbie character I actually like, all because of MW, which means that Ava will be gone sooner rather than later.


The kid who plays TJ is good.  


Am I a horrible person to hope that Maxie and Nathan never get out and are never seen again?

Edited by LegalParrot81
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