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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What is Ron going to pull from the vaults next? Will some relative of Jessie Brewer's storm back into town demanding satisfaction from Scott Baldwin because Lee never put a ring on Jessie?


Crap, I just gave Ron an idea, didn't I?



Yep, and it can be in the form of her nephew, who was played by Mark Hamill.  Plus Star Wars tie in

Edited by jennifer6973

Ron seems to have divided up all women to fall into the following categories:


1. Before sexual maturation hits: inappropriate romantic pursuits

2. When sexual maturation hits: rape victims - stupid foils for 'troubled yet compelling' men - eggs/uterus/incubators (preferably with rape connotations attached) - gone

3. Once the all important baby making plumbing has dried up: Dorothy Parker/Margo Channing


That's it.

  • Love 8

Can Thaao Penghlis stop with the little velociraptor arms, held at chest level? Look at 'em, it's bizarre.


Was I not expecting the same from more fun with Stavros Laurence and Lulussica?


You said in the spoiler thread that you didn't believe a word that comes out of soaptown's mouth. YOU JINXED IT. (just kidding, of course. I jinxed it by speaking the possibility outloud. sigh!)


It's not like they're exactly wrong about him being immature and not ready, but something about the way Sonny and Carly dismissed Morgan being a good parent and that they'd probably have to do it (...because they did such a bang up job?) really bugged.



Seriously. The reason Morgan is stuck not knowing if he's a father or not is because oh-so-mature Sonny is so emotionally weak he had to fuck his son's girlfriend in a crypt to keep it together.

  • Love 6

You said in the spoiler thread that you didn't believe a word that comes out of soaptown's mouth. YOU JINXED IT. (just kidding, of course. I jinxed it by speaking the possibility outloud. sigh!)


Oh, I believed Stavros was coming. I just didn't believe it from Soaptown.


Not sure how I feel about the cleanshaven look though.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 1

Oh. my. God.


I just caught Stravos's "It is I" moment.  All that is missing from an RKK episode of GH are two robots in the bottom corner.


Although, I have to admit, I might -- just might -- be tempted to see a scene with Stavros and Nina. I think we'd have to have park rangers on hand to oversee that campy mess.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 10

Can I say how much I continue to  hate RKK's interpretation of Stavros?  The Stavros I loved was debonair, sophisticated, and quietly deadly, not the over played hambone that was resurrected in 2002 and has never gone away.


Laura needs to be in this storyline.  I hate that she's not even mentioned.  Her child is being threatened and we get crickets.


I just can't get into Maxie/Nathan.  Maybe if there was a stronger actor playing Nathan, but this very cute guy is just a bad actor.


I do love Sonny with babies. 

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 2

Can I say how much I continue to  hate RKK's interpretation of Stavros?  The Stavros I loved was debonair, sophisticated, and quietly deadly, not the over played hambone that was resurrected in 2002 and has never gone away.


Laura needs to be in this storyline.  I hate that she's not even mentioned.  Her child is being threatened and we get crickets.


PREACH! He's so godawful and yet another character who's been assassinated. Okay, maybe not assassinated, but definitely gutted. UGH.

  • Love 5

 I did enjoy Victor's dead-pan insult to Levi. And Levi is funny/interesting for the first time since he's on the show.

Yes, he had some great great lines and delivered them well.  And I never would've thought Levi could be tolerable to watch so I guess the actor is better than I thought, he made Levi insufferable.


Up until now I have not been a big fan of the kiddie show but today I thought they were good.  Although Nik should certainly evaluate his parenting skills when he learns that Spencer wouldn't tell him about the threat to Emma from Luke.  Sheesh.  

I really think the last of the good child actors I've seen were Kimberly McCullough and Jonathan Jackson.I really think the last of the good child actors I've seen were Kimberly McCullough and Jonathan Jackson.


      Don't forget to add Amber Tamblyn to that list. Although it's hard to remember her starting off as a little girl, because Emily matured pretty quickly. I think it was only a year or two after they adopted her that Emily turned into a drug addict flying off roofs or something.


       I was so disappointed that Robyn Richards didn't have the chops. It would have been great if she had.


      Lindze Letherman wasn't a bad kid actor, either.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Wow, so much plot development in a few episodes- more than we had the entire August! Loved it. Stavros is so crazy and campy- I love it. I am terrified of him and what he is capable of doing.

This Luke reveal better be going somewhere. I wonder if Anna is going to run into Robin at the clinic?

It IS all Maxie's fault Nathan! She's stupid! Why can't she ever be held accountable for her shit. I do like that RP seems to be at ease with KSt. They work well together and he's not as wooden.

  • Love 1

Laura needs to be in this storyline.  I hate that she's not even mentioned.  Her child is being threatened and we get crickets. 


For real, especially given the Stavros connection going on right now.  I mean, attempts to contact Frisco have been name-checked, why can't we hear Nikolas or Liz called Laura and are keeping her in the loop?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

For real, especially given the Stavros connection going on right now.  I mean, attempts to contact Frisco have been name-checked, why can't we hear Nikolas or Liz called Laura and are keeping her in the loop?


Especially since Stavros is the one that held Laura captive for years.   Stavros was the one that abused Laura for years and now he's going after her daughter to do the same thing.  She should be the one that's there to rescue Lulu (without Luke) and castrate Stavros. 

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 6

I think the implication is that Victor (I keep calling him fucking Tony) has told Harrell/Levi/whoever he is holding Frisco for him. That, I think, is who Harrell keeps asking about. And I'm not sure he has him at all. It's just another shell game - 'will Frisco appear? No! But it was exciting, wasn't it? Wasn't it?'*


The whole Peter Harrell/Levi plot point is so fucking stupid. I guess I should be glad he's apparently not Sly Eckert after all.


And yes, Laura's absence is inexcusable as always. But hey, Genie wouldn't take a handful of guaranteed dates and a few packets of government cheese.


* - for the record, I never need Frisco to appear again, I'm just saying

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

Wait, so how long has it supposedly been since Victor successfully woke up Jason/we last saw Robin?  'Cause Stavs is pretty spry for a dude who's been frozen for over a year.  


Although...I guess he was bullet-free compared to Helena and Jason, probably cut down on the recovery time.


And yes, the shaved face is unsettling.  And his shirt is weird.

The whole Peter Harrell/Levi plot point is so fucking stupid. I guess I should be glad he's apparently not Sly Eckert after all.


I'm just eternally grateful he didn't turn out to be Mac's.  That would have been a nightmare.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

I didn't have a problem with the Cassadines infiltrating the WSB. Victor obviously made some deals over the years to escape prosecution, it's an old story in thrillers, the villain becomes part of the establishment. And the WSB was often corrupt. I thought that was a smart idea and, obviously, can drive story.


My problem is that Victor's role in the story is barely recurring at best, and really all he does is swoop down to serve as an occasional deus ex machina while none are the wiser. He's just there to twirl a mustache, which is fine, I understand that role and its purpose, but if you're going to do this story give it some meat as opposed to just treading water until the show finally reaches an agreement with Billy Miller. Meanwhile he has to be tied into every other bad thing that happens on the show. Give the stuff some stakes - what is his ultimate goal? What is Victor's actual endgame? He doesn't seem to have one anymore than Faison or Obrecht did when they had Robin.


Of course, I suspect he will be offed soon so most of this will have had no point other than getting Robin offscreen and Jason back on.

Edited by jsbt

Answer me another question, how does no one know that Victor is heading up the WSB?  Isn't is a huge international organization?  Weren't Robert, Anna and Frisco all big time spies?  Didn't they all continue to have contact with the WSB?  


Just another RC "I coulda had a V8" moment I guess.


This I kinda understand.  In an organization like that, the chain of command is so lengthy and so much information is probably need-to-know that I'm fine with them not knowing.  They're all agents, but it never seemed like they were high up the ranks.

This I kinda understand.  In an organization like that, the chain of command is so lengthy and so much information is probably need-to-know that I'm fine with them not knowing.  They're all agents, but it never seemed like they were high up the ranks.


Although I remember during both the IP story and the Prometheus disc story, Robert was pretty tight with the Director of the WSB.  Just found it weird.

The clean-shaven look doesn't work on RKK. He doesn't look like Stavros. 


I love how inappropriate Carly's outfit is for babysitting. But LW was kind of adorable with Rocco. It reminded me of a scene with Marty, John, and Hope where the adults were having a really heavy conversation but Hope kept cooing and smiling, and the adults couldn't help reacting to her.


I hope Fake!Luke takes out Spencer for blabbing. 


Dante and Lulu should be a lot more grossed out about Stavros than they are.


I guess I should be glad he's apparently not Sly Eckert after all.

Small favors, jsbt, small favors.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Dante and Lulu should be a lot more grossed out about Stavros than they are


Yeah, I mean maybe they just told DZ not to do any damage to the flimsy ass set, but whatever the reason, whether he was bored or whatever, he was barely pulling at the chain when he should have been trying to rip his arm socket out. Like when Ronnie kidnapped Lulu (take a drink!), he pulled the whole damn desk trying to get out.


The clean-shaven look doesn't work on RKK. He doesn't look like Stavros.



Yeah. I was like, oh, so they meant John Stamos instead of Stavros!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

So are we to assume that Victor is currently holding Robin, since he has a file on her.


Taking my comment to the Speculation thread.


For all his immaturity there is no way Morgan can be worse than Sonny or Carly.   if anything he might be a better parent for the terrible examples he had. 


And how exactly will they help him?  Send the kid away to boarding school?  A full time nanny?  Getting  the kid shot?  How?


Well, as everyone knows, getting shot in the chest and/or raped in prison are important growth experiences no child should go without.  And A.J. - er, Morgan - has proved himself to be incapable of providing his child with such vital necessities and therefore said child should be taken away from him at the earliest possible moment.


I'm sure Sonny will be using the meathook more in sorrow than anger...   [/sarcasm]


Why is this show unable to come up with new, original villains for their younger heroes?  Why are they all repurposed from their parents (Stavros now being this Big Bad for Lulu and Dante) or are those bad guys' offspring (Levi).  It's lazy.


As much as it pains me to stick up for RC, on this particular subject I can see why it's done.  Fans are constantly clamoring to see "legacy families" and veteran characters, and one good way to provide both is to bring back classic villains for characters to tangle with (yet) again.  I just think that the way Ron goes about this is wrong.  As has been pointed out upthread, Stavros sleazing all over Lulu is gross on many different levels, he should come back with a plan to destroy the town and the families that destroyed his, and have an age-appropriate son in tow to take up the "threaten Lulu" duties as part of the family vendetta.

  • Love 2

Give the stuff some stakes - what is his ultimate goal? What is Victor's actual endgame?


It seems to be to resurrect/rebuild the Cassadines, as simple as that.  Like he said today, he only really took Lulu because he wants to make Stavros happy.  And then you tie in the Nathan stuff, that he's been driven by family only to learn that he has a son he never knew about.  


My question is more...now what?  Stavros and Helena are up and running.  Hell, Stavros is already playing out his endgame, having a baby with Lulu.  What's next?  Are they all about to be arrested, killed, vanish into the ether?  This story just seems unsustainable.

Edited by TeeVee329



And A.J. - er, Morgan - has proved himself to be incapable of providing his child with such vital necessities and therefore said child should be taken away from him at the earliest possible moment.

I'm sure Sonny will be using the meathook more in sorrow than anger...   [/sarcasm]


Absolutely. It will hurt Sonny more than it hurts Morgan.

  • Love 1

It seems to be to resurrect/rebuild the Cassadines, as simple as that.  [. . . ]


My question is more...now what?  Stavros and Helena are up and running.  Hell, Stavros is already playing out his endgame, having a baby with Lulu.  What's next?  Are they all about to be arrested, killed, vanish into the ether?  This story just seems unsustainable.

Given that CT is 81, Ron shouldn't be planning any large story on and around Helena.

He shouldn't have planned a large story around sickly TG either.

Absolutely. It will hurt Sonny more than it hurts Morgan.


Poor Sonny! He already really hated what he was doing to Morgan while he was screwing Ava up against a crypt. How much more can Sonny take?


I sadly could see a scenario where the paternity test is rigged to make it look like Sonny's, Sonny and/or Carly later find out it's actually Morgan's, and then decide to keep it to themselves, all the while letting Morgan bond with his son/daughter-brother/sister.



Yeah. I just think it's either Morgan's or they'll just bust out some random dude Ava had sex with at the last minute (or an amazing fake pillow). I want to see Sonny have another baby/mourn another baby about as much as I want to see Lulu have Stavros'.

  • Love 3

Given that CT is 81, Ron shouldn't be planning any large story on and around Helena.

He shouldn't have planned a large story around sickly TG either.


My point was more...they've been building up to Stavros and Helena being resurrected for months, since Victor first came to town.  What's the point if Stavros and Helena are killed or arrested or just vanish all in a few days' time?


Although I guess, to them, it's more about the resurrection of Jason, about which I care not a wit.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

My point was more...they've been building up to Stavros and Helena being resurrected for months, since Victor first came to town.  What's the point if Stavros and Helena are killed or arrested or just vanish all in a few days' time?


Although I guess, to them, it's more about the resurrection of Jason, about which I care not a wit.


Well I guess there will be lasting consequences for Lante if she gets preggo. (Let me take another swig of the old vodka.) A girl can also dream and hope it leads to Stefan. Or maybe they uncover the truth about fluke somehow.


Look TeeVee, the point is SOAPY GOODNESS, okay?!

Edited by ulkis

Well...um.....hum....this Stavros is eekkk! I shudder to think who else the Cassadines can pull out of mothballs. The man makes Nina look normal.

Nathan and Nik are not white sheeps they are the BLACK sheeps of that family and that is a good thing for a Cassadine.


I didn't get how "good" Anna's scenes were, I actually thought they made her look totally incompetent. She couldn't pull one thing out of her ass, got schooled by Dr. O and TIIC had BRITT actually get the job accomplished that Anna should have done.

I thought both Britt and Nik were totally out of place and extraneous in those scenes. Anna would have looked better if she was dealing with Dr. O and actually did something.


Spencer was doing what a child should do in a story so he seemed normal except for his way inappropiate vocabulary for a child that he can bearly handle. He should be used to advance someone else's story not BE the story.


Sonny is adorable with babies. That said, why is poor Rocco being used for romantic couple meetings? First Liz and Nik now Sonny and Carly. Poor guy. Why is Carly staying with Franco again? She clearly wants to be on Sonny's discostick 24/7. LOL at her discussing what will happen to Ava's baby, she knows good and well whomever is the father SHE will be raising the baby.


awwww.....My poor baby he is so adorable. I don't know why he can't be given props for his own acting. No one is making him better, but him. I feel bad that he is handcuffed at that terrible angle. Everyone else just gets one hand cuffed he gets both hands cuffed.

His adorable kitty face just makes me want to kidnap him myself......wait I might have already done that.....

  • Love 1

I'm torn, I do love myself some Robbie, even though he's one man who I think can wear facial hair like a fine suit, and he hasn't forgotten how to play Stav like some sort of horror show come to life, but that being said I hate where this show is going and yet again so many fucking things revolve around Lulu's goddamn baby-maker.


Maybe I am projecting but so many of the actors look out of it, imo, during their scenes. Like they either are bored, they're struggling to connect, or perhaps like me they just don't give a shit and are trying to collect a paycheck. Maybe they're just so sick and tired of playing the same damn story-lines again and again and again, and again.


So I am supposed to believe that after talking to the sparkly nurse princess Sabrina about Victor C., a member of a fairly notorious family in PC that's known for their deception/treachery/kidnapping/murder/general all around psychotic behavior, Patrick came away believing that Sabrina was right about him and that Victor could have had nothing to do with their car accident, so instead of telling Sam or further investigating him, etc, he is now pondering the guilty party being notLuke,,,I just want things to burn now, things and characters and the whole lot, just burn everything. By god how does Ron manage to think all of this shit up without his brain liquifying?


Poor little Ben being witness to the nasty-assness that is Carly and Sonny. That has to be considered child abuse, it just has to.

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