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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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OMG who could Lulu be shocked to see in a clinic where a Cassadine that was obsessed with her is being defrosted!?!?  Ron, how could you dangle us from this cliff, how will I sleep until tomorrow!?!?


As expected, those Anna/Dr. O scenes were dynamite.  As was the scene with Anna and Britt re: Faison.


Seriously, he's already come back from the dead TWICE. You'd think they'd try to invent a machine or something that detects when a Cassadine comes within 12 feet of you or something. Would be especially handy in avoiding Spencer.

  • Love 5

I was wracking my brain over Spencer's little rant about Cameron stealing his part as a tomato, going on about how vegetables are his specialty and he can do an entire endive salad...and then it hit me: he was quoting Dustin Hoffman/Dorothy Michaels from "Tootsie." Yep, Ron's using a nine year old to quote from a favorite movie. Can't wait to see Spencer dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter or Hedwig!

  • Love 6

Today was entertaining!


A day without Sonny and Carly -- fun!  There was plot movement and a few pieces of different puzzles were moved.


Anna just being on screen -- fabulous! The conversation with Anna and Liesl was fire! Nik and Britt played a role; it made sense that they were hanging around and asking questions (Take notes Kiki -- oh yeah, she was not there today. That's another reason that today was great!)


The conversation between Victor and Liesl was fun; he turned the tables on her.


Nathan is way nicer to Maxie than she deserves but I saw his point about being tired of seeing her tear herself down. This relationship could lead to some real growth in the Maxie character if the writers will allow it.


I actually am interested in seeing tomorrow (except for Sonny).

  • Love 6

Seriously, he's already come back from the dead TWICE. You'd think they'd try to invent a machine or something that detects when a Cassadine comes within 12 feet of you or something. Would be especially handy in avoiding Spencer.


I kinda hate these fake-out cliffhangers when the answer isn't going to be any sort of surprise.  In this case, it might have been better to show the character for five seconds and cut to black.

A day without Sonny and Carly -- fun!


Or Kiki!  Or Nina!  Super fun!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

A day without Sonny, The Nina, Kaka and/& Canco(Sore) is always a good day but add in Anna/Dr O scenes & today's show was lovely.


Spencer was even toned down because the adults were talking to him & scolding him like the kid he is. The Scorpio lover in me loved Seeing him push & drag him around. In my mind granddaddy Robert would buy her an ice cream cone.


Not only where FH & KG awesome in their scenes (they play off each other so well) but their hair was so pretty.


Via instagram, I've seen that KSt & BB  have been hanging out with RP a lot. I think it is helping with their on screen chemistry. RP seems to be more relaxed in their scenes together.


I am somewhat shocked that Ron is actually doing an umbrella story line that involves multiple people. The problem as always wit Ron is writing & execution.

  • Love 2

Hated, HATED, the kids show.


Anna, Brik, and Dr O was fun. WSB director in chief was funish, liked the hired help for sure. Hope they get more time.


Why is Lulu being so dumb? I mean, story wise why.


Maxie, honey, you dumped on Dick West unfairly for a few months and he took a beating for you. If you are so sorry, show, don't tell.

  • Love 2

At least Dante has a clue that there is something not right about Luke.


So Dante had possession of the collective community brain today? I wonder how atrophied the poor thing is since no one has been using it?

Maxie, honey, you dumped on Dick West unfairly for a few months and he took a beating for you. If you are so sorry, show, don't tell.


At least the guy is somewhat pretty like Coop. Come to think of it. Coop was kind of wooden, too, for a while. Jason Gerhardt finally settled in just before Guza dumped him.  :-(

  • Love 2

I'm assuming today's cliffhanger is that Lulu and Dante saw Stavros at the end?  Though I wouldn't mind it being someone else less predictable like Jason or some other not-so-dead-afterall person.


Is the Brownstone project still on?  It started and got tossed aside just like a lot of stories on this show.  Which brings me to:


Milo and Epiphany.  Where's the aftermath of their crush on each other?  This was clearly nothing but a plot point for something else.  I guess it was to open Felix's eyes about what he wants for himself in a relationship.  So, good for him, I guess. 


How much longer must I wait for Sonny's and Carly's exposing in AJ's murder and cover up?  This is an explosive doozy of a story crying out for attention.  Michael going ham on both of them is a must see!

Edited by Syndicate
  • Love 2

Kiki did some painting there for two minutes two shows ago.


She painted over the light switch that turns the bulb in her brain on and off.


Now today. Yes!  Anna and Dr. O more of that please. A whole helluva lot more of that please. 

And I really like how everyone is so intimidated by Dr. O., but she seemed genuinely intimidated even afraid of what Victor might do to her. Anna telling Nick and Britt about Faison was also top notch. Even Spencer was tolerable today. Thanks for shoving him, Emma. 4 1/2 outta 5 stars. It's about time.


  • Love 4

Victor was kinda slick with that blood swipe. Gentlemen carry hankies.

So.....um they are in a workout room with a ballet bar? Nathan is not from PC, as he recognized the Clinic quickly. I'm just wondering if Victor is casting a major dance mob or like is this a real medical facility? Can Nina do ninja ballet chops?

And yes, countdown till Micheal goes ham on CarSon (can't believe someone beat me to it!)

  • Love 4

Wow, Dr O was insufferable today.  KG is amazing, but her character is a pos.  Was she really CRYING and trying to guilt Anna??  Seriously?  Anna shouldn't even have dignified her by getting angry, she should have just showed her ass the door before she even opened her damn mouth. 


And did it really taKE the entire show for Patrick to almost spit out the truth?  Talk about dragging shit out.  That convo with SamTrick was painful, but I did like her and Spencer.


I can't get invested in Maxie/Nathan.  She is a stupid selfish moron, and he deserves better.

  • Love 6

My thoughts on today:


Anna/Dr. O: I wish so much that instead of indulging Dr. O and defending and justifying herself at first, Anna had cut Dr. O off at the knees right at the beginning of the conversation with the "you're accusing me of taking away your family, when you tortured my daughter for two years, almost killed Robert and put him in a coma for a year, and nearly killed Duke? You. don't. get. the. right. to. accuse. me. of. ANYTHING regarding. your. haphazardly. put. together. long-neglected-or-abused. "family." Okay, it's horribly clunky dialogue, but I truly hate that the writers just brush off the degree of harm Dr. O has caused. A quip of "That's more your style" doesn't even begin to do justice to the degree of difference in what Dr. O did to Robin in comparison to what Dr. O is accusing Anna of (putting Nathan "in harm's way"). And Dr. O has no entitlement to Faison. He may be Britta's father, but he doesn't consider Dr. O family. Just his stooge.  It's the tail wagging the dog yet again.


Spencer squealing: Spencer gives it up that Luke threatened Emma. This is why that plot point was so ridiculously stupid and why Ron is, without a doubt, the worst head writer of any broadcast network soap opera (no hyperbole or exaggeration, he truly is incompetent at his job). Fluke has no use for Spencer. He's 7, and there was always the possibility he would blab. Likely after wetting the bed. Fluke should have snapped his neck and made it look like a swimming in the lake accident. But instead, we have this convoluted nonsense.


Edited to add:


Or what mybabyaidan just said while I was drafting my longer-winded post!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 9


So.....um they are in a workout room with a ballet bar?

I believe one of those rooms (at least) was a physical therapy room. I remember noticing a treadmill. Which would make sense since it is a clinic for long-term coma patients and other people who are rehabbing.


Nathan isn't from PC is he? He recognized the place quickly and is using his brain. Perhaps he should get out before they confiscate his brain for the town... 

  • Love 2

I can't get invested in Maxie/Nathan.  She is a stupid selfish moron, and he deserves better.


I was screaming in my head "just for ONCE someone tell her YES it is your fault!" lordy. 


So.....um they are in a workout room with a ballet bar? Nathan is not from PC, as he recognized the Clinic quickly. I'm just wondering if Victor is casting a major dance mob or like is this a real medical facility? Can Nina do ninja ballet chops?



It's Crichton-Clark, so Nathan probably went to visit Nina there.


He's 7, and there was always the possibility he would blab. Likely after wetting the bed.



I laughed.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

I loved everything about today's episode.  Absolutely everything.


1.  Loved that we got NO Nina, Kiki, or Franco today.  A break from Sonny and Carly was also nice.

2.  Loved Maxie and Nathan.  I think those two have great chemistry, and I'm glad that the writers are taking it slow.

3.  Love the Victor/Nathan and Victor/Dr. O. scenes too.  Poor Nathan.  He has so many wacky relatives.  He and Nikolas ARE related.  He's the white sheep of his side of the family too.

4.  Loved Britt and Nikolas as well.  See how great those two are when Elizabeth is removed from their orbit.  Breath of fresh air.  Nikolas is actually happy and not having to explain himself.  How refreshing!

5.  Anna and Dr. O. was really great because it was nice to see Anna go off on her.

6.  Dante and Lulu - I'm glad that Dante is finally expressing his suspicions about Fluke

7.  As much as I DON'T like the kiddie quadrangle, it was nice to have the two kids propel the Fluke storyline and not their ridiculous romance.  Progression, yeah!!


A great GH day.

  • Love 6

He's 7, and there was always the possibility he would blab. Likely after wetting the bed.


Spencer would first blame it on someone else. Alfred, maybe.


I was screaming in my head "just for ONCE someone tell her YES it is your fault!" lordy.


Seriously. You don't even have to be mean about it, just say something like, "Maxie, you have a tendency to block out stuff you don't want to hear, then you dig in your heels and make a bad situation worse. Maybe you should stop and think things through a bit."

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

Seriously. You don't even have to be mean about it, just say something like, "Maxie, you have a tendency to block out stuff you don't want to hear, then you dig in your heels and make a bad situation worse. Maybe you should stop and think things through a bit."


Maxie should be seeing Kevin already.


Then again, so should half the town...

  • Love 2

Nik is hardly one to talk about Obrecht's poor judgement. He married SWSNBN and had a kid with her. He refused to get a tumor removed because it gave him visions of his dead wife. He pretend-fucked that vision. Nik. STFU.


If Victor and Nathan are father and son, GH scores once again with the physical casting.


The goons were hilarious. So terrible.


Kevin needs to hold group sessions for everyone in PC.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5
Loved Britt and Nikolas as well.  See how great those two are when Elizabeth is removed from their orbit.  Breath of fresh air.


Their scenes were somewhat reminiscent of the vibe between them when Ben got kidnapped and they were first getting involved, which was nice to see.  It reminded me of why I used to like them together.  But...


Previews...shut up, Nik.  Dr. O could grind you into paste.  And wait until you find out your wacky family is at the center of all these antics.

Edited by TeeVee329


I'm just wondering if Victor is casting a major dance mob


Cue the finger-snapping and Victor singing "When you are bad, you are bad all the way/ From your first evil move to your last dying day …"



Nathan isn't from PC is he? He recognized the place quickly and is using his brain. Perhaps he should get out before they confiscate his brain for the town...


He's safe. No one in the town would know what it was if they saw it. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 4


Wow, Dr O was insufferable today.  KG is amazing, but her character is a pos.  Was she really CRYING and trying to guilt Anna??  Seriously?  Anna shouldn't even have dignified her by getting angry, she should have just showed her ass the door before she even opened her damn mouth.


Big Bad Dr. O is pathetic as hell. Mr. "I don't know what a brush is" Faison practically spit on her every time he had to deal with her and yet she still acts like a damn lovesick 14 year old over that fool. Maybe he's just not that into you, freak. STFU. I don't know why Anna even bothers to humor that deviant.


Are we really expected to believe Anna and Robert murdered Faison?



I can't get invested in Maxie/Nathan.  She is a stupid selfish moron, and he deserves better.


Nathan may be a block of wood but he's a decent person and he doesn't deserve to get stuck with Maxie's dumb drama queen ass.

  • Love 3

While I really appreciated that there was no Nina, Kiki, Franco, Sonny, or Carly today, it was still difficult to enjoy today's show. 


I generally like Sam, but she was involved with a cold-blooded mobster and killer for years and had no problem with what he did for a living.  There's no way she should consider herself a good guy.


Dr. O's hypocrisy was far worse, for reasons other posters have said better than I ever could.  Kathleen Gati is great, and her and Finola Hughes are wonderful together, but Dr. O's characterization is all over the place.  One day she's a sadistic sociopath and murderer, and the next she's give her daughter man-catching lessons and crying over the son she gave away.  It's just stupid, and if she were the only character that had this problem maybe it wouldn't be so bad.  But all of Ron C.'s characters are like this, and the ones he didn't have a hand in creating are dumbed down or ignored. 


And here comes the annual cavalcade of baddies.  It's better than awkward three-ways and heart transplants, obviously, but it's still shit.

  • Love 3

Not impressed, that's all that kept running through my mind during today's episode, I was so very not impressed.


Nothing is proving to be some "shocking" revelation I never saw coming, everything is ending up exactly as I thought and it's just as if not more boring than I thought it'd end up being.


The stupidity and idiocy runs so rampant throughout PC. The fact alone that not a single one of these morons has caught onto to notLuke being notLuke, and now the story is somehow building upon that flimsy ass foundation, my brain cells ache.


Why didn't they drug Lulu and Maxie to keep them quiet? That should have been the first thing Levi told them to do once he woke up.


It's nice that Nathan and Maxie keep saying they have feelings for each other because, imo, one would never be able to tell from anything they've displayed on screen. Putting two not bad looking people together does not an "insta couple" make, Ron.


When has Sam had time to get close to Spencer? She's barely seen with her own kid, oh that's right it's because Ron is now writing it like Spencer has sleepovers every other weekend at Sam's place, of course it all happened "off screen".


Patrick and Sam teaming up together doesn't seem to improve either's intelligence levels.

  • Love 6

She painted over the light switch that turns the bulb in her brain on and off.


LOL!!  God, so true.


Victor was kinda slick with that blood swipe. Gentlemen carry hankies.


Is it weird that I found that scene with Victor and Nathan so darn intriguing, the way he grabbed Nathan's face and studied it, then wiped the blood from his face?  I think those two have good father/son/actor chemistry, and yes, I think there is a physical resemblance too.  All Cassadines have dark features and brood.

  • Love 5


When has Sam had time to get close to Spencer? She's barely seen with her own kid, oh that's right it's because Ron is now writing it like Spencer has sleepovers every other weekend at Sam's place, of course it all happened "off screen".


When Sam said they were cousins I had to think about it for a minute.


I've always assumed that we never see Sam with Danny because he's bigger than she is, but today I concluded that it's because KM is really awkward with children. But whatever, I'm glad Spencer finally spilled and maybe this shite will finally start moving. 

Speaking of KeMo and Danny..she posted this adorable picture on twitter today of her and nuDanny:




Seems like they get along fine.


If Ron manages to shock me, and make Nathan NOT be Victor's I will say ONE nice thing about him.  (Only because I REALLY don't want him to be a Cassadine, so Sam can hit that in the hot but at some point)

  • Love 3
You think? I don't really see it.


Straight on, not really, But when they were looking at each other and we saw them in profile, definitely.


Has nuDanny be de-SORASed? He looks younger than the previous twins. I guess they need to do that so that Sam isn't dwarfed by her son when he turns three. Hee.




[Nik] never married [sWSNBN].  Helena kidnapped her.


Helena saves the day.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Let me simply say, I genuinely enjoyed GH today.  I'm sure I'll be back to bitching and moaning about something tomorrow, but it was so nice to legitimately like an episode from start to finish for the first time in a long time.   


ETA: Am I the only one who would love to see not only the return of O-na, but see Anna in a Dr. O mask and KG play that?   Maybe FH as O-na and KG as An-O in the same scene?  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 5

Nik is hardly one to talk about Obrecht's poor judgement. He married SWSNBN and had a kid with her. He refused to get a tumor removed because it gave him visions of his dead wife. He pretend-fucked that vision. Nik. STFU.


If Victor and Nathan are father and son, GH scores once again with the physical casting.


The goons were hilarious. So terrible.


Kevin needs to hold group sessions for everyone in PC.



I would pay good money to pay for a chance to be a fly on the wall a chance to see Kevin's group session.

  • Love 3


As expected, those Anna/Dr. O scenes were dynamite.  As was the scene with Anna and Britt re: Faison.


I loved FH and KG, and I thought Anna was fantastic. But I was a little disappointed. I know this is weird, but I like, and by like I really mean love, Anna and Liesl equally. I love that Anna is good but a total badass when she can be, and I love that Liesl is just so evil but doesn't really give a damn. When they face off, I like for it to be a tie. But Anna owned her today. Liesl looked kind of sad in comparison. She needed more of her snarky one-liners, and less tears. Still love them both though.


And Naxie has won me back over. What can I say, I'm easy. Not like they have a lot of competition for world's greatest romance on this show. For now, I am liking them. Interested to see how their physical chemistry is.


They really need to keep Britt the way she is with her mom and the way she was today. I can't deal with her chasing Nik in such a pathetic way.


Dante, Dante, Dante. Did you really say that Sonny babysitting Rocco would be a good thing? Please go back to hating him. Maybe when the secret comes out.


I liked Sam and Spencer too. I like when people that don't interact, interact.


Best part of today was the lack of Sonny, Kiki, Nina, Franco, Carly and Levi. Wanted to see Ava, but I'll take one for the team and sacrifice a show without her for the greater good.

  • Love 6

It's about time someone - anyone - owned Obrecht. I love Kathleen Gati but their attempt to spin an entire family out of her and Silas's story is beyond awful. Britt can't carry a story, Nathan definitely can't (and I find him likable, but come on), Obrecht is the only one with a personality and she is a maniac. And they keep trying to push us to feel for her, see her as the real heroine here. Give me a fucking break. They've had chance after chance to push her and they just keep bulling forward without realizing the fundamental problem - she gets away with everything and is never humbled by the 'boring' good guys.


They'll do the same thing with Nina, wait and see. We're already expected to entertain some sort of Sonny/Carly/Franco/Nina quadrangle. Which is insane. I don't give a fuck about Franco or Nina together or separate, the actors are already trying too hard, and they're writing them like they're two normal people meeting cute.

  • Love 11


Best part of yesterday's episode was Nathan struggling to free himself from being handcuffed to that bar that looked like it could be successfully pulled from the wall with a firm tug by a 5 year-old.  Another victory for budget cuts!


Every time they were onscreen, I kept thinking that there had to be something in the room they could use as a screwdriver. Didn't he have any change in his pockets? Those long chains they were on would not have stopped them from taking the screws out of the plates that were holding the bar to the wall. When I wasn't trying to find a screwdriver substitute, I was wondering where he had his handcuff key. If I'd lost my handcuff key before, I'd have one stashed in every pocket and in the heel of my shoe now. And that would have been a nice twist -- a PC cop who was prepared and could actually take some positive action.

  • Love 1
Dante, Dante, Dante. Did you really say that Sonny babysitting Rocco would be a good thing?


That made me laugh, because there's no way Sonny would babysit for more than ten minutes. He'd hand off Rocco to Olivia or Max or even Shawn. Mo is adorable with babies, but Sonny? He had no interest in them until they're old enough to shoot at or almost blow up with a car bomb.


I don't give a fuck about Franco or Nina together or separate, the actors are already trying too hard, and they're writing them like they're two normal people meeting cute.


But they did meet cute! Franco is a SERIAL KILLER working as an art therapist, and Nina is a lying liar who lies. They both just need a friend.


Even Lulu's OMG shock to the cliffhanger person (coughStavroscough) was rather mellow.


What I wouldn't have given for her reaction to be, "Oh, shit, you again? Why can't you stay dead?! Sheesh, Stavros."

Edited by dubbel zout
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