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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Okay that is almost extra creepy b/c they usually do that for their parent's "special" friends. She def called her aunt Liz and I was trying to work out how they were related, but I've learned in PC all the family trees are kind of stumps that grow together so I gave up.


Not in this town.  Well, that's not the only reason.

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I just don't understand how Franco can do so well in his scenes with Nina but look so pathetic with Carly.


Franco is a woobie with Carly and a sort of normal person with Nina.


Shockingly, Cameron and Emma aren't related at all. His parents are Liz and Zander, hers are Robin and Patrick.

Edited by dubbel zout

3. Why are the walls at the Brownstone set gray like the rest of the damn show?

4. What is up with all the F'ing gray paint?

5. Why is BC being punished & put into scenes with KA?


Probably because she has way more chemistry with him than with CD, and uncle Frank has to salvage Kristen whatever way he can. They didn't have any last year (her and BC), and  even though she still bugs the fuck out of me (her head looked extra huge yesterday, and something about the way she holds her palms drives me NUTS, and she sounds like she has saliva in her mouth most of the time, I know this is super mean, but if she could act better I wouldn't be so harsh) anyway, even though she bugs now they do (imo) have chemistry and I'm just wondering what the heck happened. Did both actors improve? Get hotter? Get used to each other? is it only in comparison to the non-chemistry of CD and KA?


The gray paint everywhere is ridiculous but I think the brownstone set is cute. I'm pleasantly surprised.

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Same here. It's shaping up nicely. I wonder how much of PC will live there. So far it's just Morgan and Lauren, right?


I bet Rosalie will move in given she's quad-ing it up with Morgan, Michael, and Kiki.  I'd like to see Lucas move out of SERIAL KILLER headquarters and move in too.  Though not with Brad because they've only been dating like two minutes.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Is it just me or does Rosalie seem a little too old and little out-of-place being in this weird quad with Michael, Morgan, and Kiki.  It just draws attention to the lack of female characters in that age group (because I guess we can't have anyone distracting from Kiki, HATE).

Not at all.  If anything, Rosalie strikes me as being younger than Michael.  I think Michael is out of place with the three of them because Rosalie, Kiki, and even Morgan tend to pout and whine, and all of them go for the easy money, except in the case of Kiki who just wants to mooch off of people for the rest of her life and never get an actual job.  Rosalie looks early 20s to me.

Edited by Bishop
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I don't see Rosie as being all that much older than Michael's former stripper girlfriend who became a human pancake. And it isn't as if Morgan hasn't shown that he doesn't mind having an older lady to woo.


Honestly I think Emma and Joss can seem more mature and put together than Kiki most days. She's a mess, an absolute mess and I really don't see any reason for her to be besides just being an annoying and hopeless person.


I mean really, she's so focused on Carly and Sonny's dirty little secret that she paints over a light switch and then proceeds to be clumsy and ridiculous for no good reason and then does the worst job keeping her mouth shut about it but then still finds it important to keep Michael out of the loop as usual because god forbid that delicate little flower has to deal with his parents being shitty people which differs from their normal behavior not at all.

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Probably because she has way more chemistry with him than with CD, and uncle Frank has to salvage Kristen whatever way he can. They didn't have any last year (her and BC), and  even though she still bugs the fuck out of me (her head looked extra huge yesterday, and something about the way she holds her palms drives me NUTS, and she sounds like she has saliva in her mouth most of the time, I know this is super mean, but if she could act better I wouldn't be so harsh) anyway, even though she bugs now they do (imo) have chemistry and I'm just wondering what the heck happened. Did both actors improve? Get hotter? Get used to each other? is it only in comparison to the non-chemistry of CD and KA?


I'm blaming Morgan and Kiki Part 2: Electric Bugaloo on you then. Because I still don't think they have any chemistry. What in the hell makes Ron think ANY of us want to be subjected to this horrid pairing yet again?


Rosalie looks late 20's easily to me. And Chad's perpetual puppy dog eyes/face makes him look barely out of his teens.

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I'm blaming Morgan and Kiki Part 2: Electric Bugaloo on you then. Because I still don't think they have any chemistry. What in the hell makes Ron think ANY of us want to be subjected to this horrid pairing yet again?


Noooooooo that's not fair Ron was starting that shit up long before I thought they had any chem lol. :( I think he was already setting the groundwork in March when Kiki started telling him about Fluke's advances.


Rosalie I can't peg what age she is but she definitely comes across older as the rest of them.


I hate that Kiki is pretending to care about the fate of Maxie, Lulu, Dante and Nathan. Has she ever shared a scene with any of them? However, it might be fun, if she fell in instalove with Dante.



One hand, ew . . .  on the other, I'm evil and admit that thinking of what DZ's face would be like if he read in the script that Dante and Kiki start making out amuses me.

I hate that Kiki is pretending to care about the fate of Maxie, Lulu, Dante and Nathan. Has she ever shared a scene with any of them? However, it might be fun, if she fell in instalove with Dante.

She's that way with most of the characters of GH.  I still have that awful memory of "Kiki and Friends" at the nurses ball.  She has no friends.  I mean she LITERALLY has no friends on the show.  Kiki's entire world is Michael and Morgan and every now and then she has a scene with Ava, Silas or Franco.


I'm blaming Morgan and Kiki Part 2: Electric Bugaloo on you then. Because I still don't think they have any chemistry. What in the hell makes Ron think ANY of us want to be subjected to this horrid pairing yet again?


Rosalie looks late 20's easily to me. And Chad's perpetual puppy dog eyes/face makes him look barely out of his teens.

Chad easily looks 23 to me.  Rosalie looks about the same.  I think KA and BC look younger, frankly, although it may be how they play their characters.  I don't think Rosalie looks even remotely close in age to Abby.  

Edited by Bishop
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think the brownstone set is cute. I'm pleasantly surprised.



Oh, I'm surprised too, I just groaned when I saw another new set with F'ing gray paint. I didn't get why they half wall was so close to the front door thou.


To me, CD & KA have no onscreen chemistry so it isn't hard to top a Mi-Kaka pairing. I think they are desperate for KA to take on and/or have a big story line. The problem for me is they keep having her stick her big head in story lines where she doesn't belong. They also have her talking about & discussing shit she knows nothing about. This is not OLTL & she is not Starr Manning. Starr was a legacy character with multiple family ties.She knew the characters & the history she discussed. Kaka is a shitty newbie played by a unattractive, weak, minimal chemistry generating actress that doesn't know how to make appropriate faces in the background, my opinion of course.


Someone mentioned Starr honing in on Laura"s & Lulu's reunion. I'd add Kaka taking up airtime & breathing space when Robin & AJ finally saw it each. It was not necessary for Kaka to introduce herself to Robin. No torches were passed to KA as Starr/Kaka making her the new darling of GH by meeting Laura or Robin.


BC has more chemistry with Ava & Rosalie. IMO, He has definitely improved since he came on & it is sad that he his being saddled with KA. 


If Kiki somehow bagged Dante wouldn't that mean she would have completed the Corinthos Brothers' Trifecta and then spontaneously combust?

I'd be all for that, all in.


If her death were the end result, I'd be all in too.

  • Love 7

Okay that is almost extra creepy b/c they usually do that for their parent's "special" friends. She def called her aunt Liz and I was trying to work out how they were related, but I've learned in PC all the family trees are kind of stumps that grow together so I gave up.


I have no actual nieces or nephews, but have about a handful of kids in my life who call me "aunt," courtesy of a few of my closest (but not "special") friends.  I've found that to be fairly common.  


And now I just spent way too much time pondering the genetic connections among the kiddie set.  I think I've got it down...  Emma has no genetic ties to any of  the other little kids.   Same for Cameron (other than his brother, of course).   Aidan has genetic ties to Spencer (via Lucky/Nik), Joss (via Lucky/Carly), and Rocco (via Lucky/Lulu).  Spencer has ties to Rocco (via Nik/Lulu) and the impending Ava Spawn (via Courtney/Sonny or Courtney/Morgan).  Joss has ties to Aidan (via Carly/Lucky), Rocco (via Carly/Lulu), and, possibly, the impending Ava spawn (via big brother Morgan, if he's the father).    

  • Love 4

My kids call all my friends aunts or uncles because that is our culture- we have other names for actual relatives, so I don't find the Aunt Liz thing off putting. There is other stuff to be pissed about, like Dr. O having the audacity to throw shade at people, Sonny gloating over someone taking the fall for him killing someone, and Ava feeling sorry for herself when she killed someone too. Oh, and Shawn being a hypocrite and Franco whining when people don't like his serial killer ass.

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Man...y'all are on fire. Here's my two...hell I'll give ya three cents.


I want Carly/Franco off my screen (and I really like both actors...just not in this pairing).  Get a clue Ronnie....they ain't workin' for us.  You know, the folks who tune into watch this crap so you can keep your job.


I go between being liking and hating MSt.  She does play cray-cray well but she's eating up waaaaay too much screen time.


Kids are cute but not in an adult quad.  Joss is my favorite.....mostly for her Franco hate.  Is it my imagination or did that girl grow about 3" since we saw her last?


Yay.....no Sonny for a bit.


Don't put Kaka back with Morgan.  I like him too much to have him saddled with that.  And her not telling Michael about CarSon is stupid.  But if she did we'd just have lots more Eeyore eyes and moping from him.


Had more but gotta run.


Carry on.

  • Love 3

I think he'd figure out the AJ stuff pretty quickly, unless I'm giving the former demon too much credit. History tells us CarSon happens when they are hiding things. Morgan has many things going on, and since they all know Sonny had sex with Ava, Micheal knows that's not the Secret.

At this point, I want someone to take a picture of the alphabet, like at nursery schools, then go "A" "J". Do you know anyone else with those initials, Micheal? Then omg, that's why your dad got killed. And we watch Micheal learn addition.

I will never, ever hate Patrick.  Ever.  It's impossible for me, much like I will never, ever like Sabrina the Teenage Dishrag.  The writers can write him however they want, Patrick can't be made to look bad. 


And I don't buy for one minute that Jason Thompson is a 'pet'.  He has talent - and the pets never seem to.

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I think Chad and KA had chemistry as Michael and Starr. I thought that pairing was sweet, but worked, at least for a while. It was the writing that made it so bland.


I do think that today, KA has more chemistry with brodog Bryan Craig. And it's obvious they're playing with it onscreen. But honestly, she just has no reason to be here. She's been on a year and they have never bothered to give her any real foundation beyond other newbies, no job, and not a single friend other than frickin' Franco, and we're supposed to accept this random chick constantly whining about poor Franco because she's played by Kristen Alderson and he's played by Roger Howarth, and don't you guys remember Todd and Starr?


I can't imagine what they're waiting for here. Even they have to know there is nothing to Kiki - nothing. It's like KA's work study project.

  • Love 8

Somebody should point out to FV that it's safe these guys now, since it's not like there's an OLTL around any more to snatch them up.


Ah, but there are still three other soaps that could scoop them up, one of which they seem to be in the midst of a casting war with, and another that has a former EP and leading lady of one of them.

she just has no reason to be here


I'm actually kind of shocked Ron hasn't gotten Lauren somehow involved in the Jerome family business. Why hasn't she been kidnapped yet? Or inadvertently messed things up for Ava and Julian? Or how about overhearing Nina and Franco talking and seeing Nina walk around with no trouble, and telling Silas? Ron went to the trouble of giving her this family, and then...bubkes.


The only thing Lauren is pontificate about things she has absolutely no knowledge of. She lifts right out. Epiphany has more purpose.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I can't imagine what they're waiting for here. Even they have to know there is nothing to Kiki - nothing. It's like KA's work study project.


I mean, they gotta. I hope. They actually said it right out in Friday's show - that Kiki has nothing going on except Michael. I guess, at least, Scott Sickles knows it since he's the one who wrote Friday's show.


I just don't understand why they can't just toss her into the hair department or something if they want to keep her employed.

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She posted some really charming stuff with Brandon Buddy back in the day. (Though for me, the surprise was that he showed any sort of personality, since I found his Cole a complete dolt.) I don't know what happens when KA walks on the set, but she becomes unbearable. Of course, it doesn't help that the writing for Lauren is probably the worst for any character.


If they made Kiki into an evil little mob princess, that I think Kristen could play (even if she doesn't like to). Back when she was Franco's daughter I thought maybe she could turn out to be as crazy as he is. But they see her as the perpetual teen dream.


If Ron is going to keep Kiki around no matter what I would like for her to go to the dark side. I think KA would probably do a lot better with a grey character than whatever this is Kiki is supposed to be. I can't imagine she's thrilled playing this boring ass useless character who gets no stories of her own.

  • Love 1

If Ron is going to keep Kiki around no matter what I would like for her to go to the dark side. I think KA would probably do a lot better with a grey character than whatever this is Kiki is supposed to be. I can't imagine she's thrilled playing this boring ass useless character who gets no stories of her own.


I think she is. I think she's pretty thrilled just to be employed.

  • Love 3

I would like the whip scene from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels recreated for Sam and Nina.


Sam: So, you are numb from the waist down. Is that correct?

Nina: Yes, Sam.

Sam (while removing Nina's shoe): Completely numb, no feeling whatsoever?

Nina: That's right.

Sam: Well, you won't be feeling Mr. Piggy then will you?

Nina: heh heh, no.

Sam: Tell me if you feel this? *tickle tickle tickle*.

Nina: No


etc. etc. You know the rest.

  • Love 3

If Ron is going to keep Kiki around no matter what I would like for her to go to the dark side. I think KA would probably do a lot better with a grey character than whatever this is Kiki is supposed to be. I can't imagine she's thrilled playing this boring ass useless character who gets no stories of her own.


Kristen has stated she prefers to play the heroine - she used to actively speak against Starr 'going back to her old ways' on OLTL.


For all I know she's changed her mind since, but for years she did not want to play to her strengths. And I'm sure she may be somewhat cognizant that keeping her as the ingenue continues to perpetuate the image Frank and Ron have of her as youth demographic gold.

Just an aside on the Aunt talk....I get Emma calling Liz 'Aunt Elizabeth'.  Emma's probably known her since she was born.  Robin and Liz were close as far as I know (started watching when Sonny shot Dante...I can still hear Olivia's "Sonny...ya shot your own son!" and Robin did ask Liz to help Patrick when she thought she was going to die....right?  Sorry...the wine is kicking in). 


My best friend of 40+ yrs grandkids call me Aunt Toots.

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Kristen has stated she prefers to play the heroine - she used to actively speak against Starr 'going back to her old ways' on OLTL.


For all I know she's changed her mind since, but for years she did not want to play to her strengths. And I'm sure she may be somewhat cognizant that keeping her as the ingenue continues to perpetuate the image Frank and Ron have of her as youth demographic gold.


okay, taking my reply to backstage GH for real this time.

Ah, but there are still three other soaps that could scoop them up, one of which they seem to be in the midst of a casting war with, and another that has a former EP and leading lady of one of them.


I have my doubts that any soap would be eagerly awaiting KA's exit from GH so they could grab her right up.


Much as I think he does well when the writing puts him in his wheelhouse of dry humor and sarcastic asides, I don't think ME is all that hot a property either.


RoHo I can see legitimately becoming the center of a bidding war.


I think she is. I think she's pretty thrilled just to be employed.


Especially when she sees how many of her former castmates are not.  She has to realize how lucky she is.

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It's a GOOD GH day when none of the characters/actors I find repulsive are on, and Dr. O gets told off - TWICE! :)  Finola Hughes is so great.

KeMo did a lovely job as Sam, talking 'cousin to cousin' with Spencer, with Emma and Patrick there.

Britt is so much more tolerable when talking about real situations and her family, as opposed to manipulations and manufactured crises.

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OMG who could Lulu be shocked to see in a clinic where a Cassadine that was obsessed with her is being defrosted!?!?  Ron, how could you dangle us from this cliff, how will I sleep until tomorrow!?!?


As expected, those Anna/Dr. O scenes were dynamite.  As was the scene with Anna and Britt re: Faison.

Edited by TeeVee329
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