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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I think all of these Cassadine men would sleep with (or rape) anything that moves, but I digress.



Not Stefan. He can be ruthless and cruel, but he has morals.


Replying to this in the Cassadine thread.


I like Obrecht but the entourage she brought with her is too much. Listening to Nathan exposition about Magda and his ridiculous family background was so awkward.


Before Ava or whoever offs her, I want Sabrina to kill Victor or paralyze him or something. He's so smug, and for this little nobody to take him down would be hilarious to me.


Kiki blathering about how could she look a serial killer in the eyes if she were lying to him is also hilarious.

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I've been tuning in a lot recently, and have found that it's surprisingly easy to pick up after months of inconsistent viewing, because nothing that I care about has happened. 


"You know what?!" I couldn't stand Morgan when he first showed up, but I think I've come around. He's not a pointedly bad actor anymore, and he's not too hard on the eyes. I'm not interested in a round two brothers love triangle with Kiki, though, and it sort of seems like they're laying groundwork for that. There is no way I believe that any set of brothers would fight over such a creature even once, let alone twice. 

It's Kiki.  The minute Morgan was removed from her orbit, Morgan got ten times more interesting.  I can only hope that same can happen for Michael if they ever decide to remove that albatross from around his neck.  Also, why did Carly give her a pass considering how often Kiki has lied?  She lied to Morgan.  She lied to Michael.  She lies and then demands that everyone THANK HER for it.  I still remember that scene of her telling Michael that she should thank her for lying to him.  Yes, that was actual dialogue.


Nathan and Maxie have really grown on me. I'm almost sort of (gasp) looking forward to seeing where this goes.



I like them together too, and I loved all the Nathan/Victor scenes today!  I think those two had great chemistry, Nathan is getting a nice introduction to his wacky father and his soon-to-be-discovered psychotic family.  The poor guy.  He has Victor and Liesl as parents, and Helena and Stavros as relatives too.  God help him.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 7

She [Kiki] lied to Morgan.  She lied to Michael.  She lies and then demands that everyone THANK HER for it.  I still remember that scene of her telling Michael that she should thank her for lying to him.  Yes, that was actual dialogue.


I'll never forget her snottily insisting to Silas that Michael should be begging for her forgiveness after she sided with a SERIAL KILLER over him. 


And she made a lot of "How can you not trust me?!?!" noise while she was in the midst of lying to him. 



Edited by TeeVee329
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Dude, yes she looks so much like her. It's why I want Sabrina to be evil. From the glasses to the baby voice, she's Jodi Arias come to life. Even with the curls. I don't buy the sweet act. (Then again, I wasn't the jury foreman!) It's weird because Billy Miller resembles Travis. If only Scotty could be half the lawyer Juan is.

But yeah I'd ship Sabrina/Sonny like crazy if it ended in a giant blood bath for AJ.

Omg! Were we separated at birth? ;)

You said exactly what's been running through my mind since Sabrina first appeared! When I first saw her I expected Sabrina to be a Jodi in disguise (with glasses :D), especially when Robin came back and Patrick went back to Robin for a blink or two, I figured Sabrina would snap and kill them both then take Emma. But no, she still was all sunshine and purple grapes (I know the grape costume came before Robin's return but still...).

Now I'm hoping with her newfound lust for vengeance she'll become all evil and pull a Convicted Murderer* Jodi move on Sonny, just because Sonny ruins everything. And she is Sonny's type; she breathes.

It's going to be creepy if we ever see BM and Sabrina in a scene together!


*Because no matter how much CM Jodi thinks she's going to get away with murder by being her own lawyer in the retrial, she will never not be a Convicted Murderer, she's so self-obsessed she can't get it through her stupid head that this is a retrial of the sentencing phase and she will never get out of prison. Ever. And the jury foreman was found to be against the death penalty after the verdict came back, he lied just to get on that trial. I'm overly obsessed with that trial so I kinda know pretty much every detail. And can you imagine Juan Martinez in Port Charles? Sonny would be nothing more than a bad memory rotting in prison.


Sorry for the off topic parts Mods, I'll go stand in the corner now :D

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Aww. My det Special Kitty was so cute today, he is adorably confused I don't care what ya'll say.[crosses arms shakes head] Why does he have to have the craziest bunch of scenary chewing lunatics for his family. ugh! I loathe Britt and Dr. O needs to have about a bazillion seats. And as much as I sit alone at my I like Nina table she was way OTT today with the crazy. And don't even get me started on Tony DeM....I mean Victor the moustache twirler.

My poor baby needs petting.


Wow I'm beginning to dislike Carly greatly, I'm starting to want to call her one of "those" [banned] nicknames. It really hacks me off I have to agree with Kiki. Now I see why Sonny and Carly are made for eachother, they don't think DOING bad things that hurt their loved ones is a problem, but just letting them find out about them is the problem...sheesh. Sonny killing AJ or Carly cheating on Franco was just a woopsie, but OMG don't let the wronged party find out the truth or you are the devil that must be stopped! SMH RME!


When did Silas get over his anger at Patrick? Oh wait I know it was too much energy to expend on his part.....never mind.


I swear to Gawd I expect Patick to tell Sabrina that ROBIN is somehow to blame for shamwow's death....I swear I think I might actually punch my TV if that happened.

Edited by Cattitude
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OMG, how much longer do we have to listen to Carly and Sonny talk about sleeping together? It's not that big a deal. It's what they do.


I laughed all over again at the stupid gassing. It was typical GH silliness, so I can't hate it. I'd rather see that than some of this other crap we're getting. 


"Rafe may have been behind the wheel, but he wasn't the one responsible." Uh, sorry, Sabs, but even if someone put Rafe up to it, he's still responsible. He could have told someone he was being blackmailed or whatever.


TP really was an extraordinary color. He looked like he'd used shoe polish as makeup. What is going on? Is the terrible fake bake the choice of the actors?


I kind of enjoyed Lauren not being able to lie for Carly. It's nice to see Carly squirm, even if it's because of Lauren. 

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Dr O was the epitome of glamor today on the show. Long sexy hairdo, sexy black expensive suit a la Anna de Vane, earrings, makeup--my how she's changed and tried to become more feminine as poor Robin looks more and more as if she is channeling Chairman Mao.


Carly begging, then intimidating and threatening and then cajoling Kiki to keep her secret about the tryst with Sonny was silly. It's just a way for worthless Kiki to stay tied to one of the main plots. Likewise Sabrina bumping aggressively into Ava and shadow-boxing with her. Just a lame way to keep an outsider stirred up in a plotline or interact with more major characters. I'm surprised that Carly didn't offer to bribe Kiki in bubblegum for her silence and Ava didn't give Sabrina a good pinch on her butt and a yank on that rat's nest of hair.


The Port Charles detectives need some training, STAT. I'm so tired of the sneering Cassadines and Luke frustrating their crime-fighting efforts. If you want a peaceful normal life you have to move out of Port Charles. 



Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I do wonder if Ron is ever going to reveal what exactly Anna and Robert did with Faison or if that is just going to dangle out there for all time.


It's not his fault! Tristan Rogers left just in time for that great story to take off! It's always the actor's fault for choosing to leave when the show drags its feet.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7

TP really was an extraordinary color. He looked like he'd used shoe polish as makeup. What is going on? Is the terrible fake bake the choice of the actors?


I've seen fake bake/spray tan on a bunch of actors on this show - this seems different. It's way beyond even what we've called 'Orange Glow' on Sonny. I really wonder what in the world GH makeup folks did to TP, or  what he did to himself. I've seen him on another show, and he did not have this crimson/maroon/eggplant complexion. It's freaky and distracting, much more so IMO than the cosmetic surgery on a couple actresses on this show. 

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Omg! Were we separated at birth? ;)

You said exactly what's been running through my mind since Sabrina first appeared! When I first saw her I expected Sabrina to be a Jodi in disguise (with glasses :D), especially when Robin came back and Patrick went back to Robin for a blink or two, I figured Sabrina would snap and kill them both then take Emma. But no, she still was all sunshine and purple grapes (I know the grape costume came before Robin's return but still...).

Now I'm hoping with her newfound lust for vengeance she'll become all evil and pull a Convicted Murderer* Jodi move on Sonny, just because Sonny ruins everything. And she is Sonny's type; she breathes.

It's going to be creepy if we ever see BM and Sabrina in a scene together!


*Because no matter how much CM Jodi thinks she's going to get away with murder by being her own lawyer in the retrial, she will never not be a Convicted Murderer, she's so self-obsessed she can't get it through her stupid head that this is a retrial of the sentencing phase and she will never get out of prison. Ever. And the jury foreman was found to be against the death penalty after the verdict came back, he lied just to get on that trial. I'm overly obsessed with that trial so I kinda know pretty much every detail. And can you imagine Juan Martinez in Port Charles? Sonny would be nothing more than a bad memory rotting in prison.


Sorry for the off topic parts Mods, I'll go stand in the corner now :D

Lol we may be soul siblings. Imagine Juan getting Sonny on the stand.

"Were you this smug when you shot the biological father of the adoptive son you claim to love?"

"Were you grieving over your dead fiance when you slept with her fiance? When you had sex with her killer on the grave of the innocent man you murdered in cold blood, Mr Corinthos, at his funeral?"

"Were you repentant as you watched the son you claimed to love weep over his real father's dead body, knowing you murdered him in cold blood?"

Like, for reals....that would be a ratings draw. And yeah, I thought Sabrina was going to kill Britt at first. TeCa can play angry and evil. They need to run with this. I find myself caring about baby Shamwow now. I see a mother wanting revenge and rightfully so. Sabrina was nice. She was caring. And she got screwed over. I think any person would be like screw this. I can realistically see reaching a breaking point. I need her to tell Felix to chill out and stop being so thirsty for love and not let Patrick use her for a slampiece. Carrrlos loves you. Free him and be a hot couple, Miss Santiago.

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I just watched the last 3 shows. It was my punishment for eating like crazy & not workng out this weekend. My thoughts.

TeCa isn't any better to me. She is making eye contact with her scene partners more often. Her hair was gorgeous.

JVP/Carlos, so nice to see you.

MSt is just OTT crazy, yep OTT crazy. The baby voice, constant repeating & flailing is getting out of hand.

ME is simply an energy void.

Kaka, is still worthless no matter what the show tries to portray. I don't like the lighter shade of hair color on her either.

MW has grown on me & of course she will be the victim of a who done it murder mystery (my spec). The suspects will be Nina, Sonny & Sabreena.

Woo, to me RP was so wooden, I was afraid a woodpecker was going to mistake him for a tree.

Victor Cassadine's involement in the Levi/Aztec jewel storyline seems like something Ron pulled out of his ass at the last minute. The plot is full of so many holes. Why would Victor want 3 pieces of jewelry. Why even go thru Levi when you have a gas that knocks people out. How did we go from 0 to 100 in Nathan's paternity story. As other has said, with all that he knew about Nathan, why didn't he know about Leisl. The whole thing is a clusterfuck to me.

Sonny & Carly are horrible people who deserve each other & whatever blow-up that is coming their way.

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I really did love the scenes between Liesl and Britt. The two really work well together. Britt is 100 times more likeable when she gets away from that crap Niz storyline with added Spencer hell. KG just can do no wrong for me. She rocks my socks.



TeCa isn't any better to me


Put her next to Maura, and she looks even worse. Sabrina trying to take down Ava is like a Pee Wee football team trying to beat the SuperBowl champs. You look pathetic for even trying.


And speaking of pathetic - Carly, Kiki, Nina? Your table's available.

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I complain so much about this terrible show, that I really should be sure to note when I enjoyed a show.  So, here it is: I enjoyed today's show.  It was fun and campy and, dare I say it, kind of interesting at points.  


That said, when Sonny said that Michael and Morgan went to check on their sister in law, it took me a minute to figure out who he was talking about.  I sure do wish they would show some of these people who are supposed to care about each other actually interacting every once in a while; otherwise, it's too hard to keep track of.


"Adorably confused" is the perfect description of Nathan.  He really wants to understand, and he's trying so hard, and it's just cute that he can't quite figure out what's going on.  


Is it possible that I might enjoy Dark Sabrina???

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I am deeply alarmed by how much I like Sabrina since she came back from Pwhere-toe-rrre-co. I don't know if it's TCa's hair, or if someone slippped some lsd in my iced-tea, but I am now digging a character I spent nearly two years hating with the fury of a thoussnd fiery nuns.


It's amazing how much a character and her portrayer improves once they get out of Patrick Drake/Jason Thompson scene-tanking hell.


I agree about the unnatural, forced bonding between Sonny and sons. It felt like the actors didn't even know what they were doing in those scenes. Even their shuffling, weight-shifting body language was uncomfortable.


Given that Sonny and Morgan fucked the same woman, and that Michael and Morgan also shared a slampiece, I can see the discomfort.  Apparently the Corinthos men like their pairings awkward and vaguely incestuous.


(RKK and MS can have a scenery chewing grudge match between their characters. I'll watch every minute, pretty please show runners!) 




I do wonder if Ron is ever going to reveal what exactly Anna and Robert did with Faison or if that is just going to dangle out there for all time.


I predict it will be wrapped just in time for Faison to return from the presumed-dead.


I swear to Gawd I expect Patick to tell Sabrina that ROBIN is somehow to blame for shamwow's death....I swear I think I might actually punch my TV if that happened.


Robin failed to drop everything and fly to his side when little Gabriel was struggling for life, which distracted Patrick so much he was unable to cure the little tyke through his Magical Surgeon Powers.  Therefore Gabriel's death can totally be laid at her feet.


Oh, and that whole ISIS thing?  Totally her fault.*


* - Do I really need a [/sarcasm] for this?

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I'm having a hard time grasping how Ava comes across as strong or scary? She has to have two body guards to go to the bathroom and has about 1090842278 enemies who wish her dead and would kill her in a heartbeat, and I'm pretty sure for all his tolerance her own brother is one of them. I mean he did almost shoot her causing her to flee to Corinthos island.

I'm waiting for her who-dun-it murder mystery a la Diane Jenkins on Y&R complete with a bridge-o-beatdown, I'll even expect wheelchair marks across her face and Sabrina and Nina..add in Lulu fighting over the baby they just cut out of her body.


Let's see list of people who'd be glad she's dead: Sonny, Julian, Fluke, Carly/Franco, Nina, Sabrina, Carrrlos, Morgan...

list of friends....um...a....yeah.....Kiki????


Ava seems like a weak scared woman who is all bluster, I don't see anything ending well for Ava.

  • Love 4
I'm having a hard time grasping how Ava comes across as strong or scary? She has to have two body guards to go to the bathroom and has about 1090842278 enemies who wish her dead and would kill her in a heartbeat, and I'm pretty sure for all his tolerance her own brother is one of them. I mean he did almost shoot her causing her to flee to Corinthos island




When she first came on she had the makings to be a bit of a bad ass, willing to take out Sonny by any means necessary, her interactions with Carly, the partnership she had with Julian, etc, but then suddenly she became this desperate cougar willing to throw all her self respect and control out the window for the budding wolf boy, Morgan, and it's been downhill for her, imho, ever since.


She became a loser in so many ways, everybody began to get the best of her and she had to rely on the kindness of the stupid or assholeish, Morgan and Sonny, just to stay alive even though she had been ahead before, and then next thing you know she's slept with Sonny and ends up pregnant with either his child or grandchild.


Ava has become nothing but a joke and an unfunny one at that since her arrival. If she's to be feared then it'd be like fearing cooties when you're a seven year old. She has no leverage or power, she knows Sonny killed AJ but even then she isn't in the clear because she killed Connie so really she's screwed no matter what.


Watching another potentially strong, confident, and self reliant and resilient female brought down to her knees, by Sonny literally, on this show is now the norm. Ava was turned into "the little woman" who needs a man to survive or make her life matter and complete, it's disgusting. It always has been and it always will be.


Just watching her this week, from her interactions with Nina to Sabrina, for me it's all writing on the wall stuff, and because it's from Ron's hand it's all crappy and predictable.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 5

Liked today's episode minus the grossness of Carson and Nina/Silas. She just sparkles so much better with Franco and I love his "you are nuts" expression directed at her.

The Nathan/Victor and Britt/ Dr O stuff was also intriguing. Interested to see where this is going and after the probable paternity test that Victor will do on Nathan, whether him being the father is actually a red herring to another character that Leisl was with.

I really hope that Patrick figured out that Victor was behind the accident, but that's too easy so of course he won't and Sabrina will continue to suspect the wrong person.

Of course Kiki won't say anything- too easy and not enough angst. That almost telling the truth soap shtick is getting freaking old.

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I think Ava got her bite back after all the Morgan romance crap when they finally revealed she had killed Connie and got back to her being willing to do anything to survive (including fuck Sonny). Once they got her pregnant, she was diluted a bit, but she's still her nasty self, especially now that she's escaped Sonny. That being said, the whole nonsense with her and Julian fretting over "Our Boss" is sad and makes them both look weak as hell. What I expected Ava to do was go behind Julian's back and sell him out, cut him out of the picture by becoming Fluke's new liaison, but that didn't last.

Edited by jsbt
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I think Ava got her bite back after all the Morgan romance crap when they finally revealed she had killed Connie and got back to her being willing to do anything to survive (including fuck Sonny)






Personally I thought Ava sleeping with Sonny was the lowest point for the character and completely removed her from being the woman who first came to PC with a plan and purpose. That move, imo, just turned her further into a Sonny pawn, rendering her useless and brainless.


Now she's left to skulk about GH where it's open season on Ava, from the Nina's not veiled at all threats to mousey Sabrina deciding to get "tough", and her only hope for survival, at least for the time being, resides with getting Franco to help her out.

  • Love 4

Sleeping with Sonny was, on some level, a power move for Ava. She doesn't have feelings for him, she never did. She wants him in line because of what she did to his girlfriend. She knew that if she made herself Sonny's intimate confidant she could control him, and did, for a while. She still is, to an extent - she (allegedly) is carrying either his child or grandchild, so he wont touch her.


I think she should've gone all the way, seduced him, fooled him and married him, but she didn't. What they're doing to the character now is lame shit with Nina, Sabrina, etc., but IMO it's nowhere near as bad as the Sympathetic Moral Ava In Love Tour I had to endure during her treacly affair with Morgan and her sudden, inexplicable (and thankfully brief) shock at being part of an organized crime family when Julian and Sonny were shooting it out.

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I'm obsessed with that trial to the point where I donated money to the Alexander Family .... and on and on.


I interrupt your soulmate bonding only to share that I went to junior high with Jodi Arias. Don't remember her, so I have nothing salacious to add, but it gives further credence to my belief that my hometown was a soul-sucking pit of despair.


Ha, I could almost forgive this show if they showed a brace of ducks hanging out in the interrogation room, waiting for the weather to clear.  


I LOL'd. And I'd love it. Heck, at this point, just a painting of a duck in the room would set me off.


Hooray for another Cassadine!

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Yesterday's show was so boring.  I'm realizing that there's not a single storyline going on that I care at all about.  I feel like it's time to take a break until something new happens.  Maybe until nuJason appears, hopefully with Robin?  Or... um... uh... I don't know what else?  It's gotten so bad that I can't even think of a storyline that might happen that I might care about and want to see play out.  Maybe if Patrick and Sam hook up.  Or if Lucas and Brad start being on more than once every two weeks. 


I'm coming to the sad realization that I just don't care about any of these people.  Yesterday's show to me was just a bunch of people I find annoying talking about things I wasn't interested in.  Ugh.

  • Love 2

Sleeping with Sonny was, on some level, a power move for Ava. She doesn't have feelings for him, she never did. She wants him in line because of what she did to his girlfriend. She knew that if she made herself Sonny's intimate confidant she could control him, and did, for a while. She still is, to an extent - she (allegedly) is carrying either his child or grandchild, so he wont touch her.


I think she should've gone all the way, seduced him, fooled him and married him, but she didn't. What they're doing to the character now is lame shit with Nina, Sabrina, etc., but IMO it's nowhere near as bad as the Sympathetic Moral Ava In Love Tour I had to endure during her treacly affair with Morgan and her sudden, inexplicable (and thankfully brief) shock at being part of an organized crime family when Julian and Sonny were shooting it out.




I am going to reply to this in the History thread.



I'm coming to the sad realization that I just don't care about any of these people.  Yesterday's show to me was just a bunch of people I find annoying talking about things I wasn't interested in.  Ugh.




May I pull a chair to the table? I couldn't have summed it up any better. I just don't care, even the characters I do like or at least can tolerate aren't making it worthwhile putting up with this crap.

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I'm dreading the inevitable scene where Sabrina, like, has Ava at gunpoint or something and someone (probably Patrick) has to talk her out of shooting her, talking about how pure and perfect Sabs is, blah blah blah.

Sabrina will be saved for me as a character if she keeps up the sarcasm and hate, and waits until Ava's spawn emerges, realizes it needs some nurse thing to keep it alive, and does that for a show or three.


Only then Sabrina bounces back and starts razoring up Ava, saying "Blood cries out for blood, Puta!".


Meanwhile Patrick stands in another room on a cell tanking yet another scene, and Carlos pulls Sabrina off and they clean up and dump the body in such a way Ava can come back in another few months after a Maura vaca.

Edited by Happyshooter
  • Love 3

If Sabrina kills Ava, then that will be the best story ever. Especially if she frames Patrick for fun. Or Sonny because why not? Hell, he kills everything else. Then, she reverts back to nerd form. Carrlos gets a job at a library, they get married. Then, Ava is like fuck upon returning from the dead. What to do? Fake haunt Sonny and take his gummy bear, mafia empire, or mess with nerds?

And Felix is somewhere watching tv, no where to be seen.

  • Love 5

From the little I've seen, they have defanged Ava. Instead of a ballsy, take no prisoners bitch villain, I don't even know what I'm seeing. This is worse than the destruction of Claire Walsh for Sonny.

Oh Sobs. Vengeful mamas don't just look at the floor. Next metamorphosis!

What a waste of Carrrrrrrrlos. He has energy and chemistry to burn.

I'm liking Nathan and Maxie. RP has improved. Patrick and Sam are cute.

Edited by jazzyscreenname
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I think she should've gone all the way, seduced him, fooled him and married him, but she didn't.


Yeah, I'm sorry sleeping with Sonny didn't lead to Ava using it for her own gain. And the writing undercut her by having her kill Connie, so Ava has no leverage on Sonny that won't destroy her, too.


I'm dreading the inevitable scene where Sabrina, like, has Ava at gunpoint or something and someone (probably Patrick) has to talk her out of shooting her, talking about how pure and perfect Sabs is, blah blah blah.


I think it will be Carrrlos holding Ava at gunpoint and Sabrina talking him down. She'll say it's not worth him going back to jail or something equally predictable. Or she'll find out it at the very last minute it was Fake!Luke who was really responsible and pull Carlos back.


This suggestion of edge is making Sabrina a tiny bit more interesting, but it's laughable to think she'll do more than glare at Ava. Sabrina is still the town princess and always will be.

Edited by dubbel zout
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This suggestion of edge is making Sabrina a tiny bit more interesting, but it's laughable to think she'll do more than glare at Ava. Sabrina is still the town princess and always will be.


That's why, even though I know some of you guys are enjoying it, I still can't get into Sabrina.  The show spent too much time building her up as the saintly princess of Port Charles, I can't buy her as any credible threat to anyone.  And it's only a matter of time until she defaults to that princess mode.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3


Yeah, I'm sorry sleeping with Sonny didn't lead to Ava using it for her own gain. And the writing undercut her by having her kill Connie, so Ava has no leverage on Sonny that won't destroy her, too.


 Ava has always been a quick wit, I don't know why she didn't just deny killing Connie to everyone who heard the tape. She could have said AJ was crazy and violent and she was just humoring him because she was afraid of him. They all already thought AJ was nutso. Also Sonny has been threatening her and was holding her hostage to keep her quiet about him murdering AJ. These dimwits can't figure out her initials, FFS, why wouldn't they believe that? I'm still disappointed she didn't marry Sonny. That would have been soapy goodness.


  • Love 2
That's why, even though I know some of you guys are enjoying it, I still can't get into Sabrina.  The show spent too much time building her up as the saintly princess of Port Charles, I can't buy her as any credible threat to anyone.  And it's only a matter of time until she defaults to that princess mode.




I can't buy Sabrina as a human being most of the time let alone a threat to any living thing/s.


What would she do? Unless they want to turn her into the Spanish Nikita somehow, an utter impossibility, she hasn't the personality nor the skills to be a threat. All she's proven to be slightly good at, imho, is being a meek nurse and spineless girlfriend. Spencer has the clout to be far more feared than she could ever hope to be, though he'd probably just hire someone but still.


To me Sabrina is the type to think that hiding someone's pen would be the most evil thing to do ever, doubly so if it were their "favorite" pen.

  • Love 2


Sabrina will be saved for me as a character if she keeps up the sarcasm and hate, and waits until Ava's spawn emerges, realizes it needs some nurse thing to keep it alive, and does that for a show or three.


I want Sabrina to kill Ava and then kill her demon baby or at least dump it on the side of the road, never to be seen or heard from again.  

Edited by LeftPhalange
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To me Sabrina is the type to think that hiding someone's pen would be the most evil thing to do ever, doubly so if it were their "favorite" pen.


But she'd feel really guilty about hiding it.


Given that Ava is approx. four months along, Nina stealing that baby and passing it off as her own is not possible.


I think you've forgotten what soap you're watching. Hee.

Edited by dubbel zout
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