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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I hated Sonny gloating about Carrrrlos being in prison for a murder that Sonny committed. I keep on waiting for lightning to strike Sonny dead.


God helps those who help themselves.  Since no lightning struck, he must want us to take out Sonny ourselves. 




So...who's up for a road trip?  I call shotgun.  The weapon, not dibs on the front seat.

  • Love 12

Yes, but in the rest of the United States it's still necessary to  have some steps between confessing and going to prison. We saw him at the PC police dept., then we saw him being taken to Pentonville. At least a line about him going to trial or having gone before a judge to allocute  would have been nice. 

Not to go off topic but I wish the judge in the Jodi Arias case would take a cue from Port Charles as far as speedy trials are concerned.


On topic? Why? Why are they draaaaaaaaagggggggging this kidnapping thing on and on and on? I was so happy to see NotDunklebrainless shot and then the crazy suit men came in with their disco smoke bombs.

I'm oddly glad that Nathan will get to be the hero when he rescues 1 or 2 damsels in distress from his wacky new unfrozen Uncle Stavros.

Carly and Sonny need to DIAF now.


Edited because a post written twice won't make them DIAF any sooner :D

Edited by tveyeonyou
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I'm oddly glad that Nathan will get to be the hero when he rescues 1 or 2 damsels in distress from his wacky new unfrozen Uncle Stavros.


Stavros will be his cousin, as Mikkos and Victor are brothers ( I think, unless Victor is Mikkos' nephew).

Sonny is just THE WORST. Not that I expect him to be grateful that someone else took the blame, but sheesh, to gloat about it? That's some tacky, tacky shit right there.


I am taking my response to the wish list. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly

The set for the outside of the cabin still cracks me up. It's so lame. The handheld camera was too funny.


Ugh, Sabrina. "Gabriel was my life!" Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sure you'll find out the truth. Sabrina Santiago, Girl Detective. I liked Carrrlos telling her he was innocent "for that, at least," when Sabrina asked him if he killed AJ. There was a sort of charming wryness to how he said that. 


I'm no fan of either Ava or Nina, but I liked their scenes. You could see Ava thinking how nutty Nina is, and Nina went full-on crazeballs with her baby rabies.


Lauren Jerome, Marriage Counselor. 


What did Nathan mouth to Maxie? It had to be something like "It'll be all right," but it didn't look like it.


Why didn't one of the cops who was on the side take out Levi/Peter? He wouldn't have seen it coming. Good grief.


The gassing of the cabin was hilariously cheesy.


The Franco/Carly stuff was deadly boring. A total snoozefest.

  • Love 3

Stavros will be his cousin, as Mikkos and Victor are brothers ( I think, unless Victor is Mikkos' nephew).

I am taking my response to the wish list. 

I get so mixed up with that family as to how they're all related I think I need a family tree to figure them out. I'm sure some of the limbs will twist inappropriately in some places ;)

Off to the wish list.

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Sonny gloating about someone else taking the fall for him ... well, what are they even doing with this character anymore? Have they dispensed with the whole myth that Sonny operates by some code of honor, hurting only people he thinks threaten him or his family?

It's like they've admitted "ok, yeah, this guy really is a bastard - but you're stuck with him forever anyway, audience, because ... um, reasons." WHY? Why is Sonny at this point?

ETA: eh, never mind. There was no excuse for anything Sonny did to AJ a decade ago, or the crap he pulled with Jax to help Carly hog custody of Joss ... so I guess the writers stopped caring how gross Sonny is years ago!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 4


I hated Sonny gloating about Carrrrlos being in prison for a murder that Sonny committed. I keep on waiting for lightning to strike Sonny dead.


I loved how Sonny just glossed over the fact that Michael is still grieving AJ and that being in the space he was shot by "look in the mirror, bitch!" might actually upset him.  It's like Sonny forgot it's not about his creepy smiles over beating Franco and screwing Carly.  He just might have a problem here with this kid he supposedly loves.  Oops.  


And, were we supposed to feel a together bond between the Morgan, Michael, and Sonny? Because for me the scene demonstrated that the 3 of them are really on their own separate planets.  Maybe it's just the knowledge that Michael is forever playing peacemaker and that will be over soon, but I didn't feel love, just awkwardness.  Like even Michael gives a shit about Lulu.  And is Morgan like in Maxie's crowd?  How does he know what she'll do?  Sharing one scene in futurepast brownstone doesn't count.

Edited by sunflower
  • Love 3

And, were we supposed to feel a together bond between the Morgan, Michael, and Sonny? Because for me the scene demonstrated that the 3 of them are really on their own separate planets.  Maybe it's just the knowledge that Michael is forever playing peacemaker and that will be over soon, but I didn't feel love, just awkwardness.  Like even Michael gives a shit about Lulu.  And is Morgan like in Maxie's crowd?  How does he know what she'll do?  Sharing one scene in futurepast brownstone doesn't count.


I think that's what you were supposed to feel - awkwardness. Awkwardness between the boys and Sonny. Michael and Morgan are fine, but Morgan and Sonny are still on ambivalent ground and Michael was wary of being caught in the middle of any fight that could potentially break out, plus he was brooding about his own shit. I don't think it was supposed to be some great family bonding moment, for anyone except Sonny and Carly, who will take what they can get.

Not to go off topic but I wish the judge in the Jodi Arias case would take a cue from Port Charles as far as speedy trials are concerned.


On topic? Why? Why are they draaaaaaaaagggggggging this kidnapping thing on and on and on? I was so happy to see NotDunklebrainless shot and then the crazy suit men came in with their disco smoke bombs.

I'm oddly glad that Nathan will get to be the hero when he rescues 1 or 2 damsels in distress from his wacky new unfrozen Uncle Stavros.

Carly and Sonny need to DIAF now.


Edited because a post written twice won't make them DIAF any sooner :D

Omg..., you watch the Jodi Arias trial too? You may be my new board bestie.
  • Love 1

What did Nathan mouth to Maxie? It had to be something like "It'll be all right," but it didn't look like it.


He said "I'm coming, okay"


I have to thank whomever talked Dante and Nathan into stopping at the salon for those yummy blowouts before going to that hostage situation, b/c MEOW! that was some hott eye candy.

I am slightly confused as to how Leeter's big plan all along was to use Maxie to get Felicia's jewels as a fakeout all the while kidnapping Lulu whom he'd bearly met was the REAL plan??? mmmkay....


I realized today I actually don't mind Franco ONLY when not around Carly, I haven't ff anyone yet, but Franco and Carly together are so boring with no chemistry at all that I'm getting close. Those scenes were nonsense, she just stood there fantasizing about Sonny but acts like she really wants Franco...yah totally not believable.


I knew Ava and Nina would be great together, I just don't know why Ron stalled them meeting so long.


Kiki as Silas' counselor was laughable, they really do struggle to make her relevant. The thought of Michael and Kiki double dating with Silas and Nina is scary!


I found Carlos and Sabrina comic gold. Neither has any noticeable accent except when saying eachother's name in such an OTT accent, it had me rolling in the floor. Add to that Carlos' hair just hypnotizes me, I've never seen that much hair. I get so "caught up" in his hair I forget everything in the scene.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 3

Ho hum. Long gone are the days of exotic locations and action shots. Now we get campy outdoor sets that look as fake as Leeter's American accent sounds. The hostage standoff and the subsequent gas grenade were right out of a 1960s Batman episode. I half-way expected Penguin to waddle in and crow about his victory. I don't know how the actors kept straight faces, but it was sure FUN to watch! Give me camp any day over Sonny hemming and hawing over his lines and gloating about an innocent man taking the blame for his crime. 


Nina and Ava. Quite entertaining. 


I think TCa has taken some acting lessons. For once, she didn't grate my last nerve. Not sure if it's her scene partner or if she's actually improving. But if she plans to go after Ava, God help her. Ava can take the little princess out without a second thought. 


All in all, a fun day in Port Charles. (Minus the cringe-worthy Sonny scenes.)

Edited by Baxter
  • Love 3

I found Carlos and Sabrina comic gold. Neither has any noticeable accent except when saying eachother's name in such an OTT accent, it had me rolling in the floor. Add to that Carlos' hair just hypnotizes me, I've never seen that much hair. I get so "caught up" in his hair I forget everything in the scene.


Not to mention Sabrina's hair right across the table. I know prison visitors are never searched on soaps, but she could have smuggled in all kinds of escape tools in that hair.


Someone needs to tell the person who organizes the prison showers to put Carlos on the schedule. 

  • Love 4

We are still a day behind, so this was supposed to be the big Friday cliffhanger and we would all be on pins and needles and speculating wildly over the long weekend? YAWN. Nobody rushes to get out of the cabin, they all just stand around looking at each other? Doors and windows were open, so why did everyone keel over in about a minute? Unknown (oooh, cue spooky music) person strides through. Am I intrigued? Do I care who it is? At ALL? No, no and no.

I have been watching DOOL for a couple of months, after decades away on any sort of regular basis and it is kind of a mess, but I am enjoying it more than this.

  • Love 1

For the first time ever, Sabrina didn't bother me today.  I still want her character to go away forever, though, along with about 10 or 15 others.


I think it's coming but I am going to be so bummed if Ava gets dead. Show, I've put up with the infamous jazz-handed repeater MSt and I'm willing to put up with Mugsalot Miller but please let me have AVA!


Yes, this.  I would be pretty upset if they let MW go while keeping the horrid Michelle Stafford and her flailing arms and creepy grin.

  • Love 5

I've been tuning in a lot recently, and have found that it's surprisingly easy to pick up after months of inconsistent viewing, because nothing that I care about has happened. 


I agree about the unnatural, forced bonding between Sonny and sons. It felt like the actors didn't even know what they were doing in those scenes. Even their shuffling, weight-shifting body language was uncomfortable. Of course, MB tried to redirect the attention with his unique line readings, like preceding a statement about Lulu's unknown state of health with a hearty, "You know what?!" I couldn't stand Morgan when he first showed up, but I think I've come around. He's not a pointedly bad actor anymore, and he's not too hard on the eyes. I'm not interested in a round two brothers love triangle with Kiki, though, and it sort of seems like they're laying groundwork for that. There is no way I believe that any set of brothers would fight over such a creature even once, let alone twice. 


Loved Dante and Lulu making out joyously while Maxie was still tied to a chair. But while I understand the gas was supposed to be fast-acting, couldn't Dante the trained police officer have used the couple of seconds he had to walk over to the gaping open door and the fresh air, where the effects surely would have been diluted? It annoyed me to see people collapsing a foot away from the outside air. 


Nathan and Maxie have really grown on me. I'm almost sort of (gasp) looking forward to seeing where this goes. 

  • Love 2

Ever since I started fast-forwarding any and all scenes with Freakco and/or Neens, I have bee enjoying the show a lot more. I think the only exceptions I will make is if Robin and/or Robert is also in the scene.

That said, it seems like every Nina scene is much longer than every other scene. I feel like I'm ff'ing forever. I saw where someone pointed out that of FH's episode count, some of those episodes she didn't speak and in many others had minimal airtime and/or lines.

The point I'm getting at is that I would love to see how much actual airtime a character gets as opposed to strictly episode total. Because I'd be shocked if MSt wasn't in the top 2 or 3 in actual minutes on screen, behind only MB and maybe LW.

  • Love 2
I would be pretty upset if they let MW go while keeping the horrid Michelle Stafford and her flailing arms and creepy grin.



Get prepared as she signed on for TWO years. Get prepared as she signed on for TWO years.


UPI reported (in their fluff section) that Jason will be portrayed by Billy Miller.  Even more screen time for MB.  Blech.

FV is quoted. "Our cast is thrilled that he will be joining our General Hospital family, and I know that he will be an amazing addition to our talented cast."

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 1

Carlos! Yay! I feared you'd be gone forever!! ( I wonder if Johnny Z is is cellmate?)


Levi looks so cute with a haircut and the bronzer washed off! It's hard to take that cutesy face seriously as a bad guy.


That dark suit? The purposeful, regal stride? Stavros? 

(RKK and MS can have a scenery chewing grudge match between their characters. I'll watch every minute, pretty please show runners!) 

  • Love 3

(RKK and MS can have a scenery chewing grudge match between their characters. I'll watch every minute, pretty please show runners!)



And I'll FF thru every scene they share. But on the plus side, at least we might get some new sets out of the deal. I mean, between them, they'll eat every piece of scenery on the soundstage!

  • Love 2

Omg..., you watch the Jodi Arias trial too? You may be my new board bestie.

I'm obsessed with that trial to the point where I donated money to the Alexander Family (and got a lovely note from one of Travis's sisters).

And now that my new board bestie is also my trial buddy I can say what I've been thinking since she came on the show; every time I look at Sabrina she reminds me of Jodi Arias and I swear the resemblance (at least in my head) colored my opinion of Sabrina from the minute I saw her with those damn glasses and long hair. Am I going to hell because I wish Sabrina would pull an Arias on Sonny on AJ's behalf? She could possibly gain the respect of all of us Sonny-haters.

Omg , I am so going to hell for that :D

  • Love 4

I'm obsessed with that trial to the point where I donated money to the Alexander Family (and got a lovely note from one of Travis's sisters).

And now that my new board bestie is also my trial buddy I can say what I've been thinking since she came on the show; every time I look at Sabrina she reminds me of Jodi Arias and I swear the resemblance (at least in my head) colored my opinion of Sabrina from the minute I saw her with those damn glasses and long hair. Am I going to hell because I wish Sabrina would pull an Arias on Sonny on AJ's behalf? She could possibly gain the respect of all of us Sonny-haters.

Omg , I am so going to hell for that :D

Dude, yes she looks so much like her. It's why I want Sabrina to be evil. From the glasses to the baby voice, she's Jodi Arias come to life. Even with the curls. I don't buy the sweet act. (Then again, I wasn't the jury foreman!) It's weird because Billy Miller resembles Travis. If only Scotty could be half the lawyer Juan is.

But yeah I'd ship Sabrina/Sonny like crazy if it ended in a giant blood bath for AJ.

  • Love 1
The hostage standoff and the subsequent gas grenade were right out of a 1960s Batman episode.


Now I really want the show to put up "Bam!" "Kapow!" and "Oof!" starbursts the next time there's a fight. With the appropriate music cues, of course.


It annoyed me to see people collapsing a foot away from the outside air.

I LOVED Nathan looking in through the side window with a "Wait...what?!" look on his face. Total UCG. So much for rescuing Maxie.

  • Love 6
The hostage standoff and the subsequent gas grenade were right out of a 1960s Batman episode.


Gasp, do not compare the campy delights of the 1960s "Batman" (which I am THRILLED is finally coming out on DVD!) to this train wreck.


I missed the previews...what kind of garbage...I mean, drama...is on deck for today?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1
That dark suit? The purposeful, regal stride? Stavros?​



I thought I could see the outline of a back brace through the suit, and I assumed it's Tony Geary's return.  Not that I am excited about that at all.  


Nina gets on my very last nerve, and I generally detest every scene she is in, but I did like how Ava was giving her the serious skunk eye.  Apparently Ava is the only one in all of PC to realize how totally unhinged that chick is.  


Carlos and Sabrina together is the only way I can enjoy either one.  They should get Carlos out of jail and put the two of them together.  And then have them murder Sonny.  

  • Love 1

On the NEXT bitch-fight between Nina and Ava!


Man, I can't WAIT to see the next encounter these 2 have!! Just wait til Ava finds out that bitch can walk! (I just KNOW it's gonna happen)...And who ELSE thinks that Nina is gonna try and take Ava's baby from her, but it's gonna blow up in her face horribly?? (I do)...


And who else thinks Sabrina is gonna do something incredibly stupid and put some folk's lives at risk, in order to find out who was responsible for her baby's death? (I do)...


And why does the guy in the dark suit who showed up at the house (WHERE NOBODY THOUGHT TO LEAVE WHEN THE DAM GAS EXPLODED) make me think that it's Victor?

  • Love 4

I referred to the gas as silly, others here called it Batman gas (referring to the 1960s campy Batman).


I am not a Ron supporter, but he does some things right. I think this was a lower budget attempt to be realistic.


I think---think---he is trying to go back to 2002. Muslim terrorists had taken Russian families, over 100 people, hostage in a Moscow theatre. The reasons can be debated, and shouldn't be debated on this site, so I am leaving that alone except for the mention as a memory aid.


However, the Russian special forces team used a special gas that contained a super hyped up version of the active drug in fentanyl, then disolved into a powerful organic solvent and spraying out as an aerosol. Wiki claims a single breath puts you down in 1 to 3 seconds, and it can be absorbed somewhat by the skin. This would explain the yellow suits Ron had the extras use, and the fact so many went down so fast on the show.


In real life every hostage died because they need to get the antidote injected very quickly, and even then many people need intubation to keep breathing.


So Ron may have this one right, and if this is what he meant then it makes glove man (the suited mystery bad guy) a super connected bad guy indeed.

Edited by Happyshooter
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