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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I get why Sam might not want to breast-feed in front of Sonny, but why was Jason not in the room? The writing for Sam and Jason as parents is so contradictory. Nothing is more important than family, then Sam can hand over the baby to Pip, Jason can go diffuse a bomb, etc. 

But yesterday they showed Alexis feeding the baby from a bottle, and I think Sam was too, so I figured she wasn't breastfeeding after all. Yet today it seemed she banished the men outside the room while she was feeding the kid. So is she breastfeeding or not?

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5 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

But yesterday they showed Alexis feeding the baby from a bottle, and I think Sam was too, so I figured she wasn't breastfeeding after all. Yet today it seemed she banished the men outside the room while she was feeding the kid. So is she breastfeeding or not?

She could be doing both. Or pumping breastmilk. 

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It's extra dumb that they're pushing the family angle with Nelle, because it's not like kidney donations never come from strangers. Yeah, you probably have a better chance of a match from a relative, but you can also do just fine with a stranger's. Which, genetically, is what Nelle is to Joss. Unless we're going to get a giant retcon of who exactly Carly's bio father is. I'd love to hear how they explain Bobbie not knowing.

I still think that Carly's bio father could be retconned. Bobbie could've been wrong. It could turn out that Frank Benson was actually Carly's biological father. He could've been a Bobbie client. And found out Bobbie was pregnant, decided to trick his wife into adopting his own biological child. Virginia found out about Frank's taste for child prostitutes and threw him out. Maybe she knew about Carly's parentage or maybe not. It could work either way. At least it makes it slightly more likely that Nell would be a match for Joss.

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14 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Hmm. I somewhat disagree with Joe West. I don't think anything is being done to make Olivia Jerome look "good."  She's a short-stay character. Things are being done to keep the story going for as long as they want it to go, and some of the things are more plausible than others, which is why a lot is taking place offscreen.

If anything, Ava is the one being made to look good, or at least better. Olivia Jerome is being portrayed as the most destructive and villainous of the Jerome siblings, and this is taking some of the spotlight off of the many onscreen misdeeds of Ava and Julian. Ava will still be standing when it's all over, and she will still be viable as a gray character. Manny Ruiz was worse than Sonny and Alcazar. Anthony Zacchara was worse than Johnny or Claudia Zacchara, or (again) Sonny. The Balkan was worse than Whoever. Et cetera.  

Also, getting away from the tweet of Joe West, I can understand feeling like an addiction story is boring, but how many soap tropes are there? Addiction has been done to death (and we are getting it x2 now, with Alexis's alcoholism and Finn's shooting up). Custody cases have been done to death; we're getting that one now with Charlotte. Back-from-the-dead has been done to death. Struggles for control of businesses have been done to death. Mob wars have been done to death. Paternity mysteries been done to death. High-risk pregnancy has been done to death. Cheating on one's partner/spouse has been done to death. Amnesia has been done to death. Grave illnesses have been done to death. Kidnapping/hostage situations have been done to death. Sentences that end with "...done to death" have been done to death, in this post alone.   

Watching a soap means seeing things that have been done to death. Even some of the wacky devices like aliens and underground cities have been around more than once (anyone who watched DOOL for any length of time got them all at least once). Caring about Finn's addiction and Hayden's response to it probably means liking those characters or those actors, individually or together. It sure isn't going to be the novelty of the material. And it's rare to like all the characters/actors equally on a big show. I didn't care about Sam and Jason finally having a daughter, but it's not really an issue I have with baby stories. I just don't like that couple, or her in any circumstance.  

With today being such a couple-focused day, I'm focusing on - and agreeing with your comment in the last paragraph about liking Finn and Hayden's story probably being more about "liking those characters or those actors, individually or together."

4 hours ago, backhometome said:

Anytime Sam gets to actually ream Freako out is nice. 

Fuck his ancient history comment though. He didnt think what Tom did to Liez was ancient history when he was putting him in a cage and shocking him.

The bomb stuff was so anticlimactic today. Jeez.

I hate Liez but I thought Hayden hugging her today was kinda cute. 

The bomb stuff was anticlimactic!!  The focus at the hospital today was on contriving scenes in which all FOUR couples could reaffirm their love or become closer – Jason & Sam, Liz & Franco, Finn & Hayden, Jordan & Curtis. 

Add the graveside scenes with Sonny & Carly and the bridge scenes with Julian & Alexis to all this couple building and reinforcing at the hospital – and this episode could have been called “The Shipper’s Show” or “Jelly Writes the Love Boat.”  Love – even if tortured – was in the air. 

Even Dayplayer Dante got to call his loving Mrs!! 

I can see why Kate Hall was given this writing assignment. 

Edited by Aurora2
1 minute ago, Aurora2 said:

The focus at the hospital today was on contriving scenes in which all FOUR couples could reaffirm their love or become closer – Jason & Sam, Liz & Franco, Finn & Hayden, Jordan & Curtis.

Speaking of Jordan and Curtis, there's Andre in the previews, seemingly wanting her back again.  Don't care.

Also, I thought Andre was vibing on Anna again after last week.

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7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Speaking of Jordan and Curtis, there's Andre in the previews, seemingly wanting her back again.  Don't care.

Also, I thought Andre was vibing on Anna again after last week.

I don't care either.  As well, Andre is better in scenes with anyone other than Jordan.  Not that he has the appeal of Curtis, but he is still better off being far away from her.

In fact, both Andre and Jordan are better being apart from each other because that relationship didn't do either one any good.  Maybe she and Andre might have had a slightly better chance if the writing hadn't included the Curtis subtext ever since Curtis and Andre met at the Floating Rib on Valentine's Day, 2016.  

But maybe not. 

Regardless, the writers made it too obvious to me from February., 2016, that the long range plan was Curtis and Jordan - a pairing which has a better chance to work - and not just because of chemistry.  It also has the all-important support of the writing team.  

1 hour ago, tveyeonyou said:

Umm, Dr. Finn, you're in a hospital. I'm pretty sure they have Suboxone for withdrawal. I kinda think Dr. Griffin will help you out since he knows you're an addict already. If you've been addicted to FakeDrug for so long and you go cold turkey you might, oh I don't know, die?

Come on writers, research is your friend.

They were stuck in that corridor cause they were all fire doors. Or something like that. I think that's what they said yesterday.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Why didn't Julian shoot Olivia?

He should have shot Olivia two years ago and spared us this storyline. At the same time, I don't really see him being reluctant to shoot Alexis now to save his own life, when he was ready to cut her throat last year for the same reason. Julian's number one true love has always been Julian.

The explosion we heard was the bomb squad doing a controlled explosion on the roof because it's safer than trying to move it. Jason told Sam, but he was talking pretty fast. I've seen it on done on news reports a couple of times; the bomb goes in a special box and they detonate it. It makes a sad WOMP noise.

I'm so glad we didn't have to see Sam and Jason telling Sonny the baby's name is Emily because I would have been reading all kinds of things into what would have no doubt been Jason's murderous "I dare you to mention my sister" fake smile while Sonny was cooing, "Emily, what a great name!" It was bad enough even hearing Sonny use her name when he said goodbye.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, OhioSongbird said:

WTF DID I JUST WATCH?  Talk about disjointed and confusing....did I not hear an explosion?

I confess I haven't gotten to the end yet...but...I'm 'cornfused'.....

It was completely anticlimactic, as everything Jelly does is. Friday's show was so much better.

6 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Sonny was cooing, "Emily, what a great name!"

That still creeped me out. It also makes me laugh when we have Jason/Sonny scenes now and Jason is basically like, "Well, see ya."

  • Love 6

When the ep opened with the tombstone I was literally like, "Who's Morgan Stone Corinthos?" LMAO @ myself!

I wish they would not even bother with putting dates on those. The engraving is telling me the character was born in 1994, and it's all I can do to keep from snorting. Because then I'm thinking...."Okay, so to accept that timeline, we have to imagine that the things Sonny was actually doing in the early 1990s were ten years earlier, around the time Luke and Laura were a big thing? And since Carly's history prior to hooking up with Sonny is so well documented, and had to take years, that means her 'revenge' on Bobbie, her relationships with Tony, AJ and Jason, and the whole Opie Opus were going on in the late 1980s? But Robin was onscreen having her own history in the late 1980s, and she certainly wasn't old enough to be in a love triangle with Carly and Jason."

So, consequently, I am thinking more about the screwed-up chronology than I am about Sonny's earnest monologue. In fact, I missed every word of it. It could have been "I love him! I love my dead straight son!" 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, ulkis said:

You just know if Michael had died, Sonny and Carly would have sprung for a tall-ass monument.

Ew at the imagery of Finn puking in a bucket. I don't understand why they keep putting him in these gross situations like licking the floor and talking about puking and making ridiculous sweaty faces.

Eww, seriously? GROSS. I have an irrational fear of throwing up, and I cannot even be in the same room as someone who is doing it. Thanks for the warning. I'm just going to FF all of his scenes. Not like I'd be missing much.

1 minute ago, tvgoddess said:

Eww, seriously? GROSS. I have an irrational fear of throwing up, and I cannot even be in the same room as someone who is doing it. Thanks for the warning. I'm just going to FF all of his scenes. Not like I'd be missing much.

Oh sorry! He didn't actually throw up. But they talked about it and she got him a bucket.

Friday was fun, but so, so irritating.  I used to be a huge Jason/Sam fan, but now I just can't with those two.  From the idiocy of spending many minutes with his hand up her crotch instead of simply carrying her to the car to give birth, to wrapping a still-wet newborn in a thin cloth, and handing it to a fainting woman to hold (instead of drying her off and tucking her up against Sam's chest under the coat), Jason was a bumbling moron.

Now he couldn't even be depended upon to stay in the hospital room and guard his just recovered from being mostly-dead wife, and his newborn.  Crazy Olivia is roaming the hospital, having already attempted to kill Sam, yet Jason is off to play savior again, so he hands his family over to a middle-aged recovering alcoholic.  And said person is immediately carried off again, leaving Sam and Emily unguarded.  And Danny is left with a geriatric senior who walks like she has major hip issues.  Was Danny even mentioned?  Since Olivia thought she'd already finished off Sam and baby, wouldn't Danny be a next plausible target?   I just wish we could see the actual scenes of Olivia Jerome carrying around these fully grown people.  It seems she would have thrown her back out by now.

Then Sam tosses her newborn to the first passing person, and valiantly attempts to run into the hospital to save Jason.  I was dying for someone to knock her out and drag her away.  For pete's sake.  And then when Jason asks her where Scout was, I expected her to say, "Who"?  She didn't even realize her mother was missing, it was just all about Jason.

And as much as I enjoyed Curtis refusing to leave Jason, Jason was like - back the fuck off buddy, don't you know I'm the hero in this town?  It's written in my contract.

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24 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Was Danny even mentioned?

I'm not one to be like "oh no they're never seen with the kids on a tv shoow nooo" but between Jason and Sam getting thrown off bridges and flying back up towards them and giving birth and then running around the hospital, and Monica and Alexis both being at the hospital, I was like, "hey, where's the other kid?" (Who is the person with the major hip issues? Monica? I don't think she was with Danny. Was she?)

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, ulkis said:

I'm not one to be like "oh no they're never seen with the kids on a tv shoow nooo" but between Jason and Sam getting thrown off bridges and flying back up towards them and giving birth and then running around the hospital, and Monica and Alexis both being at the hospital, I was like, "hey, where's the other kid?" (Who is the person with the major hip issues? Monica? I don't think she was with Danny. Was she?)

Ha! You're right, Monica was at the hospital.  Who the hell's with Danny?

  • Love 1

Eww, seriously? GROSS. I have an irrational fear of throwing up, and I cannot even be in the same room as someone who is doing it. Thanks for the warning. I'm just going to FF all of his scenes. Not like I'd be missing much.

I thought I was the only one, having that same fear.  It sucks.  I watch on Hulu, which doesn't make it easy to FF but it is doable on a laptop.

Bomb ending = lame.

Andre = lame.

Lulu's baby rabies = lame.

And I could go on and on and on....

I still like Kevin and Laura though.  And Jason and Curtis.  At least I get crumbs of interest every so often.

What was the point of Valerie's two second scene, only to have her disappear during any actual story?

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She didn't even realize her mother was missing, it was just all about Jason.

So...Alexis was going to get the car so Sam and the baby could get warm.  Then she disappears and Sam doesn't notice that Alexis never returned.  Where did she think Alexis parked, Canada?  Gene's Branford Roadhouse (or whatever they call it)?  Sure Sam's upset about Jason, but wouldn't she miss her mom eventually? 

Funny how Finn can't use his cell, but people in the hallway can text.  "NO SERVICE!!!"

  • Love 8

The bomb stuff was so anticlimactic today. Jeez.



 BM opened his eyes wide - what a 'get'.  Someone get him some coffee.  Not as much coffee as Curtis is imbibing but just put a little something into this show.  Please.   So many episodes wasted on this guy.   Thumbs down to whomever thought to resurrect Jason (and Franco).

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Why didn't Julian shoot Olivia? Or pistol-whip her into unconsciousness?

Because the Jeromes are very very bad at hand-to-hand combat. Sheesh. None of them took an Active Shooter course?

Considering how all the Pets have been Saving the Day lately (Finn with his windfall, Franco rescuing Liz), I'm honestly surprised Nina didn't defuse the bomb.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, ciarra said:

Sam doesn't notice that Alexis never returned.

Sam did notice, but she chalked it up to the general chaos. She wasn't concerned at that point.

19 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

None of them took an Active Shooter course?

Heh. This reminds me of the talk we got at work one day about what to do if there's an active shooter. The guy actually told us that it might be worth trying to disarm the shooter ourselves in order to save our colleagues. Afterward, everyone was like, "Yeah, I like you guys, but I'm not sure it's enough to sacrifice my life." Nous ne sommes pas Jason.

Edited by dubbel zout
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11 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Then Sam tosses her newborn to the first passing person, and valiantly attempts to run into the hospital to save Jason.  I was dying for someone to knock her out and drag her away.  For pete's sake.  And then when Jason asks her where Scout was, I expected her to say, "Who"?  She didn't even realize her mother was missing, it was just all about Jason.


Not to mention she JUST had major abdominal surgery and she's running and jumping  into Jason's arms when he comes walking out of the hospital.  Then, they get back in her room and she has some seriously clunky dialogue with Sonny.  I'm not one to side with him, but he literally just walked in the room and smiled at the baby and she's like "ooooh, sorry, you're thinking about your dead son, aren't you?"  Way to bring down the room, Sam.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, ulkis said:
12 hours ago, ulkis said:

Oh sorry! He didn't actually throw up. But they talked about it and she got him a bucket.

They were stuck in that corridor cause they were all fire doors. Or something like that. I think that's what they said yesterday.

The quote thingy is weird today, maybe its the stupid Storm of The Century.

Anyway, I think when Not Franco In My Head said something like "what's that smell" or something that left me with the impression Finn may have vomited in the bucket, off screen of course and thankfully. WTF???? I just wrote a bunch of words and they disappeared in front of my eyes. What I said was the Suboxone thing, I knew they were stuck in the room but I figured since they're in the medical profession they should be aware of the meds commonly used for withdrawal from all kinds of narcotics, I'm just going off my own experience having fibromyalgia for at least 15 years my pain management doctor had me taking oxycontin 80mgs 3 times a day and I wanted off the pill merry-go-round so they put me on Suboxone, you have to wait until you're sick as Finn is now for it to work. I know he's keeping it hidden the best he can but he's got Doc Griffin and Nurse Liz who must be aware of this med and I'm trying to apply logic to this show so obviously I'm crazier than Liv and Heather put together :)

Also, lamest bomb threat ever.

So will we see Julian not dead and Liv with a gunshot wound today? Or next week? Is this going to end up with the reunion of Alexis and Julian? Oy, this show, why do I do this to myself?

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2 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Are we supposed to think that making Julian everybody's lackey makes him less responsible for his actions? Because it doesn't. What it does do is make me despise him as a weakling and a moron

Where is DGAF Julian? The one who shrugged when his real name was about to be revealed? I liked that Julian. This one is pathetic. And not telling his family they might be in trouble makes him a jerk.

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I would SO appreciate anyone's help with this, if you're reading now.  My insane local ABC news has decided to do 24 hour coverage of the storm here in western MA (as if I couldn't tell what was happening by looking out my windows).  Doofuses.  If anyone could give a short synopsis of what's happening I would be ever so grateful!  I'm going nuts; GH is my guilty pleasure and only respite from MSNBC.  As much as I love politics, not between 2 and 3 o'clock I don't.

Edited by Ladyrain
43 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

I would SO appreciate anyone's help with this, if you're reading now.  My insane local ABC news has decided to do 24 hour coverage of the storm here in western MA (as if I couldn't tell what was happening by looking out my windows).  Doofuses.  If anyone could give a short synopsis of what's happening I would be ever so grateful!  I'm going nuts; GH is my guilty pleasure and only respite from MSNBC.  As much as I love politics, not between 2 and 3 o'clock I don't.

Here's a link to a show thread from Soapzone.  Maybe that'll work in a pinch?


  • Love 1

The Liv and Carly scenes were so lame. One brief tussle over the gun and Carly magically manages to shoot Liv. Liv begging for Carly's mercy was pathetic. I'm sorry, Liv, you deserved to be taken down by a better woman than Carly.

Lulu and Laura ganging up on Kevin was unfair to him. He's trying to maintain his professionalism, but they don't give a fuck if it's not going to help their case. At least Laura had the grace to apologize for pressuring him.

Liz is just now wondering if Jake has repressed memories? That child should have been in therapy from the day he was returned to Liz. Guess Liz has been too busy panting over Franco to pay attention to her son's mental health.

The Jordan/Andre/Curtis triangle is offensively boring, especially since we all know Curtis' heart truly belongs to his BFF Jason. 

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I loved Andre facing off with Curtis.  That went surprisingly well because Curtis was playing games and Andre was having none of it. First time in a long time that I've liked Andre.

I hated EVERYTHING else including S&C wailing and whining about Morgan.  You know what would have been amazing? Monica appearing from the shadows to shoot Carly in the back and Alan coming back from the dead, terrifying Sonny so badly that he fell backwards over the bridge.

And this show having Curtis call Sonny "Mr Corinthos".  For fuck's sake. They really don't get it. Morons. The lot of them.

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