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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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3 hours ago, Perkie said:

The biggest problem is that thanks to his three families, Michael is related to 98% of the town.  I had to think hard to try and find someone that he's not related to that he could date and all I got was Emma and Anna!

They need a new female resident at GH.  This woman should not be related to the Q's, the Spencers or the Corrinthi.  She should be a hard line non-mob apologist. She could have a family history of being innocent victims of Sonny's mob activities, gambling, trafficking of women (maybe Sonny did to her mother many of the things he had done to Scott Baldwin's daughter, Karen), drugs (I know Sonny says he is would never deal in drugs...Ya think he may be lying about that?), and murder for power and profit.  Let this new resident show Michael the damage Sonny has done to so many innocent people and open his eyes to who Sonny Corrinthos REALLY is.  This woman could help deCorrinthos Michael once and for all and set him free from the role of family caretaker.  She could be one of Scott's daughter's Serena or Christina.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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Jane Elliot and Rebecca Budig's scenes on Tuesday's show were the first time in a long time that this show has made me want to cry in the way that you're supposed to want to cry at a soap (rather than "Because this is so bad"). I'm a sucker for those soap conversations that work on two levels, where one character is being mistaken for someone else, and plays along and says things that apply to what the mistaken character thinks but also are from the heart. I thought they both rocked it.  When Tracy said, "Even though I was raised by the sweetest woman in the world," I thought about Lila, but I also didn't want that to conflict with some Haychel knowledge that Naomi's mother was not sweet in the least, because I wanted the scene to go on the way it was.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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27 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

 When Tracy said, "Even though I was raised by the sweetest woman in the world," I thought about Lila....

Lila knew that she didn't have the sweetest family in the world, but she was really tolerant and forgiving. I recall that Tracy was predictably obedient to Lila, even as an adult, but Edward Quartermaine was an old so-and-so who baited his daughter and made her feel inadequate and unfit for leadership at ELQ. Since even Edward usually did what Lila asked, I wondered why she didn't put in a good word or lecture on Tracy's behalf to  Edward. If so, Tracy might have turned out less bitter and more fulfilled.

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Sam had a baby with Michael's biological father and his adoptive father. So hell no to them ever hooking up.

Much as I used to like a good Saxie scene, I still can't bring myself to watch this shitfest. I will stick with a clip. Spin City reruns are on deck for tomorrow.

Saxie have had a discussion about how the sex was with Lucky.

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16 hours ago, Michel said:

That's why I don't think it's Franco getting his "hero moment."  I really do think they're setting things up so that Elizabeth really sees the -- the thing she's dating and opens her eyes.  I truly don't think we're supposed to be seeing him as the hero in this. 

I mean, come on!  The fact that the show juxtaposed Elizabeth's comments that she didn't want to be seen as someone who needed protecting with footage of Franco making the preparations to his plan says it all.  He doesn't respect Elizabeth or her position at all, even after she begged him to respect it.  I can't see Elizabeth looking the other way after this, because as @Darklazr essentially said above, this is basically Ric and the panic room all over again.

I've been thinking this, too.  There have been multiple scenes in which people point out how obsessive Franco acts to Elizabeth, and she usually acknowledges it. Plus I just saw a GH promo, in which Franco/Elizabeth are canoodling, and it's implied that Griffin is jealous.  I think Liz is going to dump Franco and be comforted by Griffin.  There's no way in hell she will approve of what Franco is doing, and they better not write that she does. 

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Speaking of Jason, it cracked me up that even Sonny finds the Billy Miller version of him too boring to listen to.

It's somewhat amusing to see these writers attempt to make 'keeping a secret' plot watchable or interesting with these two vile thugs who these writers (and those who came before) continue to have make a living threatening and extorting from people down on their luck.  So Sonny didn't cheat on his wife or place the bomb in a car that blew up his son.  He still is responsible for placing other bombs and as one of the biggest crime lords in the nation he is still responsible for horrible stuff every day.  Compared to murder, extortion, assault and other felonies, committing adultery is a yawner.  Billy Miller is bored - but it's better than being annoyed - as this watcher is - having to watch these two violent thugs exist outside of prison walls.

I am enjoying Nelle.  It makes having to watch Sonny and Carly scenes somewhat less painful.  Then again, I prefer watching Franco over Sonny.

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Tracy and Hayden were the only bright spots in yesterday's show.

So, Show wants me to root for Retconned Rapist against Real Rapist because #Justice4Liz? Why doesn't Franco extract extralegal justice with thumbdrive blackmail like everyone else?

Tom Baker is just unfortunate enough that he doesn't have Diane or a team of lawyers threatening lawsuits against the town for  harassing him for being a creepy guy with an unpaid social debt, like Sonny, Jason, Valentin, Julian......

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

So Is Ava's part in switching Morgan's meds "gone with the wind" except for Scott knowing? Since for all intents and purposes he is mostly off the canvas, supposedly canoodling with Lucy, does that mean that Ava got away with it, including all retribution from CarSon?

Only when the plotline needs it for CarSon to have something over Ava. They still have the recording of Paul and Ava having sex, and it's because she "might" have known about the hospital murders, but didn't say anything (which, not going to the authorities is standard MO for Jason/Carly/Sonny/Sam).

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When Tracy said, "Even though I was raised by the sweetest woman in the world

I always felt Lila's sweetness was as overrated as Emily's supposed goodness. Sure, she probably was one of the best people in town, even back then, but come on, now. Most of these folks are morally bankrupt. Being the sweetest person in that town isn't hard to achieve. Just don't kill, or threaten to kill, anyone before noon, and the title is yours. Easy peasy.

I wish I cared enough to watch the Rebecca Budig/Tracy scenes. I might check them out this week, possibly. I just find the whole illness story tired and done.

I never felt I could accurately judge Lila, because by the time I was watching in the '90s, the actress was...well, limited. Quite understandably so, but still. Lila was this show's equivalent of Alice (in later years) on Days, a town matriarch beloved by all, even people who could not agree on anything else. Anna Lee would be wheeled in for short scenes, and you could tell that filming them had required some doing. Her line readings were often done in one-shots, and maybe her hearing was poor, so she would speak a little too loudly. The lines were things like "I find Mr. Corinthos perfectly charming!" or "AJ! Jason! Please try to get along! Just this one day!" One got the sense that it was not just soap ageism that kept there from being a story "about" her, that it would be impossible to achieve. So she did not seem like a full character to me.  

But I do not mind the selling of her as a modern saint, because families actually do that kind of thing, even in real life, with someone who lived a long time and is missed.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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20 hours ago, magnolia11 said:

It hurts my heart to picture poor, awesome Tatiana Maslany forced to be on this shit show.

True, but after thinking it over, everyone can be fired and Tatiana Maslany could play every single character on TFGH way better than the actors already on the canvas.

But you're right, Tatiana is way too awesome for this dreck.

On topic, this show still sucks. Why? How can a once great show, now one of the very few soap operas left on television, become something I hate-watch? I have enough horrible bullshit in my own life, what happened to 'love in the afternoon' and a few 'Calgon take me away' moments? Dammit, I've been watching this show since 1976, I want to hang in there till it's over but they aren't making it easy. Give me some real romance, or at least someone to root for, enough of the Sonny and Carly Show already.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I sure hope that we don't have to endure the cage and the shocks today...please writers, WRITE SOMETHING BETTER!

FV is feverishly yelling at the in-house music department to write a more catchy "Easy Street".

2 hours ago, tveyeonyou said:

True, but after thinking it over, everyone can be fired and Tatiana Maslany could play every single character on TFGH way better than the actors already on the canvas.

And would be more entertaining than the original actor/actress.

I think the writers must be as bored as we are, because they keep showing us flashbacks instead of providing new material. That's one of my least favorite soap tropes. I haven't been brainwashed, in a coma, or had severe head trauma; I can remember what happened two weeks ago without seeing it again, thanks.

Can we please get Alexis to stop boozing and get her away from Julian and Ava? I want to see her interact with Valentin again, dammit.

Maxie was breathing, which means she was being inappropriately invasive. Her hair looked awful, too.

Sonny was staring at the Christmas ornaments like they were unusual artifacts. MB's acting choices are always so stilted, I swear. Nelle referring to Port Charles as her home now really does make me wonder who on the canvas she'll wind up related to. Whoever it is, I'm sure I won't care.

  • Love 6

Carly's childhood was not so terrible that she didn't have a Christmas tree and decorations. They might not have been super lavish, but she was hardly bereft. 

I love how Alexis keeps reliving her drunk-driving accident while guzzling booze.

The pawn shop guy looked vaguely familiar. Not from GH, but elsewhere. Those scenes were deadly stupid.

Maxie is way too invested in the gender of Sam and Jason's baby. It's not as if the options are vast. And fuck her for taking the results. 

  • Love 8

Sonny actually cracked me up with the way he said, "uh, what?" after Carly said Michael was in flip flops. He just wanted to go away.

Carly: I know I've been caught up in my own stuff.

aka, her son being exploded. Out of all the reasons Carly is self-absorbed . . . that isn't one of them.

Why didn't Sonny tell Nelle to leave, yeesh. 

I think Alexis with the cap in her mouth was supposed to look funny. It wasn't though. She looked really nice today though. 

Okay, the writers were trying a leetle too hard with Curtis' oh no my shoes monologue.

Maxie: still the Worst Friend Ever. And if KSt's hair is supposed to be hiding her face, it's probably more distracting than what's under there. And if they just did that hairstyle for no purpose whatsoever, they need to not do it again.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Why didn't Sonny tell Nelle to leave, yeesh. 

The blocking for a lot those scenes made me laugh, with Nelle in the background between Sonny and Carly. Oooh, foreshadowing! Subtle, Show. 

Can Nelle PLEASE put her plan in action? Or monologue what she's up to? Anything that shows forward progress?

  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Sam/Maxie scenes were a welcome change to Sam talking about her mother and the stupid investigation on end. The gender reveal hold up is dumb though. 

It's probably because the writers wanna do those gender reveals and be all cute about it. Since Sam and Jason would never do that (although the characters have changed so much that I don't know what they would and wouldn't do anymore), but Maxie is of course up for the challenge.

I hate everything Lulu.

I hate everything Sonny.

I hate everything Carly.

I hate everything Nelle. Also Ava, Alexis, Julian...

Curtis is still very hot.

I wonder how the actors react when they receive their scripts. Do some of them go "oh, I've got no lines to learn this week because I've been saying the SAME thing for the past 3 months!"

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Syndicate said:

I'm feeling like Sam is probably having twins. A boy and a girl or maybe just two girls since Jason already has two sons. Just a feeling based on the "secrecy."

Hell, give her quintuplets. Boring is boring be it with 1, 2, or 5 babies. Not a slam on Sam, exactly, because the whole show is a cure for insomnia. (I read some character on ATWT in the '80s had quads. Sam can break that soap record.)

  • Love 3

I love it that tough, sexy, masculine Curtis is afraid of RATS! As a guy myself, so am I. RATS are, more or less, very timid creatures, but there's something decidedly creepy about them. Curtis likened the one that he saw to a doberman pincher, a bit of an exaggeration I'm sure, but some of them are indeed very large and very hairy with long spiky tails. I cringe in their presence so I feel Curtis's uneasiness.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Maxie: still the Worst Friend Ever. And if KSt's hair is supposed to be hiding her face, it's probably more distracting than what's under there. And if they just did that hairstyle for no purpose whatsoever, they need to not do it again.

Maxie SFU about the kid's sex. Maxie is worse than a child about snooping secrets. I can imagine Maxie finding out the gender of JaSam's kid and then theming a baby shower around it so that everyone, not just Sam, guesses the gender ahead of time. She is a terrible "friend".

40 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Hell, give her quintuplets. Boring is boring be it with 1, 2, or 5 babies. Not a slam on Sam, exactly, because the whole show is a cure for insomnia. (I read some character on ATWT in the '80s had quads. Sam can break that soap record.)

I say they give them 10 kids and they can travel around the country as a hit band. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Linny said:

Her [Maxie] hair looked awful, too.

You should've seen the look on my sister's face when she saw Maxie's hair. Seriously, what the fuck was that?

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Maxie is way too invested in the gender of Sam and Jason's baby. It's not as if the options are vast. And fuck her for taking the results. 

This. Maxie was just the worst today. 

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I wonder how the actors react when they receive their scripts. 

I always think about this. I really feel for them. It's hard enough to watch this shit, I can't even imagine how hard it is to act it out.

58 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Ava was so fucking obnoxious.


Edited by peachmangosteen
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Maxie's initial curiosity about the baby's gender was in character, I thought—that's pretty normal for anyone—but for her to take the results? No. Why does she have to know that badly? I think her obsession to find out what Nathan's wedding gift from Paris is is also way overdone. KSt is giving both of these a manic edge that makes Maxie look unhinged, and that's not helping.

Edited by dubbel zout
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25 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I'm trying to figure it whether this is in character for Maxie but the writing for her has been such a mess for so long that I can't really tell - this still feels beneath her though

I feel like Maxie has gotten dumber over the last few years. Or at least more vapid and annoying, which makes her seem dumber. And the way KSt plays her makes things worse sometimes. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

Well, Sam can't be the bad friend! That's not how this works, girl. 

Heh. But, Maxie still manages to be a bad friend to Lulu, and Lulu's not that great herself, so it's possible!

I thought Ava/MW did a lot of over the top screeching today, but I did like her one line reading of "oh no my dear". Why couldn't she keep it at that level instead of going straight for the scenery right after.

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10 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

I feel like Maxie has gotten dumber over the last few years. Or at least more vapid and annoying, which makes her seem dumber. And the way KSt plays her makes things worse sometimes. 

When was Maxie NOT been vapid and annoying, as played by KSt (and JL)? She was cool during the early surrogacy. I suppose she was more tolerable in comparison to Lulu during the years when Lulu was Carly's BFF and had those bangs, but I wasn't paying much attention at the time. I guess I liked her around the time of the non wedding to Spinelli too.

KSt has gotten worse, imo, but so has everyone, so, in varying degrees.

30 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I always think about this. I really feel for them. It's hard enough to watch this shit, I can't even imagine how hard it is to act it out.

I don't know, I think they have fun with some stuff. The actor who plays Tom had an interview, and in it he made it seem like he and RoHo were excited to play the cage scenes. Maybe they just think of it as a scene at a time. And I think they (the whole cast, not just the two of them) like working with each other.

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