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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Molly's hair cut and highlights look beautiful.  She definitely looks more grown up now. Nice to see her and Joss together, with the candles. One sweet moment amidst so much ugliness on this show. 

Eyeroll at Kristina for continuing to be a brat toward Carly about Jax after Carly explained he's there to support Josslyn because "she lost her brother, too." Although I'm slightly amused by Carly shading her own dead son with the Kristina temper comparison.

Shut up, Alexis. Jax does not deserve any attitude from you.  He was right to say that to Sonny.

It's sad that of the 4 Davis women, the only one with decent judgment is the 18/19-year-old.

The rest is too awful, and predictable, for me.  Michael's eulogy for Morgan sounded like he never even met his little brother.  I think that's the the most WTF I've heard since the time Sam told someone that Robin as a priority in Jason's life has been problematic in their relationship (paraphrasing here). 

  • Love 3

No Lucas, and no mention of where Lucas is, which is especially glaring given we got confirmation from Brad this week that he/they are in town.  I knew this would happen, but it still irritates me to no end.

Also no Valerie, though that's a little more forgivable.  You'd still think she'd want to support Bobbie.

In other enraging news, I need the show to stop with Tracy tying herself into knots to prop Dr. Michael Easton and Rebecca Budig.

6 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Michael's eulogy for Morgan sounded like he never even met his little brother.

Seriously.  Morgan's capacity for forgiveness?  Girl, please.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

No Lucas, and no mention of where Lucas is, which is especially glaring given we got confirmation from Brad this week that he/they are in town.  I knew this would happen, but it still irritates me to no end.

Seriously.  Morgan's capacity for forgiveness?  Girl, please.

What stood out to me is Nelle sitting in the pew next to Bobbie (we know she's given Nelle the side-eye), instead of Lucas.  Also, Dillon shows up to offer condolences to the family and wants to offer support to Kiki - yet Morgan's one "friend"/Molly's long-time boyfriend, TJ, is a no-show.

I had the same reaction to "forgive", but I had a stronger WTF reaction to Michael saying Morgan was "creative." What, is he counting the time Morgan hatched a plan with Kiki to set him up to look like an alcoholic and therefore a danger to baby Avery?? 

  • Love 8

I don't really mind Kristina being a brat. She's self absorbed, it rings true to me that she would be nasty to Carly. Also, Molly's new hair style is so cute.

TJ really should have been at the funeral. Ditto for the Perks guys that he worked with. Maybe even Darby. I know the church was tiny but come on.

Sonny is going to shoot himself in a church? I can't even enjoy the idea of being rid of Sonny because I know he will not take the shot. Depressing end to a miserable week.

  • Love 6

So.  The funeral is about Sonny. Poor, poor Sonny. Jason missing part of the funeral to do bidding in defense of Sonny.  The eulogies showcase a Morgan that was not on the show, meaning, nobody actually knew who Morgan was, they couldn't even use positive terms to describe his negative qualities.  Not that any of it mattered. Because the focus was on poor Sonny.

Sonny brings a gun, because he's clearly planning to kill himself. At the funeral. In front of grieving family and friends. In front of his wife and his children.

GH cannot handle serious topics.  Not even a little bit. And I can't help but wonder if any of the actors present, including MB himself, felt some outrage and discomfort with what is going to happen. It's just so incredibly disrespectful and thoughtless of the show runners to go there.

  • Love 10

I think Sonny will just hand over his gun and leave town (for a day). He's just giving up violence in the most melodramatic way possible.

6 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

I don't really mind Kristina being a brat. She's self absorbed, it rings true to me that she would be nasty to Carly.

Nor do I, although it's still petty of Kristina. Carly having an awesome relationship with any of her stepkids doesn't really ring true anyway. I just wish they had shown some coolness in the relationship before this.

  • Love 3

I usually give this show some leeway, because -  it's a soap, and I like my soaps kinda soapy.  So, over-the-top or unbelievable situations I try to forgive; if GH was totally like real life, who'd be interested in watching it?  But for some reason, several things just bugged me no end today.  First was the casket.  Seriously?  For a millionaire's son, that sure was the most beat up, cheap-ass coffin I have ever seen.  It must have been sitting in the prop room under, well, everything.  And it was filthy.  No Pledge and a dust-cloth anywhere in the whole studio?  Second was Carly sitting in the front pew, legs crossed, her dress hiked up to her hoo-ha.  I may be a very lapsed Catholic, but I somehow remember the nuns telling us to never cross our legs in church; it looked disrespectful.  I'm sure mini-skirts weren't even on their radar.  And are they really telling us that Sonny is going to blow his brains out in front of his whole family....in a church?!  Even I can't give enough leeway for that particular scenario.  I surely hope the writers have something else up their sleeves with that little teaser. 

  • Love 3

Everyone in that church needs to take a breath and think for a second and say "ya know Sonny it would be the best thing for us all if you did eat a bullet.  However, don't do it indoors where someone will have to clean up the mess you will make.  Go outside in nature and do it there where no one will find you and your rotting  self.  Leave yourself for your spirit animal the vultures.  

This election has really brought out the dark side in me.   I guess I have no more patience with narcissistic sociopaths whether they are real or fictional characters.

  • Love 16

Did anyone mention to super-Catholic Sonny that suicide is a mortal sin? Then again, so is murder.

Admittedly, I haven't watched and am just going by what you guys say here, but I have a hard time buying this as a genuine suicide attempt. It seems like a stunt on Sonny's part to make himself the center of attention and have everyone tell him how wonderful he is and how they all need him and love him and barf.

ETA: Also, is there any chance in hell this behavior is going to land him in Ferncliffe or Shadybrooke or Miscaviage or someplace, as would undoubtedly happen to a wimmins who pulled the same stunt? Never mind, I know the answer.

Edited by Melgaypet
  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Did anyone mention to super-Catholic Sonny that suicide is a mortal sin? Then again, so is murder.

Admittedly, I haven't watched and am just going by what you guys say here, but I have a hard time buying this as a genuine suicide attempt. It seems like a stunt on Sonny's part to make himself the center of attention and have everyone tell him how wonderful he is and how they all need him and love him and barf.

So is getting married to a woman while your other wife is still alive. 

  • Love 1

Watching Tracy, Laura, Finn, Hayden, Liz and even Franco was a breath of fresh air after watching the Corinthos clan's pity party. What a contrast in actors.   I am 'enjoying' watching these folks and hope that they continue to be provided with some screen time.  Too bad that the Church didn't experience a spontaneous combustion.  Would have kept the operating expenses way down yet still would result in a bloated cast.

p.s.  Thanks for your service to Veterans out there in TFGH land.

Edited by sunnyface
Sonny 2X
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

You can tell the writers have no idea what to do with Sam. She has literally questioned someone or something in every episode for about four years now. They have completely limited her because she can't do or say anything outside of this boring comfort zone they created for her. 

I miss bad Sam from 2007 and her revenge tour.  KeMo's strength IMO is to play the bad girl sexy vixen and not this BS heirone crap.  

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

I miss bad Sam from 2007 and her revenge tour.  KeMo's strength IMO is to play the bad girl sexy vixen and not this BS heirone crap.  

They should totally start on that by revealing Sam is not Alexis' daughter and that she's known it all along. That she found out when she still hated Alexis and punished her for everything under the sun and was planning to use it to really crush Alexis, but then started to like being fawned over and having sisters who adored her and then she eventually got over her anger and decided to be Alexis' daughter.  What I would give to de-leech Sam from the Davis family and put her fully and completely in the Corinthii/Morgan pack.

  • Love 1

No well-written character is ever just one thing.

38 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

People usually hate when I say this but she's plays a good bitch. She plays that attitude to perfection. Making her the good girl is such a damn shame.

I think KeMo is awesome at bitchy. At this point I don't even need her to burn down Wyndemere, I'd be happy if they'd stop flattening her out and allowed her to be angry with anyone and let it stick. Julian doesn't count because there's no real history or developed relationship there, but Liz, Nik and Franco?

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 9
2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I seriously don't get this blind spot the writers have re: Lucas' attendance at these events.  How hard is one line of dialogue from Bobbie that Lucas has the flu?  Or got stuck at the hospital because of an emergency? 

At this point I believe some of the writers just don't even remember Lucas exists. And since it's clear the writers don't consult each other at all (not even the ones writing the same episode!), I guess the ones that do remember him don't have a chance to remind the ones that don't.

Molly's hair was the only good thing about today's ep.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I checked in on screenshots because of all the discussion of the funeral fashion. I only saw today's pictures but it looked like everybody's skirt looked knee-length when seated. Is that actually considered too short for a funeral?

Depends on the church. Plenty of Catholic churches can be pretty conservative and if your outfit is too short or revealing you will probably hear about from your family. Usually women at funerals in my family, your dress/skirt had to be at least be right below the knee. No jeans. If you weren't going in a dress or skirt, you could wear dress slacks. As my grandma would say "You're not looking for a good time at a funeral, so you need to be showing some respect!"  

And yeah, Mr. Good Catholic wants to commit the mortal sin of suicide. In church. Keep on ignoring those sermons, Sonny. Wouldn't want you to learn something to change your attitude and behavior. Murder, divorce, stealing,  etc. Just add suicide to your list of ignored rules.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Vella said:

They should totally start on that by revealing Sam is not Alexis' daughter and that she's known it all along. That she found out when she still hated Alexis and punished her for everything under the sun and was planning to use it to really crush Alexis, but then started to like being fawned over and having sisters who adored her and then she eventually got over her anger and decided to be Alexis' daughter.  What I would give to de-leech Sam from the Davis family and put her fully and completely in the Corinthii/Morgan pack.


  • Love 10
1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

Don't you think we're in the minority, though? I think most Sam fans like her how she is now. They think she's matured and older and are OK with her not doing questionable or shady shit.

I dunno, I think a pretty good number of them would be okay with her going after Franco the way she went after Manny - especially since the situations are so similar. It's actually ridiculous that there haven't been any comparisons made between the characters. 

I don't think Sam was particularity "bitchy" for most of her stint in PC. I don't think she was even relentlessly bitchy in 2007; she was a three dimensional, flawed character who was allowed to react to circumstances. And some of her reactions were awful and some made sense but they were, for the most part, rooted in character history. 

I want good drama, good soap and good in-character writing. But I don't think we're going to get that - for anybody.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8
45 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

And since it's clear the writers don't consult each other at all (not even the ones writing the same episode!), I guess the ones that do remember him don't have a chance to remind the ones that don't.

There was an interview with Karen Harris (whom we suspected might have been Awesome Writer) where she basically said this. There's no writers room anymore—the writers live all over—so their ability to discuss stories with one another is limited. Their deadlines have gotten shorter, which makes it harder to correct inconsistencies and continuity.

49 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

They think she's matured and older and are OK with her not doing questionable or shady shit.

I don't think being mature and being bitchy are mutually exclusive. This fakakta show won't give characters any layers, though. They can be only one thing at a time.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Vella said:

So.  The funeral is about Sonny. Poor, poor Sonny. Jason missing part of the funeral to do bidding in defense of Sonny.  The eulogies showcase a Morgan that was not on the show, meaning, nobody actually knew who Morgan was, they couldn't even use positive terms to describe his negative qualities.  Not that any of it mattered. Because the focus was on poor Sonny.

Sonny loves making everything all about him, like the time he make it clear he was going to be at Robin's funeral no matter what her family and friends said about it. I mean, why leave a funeral just because her family wants you to leave? Of course, given how everyone is kissing Sonny's ass despite him apparently having killed Morgan, I don't see what he's so depressed about. Even Doctor Priest is making sure no one smears Sonny's halo.

3 hours ago, Vella said:

GH cannot handle serious topics.  Not even a little bit. And I can't help but wonder if any of the actors present, including MB himself, felt some outrage and discomfort with what is going to happen. It's just so incredibly disrespectful and thoughtless of the show runners to go there.

I'm sure he doesn't mind every character fawning all over his character, including his daughter Kristina - who used to be able to criticize Sonny and his actions before she had the lobotomy. Given how angry she was over Jax's presumed death, she should have been angry at Sonny and Carly over Morgan's death (which will never happen because no one is allowed to be mad at Sonny for very long, if at all).

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Jazzy24 said:


Yes, yes, yes.  She's a con artist at the core. It would have been just her thing to hold onto the truth so she could twist the knife in Alexis. But then she changed her mind and nobody was asking for DNA tests for proof, so she let it lie. She told Jason, who never gave a shit about Alexis anyway and was fine with keeping quiet.  And Helena would just LOVE to rub the truth in Alexis' face. To know all along Alexis was bonding with a phony?  Maybe to raise Alexis' REAL long lost daughter to hate her mother? Yes, yes, yes, steal away writers!

  • Love 2

Perkie rocks.

Thank you!

Although, some days it's just easier to come up with the snark than others.  So I guess I should be thanking the writers for writing such crap that is so easy to make fun of.

On a good note, Haley Pulos' hair looked fantastic.  Gotta admit, things got a little dusty in here when Joss started singing Amazing Grace (something about that song always gets me).  And I've got to give kudos once again to Laura Wright who continues to knock this stuff out of the park.  

The bad:  Pretty much everything Finn/Hayden.   The fact that they're going to make this some unknown person's fault so Sonny can be absolved.  Again.  Shut up show.  Why did the Davis coven leave before the ceremony was over?  Kristina's all, "I'm the only one here to support my father, oops my monthly maximum has been reached, gotta help take pregnant Sam home".  Wha?   What the flippin flap is going on with Nelle?   Move forward with that story already.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 1

Can Sonny just pull the damned trigger already?  This is his second "I'm gonna kill myself" moment in the last 4 weeks, just do it and get it over with.

Kristina needs to just stfu. What an entitled, narcissistic princess. Somebody needs to give her a participation trophy for being the "only one to support Dad", maybe that would shut her up.

Oh how I love Jax.

Why was nod-off Nelle leaning against the doorway, inappropriately smirking and what's with the envelope in her purse?  Bobbie's open distain of her is great.

Hayden really needs to succumb to this uber strength virus Finn's whipped up.

Are they seriously going to try and redeem Franco by having him take care of Liz's rapist?  Sorry, not drinking that Kool-Aid.

Loved Molly's hair.  With the new do, does anyone else think she's the spitting image of Jennifer Love Hewitt?  Just me, okay. 

Now for my soapbox moment.....we get days and days of Morgan's funeral, a secondary character at best, but Frank could only give Edward Quartermaine, a rich, legendary character who'd been part of this show for 30 years, little more than a segment.  Yes, I know it's been several years since Edward died, but at the time it felt like a horrendous disservice and it still does, especially after I watch all the wailing for Morgan add to that the wailing that went on for Sabrina and I just get a little stabby.  (stepping off the box).

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 8
9 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

This was actually said with more passion than Sam can muster.  I'm still waiting for the storyline that a sedative gas has been leaking into the penthouse for years, thus causing her constant state of lethargy.

This! Slow clapping here. The cause is either a sedative gas leak or a steady diet of pot brownies, cake a la pot, bean-and-pot burritos, whatever.

Shut up, Kristina. You may have moved up in the pecking order, but you're still #3. And a girl child. "It feels like we're all being pulled apart." Because you're being an asshole.

LOL at Hayden's Pulp Fiction adrenaline shot moment. Oh, Show. You so silly.

BM's Jason is not very threatening. I liked the broker standing up to him.

Wow, Morgan's casket looked terrible. Just because there's no body in it doesn't mean it shouldn't look nice. Whoever said it needed a swipe with Pledge was right.

Bobbie's "Ugh, this girl" face when she saw Nelle was great.

43 minutes ago, LegalParrot81 said:

Are they seriously going to try and redeem Franco by having him take care of Liz's rapist?  Sorry, not drinking that Kool-Aid.

Me neither. Especially when she told him not to do anything very firmly. Not listening to Liz doesn't endear Franco to me. Even when he talks like a cereal leprechaun.

LOL at Hayden being slammed into the elevator on the gurney. It's a good thing she was unconscious.

I was waiting for Sonny to say, "I love my son. I love my dead bipolar son," à la Heathers. And way to draw focus from the reason you're at the church in the first place, Sonny. Of course he makes it all about him. He never changes.

Edited by dubbel zout
end punctuation is important
  • Love 9

 Hayden's Pulp Fiction adrenaline shot moment

Granted my knowledge of medicine is based on what I see on Grey's Anatomy and Code Black, but I thought the point of the adrenaline shot was to restart the heart.  So why did Finn do it?  He said she had a pulse, though weak, which means the heart is working.  So why the shot?

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