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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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5 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, if there was a drinking game where I had to do a shot every time there was a scene of Ava coming over to see Avery and Carly sniping "she's sleeping!" I'd need a new liver. 

Lol, I thought the exact same thing too when I saw the Ava/Carly scene. 

Ava comes over to see Avery, Carly snipes at her, Ava snipes back and/or complains about something (usually Morgan), a line is thrown out about how cute Avery is, and presto - we've got the same scene being played out every other week.

  • Love 5
On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 2:19 PM, ulkis said:

There's good conflict right there that Jason would totally want Julian dead and Sam would feel uneasy about it. And yet . . . 

Actually, the better conflict would be- as I'm watching Friday's show now- Lucas wants his biological father to stay in PC because Carly and her manipulations ruined his beloved adoptive father, so who are Sam, Jason, Carly, Alexis, Molly, Kristina, and Sonny to judge?  It should be Lucas having emotional scenes right now about wanting his father in town to be there in his life.  And why should he give a care about what his adoptive sister who ruined his family as a child- basically ruined his childhood- and her mobster husband who's murdered people that Lucas as a doctor has seen day in and day out?  Also, I'd buy the "You hurt my mom" speech from Molly more than Sam because Julian totally ruined her dad too- or did Jelly not even bother to check up on things that happened a few years ago?  Like, we sat through tons of scenes of Molly hating Julian, but when he literally holds a dagger to her mom's throat, she ghosts her mom?  I dgaf about Kristina and who or what she wants to have sex with.  I care about scenes that make sense.  I care about not having to write a soap opera I watch on top of the rest of things in my life. 

Basically, TL;DR-

Lucas needed to have the emotional scenes with Julian.  Molly needed to have emotional scenes with Julian.  Not Sam, who maybe interacted with Julian about 3 times since finding out her was her dad.  There is so much they are not doing with Lucas that they should be.  He's more than a gay dude.  Ryan Carnes can act.  The character has history.  Make it happen.

  • Love 3

IWantCandy71  sorry I messed up the quote thing on my iPad, you're forgetting he is trying to inject Tracy with the same drug as the other victims, minus Sabrina and Liz of course. That right there is probable cause to arrest him for multiple murders and attempted murders. Now they should started checking to see where the drug was purchased and by what method (i.e., cash or credit card) and when, but this is the PC cops so who knows what procedures they will follow, stomp on or ignore...

Edited by linsav
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It was UCG. Sonny and his goon are talking in a public gym, the dialogue couldn't be more clichéd, and you know it's going to get botched somehow (Morgan). I don't know why Sonny even bothers anymore. He's terrible at delegating and doing things himself.

What got me was Sonny nattering on about how he did the right thing and let the police and the courts have their shot, but since they failed, it's his turn.  That essentially gives carte blanche to anyone he's wronged, too, since the police and the courts sure have failed in his case.

Oh, wait.  He's the good mobster, right?  I forget myself.

What I wouldn't give for someone to go after Sonny for what he did to A.J. and destroy him (and Carly), bit by bit.  Hey, MB, that'd give you something to sink your acting chops into!  Are you game?

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

What got me was Sonny nattering on about how he did the right thing and let the police and the courts have their shot, but since they failed, it's his turn.  That essentially gives carte blanche to anyone he's wronged, too, since the police and the courts sure have failed in his case.

I would bet that the Governor of NY essentially gave Sonny a pardon for all wrongs, past, present, and probably future. Sonny has a card in his wallet to prove it, and he just whips it out if arrested or even accused of evil-doing.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

What got me was Sonny nattering on about how he did the right thing and let the police and the courts have their shot, but since they failed, it's his turn. 

That's so typical Sonny. He's the only one ever affected by the system, whether it's for good or bad. His self-centeredness is always hilarious.

  • Love 6

Wasn't Paul talking on the phone a few weeks ago about the list he was working on?  What was that about?  Are we supposed to think he was talking on the phone to Susan?  'Cause that, I'm not buying.  More likely, the writers took another 180 turn, after that, on the reason for Paul's murder spree.  Because long range story plans are not in their toolbox.

  • Love 3

I do detect a change in the wind regarding the Corinthos marriage. A sea change. Carly seems genuinely worried about baby boy Morgan; she wants a safer and more predictable environment so he won't fly apart temperamentally. She seems willing to confront Sonny on it--indeed, she did. Another meltdown from Morgan could be the spark that lights and finally explodes the Corinthos marriage and sends cracks through the family relationships. For example, if Morgan loses his composure badly in front of the Dean and acts out, and if Morgan is expelled and retreats, covered in shame, Carly could lash out blindly in stress and wrath. Then other dominoes could topple.

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Either I wasn't paying attention, or the show hasn't explained it ---- what was Ava's plan for the sandwich bag of Morgan's meds that she brought to S & C's? I wasn't sure if she was going to put them back in Morgan's pill bottle, or if the show was reminding us that Morgan is taking sugar pills. 

Re: the odd (non) chemistry between BM and KeMo --- didn't they date a year or so ago? I remember seeing smoochy beach photos or something. I don't know their status, but maybe it adds a bit of awkwardness to their scenes (?)

Jane Elliot's hair is so shiny and beautiful. 

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Sake614 said:

He probably was talking to Susan. Doesn't mean she was responding. More likely a nurse held the phone to her ear. I don't recall him actually saying he killed anyone or that he was going to. Just something about a list and he's almost finished.

I call that he was actually talking to Susan's old voicemail.  She probably has a cell phone that wasn't disconnected.  Some of the calls probably went to dead Jenny.  I doubt even these writers would put a nurse in on this without casting them.  And to think that at one point we speculated that Hayden was Susan.   We were wrong.  Also, I can't picture either GMc's Sloan nor Ken Doll Sloan brutally raping and assaulting anyone.  So, that makes two/three rapists that Anna has slept with?  Wow.  That's not in character at all.  Faison, I get.  I'll buy Faison in a Duke mask with major stretching and alcohol.  But I can't buy Luke and Sloan.  Anyway, I think they'll tie this to Fluke by saying that Fluke was "being Bill" and lured Susan to PC about the property or to get her ELQ shares because there are magically millions of them and Sloan was supposed to intimidate her into selling, but raped her instead because he's a dead monster.  Susan believed Bill was actually alive and did this to her and told her mother, and the trauma of the rape and the lack of conviction put a lot of stress on her and Jenny, so Jenny killed herself.  Maybe they needed "Bill" to testify, but he couldn't testify, as he was dead and was actually an alter of Luke.  Luke is Bobbie's brother, Lucas is Luke's namesake.  That makes them automatically on the list.  Paul went for Bobbie, but saw Lucas and didn't mind attacking him instead since he was a "Luke Spencer" too.  Dr. Mays messed up the rape kit, Monica wrote a note apologizing to the judge.  The other people were jury members.  In one time period, because Luke Spencer went crazy and wanted ELQ, Paul Hornsby lost his entire family.  He does love his son, Dillion and does not want him ruined.  Hence why he probably doesn't care about killing Monica or Tracy at this moment in time.  Why doesn't he kill Michael?  Because no one really notices Michael anymore and he has been identifying as Sonny/Carly's kid.  Plus, he did shoot Sonny, so, yeah. 

Yup.  That's my theory.

1 hour ago, CoolWhipLite said:

Either I wasn't paying attention, or the show hasn't explained it ---- what was Ava's plan for the sandwich bag of Morgan's meds that she brought to S & C's? I wasn't sure if she was going to put them back in Morgan's pill bottle, or if the show was reminding us that Morgan is taking sugar pills. 

They didn't show it, but we were supposed to assume Ava was going to switch out more of Morgan's meds. She had a mini monologue about it, and is doing it so his behavior causes him and Lauren break up.

  • Love 1
On 9/30/2016 at 6:28 PM, IWantCandy71 said:

Some of them, yes. I think we are coming at it from slightly different angles, though. Not denying I'd miss some of the vets and maybe one or two "newbies".  Missing them, however, is different from the feeling of "the show will never be the same" if that character left the canvas permanently.

I guess the argument to be made is whether anyone at anytime would miss a newbie storyline or have that new character impact the show the way a vet character would/could.  For me, there's no comparison.  Yes, your point is valid in that any character can leave the show and the show won't be irreparably harmed - unless they start killing off GH vets - because that WOULD create irreparable harm, imo.  I've been watching since the 1970s, and I can tell you if the writers were to kill off anymore GH vets, I don't think I would continue to watch much longer because then the show would just revolve around a bunch of new characters that have zero history with the show.  Could Nina, Kiki, Finn, Franco, Dr. Andre, Jordan, Valerie, Curtis, Hayden, Ava, etc. carry the show entirely on their shoulders with their characters alone?  No way.  Hopefully, the new writers have learned to NOT kill off anymore GH vet characters.  They can go off or be presumed dead but no more deaths like AJ, Alan, Emily, etc.   

On 9/30/2016 at 6:31 PM, ulkis said:

What were Sam and Jason doing under Guza after Liason ended? It was all about whatever Jason was doing while Molly kept hinting that Sam wanted to get married and Jason saying "if you want to, I'll do it" while Sam said "I don't need to" a bunch of times.

They were doing a heck of a lot more back then than what they are doing now, and at least they had off the charts chemistry that even when the storyline was boring or repetitious as hell, the chemistry between the actors/characters held my attention.  That's not happening AT ALL with BM and Kelly. 

On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 8:17 AM, peachmangosteen said:

This. Also, I actually like her hair cut, but it just seems so wrong for Carly. It's too soccer mom. But I guess that's basically what they've turned Carly into so it is fitting.

But that's what she wants to be.  She wants the normal life with a husband and kids, with the added bonus of her own business.  So I don't think she'd mind looking like one.

5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

They didn't show it, but we were supposed to assume Ava was going to switch out more of Morgan's meds. She had a mini monologue about it, and is doing it so his behavior causes him and Lauren break up.

So I continue to wonder why Carly doesn't follow Ava's ass and spy on what she might be doing all by herself upstairs at casa Corinthos. It's not like they are besties, and someone Carly would trust.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Bishop said:

They were doing a heck of a lot more back then than what they are doing now, and at least they had off the charts chemistry that even when the storyline was boring or repetitious as hell, the chemistry between the actors/characters held my attention.  That's not happening AT ALL with BM and Kelly. 

Agree to disagree about the chemistry between SBu and KeMo. I cannot remember the last time I thought a Jason scene was interesting. Maybe the one where he told Michael to shut up and stop disrespecting Carly. Ah, so satisfying.

  • Love 6
On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 3:37 PM, dubbel zout said:

Wasn't it a spontaneous utterance? 

As far as the search, Jordan was getting a warrant so that they could find any evidence legally. 

(Note: My JD is from L&O U.)

Real-life law never matters unless the plot demands it.

 Just thinking that *if* a warrant is also time stamped as well as date stamped, that in the end, IRL anyway, it would come down to how did Anna know Paul was guilty, where to find Paul, etc-unless it comes out that she illegally searched his room? How can they justify that possibly the very moments Jordan is making the case for the warrant, Anna is already on her way to the cabin? Of course, these writers don't even bother with logical details, so it will probably never come up. Any legal info I have is unfortunately mixed with L&O and watching true crime shows on Investigation Discovery. So I have what fiction says and what RL says, and the two often don't match. I think an excited  utterance is an exception to hearsay, but again, GH being GH, they can do what they want.


On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 5:41 PM, linsav said:

IWantCandy71  sorry I messed up the quote thing on my iPad, you're forgetting he is trying to inject Tracy with the same drug as the other victims, minus Sabrina and Liz of course. That right there is probable cause to arrest him for multiple murders and attempted murders. Now they should started checking to see where the drug was purchased and by what method (i.e., cash or credit card) and when, but this is the PC cops so who knows what procedures they will follow, stomp on or ignore...

No, I know that is probable cause. The thing is though, that the warrant is being requested before any of this is known. The *only* reason the warrant is requested, is because Anna stumbled upon evidence while in his room illegally. Of course, this being GH. They will conveniently ignore all that, or not ignore it, depending upon whatever plot point they are playing out.


14 hours ago, Bishop said:

I guess the argument to be made is whether anyone at anytime would miss a newbie storyline or have that new character impact the show the way a vet character would/could.  For me, there's no comparison.  Yes, your point is valid in that any character can leave the show and the show won't be irreparably harmed - unless they start killing off GH vets - because that WOULD create irreparable harm, imo.  

Really, Bobbie, Tracy and Monica are the longest old school vets, and only JE is still on contract. I think the show might suffer a bit if JE left, and if Monica died, the hospital and the Qs would not be the same. But I also think that the show would just keep chugging along-even though it would be even less recognizable than it is now.

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On Saturday, October 01, 2016 at 11:39 PM, yowsah1 said:

MB hasn't been game for the last 15 years.

Sad, but true.  More's the pity.  The only time Sonny's ever been interesting to me was when he was in prison for killing A.J.  I wish they'd let that play out longer, and not just because I wanted him in prison for killing A.J.

There's a lot to be said for a steady paycheck, of course, but it can say something about an actor, too, when he's happy playing the same storyline over and over and over again.  Only the names change.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, ulkis said:

Agree to disagree about the chemistry between SBu and KeMo. I cannot remember the last time I thought a Jason scene was interesting. Maybe the one where he told Michael to shut up and stop disrespecting Carly. Ah, so satisfying.

That scene was good and long overdue, though as usual there was little-to-no follow-up. Burton could do anger, I'll give him that. Also the scene where Jason got shot and kicked off the pier like the human trash he was made me get up in my living room and do a happy dance.

Edited by Melgaypet
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51 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

That scene was good and long overdue, though as usual there was little-to-no follow-up.

TBF, that scene was more about Jason/Guza's love for JJ!Lucky. Michael was rude to Lucky and Jason was appalled!

I bet Guza had a full on classic breakup montage meltdown when JJ left - I'm assuming ice cream and "All by Myself" on a loop were heavily featured

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

TBF, that scene was more about Jason/Guza's love for JJ!Lucky. Michael was rude to Lucky and Jason was appalled!

I bet Guza had a full on classic breakup montage meltdown when JJ left - I'm assuming ice cream and "All by Myself" on a loop were heavily featured

He probably would have, but Guza had been fired by the time JJ left. 

20 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Kiki: Morgan has never kidnapped, tortured, or victimized anyone.

Me: ...I'm pretty sure Michael was victimized when Morgan drugged him to make him look like an alcoholic.  But I guess that doesn't count because you high-fived him about how awesome "Operation Alcoholic" was, right Keeks?

That time he pressured Kiki to marry him under false pretenses, when he left Michael to drown (although that was delightful), when he tried to collude with Sonny to take Avery out of the country, when he held Alexis and Julian up at gunpoint, when he shot Max . . . there's probably some I'm missing too.

  • Love 11

I thought if I started posting about GH, I'd stick out longer, because you know, sarcasm, saltiness, maybe an aww moment. But nope. I think I'm finished with this. I've been watching GH since I was in high school, and I think I'm just ready to pull the plug on this.

It's the last daytime soap I was still watching. I dumped Days a few years ago, Y&R a few months ago, and now it's GH's turn.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 2

I guess my issue today was writers not knowing history … again. Morgan was going to Vanderbilt before his parents tried to drag him home because of his gambling debts. But he wasn't flunking out before he got into that trouble. However, he enrolled at PCU and found "college" too hard (with no mention of his previous enrollment). Because a university that lets a student enroll, apparently, the day before classes start, is harder than Vandy? I don't think so.  

However, the anvils are falling hard around Morgan now. Duck and run, Kiki!

  • Love 4

I like how Paul was bellowing at Anna that she would have done the same for Robin and Emma....clearly, he doesn't know her that well. Faison is wherever now, instead of being locked up or executed, an Dr. O is walking around doing whatever she wants - with Anna not doing a thing to get justice for the crimes against her daughter. 

Ava proves again she is just as vile as S&C.  As annoying as Scott is, it was good to see someone not in the Mob yell at her.

Strange to see Lucy and Scott in the same episode after so long, although not in the same scenes. 

I really thought Paul was going to get shot, even at the last moment.  The Tracy-Dillon hug of comfort at the end was quite sweet.  Based on the anvils, I'm thinking Dillon (crying at the end today) is going to break down to Kiki once this all truly sinks in, Morgan will see a comforting embrace, think that she's cheating, and freak out. That, along with all the other strikes against him, will get him carted off to some mental hospital soon. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I thought if I started posting about GH, I'd stick out longer, because you know, sarcasm, saltiness, maybe an aww moment. But nope. I think I'm finished with this. I've been watching GH since I was in high school, and I think I'm just ready to pull the plug on this.

It's the last daytime soap I was still watching. I dumped Days a few years ago, Y&R a few months ago, and now it's GH's turn.

I stopped watching, and honestly I don't miss it. I just come here to hang out with everyone. 

  • Love 3
36 minutes ago, rur said:

Me too. If any situation called for the GH special -- a through and through bullet just below the shoulder -- this one certainly did. 

Seriously, Anna was 2 feet away from him, she should have been able to shoot him in whatever non-fatal locale she wanted to.

Complaining to the 20 year old that his mom wouldn't lend him money might be the thing that makes Franco so cringeworthy. HE and RoHo have a nice chemistry I admit, and their relationship feels 1000% less forced with her in the role, and then he does stuff like that and it's like "why? why?" 

Leaving Morgan would just mean Kiki is not a superhuman who can deal with all of Morgan's problems.

I really hope if we get a nuMorgan they will back off the bi-polar. Can you imagine if they showed a therapy session every time Sonny did something dumb? I hate to admit to Sonny as a good example of anything, but most of the time they don't blame his actions on the bi-polar (just on julian or that he didn't know someone was someone, etc etc, but you get my point).

Instead of begging Scott to represent Paul, how about showing Ava looking after the flash drive by herself, again? If the intention is to keep her on the show. If it is, just have her be evil, instead of evil and pathetic. Because covering Paul's ass and messing with Morgan's meds and then screeching to Scott to represent her just makes her evil and pathetic. 

Scotty's jingle gave me second-hand embarrassment. I get it was supposed to, but it doesn't mean I enjoy it.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

I know I'm supposed to buy that Morgan keeps fucking up because he's off his bipolar meds, but let's be real: Morgan fucks up because he's Sonny's child. They're both immature, have anger issues, and never learn from their mistakes. Carly's coddling doesn't help matters, either. Kiki should absolutely put herself first and leave Morgan, or else she'll continue to spend her time babysitting and soothing him.

  • Love 7

Paul as the serial killer in this story is so dumb and don't get me started on the offscreen story with not needed Susan.   RB's turn on this show has been horrendous from start to finish.  

Let's play serial killer and kill off Ava, Franco, Nina, Dr. O, Olivia, Claudette, Nathan, and the rest of FV's pet and we can then repopulate the town with vets and their children.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I thought if I started posting about GH, I'd stick out longer, because you know, sarcasm, saltiness, maybe an aww moment. But nope. I think I'm finished with this. I've been watching GH since I was in high school, and I think I'm just ready to pull the plug on this.

It's the last daytime soap I was still watching. I dumped Days a few years ago, Y&R a few months ago, and now it's GH's turn.

I'm right there. I hadn't watched from mid July until about two weeks ago-and didn't miss it, even though La Grande Dame JE is still around. Only started watching again two weeks ago because I read a tidbit about Paul/Tracy, though I remained mostly spoiler(and interest) free. I'll always say RBu and Paul's potential was wasted. Probably the biggest shame of the last few years on this show IMO.  A chance to have a non murdering, non mobular, slightly shady but basically good guy, and they made him...a murdering, mobular, basically not good guy. SHOCKER. I can count my blessings. It could've been Jason or Sonny who rescued Tracy. So, thank you Jelly, for sparing us that. I know how hard it was for you.

As far as Paul compared to Anna compared to Tracy and the do anything for your family thing. When Tracy is at the sanitarium, and Paul says "I know how much family means to you", JE has the oddest, saddest smile on her face. It's of course after she's heard Paul's admission, and I thought in that moment, that's one thing they have in common. I think Tracy, for all her awfulness at times, and her crazy family, probably would NOT go as far as Paul, but she would, I  believe, at least contemplate killing the one(s) who hurt Ned or Dillon that way. And in that moment, I knew she was playing it as Tracy totally sympathized from where Paul was at, and why he did what he did. In a way, Tracy and Paul are far more alike in that sense, than Paul and Anna are.  Which makes the total nonsensical non pursuit/termination of any relationship between them, all the more sad.

Well, I guess that's it for JE and Tracy's "story". Back to the back burner for her, or at least, the middle of the stove. Two weeks is enough. Heaven forbid she actually just have a fun, long term story, even as supporting.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, Linny said:

I know I'm supposed to buy that Morgan keeps fucking up because he's off his bipolar meds, but let's be real: Morgan fucks up because he's Sonny's child. They're both immature, have anger issues, and never learn from their mistakes. Carly's coddling doesn't help matters, either. Kiki should absolutely put herself first and leave Morgan, or else she'll continue to spend her time babysitting and soothing him.

Oh, it's because he's Carly's son too, now now. No, but really, Morgan was more interesting and sympathetic when his bad actions were because of his family issues and feeling second best. They took him too far when he drugged Michael, but all they had to do was have him actually apologize to Michael instead of instantly blaming it on Sonny and Michael. 

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

They took him too far when he drugged Michael, but all they had to do was have him actually apologize to Michael instead of instantly blaming it on Sonny and Michael. 

It was the gleefulness - the dorky nickname for his plan, the high fiving with Kiki - that really grossed me about "Operation Alcoholic".  A sincere apology or even some sincere reluctance or regret would have helped.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

It was the gleefulness - the dorky nickname for his plan, the high fiving with Kiki - that really grossed me about "Operation Alcoholic".  A sincere apology or even some sincere reluctance or regret would have helped.

Some sort of reluctance would have been all that was needed, imo, but I didn't mention it because I was thinking about what they could have done after the fact instead of going straight to "everything he did was because he had bi-polar disorder!"

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I like how Paul was bellowing at Anna that she would have done the same for Robin and Emma....clearly, he doesn't know her that well. Faison is wherever now, instead of being locked up or executed, an Dr. O is walking around doing whatever she wants - with Anna not doing a thing to get justice for the crimes against her daughter. 

This is why Anna being all about JUSTICE FOR DUKE is so frustrating.  Robin and Emma were INNOCENT victims of Dr. O, yet she just seems mildly annoyed that the good doctor is out and about treating patients at GH,  However, when the PROFESSIONAL CRIMINAL Duke is killed in the course of doing business, Anna goes scorched earth to get him justice.  Anna has gone so far over the vengeance edge that she has teamed up with Sonny and the mob.   The writers have ruined the character of Anna.

  • Love 19
41 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Scotty's jingle gave me second-hand embarrassment

I was napping on the couch and it was Scotty's jingle that woke me up. Seriously I didn't know if it was a bad dream or what, very weird.  "Better Call Saul" he is not!

Have they formally cancelled GH, because today (the parts I did watch) were so bad and I just got the feeling like the end is really near this time, or like others maybe the end is finally just near for me (watched on and off since late '80s)

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I hate to admit to Sonny as a good example of anything, but most of the time they don't blame his actions on the bi-polar

They leaned on it pretty heavily when the story first happened. Carly nagged Sonny to take his meds as often as she has Morgan, so at least that's consistent. The difference is that Sonny went "dark" and moped around unshaven, wearing a velour track suit. Morgan goes dumb, which is his default regardless of anything else. If this show had any nuance (ha ha ha ha ha), Morgan would actually want to blame his terrible behavior on BPD so he wouldn't have to face the fact that he's a douchey idiot.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, ulkis said:

That time he pressured Kiki to marry him under false pretenses, when he left Michael to drown (although that was delightful), when he tried to collude with Sonny to take Avery out of the country, when he held Alexis and Julian up at gunpoint, when he shot Max . . . there's probably some I'm missing too.

As a viewer, I often feel victimized by Morgan's existence?  Does that count?  

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Darklazr said:

Paul as the serial killer in this story is so dumb and don't get me started on the offscreen story with not needed Susan.   RB's turn on this show has been horrendous from start to finish.  

But RiBu had a great vibe in the beginning with JE. So leave it to these fucking morons to ruin it. RiBu is a good actor. He was utterly wasted here but is better off away from this sinking shitfest, all in all.

ETA: I am assuming RiBu is leaving, even if Paul is not dead. (Which is frankly the only surprising thing here.)

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