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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Look at dumb stupid idiot Maxie. After blowing up Dante, Spin, and Lulu's lives last year you would think she would finally FINALLY get her life together just a little bit. Guess not. Nathan needs to be bi so he can get with Lucas and Maxie's enablers need to shun her for awhile. And someone tell her to find a damn job.


Nathan got beat up by a man who shares his name with a pair of jeans. And all for ungrateful Maxie. I hope he feels bad. 


Did Robin really think she could just undead Jason and take him home and that would be it? She didn't consider that possibility that Victor had ulterior motives for wanting Jason alive? I guess she thought Victor wanted her to undead Jason so Sam would get her husband back.

Okay... I need someone to explain to me like I'm Sonny, what they hell is going on with this stupid Levi story line.

  1. He was ID by the guy he stole the necklace from.
  2. He just beat up & restrained a cop. 
  3. The cop's blood is on his clothing
  4. The necklace is still on the premises
  5. He also revealed his American accent to the cop


How is Levi not suppose to end up in jail? Or sent back to Australia? Anything to get his fugly ass off my screen.


So we've seen NuJason's hands & arm, how long before we know, who was cast? Could it have been a ploy & they aren't going to cast Jason at all? Who knows. I was going to say, I don't care if Jason the special snowflake is made into a WSB killing machine but if he is allowed to kill Levi, Kaka, Sonny, Sabrina, Felix, Pip & Carly,  I'm in.



Why are these asses stating that Robin & Jason had a special connection all of a sudden. There special connection died when Jason chose Carly over Robin, IMHO. To me, they were simply ex-lovers who were able to be friends years after the breakup  


So many of these stories are stupid, stupid, stupid!!!

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 6

Or hell, I'd still be willing to see what Maxie would be like with Sonny's other two sons. Both more interesting options than Nathan. Well, maybe. Michael's relative dullness might not be able to overcome his relative lack of pretty.

CD is a good looking guy, and he only became a boring character once he was permanently joined to KA's Kiki of Suck.  First it was as Starr Manning and that snorefest of an insta-romance, but it really got 1,000 times worse when CD got another year in character prison when he was stuck with KA as Kiki Jerome.  Nothing can survive that particular vortex of suck.  Even Morgan, who was much more interesting away from her, has become boring again watching him scrape paint off a wall at the brownstone with Kiki at his side and then having her - inexplicably - smack in the middle of the Alice crisis.  I swear RC has no idea what to do with Kiki except interchange her with Michael and Morgan and then insert her into any scenes where both brothers exist.


Nathan got pummeled and bloodied up by Levi.  That shouldn't have happened to a tall and muscular cop who exercises the way Nathan does and has had training in defense techniques at the police academy.  I hate to be blunt, but Levi fucked him up.

It looked to me like Levi struck Nathan on the side of the head and knocked him out.  He seems to knock out everyone, but it doesn't bother me that Levi got the jump on Nathan because Levi clearly has a criminal past.  This isn't his first day at the rodeo.  The fact that he had a gun tells me that he's accustom to using violence.  Nathan had no idea the extent of Levi's lies - including his false Aussie accent (kudos to the actor who plays Levi, btw).  Nathan's size or the fact that he's a cop doesn't mean he can't get knocked down.  Like I said, Levi clearly has a past in this sort of thing, and let's face it, the only reason that RC wrote Levi getting the drop on Nathan was to drag out the wedding drama.

Interesting interview with Jason Thompson (Fairman) and, he sounded like he isn't in any hurry to get paired up with Sabrina anytime soon. Obviously, she brought him down acting wise and prefers working with Kelly Monaco and, of course, Kimberly McColough. I'm guessing once TC comes back from maternity leave she'll be paired with someone briefly (don't know who) and, then written out. I don't think they wanted to look bad firing while pregnant or during her leave. That's why they call it showbiz folks. Also, DZ looks really good with scruff as does RP. And, why was Maxie wearing a nightgown as a wedding dress? Was the budget so small to get such an ugly & unflattering dress for KS? YIkes!!

  • Love 3


She didn't consider that possibility that Victor had ulterior motives for wanting Jason alive? I guess she thought Victor wanted her to undead Jason so Sam would get her husband back.


I don't think she thought Victor cared about Jason (or Sam) at all.  There is no way Robin would have agreed to unfreeze Stavros and Helena so Victor said if you help them, I'll let you help your friend Jason, otherwise he's dead.  I don't think it makes her stupid for not thinking Victor might have had other plans for Jason - it didn't occur to me since, as a Cassadine, I wouldn't have expected him to give a rat's ass about Jason.  To be fair though that was before I knew he had to resort to using drugged up teenagers to handle his business.  If that is who he has been forced to rely on, I guess it makes sense that he would want Jason.  But, again, there is zero reason that someone who has access to both the Cassadine and WSB resources would look twice at a 2 bit mobster like Jason.

  • Love 4

Nathan got pummeled and bloodied up by Levi.  That shouldn't have happened to a tall and muscular cop who exercises the way Nathan does and has had training in defense techniques at the police academy.  I hate to be blunt, but Levi fucked him up.

When they were fighting on the ground , it was made clear that Levi was on top and doing his best to inflict damage - I assume at least some of the blood is because Levi retrieved his gun (knocked out of his hand when Nathan charged him) and hit Nathan with it a few times. That would explain why Nathan was unconscious and Levi's hands were perfectly fine, not swollen or bloody from punching someone.


I couldn't decide which was worse - Felicia and Lucy going on in front of Mac and the others about Maxie and Levi's great love, or nuJason/nuJason stand-in's arm coming out of the freezer thing to stop Victor from shutting it. Now I'm wondering if Victor's arrogance will get him injured or killed because he thinks he's going to be in control of the back-from-the-dead assassin. Instead, the assassin gets pissed and kills him. I had to tune out...


Robin is a brilliant doctor but has NO sense/ is impossibly naive sometimes. 


I think that last moment at her door was supposed to be Sam flirting with Patrick, and then thinking "OMG, what am I doing?!? Thoughts?

  • Love 1

CD is a good looking guy, 


Sometimes, imo . . . he has a nice body most of the time.


and he only became a boring character once he was permanently joined to KA's Kiki of Suck.  First it was as Starr Manning and that snorefest of an insta-romance, but it really got 1,000 times worse when CD got another year in character prison when he was stuck with KA as Kiki Jerome.


I think he got permanently boring right around the time Michael was played by Chad. BUT, agreed, Starr and Kiki and whoever else KA plays has really dragged him down.


When they were fighting on the ground , it was made clear that Levi was on top and doing his best to inflict damage - I assume at least some of the blood is because Levi retrieved his gun (knocked out of his hand when Nathan charged him) and hit Nathan with it a few times. That would explain why Nathan was unconscious and Levi's hands were perfectly fine, not swollen or bloody from punching someone.



Yeah, the way he was bashing his head in you'd think he'd be dead. That's why Nathan = robot. Or just, you know, GH character. Maybe he's a relative of Heather's too.

Edited by ulkis

As for Robin, my girl is a brilliant physician but damn. She is not a master criminal. She's surprised that Jason is not going to be allowed to just return home. Really?  I have friends that I went to med school with who I would not trust with a pet because they lacked common sense but Robin with her background should be better than this. I know it's the writing but she's smarter than this.


Of course Robin is smarter than this shit that this fuckwit and his sycophants are peddling. I still remember her badassery during the Markham Islands; how she was able to trick that crazy psychotic Lisa. And this was under Fucking Guza.  But under the current regime, they are bound and determined and hellbent on making her the worst mother/wife ever to have mothered/wived (yes, I just made that up!), and the most stooopidest of humans. Can't have Robin win. At anything. That is the current regime's motto. And admit it, isn't it "interesting", like that ass Frank said in the interview? He can fuck off, just like that fuckwit, Carlivati, as far as I'm concerned.




Why are these asses stating that Robin & Jason had a special connection all of a sudden. There special connection died when Jason chose Carly over Robin, IMHO. To me, they were simply ex-lovers who were able to be friends years after the breakup  


Silly @BestestAuntEver ! This is the same bunch of nimrods who tried to sell us the goods that Robin was Jason's "best firend" when she "died."  You know, treating us like we're idiots.




Robin is a brilliant doctor but has NO sense/ is impossibly naeve sometimes. 


See my first response above.

  • Love 4


But, again, there is zero reason that someone who has access to both the Cassadine and WSB resources would look twice at a 2 bit mobster like Jason.


Jason Morgan's brain-injury-induced superpower when he first became a character was his ability to tell when people were lying. That ability was what made him invaluable to Sonny. I could buy that such an ability could also be of value to a Cassadine -- any Cassadine. However, if Victor just wants him 'cause he shoots people, then both his family and the WSB are in worse financial shape than ABC Daytime. 



I think that last moment at her door was supposed to be Sam flirting with Patrick, and then thinking "OMG, what am I doing?!? Thoughts?


I'm going to put part of this problem on the KeMo. Last week at the clinic, her "Surely there's something I can offer you," act sure looked like her version of "flirting". Or maybe that's it -- she can't really flirt: she just gets up close to people and kind of swarms all over them.  Come to think of it, I guess I've had this issue since at least when she and Jason were honeymooning. I could tell she was trying to be seductive, but . . . meh.)

Victor wants Jason to be his metrosexual hitman. The battle between Sonny and Victor for Jason's soul will be epic, I'm sure. Sonny stuttering, Victor flailing his hands . . . it will bring tears to the eyes.


Quoting myself to say if you think I'm kidding, I really do think Victor wants to make Jason his boyfriend/hitman, because Victor/TP was really pinging my gaydar today (er, does anyone use that phrase anymore? Besides Ron, because everything he uses is outdated and from the 80s?).

I think he got permanently boring right around the time Michael was played by Chad.

That's when he turned into Eeyore. I don't think Drew Garrett would have worked in the rape story: His Michael was too hot-tempered and impetuous. For the rape story to work the way it was told, a more timid Michael was needed, as well as one who looked more innocent. That's Chad Duell's Michael.


It hasn't helped the character that his love interests have been utter snoozefests. Abby was Ambien personified, and Lauren is...nothing. I have no idea why they're attracted to each other. They're both so boring.

Jason Morgan's brain-injury-induced superpower when he first became a character was his ability to tell when people were lying. That ability was what made him invaluable to Sonny. I could buy that such an ability could also be of value to a Cassadine -- any Cassadine. However, if Victor just wants him 'cause he shoots people, then both his family and the WSB are in worse financial shape than ABC Daytime.


I read somewhere that the ability to tell when someone is lying all the time is connected to being a sociopath. 

  • Love 2

That's when he turned into Eeyore. I don't think Drew Garrett would have worked in the rape story: His Michael was too hot-tempered and impetuous. For the rape story to work the way it was told, a more timid Michael was needed, as well as one who looked more innocent. That's Chad Duell's Michael.


It hasn't helped the character that his love interests have been utter snoozefests. Abby was Ambien personified, and Lauren is...nothing. I have no idea why they're attracted to each other. They're both so boring.


Maybe. I think he could have made it work, given a chance. It was the writing that made him so hot tempered. Plus, that was why it was a mistake. They changed Michael for that one specific story and now he doesn't work in other stories have to the time when they try to do something more with him besides "family peacemaker".


To be fair though that was before I knew he had to resort to using drugged up teenagers to handle his business.  If that is who he has been forced to rely on, I guess it makes sense that he would want Jason.  But, again, there is zero reason that someone who has access to both the Cassadine and WSB resources would look twice at a 2 bit mobster like Jason.



Jason is the best hitman in the world. THE WORLD. [/guza]

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1
It was the writing that made him so hot tempered.


True. All Drew's Michael did was rage. That's not sustainable. I thought a lot of that was becoming as one-note as Eeyore Michael. I think that once they decided to moderate Michael's personality, they wanted someone who looked softer. Not saying Drew wasn't good-looking, just that he has a natural intensity that Duell doesn't. They also SORASed Michael a few years, and I think Duell did look more mature at that point. MMV on that, I know.

  • Love 1

Hey, AJ/Micheal were awesome. SK dragged the awesome out of that kid. I think he's for real sad SK is gone. He wasn't bad with SBu either.

Now as for today, who's bony hand was that and will Jason be singing "It's Raining Men" at the next Nurse's Ball? I got the same vibes you guys got from Victor. He's totes gonna pet that tiger. Meeeyow!

I loved the Naxie montage, but I'm waiting for my Nante one. They are my fave couple. I thought no one could replace McBain in Dante's heart. Good to see him love again. I'm sure he dropped the fertile line to Lulu since it's the only acceptable compliment for his wife.

I also don't care about Maxie's shit dress, it's a Dunklemonkey wedding. Who cares?

Sam and the Manorexics. I love it.

  • Love 2
I also don't care about Maxie's shit dress, it's a Dunklemonkey wedding. Who cares?


Somewhere, Maxie knows that, too. That's why she didn't put much effort into it.


For some reason, my DVR recorded only the last five minutes of the show, so I was really confused for a bit why the ICE guy and Lucy just popped up. Then tomorrow's previews came on for. I think my DVR is running an intervention on me!

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1
I loved the Naxie montage, but I'm waiting for my Nante one. They are my fave couple. I thought no one could replace McBain in Dante's heart. Good to see him love again. I'm sure he dropped the fertile line to Lulu since it's the only acceptable compliment for his wife.



Sorry to break it to you @Grrpants09 but McBain wasn't even a blip on Dante's partner radar. ;) If anything Nathan is filling the Lucky-shaped hole in his heart. Maybe if McBain had stayed longer, alas that he did not.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

I have to admit, I did laugh my ass off over the whole Jason thing today.  I just loved that they casually opened the pod, and it got even better when all that dry ice was floating everywhere.  I flashed back to my mom always yelling at us for keeping the refrigerator door open.  "You're letting all the cold air out!"  Seemed all very scientific.  Thaw your meat before you cook it.


I am not on board the Naxie train.   She is a twit and he deserves better.  

  • Love 3

I have to admit, I did laugh my ass off over the whole Jason thing today.  I just loved that they casually opened the pod, and it got even better when all that dry ice was floating everywhere.  I flashed back to my mom always yelling at us for keeping the refrigerator door open.  "You're letting all the cold air out!"  Seemed all very scientific.  Thaw your meat before you cook it.


I am not on board the Naxie train.   She is a twit and he deserves better.  


I am just so sad Steve Burton is not gonna play any of this. Could you imagine Steve being forced to slowly sit up, shirtless, out of an egg pod? Maybe from the same egg pod as Stavros/Robert Kelker Kelly? The missed opportunities :(

Edited by ulkis
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Is it just me, or were KW, ER, and KMc all visibly embarrassed by the stupidity of their characters today?  There was one scene in particular where Felicia was telling Mac & Dante that it would be off is Levi didn't take an interest in her heritage becsuse it is so interesting, that KW was looking down and trying to hide her eyes behind her hair.  


I have zero fucks to give about a brainwashed and surgically altered Jasus coming back to Port Charles, no one knowing its hkm, and he doing daddy Victor's bidding.


I really enjoyed the Samtrick scenes.  Both Jason and Kelly did a great job with the 'im flirting with you but not really cause were buds, actually maybe more' vibe.  

Is it just me, or were KW, ER, and KMc all visibly embarrassed by the stupidity of their characters today?  There was one scene in particular where Felicia was telling Mac & Dante that it would be off is Levi didn't take an interest in her heritage becsuse it is so interesting, that KW was looking down and trying to hide her eyes behind her hair.  


KW always kinda makes Felicia seem kinda dumb. I didn't pay much attention to Maxie/Lulu but ER seemed same as usual. Kim McC was just bad. Who knows if it was out of embarrassment.

Damn but Victor is a mustache twirler to rival snidely whiplash himself, tell me he is not supposed to be scary b/c Sonny looks like the Godfather compaired to him.


I hope that is an arm double b/c I hate to break it to ya the only nuJason in CA that pale would be MM.


Another day for Patrick to be a dick. I don't think he can be on screen without making my throat punch reflex kick in, could he have been any more sarcastic when talking about Robin "sacrificing" for Jason, hey you idiot, she is really sacrifing for your sorry ass. Douche!

Of course Sam acting all poor whittle me and hair flip seems just as douchie so that is why I'm on the SamTrick train with everyone else, though for different reasons, I say those two selfish twits deserve eachother.


Wow but this Levi story has gone off the rails. It makes no sense, and WTH was with all that 7th grade antics Maxie was pulling when she was alone with Lulu. Gurl you don't deserve Nathan, hun un. The only good about that whole mess was the Naxie flashbacks, b/c Meow! Det Special Kitty in a leather jacket was all kinds of Hott. Almost made me forget this sucky story he is trapped in.

The only fitting ending to the mess is Levi being gone in a body bag!

  • Love 4

Everything about Felicia tickles me. I love that the casting directors in 1983 had either never seen an Aztec person before or just didn't care. I can enjoy her weird vocal tics. She has particular trouble with her Ls, and I wondered last week when she had to begin a sentence "Leave it to LuLu..." if the writers were actively toying with her.  Together, she and Lucy have probably the strangest vocal inflections and speech rhythms I have ever witnessed, and yet I beam when they pop up to officiate weddings and have half-assed affairs and give terrible advice.  I would loathe them if they were new, but they've been grandfathered into my affections.

  • Love 12

Yeah, Lucy makes me crazy more often than not, but I cannot help loving her. And KW was so cute and perky when she was first on the show, and she is just stunning now. I love that Felicia and Mac have finally ended up together again. We don't really have anyone else to do the matriarch/patriarch thing, so I guess it can be them, even though they don't exactly have a whole slew of kids and grandkids.

  • Love 4

It's an arm double



It's probably some stagehand. (Or stagearm.)


The reveal's already been leaked:



Well consider me impressed. Since fauxDuke kicked Jason into the harbor and Robert melted fauxDuke's mask, I don't know what is going to happen with the Levi storyline and the Jason and Robin storyline. I like the suspense.


"Ohhhhhhh DINGDINGDING We have a winner!!!!" has been the best WTF line to jumpstart an annoying storyline since "Hello, Mother."

  • Love 1

Like I said, the show is hell bent on making Robin look as unattractive as possible up against Sam. No wonder Patrick prefers her now! Kimberly also sounded like she was fighting off a cold.


Haven't seen yesterday's scenes yet, but I do like, even though this storyline is pure shit, how Robin doesn't cower in front of Victor. Then again, he's no Faison; he's a joke, plain and simple. He was much more layered during the Ice Princess Saga.  And I'm wondering if Robin didn't play Victor by saying the dose she came up with wasn't safe enough to use on Jason, just so Victor would say, yes! Use it on Jason.


In my head, my Robin is planning her escape. Yes, she is.


Oh, did I mention I also want a horsie?

  • Love 6


I think he got permanently boring right around the time Michael was played by Chad. BUT, agreed, Starr and Kiki and whoever else KA plays has really dragged him down.


And that's when I think the character finally got interesting.  Drew Garrett could only play rage, and he was screaming his lines all the time. I actually couldn't stand the character because of it.  He was also very slight in build and looked like he was perpetually 15 years old.  So I was very happy for the change to CD, and he's done a good job when paired with the right people - and KA ain't it.


Quoting myself to say if you think I'm kidding, I really do think Victor wants to make Jason his boyfriend/hitman, because Victor/TP was really pinging my gaydar today (er, does anyone use that phrase anymore? Besides Ron, because everything he uses is outdated and from the 80s?).

RC is going to completely change and destroy every remnant of Jason Morgan that is even remotely familiar to the audience just so he can put someone new in the role and make that person the new "newbie."  As far as I'm concerned, Jason Morgan died on the pier, and this "new" character is just the latest newbie on RC's list of toys.  There was no reason AT ALL to bring back Jason Morgan.  RC just wants another triangle, a soap star from another show that he can brag about landing, and a new character that he can completely change and mold so that the audience can't even recognize the character any more.  

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 7

@NutmegsDad, thanks I needed a good laugh to start the morning.


Kimberly also sounded like she was fighting off a cold.



@GHScorpiosRule, she tweeted that she had a cold & was blowing her nose between takes.


I don't know what Cartini were going for in those scenes. My main thought was, "Hopefully, now Robin will get out of that damn lab coat & maroon scrub bottoms." Victor is a pathetic villain & I'm not going to waste energy on NuJason until an actual person is shown on screen. Scenes of hands, arms, legs, the back of the head, etc don't count. Cartini are going to drag this shit out like they drag out every other damn thing.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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