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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

ngl I actually really like this Cassadine Island story. I mean it's deeply stupid but I still have fun with it. Sam's reaction to Valentin manhandling her everything, ever, was hilarious. She's like, "Oh, this again, meh."

Fixed it for ya!

On one hand I was like, "try to have SOME alarm in your voice, KeMo." But on the other, it kinda makes sense Sam doesn't give a crap.

Edited by ulkis
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I like Naomi too. Robin Riker is good. There was a quick bit today when Naomi snotted at Hayden and Tracy, "Does either of you even read?" and I thought, well, we've found our worthy opponent for Tracy in the "mature woman" department. I mean, there's always Monica, but those two are so enmeshed in a familial sense and often on the same side these days, so it isn't really what I have in mind.  

Olivia's reading from Psalms of Sonny was the low point of the show today.  

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It would be great if Olivia could go hump Ned and stop propping Sonny. 

Julian's downfall is so pathetic. I expected more.

Considering her track record, I'm not sure why Alexis is so surprised that she fell for someone like Julian. At least he isn't a terrorist. Also, she needs to hurry up and take a trip down a flight of stairs and get hit by a car so we can move on from this joke of a pregnancy. 

LOL sketchy Finn is probably lying about dying and probably addicted to fake heroin. I'm shocked. You would think he would've been smart enough to have his drug reverse engineered a long time ago so he could hire some chemists to recreate it. 

If would be great if they stopped adding more bullshit to this already convoluted Jason/Jake mess. 

Valentin needs to hurry up and start killing people I hate back in PC before I lose interest. 

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The Sonny worship is all just too much. I'm swimming out to the barge.

There was even a point in the first or second scene at the bar, that even the closed-captioning person couldn't decipher what MB was mumbling about at the bar. 

Oh yeah, there's another cute doctor who can act and not being used.  What a waste.

It was bad enough having Jason being resurrected.  I didn't think his amnesia story could get any more boring - especially with the amount of time allocated to his story. It's not just the writers fault in this instance.  BM looks bored all of the time - whether in a hospital bed or being held captive.  The only time Jason has a little spark is when he is going to get to kill or punch or threaten someone. 

Add me to the folks who don't mind the Cassadine island stuff because it's either that or Julian demonizing/Sonny mumbling.  Props to writers in this instance, for finding a way to get Kevin and Ava in scenes together.

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10 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Is this Kevin's first time being held hostage by a Cassadine?  Oh Kev, if you really want to get with Laura, you're gonna have to get used to this kind of thing.

Laura's looking at the minions of Valentin and thinking, "Please! I was being held hostage before you all were born."

I know, in other situations, Sam would have stepped on Valentin, Jason would have swiped Valentin's gun, and then order Valentin's minions to disarm or else Valentin would be dead (and throw in a Sonny reference as a threat), but, hey, this is the main storyline for the next few months, so they have to stretch it out and be held captive.

Yes, Sonny will defeat Valentin. Reasons. And because this regime will fuck up a long-awaited storyline.

Oh, where does the long line into Julian's room to disavow and berate him start? I thought I saw Dr. O, Nurse Amy, and the women from "The View" in it?

Sonny, don't talk about not dealing drugs unless you want our neighbors to hear screams of "KAREN FUCKING WEXLER!" coming from our house.

Dr. Finn is bullshitting us all along with Not!BernieMadoff and the killer disease and all that, right?

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14 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Why are these writers having Tracy smuggle drugs for Dr Michael Easton?  Wtf.  This is why I've turned to catching Pokémon on my phone.  GH has ruined me.  

I'm over it. When I hear JE is leaving, I'll tune in for her exit story. Otherwise....bye, show. I can't really think of anything that would make me bother on a regular basis, again. They won't use Wally Kurth, but they bring on JPS and BW. They won't really use the Qs for anything other than plot points or props. No matter what story they say they are giving JE, someone else will hijack it.

Nope. I won't say absolutely 100% never again, but I honestly can't think of anything that would draw me back in. Even them saying they are going to use Wally. They'll just waste him-or worse, put him back with Alexis. I'll pass.

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17 hours ago, Ladybyrd said:

Are we really being asked to believe that Alexis is still fertile?

No disrespect to NLG (who looks as young as pretty much any 58-year-old)

All disrespect to the writing staff. I can only suspend my disbelief so much.

I believe the character is supposed to be 50 and I'm a few years younger and I'm regular and fertile. I'll allow it.

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15 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Why are these writers having Tracy smuggle drugs for Dr Michael Easton?  Wtf. 

Even more insulting to me is that, really, it's a Dr. Michael Easton/Rebecca Budig story, with Tracy standing beside them to give it a veneer of legitimacy ("See, Tracy's involved, it's not just about these newbie pets!").  Whatever.

Relatedly, where has Ned disappeared to?  I thought he was going to be recurring.  Wouldn't it be nice to see Dillon talk to his older brother about his Kiki problems?

Edited by TeeVee329
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21 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

I believe the character is supposed to be 50 and I'm a few years younger and I'm regular and fertile. I'll allow it.

I guess my whole problem with it is that I saw the menopause for laughs story line that RC ran with. I truly wish new writers would at least make an attempt to find out what the prior regime had written, just once.


Relatedly, where has Ned disappeared to?

I believe he's currently visiting Salem under the assumed name of Justin Kiriakis.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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23 minutes ago, LegalParrot81 said:

I guess my whole problem with it is that I saw the menopause for laughs story line that RC ran with. I truly wish new writers would at least make an attempt to find out what the prior regime had written, just once.

I agree with you in general, but in this case RC didn't run with it, they definitely dropped it as soon as they came aboard, but they probably should have had Alexis specifically mention it wasn't menopause after all to avoid confusion, but I guess they didn't even want to mention it.

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Alexis has scenes today with Diane today, that would be a perfect time to mention it.  Have Diane make some rude comment that she thought Alexis went through menopause, have Alexis correct her, and that'll be that.  Ignoring it in the writing was a mistake.

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My problem with it is that no other character is even questioning the fact that a 52-year-old woman might be pregnant. It's not impossible, but it's extremely uncommon. The fact that Molly and Kristina didn't side-eye each other and then gently ask their mom if there wasn't some other reason she might not be having a period is stupid. No wonder Kristina's been in college for six years and is still a sophomore. I'm 52, and if my doctor told me I was pregnant, I would laugh for a really long time and then report her to the state medical board.

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18 hours ago, Ladybyrd said:

Are we really being asked to believe that Alexis is still fertile?

What other drama can there be between a husband and wife? /sarcasm

18 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

My problem with it is that no other character is even questioning the fact that a 52-year-old woman might be pregnant. It's not impossible, but it's extremely uncommon. The fact that Molly and Kristina didn't side-eye each other and then gently ask their mom if there wasn't some other reason she might not be having a period is stupid.

I know. 

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So Valentin seemed rather anti climatic. I mean even with the meager budget they have, they could have been more intelligent in how they revealed him. And this isn't Game of Thrones, its unusual for kids to not be bastards. When he said "I'm your bastard uncle" I kind of wished Nikolas said "Cool, I already have a bastard aunt. I have a matching set!" 

In all seriousness, maybe its to early to tell, but James Patrick Stuart isn't displaying the same gravitas as Stephen Nichols did. Of course I am mostly on the barge.

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2 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

And this isn't Game of Thrones, its unusual for kids to not be bastards. When he said "I'm your bastard uncle"

I took that to mean "I'm not a legit Cassadine so I'm EEEVUULL," more than anything else. Though given the venality of the legit Cassadines, it's a pretty high bar to clear. Either way, it's dumb. Who cares how he's a Cassadine?

And if Valentin is supposed to be so terrible that even Helena was terrified of him, he needs to seriously start stepping up his game. Shoot someone in the stomach, at least. 

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19 hours ago, fishcakes said:

I kind of love Valentin. He's evil, obviously, but in a fun way. I don't know, I just got a kick out of, "I'm your bastard uncle, Valentin Cassadine!" in a "ta da!" voice.

This. I mean I think going this way for the character that Helena said even she was terrified of is kind of bizare, but I love cartoonishly evil guys.

16 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

There was a quick bit today when Naomi snotted at Hayden and Tracy, "Does either of you even read?" and I thought, well, we've found our worthy opponent for Tracy in the "mature woman" department. 

I loved that.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I cannot complain enough about the horrible pacing in the TJ/Jordan/Shawn/now Andre story.  The writers seem determined not to mine any soapy drama from it at all given how fast they're flying through these beats.  And Andre having a bee up his butt about Shawn today came out of nowhere.

Speaking of pacing, Valentin should have pulled a Jerry Jax and shot/stabbed someone the minute he took everyone hostage.  Dragging out the reveal of who he is for a whole day was a mistake, as was all the blah blah blah today before someone finally got hurt.

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Ok... I watched Ava shoot Connie years ago, this woman isn't afraid to take a life. Now I'm supposed to believe she would just stand there shrieking repeatedly and not take some action to neutralize Valentin. Is it too much to ask for Nik to actually die?

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Well, Valentin finally committed his first would be murder. He popped nephew Nik with a bullet sending him falling off of a balcony. So Andre does have a child after all? I certainly assume that's who he was talking to on the phone, especially after Jordan's rather snotty comment "if you had children of your own then you'd understand." Poor Nina! LOL. She wanted a piece of Curtis (and I don't blame her) but got shot down by Valerie's presence. Also, she tells Curtis to call off the Claudette investigation at Nathan's request. I get why Nathan wants this but we're never going to get to the Claudette/Griffin reveal with decisions like this. I would've at least liked if Curtis told Nina that he discovered evidence of the priest in Claudette's room.

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3 minutes ago, Syndicate said:

So Andre does have a child after all? I certainly assume that's who he was talking to on the phone, especially after Jordan's rather snotty comment "if you had children of your own then you'd understand."

Oh geez, I hope not.  Andre doesn't need a kid.

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Dragging out the reveal of who he is for a whole day was a mistake, as was all the blah blah blah today before someone finally got hurt.

I was like 'wait someone got hurt?' lol for a second I literally forgot about Nik getting shot and falling off the balcony. Which I can't at the same thing happening that he made it look like happened when he faked his death. Ooooh, so clever, writers!

Why the long explanation from Laura about how to escape followed by Lulu repeating it to Dante? So weird.

I ffwd the Jordan/Andre scenes since I couldn't care less about either of them. So Andre has a kid, huh? That's what we need, another pointless character!

Curtis continues to be one of the few truly good things about this show. I just like to pretend Valerie doesn't exist.

All this shit over Alexis being pregnant for her to just not be pregnant is hilarious.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I ffwd the Jordan/Andre scenes since I couldn't care less about either of them. So Andre has a kid, huh? That's what we need, another pointless character!

Especially given Andre himself, IMO, is pretty pointless.  I don't care a wit about his relationship with Jordan.  Maybe they're stalling to put him with Anna when she's back, but I've lost interest in that too.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Griffin going on and on in contempt about how Julian works out to keep himself in perfect shape sounds like shade from the writers, and since the episode was written by Scott Sickles (I think?) I'm willing to bet it absolutely was. Can't win with these writers. Anyway, crap, shut up Griffin. Franco gets a pass but not Julian?

Are Laura and Lulu afraid they won't have anywhere to squat if Nikolas loses all his property? Because otherwise, let the spoiled ass sign over his shit and get the rest of the people out of there!

Man, I feel like they write Nikolas as the wimpiest guy on the show. Everyone is always just kicking his ass.

Previews:  Holy shit Carly is trying to pry info from Dillon about his relationship with Kiki. Why not just flush the toilet for Morgan whenever he goes to the bathroom too?

Morgan: I got us a room at the metro court.

Yes, nothing sexier than getting your girlfriend a free room at your mother's hotel.

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 So I have only watched bits and pieces lately and didn't see the Alexis pregnancy thing so I don't get it...is she really pregnant or is it ambiguous, or was she just trying to fool Julian?  Who knows she is preggers?


She could have previously been having peri-menopausal symptoms but then still get her period/be fertile six months later. You need to be without a period for 1 year to be considered in menopause.  That is why there is a lot of surprise pregnancies (and a high rate of abortions ) in women of this age.  Not that the writers of this show have any knowledge of medical facts.

Edited by Blackie
grammer/ sense
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Griffin going on and on in contempt about how Julian works out to keep himself in perfect shape sounds like shade from the writers, and since the episode was written by Scott Sickles (I think?) I'm willing to bet it absolutely was. Can't win with these writers. Anyway, crap, shut up Griffin. Franco gets a pass but not Julian?


To be shade wouldn't it need to be something non-complimentary - like the AJ is fat stuff or making fun of Maxie's voice? Yeah, Griffin said it with some contempt (which makes sense given Julian killing Duke) but it wasn't a diss. Honestly, I thought Griffin was going to say something like "Because of your massive ego and obsession with looking fit..." instead, he just complimented Julian on being so healthy that he could quickly rebound from a stab wound.

Also, I can understand Griffin giving Franco a pass and not Julian, since Julian did orchestrate his dad's death.

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At this point, it feels like Scott Sickles, having failed to write dialogue that's true to any of the characters, is now just trying to be the voice of the audience - which is kind of pathetic

Edited by Oracle42
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42 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Are Laura and Lulu afraid they won't have anywhere to squat if Nikolas loses all his property? Because otherwise, let the spoiled ass sign over his shit and get the rest of the people out of there!

Speaking of this - a question.  Didn't Helena reveal in her will that she was completely cutting Nikolas off from the Cassadine businesses/fortune?  And he whined to Rebecca Budig that ELQ was all he had left?  So WTF did he sign over to Valentin?  He can't give him his share of the Cassadine fortune - he never had a share!

Edited by TeeVee329
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When Griffin and Valerie were talking about the hospital murderer, I instantly knew she would be the one to get hurt/held hostage by the killer and then bring him/her in. And that would get her a promotion to detective, where once again she'd be in close proximity to Dante.

Boo hoo, Valentin grew up poor and now he wants it all. Zzzzzz. This is seriously the man who terrified Helena?

"I don't need a lawyer." "No, but you might need your best friend." Awww. Finally, some genuine feeling on this fakakta show.

"Nikolas knows what he's doing." Right, because he's been so successful lately.

LOL at the stone "wall" wobbling as Nik goes flying over it. 

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30 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Speaking of this - a question.  Didn't Helena reveal in her will that she was completely cutting Nikolas off from the Cassadine businesses/fortune?  And he whined to Rebecca Budig that ELQ was all he had left?  So WTF did he sign over to Valentin?  He can't give him his share of the Cassadine fortune - he never had a share!

Helena could only dictate her personal items and wealth. She wasn't the heir to the Cassadine fortune. She had access, but she really couldn't cut Nik out. I'm still not sure that Spencer would considered Nik's legal heir. He was never married to SkipperBitch. So Spencer probably doesn't really have great claim. That will be a fantastic conversation for Nik to have with Entitled!Teen!Spencer. "Sorry, son, but you need to realize that you only get my personal wealth. You aren't getting the keys to Cassadine Island and the banks. So you need to get a degree and a career."

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Previews:  Holy shit Carly is trying to pry info from Dillon about his relationship with Kiki. Why not just flush the toilet for Morgan whenever he goes to the bathroom too?

Meanwhile, Joss, her actually still minor child, could probably plan, book, and take a trip to Australia to see Jax without Carly even noticing. 

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5 minutes ago, stlbf said:

I'm still not sure that Spencer would considered Nik's legal heir. He was never married to SkipperBitch. So Spencer probably doesn't really have great claim. That will be a fantastic conversation for Nik to have with Entitled!Teen!Spencer. "Sorry, son, but you need to realize that you only get my personal wealth. You aren't getting the keys to Cassadine Island and the banks. So you need to get a degree and a career."

Another Cassadine bastard. Maybe Valentin can give Spencer some life tips.

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8 minutes ago, stlbf said:

Helena could only dictate her personal items and wealth. She wasn't the heir to the Cassadine fortune. She had access, but she really couldn't cut Nik out.

I went back and looked at the clip and you're right - Helena is only talking about her personal wealth.

But that still begs the question - Nikolas kept banging on and on that ELQ was the only asset he had.  So what is this Cassadine fortune he's signing over to Valentin? 

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22 hours ago, RedVelvetWaffles said:

The Sonny worship is all just too much. I'm swimming out to the barge.

Yeah, I'm joining you. I freaking HATE the Casadine story and am annoyed at how much time is devoted to it. I could watch Jane Elliot spin shit into gold, but even her presence isn't inducement to watch.

However,  I have couple of questions before I leave the dinghy and drown my sorrows with a Watermelon Mojito:

Why was the actress playing Maxie have her face covered by hair and then replace? Is she pregnant again?

Has the original actor who played Nicholas been fired?

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Kirsten storms developed a skin condition due to stress. It became too difficult for eh makeup people to hide so she took some time off until it cleared. She'll be back on screen by beginning of August

tyler Christopher supposedly requested time off for reasons...no one knows if or when he'll be back.

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10 hours ago, tricknasty said:

I believe the character is supposed to be 50 and I'm a few years younger and I'm regular and fertile. I'll allow it.

50? Isn't Sam like 40? She sure ain't passing for younger.

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Previews...c'mon, Dillon, tell that snarling enemy of your entire family to fuck off!  But I gotta say, they're still writing this in favor of Dillon and Kiki, which is a surprise.

Edited by TeeVee329
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41 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I went back and looked at the clip and you're right - Helena is only talking about her personal wealth.

But that still begs the question - Nikolas kept banging on and on that ELQ was the only asset he had.  So what is this Cassadine fortune he's signing over to Valentin? 

ELQ might very well have been in Nik's name only. Supposedly Helena has wrecked the overall Cassadine fortune. Thanks to her kidnappings, siphoning  and odd investments, the research clinic that held Robin hostage for example. So Nik was eager to get ELQ to boost the fortunes. The rest of the Cassadine holdings could be at a stand still if Nik isn't allowing his family's more profitable criminal activities to continue. So I'm willing to bet that Nik has relatives that will be perfectly ok with Valentin taking over if he gets the family finances in order.

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2 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

To be shade wouldn't it need to be something non-complimentary - like the AJ is fat stuff or making fun of Maxie's voice? Yeah, Griffin said it with some contempt (which makes sense given Julian killing Duke) but it wasn't a diss. Honestly, I thought Griffin was going to say something like "Because of your massive ego and obsession with looking fit..." instead, he just complimented Julian on being so healthy that he could quickly rebound from a stab wound.

Also, I can understand Griffin giving Franco a pass and not Julian, since Julian did orchestrate his dad's death.

He said it more than once, when I was watching it I don't remember specifically what he said but I remember thinking "okay, we get it, he works out."

Good point about Julian/Griffin/Duke.

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15 minutes ago, In2You said:

50? Isn't Sam like 40? She sure ain't passing for younger.

Sam is supposed to have been born in 1980, so some people are saying Alexis is 52, since she had Sam at 16. I suppose NLG can pass for 52, but I don't think they've mentioned Sam's specific age for years, so I don't necessarily think the writers consider them those ages.

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2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Apparently a balcony to Nikolas is like a staircase to a pregnant character...

? ?

Too funny, Cheyanne!  Laughing at that was my exercise for the day, and too true. It seems like every time I actually watch an episode Nikolas is launching himself over a balcony.  

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1 hour ago, stlbf said:

Helena could only dictate her personal items and wealth. She wasn't the heir to the Cassadine fortune. She had access, but she really couldn't cut Nik out. I'm still not sure that Spencer would considered Nik's legal heir. He was never married to SkipperBitch. So Spencer probably doesn't really have great claim. That will be a fantastic conversation for Nik to have with Entitled!Teen!Spencer. "Sorry, son, but you need to realize that you only get my personal wealth. You aren't getting the keys to Cassadine Island and the banks. So you need to get a degree and a career."


And considering the fact that Nik was flying commercial to a place blanketed with government cameras after successfully faking his death, instead of say hiding out on a yacht for a few months, Spencer realllllly needs to consider a Plan B.  I do want Nik to have a legal heir though - just because Spencer is such a repellent brat and because he's carrying gross SWMNBN genes

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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This. I mean I think going this way for the character that Helena said even she was terrified of is kind of bizare, but I love cartoonishly evil guys.

I loved that.

But he isn't.  The actor comes across as so pathetic, I wonder why Helena didn't hunt him down and take him out when he was a toddler.   Maybe when Valentin was whining about growing up in poverty, Nikolas could have pointed out that Helena had a habit of killing off the competition (see:Alexis's mother). I might not have a lot of love for Dr.O, but that has more to do with the regime using her wrong. The actress is entertaining and can be menacing when she needs to be. 

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