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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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OMG, I now have a new ship - Dante's hair and Ava's hair. Seriously fabulous, both. And humina humina, Dante hasn't looked this good in ages. Where the hell have you been?

I really do like Kiki and Dillon, they have a real cuteness about them that's kind of refreshing. I don't mind them not having any drama for now, because once Morgan finds out there will be plenty.

Those two other doctors in the meeting must have been thrilled to know they would be getting paid for just sitting there and raising their hands.

I know this isn't the case because it's Tracy, but she seemed almost flat out cray today. The entire baby fixation is really kind of creepy. I will say though, the baby certainly didn't seem to mind.

I cannot stand the uneven writing for Ava. It reminds me of this YA series I read back in high school, and they had different writers throughout. You would have one writer write a couple one way, and then someone else would come in and do the complete opposite. You were like, wait when did that happen? Didn't Kiki herself ask if she could move in with Ava? Then why are they making it out like that never happened?

I did like how Ava is clearly as over Morgan and Kiki as a couple as the rest of us are. She's so speaking for the audience.

Previews: Big surprise, Ava is denied Avery yet again. And Sabrina, didn't really miss ya.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, HeatLifer said:



Just so you know, if Sabrina dares - excuse me,  let me adjust me fierce invisible hat- and I mean dares to fight Tracy Quartermaine for that adorable giant baby that she abandoned. ... well I'm on the hate train with you.  One does not ignore the rules of Finders Keepers nor disappoint the queen and stay in my okay kind of tolerated graces.  And yes, it's GH, playground rules do apply.  

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Ava's hair was fab.  I've hated MT's hair on this show, but a warmer blonde and new haircut took a decade off of her. 

MW probably went to an outside hairdresser.

9 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

But I really like Kiki/Hayley Erin. I think she's a lovely performer, a massive upgrade on the overrated Kristen Alderson. She's physically luminous and she plays intelligence well, and the Dillon connection is unexpectedly sweet and seems to be bringing something completely new out of RPW.

I still think Lauren is unnecessary, but she's eons more tolerable now that she's not bouncing between Michael and Morgan. I wish they'd bury forever that stupid Captain nickname, though. I don't like the idea that Lauren feels responsible for Morgan's recovery, but I suppose they have to have a reason for those two to stay connected. She's much better with Dillon, but I'm not holding my breath on that pairing. Morgan is a Corinthos, even if he's the forgotten Corinthos. They don't lose.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

I don't know.  Morgan is a pretty big loser.  Even his hair is leaving him.   I kinda sorta feel some pity for him because every visit to Morgan is someone either asking him for something or seeking advice like he's some sage wisdom yoda.   It's Morgan.   He's on meds, not smart pills.   How poisoned was the water?   Morgan peaked at 12.  It's okay to admit that.  He has moments, but he's kind of really dumb.   Poor kid.   

  • Love 6

Finn still annoys the crap out of me and he is starting to get creepy. I did enjoy he and Dr. O fighting though. I almost saw her head explode. If he turns out to be an evil doctor it does make Monica look bad though. I still think Amy will turn out to be the angel of death.

JE looks fabulous in that outfit very vintage feel, but Tracy is full on loosing it. I loved her scenes with her actual sons but I want Ned to bust her out for using his name on #nothergiantbaby I don't really mind this story b/c it is kind of funny and uses the Qs more.

Kiki and Dillion are getting a little to repetitive in their dialogue and to sugary for my taste plus I can see that Dillion is falling for her but Kiki is clueless and I dread the misunderstanding drama it will cause with Morgan. ugh

I'll pipe up and say Ava I haven't missed you and I really disliked her outfit so much I didn't even notice her hair. What an underhanded bitch trying to use Morgan to manipulate her own daughter. I see she is back to bad bitch again until the next crisis then she'll be sniveling again.

Darn Sabrina gets found a little too soon, I'd rather just see the cute baby and let her stay captive a little longer.

  • Love 3

I don't know.  Morgan is a pretty big loser.  Even his hair is leaving him.   I kinda sorta feel some pity for him because every visit to Morgan is someone either asking him for something or seeking advice like he's some sage wisdom yoda.   It's Morgan.   He's on meds, not smart pills.   How poisoned was the water?   Morgan peaked at 12.  It's okay to admit that.  He has moments, but he's kind of really dumb.   Poor kid.

Yeah, for whatever reason, Sonny's magic mojo doesn't seem to be handed down to his offspring or his adoptee. I've never seen Dante, Michael, Kristina, and Morgan as especially favored by the writing. Things go well for them when they're kissing Sonny's ass, and when the ones biologically related to Carly are kissing hers, but the reflected glory only goes as far as facilitating Sonny and Carly. It doesn't get them anywhere in their non-Sonny-related stories.  

So I could see Dillon coming out on top in a Dillon/Kiki/Morgan love triangle if there's more viewer support for Dillon/Kiki or if someone with influence has a Frons/Journey-style hankering for them. I really don't think the show has anything up its sleeve for Morgan other than having him combine Fredo's haplessness with (the other) Sonny's hotheadedness/poor impulse control in its Corleone ripping-off, and it isn't really a winning hand. I guess that makes Michael...well, the other Michael (the capable favorite son), and Kristina the Connie (the useless girlchild who gets smacked around), and Dante the Tom Hagen (the half-in establishment go-between). 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Asp Burger said:

Yeah, for whatever reason, Sonny's magic mojo doesn't seem to be handed down to his offspring or his adoptee. I've never seen Dante, Michael, Kristina, and Morgan as especially favored by the writing. Things go well for them when they're kissing Sonny's ass, and when the ones biologically related to Carly are kissing hers, but the reflected glory only goes as far as facilitating Sonny and Carly. It doesn't get them anywhere in their non-Sonny-related stories.  

So I could see Dillon coming out on top in a Dillon/Kiki/Morgan love triangle if there's more viewer support for Dillon/Kiki or if someone with influence has a Frons/Journey-style hankering for them. I really don't think the show has anything up its sleeve for Morgan other than having him combine Fredo's haplessness with (the other) Sonny's hotheadedness/poor impulse control in its Corleone ripping-off, and it isn't really a winning hand. I guess that makes Michael...well, the other Michael (the capable favorite son), and Kristina the Connie (the useless girlchild who gets smacked around), and Dante the Tom Hagen (the half-in establishment go-between). 

It's weird, huh, that the writing for the Corinthos family strongly favors Sonny.   I wonder who threw the big hissy for that one..... And yes, I will buy NLG's tell all, even though I'll get a headache reading it.   I need someone to spill the GH tea.   I wish RoHo would though because that man has not spoken a word about his feelings, so he has to know everything.   I think all anyone knows about him is that he was strongly against pairing Marty and Todd on OLTL, married a woman named Cari, has tats, played soccer, was in a play, and was Todd Manning.   Dude must have secrets.

  • Love 2

I can't stand Hayden. Actually I think it's the actress, maybe. And the hairdressing squad needs to do something with her hair.....it just hangs there looking dumb. I don't see the point of this character  being on the show. Nick needs to hire a better hit man. 

Morgan reminds me of a very young John Travolta. It's the eyes. 

  • Love 2

I hate Carly when she is near Ava. Sonny/Ava are just as bad as each other. Neither is better than the other. They make me root for Ava and I cant stand her. LW talking to the camera at the end was odd at least thats what it looked like.

Oh, joy Sabrina is back. Sabrina/Michael ZZZZZZ

Kiki, Morgan did the best thing for you today. Please move on from him ASAP he is not worth it. Find someone who isnt balding or sleeps with you mother. 

  • Love 5

Oh no!  Morgan and Kiki broke up AGAIN!  How heartbrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Oh no!  Sabrina's in danger!  I hope Michael gets to hezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Oh yeah!  The show's first gay wedding is being shoved into the Nurses' Ball!  How greARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

At least I enjoyed Lucy nudging Dillon and Kiki together and giving Nikolas grief for a good cause, even though I didn't love the reminder of her bullshit ELQ vote in his favor.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

Sonny:  You know me, son.  I'll do anything for you, except keep my promise not to kill A.J.

Michael:  Who?

This business with Sabrina is so stupid.  Just let her go, fella!  No one's gonna connect her back to you, unless you make it inevitable.  Besides, Dante pretty much confirmed law enforcement isn't looking for her, and why would any bad guys now that Carlos is dead, if they even were to begin with.  And why would they?  I don't even know why Michael is looking for her.  Doesn't he remember that Sonny and Carly told him he's not in love with her?

Ava, stop playing right into their hands.  You're a smart woman!  Be smart!

What's the point of getting invested in any storyline on this show, even something as innocuous as a Kiki/Dillon relationship, when you know no Corinthos will ever lose in the long run?

I've really got to stop watching this show the days the Corinthos clan are on, any of 'em.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 10

Right on, Fellaway. Saw a few minutes of GH for the first time in months and wished I hadn't. The only thing I liked was Ava telling Carly that Josslyn is NOT Avery's sister, in response to Carly saying Kristina and Josslyn are also Avery's sisters. I thought, wait, Carly remembers she has a daughter of her own? Interesting that she remembers a kid not fathered by or illegally adopted by Sonny.

And here I was hoping to see Elizabeth realize pining over Jason/Jakeson is a waste, that he is a waste and Sam can have him, and move on with her life. Booo...

  • Love 4

Morgan, Ava, and KiKi have been having basically the same conversation for the past three years.  I didn't care in 2013 and I really don't care now.

And the bummer is that these are capable actors! I think Hayley Erin is lovely and I want to like KiKi. But I cannot do one more round of "You're bad for her!" "No, you're bad for her!"

Edited by Ladybyrd
  • Love 10

I started sputtering when Carly said Sabrina did nothing but use Michael, and then I calmed myself with a fanwank:

Michael's is Carly's favorite and nobody and nothing will ever be good enough for him in her eyes, and meanwhile she's all yeah yeah Morgan so she's very happy about him and Kiki because it's Morgan and so any decent girl is good for him, and hopefully also will basically take him off her hands. Whew, I feel kinda better.

Wow, Inocencia sucks.Go screw yourself auntie.

I love how Carly gets out the smirk and the "I'm only starting, bitch" for . . . wacky Nursery Shenanigans. Oh snap! Carly didn't unpack Avery's clothes! She stopped a delivery! WHAT'S NEXT??

Although seriously, she does suck for basically causing a man to possibly have been hurt in an accident and/or damage his truck, which allows him to make a living. Great job Carly! You've made things hard for a delivery man! You go girl!

ugh, Lucy.

Greenlee: Yeah, I've noticed apologies aren't in your repertoire.

Or something like that. But it was good. Actually Nik had a good one when he said "you and your boyfriend, or whatever he is", but it was more the delivery.

Lucas: Money's tight right now. 

Tight? What the hell are they spending it on?

19 minutes ago, Ladybyrd said:

Morgan, Ava, and KiKi have been having basically the same conversation for the past three years.  I didn't care in 2013 and I really don't care now.

lol I was struggling to remember if there was anything I forgot about today's episode and it was them. Now I remember I was thinking "even their break-ups are boring".

1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

Sonny:  You know me, son.  I'll do anything for you, except keep my promise not to kill A.J.

Michael:  Who?

It was hilarious when Sonny told him he guessed he admired Michael's compassion.

  • Love 10

What the hell are they spending it on?

Apparently the divorce from Rosalie cost a fortune.  

Why exactly was Ava having another crib delivered?  On the same day that she was picking up her daughter?  Why get rid of the first crib?  Its not like their different sizes for different ages.  It would be different if she'd said she'd gotten a bed because Avery is too big for the crib now, but nope it was a crib.  Do these writers not understand the concept of,  I don't know, life?  

I don't hate Lucy, but girlfriend needs to calm down.  She must be very exhausting to be around on a regular basis.  

Hayden, shut up and get a job.  

  • Love 7

I wish Kiki/Morgan/Ava would shut the fuck up.

I refuse to believe Carly at this stage in her life would ever be this eager to raise/let nannies raise some baby created by Sonny and another woman in a crypt. I don't care how much she hates Ava. She would be encouraging Sonny to let Ava have the kid. 

If Lucas is so desperate to marry Brad right this second why not get married at the court house and then have a reception later. It's a bit rude to hijack the nurse's ball and force people to watch you get married, especially since some of the people in attendance probably have no idea who the two of you are. 

  • Love 11

Fast-forwarded through nearly all of this Friday ep: Curtis/raccoon-eyed Hayden (snooze); plane-to-Puerto Rico (snooze); empty headed Lucy (snooze); Kiki/Morgan breakup (snooze); Ava threats and manippleation (snooze); Auntie/Sabrina/Carlos (snooze) Nik/diamonds (snooze). Woke up briefly to sneer at Nik apparently carrying a flawless loose diamond with the pocket lint of his pants as if it was a cough drop.

Ava had every right to be angry that Carly and Sonny hadn't used any of Ava's outfits for Avery while she was in their custody.

The writers should have to pay us to watch this junk.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 7

Before I hunker down with tranqulizers and lots of food to numb the fact that I'm watching this show, let me recap what you've all written:

Sabrina is back and more boring than ever.   Michael is still obsessed with her as much as ever.  Nope.   You lose name privlages, Sabrina.   Back to BlahBlah.  That's what I hear when you talk, so that's who you are.  Dismissed.  AJ was reduced to a yadayada by Sonny.  Oh you stupid little gopher troll badger imposter insult to purple tracksuits...I haven't watched yet,  and I want to hide your towels and raise your shelves really high.   Wait....what's that?!  Greatest soap super couple Morgan and Kiki broke up!  Nooooooooo!   Teh sads.   Carly and Ava fought over Avery?  Something with What's her name and Nik?  Lucas and Brad are getting married at the Nurse's Ball because plot point?  So, nothing of note today.  Got it.  

  • Love 6

I loved Kaka's dress and belt today. Now that Hayley is settling into the role I find myself enjoying her performance.  KA was the worst actress ever, HA is much better in the role.

Lucy's performance is so aggravating and hyper she needs a clonopin or two.

So what happened to the storyline about Brad/Rosalie's BIG SECRET?  Did I blink and miss the resolution?

I just hate Carly with the heat of a thousand suns and don't like that I have to root for Ava.  That' like choosing between MERSA and the new super virus.

I loved seeing Doc, but I really don't like Laura and this storyline. Or ANYTHING that reminds me of Puke.

  • Love 1

I will always be against Morgan and Kiki because he was always so great with Ava. I miss them and their crazy chemistry. Plus, I like Dillon and Kiki.

I never minded Michael and Sabrina so may start watching again if they are back along with Dillon/Kiki. Finn is weird but I can get behind him as long as he yells at Dr O more. 

Jason, Sonny, Carly and that crazy Nina/Franco/Liez crap can't be ffed enough.

  • Love 8

Whenever someone talks about how Sonny's home has always been protected, how a child is safe there, blah blah blah, I have wanted Monica...or...Mac...or Tracy (a character who was around Robin and Brenda'in the '90s) to say, "Oh really, remember that time Brenda was shot at in Sonny's shower? When Sonny wasn't even there?" 

I wanted some object to fall out of the ceiling and knock Carly unconscious when she was all self-righteous about Ava denying Avery access to her father. Just because Carly is a delusional, hypocritical moron doesn't mean Ava's as far gone in her thinking as Cujo (kudos to inventor of that nickname!!)

  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Whenever someone talks about how Sonny's home has always been protected, how a child is safe there, blah blah blah, I have wanted Monica...or...Mac...or Tracy (a character who was around Robin and Brenda'in the '90s) to say, "Oh really, remember that time Brenda was shot at in Sonny's shower? When Sonny wasn't even there?" 

I wanted some object to fall out of the ceiling and knock Carly unconscious when she was all self-righteous about Ava denying Avery access to her father. Just because Carly is a delusional, hypocritical moron doesn't mean Ava's as far gone in her thinking as Cujo (kudos to inventor of that nickname!!)

At that point, my thought was, yeah, like you totally wouldn't freeze Ava completely out of Avery's life, given half the chance, Carly.  And that was a really lousy, petty and childish thing to do, not using the clothes Ava sent along for Avery.  Who knows, maybe wearing familiar clothes would've been a comfort to the child, going to live somewhere else without her mom.  (And let's face it, this kid has been bounced around so much, it's got to be telling on her little psyche by now.)  But, what's that compared to getting a dig in at Ava?

Despite Ava's manipulations to get Morgan to let Kiki go (which will totally come back to bite her), I'm in complete agreement with her.  Morgan is a whole lot of effort and no rewards.  Besides, Kiki is sparkly with Dillon, and I like sparkly.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Woke up briefly to sneer at Nik apparently carrying a flawless loose diamond with the pocket lint of his pants as if it was a cough drop.

In the diamond district in NYC, that's pretty much how diamonds are carried. No one wants to draw attention to the fact they might have millions of dollars in diamonds on their person.

Ava asking you point-blank to break up with Lauren isn't manipulation, Morgan.

LOL that Sonny is upset that Michael wants Sabrina back even though she chose Carrrlos, but Sonny has taken Carly back after numerous other men, some of them also mobsters!

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

At least I enjoyed Lucy nudging Dillon and Kiki together and giving Nikolas grief for a good cause, even though I didn't love the reminder of her bullshit ELQ vote in his favor.

And wasn't he seemingly blackmailing her to get her vote back then?  Did they just drop that?  

5 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Right on, Fellaway. Saw a few minutes of GH for the first time in months and wished I hadn't. The only thing I liked was Ava telling Carly that Josslyn is NOT Avery's sister, in response to Carly saying Kristina and Josslyn are also Avery's sisters. I thought, wait, Carly remembers she has a daughter of her own? Interesting that she remembers a kid not fathered by or illegally adopted by Sonny.

If Guza was still in charge, we'd probably see Sonny adopting Joss.  As it is, though, it's disgusting enough that Joss likes the asshole who tried to kill her father. You'd think soap writers would be smart enough to see the inherent drama in Joss hating the man her mother marries because of all the shit that man has pulled on her father.  Instead, it's "Uncle Sonny's a cool badass mobster!  Squee!!!"  

4 hours ago, Perkie said:

Why exactly was Ava having another crib delivered?  On the same day that she was picking up her daughter?  Why get rid of the first crib?  Its not like their different sizes for different ages.  It would be different if she'd said she'd gotten a bed because Avery is too big for the crib now, but nope it was a crib.  Do these writers not understand the concept of,  I don't know, life?   

And since Ava didn't tell Carly that she'd already donated the old crib until after Carly had the delivery held up, how did Carly know that halting the delivery would leave Ava with no crib?  Who would think that holding up that delivery would leave Ava with no choice but to leave Avery with Sonny and Carly?  Like Ava can't just have Avery sleep with her a couple nights, or, if all else failed, go stay in a hotel for a couple nights and get a crib in the room?  This was just ridiculously stupid.  

On a related note, I'm so tired of hearing Ava or Sonny whining about the other being the parent of their child.  Hey, geniuses?  If you hadn't fucked in a crypt, this wouldn't have happened.  It's not like fate just randomly chose the two of you to co-parent a child.  You did this, and you're both certainly old enough to know where babies come from.  Shut the hell up and keep it in your pants next time.  

  • Love 13
52 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Ava is right, though.  A man who's nickname is from a brand of rum is not marriage material,  nor is a man who banged your mom.  Even if you have married him already.  

Kiki isn't much of a prize herself. Lets see, came between two brothers, while I despise Carly, did hid the whereabouts of Franco thereby delaying Carly's rescue from Heather, helped drug a Michael to look like an unfit father.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 6

On more days this week, the show seemed to be retreading former couples, plot points, situations, half-geled relationships, scandals, etc. Friday, especially, reminded me of disturbing repetitive dreams that we all find ourselves suffering through sometimes.  It's not rational that this show got recent Emmy awards. Abandoned storylines and plot points litter the stage, along with deserted burned-out hulks of characters that crashed and burned (like Rosalie, Valerie, Dewq, Lucky, Helena, Jason 2.0 and Luke/Fluke/Puke). It's a nightmare scenario, and my tired brain is exhausted trying to make sense of it all, or enjoying it. Show badly needs fresh writing and directing talent. The repetitive nightmare aspect is giving me some bad headaches that make the price too high to pay.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

Ok.  I just watched today's episode.   What the hell was that?   Dear Forward Thinking GH Feminist Scribes,  if I wanted to watch a stupid Disney movie,  I'd watch one.  I clearly don't.   Sabrina/Michael is the stupidest love story on a show containing a serial killer flirting with a single mom.  At least Franco knows when the woman isn't into him, and Michael, she's not into you.  But blah blah whatever I'm so totally sure she'll forget about the love of her life and father of her child as soon as you and the tiny man responsible for his murder bust up in the place come and save her life.  Then she can be whisked away on your not father's private jet, where he'll talk endless smack about the lost love she's grieving and her bad choices.  When he and your overbearing mother with no self esteem meet her adorable baby, they'll force her to turn on the one friend she has because they say so.  Dammit.   Before we know it, Sabrina will be hanging from a meat hook by her lovely hair.   That's love in the afternoon.   Sound familiar,  Michael?   Because she ran from you, your family.  You were the Sonny.   Tall and boring, but still.   She does not love you.  You don't love you.  Now, Marcos,  a tiny man and a very boring man are coming soon.  Don't be dramatic.   Just shoot.  Take no prisoners.   I'm not looking forward to seeing Jelly attempt Disney meets West Side Story now that they're attempting Empire plots.   No.  And btw, if you copy an Empire plot,  damn, at least show the black people more than a few scenes a week.  

  • Love 3

Fast-forwarded through nearly all of this Friday ep: Curtis/raccoon-eyed Hayden (snooze); plane-to-Puerto Rico (snooze); empty headed Lucy (snooze); Kiki/Morgan breakup (snooze); Ava threats and manippleation (snooze); Auntie/Sabrina/Carlos (snooze) Nik/diamonds (snooze).

The Corinthos Family Hour is infuriating to me.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 11
19 hours ago, CreamedPeas said:

And the hairdressing squad needs to do something with her [Hayden's] hair.....it just hangs there looking dumb.

I agree with this. ReBu looks pretty horrible on this show. Her hair and makeup are really bad. I mean pretty much everyone looks bad though so.

18 hours ago, backhometome said:

LW talking to the camera at the end was odd at least thats what it looked like.

That was so bizarre. What the fuck was that seriously? Ugh.

18 hours ago, Fellaway said:

Sonny:  You know me, son.  I'll do anything for you, except keep my promise not to kill A.J.

Michael:  Who?

LOL! You have to laugh to keep the rage from turning you into a murderer.


What's the point of getting invested in any storyline on this show, even something as innocuous as a Kiki/Dillon relationship, when you know no Corinthos will ever lose in the long run?

Exactly. And this goes for literally any story because every fucking story is always ruined by one Corinthos or another.

17 hours ago, ulkis said:

Actually Nik had a good one when he said "you and your boyfriend, or whatever he is", but it was more the delivery.

I found Nik sorta enjoyable in yesterday's ep tbh. I don't know, I'm just embracing his horribleness I guess. It is pretty funny. And TC seems to be actually trying nowadays so that's nice.

  • Love 4
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