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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Of course Anna and Paul, and then Carlos, are in cells across from each other. Oh, PCPD. Never change. Anna should have burst out laughing when Paul said he loved her.


Can Mayor Lomax be a part of whatever mass killing happens? I love Shari Belafonte, but this character is really, really bad.


I think the spotlit animal in Sonny's office is a badger, not a beaver. LOL at Sonny's "Julian will do anything to save his own ass." As if Sonny would sacrifice for someone else.


The Nina/Dillon stuff was painful. MSt cannot play drunk.

  • Love 4

The last time Carly saw Silas (whoever), he appeared to have OD'd on morphine or laudanum or some shit from 1865. So maybe not the guy you want examining and potentially treating your daughter?


Mayo managed not to burst out laughing when Nina was trying to seduce him, so RPW should include today's episode on his next Emmy reel.

  • Love 10

Why is Sonny so sure that Jason is a bone marrow match for Danny?  There is a pretty good chance that he might not be. Dumb Sonny.

Well, obviously he won't be. Jason has "I am a Golden God" blood disorder and cannot be donating his bone marrow around like it's sperm./said in a Dennis Reynolds voice. That's when they'll realize they needed AJ and his big fat body full of big fat bone marrow. But Sonny is so passionate and dimples, so Sam and Jason will have to conceive a miracle baaabbaay to save Danny. We will never see either child again.

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Anna may have nothing but contempt for Paul Hornsby, but dammit if I didn't start developing a bit of a crush. Just the way he smirked while she was going on a terror in front of him. The blue shirt brought out the blue eyes too. Well done, Brugi.  But this "I'm in love with you" plot point was utterly ludicrous. Though still not half as bad as MS playing Nina drunk. Pain-ful.


The "over my dead body" is about as anvil-y as they come. And I imagine it's happening soon and will be a May sweeps storyline. I'm with iwantcandy. Hamilton Finn, or as I like to call him -- Twitter Trending Name -- will be the prime suspect.  I kinda hope that it is Monica, and they let her go out with a big dramatic flourish.


But I fear it'll be Griffin, who'll kill Dr. O accidentally, like straight out of Law & Order SVU. Dr. O will learn he is transgender, and he'll panic and hit Dr. O over the head to stop her from telling her son Nathan. Something like that. All the narrative pieces seem to fit.   


I did notice they had Griffin clearing his throat, like he wanted to modulate his voice, before he first spoke to Nathan. So I'm leaning toward that he is Claudette, and that it's a transgender storyline. Though, if that were the case, I wish they had hired someone transgender and had some real social issue awareness, and not done this horrible cliché of hiding one's transgender-ness. But now that they've started with this storyline, I do hope they'll see it through and not chicken out and Helena it.


I kinda didn't hate Kiki today. Or Carly even. And Alexis was actually pretty damn good. Dammit, I don't know what's come over me. I'm going to blame the Brugi crush.


Oh, and the stare down of Anna and Carlos at the end? I'm in. I'm in like flynn. I want to gif that.

Edited by Francie
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Am I crazy or are Dillon and Kiki actually kind of cute together.


I still liked them, but then I went into the realm of super cray cray because I kind of enjoyed and thought that Dillon and Nina had chem. Whatever, I just can't take any more of her and Franco. I didn't mind the "drunk" scenes though, I thought they were funny as in, wow are you serious? I also thought how awkward it would be if your boss got drunk and then started coming on to you. I saw someone on Twitter say that she could be sued for sexual harassment.


A friend of mine at work has kids that got Fifth's disease. I thought she was making it up since I had never heard of it. But she provided a link in the email saying she had to take her kids to the doctor. Still not used to this Joss. I'll never get over the last one. I liked her a lot.


I hope they don't do a whole big murder mystery. Those never are written well. Just write her off if that's what is happening.


Sonny is so pathetic.

  • Love 2

That was the worst portrayal of drunkenness I have ever seen.  So bad.


Kiki and Mayo Dillon have a bit of chemistry.  Yes, I am quite surprised at myself for thinking that.


I guess Liesel's days are numbered. Oh well. Once upon a time I did like her, back in the days of fierce hats and melting masks.


Mo's teeth gritting and word stumbling are driving me insane.  Please, please give him a screen time break.  I'm begging you, Show.

  • Love 7

I think it's more likely that Griffin is not Duke's son than he's transgender. I trust nothing from the GH lab. Nothing. That place can't even get identify a dead body. I can't believe Anna bought it. How the hell would Duke have found time to impregnate a nun roughly 26-34 years ago when he spent decades in a Turkish prison then a long time being held captive in the Swedish Clinic for the Undead giving info to Faison? And why would a nun bang a mobster?


And why would a nun bang a mobster?

Technically Duke was just a mob stooge back then.  A money launderer via his club.  Camelia the nun was intro'd as Duke's sister, then found out she wasn't then wanted him for herself.  Ewww, right?  Anyway, here's a good link about Camelia's backstory  (see: 1987), but no one has said that she's actually mommy of Griffhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_Lavery

Edited by ciarra
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But who will give nauseating pep talks to Franco if she dies! #eyeroll


I missed a good chunk of yesterday's ep and wasn't paying strict attention to what I did see, but...When Franco was bemoaning his love life to Dr. O, did she really tell him to reinforce his love to Nina by telling her... to do volunteer work? Wha- huh?


I think it's more likely that Griffin is not Duke's son than he's transgender. I trust nothing from the GH lab. Nothing. That place can't even get identify a dead body. I can't believe Anna bought it. 


I, personally, don't get the transgender idea from anything onscreen, yet.  I'm more inclined to think Griiffin is just not Duke's son than anything, but, hey, maybe that's why he was left in charge of taking care of his own DNA test, so he could diddle with the results.  I'm bad at science, but wouldn't the DNA test of someone who'd had a sex change still show the gender that person was born with?


Of course, none of that explains why Anna, Super Spy and Ace Police Commisioner and all around Smart Person, wouldn't babysit the DNA testing of the person whose veracity is in doubt.  But, then, this is the show that's been destroying characters in service to plot, and Sonny Corinthos, since...  When was MB hired? 

Edited by Fellaway
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Mayo managed not to burst out laughing when Nina was trying to seduce him, so RPW should include today's episode on his next Emmy reel.

He should though like seriously. Honestly he deserves hazard pay for that. I enjoyed those scene though. I mean MSt was horrible but it was funny and I really did think RPW was pretty good.


Paul told Anna he was in love with her? What? I clearly need to watch. That's ridiculous. And so Jean Passanante random.


I don't buy it. RiBu (idk what initials we're using for him lol) came off like he was totally faking that whole thing to me. If Paul is truly in love with Anna I can't. So fucking dumb. 


Anna may have nothing but contempt for Paul Hornsby, but dammit if I didn't start developing a bit of a crush.

Same! I've been falling a bit in love with Paul ever since Anna chloroformed him. 


Since nuJoss looks to about 12+14, are they planning on Sorasing the rest of the kids even Cam?

They will never soras Cam. Liz will be 75 and Cam will still be 10 years old.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 8

I can't stand to watch any Franco scene. Mainly because I hate him but I also hate looking at RoHo's hair. Its awful. Dillon and Kiki are kind of cute. I think I like that he's a much better option than Morgan but they are determined to tell me Kiki and Morgan are "true love." 


Liked Alexis and Carlos scenes. Cannot wait to see Sonny's face when he finds out she is representing him. 

  • Love 4


The "over my dead body" is about as anvil-y as they come. And I imagine it's happening soon and will be a May sweeps storyline. I'm with iwantcandy. Hamilton Finn, or as I like to call him -- Twitter Trending Name -- will be the prime suspect.  I kinda hope that it is Monica, and they let her go out with a big dramatic flourish.


But I fear it'll be Griffin, who'll kill Dr. O accidentally, like straight out of Law & Order SVU. Dr. O will learn he is transgender, and he'll panic and hit Dr. O over the head to stop her from telling her son Nathan. Something like that. All the narrative pieces seem to fit.   





My very first thought about Griffin was that he is not all that he seems, and may not even be the real Griffin Munro, for all we know. I don't want that to be true, mainly because Hollywood loves to create a character professing faith, then have that character turn out to be crazy, a liar, or evil. It's an offensive stereotype, and I wish they wouldn't go there.

I can't see Liesl caring about it if he is Claudette, though. And anyway, as ironic as it may seem, she appears to be a stickler for hospital rules. Wouldn't him being Claudette/transgender fall under medical information and therefore be protected under HIPAA? If so, I can't see her threatening to tell. I think if it is Griffin, it will be something far more sinister, like he is a DVX agent sent by Faison to harm/torment Anna, or he's the son of Anna and not Duke, but Faison himself, and he's been brainwashed into hating her. Not that Liesl would care if he hurt Anna I don't think, but I actually think she would care if he used the guise of a doctor at her hospital to do it. Yes I know-again, ironic. I can see him killing her simply because she gets in the way of his plan.

And if it IS Finn's needle that is found on or near her body, I think it has to be Griffin, unless someone else discovers Finn's secret between now and then. Because it's quite possible the day Finn slammed his locker, that Griffin was watching and saw the apparatus before he shut the door.


Still think it'd be highly more dramatic-and serve the purpose of ridding us of deadweight characters-if it were Nathan or Nina who did it accidentally.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 1
Wouldn't him being Claudette/transgender fall under medical information and therefore be protected under HIPAA? If so, I can't see her threatening to tell.


I would agree with you, but for the fact that Nathan is Dr. O's son. That's why the tie between Claudette and Nathan is important.


Just because I am that (annoying!) person, it's actually "Burgi". But I'm sure Richard forgives you.  :-)

Ha, thanks! Brugi is gonna be my pet name for him. It's been four years since I've started watching again, and I still can't get Dominic's last name (Zeffirelli, right?).

Edited by Francie
  • Love 3
Why is Sonny so sure that Jason is a bone marrow match for Danny?  There is a pretty good chance that he might not be. Dumb Sonny.


I know! I was like, Since when did Jason get tested? Just because he's Danny's father doesn't mean he's a match. Typical Sonny, though—he's thinking of what works for him, not anyone else. "Jason's back; he's Danny's father; I can now kill Julian because he's not needed anymore." 


I kinda didn't hate Kiki today.


Her selective reaction to noises cracked me up. Franco rages and throws a picture frame (or whatever that was) and she doesn't stir, but a fire engine goes off and it's Defcon 1.


I think Joss's disease presents like Fifth's but is actually related to the random kidney she got. No one knows who's it's from! And Maybe Finn's sekrit medicine will tie into that. They're certainly making him and Carly pals.


I'm more inclined to think Griiffin is just not Duke's son than anything, but, hey, maybe that's why he was left in charge of taking care of his own DNA test, so he could diddle with the results.

They've gone a long way to show how moral he is—all that forgiveness talk with Sonny in the chapel—so I can't see why Griffin would change the results. I think he is Duke's son. I don't think he's transgender, I think that's wishful thinking. And GH is not the show to tackle that issue anyway. It can't even handle breastfeeding with any sort of clarity.


I love Paul simply for being Richard Burgi. The character is pretty terrible, but Burgi makes him bearable for me.


They will never soras Cam. Liz will be 75 and Cam will still be 10 years old.

Liz will become her own grandmother and be babysitting him off camera. Heh.


be protected under HIPAA

Ha! HIPAA is a plot point, now and forever.

  • Love 2

After watching the latest "Sonny gets to do what he wants because he's a good mobster" scenes I just...I mean...are we supposed to root for Sonny in these situations?  Because he comes off like SUCH AN ASSHOLE.  The stupid laughing, the whisper/mumbling, the not-at-all scary threats were played out in 2004, never mind now.  This show has been on lather, rinse, repeat with "new BAD mobster comes to town and Sonny must protect himself/the town from this new evil force" since Bill Clinton was President.  

Edited by Cheyanne11
  • Love 9

The main reason why Griffin should not be transgender? Zarf/AMC.


I want Dr. O taken out mid-song as she sings "A House Is Not A Home" at the Nurses Ball, preferably by a cement-filled bag flying down from off-stage, so that all eyes will be on Thpensaw. This will then lead to a "Murder on the Orient Express"-type S/L, where all the characters we loathe will have played some part in prepping the bag, then aiming it at Olbrecht.


But I'm okay with it being death by SuperSyringe or Weapon of Opportunity. Just so long as the right peeps are implicated, then executed (Franco, Nina, Kiki, Morgan, Felix, Sonny, Liez).

  • Love 2

I would agree with you, but for the fact that Nathan is Dr. O's son. That's why the tie between Claudette and Nathan is important.




Ha, thanks! Brugi is gonna be my pet name for him. It's been four years since I've started watching again, and I still can't get Dominic's last name (Zeffirelli, right?).


But if Nathan DID shoot Claudette/Griffin.....again, she'd keep her mouth shut. If Nathan is not saying anything, she won't, either.

Edited by IWantCandy71

I know! I was like, Since when did Jason get tested? Just because he's Danny's father doesn't mean he's a match. Typical Sonny, though—he's thinking of what works for him, not anyone else. "Jason's back; he's Danny's father; I can now kill Julian because he's not needed anymore."

Her selective reaction to noises cracked me up. Franco rages and throws a picture frame (or whatever that was) and she doesn't stir, but a fire engine goes off and it's Defcon 1.

I think Joss's disease presents like Fifth's but is actually related to the random kidney she got. No one knows who's it's from! And Maybe Finn's sekrit medicine will tie into that. They're certainly making him and Carly pals.

They've gone a long way to show how moral he is—all that forgiveness talk with Sonny in the chapel—so I can't see why Griffin would change the results. I think he is Duke's son. I don't think he's transgender, I think that's wishful thinking. And GH is not the show to tackle that issue anyway. It can't even handle breastfeeding with any sort of clarity.

I love Paul simply for being Richard Burgi. The character is pretty terrible, but Burgi makes him bearable for me.

Liz will become her own grandmother and be babysitting him off camera. Heh.

Ha! HIPAA is a plot point, now and forever.

If Griffin isn't a transgender then so be it, but it always sounds so condescending and dismissive when someone says that something is wishful thinking. Why does anyone have to be wishing for it as opposed to it simply being how the story looks to each individual viewer? As for Griffin's pureness, some might argue that he's so over-the-top with it that he could just as well be a BIG FAT FAKE! Edited by Syndicate
If Griffin isn't a transgender then so be it, but it always sounds do condescending and dismissive when someone says that something is wishful thinking.


Tone on the Internet is hard to convey, and not everyone is automatically being snarky. I didn't mean to sound condescending, I meant it as a transgender story being handled with any sensitivity and care, which is how it deserves to be told, will not happen with the current GH writers. To think otherwise is the wishful thinking part.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Tone on the Internet is hard to convey, and not everyone is automatically being snarky. I didn't mean to sound condescending, I meant it as a transgender story being handled with any sensitivity and care, which is how it deserves to be told, will not happen with the current GH writers. To think otherwise is the wishful thinking part.

Point taken!
I know! I was like, Since when did Jason get tested? Just because he's Danny's father doesn't mean he's a match. Typical Sonny, though—he's thinking of what works for him, not anyone else. "Jason's back; he's Danny's father; I can now kill Julian because he's not needed anymore."



Wasn't Julian going to bank some of his bone marrow for Danny, anyway, for some kind of thing Silas had going?


They've gone a long way to show how moral he is—all that forgiveness talk with Sonny in the chapel—so I can't see why Griffin would change the results. I think he is Duke's son. I don't think he's transgender



Oh, I agree.  There's obviously an opening there for Griffin diddling with the DNA results, if they choose to go anywhere with that down the road, but I do believe he's Duke's son and not transgender.  I think there's more story behind his religious/moral leanings and, of course, his connection to Nathan, than anything, but, no, I don't believe he is Claudette.

That dress looked awful on Lulu. Oh, joy Lante had sex. Are everyone's bed sheets white in Port Charles. 


I dont get how when Jason said he had flashes of JaSam kissing on the bed that Sam automatically assumed it was the night he died? I`m sure they kissed lots of times in that bed. Obv. it was to set up her dreaming of Jason dying again but that was clunky way to do it. Enjoyed seeing Helena again. And KeMo looked pretty with minimal make up. 


Griffin is awful. His acting was talking tree levels of bad today. 

  • Love 5

That dress looked awful on Lulu. Oh, joy Lante had sex. Are everyone's bed sheets white in Port Charles. 


The writers did zero to build that back up. Lante have been literally on about 5 episodes together since they signed the divorce papers. Definitely less than 10. And they screwed in the same bed where he screwed her cousin. Pathetic writers. Pathetic.

  • Love 9

Thinking about it, it really might have been better if Lante hadn't gone ahead and christened the new bed (once again: get off the forums, TPTB!) in favor of just sitting on it, or cuddling on it.  Less is more, etc.


That said FH and JVP still managed to coax some actual acting out of Dr. Xerox and we unintentionally got the mental image of the White Queen listening to frigging Elvis, so all the other wackiness gets a pass today.  (Or nearly all.  I'm still undecided on where the show's going with Kevin and Laura, since it sounds like they're both pretty damn single right now...)

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