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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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never mind that she would have had plenty of time on the launch to Wyndemere to cool down.

I always find it funny on tv shows that characters always wait til they get to their destination before saying anything.  Obviously it's for the viewers benefit but no way in real life would two people not say a word to each other on the launch to the mainland, or in the car from the pier to the stable where Jason is now living.  They would have been screaming at each other the whole way home.  

  • Love 1

I know you don't like him and his acting tics and that's cool (!!!), and this isn't directed at you, but you just reminded me with the "KeMo looked good" ....

....but the body-shaming coming from some fans about Billy Miller is SO crazy to me.


I get it from the angle that, I'm already annoyed by this guy, and in addition to that he's allowed to carry around extra weight that an actress his age (and older) would never be allowed to carry around on this show. He's hardly the only actor on the show who is in a shape that an actress would never be allowed to get away with on the show, admittedly.


Although I'm sure a lot of the more extreme people pick on that fact because [he's not with Liz/He's not Burton, Before he wasn't with Sam, etc etc]

  • Love 3

I get it from the angle that, I'm already annoyed by this guy, and in addition to that he's allowed to carry around extra weight that an actress his age (and older) would never be allowed to carry around on this show. He's hardly the only actor on the show who is in a shape that an actress would never be allowed to get away with on the show, admittedly.

Although I'm sure a lot of the more extreme people pick on that fact because [he's not with Liz/He's not Burton, Before he wasn't with Sam, etc etc]

I mean, if we're talking a larger entertainment issue, those "standards" should've changed years ago. No woman should have to be a size 0 anymore. No man should be required to have a 12-pack to be on television. Unfortunately, a lot of people have essentially been programmed to think that's what's considered "hot" or "sexy."

Regardless, I personally see nothing wrong with Billy Miller's body. I don't think he's fat or too heavy or whatever.

  • Love 7

Today was good and bizarre.  The Alexis/Parker scenes and the Julian/Kristina scenes were good, I thought.  I like seeing Julian interacting with the Davis girls just to change things up for a change.


The Sonny/Ava/Carly stuff?  Same old, same old - and I like all three characters, but it was boring.


The rest was just bizarre.  The Hayden/Nikolas relationship is getting twisted, and it would have played out much better if he had remained pissed off at her instead of her tending to his wounds at the end.  On what planet would he want to be around her right now?  Count me in also with "Why the hell did Sam go to confront Nikolas?  If she wanted to call the police, she could have done that from Jakeson's place.  SHE created the situation that took place at Wyndemere because she was shoving Nikolas and forcing her way into his home.  Did he have the right to put his hands on her?  No, but did she really think he wasn't going to try and stop her from calling the police?  


Lastly, I know the writers are desperately trying to sell BM as Jason Morgan and as Stone Cold and all that, and the fight was okay, but can we stop with the cringe worthy stuff from Curtis.  "I've been in a lot of fights before, but that guy is lethal."  Seriously???  Come on.  It was not a bad ass fight, folks.  It was one guy beating up another guy, and the other guy wasn't a fighter.  Now if it had been two or three guys against Jakeson with Curtis' comment, then okay.  I saw nothing OMG about the fight.  It was a smackdown more than anything.  Besides, Curtis looks like he could take Jakeson.  I'm sorry but BM just isn't imposing.

  • Love 3

Why did we sit through all that garbage if it didn't matter?


And we have another t-shirt!


Preferably her. She must be blind if she's overlooking Curtis for Nik. 


It honestly makes no sense. How can she sit there and love Nik's mumps looking, tried to have her killed ass when Curtis is right there. Blasphemy imo.


I thought this ep was pretty good. This week has entertained me.


I'm not one to be pearl clutchy over stuff, but Sam/Jason fucking after he almost killed someone/while he was still bloody was just too bizarre for me. And then Nik/Hayden sleeping in bed together with knives or whatever was also just too weird. I think the problem is that the writers don't seem to really get that everything they're writing is gross. Like they think this shit is romantic. And they think Sonny is a hero. Juts such a bizarro world they live in.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 8

The rest was just bizarre.  The Hayden/Nikolas relationship is getting twisted, and it would have played out much better if he had remained pissed off at her instead of her tending to his wounds at the end.  On what planet would he want to be around her right now? 


Nik isn't allowed to be pissed off at Hayden for any reason.

  • Love 4

Often times real life couples don't have chemistry in romantic scenes but these two do - Billy M. just looked big muscle-wise (something I don't personally like) not in any way heavy or fat - maybe I missed something.  Must also be pretty weird to do those love scenes when with someone you are involved with - even more than just another actor because it would seem like something personal and intimate is partially being exposed when filming - 


Best scenes for me today was Mama Bear and Professor Parker.  I get Kristina reacting as she did - she is still not comfortable in her own skin yet and taking those steps to reveal herself is pretty intense and challenging - and, ouch, knowing her mother went to see the professor.  If Mama Bear doesn't tell her - that could certainly be cause for some fireworks - rightfully so.  Man, I would be pissed if I were her.  


Nik is a neanderthal/cretin hybrid - whatever, something icky and so is the "wife" - What a incredibly stupid storyline - 

  • Love 2

Often times real life couples don't have chemistry in romantic scenes but these two do - Billy M. just looked big muscle-wise (something I don't personally like) not in any way heavy or fat - maybe I missed something. 


He had some definite moobage going on in this scene, but that was almost a year ago. He definitely seems to have lost that weight




Honestly, I don't think it's repellent or anything (I wouldn't want Billy to have Ryan Paevey's perfect, waxed chest for instance), but I see where the comments come from. Or where they did come from. 


And they think Sonny is a hero. Juts such a bizarro world they live in.


I actually don't think JP/SA think of Sonny as a hero, I think that comes down from on high. At least, the decision to keep Sonny in the mob does. But that doesn't mean they don't have their own weird ass skewed version of things (Valerie, Liz, Nikolas).

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
Billy M. just looked big muscle-wise (something I don't personally like) not in any way heavy or fat - maybe I missed something.



Well no worries because I missed it as well. I am so confused that there's apparently a conversation about Billy's weight and body because I've never once looked at him and thought he looked fat or even out of shape. I've just always seen him as a burly guy, sort of like Ben Affleck-ish, if that makes sense. 

  • Love 9

Still thinking Parker's getting off clean (yeah, possibly due to Ashley Jones' pregnancy), but her conversation with mama-bear Alexis today was about as practical and even-handed as I could have hoped for out of this story.  Ditto Kristina talking to Julian about it, even if it all leads to the probably inevitable Krissy freakout over her mom possibly overstepping her bounds.


Ava and the dead pigeon was utterly random, but funny.  And it had MW in a nightgown, so hey.


Carly again wanting Sonny to give peace a chance (and Sonny, in his way, kindasorta appeasing her with his current cunning plan) continues to be......strange.


All that said...minus Jason and Sam getting it on (nice and all, just meh) and Curtis just being swatted out of the way (I still don't like him, so...yay?) while Ryu went after Vega--er, Jason went after Nikolas--this episode went from zero to the hell?!? the minute we got to Rayden and Nikolas both bringing knives to bed after she tended to his wounds.  I'm honestly not sure if Show wanted to get more bizarre/fucked up with this story, but they just did.  (Verdict's still out on Sam finally getting to go off on him only after chucking back some wine.)


I'm convinced she's John Black.


Rayden's been out of her coma long enough to have invoked "That's a fact" at least a million times, so she can't possibly be John Black.  Just saying.

Edited by Bill C.
  • Love 5

The rest was just bizarre.  The Hayden/Nikolas relationship is getting twisted, and it would have played out much better if he had remained pissed off at her instead of her tending to his wounds at the end.  On what planet would he want to be around her right now?


On what planet does SHE want to be around HIM, tend to his boo boos, sleep in the same bed with him?  He TRIED TO HAVE YOU KILLED, Rebecca Budig!


She wants to bleed him dry for her troubles?  Go ahead, girl.  But bunk in one of the mansion's zillion other rooms, or with Curtis!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

On what planet does SHE want to be around HIM, tend to his boo boos, sleep in the same bed with him? He TRIED TO HAVE YOU KILLED, Rebecca Budig!

She wants to bleed him dry for her troubles? Go ahead, girl. But bunk in one of the mansion's zillion other rooms, or with Curtis!

Seriously, why isn't the stupid Ava/Scott bodyguard story being done with Curtis/Hayden?

  • Love 2

For God's sack, I said I wanted Curtis to take off his shirt. Curtis. So who takes off his shirt? Nikolas. Feh.


I was worried that Jason might really kill him, though, which surprised me. Nik is garbage now, but I used to love him and secretly hope that's Connor Bishop, back from the dead! and the real Nik is in that big underground hole in the stable where Faison was supposed to be. It's going to have to be something crazy and unlikely if they're ever going to redeem Nik; he's just too far gone as it is.


Today's show reminded me of the Guza years when they were trying to be murderous and operatic all the time and usually failed. Hayden and Nik sleeping with knives is dumb enough by itself, but the fact that Nik's knife looked like a letter opener made it that much more pitiful. Similarly the dead thing in Ava's bed was more icky than menacing. I couldn't even tell what it was. Rat? Bat? Morgan's toupee? And the less said about out-of-control rage as foreplay, the better. Someone needs to tell these writers that it's not Othello and it's not The Godfather. Just be a soap.

  • Love 5

So....I rewatched that moment yesterday with Griffin being told he'd be doing the surgery. What's he going to screw up? Or what's going to happen during the surgery that Obrecht will say is his or Finn's fault? Anyone else get that feeling her warning to Finn was an anvil?


I've heard some strange stuff can happen once people have brain surgery.


I still can't get over what these writers have done to Nik. Now they have him physically attacking Sam like it's his natural state.


The last time he did that he had a tumor. At this point I'd welcome a tumor that made him obey a hallucination of Helena - for reasons


It pisses me off. Nik was basically destroyed for...no reason. To prolong JaSam's reunion. That was it. Makes me sick, really.


Nik was destroyed because that's how RC wrote - the things he did to some of the OLTL characters still piss me off. It's funny though - I was sitting here annoyed that Jason and Sam's story up to this point has been about frikkin Nik/Hayden 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2

Billy Miller has a health condition that he takes prednisone for. It can make you gain weight. SK has been on prednisone as well. Prednisone weight is hard to control, and these guys aren't by any means fat. If an actress were on prednisone, I'd say the same thing. If we aren't going to body shame the ladies, shouldn't we not body shame the guys for real?

  • Love 4

Nice Roid Rage from Jason.  Maybe the next storyline will be that Helena was doping him.  On the plus, somehow Sam managed to not sprain an ankle today.


Could not stand Sonny and Carly's smugness when it comes to Ava.  The cutest baby on daytime should've never been conceived, that is painfully obvious, as none of these assholes are qualified to raise her.

  • Love 2

My point was that Nikolas' road to ruin began long ago for this viewer. And under Ron's pen, and after loathing his ass for his obnoxious, full-court press pursuit of Liz when she was with AJ, I actually liked Nikolas for a hot minute during the early, early pairing with Britt.

It's funny. A while ago I was watching the scene where Ron made Patrick of all people try to physically attack Britt and Nik stopping him. And Britt was like, "It was so scary!!!" Lol. JT set fire to script 4675566 that day, too.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

So, sleeping with knives is the new romance? At least Sam finally got to rightfully yell at Nik, and he had the nerve to lay hands on her. Jason actually was in the right to hit Nik. About time someone did. Curtis was just like "Whoa, whoa, I just want to eat my dinner with no deaths." I wasn't disappointed in Curtis pissing off Nik either. I liked him threatening to actually put Laura in prison for knowing because finally a character knows stuff. Hayden should have went to Curtis's room though.

  • Love 7

I enjoyed today's episode. The Parker/Alexis stuff was handled with grace. They sat like two adults and discussed the situation. As for Kristina, I get her frustration, but she's been misunderstanding Alexis big time. Her emotions are high, so it's clouding her judgement, but I think once she settles down and figures herself out, she and Alexis will sort out this recent animosity between them. Also, the Ethan reference when Alexis mentioned the Caribbean, was a win xD! 


As for the Jake/Sam/Nikola/Hayden stuff, I'm glad that Jaso and Sam finally lashed out at Nikolas the way they were supposed to. Today was long overdue.Also, while I am enjoying Hayden's power play over Nikolas, I think that their relationship is growing way too uncomfortable for me to watch. The end scene where they both pull out a knife to sleep with was disturbing. At this rate, the level of abuse and toxicity between the two of them is irredeemable.

Edited by teenj12
  • Love 5

Okay, some of today was good, some of it was WTF, and some was just damn annoying.


The Alexis/Parker scenes and dialogue were really good. It sucks that it looks like they're ushering Parker off the canvas, but I'm not sure this relationship if there ever was one, worked for me. Besides the professor angle, she was married and confidently out while Kristina was just still so new to these feelings. And she still looks too old for her. If it was a TA, I think it would have worked much better. I hope Krissy takes Julian's advice and lightens up on her mom. Her ability to entirely misconstrue everything Alexis says is not attractive.


Hayden, she needs to give up on this idea of a relationship. It's beyond the point of gross now, it flat out doesn't make sense. And the show is annoying as hell having her tend to his wounds, and having them exchange these little glances and then go to bed with their weapons literally drawn. I mean, come the fuck on.  Part of the biggest problem these writers have is being married to an idea or a couple that no longer works. Aside from Jasam and Lante, only because they just got together or back together, they should put all the names in a hat and draw out random ones to be paired. They need to do something like this to shake things up because what they're doing is NOT working.


I felt a little better about Ava's reaction because I have had the same reaction when I thought a bug was there. Probably a much worse reaction actually. Let's just say my screams could wake the dead. I was glad to see her get pissed off enough to go over there and call him out before. But Sonny and Carly can both just be duct taped for my sanity. They're nauseating. And Carly's an idiot for not realizing her husband is lying to her. Again. Lame and yet cheap ripoff, JP/SA. I thought Guza and Ron were bad with ripping off other's material.


I really wish that Jason hadn't gone to town on Nik. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad because it was Nik. I just wanted Sam to be the one to do it. Don't tell me that she wasn't pissed off enough that she couldn't. And when he grabbed her, she should have kicked him in the nuts so hard, he would have had to give up sex for weeks. (Imagine the agony for him.) I don't necessarily think that it was the fight that led to the sex, I think that TIIC are just really sucky at writing transitions and scenes that flow between. And at any rate, I'm glad if that's what did it, because I've been waiting for a long time and they were pretty damn hot. Of course, I still wouldn't kick KeMo out of my bed. I don't see my boyfriend minding too much. But Billy looked good too. Thank god we don't have a Jesus freak who refuses to take his shirt off.

  • Love 5

I get the impression I'm suppose to cheer Jason and Sam on for what they're doing. 


Still. STILL. After all these years, this show is STILL trying to bottle feed "Jason is a HERO, Sam is a HEROINE, they are MAGIC AND LOVE TOGETHER".


Why the fuck would I cheer them on? Jason killed people for a living. He stole from and hurt people. He stole AJ's child. Never paid for ANY of it. He just killed some people a little while ago in self-defense and shrugged it off. Doesn't feel compelled to look at his past and make amends for the misery he caused. Sam LOVED it when Jason killed people for a living. I remember her "I don't care" attitude when Skye came to her and BEGGED her to stop Jason from killing Luke. Utterly, pathetically BEGGED Sam to help her and Sam was all "yeah, I don't care, kbye."


They are fucking demented assholes with no souls. With all the shittery Nikolas has done, just in the past six months or so, he STILL doesn't rank the way Jason Morgan does.


I mean, Jason was a complete ASSHOLE to Nikolas when all he knew about Nikolas was the guy was Liz's best friend and paid Jason's medical bills because it was the right thing to do and that Slug STILL brought snotty attitude to the table.


So now Nikolas is trashed.  HayNik is trashed too.


And for fucking WHAT? So he can pick on poor Jason? So he can not give a shit about Sam, a person he should NEVER have given a shit about the minute he saw what she tried to do to Alexis' family?


I just hate all of it. I just desperately want Stefan to come and fetch his freaking son and grandson from permanent ruin.  Because now, pathetically so, they're trying to backpaddle with HayNik. "Whoops, went too far! That's okay, we'll just paddle this way! Everything's fine!" Now they're going to be what? Some sexy, dangerous, dark pairing. Fuck that shit. Too goddamn late. As usual.


And I hate, hate, HATE, that there is STILL no reckoning in sight for the shit Jason has done. Or Sam. Seriously, when are we getting a Bronx Tale? When are we getting some poor kid who grew up hating Jason's ass for killing his father showing up and plugging Jason dead in a room full of people?


So much hate.  This show cannot bring itself to find a decent fucking writer.

  • Love 13
The Parker/Alexis stuff was handled with grace.


My remote was on heavy duty fast-forwarding yesterday thanks to Jason's blood thirst being a turn-on for Sam and for Carly talking out of the other side of her mouth about not wanting to be about violence except when it comes to  custody of a step daughter.  They also screwed up the lighting in Ava's scene so i couldn't even tell what was in her bed except for some blood. Why these writers choose to write about violence instead of the plethora of readily available hospital plots that focus the stories on patients as the present characters on this show are ruined. Did Alexis ask Parker to remove the charge from her daughter's record?  Did Alexis ask why Parker came to town TWICE to visit Kristina after causing her to be expelled from school?

  • Love 2

Ion even care, the JaSam love scenes were fiyah. Now that's some old school soap love scenes. Somebody on the Twitter said it was soft porn and embarrassing. Please. Back in the day, when erbody says soaps were still good, that scene would've been tame. I haven't forgotten Don Diamont showing his bare ass during a love scene on YR. For some reason soaps have toned down love scenes but have amped up the violence. I'll take the former over the latter any day, and twice on Sundays. And dayum KeMo, she almost make a bitch question her sexuality lol!!

  • Love 11

Ion even care, the JaSam love scenes were fiyah. Now that's some old school soap love scenes. Somebody on the Twitter said it was soft porn and embarrassing. Please. Back in the day, when erbody says soaps were still good, that scene would've been tame. I haven't forgotten Don Diamont showing his bare ass during a love scene on YR. For some reason soaps have toned down love scenes but have amped up the violence. I'll take the former over the latter any day, and twice on Sundays. And dayum KeMo, she almost make a bitch question her sexuality lol!!


Somebody on Twitter needs to take the giant stick out of their ass. Have they ever seen a soap before? 

  • Love 5

Still. STILL. After all these years, this show is STILL trying to bottle feed "Jason is a HERO, Sam is a HEROINE, they are MAGIC AND LOVE TOGETHER".




Can't stand them as a couple. They are either boring me, or what you said. The self righteousness is AWFUL. Awful. Although I suppose we're not supposed to think of this version as a killer anymore. Doesn't mean I don't do the epic eyeroll. I heard enough about the scenes yesterday, I don't need to watch them to get the gist.


I think Finn's comment to Griffin that he will be watching him during the surgery is an omen that Griffin is going to screw something up. He may be good at making a diagnosis, and have a great bedside manner, but I bet he's lousy at cutting people up. Too much was made of the decision to choose him and not Mays, for it to mean nothing.

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