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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Alexis is so dumb. She only blabs to the gunman that Sonny's daughter, who is also HER daughter is there in the chapel, thus making HER daughter a target. She knows how this shit works. These thugs go for loved ones first. UGH.


And of fucking course, Sonny gets to fake a disability, and then turn around and play hero. Fuck him, and fuck this show.

Edited by admiralrodcocker
  • Love 16

And Carly's "I didn't realize it until just now" shit about guns, the mob, whatever at the end? Girl, please. GIRL, PLEASE!

This is the eleventy millionth time she's lived through some variation of this idiotic plot. So .... yeah.

This isn't Anna Devane. This is a lifelike robot she left behind to confuse any enemies from her past. Real Anna is living in California with Robert, Robin, No Longer PodPatrick and Emma. I'll never believe otherwise!

[/runs off and weeps]

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 13

Wow, Sam lying about being Sonny's daughter to protect her sisters was one of the most selfless acts I've ever seen on this show. I fucking love Sam.

Yeah, that would be the only moment with emotional impact in this story.

I mostly have no problem with Sam, but I kinda wanted both Alexis and Julian to die. Along with Sonny and half the town. Sam would probably be a better guardian for her sisters, anyway ... as long as Jason keeps his ass out of the mob.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 3

You can tell today was an Elizabeth Korte day:


- Carly gets to mouth off self-righteously and get the last word with Paul and Anna!


- Carly portrayed as the innocent wife who just can't BELIEVE her husband lied, even though she's known him for the past 16 goddamn years.


-Carly gets to throw things into the water because she just can't believe the injustice of it all, and then give some speech about the blood and the blah blah and this is where SHE, Carly, gave Kiki CPR while everyone else stood around useless.


And what the hell is she talking about? If Sonny had let Morgan know he could stand, he would still have let him walk out, because like he said, he had to let Morgan hit rock bottom. If Morgan had known Sonny could stand, he still would have done something to make a fool out of himself another way.




Okay he didn't say that. But I really wanted him too.


It was nice of Molly to thank Kristina, and I don't blame Kristina for not revealing herself till the last possible second, but really, she did not reveal herself until the last possible second, so Molly should not have been too awed.


The upside to this slap-dash Lulu/Dante stuff is Dante's hair being wet.

  • Love 15

I chalk it down to Dante being Sonny's son. I don't think it's a coincidence both rescues by father and son happen on the same show.


Women sometimes ARE physically weaker than men, smaller than men. But a sort of wise man I know, once said that women may be weaker, but they are also tougher than men by far. This man went on to say that if it were up to men to have the babies, the human race would've been extinct years ago.

Truer words. It's just too bad GH doesn't realize this.

  • Love 2

And then...that's it?  The big sweeps hostage crisis took place in the back half of one episode and the first half of another?  Nobody's dead?


Hey, if someone died, it would have been Brad, so imo it's a good thing no one died.


And also at least people got hurt. Last year with Fluke setting off the bomb and then nothing happening was one of the most anti-climatic things I've ever seen on this show, and there's been a lot of those.


No one realized except Carly that Sonny had been lying for months (?), so I think we, the audience, are supposed to know they have misinformed about the situation. As Mama St Carly the Wise told us at the end of the episode when she was throwing the dreaded arms of violence into the shore (without any freaking personnel there to stop her), Sonny knew the meeting was going down and could have stopped it.

  • Love 5

Seriously? Her husband is in a wheelchair from a gunshot and the damage that guns do just becomes clear.

She has also been shot in the head herself. As has her son.

She is a moron. Although there's an argument to be made that she has been somewhat brain damaged since Sonny accidentally shot her in the head. A lot of Carly's behavior in recent years could be explained by bullet fragments jostling around and eroding her brain over time.

Or maybe this is just Carly yelling at people because that's what she does, whether it makes sense or not.

  • Love 7

The florists in Port Charles should start offering bouquets with hidden handguns in them. 



Alexis has mostly had tragic taste in men.  Sonny, Ric, Jerry, Julian...  (Not that I don't love Ric, but he was definitely not good for her beyond helping her fend off Sonny for a while.)  By far, her best relationship with a man was her (unfortunately) platonic relationship with Jax. 

Alexis used to be so anti mob though. And now since she's with Julian its suddenly okay

I haven't seen it yet but I seriously don't see how it is Morgan's fault Kiki got shot.


1. She called Michael and he told her he and Carly would handle Morgan.

2. She was mere feet away from Sonny just inside the church. He was way in the back. She could have wheeled him out and gotten him to send armed men to the dock.

3. She is a stupid ass brain dead idiot to run head long into a large group of thugs with guns.


Kiki getting shot is all on Kiki's stupid ass not Morgans(stupid ass).

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 4

After all the violence Carly and her sons have experienced at the hands of Sonny's business, Kiki's blood on the docks is what pushes Carly over the edge?  The only thing I can see Carly giving up the mob lifestyle is for one of her children being killed because of Sonny.  If Morgan had been killed on the docks it would be the day of his parents reckoning.  It would have been a great story line.

  • Love 12

After all the violence Carly and her sons have experienced at the hands of Sonny's business, Kiki's blood on the docks is what pushes Carly over the edge?  The only thing I can see Carly giving up the mob lifestyle is for one of her children being killed because of Sonny.  If Morgan had been killed on the docks it would be the day of his parents reckoning.  It would have been a great story line.


Which is precisely why we'll never see it. :(

  • Love 5


After all the violence Carly and her sons have experienced at the hands of Sonny's business, Kiki's blood on the docks is what pushes Carly over the edge?

I'm not sure that's what it was.  She seemed pissed that he had lied and made them all feel badly that he wasn't improving because he wanted to  catch the bad guys by surprise, no matter who got hurt in the process.  


She had a point, but Sonny also had a point that Morgan needed to hit rock bottom before making any changes and Kiki is completely to blame for getting shot.  

  • Love 3

After all the violence Carly and her sons have experienced at the hands of Sonny's business, Kiki's blood on the docks is what pushes Carly over the edge?  The only thing I can see Carly giving up the mob lifestyle is for one of her children being killed because of Sonny.  If Morgan had been killed on the docks it would be the day of his parents reckoning.  It would have been a great story line.



Sonny and Carly will never experience anything with lasting consequences.  I guess you could consider AJ but since they made Michael not give a crap about it -  no lasting consequence.  Plus AJ was fat so whatev.  Michael being shot in the head should have been their day; or maybe when he was raped in prison because of their brilliant idea to lie....

  • Love 7

Eh, if Morgan got killed, eventually Carly would just be all, "we can make another baby Sonny!"



I haven't seen it yet but I seriously don't see how it is Morgan's fault Kiki got shot.


1. She called Michael and he told her he and Carly would handle Morgan.

2. She was mere feet away from Sonny just inside the church. He was way in the back. She could have wheeled him out and gotten him to send armed men to the dock.

3. She is a stupid ass brain dead idiot to run head long into a large group of thugs with guns.


Kiki getting shot is all on Kiki's stupid ass not Morgans(stupid ass).


It's both their faults, him because he got involved in something he shouldn't have had and going there in the first place and because he could have stopped the whole meeting if he had told the police or someone, and a lot Kiki's fault for throwing herself in front of him. 

I love how you say "a week" like that was a long time.


In my world, someone staggering around in a basement for a week is a long time. :p

  • Love 5

I have feeling this is Shelley and Jean extreme liberal, anti gun bias showing up. At the Nutcracker Gala, they had Monica want a gun buy back initiative, even though New York is a May Issue state and not a Shall Issue state. Carly, who was shot in the head, whose oldest son was in a coma for a year after being shot in the head now realized how dangerous guns are? WTF?

  • Love 1

It's both their faults, him because he got involved in something he shouldn't have had and going there in the first place and because he could have stopped the whole meeting if he had told the police or someone, and a lot Kiki's fault for throwing herself in front of him.


Well it could just as easily be Ava's fault b/c she was involved in the whole mess to start with to keep her ass out of prison. I have little sympathy for Ava to start with but she is just as much to blame as Morgan. But I still don't see why Kiki stupidly did what she did. I lay it all at her own feet.

  • Love 1

Well it could just as easily be Ava's fault b/c she was involved in the whole mess to start with to keep her ass out of prison. I have little sympathy for Ava to start with but she is just as much to blame as Morgan. But I still don't see why Kiki stupidly did what she did. I lay it all at her own feet.


true, but Ava got blackmailed into it. It's a little bit of everyone's fault, imo.

  • Love 6

And I'm gonna guess that Ava gets out of this latest mess because Paul is going to say she was part of the sting operation.  Which, whatever show, but I will LAUGH MY ASS OFF at Sonny's reaction to it.  Watch out, bar ware.


Oh man I truly hope this happens. It would be fucking amazing.


The upside to this slap-dash Lulu/Dante stuff is Dante's hair being wet.


He looked fine as fuck today. 


The only actually good parts of today were MW's acting and Sam in general. But there was some good UCG, too. So, all in all, not a terrible ep.


Everything having to do with Sonny was 100% horrible and rage-inducing though.

  • Love 5

I chalk it down to Dante being Sonny's son. I don't think it's a coincidence both rescues by father and son happen on the same show.


Women sometimes ARE physically weaker than men, smaller than men. But a sort of wise man I know, once said that women may be weaker, but they are also tougher than men by far. This man went on to say that if it were up to men to have the babies, the human race would've been extinct years ago.

Truer words. It's just too bad GH doesn't realize this.

I agree that GH can be very misogynist, but not only men were the heroes today.


Yes, Dante saved a drowning Lulu. Yes, Sonny saved an entire church of people.


But, two women put their lives on the line to try to protect others (Ava and Sam), and another woman saved her ex-boyfriend's life by jumping in front of a bullet. Those are heroic actions too.

  • Love 9

I am grateful that Sonny after taking care of Dixon didn't run to the pier and jump into the water and rescue Lulu.

I can't help picturing Sonny's head on the "Kiki split jumps into the water" gif.


I could have sworn Lulu was in handcuffs when "Roy" threw her into the water. Did she get her wrists free while submerged?


Nope, he dropped her in with her hands untied.

Yeah, which I thought was ridiculous. You're trying to kill this woman and you UNCUFF her hands?

  • Love 2

With a huge sigh and a major eyeroll, I'm saying that this damsel-in-distress shtick is getting old.  Is this the only way writers know how to how to put couples back together? 


First Jason and Sam and the exploding house ... and now Dante and Lulu with near drowning and hypothermia. 


Of course, narrowly escaping a burning building repeated what had just happened at the remote cabin a couple of weeks earlier when Lulu saved herself from an accessory to murder charge when she rescued Valerie.  (Note to Lulu - learn CPR from your husband who knows better than you when and how to use it.) 


And, while on the topic of repeats, the writers have used so many distressed-damsel stories for Lulu that they have to recycle the scenario - so, ONCE AGAIN, we have the near drowning/hypothermia story for Lulu with Dante, once again, in a blanket beside her GH bedside. (November, 2009 - Lulu trapped in rising water in Zacchara basement)


Sigh again. 

Edited by Aurora2
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