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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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GH already crossed that line with that yucky Luke/Anna affair/ONS. And literally everyone knows about the history of Luke raping Laura. I like Anna, but she's had terrible taste in men in recent years. I don't care what she says, I will never think of Duke as a good guy. Even at his best when I saw, he was condescending toward Anna about her job/work and made jabs about her being a hypocrite. Blech.


SHHHHHHHHHHH, that never happened! *puts hands over ears*

Edited by tvgoddess
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Trippy McFall Morgan may be clumsy but the show has established that she's a good PI. Aside from the times she's abandoned her work because Jason's brain was broken -again - she's solved her cases/gotten the answers she was looking for

She did come on to the show as a con artist. So the PI work should come naturally. And Spinelli did all of the tech work.


I found all the "Psych!" moments with Olivia today sooo annoying.


The Olivia character is sooo embarrassing and ill-mannered. She blares her emotions and thoughts without calculating the effect on her reluctant audience. She plays pranks, and she's an attention seeker.


However, the actress is lovely and very feminine; I like her.


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I don't care what she says, I will never think of Duke as a good guy. Even at his best when I saw, he was condescending toward Anna about her job/work and made jabs about her being a hypocrite. Blech.


Agreed--Duke and Paul were cut out of the same cloth--scowling and patronizing beautiful, intelligent and resourceful Anna. I NEVER could see what Anna saw in Duke or why she would need to carry his ashes around and practically have a nervous breakdown over his death. To add insult to injury, she's STILL obsessed by getting "revenge" for Duke's murder instead of looking ahead and enjoying her own life. It's creepy--as if Duke is still controlling Anna or possessing her and taking his own revenge out through Anna from the grave!


I love to see Anna smiling and energetic around Robert and her Granddaughter. She can go ahead and be a detective but FORGET DUKE. Sam is just a non-starter as a detective compared to Anna.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Hayden is the MOST innocent of the three of them, having stumbled onto this situation with a promise of a paycheck from Ric

Well, innocent would be a stretch. She was willing to play mind games with an amnesiac for money. Essentially, her actions were pretty similar to Liz, except she did it for money, and she didn't know who Jake was- she was willing to lie about his identity though.


Nic and Liz are in no position to judge certainly-- but I wouldn't call her innocent.  


Seriously, Liz finding out about Jake was such a stunningly terrible idea. Without knowing who Jake was, she was half in love with him before Hayden showed up. She was heartbroken to find out he was fake-married, and she willingly let him go. Then she finds out who he really was and did the exact opposite.


Further proof that Jason ruins everything. 

  • Love 9

Ok, so either Rebecca BudigHaydenRachel can't be Susan or Paul is definitely lying, because Sloane was in cahoots with Nic to get the ELQ shares and he had scenes in Nic's ugly ass crib WITH REBECCA BUDIGHAYDENRACHEL IN THE ROOM, SHOW! Continuity is important, no matter how much you try to make the audience believe otherwise, Frank. Jackhole.

Why is this show so afraid to show actual fallout? Because they want shit both ways. They're trying not to get any fan base too mad instead of having the courage and conviction for their storytelling. And I lay it all at the feet of Uncle Frank. He knows good and damn well he's a hack.

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Ah, wee Show. Trying to spin a Paul redemption retcon, at least you tried. Letting Anna go crazy to save your daughter..... at least she wasn't kept captive with three meals a day and daily Skypes for years.


It looks like Raj's boss isn't ME, so we'll have to see how high up or what plotline.


Re:Dante's warning to Lulu... Detective Caveman isn't wrong, but maybe he should have asked Nathan to tell Lulu about the activities, so as to not seem like an asshat with a point.


Julian has blood on his hands... what part of "staying out of the Business" does Show not understand?


If Moobster stands up, turns green, shreds his clothes, and throws his wheelchair at the inevitable showdown with Raj/Howard/Sheldon/Leonard, I'm done.

  • Love 6

If Moobster stands up, turns green, shreds his clothes, and throws his wheelchair at the inevitable showdown with Raj/Howard/Sheldon/Leonard, I'm done.

BWAH! Hot coffee just came out my nose imagining the midgety moobster getting schooled by the Big Bang Gang!! Priceless!

Edited to add: My money is on Bernie, I believe with my whole heart that lil tiny monster could scare the shit out of Scummy. And I would laugh and laugh.

Edited by Badsamaritan
  • Love 3

Ok, so either Rebecca BudigHaydenRachel can't be Susan or Paul is definitely lying, because Sloane was in cahoots with Nic to get the ELQ shares and he had scenes in Nic's ugly ass crib WITH REBECCA BUDIGHAYDENRACHEL IN THE ROOM, SHOW! Continuity is important, no matter how much you try to make the audience believe otherwise, Frank. Jackhole.


That happened months and months ago. Why do you expect any of the writers to remember it?

  • Love 9
Morgan was caught screwing Darby, but the security cameras never did pick up who shot Dante in Sonny's warehouse.


Sonny has historically had terrible security, so I actually buy this. Heh. And he probably didn't put cameras in until Morgan started working there.


even I can see [Hayden]'s being set up to take a fall so Nik/Liz never have to answer for the full extent of their disgusting actions.


I think Hayden will get some satisfaction—Rebecca Budig is too big a get for Hayden to totally lose—but she'll get more involved with Nik and that will complicate things. 


I think Liz has had enough happen to her that she's answered for her crimes: Her house blew up, her kid needs special help from Shriners Hospital for Children™, she's friends with Franco. The right people haven't had enough chances to yell at her, but this show is never good with fallout. And at least bad stuff is happening to Liz because of her lie.


Nik, however, needs much more than Sam telling him to go to hell. That's not even the bare minimum of what he deserves. 


Carly's obsession with Kiki is just plain fucking weird and out of character.


If Franco can't make Lauren work, maybe Carly can. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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...but this show is never good with fallout,,, 



Olivia forgives Alexis; Sam helps Nikolas; Lulu apologizes to Valerie; and Sam comforts to Elizabeth! Of course, I’m referring how these storylines started out and, to me,  there was no real payoff!

Edited by ihaterealitytv38
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Liz and Nik did dirty to a bunch of murder's, hypocrites, liars and cons, period. 


But also to Danny, Monica, Tracy, Michael -- and to the memory of all the dead Qs, really.  Maybe most of all to Jake, even though I don't care about Jake. That boy was already fucked because Helena (drink!); no need to lie to him about his dad on top of it. Nevertheless, I do think Liz has paid, and judging by all the lovesick looks Franco keeps throwing her way, will continue to pay for some time to come, but Nik still needs to be punched in the throat a few dozen times.


And, it looks like Maurice Bernard shaved off the mustache & beard, too. I actually thought he looks better with it.


I think he looks better with it when he lets the gray show, but just this last week it's been dyed black and looked pretty bad. He needs to lay off on dying his hair too, or at least have it done by someone who can make it look less unnatural.

  • Love 7

The funniest line today? Molly's response to Julian re, why didn't I marry you [Alexis] sooner? "Because you were a criminal and Mom had standards!"


Oh, Molly, if your mother had standards about not getting romantically involved with criminals, she wouldn't have gone to bed with your uncle and married your father, neither you or Kristina or Sam would be here, and you and Kristina wouldn't be cousins as well as being sisters. Which I still think is strange. (Molly/Kristina being sisters and cousins and it's barely mentioned) 

  • Love 12

Ugh, of course Diane brings a bachelorette party gift to Alexis' little wedding day celebration. And Kristina needs to be slapped.


Molly's dress is a pretty color, but that dress style was too young for her....or at least add a necklace.  Is it really necessary to have a gorgeous woman like KeMo in such a drab colored dress? Oh well, at least all their hair looked beautiful. 


Was not expecting the Jerome Family to toast Julian. Good to see Lucas. 


Rolling my eyes at the predictability of Dante calling, Lulu a prisoner of "Roy." Also at Kiki crying - on Ava's shoulder !!! - over Morgan.


The Davis Women and Diane hug was sweet. Was that an ad-lib by KeMo? Seemed that way.


ETA: Yes, The Davis Women Shriner's Hospital PSA was very, very clunky. Do they really need to say the entire name that many times in just a couple of minutes? *Sigh.*

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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I loved all of the Davis girl stuff today.   Loved Sam's "I'm just keeping it real".   And Alexis sobbing over Molly losing her virginity.   But either a few days have gone by, or Sam has a really good make up artist.  Her face was flawless.  Kristina....stay completely inappropriate.  You totally deserved for Molly to throw you under the bus.


But show...really?  THAT was the tribute to Tony Jones?   Fuck whomever writes up the spoilers because that was more about kissing Julian's ass than anything to do with Tony (and I LIKE Julian).

  • Love 10

Oh, Molly, there's no need for you to apologize.  That's all on Kristina.  Has she no filter at all?  No, Kristina, having sex doesn't make you a woman.  It sure as heck hasn't made you an adult.


What business owner in their right mind is just going to leave their business facility completely in the hands of a bunch of strangers, with no employee of her own on site?  Oh, right, Lulu, that's who.  Also, Lulu?  You might want to wear a coat when heading outside in New York in the winter.  Just sayin'.  Why is it so hard for shows to get that right?


Morgan, everyone thinks you're a screw-up because you've done everything to prove you are and nothing to prove you aren't.


I want Anna's blouse.  Love the color.  And, now, another twist in the Paul storyline, one that doesn't make much sense, but whatevs.  That's the least of the problems on this show.  What makes even less sense is Anna rushing over to Sonny's house.  Why did she do that again?  


Wasn't there supposed to be a shout-out to Tony today?  I missed it completely, if so.


When I saw Kiki all gussied up I wondered why she was going to Julian's wedding, then I remembered "Oh, yeah, she's Julian's niece."  Then, Lucas, sat down with her, and I'm like, "Huh, do they even know each other?"  Then, I remembered, "Oh, yeah, they're cousins."  See, Show, this is what happens when you ignore family relationships.  Let's have more of this, please, with other families, too.  Oh, hey, remember the Quartermaines...

  • Love 9

Oh okay, I did see the part where Kristina was goading Molly about still being a virgin, but I didn't see the later part when Molly went to find TJ.


I mean, I know the actress who plays Molly is young, but leaving it completely off-screen?  Mobsters screwing IN A CRYPT okay, but a college-aged interracial couple making love after dating for years not okay?

  • Love 7

I'm pretty sure this episode marks the first time Lucas and Ava have shared a scene and spoken to each other (I'm not counting those awful police station scenes with Ava as Denise). Great family writing here GH. I can't buy into family closeness if these characters only see each other once every two years.

Edited by admiralrodcocker
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ETA: Yes, The Davis Women Shriner's Hospital PSA was very, very clunky. Do they really need to say the entire name that many times in just a couple of minutes? *Sigh.*


You mean the PSA for the Shriner's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia and the Shriner's Hospital for Children in Boston? That wasn't awkward at all.


outing her virginity like that after pressuring her into it.


That's not exactly how it happened. Kristina mocked her for still being a virgin, and Molly was dumb enough to be bothered by it. It's all on Molly, AFAIC.


Has Morgan been taking passive-aggressive lessons from Olivia? Because he was going for the gold with Sonny there.

  • Love 1

Oh, Molly, there's no need for you to apologize.  That's all on Kristina.  Has she no filter at all?  No, Kristina, having sex doesn't make you a woman.  It sure as heck hasn't made you an adult.



As much as I hate Kristina, the poor girl lost out from the start. Take a look at that gene pool. It's a shrink's fantasy-just keep her away from Kevin.

  • Love 1

Wait, what?  When did Lucas mention Tony?  Did I literally blink and miss it?


Everyone in my house is sick, so there was a lot of hacking going on....So I didn't hear ALL of it...but Lucas talks about him briefly before he gives Julian a letter he wrote when he was a teen.   It wasn't really a "tribute" like the spoilers said, it was pretty much just a mention.  Bullshit.

  • Love 2

Morgan and Kiki need to be sent to the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.


So I assume the writers decided they wanted to keep Paul around for awhile and that's why they're pulling out multiple retcons to clean him up a bit.


I would have rather seen Lucas with the Davis girls or just Julian instead of hanging out with Kiki and Ava. 

  • Love 7

So where is Morgan planning to live without money?  Is he planning on mooching off Nik since half the town seems to live with him?


Poor Alfred. 


Morgan: or I bet my ex-stepdad Jax can help me out


 . . . and somewhere out there, Jax feels a strange, sudden need to change his phone number and address


Aside from Daytime Emmy nominee BC's wild overacting, I thought the Morgan/Sonny scenes were actually pretty good. Mo reined in the condescension he uses when Sonny talks about being bipolar, and he also didn't yell back his lines.


Was it just me or was MB's Desi Arnaz resemblance really showing today?


Paul: (to Anna after Dante leaves) Was that personal or -

me: YES


Dante looked nice in the black shirt.


I really liked Sam's dress, the front of Olivia's was a no-no but otherwise she looked great.


I liked the way Olivia said "did it work?" in a "I apologize for nothing!" way, heh.


Lots of (intentionally) funny stuff today - for once the short cut-off to the scene worked when Sam was kissing Alexis and Diane was drinking to the side. And I liked a lot of Sam's lines today (and how KeMo delivered them): "I'm just keeping it real!", "okay let's bring it in". 


Kiki looked good too. Morgan is so gonna shoot her ass by accident somehow. I look forward to him ripping off his shirt and crying out "Noooo!" while she bleeds out on the ground.


I think there's a chance Paul may be lying. Or maybe this is the world's quickest retcon, I dunno.

Edited by ulkis
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