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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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That was one seriously awkward-looking love scene for N&H. If that red lighting was intended to shade Nikolas as evil, TPTB succeeded. So very gross that he's in bed with a woman he tried to have killed.


Oh no, we're supposed to feel bad for poor Nikolas that Rebecca Budig is lying about her identity, that apparently trumps trying to murder someone.


I did kinda enjoy that random dude's "Okay, Not Rachel" snark when she paid him off. 

  • Love 3

Good for Lulu giving an apology that quickly (and a very genuine delivery from Emme Rylan) , that was the right thing to do, even if Valerie didn't accept it.


Playing the devil's advocate here, at least Valerie was being honest about not accepting Lulu's apology, she did almost die from things Lulu set into motion less than a month ago, and she didn't implicate Lulu in the kidnapping plot with the police, and that last reason is why I could see her not wanting to forgive Lulu.  BS still delivers her lines unsympathetically, no true layers. Carly would lie through he teeth and plot behind her back.  Until Valerie truly accepts that she did in fact wronged Lulu first, that sleeping with her husband was crossing a line even with Lulu's lies because she actually wasn't cheating on Dante, she will not see her role in Lulu's actions and accept her apology. She semi accepts it when she last spoke to Dante. The thing is someone like Bobbie, who could probably get through to her about how hurtful her behavior, won't say much out of a fear of alienating Valerie. I think a random pseudo-stranger like Ellie could help Valerie see the light without the Bobbie baggage. 

  • Love 3

I never learn, If I had a temper ,today I would be out buying a new TV. I wanted to throw something large and hard at mine. Dante, Maxie, tree, who cares, But Lulu apologizing to Valerie ? hey Val you told Dante all the lies about Lulu and ? They re talking plotting, doing something. They went away together. lets jump in your bed and have sex, then when Lulu found out, Val stalked Dante and initiated the sex, she wanted Dante and she went after him. Sure Val didn't rape Dante ,but she certainly made herself available when she knew he was hurting. Lulu blamed Val, ? wasn't she in the bed with him. Lulu never told Johnny to hurt her ,just help her leave town. These writers have made me decide no more. Lulu went away with her parents to find her brothers. Big sin. She didn't take a guy in her marriage bed. She helped a friend. Maxie did the same thing? Nick and Hayden ? Boring, Morgan, Kiki, More than boring . No Scummy and Snarly today that's a plus. No Robert and Anna that's a minus. . Was nice to see Cam, Today I was home so saw this, usually I make it a point to go to the gym at this time. No car today. I thought this show couldn't get any worse. I was wrong.Val makes me sick to my stomach. Shes the victim ? She is an entitled pig. Hey lulu you let her stay and its true. No good deed goes unpunished. I hope Lulu never goes back with Dante who is that girl ? Sorry for whjat , leaving her bed so Val could jump in ?

  • Love 4

They trotted out DR JONES for 2 seconds of scenes?? Really? His ass better be at the hospital when his sister gets there....I mean he is on once a month, and Sam should be out of that frigging basement by March so....it lines up perfectly.

I decided I am ok with this accident being the catalyst for Liz realizing what she did was not just a tiny lie that didn't really hurt anyone and make amends.... As long as we can MOVE THE HELL on from this jizam nightmare.

At least when Sam was stuck in that mineshaft for days she didn't just hallucinate St Jasus. She hallucinated everyone important to her to motivate her ass. It would have been more touching to see her try to get up for her mother, or son...but whatever.

I have no words for the grossness of Nikolas. And you all already covered Valerie's dumb ass....so....yeah.

  • Love 8

He's the one that baffles me the most. He wanted this!


I know, right? I actually thought he was doing fine until Halloween though. Maybe he just didn't know how to handle the extreme OOC-ness so just checked out. Or he realized that no matter what he was still on GH and he fell into despair or something, I dunno. That said, I thought he showed some signs of life today with Maxie and they should be stranded somewhere together or something. Not hook up or anything necessarily, but their interactions are funny.


The Sam/Jason scenes were bad. oof.


Kiki is a very pretty girl. She would be even prettier if she cut her hair shoulder length, washed it and blow-dried it. The limp look is annoying.


"The Dante cat"? I'd go more with a ferret, raccoon, or owl, personally.

  • Love 1

That said, I thought he [Dante] showed some signs of life today with Maxie and they should be stranded somewhere together or something. Not hook up or anything necessarily, but their interactions are funny.


Now there's a sweeps story I could get behind! Except in my version they would totes hook up. ;)


I want Valerie murdered. She is worse than fucking Liz at this point. And BS is terrible. It's straight up painful watching her try to act.


Now, that being said, I have no idea why, but I think Dillon and Valerie have actual chem. The only time either of them is half way ok at acting is when they're together.


I had to fast forward the Nik/Hayden stuff. I just can't do it anymore. I did watch the stuff with Hayden and random guy from her past. I like him.


Honestly the Kiki/Morgan scenes today could have been really cute but these two characters suck and the actors suck, so it doesn't work.


BH delivered the lines, "He deserves a better mother. All my boys do," in a very odd way. She was still doing Liz's patented bitch face so I didn't really believe her. I loved the scenes with her and Cam though. I have such a fondness for Cam. Like MissE said, the scenes Cam got with Jason really should've been with Liz. Fucking Jason. I want him dead again.


I have no words for the Sam scenes.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

Now there's a sweeps story I could get behind! Except in my version they would totes hook up. ;)


I'm not opposed to it! :)


I have no words for the grossness of Nikolas.


When did he become so gross in sex scenes? I don't remember wanting to vomit every time he started to undress in previous years . . . maybe I just wasn't paying attention? Was it Niz? Or was it that red-tinted love scene he had with Emily one time? Or did it start way back when he and Katherine first had sex?? 


Oh, and seriously, time to SORAS Cam. Even Kirsten Storms has a SORASed kid in a way . . . over on DAYS the character she played now has a teenage daughter.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

I know, right? I actually thought he was doing fine until Halloween though. Maybe he just didn't know how to handle the extreme OOC-ness so just checked out. Or he realized that no matter what he was still on GH and he fell into despair or something, I dunno. That said, I thought he showed some signs of life today with Maxie and they should be stranded somewhere together or something. Not hook up or anything necessarily, but their interactions are funny.

That's the thing, though. He's fine sometimes and then he's just completely zoned out other times. It's inconsistent as hell. And I've got no theories for it. Maybe he misses shit talking with JT before he's called on set? 'Cause at this point, I don't even think it's story related. He's never seemed like a "this is my pairing and i love this pairing and i want to protect my pairing and this is a tattoo of my pairing" type.

  • Love 1

Oh, and seriously, time to SORAS Cam. Even Kirsten Storms has a SORASed kid in a way . . . over on DAYS the character she played now has a teenage daughter.


When I saw that Belle had a teen daughter I was like "How the fuck has GH not sorased Cam yet?!" It's straight-up ridiculous at this point. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

That's the thing, though. He's fine sometimes and then he's just completely zoned out other times. It's inconsistent as hell. And I've got no theories for it. Maybe he misses shit talking with JT before he's called on set? 'Cause at this point, I don't even think it's story related. He's never seemed like a "this is my pairing and i love this pairing and i want to protect my pairing and this is a tattoo of my pairing" type.


I'm gonna take it to the Corinthos thread.

Oh, and seriously, time to SORAS Cam. Even Kirsten Storms has a SORASed kid in a way . . . over on DAYS the character she played now has a teenage daughter.


Yuuuup, I am here for a teen Cam.  I think a teenage Cameron reflecting back on growing up with Jake, Jake being "killed", and Jake coming back would have been so interesting.

  • Love 6

Well, Curtis is ruined. I had such high hopes for him, especially in terms of him maybe torturing Franco a little, but if he's going to hook up with Val, then he might as well be covered with festering sores. I would like to know what the story was that Val told him because after it was over, he asked what the deal was with Dante, so apparently she only told him the part about how she almost died because of what Lulu did but conveniently left out the part that would explain why Lulu hated her so much in the first place. Also, only on TV do you tell a guy about how your cousin tried to kill you and in response he says, "Dinner?" In real life, he'd be like, um, thanks for the game but I have to go home and wash my hair now.

  • Love 13

I admit I haven't exactly been paying close attention but what is stopping Sam from crawling up the steps? Did Liz not pay her heating bill so her basement is subzero temps? I'm not sure I even want to know.


I am so sick of this Lulu story line. How they wrote Lulu into a position where she now has to apologize to her cheating husband and mistress I'll never understand.


I don't get the point of the Nicholas story. Michael has been re-podded to a Sonny disciple and Tracey is once again an afterthought so not sure how much I even care about ELQ anymore.

  • Love 6

Well, Curtis is ruined. I had such high hopes for him, especially in terms of him maybe torturing Franco a little, but if he's going to hook up with Val, then he might as well be covered with festering sores.




Also, when is the show going to pick the crumb about Curtis and Franco back up?  This pacing on this show is the pits.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3
When did he become so gross in sex scenes? I don't remember wanting to vomit every time he started to undress in previous years . . . maybe I just wasn't paying attention? Was it Niz? Or was it that red-tinted love scene he had with Emily one time? Or did it start way back when he and Katherine first had sex?? 



When he started fucking the woman he tried to murder.  For me anyway.  I never watched the Niz stuff, so I don't know how all that was.


Today was touted as a day JaSam fans shouldn't miss....and the only thing I can come up with is that the call back to "run to me" was a nice touch, and Jason's dialogue was possibly foreshadowing whats going to happen with them.  Otherwise I don't understand the damn point.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 6

I do so hope when Easton comes back to GH they push Sam at him.  I want that weepy, sniveling, nosey, little yakker away from Jason (no matter who is playing him). 


I also hope that Easton does play a mob boss who draws Sam in so she can remember how she fell into Sonny's bed and then into Jason's bed.  I really, really, really do not like this character. In fact, there are few characters left on GH who I do like.  Maybe Laura, as long as she stays away from that doofus Scot Baldwin. 

  • Love 1

The writers really need to work at cleaning Valerie up a bit. This woman is HATED! Look all around on various message boards on the internet and see that the vitriol towards her is huge! Her attitude on today's show only increased the hatred towards her. I'm not liking that it seems like she and Curtis are hooking up. She will indeed be his ruin, and that's no joke.

Edited by Syndicate

It's like you seriously have to draw these writers a road map to get them to do the obvious solution that should be done. Valerie and Dillon are ONLY tolerable around each other. They actually work well together in spite of the fact that they both suck separately. Unlike Kiki and Morgan, who suck both separately and together. Their entire date and attempted sex was lame, boring and stupid. Curtis should be hooked up with Hayden, not Valerie. And count me in for that island with Maxie and Dante together. Not sure where that leaves Lulu, we've got to come up with someone for her because I have a new-found appreciation for Emme. And not Tree, he's just too dull.



Today was touted as a day JaSam fans shouldn't miss....and the only thing I can come up with is that the call back to "run to me" was a nice touch, and Jason's dialogue was possibly foreshadowing whats going to happen with them.  Otherwise I don't understand the damn point.


I can't lie, I kinda got sucked back in by the "run to me". But I still wouldn't call it a day their fans shouldn't miss. Billy seemed completely checked out.


Cam: What if Jake DIES?!

Me: Here's hopin', kid. Maybe the second time will take.

  • Love 13

Not sure where that leaves Lulu, we've got to come up with someone for her because I have a new-found appreciation for Emme. And not Tree, he's just too dull.


Beg Brandon Barash to come back? Hell, they should just do a relationship on recurring, it's not like they need contract-guaranteed screen time to portray a relationship.

  • Love 10

This is how the show went in my head...

Lucas: There's been a complication with the surgery....we're not sure that's Jake.

Liz: Wut?

Lucas: Helena.

Liz: But....

Lucas: Reasons.

Liz: What are you saying?

Lucas: Words.

Liz: This is crazy.

Lucas: Bryan Craig will win an Emmy.

Liz: Wait, are we adlibbing now....

Lucas: No, that's in the script. *winks at camera*

Frank: And...cut...perfect! Can you guys tweet #EastenBackOnGH?

  • Love 17

The writers really need to work at cleaning Valerie up a bit. This woman is HATED! Look all around on various message boards on the internet and see that the vitriol towards her is huge! Her attitude on today's show only increased the hatred towards her. I'm not liking that it seems like she and Curtis are hooking up. She will indeed be his ruin, and that's no joke.

It doesn't matter because she is a WoC. She will be moved to the colored storyline with no POv or simply disappear, just like Dara and Lainey (was Maya actually written out?).

Frank and the hacks will tell TPTB that they tried being more diverse but it just didn't work.

  • Love 2

Billy seemed completely checked out.

His choices in Sam's hallucination were...interesting...and y'all know I'm usually OK with him. I'm not sure if this is all him or partly what he's been told to do...but why wouldn't he play those scenes like he's completely in love with Sam? He looked somewhat pissed at some points and it's like, what is wrong with this show? How does that not play as romantic!? What is the point? Are these writers still playing both sides? Pick a damn couple and WRITE FOR THEM. The romance on this show is STILL LACKING even though they replaced the dude for that very reason.

  • Love 7

His choices in Sam's hallucination were...interesting...and y'all know I'm usually OK with him. I'm not sure if this is all him or partly what he's been told to do...but why wouldn't he play those scenes like he's completely in love with Sam? He looked somewhat pissed at some points and it's like, what is wrong with this show? How does that not play as romantic!? What is the point? Are these writers still playing both sides? Pick a damn couple and WRITE FOR THEM. The romance on this show is STILL LACKING even though they replaced the dude for that very reason.


I have to think that it was the direction he was given, but it played really strangely. Like you said, he should have been acting as if he were in love with her, desperately worried about her and very anxious to get her out of there. Instead, it seemed like he couldn't be bothered to get up off the couch from a football game. I am blaming Frank or whoever it was that directed this. It was terrible.

  • Love 4

 I loved the scenes with her and Cam though. I have such a fondness for Cam. Like MissE said, the scenes Cam got with Jason really should've been with Liz. Fucking Jason. I want him dead again.


I thought Cam telling Jason how he felt about Jake made sense because he doesn't want his mother - his  beloved one f/t parent since his birth -  more upset/angry/hurt than she is right now. Yes, Jason has been in and out of Cam's life for a long time now, but he's *not* Cam's father and so it's easier to talk to him.  I wouldn't be surprised if a sweet, sensitive kid like that would be afraid he might lose some of his mother's love by saying, "Mom, I didn't really feel like Jake was my brother, or part of the family" because she was so overjoyed to have her middle child back.

  • Love 1

I've actually liked Emme Rylan a lot as Lulu when they give her real material, but that's been very rare. Unlike Julie Berman she has never been gifted with strong dialogue writers or good story beyond the brief custody trial for Georgie, and her role was relegated to supportive wife/brood mare/clueless spouse. I think she could do wonders with the role if there was an actual direction for the character as herself and not an extension of a couple or storyline and if the old writing staff was around.


I just don't know where the hell Lulu can go from here without a complete reset to find out her character's actual identity as a person - and I'm not sure they totally knew who that was even before Ron Carlivati and Frank showed up. I also don't know if it would be better served with another actress, because right now I doubt Julie Berman is coming back (and I thought she was deeply lethargic in her last few years in the role anyway). I'd be willing to give Rylan a shot with better writing but there's nothing for her on the show right now, just nothing. And I like Dante and Lulu and want them to make it in the long run, but first they have to actually make Lulu into a whole character. To say nothing of the hatchet job that's been done on Dante. He's gotten to the point that they could well kill him off in a sweeps stunt tomorrow, which is horrible because DZ is one of the single most talented males on the show.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 1

His choices in Sam's hallucination were...interesting...and y'all know I'm usually OK with him. I'm not sure if this is all him or partly what he's been told to do...but why wouldn't he play those scenes like he's completely in love with Sam? 

Sam's dream is to be a family with Jason and Danny, so I was expecting him to play it that way as well while holding Danny in his arms. Like, "We need you. I need your help to get my memories back, and we can't be a family without you." Or some similar lame crap, since that is the writers' specialty. This wasn't just about her and Jason. I have a hard time believing she would hallucinate and not have Danny be a part of that when it comes to life and death.

  • Love 12

I admit I haven't exactly been paying close attention but what is stopping Sam from crawling up the steps?




It doesn't matter because she is a WoC. She will be moved to the colored storyline with no POv or simply disappear, just like Dara and Lainey (was Maya actually written out?).

Frank and the hacks will tell TPTB that they tried being more diverse but it just didn't work.


IDIOT GH HACKS:  "I'm afraid we'll just have to face it.  Our audience just won't accept a WOC in a major role."


AUDIENCE:  "No, what we won't accept is a woman who screws her own cousin's husband in her own cousin's bed and walks around acting like SHE is the injured party!  Give us a halfway decent WOC character and we'll accept her just fine!"

  • Love 13

I mean, fair enough that Valerie's not ready to accept Lulu's apology for nearly getting her killed, at least not yet.  But her "family or no family, I cannot forgive you" spiel while perched up on a high horse made me roll my eyes because, hey bitch, when exactly did you apologize for fucking your cousin's husband?


If she weren't such a constant heinous bitch to the woman whose husband she screwed - I'd be more sympathetic but she's just awful.


She really is only bearable with Dillon and vice-versa



Yuuuup, I am here for a teen Cam.  I think a teenage Cameron reflecting back on growing up with Jake, Jake being "killed", and Jake coming back would have been so interesting.


I guess some BH fans don't want to age Cam because they think it ages Liz out of love stories but I think a teenager would generally be less of an impediment than 3 children under 10 - and this thing where TIIC pretend that Liz is only Jake's mother is irritating

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