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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I recall the Blind Item about a soap character's upcoming story being described as sexually "fluid". It must have been this one, but if it was, does the "fluid" part perhaps mean Kristina is not completely gay but bisexual? And if so, would she be the first such soap character?


I believe Bianca's onetime girlfriend Lena on AMC was also bisexual.

Lucky abandoned him and his brothers. He couldn't even stick around when he found out Jake was alive. Lucky is Aidens sperm donor. That's it. If Lucky was really his father, he wouldn't have left him.


...in your opinion.  But many of us remember the years we saw Lucky raising Cameron and Jake and Aiden and that isn't negated by the awful writing the show laid on the character when Jonathan Jackson left.


But this has nothing to do with Friday's episode.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 16

Lucky abandoned him and his brothers. He couldn't even stick around when he found out Jake was alive. Lucky is Aidens sperm donor. That's it. If Lucky was really his father, he wouldn't have left him.


To relate this to Friday's episode:


Jason shouldn't be concerning himself with DNAJ's mental health because sperm donors are not fathers. He didn't raise DNAJ or the other two and has no legal rights to any of them. I don't give a damn that this show is trying to act like Lucky doesn't exist. I know what I watched on my screen. The seven months Jason spent in that house with Liez and their brood don't negate the years Lucky spent raising them. Just because Lucky is off getting rid of the darkness or some shit doesn't mean Liez or Jason get to rewrite history. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 8

Lucky is off looking for his darkness or some other BS and he abandoned Cam, Jake and Aiden, period.


Jason is and will always be Jake's father and he clearly wants to be in his son's life now that BM is in the role.


Sam, STFU and mind your own son's business.  


The writing for Liz is like a crack addict on crack and it changes every other day.


*Kanye shrug* I don't see anything wrong with Jake's acting since he clearly remembers his lines and is not mumbling, staring up at the sky looking for his next line or doing the old jazz hands routine in order to show emotion!   Lucky was traumatized after being held captive by Helena's crazy ass, so why not a four year old child?!

  • Love 4

So, now both of the mob bosses have homosexual children. Another parallel. Although I think Kristina is experimenting, rather than committed. Curious too. Maybe bisexual, ultimately. Her prof lover resembles her mom Alexis, IMO. I wonder if this entanglement is the reason for her terrible grades.


If Kristina and her female professor had a relationship, it's no less inappropriate than if the professor were a male.  I hope the show doesn't lose sight of that.


...in your opinion.  But many of us remember the years we saw Lucky raising Cameron and Jake and Aiden and that isn't negated by the awful writing the show laid on the character when Jonathan Jackson left.


But this has nothing to do with Friday's episode.


I don't know what the answer is, but it is a shame that they've written loving parents as uncaring and abandoning (Frisco, Lucky, Felicia, Anna, Robert).   It's also unfortunate that since BH had three children on the show, they chose to write her character as having three children by three different men, and having to have the last two DNA tested.

  • Love 4

I really do not know how much plainer we can make this: The Liz and Sam debate does not belong in the thread unless it pertains to scenes which happened during the daily episode.


Take it to their character threads. As it is, we are deleting at will and will continue to do so. This is not a matter of life and death, and it's past unpleasant. Next step goes to warnings, etc. We have been more than clear and more than fair with the chances.


Thanks to those who are not contributing to the merry-go-round.

  • Love 6

I still don't understand if Kris and the professor are lovers or whatever how did she get suspended from school. Surely after the professor told Kris should not have anything to do with her unless it is blackmail and she will tell Alexis. I don't get it.

It's possible Kristina's version isn't really the whole truth, and maybe she omitted key events due to the professor being a woman (and possibly being gay, bi, or pan herself). Of course, that's assuming this story ends up making sense and doesn't turn into a horrific train wreck.

  • Love 1

I am excited to see Ashley Jones cast as Professor Parker. Let's hope they don't screw up this storyline. Oh Sam, trying to talk to Jason and Liz at her house about Jake; you should have listened to Kristina.

No words for Lulu and Dante. I'm still in disbelief in how they tried to turn this all around and make it Lulu's fault her husband cheated but I shouldn't underestimate this show.

Also can't believe they are still trying to make Morgan and Kiki still happen. If they get back together, I hope it's off the screen.

  • Love 4

No words for Lulu and Dante. I'm still in disbelief in how they tried to turn this all around and make it Lulu's fault her husband cheated but I shouldn't underestimate this show.

So stupid. Are those good words? By having Lulu beg for Dante's forgiveness, Lulu is the only one who has to face the character flaw that nearly did her in, which is her impulsivity and single mindedness and not Dante, which is his newfound tendency not to communicate and trust issues. When Lulu was talking to Maxie, she mentioned how she wished she knew that Dante had called off his dating Valerie after Christmas, I thought too bad Dante hadn't mastered the art of opening up his stupid mouth.  Girl might have reluctancy to return to you if she thinks you are more into her cousin. 


I am also pissed off they are trying make Franco some sort of health professional. I am not an art therapist, but the art therapy I do in my volunteer position, it is more in line with psychology than any artistic talent. They already take massive liberties with how patients and psychiatrists interact (they aren't supposed to interact outside of their professional relationship), this just strains all credibility. First they foisted him on Scott Baldwin and then they used Kevin to make him happen. 

  • Love 12

No words for Lulu and Dante. I'm still in disbelief in how they tried to turn this all around and make it Lulu's fault her husband cheated but I shouldn't underestimate this show.


And it looks to me like they're trying to take Nikolas and Rebecca Budig in the same bullshit direction.  It will apparently be her fault that Nikolas TRIED TO HAVE HER KILLED!

First they foisted him on Scott Baldwin and then they used Kevin to make [Franco] happen. 


I know, it's so horrible. *cries*

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

And it looks to me like they're trying to take Nikolas and Rebecca Budig in the same bullshit direction.  It will apparently be her fault that Nikolas TRIED TO HAVE HER KILLED!

Well she was blackmailing him! She deserved that bullet to the brain. Lol. Sad part is without the hit and what not I could have liked those two. And I definitely can't take Laura's judgement of Hayden anymore. Honey , your son ordered to have her killed, you and he no longer get to have the moral high ground.


I know, it's so horrible. *cries*

Ugh Franco. I am still angry he's even around at all. Much less having him judge the mental health of a child.

  • Love 2

Wow, I found it stunning that Sam confronted Jake.  The kid has serious issues, and was locked on Cassadine Island, who knows what damage has been done.  I just don't get how she thought it was her place to confront him, even if she did it gently.  She should have listened to Kristina.


What she should have done is walked upstairs to get the babysitter and then tell the babysitter to do her job, and then tell her to call Liz about the broken window etc.  And get the hell out of there.


So do we think Jake will just leave Samara laying there in the basement indefinitely?

  • Love 5

I don't know Ashley Jones's prior work, but I noticed from looking her up that she used to be Bridget Forrester on B&B. And she's 39. I thought, "Was there another character named Bridget?" But no. It's the same one who was born on the show in 1992, and was a rebellious teen the last time I watched, in the late '90s. Gotta love that SORAS!

If the Show tries to patch up Lulu and Dante with one night of sex, that won't prove anything. Their problems are deeper than that. IMO they need couples therapy to communicate a lot better. Substituting poor dim Maxie for a real therapist is so short-sighted; her main contribution was to suggest shopping.


Lulu seems to be the one who thinks that a night of sex and talk about pregnancy are magic shortcuts to saving her marriage with Dante. I realize that he will probably agree to sex, but I expect that he will shut off emotionally, since he is still shocked about her aiding and abetting a fugitive criminal, which could have had such tragic and painful results on Rocco's childhood and her own freedom. I'd like to see Lulu sit down with Dante (with or without a therapist present) and ask earnestly how they can work together to overcome their double trust issue.


Lulu is naive if she thinks sex is all she needs.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2
Oh Sam, trying to talk to Jason and Liz at her house about Jake; you should have listened to Kristina.


LOL that Kristina is the voice of reason here.


Ugh Franco. I am still angry he's even around at all. Much less having him judge the mental health of a child.


They seem to think that "as a psycho, I can identify another" is a valid credential.


I still cant get over that Liez was right in front of Helena and she never once asked about what happened to DNAJ.

Helena was pretty busy putting the whammy on Sam and dying.

  • Love 5

IKR. I still cant get over that Liez was right in front of Helena and she never once asked about what happened to DNAJ. 


She was too busy trying to deflect Helena from outing her lie.  Because THAT was more important.


And yeah, Sam royally screwed up On Friday.  Not her best day.   Not her worst either though, so there is a silver lining for me.   She needs one of those chair lifts, since she can't navigate stairs again all of a sudden. 

  • Love 12


Also, when someone finds Sam, please fire the worst babysitter ever. Does Liz have soundproof bathrooms? How'd she miss a window BREAKING?


Agreed; that babysitter was running in the house with the kid (never a good idea), and is probably texting in the bathroom instead of cleaning the paint or glue mess off of her clothes. But I was surprised to see that the window is still broken, with dangerous shards of glass. Time passing in Port Charles can be difficult to figure out, especially if one FFs a lot, but shouldn't the glass be fixed by now? Children are going to be curious and touch it or try to knock it out. Shouldn't it be taped over (with the shards held together) at least? If Liz is too busy, couldn't Jason have sent someone to repair it by now?


Another question: when Franco was telling Liz at the end of his shift that he wanted to see and talk with her son, they were standing by a window that clearly showed full darkness outside. I don't know why Liz didn't put Franco off by saying it was time for the boy's supper, bath, and bedtime.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Agreed; that babysitter was running in the house with the kid (never a good idea), and is probably texting in the bathroom instead of cleaning the paint or glue mess off of her clothes. But I was surprised to see that the window is still broken, with dangerous shards of glass. Time passing in Port Charles can be difficult to figure out, especially if one FFs a lot, but shouldn't the glass be fixed by now? Children are going to be curious and touch it or try to knock it out. Shouldn't it be taped over (with the shards held together) at least? If Liz is too busy, couldn't Jason have sent someone to repair it by now?


Another question: when Franco was telling Liz at the end of his shift that he wanted to see and talk with her son, they were standing by a window that clearly showed full darkness outside. I don't know why Liz didn't put Franco off by saying it was time for the boy's supper, bath, and bedtime.

I think they repaired that window already. This is I'm guessing the 2nd time Jake broke the window. He had what looked like a compact in his hand and threw it. (Even though we didn't see it). That's what I wonder how the sitter didn't hear. All the glass was outside and Sam noticed none was inside.

  • Love 3

That would have been some top notch honest reaction if she'd really been in labour! 



Probably, (the ones with sex appeal and chemistry with multiple actors never last long, especially if they take away from Sonny) but they don't have to kill him do they??? Can't they just have him realize that Sabrina and the baby are safer away from him, and have him skip town after leaving Sabrina and the baby at the hospital or something???? 


Meh, if he's gone, never to return, yeah they might as well kill him off. But of course, no one ever stays dead in Port Charles.

Speaking of dead, where is Joe Scully, Jr? If I have to put up with JakeEnstein and Little JakeEnstein,  I want Joe to be alive, and go find Tracy.

  • Love 1

Meh, if he's gone, never to return, yeah they might as well kill him off. But of course, no one ever stays dead in Port Charles.

Speaking of dead, where is Joe Scully, Jr? If I have to put up with JakeEnstein and Little JakeEnstein,  I want Joe to be alive, and go find Tracy.

Jason murdered him the night of Dock And Roll. We needed a sacrifice to rid us of Jason Borg. Joe Scully Jr bravely stepped forward. His son later sacrificed himself to rid us of Starr. They both died in vain.

  • Love 4

Liz needs to fire her babysitter immediately.


The sitter says she wasn't in the bathroom that long and the window wasn't broken when you went in there? Maybe it's because you were in the bathroom and ignoring your charge long enough for him to A) throw a damn coaster through the window and break it, complete with shattering glass, B) answer a ringing doorbell and have a conversation with an adult, C) get somewhat loud, and D) run through the house to the basement where the adult following you CAN FALL DOWN THE STAIRS!


And, now, after all that, she lost Jake.

  • Love 11

I'm a little confused. 


Olivia and company are acting like the mayor had arrested Olivia for the public breastfeeding, or that she's now trying to ban public breastfeeding citywide.  But...that's not actually what's going on, right? 


The conversation between Kristina and Parker was also confusing.  The show needs to stop being coy and actually explain what happened between these two.  Also, Kristina can DIAF for basically threatening Parker with Sonny.


Also, where are Cam and Aiden?  If Liz and Jake are back living at the house - and Jake was left with a sitter - why are they still presumably at Audrey's?

  • Love 3

Lulu asking Dante if she's still the one makes her look pathetic. Their dialogue is awful; I HATE that he said she looks better in the dress now (because that seems like s a slam on the first Lulu, JMB). 


Olivia berating Julian over Nina of all people makes me want to tune out all 3 of them. Show is STILL trying to make Nina happen. Blech.


Professor Parker is coming off as a pathetic loser.  Lexi is not giving off the vibe that Kristina is attracted to Parker; it sounds like she was more trying to take advantage of the attraction she sensed from Parker. And Alexis didn't think it was at all weird that this woman came to her house to see Kristina, instead of on campus?  Yeah, sure. Plot point stupidity. Lexi looked like she was trying not to be uncomfortable about the Parker actress stepping close to her with a vibe of power/sexuality. 


As for the end moments - are they TPTB serious?! Nevermind, don't answer that.

  • Love 2

I still don't know what the hell is going on with Christina and Parker. This is not making sense.

I imagine it might be a case of Kristina not telling the truth to Sam because her professor is a woman (the multiple calls would suggest that it's not merely a matter of offering sex for a good grade and getting rebuked for it). Theoretically, you could tell a really good story about someone coming to terms with their sexuality, but those kind of stories have faltered on GH for many years (the writers never seemed that invested in it; just look at Brad and Lucas' awful storyline with Brad's "marriage").

I'm hoping the professor doesn't become another Lisa Niles.

  • Love 1
Olivia and company are acting like the mayor had arrested Olivia for the public breastfeeding, or that she's now trying to ban public breastfeeding citywide.  But...that's not actually what's going on, right?


Olivia was arrested for hitting the mayor. Lomax has frowned on public breast-feeding. It's legal, so she can't outright ban it, but she's doing everything she can to indicate she disapproves. I think Alexis was going to file a civli-rights violation suit, since Lomax tried to stop Olivia from breast-feeding in public. They've muddled things, as usual.

  • Love 1

Lulu asking Dante if she's still the one makes her look pathetic. Their dialogue is awful; I HATE that he said she looks better in the dress now (because that seems like s a slam on the first Lulu, JMB). 




As a JMB fan, I'm gonna say, I don't think it's a slam. I don't think any of the writers have any grudges against her and I bet if she wanted to come back Frank would take her back in an instant.

  • Love 1

But if she's the "bad girl" in this Parker situation, are we supposed to be rooting for her if she is indeed, without basis, trying to ruin this woman's career and marriage?


Sure, why not.


:waves white flag of surrender:

But if she's the "bad girl" in this Parker situation, are we supposed to be rooting for her if she is indeed, without basis, trying to ruin this woman's career and marriage?


No but seriously, I don't think to enjoy a villainous character you necessarily have to be rooting for them to get what they want. So, no, I don't think we are supposed to be rooting for her necessarily.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Very annoyed with Kristina's wannabe same-sex story not because of the potential lesbian spin, but because established legacy gay character Lucas has been wasted heavily for a long time with two ridiculous caricatures. Lucas went nowhere with idiot Brad and catty gossiping Felix and he deserved something more tangible than what these two had to offer. I suppose this is being done to establish some symmetry so that Julian and Alexis have something in common with their children?

I don't mind Kristina being a bad girl, but if you have to threaten Daddy doing your dirty work, you aren't a bad girl. 


Maybe something was said.

The way I understand it, Kristina propositioned Parker, and since it was after grades went up and Kristina flunked, Parker took it as a bribe to get a better grade and went to the dean. I'm not sure how far the proposition went, but in some ways it doesn't matter, because it's inappropriate regardless.


Kristina doesn't seem all that interested in school in the first place, so the stakes feel very low.


Dante and Lulu give up very easily. They didn't even try to fix their trust issues or anything else. Their marriage deserves a much better ending, if that's what's going to happen. Stupid writers.

  • Love 9


Olivia was arrested for hitting the mayor.

but she didn't.  She got loud and typically obnoxious and stood up rather forcefully, which made the table wobble, so the security detail figured he should step in and that's what she was arrested for.  Then she claimed it was because she was breastfeeding, yet the feeding never happened.  


What I understand of the Kristina/Parker thing:  Parker was coming on strong thruout the semester.  Kris thinks there's something being offered, so when she's losing grades she offers what she thinks Parker once in exchange for the grade.   Parker turns her down and alerts the school, who suspend Kris.  Kris threatens to tell Parker's wife, which if you believe Kris today, she never actually did.  Parker finds negative teaching comments about herself on the school website, which finds its way into the wife sights.  Parker accuses Kris of putting the comments up and demands she take them down.  Kris denies doing that.  When Parker keeps getting into her face then Kris says the line about dear old dad not being happy with someone messing with his princess.  


The way LA played it, I do beleive her, that she didn't contact the wife or put up the negative comments.  

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