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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Oh and Liz was right to be mad Franco talked to sam about Jake. He never should have done that. Other than the Sam took Jason away part, everything else Liz said was more than valid.

I also think Liz didn't give Franco the time of day at first because she discovered he basically broke confidentiality and spoke to someone else about her kid. What kind of trustworthy therapist does that? She was willing to listen at first when he said he talked to another doctor. But once she saw the picture, she realized Franco might have something valid to say and listened to him.

Edited by tallyrand
  • Love 3
Francie, on 29 Jan 2016 - 06:13 AM, said:

jsbt  warned us. These writers are horrid. I never in a million years thought someone could make Anna and Robert boring. But these new writers have achieved just that. I made in 20 minutes into FF-ing the show and I had to give up. Every time I saw Anna or Robert, by the time I pressed the pause button, their scene was already over. And I was stuck watching Sonny. SONNY, people! See Sonny Stand. No thank you. I may just have to bail (again) if this nonsense of 20 second scene snippets for the Scorpios continues.  


pdf them and send them to frank.valentini@abc.com.  His intern will get right on them.


Or better yet, nathan.varni@abc.com. It's about time he did something productive.

Thanks, Francie.  I've written them down and will make that a project for this weekend...and beyond.

This breast-feeding story, oy. What's next, Mayor Lomax bans women from being city workers? SO DUMB.


I don't know which was dumber, Lomax showing up at Dante's apartment or Parker showing up at Alexis's house. SO DUMB.


Jake told Sam the babysitter was upstairs. Why didn't Sam go find her? SO DUMB.


Lulu. Gurl. Have some self-respect. SO DUMB.

  • Love 9

Liz needs to make like Elsa and Let. It. GO. already!


Her "Sam stole Jason from me" is the new "I AM ALSO THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILD"


Please....just stop.   And concentrate on your damn kid.  Since a lot of this shit is your fault any way.  


I feel like everyone took idiot pills today.  And what the fuck kind of babysitter leaves a kid downstairs that long?  And with a mysterious STALKER out there too....My god, Jake broke a window and she didn't bother to come down and check?  Sam was able to have an entire conversation with the kid and the sitter STILL didn't come down. 


I don't fault Sam for fixing Jake's finger, but she sure as hell should not have asked him if it was him that broke the window.  Really really stupid. 

  • Love 10

So, Parker is a woman. I'd so love to see Sonny's head explode once he finds out about Kristina. Maybe he and Julian will have something to bond over now.


Franco being the voice of reason that helps Liz and Jason see the truth about psycho-Jake is just wrong. They should have seen the crazy in that kid's eyes a long time ago. And if Liz had been a good parent, she would have taken Jake to a therapist when he first came home. No telling what trauma he experienced at the hands of Helena. But then again, Cam and Aiden are probably going to have abandonment issues anyway --- where they heck are they when all this is going on?


I give Sam props for wanting to talk to Liz and own up to her conversation with Franco, but she should have just called up to the sitter to take care of Jake's cut. But then again, the sitter didn't even hear the window break. Then, Sam should have called Jason. Granted, it was Sam's clumsiness that caused her to fall, but I'm wondering what crazy thing Jake's going to do to her now that she's unconscious. BUT, if this turn of events leads to the storyline wrapping up soon, I'm okay with it.


And by the way, Liz needs to get over the delusion that Sam stole Jason from her. As far as I know, you can't steal your own husband. 

  • Love 15

Let's keep this going Perkie...


-It takes an hour to get 2 strands of silly string out of ones hair


-You can apparently break a plate glass window with a small coaster.  Apparently Jake has quite the throwing arm.



Side note:  I think they kept a potential blooper in today....When Kristina was banging around, Kelly laughed and almost looked into the camera.....It definitely did not look intentional.  Also, Kristina's disdain for Liz is amazing.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 4


"Sam stole Jason from me"

Every time I hear it, I wonder if BH cringes when she opens her script and sees that she has to say that line again.  


I had no idea Professor Parker would be showing up but as soon as Kris and Sam had their conversation, I knew she's be a woman.  Kristina said "teacher" and "the professor" even in a spot that clearly would have sounded better if she'd said he or she.  In return, Sam said "he" and "guy" when talking about it.  It was very obvious Kris was hiding the gender in her speech pattern.  


It always makes me laugh how television characters manage to fall down the stairs, ass over tea kettle.  I've fallen down the stairs a couple of times, but I've never rolled over myself down the stairs.  ONce, I landed on my back and slid down the rest of the way, leaving a giant gash on my back (OUCH!).  Once, I made a grab for the banister, which broke my fall but made me land on my ankle and sprain it.  But never head over heels all the way down.  

  • Love 3


Let's keep this going Perkie...



The Mayor's schedule for today read:  10am: show up at employees home, tear a strip off of him, then malign his mother, his marriage and his lineage

                                                              12:15:  lunch

                                                              1:00:  harass that breastfeeding chick and take her business away, because she doesn't look like the type who would yell  

                                                                        to anyone who will listen about my douchiness

                                                              3:30:  gets roots touched up

                                                              4:15:  kick a couple of puppies at the pound


Apparently it takes a brain damaged mumbling mobster hitman and a sociopathic serial killer to figure out that a 9 year old boy, who was held by a crazy lady for 5 years, might be just a wee bit off.   Poor BH, had to play Liz standing there looking all "wuhhh?", like the thought never enterred her mind in the past two weeks that maybe, just maybe Jake was up to something.

  • Love 7

I know I may be kicking a hornets nest here but hey that's never stopped me before >^..^<


Liz is being a total bitch about Jason. I do see her point in being mad Sam is butting in, but in some ways it is her own damn fault. Sam has eyes and a brain. Liz is being totally selfish with Jason. She is seeing him as some sort of prize dong to win. Liz also has a brain and can clearly see Jason is drawn to Sam and before he died he loved Sam. Liz is using tricks and manipulations to try and hold on to someone who just isn't that into her. NOT Sam's fault.


Sam loves Jason but she isn't trying to win him or hold on to him. She loves him enough to do what is best for him. Her whole issue with Liz and trying to discredit Liz is b/c she sees Liz as manipulating and trying to snow brain damaged Jason. What Sam sees isn't wrong. Jason has pulled Sam into this and as a PI and mother and someone who loves Jason she just can't let someone hurt him. Is she overstepping a little, of course but she is doing it for the right reasons. She wants to help Jason be Jason. She isn't trying to win his prize dong for herself. It seems obvious to even Liz that if Jason got his memory back he would chose Sam, but Sam isn't doing what she is doing for that reason.


The scene with Sam and Jacreepy was contrived but Sam is a mother and she cares about Jacreepy as Jason's son and Danny's brother. I think given that when she came in and saw what she saw she really thought she could help in the situation. She seemed worried about Jacreepy. Of course she will tell the truth when she wakes up but I fear a coma or amnesia if indeed Jacreepy doesn't hurt her. When he is kneeling over her in the previews I fear he may try to suffocate her and that is when Jason and Liz will open the door.

Sam was going to the house originally to talk to Liz about what Franco said to be the bigger person so the whole reason she was there was a good one.


Bottom line for me Liz comes out looking like a selfish bitch and Sam comes out looking like a well meaning ex-wife who cares about Jason

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 15

I know I may be kicking a hornets nest here but hey that's never stopped me before >^..^<


Liz is being a total bitch about Jason. I do see her point in being mad Sam is butting in, but in some ways it is her own damn fault. Sam has eyes and a brain. Liz is being totally selfish with Jason. She is seeing him as some sort of prize dong to win. Liz also has a brain and can clearly see Jason is drawn to Sam and before he died he loved Sam. Liz is using tricks and manipulations to try and hold on to someone who just isn't that into her. NOT Sam's fault.


Sam loves Jason but she isn't trying to win him or hold on to him. She loves him enough to do what is best for him. Her whole issue with Liz and trying to discredit Liz is b/c she sees Liz as manipulating and trying to snow brain damaged Jason. What Sam sees isn't wrong. Jason has pulled Sam into this and as a PI and mother and someone who loves Jason she just can't let someone hurt him. Is she overstepping a little, of course but she is doing it for the right reasons. She wants to help Jason be Jason. She isn't trying to win his prize dong for herself. It seems obvious to even Liz that if Jason got his memory back he would chose Sam, but Sam isn't doing what she is doing for that reason.


The scene with Sam and Jacreepy was contrived but Sam is a mother and she cares about Jacreepy as Jason's son and Danny's brother. I think given that when she came in and saw what she saw she really thought she could help in the situation. She seemed worried about Jacreepy. Of course she will tell the truth when she wakes up but I fear a coma or amnesia if indeed Jacreepy doesn't hurt her. When he is kneeling over her in the previews I fear he may try to suffocate her and that is when Jason and Liz will open the door.

Sam was going to the house originally to talk to Liz about what Franco said to be the bigger person so the whole reason she was there was a good one.


Bottom line for me Liz comes out looking like a selfish bitch and Sam comes out looking like a well meaning ex-wife who cares about Jason

Liz isn't manipulating Jason or trying to get him back in regards to this stuff with Jake, and Sam sure as fuck isn't doing this out of the kindness of her heart. She's doing it to score points with Jason. Elizabeth, Jake's mother, made it very clear that she didn't want Sam involved here, and she needs to respect that. She needs to stop going over to Liz's house uninvited, and she needs to leave Liz's son alone. She had no right today to confront Jake about what he's doing. If she cares so much, she would have called Jason and Liz, and spoken to them about Jake. Sam is nothing to Jake, and if Liz were getting involved with Danny in a situation like this, Sam would lose her shit.


Not to mention that she's been totally wrong about all this. Liz isn't doing this to her son, and she didn't hire Franco to help her. Sam is not coming off as someone who is well meaning here. She was an idiot today, and deserves what she gets in falling down the stairs.

  • Love 6

I know I may be kicking a hornets nest here but hey that's never stopped me before >^..^< . . . 


Bottom line for me Liz comes out looking like a selfish bitch and Sam comes out looking like a well meaning ex-wife who cares about Jason


ah, hate to disappoint you cattitude, but this one is in the popular opinion column. :) They've turned Liz crazy since you last tuned in.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

I would just die if a soap like GH had a broken-up couple and they had the man doing that sentimental recreation stuff. "I'm wearing the suit she was wearing the night I asked her to move in with me, and I've put the same cologne on! When she sees me, I just know we can rekindle what we had."


Or imagine a male character losing his mind after a separation and following his estranged wife around while wearing his wedding tux. 

  • Love 12

I would just die if a soap like GH had a broken-up couple and they had the man doing that sentimental recreation stuff. "I'm wearing the suit she was wearing the night I asked her to move in with me, and I've put the same cologne on! When she sees me, I just know we can rekindle what we had."


Or imagine a male character losing his mind after a separation and following his estranged wife around while wearing his wedding tux. 


I would give the show a break for a whole month if that happened.

  • Love 4

I actually was laid out sick today so I had the misfortune to watch all of today's episode.


-Lulu: "I want to save my marriage." Me: Nooooooo. But actually, you know, her husband's a tool, but good on her for making an effort if she still loves him and at the very least for Rocco's sake.

-The Sam thing: Look, I don't like Sam or Liz. Sam is a judgmental hypocrite and Liz is a sanctimonious one. And not in a fun way. They have been that way for years, so Liz's crazy spiral is perfectly in character for me. That being said, I will always be on Sam's side in this situation because Liz kept Jason from his family for half a year and left a kid without a father. And no, I don't really care what Sam did to Liz eight years ago or whatever. That doesn't somehow magically mitigate or make right what Liz has done. Right now, Liz has royally fucked with people's lives and not shown half of the remorse she needs to. "She took Jason from me." Shut up, Liz.

-That being said: While I don't think it was wrong for Sam to bandage up Jake, especially since she had a line indicating she thought he was alone until she got in the house, she should have called Liz immediately. At the very least to tell her what a crappy babysitter she had. Shut up, Sam.

-Don't any of these people have cell phones? They always go over to people's houses. I realize a phone call isn't dramatic but geez.

-If Jake just leaves Sam there I will laugh my ass off.

-Prof Parker was Daphne on True Blood. She is a forcefully pretty woman. 


That is all.

Edited by aslightjump
  • Love 3

CANDLES, Lulu? Candles? You really think that Dante is going to find that ROMANTIC? No, kiddo, he is going to be reminded of Val almost dying in a fire...just no, Lulu. You and Maxie do not have even half a brain between you.


And why is Lulu wearing that particular red dress etc to win Dante back? WAIT FOR IT, PILGRIMS! Yes, it is to remind her and Dante of the time she thought she was PREGNANT. Laden and teeming with Baby Rabies!! Yes, pregnancy is a real turn on for any man. [my eyes rolling out of my head...] Even though, ironically, she wasn't pregnant then! Are we following this mad logic?

  • Love 1

Liz isn't manipulating Jason or trying to get him back in regards to this stuff with Jake, and Sam sure as fuck isn't doing this out of the kindness of her heart. She's doing it to score points with Jason. 


This. Jason told her about the incidents and she volunteered to get involved. Then she accused Elizabeth of being the one to set everything up to get Jason back. Jason saw Elizabeth's manipulative behavior/cryptic way of speaking when they were together, and it's pretty clear that's not what she's doing now. Having Jason around would have made Elizabeth blase about a non-existent outside threat. Instead, she's been clearly upset about Jake's "fear" and behavior. Liz isn't the type to shrug off children being afraid. That is in Sam's old bag of tricks (remember Cam's scared toddler face when those goons in the park -hired by Sam - waved a gun at him, Liz and baby Jake?)  I don't believe Sam or Liz would ever shrug off their sons being afraid in their own homes.

  • Love 4


I do admit, It'd be interesting to see how Sonny feels about having a queer child.


So, now both of the mob bosses have homosexual children. Another parallel. Although I think Kristina is experimenting, rather than committed. Curious too. Maybe bisexual, ultimately. Her prof lover resembles her mom Alexis, IMO. I wonder if this entanglement is the reason for her terrible grades.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

Apparently it takes a brain damaged mumbling mobster hitman and a sociopathic serial killer to figure out that a 9 year old boy, who was held by a crazy lady for 5 years, might be just a wee bit off.   Poor BH, had to play Liz standing there looking all "wuhhh?", like the thought never enterred her mind in the past two weeks that maybe, just maybe Jake was up to something.


Liez looked even stupider than usually in those scenes. Maybe she could have focused on getting her unstable child some help instead of lying to and manipulating him in her attempts at keeping Jason in her bed. Like, I don't even understand how your dead kid can come back after being held captive by a crazy woman for five years and one of your first responses isn't to put them in intensive therapy. 

Her "Sam stole Jason from me" is the new "I AM ALSO THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILD"


Someone should tell Liez that Jason is a person and not a piece of property that can be stolen. 

  • Love 17

"He's the art therapist! He's been seeing our kid! Good to know!"

I have TEARS. That delivery. I appreciate your work, Billy Miller!

And they're completely shooting the Sam/Jake stuff like it's a horror flick. The shots of the Samara drawing, the music, the way they showcased the stairs (quick far away and close up shots). It's too much. Completely takes away from the story and it's supposed seriousness.

  • Love 7

And they're completely shooting the Sam/Jake stuff like it's a horror flick. The shots of the Samara drawing, the music, the way they showcased the stairs (quick far away and close up shots). It's too much. Completely takes away from the story and it's supposed seriousness.


If they cared about anyone taking this story seriously they would have recasted DNAJ. They're only making the brat crazy as a way to prolong the Jasam vs Jiz shit. 

  • Love 5

Jake was gone for what, 8 years? I think the audience would accept a recast at that point. Ron was just too wedded to the idea that the current kid looks like he could be SBu's kid. Now that BM is in the role, it doesn't matter.


I agree that the kid is not a great actor, but I do think his rescue would have had less effect if it had been an entirely different actor. At this point, I think replacing him would be too jarring. Just let the storyline wrap up and SORAS Liz's kids in time.


Yes, pregnancy is a real turn on for any man. [my eyes rolling out of my head...]


Honestly, for a lot of guys, it is. Especially if it's their child.

  • Love 3
And they're completely shooting the Sam/Jake stuff like it's a horror flick. The shots of the Samara drawing, the music, the way they showcased the stairs (quick far away and close up shots).


Don't forget those chilling medium-distance shots of Jake from outside, through the window (before and after it was broken). I actually have to give it up to the episode director. Considering how little he (?) had to work with from the kid playing Jake, he did a good job of creating atmosphere. 

  • Love 2

Liz isn't manipulating Jason or trying to get him back in regards to this stuff with Jake, and Sam sure as fuck isn't doing this out of the kindness of her heart. She's doing it to score points with Jason.



Liz IS manipulating Jason still and using Jake to do it. Of course she is not making him scared on purpose or shrugging off his fear but she very much is using the situation to her advantage to manipulate Jason's feelings and keep him from Sam. It is very clear that even without his memories Jason if left to his own devices would have little to no interest in Liz and be naturally drawing closer to Sam.


Since Jake is scared and thinks someone is in the house, Liz as a long time single mother could have said well Jason I think Jake and I should go stay with Cam and Aiden at Audrey's (I assume that is where her other two children are being stored) But instead she stands around after saying "I'm a very capable single mother" and has that pause until Jason says "no, no I insist you stay with me at the hotel". And Liz then has that relieved look like "he likes me he really really likes me."

Next point of manipulation when Sam comes to tell Jason that SHE kept him from prison, Liz in her robe purposely lets Sam think Jason is staying there with HER. Again Liz IS using her scared son to manipulate Jason into being in her life and trying to block him from his true and natural feelings.


Sam has had many opportunities to manipulate Jason when he has flashes of memory of her but each time she backs away and lets him have space. I don't see her trying to "score points" she seems to be doing this b/c she cares for him. There is a difference.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 11



It takes an hour to get 2 strands of silly string out of ones hair
Seriously, where the fuck is the babysitter. Did she go to the bathroom on the other side of town.



At last! one GH mystery solved. There must be some sort of temporal rift in that house. That's why it took Liz several hours to read little Jake's paternity test (and didn't notice him running outside and into the path of Luke's car ) all those years ago,


That same rift made it possible that a babysitter could go upstairs to rinse silly string out of her hair, and be oblivious to the sound of a breaking window, or the voice of an adult  suddenly coming from downstairs. 


It might even explain how Liz never ages. Or how she still believes its 2007 and she and Jason are in love. The rift is real! 

Edited by sacrebleu
  • Love 10

And why is Lulu wearing that particular red dress etc to win Dante back? WAIT FOR IT, PILGRIMS! Yes, it is to remind her and Dante of the time she thought she was PREGNANT. Laden and teeming with Baby Rabies!! Yes, pregnancy is a real turn on for any man. [my eyes rolling out of my head...] Even though, ironically, she wasn't pregnant then! Are we following this mad logic?


Honestly, for a lot of guys, it is. Especially if it's their child.



Yeah. I mean, in the night that dress is meant to recollect, there is one person who is definitely way more full of baby rabies, and it's not Lulu:


  • Love 1

I am confused. Is Parker the professor, and Kristina had a lesbian affair with her? Or is Parker a male professor and the woman who showed up at the door his wife? Or is that woman the wife of a female professor Parker? I am totally lost. And did Professor Parker lose his/her job over this, and that's why he/she is blackmailing Kristina? Krissy needs to 'fess up to Alexis STAT. And whatever the hell is going on, Sonny is going to blow a fuse when he finds out.

Edited by Ladyrain

I am confused. Is Parker the professor, and Kristina had a lesbian affair with her? Or is Parker a male professor and the woman who showed up at the door his wife? Or is that woman the wife of a female professor Parker? I am totally lost. And did Professor Parker lose his/her job over this, and that's why he/she is blackmailing Kristina? Krissy needs to 'fess up to Alexis STAT. And whatever the hell is going on, Sonny is going to blow a fuse when he finds out.

Professor Parker is the woman who showed up at the house as Kristina was leaving. I don't think Parker lost her job, the rest I'll take to the Speculation thread.

While wearing her usual 6" heels.  Of course this time Jason isn't around to carry her, so the damages are more than her usual 'sprained ankle."


Kelly said she wears the heels all the time because she is so much shorter than her costars (the ones she usually works with at least)....I think even if she wore regular shoes she would still fall as much as she does.  Because it's in the script.



I said this before, but I am really glad Jake didn't intentionally injure Sam.   I already hate this psycho Jake storyline, so making the kid an ACTUAL violent psycho was not something I wanted to see.

  • Love 6

Liz IS manipulating Jason still and using Jake to do it. Of course she is not making him scared on purpose or shrugging off his fear but she very much is using the situation to her advantage to manipulate Jason's feelings and keep him from Sam. It is very clear that even without his memories Jason if left to his own devices would have little to no interest in Liz and be naturally drawing closer to Sam.


Since Jake is scared and thinks someone is in the house, Liz as a long time single mother could have said well Jason I think Jake and I should go stay with Cam and Aiden at Audrey's (I assume that is where her other two children are being stored) But instead she stands around after saying "I'm a very capable single mother" and has that pause until Jason says "no, no I insist you stay with me at the hotel". And Liz then has that relieved look like "he likes me he really really likes me."

Next point of manipulation when Sam comes to tell Jason that SHE kept him from prison, Liz in her robe purposely lets Sam think Jason is staying there with HER. Again Liz IS using her scared son to manipulate Jason into being in her life and trying to block him from his true and natural feelings.


Sam has had many opportunities to manipulate Jason when he has flashes of memory of her but each time she backs away and lets him have space. I don't see her trying to "score points" she seems to be doing this b/c she cares for him. There is a difference.

Liz isn't doing anything to Jason. She's not using Jake to try and keep Jason with her, or trying to get back together with him. Jason is the one that keeps insisting that he stays at Liz's house, and that Liz and Jake stay with him at the MC. He's the one who isn't listening to Liz when she tells him that stuff like that is only making things worse for Jake, but for some reason, Jason doesn't seem to have to take any responsibility for any of this. Apparently big bad Liz is making him ask her to stay with him, and I guess she's using mind tricks to get him to come over all on his own.


She's not trying to keep Jason from Sam either. The only time she interrupted him with Sam, was on NYE, and she didn't know he was with her. Her kid was freaked out and asking for Jason, so she called him. All the other times, Jason has come to Liz and Jake all on his own. She didn't ask him to come over. Jason is free to be with Sam, and spend as much time with her as he wants. Liz isn't keeping him from her. Its not Liz's fault that Jason is more worried about his son right now, then spending time with Sam. 


Like it or not, Jason is Jake's father, so he's going to be in Liz's life. There's no way around that, and how is she now trying to keep him from his natural feelings and memories. What exactly is she doing to try and make him not remember? I must have missed some scenes. 


Sam also can't come over to Liz's house anytime she wants. She knows that she's not welcome there, and she's not Jake's mother, so when she saw he was hurt, she should have called his mother, told the babysitter, and left. Instead the stupid bitch decides its her place to confront Jake, and then falls down the stairs.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 9
I recall the Blind Item about a soap character's upcoming story being described as sexually "fluid". It must have been this one, but if it was, does the "fluid" part perhaps mean Kristina is not completely gay but bisexual?


We had Alexis anviling Kristina about bringing a male date to the wedding, so Kristina is at least questioning things.


Jake was gone for what, 8 years?

4. (even the show kept saying 5 to keep it consistent with Josslyn's checkup.)


It was only four years? LOL. At any rate, given that SBu is no longer in the role, i don't think a recast would have been so wrong. It's painful watching this poor kid trying to act.

  • Love 5
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