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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Did they ever explain how Donna Mills tricked her husband and Nina that she gave birth to Nathan?

Dear Wes Ramsey, you didn't have to spread your legs quite that far on the bed there.

Man, what crappy luck that KSt couldn't film this episode.

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30 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

The episode also, I believe, ends with Sonny showing up at the Q mansion to see Nelle.  Which NO, I don't care how much Nelle sucks, Sonny does not get to go to Monica's house and berate her guests given HE MURDERED HER SON!

We'll be lucky if he just berates her.  He'll no doubt threaten violence on her.  Wouldn't be the first time our leading man said he'd murder a pregnant woman.

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17 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Did they ever explain how Donna Mills tricked her husband and Nina that she gave birth to Nathan?

IIRC, Nina was away at college.  And I think Mr. Donna Mills always knew, isn't that why he cut Nathan out of his will?

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44 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I absolutely hate this Nelle/Carly storyline.  A clever person would cheer against Carly because only a great fool would cheer her on.  I am not a great fool so I clearly cannot root for Carly. However, the writers must know I am not a great fool. They would have counted on it. So I clearly cannot root for Nelle. I haven't remotely made my decision.  Nelle came here with an annoying storyline that hurt Jax and then the storyline took a really odd turn and became the bitch of the century. So I clearly cannot root for Nelle.  But, the writers must know her storyline is ridiculous and that they were writing her as an obnoxious bitch.  They are using that to turn me against her and root for Carly, so I clearly cannot side with the writers and cheer on Carly.  


Screw it.  Let's see more Curtis (without Sam), Drew (without Sam), and cute baby James.

I wholeheartedly concur.   

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4 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I love Dr. O. I enjoy just about everything about her including her evil ways. Mark of a great actress, in my opinion. But, I didn't get the "scarecrow" comment. Can anyone enlighten me? Is it because Anna is freakishly thin? Does she think Anna lacks a brain?

I always assumed it was because Anna is so thin, and Obrecht is normal.  She must have resented that about Anna since the love of her life was obsessed with Anna.

2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

*small voice* I wish someone would mention taking a picture for/sending a picture of the baby to Britt.  She's his aunt too! *small voice*

More of an aunt than Nina since Britt is a full blood aunt and Nina is just Nathan's cousin.

I hate that St. Jasus was the one to find the flash drive and save Drew.  I wish Drew would just throw it in his face.

Edited by statsgirl
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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I hate that St. Jasus was the one to find the flash drive and save Drew.

Wait, when did this happen?  Jason found the spot that where Peter had taped the flashdrive under the dresser drawer, but as far as I saw today, no one has actually found the flashdrive yet.  

I love Molly Burnett.  I think she did a fantastic job as Maxie (lucky girl got to hold that flippin' adorable baby!!).  Nothing against ER but I wish Molly were playing LUlu.  

3 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

I was able to see most of the episode and will try to recap what I remember.

Also, Peter was dragged into some cabin in the woods and tied to the bed.  I assumed it was Obrecht, but at the end Nina showed up.  I don't think Nina did the dirty work, so I'm guessing she and Obrect are working together.  

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OMG, Nina showed up at the cabin that Peter is being held captive? That must have happened at the end of the show when it was interrupted by the breaking news thing. I’ve been reading the upthread comments and am totally lost. Donna Mill is Nina’s mother?! And Nathan wasn’t Nina’s brother but actually her cousin?! I really did miss a lot of years!

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2 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Donna Mill is Nina’s mother?! And Nathan wasn’t Nina’s brother but actually her cousin?!

Donna Mills was Madeline Reeves.  She and Dr Obrecht were sisters.  Madeline is Nina's mother.  Obrecht gave birth to Nathan but was worried Faison would come after him, so she gave him to Madeline to raise.  Nina was in her late teens and away from home so didn't notice that Mom wasn't pregnant so beleived Nathan was her brother.  

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1 hour ago, Perkie said:

Wait, when did this happen?  Jason found the spot that where Peter had taped the flashdrive under the dresser drawer, but as far as I saw today, no one has actually found the flashdrive yet. 

Oh, good.  I thought from the recap that Jason had found the flash drive itself.

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I never thought I would type this, but Anna is delusional as FUCK. Thinking and saying that Peter/Heinrich was forced to keep Jason hostage; forced to threaten to kill her--that he would "NEVER" have shot her, blah, blah, blah, blah. ????? Again I keep asking myself, what the FUCK has this show done to Anna Fucking! Devane? This is NOT Anna. And I continue to ???? at her insistence that she won't charge him or believe he is evil because he's her son. Or her refusal to believe he's this naive cherub and not responsible for anything he's done. First, she didn't raise him; he was raised by a monster; and there are PLENTY of people who loved and raised children who turned into monsters/criminals and though it was painful, TURNED THEM IN to the law for justice. And here POD!Anna stands, spouting trash, which I guess I'm supposed to get "feels" and feel her pain? FUCK THAT NOISE.??????

I fist bumped and yelled YES!!! When Robert said to her: "At what point did you lose touch with reality?" Yes, Anna, when? And another cheer for ???❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Robert!Fucking!Scorpio!❤️❤️❤️??? and his truthtelling. Not that Pod!Anna was listening. And I felt nothing. Not a fucking thing when she told Robin she loved her. It was so robotic and perfunctory. Unlike the tears, chills and goosebumps I get when I watch Robin and Anna reunited back in 2013.

Frank, Chris and whoever, can just go and FUCK THEMSELVES.????

And now I have to wait for this fucking show to be available on demand just to watch Anna's response to Robert when he told her not to TELL Robin that Anna wants Heinrich's forgiveness.

Frankly? Robert for the win today.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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So Michael isn't going to take his eyes off Nelle, and she thinks that means they're back together. Sigh. I wonder if she'll end up spending time in Ferncliffe. It's probably too much to ask that someone will kill her, right? The cast really needs some culling.

I'm shocked the show remembered that Anna and Maxie not only know each other, but are related. They so rarely share scenes.

LWB/FS is kind of a weinie, with his screaming for help. Shouldn't he have a bit more sang-froid?

Gross, more scenes of Sonny threatening a pregnant woman. I don't care if it's Nelle, it's super gross.

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Dear Writers,

I have no f**ks to give about Carly and Nelle. Cease and desist. No one cares. Killing Nelle, Carly, Sonny, Jason, and Spinelli individually, collectively or in any combo would be greatly appreciated.

Next on the to do list should be reconstituting Anna Devane from this swirling agony of ridiculousness that you've callously tossed her into.

More Robert, totally tasty Curtis, and Drew together or separately would massively improve the show. Plus they all can act!!!

Molly Burnett and Patty McCormack are excellent.

Bring back Genie Francis.

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6 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I absolutely hate this Nelle/Carly storyline.  A clever person would cheer against Carly because only a great fool would cheer her on.  I am not a great fool so I clearly cannot root for Carly. However, the writers must know I am not a great fool. They would have counted on it. So I clearly cannot root for Nelle. I haven't remotely made my decision.  Nelle came here with an annoying storyline that hurt Jax and then the storyline took a really odd turn and became the bitch of the century. So I clearly cannot root for Nelle.  But, the writers must know her storyline is ridiculous and that they were writing her as an obnoxious bitch.  They are using that to turn me against her and root for Carly, so I clearly cannot side with the writers and cheer on Carly.  


Screw it.  Let's see more Curtis (without Sam), Drew (without Sam), and cute baby James.

This is brilliant! 

4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I always assumed it was because Anna is so thin, and Obrecht is normal.  She must have resented that about Anna since the love of her life was obsessed with Anna.

I hate it when the writers go there. We always talk about AJ, of course. But this in particular reminds me of how Helena always referred to Laura as a "cow" or "bovine." She claimed it had to do with her passive personality, but I think it was sheer body-shaming on the writers' parts. 

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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Frankly? Robert for the win today.

Except for the part where he thanks The Borg for anything.  Robert should put a bullet in Jason, just because, not thank him.

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5 hours ago, Perkie said:

Nothing against ER but I wish Molly were playing LUlu.  

I wish anyone else were playing Lulu. Emme may be a lovely person, but a wig on a stick would be a better actor.

28 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Except for the part where he thanks The Borg for anything.  Robert should put a bullet in Jason, just because, not thank him.

And did I mishear or did Anna say, a couple of days ago, that she cares about what Jason thinks of her? When did Jason turn into a respected peer of law enforcement personnel? 

Two words for Kiki: Voice recorder.  I know she has a phone. I’m sure it can record. Why isn’t she smart enough to use it??

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41 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I wish anyone else were playing Lulu. Emme may be a lovely person, but a wig on a stick would be a better actor.

Kristen Alderson? Danica Stewart? (aka the first SORASed Maxie).

Edited by ulkis
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27 minutes ago, LillyB said:

Did SLS finally buy a clue about Nelle?

I think he knew it the moment that Nelle said that Carly pushed her deliberately. When he went later to speak with Carly, he believed her and knows that Nelle set her up.

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16 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I absolutely hate this Nelle/Carly storyline.  A clever person would cheer against Carly because only a great fool would cheer her on. 


Well consider me the great fool because I am 100% Team Carly and can't wait for Nelle to get her comeuppance.  I am thrilled that Michael is playing her, and it's about time the writers starting writing Michael with aspects of his character (the man has killed two people and spent time in prison, afterall).

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It would be easier to root for Nelle if they hadn't had her do all the dumb shit she did before. Carly is a pretty vile character, but i find the actress who plays Nelle pretty incompetent with the evil looks she gives when people have their backs turned and the ominous music they keep playing in her scenes. Girlfriend is evil, I get it. We are not supposed to root for her, I get that too. But they've laid on so damn thick with Nelle. 

I just want her to go. Take another tumble down the stairs, let her die and her baby with her. Everything Nelle has been such an absolute dud. And I am not looking forward to Joss getting in her face and going all banshee over what "you did to my mom."

The whole story and set up and acting choices have been goddamn awful. This storyline needs to end. I don't get her obsession with Michael. He has the charisma and personality of a dishrag.

I think a better story would have been to let Nelle have her pregnancy and then tell Carly and Sonny to go and die and that they'll never get to see their grandchild. 

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12 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm shocked the show remembered that Anna and Maxie not only know each other, but are related. They so rarely share scenes.

How are they related? I'm racking my brain and can't remember how.

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10 hours ago, ciarra said:

Except for the part where he thanks The Borg for anything.  Robert should put a bullet in Jason, just because, not thank him.

My mind is taking that as him being sarcastic...oh wait. He did thank him at the end for saving Anna’s life. Know what? I’ll take that as we ALL KNOW that Robert is still in love with her. Because otherwise, Robert has called Jason what he is to Anna’s FACE. I can live with that.

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40 minutes ago, xfuse said:

I'm racking my brain and can't remember how.

Maxie was raised by Mac (as was Robin).  Mac and Robert are brothers.  Robert and Anna are exes.  It's not blood related but it's familial related.  Sort of.  

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

The whole story and set up and acting choices have been goddamn awful. This storyline needs to end. I don't get her obsession with Michael. He has the charisma and personality of a dishrag.

I think a better story would have been to let Nelle have her pregnancy and then tell Carly and Sonny to go and die and that they'll never get to see their grandchild. 

No offense to dishrags!

But, yes, we all know the end game of this story goes one of two ways: Nelle is exposed, the baby is a tock, and Sonny and Carly "win." 

OR...Nelle is exposed, the baby survives, and Sonny and Carly get custody* and "win."

*Sure, there's nothing wrong with Michael, but he'll probably move back in with them for the "help" and add to their collection of babies.  I swear, they collect babies in a way that could be a Criminal Minds episode.

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12 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I hate it when the writers go there. We always talk about AJ, of course. But this in particular reminds me of how Helena always referred to Laura as a "cow" or "bovine." She claimed it had to do with her passive personality, but I think it was sheer body-shaming on the writers' parts.

It was Katherine Bell she referred to as bovine. I admit it made me snicker at the time, because I haaaaaated Katherine. I didn't take it as a shot at Mary Beth Evan's weight, but at Katherine being stupid and common. Not saying you're wrong about the writers' intent, though! TPTB don't have a great track record. Regarding Genie Francis, I remember rumors that she was given grief backstage about not losing weight after her maternity leave, which is so shitty.

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4 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

It would be easier to root for Nelle if they hadn't had her do all the dumb shit she did before. Carly is a pretty vile character, but i find the actress who plays Nelle pretty incompetent with the evil looks she gives when people have their backs turned and the ominous music they keep playing in her scenes. Girlfriend is evil, I get it. We are not supposed to root for her, I get that too. But they've laid on so damn thick with Nelle. 

I just want her to go. Take another tumble down the stairs, let her die and her baby with her. Everything Nelle has been such an absolute dud. And I am not looking forward to Joss getting in her face and going all banshee over what "you did to my mom."

The whole story and set up and acting choices have been goddamn awful. This storyline needs to end. I don't get her obsession with Michael. He has the charisma and personality of a dishrag.

I think a better story would have been to let Nelle have her pregnancy and then tell Carly and Sonny to go and die and that they'll never get to see their grandchild. 

I'm fine with Nelle going, but I want (and know that there is absolutely no chance of this happening at all) Michael to raise the baby and name it Alan Quartermaine III (the baby can go by Trip or whatever). Oh the good laugh I would have with that one.  As is, I'm getting ready for Michael Corinthos IV. Blech.

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52 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I'm fine with Nelle going, but I want (and know that there is absolutely no chance of this happening at all) Michael to raise the baby and name it Alan Quartermaine III (the baby can go by Trip or whatever). Oh the good laugh I would have with that one.  As is, I'm getting ready for Michael Corinthos IV. Blech.

Watch it be a girl, and have him name her Caroline.

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6 hours ago, nilyank said:

They are not related but Anna is her godmother.

Thank you. I couldn't figured out a way that they would be related.

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On 6/1/2018 at 4:10 PM, BlancheDevoreaux said:

They are using that to turn me against her and root for Carly, so I clearly cannot side with the writers and cheer on Carly.  

BLANCHEDEVOREAUX, - Agreed.  I find the very notion of siding with Carly to to be "inconceivable," lol.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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20 hours ago, ulkis said:

Maybe during the Tom stuff she found out?

Yes I would assume Kiki knows that Liz was raped because Franco got so obsessed with protecting Liz from evil Tom when he got released from prison. I assume Franco told her, or Liz told her to explain Franco's fixation on Tom. Griffin also figured out it out/Liz confirmed when there was a fuss about Tom doing assigned community work at the hospital where Liz worked and the late Emily had worked.

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9 hours ago, Perkie said:
10 hours ago, xfuse said:

I'm racking my brain and can't remember how.

Maxie was raised by Mac (as was Robin).  Mac and Robert are brothers.  Robert and Anna are exes.  It's not blood related but it's familial related.  Sort of.  

Yeah, that's what I meant. I feel it's family.

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13 hours ago, LillyB said:

If it is a girl, I hope that Michael names her Emily.

That name was already taken by Sam's daughter. Too many people with the same name on this show as is.

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Am I the only one laughing at Carly's frantic line to Sonny "Tell Michael and Josslyn that I love them, Avery won't understand why I'm not there."   She's talking as if she's been sentenced to death/ to not seeing her children for years to come in the future, and like Michael and Joss are middle school or younger children who don't know how to survive without Mommy there.   Um, Carly, Joss was really upset that Nelle fell down the stairs and probably thinks you deserve to be in jail. You need your adult son Michael in your life far more than he needs you. Also, Avery is not your child. You are not her caretaker, and she does not live with you full-time. You should be concerned if, say, her nanny went to jail. 

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I still want to know where Bobbie is regarding her Carly in jail all of Memorial weekend and beyond. The two are usually thick as thieves. I know it is probably because the actress has met her minimum but it does not add up, given what a Carly supporter Bobbie is, and how suspicious Bobbie is of Nelle.

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As much as I enjoy seeing Carly rot in jail, it seems odd that neither Nelle nor the baby is harmed or dead, yet Carly doesn't even get bail. In real life we have seen plenty of people actually kill but not be convicted or even have to spend time in jail, or are released on bail. Carly will eventually end up in a mental institution or rest home, but meanwhile it does not seem realistic. Of course the probable point is that it is really Sonny's pain at having his wife be in jail or having a breakdown, and how he copes. </sarcasm>

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It's a little silly how long the fake-out with Nina went on because, duh, of course Dr. O was the one who kidnapped LWB/FS.  And then she went after him with an axe!  My girl!

It'd be such a shame if Mike told Felix too much about the stupid body in Croton and Sonny had to kill him. #sarcasm

I wonder if the scenes with Chase and Maxie were supposed to be a further chem test before KS got sick.

Awww, Monica.

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Drew is so, so good with Monica, and it's such a pleasure their relationship is continuing to be nurtured.  Drew's conversation with both Monica and Oscar clearly has him considering what kind of void he would leave behind if the procedure goes south and the DNR is implemented.

It's like every few weeks the show remembers to stoke the embers of the Croton storyline, and it just refuses to catch flame. Please stop. There's no reason for this half-baked story. I promise I won't forget Sonny is the Dangerous Ultimate Mob Boss (D.U.M.B.) without this thirty year dead body mystery hanging around.

I'm still loving the hell out of Chase. He was so perfectly casual with Finn and so perfectly genuine and kind to Maxie. I hope the show takes its time before inevitably trashing him, I want to enjoy him as long as I can.

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When they had Liesl look like she was going to wack Peter in the head and kill him, I knew it was a fake out  (as did everyone else, of course) and just thought of how refreshing it would be to actually have someone killed quickly like that without some major speech. I get this is a soap and there has to be drama, but if, just a few times, they just killed a person all WHAMMO, it would add to the suspense and drama the next time someone was gong to be killed or they went for another fake out. 


And more Nelle and Carly. Vomit. And I just know they will use Carly's flip out against her while ignoring the fact that Nutty Nelle shouldn't be visiting Crazy Carly in the first place if she really thought she was any legit threat. This is such a stupid and poorly executed storyline. 

Edited by BlancheDevoreaux
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