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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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14 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Wasn't Julian using Danny as a hedge against Sonny at the time? I was FFing a lot by then

I still hate that casting. They're way too close in age and WdV does not do paternal in scenes with KeMo

Remember when WdV tried to make everyone think Julian wasn't Sam's dad by citing Sam as a potential love interest? Oh WdV.

15 minutes ago, Syndicate said:

They really telegraphed Andre being the hospital killer today. I hope that's a red herring though. The question for me would be why? Why is Andre a secret psycho killing patients? I wonder would it have anything to do with the cryptic phone call he made a couple of weeks or so ago? Nelle framed the nanny, didn't she? OK, who is this girl (still thinking she's Carly's daughter even more now) and what does she want?


ETA: OK, Andre is not the killer. What Jordan said to him made it seem too obvious!

Oh darn. I don't have a particular hankering for him to be the killer, but at least if he were the killer we could have gotten a potential Morgan misdiagnosis!

Speaking of, Bryan Craig's friend was on the show today. How did he do? From comments, I gather He played Guy Who Harassed Kiki. I've seen him in many things such as "Hanging out with Bryan on a Boat" and "Hanging out with Bryan in Someone's Backyard", but haven't really been able to make an assessment of his skills lol.

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Carly really wasn't on her game today.  First, the nanny really did look shocked that the earrings were in her purse, which should have made Carly think twice and give Nelle the side eye, even for just a second.  Second, Ava's been upstairs for a really, really long time, in Morgan's room with the pills under the guise of picking up Avery.  

OMG Hayden, SHUT. THE. F. UP.  She was married to Nik for 3 months, of which 2 and a half were them being hateful and contentious to each other yet she actually believes that she's head mistress of the house?  That she's Spencer's stepmother and needs to have a say in his upbringing?  To the point that she's jumping on Laura, the child's grandmother and now legal guardian with her nonsense about not sending him to boarding school.  GUh.  

When did Morgan have time to call the police on the idiot dude?  He was talking to Ava when the guy first grabbed Kiki, then he got into it with the guy.  There was no time to call anyone.  Shut up show.  

I couldn't tell if the Andre/Jordan stuff was an anvil that Andre is the killer or a red herring.  

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6 minutes ago, Perkie said:

OMG [Rebecca Budig], SHUT. THE. F. UP.  She was married to Nik for 3 months, of which 2 and a half were them being hateful and contentious to each other yet she actually believes that she's head mistress of the house?  That she's Spencer's stepmother and needs to have a say in his upbringing?  To the point that she's jumping on Laura, the child's grandmother and now legal guardian with her nonsense about not sending him to boarding school.  Guh. 

Even worse, she's trying to keep Spencer in town.  Burn the witch!

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Wardrobe needs to retire that floral dress Liz was wearing. I swear she has been wearing it for years.

Morgan. Such a complete idiot. If you had time to think before you acted how did random guy end up in a choke hold?

Shut up Hayden! Spencer belongs in boarding school. He is the worst. Well, maybe not THE worst on this show but definitely the most annoying child on the show.

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5 hours ago, ulkis said:

Wait, what? When did she go to Greece in the 2000s? 

I meant when she left town after coming out of catatonia in '08 - I guess we'd been told she was staying with Nik and Spencer at one point offscreen. Or I was thinking of Lesley.

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3 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

WHA? what's going on with the show. hee! I'm guessing you mean Griffen broke his vow by sleeping with Nathan's wife-- I just found that amusing. 

Well, I was home waiting meet my dog's new trainer and I caught a little GH-- Lucky came back? was it JJ or some temp? I heard Sam spouting nonesense about how she never thought of Julian as her father-- except, of course, when he saved her son's life. Now that her kid's healthy, she couldn't give a sh*t.

Liz is STILL grieving the loss of the hitman? and contemplating dating a serial killer? WTF, show.

Liz needs to go into therapy. I mean seriously, did she ever properly deal with her rape. Between sorased!Cam and that, she doesn't need to be sniffing around murderers.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

WHA? what's going on with the show. hee! I'm guessing you mean Griffen broke his vow by sleeping with Nathan's wife-- I just found that amusing. 


I hit post, then I read my posts, then I end up correcting things, and there are other times where I don't even bother. I meant what you meant, although, you know, *wink*wink*nudge*nudge* 

3 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Liz needs to go into therapy. I mean seriously, did she ever probably deal with her rape. Between Cam and that, she doesn't need to be sniffing around murderers.

She should go to Andre, maybe he'll throw his cufflinks at her.

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16 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

Wardrobe needs to retire that floral dress Liz was wearing. I swear she has been wearing it for years.

Morgan. Such a complete idiot. If you had time to think before you acted how did random guy end up in a choke hold?

Shut up Hayden! Spencer belongs in boarding school. He is the worst. Well, maybe not THE worst on this show but definitely the most annoying child on the show.

On a less I!Hate!Spencer note, Spencer wants to go, Laura knows better than anyone how relentless a Cassadine can be, even the off brand version of Stefan Cassadine. The actor, who the show loves to shove in our faces, has another job. Seems like the best solution to send him to SORAS boarding school, keeps him away from the townies. Nik is dead or "dead", not emotionally distant. 

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Nelle using Carly's earrings to get that nanny fired was such a well-worn soap scheme (...that a seasoned scammer like Carly really should have recognized, to be honest) that I kinda loved it?  I dunno, blame Chloe Lanier.

I can see why Carly didn't recognize it. Nelle is already in good with Carly, as good as she can possibly get. So I can see how Carly wouldn't think that Nelle needed to get rid of the nanny in order to get in any further, she's already in. If Nelle had asked to be nanny before the earrings were found in the nanny's purse, Carly probably would have said yes. And I think from the scenes today you could make a case for Carly getting so caught up in her real housewife life that it no longer even occurs to her that someone could have it out for her personally, despite what she said about Sonny having an important job and she always has to watch out. She has already gotten past the biggest hurdle ever - helping Sonny cover up AJ's murder and she's sitting around giggling about her sparkly earrings and cuddling her husband's cute child who la di da Ava got magically impregnated in a crypt and fate burdened Sonny with having to be the father, no one could help the situation, everything's swell, what would anyone hate her, Carly Corinthos, who is kind enough to offer rides and hotel rooms to waifs who have to stay in cheap motels? I don't think the writers are putting THAT much into it though. But yeah, so I can see how it wouldn't be on her radar.

What should have been though? Ava wandering upstairs for about an hour.

I think making her AJ's daughter out for revenge would be better than her being Carly's daughter, but it might cause too many rage embolisms when she eventually realizes AJ was fat and Carly is the coolest. Same situation with a random long-lost daughter of Tony's, I guess.

Also, seducing Sonny should be a given no matter who she is but I'm afraid these writers would never have Sonny do that. It's actually stuff like this that makes me miss Guza, he would absolutely have Sonny do that. But - I do think MB's contract is up again this December (I think it's every two years?), so maybe it's time for some FV "don't worry, I can make sure your character slides right out" writing.

Kiki could have at least tried calling out to Morgan before she called Sonny to ask him to come over and give him a spanking. And also weird how Morgan and Ava moved a foot away to have a private conversation. A) Kiki can still here you and B) why would Kiki EVER let these two have a private conversation ever again?

The whole wall moved when BC and friend slammed into it.

Of course Greenlee can leave Spencer, please with trying to sell they have this huge bond.

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57 minutes ago, Perkie said:

When did Morgan have time to call the police on the idiot dude?  He was talking to Ava when the guy first grabbed Kiki, then he got into it with the guy.  There was no time to call anyone.  Shut up show.  

The whole scene was horribly choreographed. I was wondering even when did Kiki get her phone out, it looked like it appeared in her hand in mid-air and like she called Sonny without touching her screen.

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6 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

On a less I!Hate!Spencer note, Spencer wants to go, Laura knows better than anyone how relentless a Cassadine can be, even the off brand version of Stefan Cassadine. The actor, who the show loves to shove in our faces, has another job. Seems like the best solution to send him to SORAS boarding school, keeps him away from the townies. Nik is dead or "dead", not emotionally distant. 

Also? Stop projecting your dumb issues onto a child that you barely know, Rebecca Budig character

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11 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Kiki could have at least tried calling out to Morgan before she called Sonny to ask him to come over and give him a spanking. 

Heaven forbid she should call the police instead of the father of a (reportedly) grown man.

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18 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I can see why Carly didn't recognize it. Nelle is already in good with Carly, as good as she can possibly get. So I can see how Carly wouldn't think that Nelle needed to get rid of the nanny in order to get in any further, she's already in. 

That's probably  the reason they sent Sonny out on Morgan errand. 

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WTF, who goes into a gf's home and cooks dinner shirtless?

I'm pretty sure he cooked dinner, clothed, then went and had a shower before she got home.  Because he was completely naked and wet when she walked in, dropped the towel when she pulled out her gun (weird euphemisms in this sentence!!) then put the towel back on then said he'd cooked dinner while he was waiting for her.  

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Sonny is definitely suspicious of Nelle, and doesn't like Carly fawning over her. But I loved his line about respecting nelle's desire to pay her own way because 'I was the same way at your age.' Because I'm fairly sure Sonny was happy to let anyone pay who offered. Wasn't he about Nelle's age when he was trying to make it in the mob?

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Sonny was a mobster and pimp at Nelle's age, so his victims payed his way.

I don't know what Nelle's story is but I know she has it in for Carly which means I love her.  It will be sweet to watch Carly being played the way she played Bobbie and Tony back in the day.  Payback is a bitch and Carly has it coming to her in spades.

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1 hour ago, Perkie said:

WTF, who goes into a gf's home and cooks dinner shirtless?

IN THE DARK. Dude, light some candles to set the mood. Don't lurk naked in the dark.

48 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Sonny is definitely suspicious of Nelle, and doesn't like Carly fawning over her.

He's probably jealous that Carly is paying attention to someone else. But why is he suspicious of Nelle now, when before he was all for tracking her down, bringing her to PC, and getting her tested?

I had to LOL at Carly and Sonny being all smug that they way they handle Avery's custody is so much better than the terrible parents Nelle sees.

The whole business with the nanny was weird. I'm all for Carly's life being made miserable, but not at the expense of someone totally uninvolved.

Rebecca Budig, you didn't want to go to boarding school. Spencer does. There's a difference.

3 hours ago, Perkie said:

I couldn't tell if the Andre/Jordan stuff was an anvil that Andre is the killer or a red herring.  

I think he is the killer, but he's also suffering from something. It lets them have it both ways, as always. 

Laura's suit was too businesslike for a date.

Leave the package alone, Liz! Nik's head is in the box!

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6 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Yeahhhhh, no. This is the same crack team of writers that penned a hostage situation being resolved by a small child wearing a spiderman costume and wielding silly string.  They don't do subtle

See also, the entire Fluke story.

Spiderman Sam for the win!  I loved that story and thought it was well played out that cute little Sam saved the day.  It sure beats the fuck out of Sonny or Jason constantly saving the day.

6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Nelle using Carly's earrings to get that nanny fired was such a well-worn soap scheme (...that a seasoned scammer like Carly really should have recognized, to be honest) that I kinda loved it?  I dunno, blame Chloe Lanier.

Liz talking with Laura about the pain of losing a child just reminded me of how Liz dismissed Monica's pain as a mother when she was keeping the Jason secret.  Not a good idea, Show.

Siiigh, Lucy and Doc.

Why not when the show constantly changes crap from week to week and they still don't know long term character or show history.  Elizabeth was never obsessed with Jason and happily went along with her life while with Ric, Lucky, Nik, AJ, etc...

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5 hours ago, lovelynn said:

Wardrobe needs to retire that floral dress Liz was wearing. I swear she has been wearing it for years.

Morgan. Such a complete idiot. If you had time to think before you acted how did random guy end up in a choke hold?

Shut up Hayden! Spencer belongs in boarding school. He is the worst. Well, maybe not THE worst on this show but definitely the most annoying child on the show.

Elizabeth and the boys lost everything when Sam blew up her house, so how in the hell can she STILL have that dress?  The budget is being used for Maxie and Nina, so the other women are out of luck.  Elizabeth used to have some cute clothes pre-RC/FV.

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So I'm guessing Dante/Lulu have moved into their new house since Jordan is currently occupying their old studio. And Lucy now has enough money to buy Kevin and Laura a bottle of champagne when last month she couldn't afford to buy herself one. Business must be looking up

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12 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

So I'm guessing Dante/Lulu have moved into their new house since Jordan is currently occupying their old studio. And Lucy now has enough money to buy Kevin and Laura a bottle of champagne when last month she couldn't afford to buy herself one. Business must be looking up

Didn't Lucy and Scotty have a date? How in the world could they afford that a couple weeks ago Lucy couldn't pay her tab and Scotty was living with Ava maybe they finally called up Serena to borrow some money lol.

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33 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

Elizabeth and the boys lost everything when Sam blew up her house, so how in the hell can she STILL have that dress?  The budget is being used for Maxie and Nina, so the other women are out of luck.  Elizabeth used to have some cute clothes pre-RC/FV.

OMG. I'm embarrassed that I forgot Liz's house was blown up. I even watched it happen... Thanks for the reminder!

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4 hours ago, jsbt said:

I meant when she left town after coming out of catatonia in '08 - I guess we'd been told she was staying with Nik and Spencer at one point offscreen. Or I was thinking of Lesley.

 2008 she went to France for additional treatment.  Spencer and Lesley were living in Nik's house on Lake Como.

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1 hour ago, tricknasty said:

So I'm guessing Dante/Lulu have moved into their new house since Jordan is currently occupying their old studio. And Lucy now has enough money to buy Kevin and Laura a bottle of champagne when last month she couldn't afford to buy herself one. Business must be looking up

No, they've shown this place of Jordan's at least early this year, if not last. I think it's made of pieces from Milo's old place, not Lante's.

It was stupid of them to blow up Alexis' and Liz's houses and give themselves two new unnecessary sets to build.

Lante will probably get some toned down version of Carly's house of lemon pledge :/

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Laura is in her fifties to mid-fifties, isn't she? I'm sure she doesn't want ten plus years of being full-time (so much as it is when you live in a freaking castle) parent to a child, especially when that child is Spencer. Lol. Maybe that's why she's okay with boarding school. ;)

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1 hour ago, Darklazr said:

Spiderman Sam for the win!  I loved that story and thought it was well played out that cute little Sam saved the day.  It sure beats the fuck out of Sonny or Jason constantly saving the day.

Why not when the show constantly changes crap from week to week and they still don't know long term character or show history.  Elizabeth was never obsessed with Jason and happily went along with her life while with Ric, Lucky, Nik, AJ, etc...

God, I loved little Sam. I still wish he had been Blair's blood child. I would happily accept an insane egg/embryo theft and transfer to make Sam a blood relation to Blair. He was her only useful child.

And sweet jebus, I refuse to believe that Nik would EVER be cool with Liz dating Franco. I get that The RH'S have decent chemistry,  but for the love of Pete, make him any one else but Franco! I've said it before, just have him be Heather and Scotty's real son. Just have him be a victim of Franco. Let Franco have brainwashed him into believing that he was Franco. To take the fall for his crimes.

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I assume Andre has DID or something and is the serial killer but has no memory of killing anyone.

I don't know why Kiki felt the need to call Sonny. Morgan attacked that guy because he was getting handsy with his girlfriend. That doesn't automatically mean he was having a manic episode. I'm not saying it's right, but plenty of men who aren't bipolar would've reacted the same way.

That stolen earring thing was very stupid. Nelle is already in Carly's good graces so she  could've gotten herself a job at the house or the metrocourt by simply asking.

I'm all for Hayden throwing bitchface and attitude right back at Liez and Laura, and just generally making their lives hell, but there's no reason why she should be advocating for Spencer to stay in town. Surely she isn't dumb enough to want to raise that brat herself.

I can't wait for Ava's plan to backfire. Hopefully it was cause devastating damage to herself and her dumb daub daughter.

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18 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Wow, the nanny is a thief storyline was certainly subtle.  Couldn't the writers come up with anything better to maneuver Nelle into looking after Sonny's spawn? 

Because a woman couldn't want to leave Carly's employment for something like school, better pay or have a home not under guard by idiot mob underlings? What, Leticia has no more relatives to hire?

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5 hours ago, ulkis said:

No, they've shown this place of Jordan's at least early this year, if not last. I think it's made of pieces from Milo's old place, not Lante's.

It was stupid of them to blow up Alexis' and Liz's houses and give themselves two new unnecessary sets to build.

Lante will probably get some toned down version of Carly's house of lemon pledge :/

This!  Elizabeth's house was a sweet reminder that Emily found it for her when LnL2 were divorcing in 2007.

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Nobody has moved into the Scorpio Drake house yet, have they? It just seems insane for Liz and boys not to move there for the time being. If not permanently. Leaving the Brownstone set for LAnte and Rocco. Even Jason could've moved into Ned's old gatehouse at the Q's estate grounds when he left Liz's house and the hotel. Letting him be near Monica, Michael and family. But these options make sense.

Hell, why not just have Morgan move into Dante’s old loft? 

Wait,  does Nina still own Silas's TARDIS apartment? Or did Lauren buy it back? Or has the writers completely forgotten that plot?  Because why the fuck would Nina still be allowing Franco and Lauren live there? Especially since she doesn't have a place of her own.

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This is the kind of warped thing that comes into my mind, so think of me what you will. If they had really wanted to make Kiki a stone-cold bitch, and it might have been entertaining to watch, they could have had her turn on a dime and start exaggerating her distress in front of the cops, just to put the screws to Headset Douche. "[sniveling] He said he was going to rape me! I kept telling him to let me go, and he said I was asking for it! Morgan saved my life! I thought I was going to die!" She really had Headset Douche in an unenviable position there, and when he was talking about going to the cops, I was surprised she didn't at least threaten him along those lines. Like, slink off, Headset Douche. Don't push your luck.  

That makes sense that HSD was played by a real-life friend of Bryan Craig's. He seemed comfortable. It was all horrible choreographed, though, yes.  

Dumb moment for the week: I had no idea who the kid was in the picture with Nikolas, when Liz was looking at it so forlornly. For starters, I thought it was a girl. So I was running through the list of possible GH children in my head: "Is that the child version of Lulu from the late '90s? But Tyler looks too old." Not saying the Spencer actor looks like a girl; it was just that photograph.  

I thought today was a pretty good day, but it helps that I find both Naomi and Ava highly entertaining. This lithium-switch plot is terrible in real-life terms, and I hope no one tries it at home, but it's one of those soap stories that make me eager to see how it plays out.  

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This lithium-switch plot is terrible in real-life terms, and I hope no one tries it at home, but it's one of those soap stories that make me eager to see how it plays out.  

The only time that I would be eager to see either Sonny or Morgan ever again on my screen is via a framed picture at their funerals.   If there ever was a time for a family to be wiped out on this show - thinning of the herd and whatnot ... .


I get that The RH'S have decent chemistry,  but for the love of Pete, make him any one else but Franco!

Strange thing is that despite Liz having chemistry with every man and woman to pass through Port Charles, the one character that she rarely exhibits any chemistry with is Roho.  Both of the actors are pretty nifty but it's pretty obvious that TPTB jumped the shark with resurrecting the character of Franco (i'd pencil in Jason too).

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16 hours ago, Syndicate said:

Nelle framed the nanny, didn't she? OK, who is this girl (still thinking she's Carly's daughter even more now) and what does she want?

Nelle appears to be one very smart cookie con. I already noted previously that her borrowing of $20 from Michael was a test to see how gullible he would be...no one would come to a strange town with that transplant shtick and not have a few dollars for a meal. I think Nell framed the nanny and deliberately rejected Carly's offer to comp her at the Metro to prolong Carly's sense of guilt for the transplant. And Sonny was definitely diverted to another location so that the earring scam could happen. Surely Carly will tell Sonny about it, and he will be suspicious of Nelle. However, when he hears that Ava was upstairs unguarded and probably up to mischief, that mistake will claim most of his attention.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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17 hours ago, Syndicate said:

They really telegraphed Andre being the hospital killer today. I hope that's a red herring though. The question for me would be why? Why is Andre a secret psycho killing patients?

Andre appears to be attracted to ladies who have murderous thoughts or are involved in detecting or fighting murderers. Didn't Andre turn up in Port Charles and start treating Anna, who was trying to work out why she couldn't sleep and some of her own murderous feelings for Carlos or whoever caused Dewq's death? Andre started moving into a quasi-amorous relationship with Anna, turning up at her door and not at his office, unannounced and flattering her privately at her home. Then he noticed and started being attracted to Jordan when Anna worked with or consulted with her about justice for Dewq. After Anna left for awhile he started hanging around Jordan, and their relationship developed. Jordan, of course, is investigating several murders since she is the police commissioner.

Andre's odd and creepy surprise naked appearance in Jordan's apartment is a significant and dangerous step in their relationship. Andre seems to conflate sexual attraction and ladies who talk about murder in his romantic relationships. Whether that means he is the hospital killer is open to debate; but the pattern makes me suspicious.

Franco enjoys scaring or threatening women whom he is interested in romantically, but so far Andre doesn't do that. He is more subtle.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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On 8/20/2016 at 0:04 PM, tveyeonyou said:

I would rather watch Alexis and Christina fight over Parker's love than see one more scene of Sonny and, well, Sonny and anything.

Alexis is seen a lot on the show in recent days, so having her get involved with Parker romantically would bring even more screen time. However, Alexis and Parker are much closer in age and maturity compared to Parker and Kristina. Frequently, the age difference was cited as a reason why the Parker/Kristina story did not seem so credible. A relationship between two sexy mature women like Alexis and Parker could burn up the screen. When Kristina found out, there would be hell to pay.

Parker could be portrayed as one of those "love em and leave em" callous types who breaks hearts, like some male womanizers, or as a woman who has discovered the rich field of females out there who are willing to get involved but are naive and vulnerable.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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You know, just once, wouldn't it be nice if a potential love interest for Michael or Kristina or Morgan was like, "You know what, I'm not really into being part of a family with mob connections.  Byyyeee!"  That certainly would have made sense for Parker, a grown-ass woman.

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17 hours ago, ulkis said:

Kiki could have at least tried calling out to Morgan before she called Sonny to ask him to come over and give him a spanking. And also weird how Morgan and Ava moved a foot away to have a private conversation. A) Kiki can still here you and B) why would Kiki EVER let these two have a private conversation ever again?

Now I just have this image of Kiki sitting on the couch checking her email, while Morgan and Ava are like three feet away, kissing and groping each other.  Kiki, of course, has no idea.  

But, seriously, any time those two need to have a private conversation, Kiki should just assume "they're fucking again, aren't they?"  

14 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

IN THE DARK. Dude, light some candles to set the mood. Don't lurk naked in the dark.

I can't be the only one surprised they didn't save "lurking naked in the dark at her home" for Liz/Franco? 

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1 hour ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Alexis is seen a lot on the show in recent days, so having her get involved with Parker romantically would bring even more screen time. However, Alexis and Parker are much closer in age and maturity compared to Parker and Kristina. Frequently, the age difference was cited as a reason why the Parker/Kristina story did not seem so credible. A relationship between two sexy mature women like Alexis and Parker could burn up the screen. When Kristina found out, there would be hell to pay.

Parker could be portrayed as one of those "love em and leave em" callous types who breaks hearts, like some male womanizers, or as a woman who has discovered the rich field of females out there who are willing to get involved but are naive and vulnerable.

This! It's true that Alexis has been getting a lot of screen time lately, and tbh, NLG and some of her past off screen allegedly drunken tweeting has soured me a bit when it comes to Alexis but this is a story I could get into.

Usually I'm not bothered by age difference but LA's Kristina looks uncomfortably young paired with Parker. I don't want them to make Kristina's interest in Parker just a young-girl-trying-anything then going back to men only, either make her gay or bi but don't make it a college experiment type thing she "gets out of her system".

Your idea of Parker being portrayed as a "love em and leave em" heartbreaker sounds awesome which means we'll probably never get to see anything like that. I could definitely get into a triangle with Alexis and Kristina fighting over Parker, with Kristina getting all kinds of mad at Alexis for sabotaging her relationship with Parker and Alexis in denial about having her own feelings for Parker. Parker and Alexis could have one of those yelling matches where the anger turns to passion and Alexis realizes she herself is attracted to Parker. I also want a magical unicorn and a djinn who will grant me endless wishes that don't backfire.

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Thoughts on Monday's show:

- Most normal people might call the cops if their boyfriend was getting into an altercation with day-player douche-bag, but, no, of course Kiki calls Sonny, Healer of All.  

- I feel like they're making it so obvious Andre is the killer that of course he won't be the killer, but that's too deep for this show so of course he is the killer.

- I hope to all that is holy that Nelle is pulling the scam of all scams on Carly.  Bonus points if she gets caught by Carly in a threesome with Sonny and Jason and Carly's head literally exploding while Bobbie stands in the background pointing out "well, honey, what did you expect?  Do you not remember what you did to me?"

- Elizabeth's hair looks so nice and shiny and healthy, so at least she's got that going for her in this storyline Hell she's in.  

Edited by Cheyanne11
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1 minute ago, Cheyanne11 said:

- I hope to all that is holy that Nelle is pulling the scam of all scams on Carly.  Bonus points if she gets caught by Carly in a threesome with Sonny and Jason and Carly's head literally exploding while Bobbie stands in the background pointing out "well, honey, what did you expect?  Do you not remember what you did to me?"

Carly should come to her upset, and Bobbie says, "well honey, it's just Sonny!" in the same tone of voice she said "it's just AJ!" when someone was like heeeey your daughter covered up a murder what up.

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53 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

You know, just once, wouldn't it be nice if a potential love interest for Michael or Kristina or Morgan was like, "You know what, I'm not really into being part of a family with mob connections.  Byyyeee!"  That certainly would have made sense for Parker, a grown-ass woman.

I know. Everyone just says, "Oh, your [relationship to Sonny here] is Sonny Corinthos. Hmm." There's no deeper consideration than that.

43 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I can't be the only one surprised they didn't save "lurking naked in the dark at her home" for Liz/Franco? 

Just shows you that the writers don't talk to one another. Whoever's writing Liz/Franco is furious.

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13 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I know. Everyone just says, "Oh, your [relationship to Sonny here] is Sonny Corinthos. Hmm." There's no deeper consideration than that.

Just shows you that the writers don't talk to one another. Whoever's writing Liz/Franco is furious.

Didn't Franco wait for Nina naked in her office?

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How does this story with Nelle work exactly? 

It was that weird phone call at the hospital about how Nelle is not a threat because she's leaving until oops, she's staying, so does he actually know who she really is? I'd think he investigated her thoroughly before her kidney ended up inside his kid.

The kidney didn't just end up randomly on the blackmarket. What's going to blow up in his face isn't the fact that he bought the kidney to save Josslyn because I'm pretty sure Carly and Sonny would do the same. What's going to blow up in his face is that he knew exactly who Nelle was and didn't tell anyone, and that set in motion a whole thing where I'm assuming Nelle will go all Claudia on everyone at some point.

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