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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I think I'm now at the point where I just want these characters to just...stop being so shitty.


I don't think that's a lot to ask honestly. I am tired of the shitty parenting, and shitty relationships, and shitty marriages, and shitty jobs, and shitty behaviour especially.


It's as if the governor outlawed decency, then again he basically did when he pardoned that greasy slaggard, Sonny. To me it's like everyone relishes behaving as immoral prats who are selfish, self serving, and self absorbed.


Soaps need all types of people, but I truly feel that GH is just sinking under the weight of having so many characters acting all the same way and so terribly so much of the time. We just don't get a break from it and it's tiresome and wearisome and frankly, imho, revolting.

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Valerie and Dante's behavior is reprehensible, but I really wish they'd stop using words like "slut/whore/bitch/tramp" to describe her. Just call them both awful, selfish people and leave it at that.


Dante is the one folks should be calling "bitchslutwhoretramp". He is the one who broke his marital vow.


This. I'm so put off by Lulu calling Valerie a slut everyday. Maybe it would be a little easier to take if she was calling Dante one, too.


Also, Sabrina said something about Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos being too dangerous for her and the baby to be around...but she's fine letting her child become a part of Sonny's family?


Rage fucking blackout tbh.


It's as if the governor outlawed decency, then again he basically did when he pardoned that greasy slaggard, Sonny. To me it's like everyone relishes behaving as immoral prats who are selfish, self serving, and self absorbed.


I really feel like they should pull a "Because Helena" with this and just reveal that Helena had been somehow poisoning everyone in Port Charles with some drug that makes them all terrible people. Then Robin can come back and cure everyone.


Honestly they just really need to do a full reset. Normally something like that would be bad writing and annoying, but at this point it is literally the only way to save this show.

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And taking ELQ from Michael was business, it was rough and a bit snotty, but the way people are acting on the show, it was akin to slaughtering puppies. 

It wasn't business.  It was betrayal, and that is why people on the show are treating him like the villain.  Nikolas used the very close and trusting relationship he  had with the Qs to manipulate them and keep them in the dark in order to steal the company from them.  I wouldn't call it business because Nikolas had to steal ELQ in order to make up for his own poor handling of Cassadine industries.  The Qs trusted Nikolas because of his long relationship with the family, and using that to his advantage, he put spies in ELQ in order to steal the company.  He deserves the way he is being treated.  That being said, it would have been nice if the writers explained the COMPLETE 180 turn of Nikolas rather than just insta-changing him into the new villain of PC who is suddenly capable of putting hits out on people when he has NO history of it at all in his character's past.  It's WTF.


I liked Nathan for the first time (since he's been all.about.Maxie), telling Dante he might want to close the door if it's a so-called private conversation, and showing Lulu/Lante's marriage more respect than Dante is. Now Dante's all ready to be done with his marriage and have a "discreet" affair with Val? So much WTF.


Yep, another example of WTF writing.  At least we saw Dante looking guilty and feeling terrible during the "first" affair with Valerie, but with these new writers, he's apparently fine with going for a second round with Valerie because "How long is he suppose to wait?" since his wife found out only like two days earlier.  I have no idea what the writers are trying to do here.  If they want to make Dante a little less perfect, that's fine, but they are turning him into a complete ass.  It's another 180 turn for a GH vet character without explanation - and for the likes of VALERIE?!  I can't stand her.


Okay, I know that Michael is not the sharpest tool in the shed, like Morgan isn't capable of doing long division, or any division, or addition, or subtraction, or how to count to five on one hand, but I digress, that aside is he really so dense he doesn't know how to look at a sonogram properly? Is he that shitty at adding up numbers as well?

Actually Michael is pretty smart when written in character, but in his defense, he's going to believe that the hospital technicians are telling him the truth, no?  If they are telling him that the baby is 20 weeks and SHOWING him a sonogram supporting that fact, why would Michael question it?  That being said, the new writers don't seem to like logical storytelling.  Sabrina is HUGE.  That was a problem long before she ever told Michael she was pregnant because we could see it.  Then there is Laura, who is okay with the lies between Elizabeth and Nikolas. Nikolas now being okay with attempted murder and murder (if he killed Helena), and Dante is being a colossal jerk and somehow Lulu is the bad guy and Valerie is the desirable hero?  I.don't.get.it.

Edited by Bishop
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It wasn't business.  It was betrayal, and that is why people on the show are treating him like the villain.  Nikolas used the very close and trusting relationship he  had with the Qs to manipulate them and keep them in the dark in order to steal the company from them.  I wouldn't call it business because Nikolas had to steal ELQ in order to make up for his own poor handling of Cassadine industries.  The Qs trusted Nikolas because of his long relationship with the family, and using that to his advantage, he put spies in ELQ in order to steal the company.  He deserves the way he is being treated.


What burns me up is Nikolas' insistence that the Quartermaines hated Emily and thus should be deprived of their family company, and that Emily would be totally fine with him and Liz keeping her brother in the dark about his true identity.  I mean, you want to be evil?  Be evil.  But don't tell the Q's they deserved it for being mean to Emily when you've basically declared war on her family, something she would never have stood for.

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With regards to Carrrrlos kidnaping Sobrina, then she returns to PC and continues to pass her baby off as Michael's...we've pretty much established that Michael isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I think even he might be suspicious of a baby with a full beard (even if it's a girl), rolling its "r"s when demanding "cerrrrrrreal," don't you? Just a thought!

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Honestly they just really need to do a full reset. Normally something like that would be bad writing and annoying, but at this point it is literally the only way to save this show.

Yeah, didn't Days do something like that a few years back? Some serial killer had knocked off a bunch of characters, but then it was revealed they weren't dead, just on an island?


Let's just have a huge scene (at the Nutcracker Gala) where everyone rips masks off to reveal villains and the real characters have been trapped on Cassadine island for the past two years.


Hell, make Jason come out of his  coma and reveal everything since Fake!Duke kicked him into the harbor was a coma-induced dream.


(if memory serves, that would immediately get rid of Kiki, Ava, Nina, Franco, Mayo, Tree, Julian and evil Paul Hornsby) cast purge complete!

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Hell, make Jason come out of his  coma and reveal everything since Fake!Duke kicked him into the harbor was a coma-induced dream.


(if memory serves, that would immediately get rid of Kiki, Ava, Nina, Franco, Mayo, Tree, Julian and evil Paul Hornsby) cast purge complete!


Would that mean we have to bring Duke back? You know what, I don't care.  I'd even take Duke back if it means getting rid of all those characters.


Is Darby not a thing anymore?  Is she in Rosalie land?

Edited by Francie
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Is Darby not a thing anymore?  Is she in Rosalie land?


I think she was an Ivy.  The online soap press made a huge honking deal about her casting, but she was utterly pointless and there to move a plot along (in Darby's case, causing brief angst between Morgs and Keeks).

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I really feel like they should pull a "Because Helena" with this and just reveal that Helena had been somehow poisoning everyone in Port Charles with some drug that makes them all terrible people. Then Robin can come back and cure everyone.


Honestly they just really need to do a full reset. Normally something like that would be bad writing and annoying, but at this point it is literally the only way to save this show.




Even if it's beyond the point of being saved fully, perhaps it could still end decently rather than having nearly every fan tune out and give up. A reset would be so helpful, I couldn't agree more, and if they pin in on Helena fine by me, this is the same show that has already given the town a monkey flu and that killed off Tony, so really anything at this point is plausible. And a lot of character deaths is also a must, starting with the SERIAL KILLER.


I personally believe these new writers have done nothing more than double down on what Ron began. I've seen nothing from them that says they're going in that many, if any, directions that he wasn't intending to himself.


We still have Franco walking around playing a "normal person", Kiki is still somehow portrayed as being relevant and wanted, Sonny is back in charge and just as defended and "beloved" as he's ever been, and they're dragging out the Sam/Jason/Liz/Patrick pointlessness.




The show is tanking anyway, why not try the Hail Mary?





And let us, the fans, win??? Nonsense! Frank will have the last say and verdict and ruling and determination regardless if this show is sinking faster than the Titanic.




Exactly. If TPTB really want to save this show then they need to, you know, do something to save it. Doubling down on everything horrible isn't cutting it.



No wonder they keep forcing Dante and Val together, because those two are front and center as an example of this show doubling down on the horrible.


Writing a formally happily married man and father of one suddenly willing to toss his wife aside, regularly bang her cousin he cheated on her with to the point that the word "dating" is being tossed around while showing little to no regard for the little boy stuck in the middle...yeah, I know that's what I want to tune in to see every day...



Actually Michael is pretty smart when written in character, but in his defense, he's going to believe that the hospital technicians are telling him the truth, no?  If they are telling him that the baby is 20 weeks and SHOWING him a sonogram supporting that fact, why would Michael question it?




I personally find Michael's "smarts" a debatable factor, heh, but that aside to me he's been around a few pregnant women to have a good enough idea of how pregnancy works. He even mentioned that the baby looked "a little big" to him. I don't think he'd come right out doubting Sabrina or Felix, but he should also be alert that something seems off, especially since Sabrina has yet to allow an actual OBGYN around her when he's with her.




Worked for Aaron Rogers.



Heck yeah it did. Rogers to Rogers.

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I personally find Michael's "smarts" a debatable factor, heh, but that aside to me he's been around a few pregnant women to have a good enough idea of how pregnancy works. He even mentioned that the baby looked "a little big" to him.


Was it me, or did the look on Tracy's face when Michael showed her the picture indicate that she may have figured out that Michael isn't the father?

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he's been around a few pregnant women to have a good enough idea of how pregnancy works.


I think Michael's knowledge of how pregnancy works is that at some point a baby will be born. He might be excited about the baby, but we haven't heard about him reading pregnancy/parenting books. And as others have pointed out, he's been given adequate explanation as to why the baby looks big. Why would he think he was being lied to? Plus, babies can be big even when someone isn't trying to fake the conception date.


The no OB/GYN thing is explainable, too, since Sabrina is allowed privacy even if Michael wants to be heavily involved. Kelly Lee was fooled by Pillowena. We're not dealing with the world's smartest doctor here.

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Was it me, or did the look on Tracy's face when Michael showed her the picture indicate that she may have figured out that Michael isn't the father?



Tracy knows all, all the time so I don't doubt it, heh.




I think Michael's knowledge of how pregnancy works is that at some point a baby will be born. He might be excited about the baby, but we haven't heard about him reading pregnancy/parenting books. And as others have pointed out, he's been given adequate explanation as to why the baby looks big. Why would he think he was being lied to? Plus, babies can be big even when someone isn't trying to fake the conception date.


The no OB/GYN thing is explainable, too, since Sabrina is allowed privacy even if Michael wants to be heavily involved. Kelly Lee was fooled by Pillowena. We're not dealing with the world's smartest doctor here.




I recall Julian getting hammered for not knowing what Braxton Hicks contractions were, as if he himself was a walking encyclopedia of pregnancy knowledge so I suppose it depends on who recalls Sex Ed in high school better.


I would think a guy Michael's age would know a little bit more about pregnancy than merely how the bun gets shoved in the oven and once it's done it'll pop ou, but that's just me.


What we're shown on this show often has little to do with what supposedly goes on, according to the slaggard running this train wreck. I guess this is what happens when you no longer have Ron's twitter feed to find out what else happened that they just didn't have time to film. I'm sure he would have put in a scene with Michael hunched over his iPad googling the word "trimester".


Didn't they have another doctor other than Kelly working in that department? I normally block out all things dealing with more useless kids being added to this show.


And really I think he should know something is up because Sabrina is acting suspicious as hell. She can't lie to save her life. I get they're playing the whole "Michael is so in love and happy to be a dad he's blinded to the obvious signs of deceit" but to me it's just silly. He's Carly's son after all, he should have the nose for this easy.


She's acting like she has something to hide and she does so every single time the baby is brought up, it shouldn't take a rocket surgeon to catch on and wonder what's going on.





Oh how amusing it would be if Britt was still in the OB/GYN rotation.




Hah! That's the doctor I was thinking about.

Edited by CPP83
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Was it me, or did the look on Tracy's face when Michael showed her the picture indicate that she may have figured out that Michael isn't the father?


She did comment that the baby seemed "robust" (hee!), but there didn't seem to be any suspicion in the later moment when Tracy and Michael were beaming about how happy Edward would be about the Q's growing.


I really, really, really, REALLY hope they don't have her find out because if she did, you know the show would have her keep it a secret and then there'd be no end of hypocritical screaming from the Corinthii when it came out.

Edited by TeeVee329
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She's acting like she has something to hide and she does so every single time the baby is brought up, it shouldn't take a rocket surgeon to catch on and wonder what's going on.


That's the bigger WTF for me than Michael knowing or not knowing much about birthin' babies. Sabrina gets all squirrelly at any mention of the baby by him. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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That's the bigger WTF for me than Michael knowing or not knowing much about birthin' babies. Sabrina gets all squirrelly at any mention of the baby by him. 


It kinda speaks to how not well these two know each other.  There's just really no there...there with Michael and Sabrina.

Edited by TeeVee329
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She did comment that the baby seemed "robust" (hee!), but there didn't seem to be any suspicion in the later moment when Tracy and Michael were beaming about how happy Edward would be about the Q's growing.



I don't think Tracy is at all suspicious that Sabrina is lying about the baby in part because she likes Sabrina and treats her as a young friend. There's also the factor that before Sabrina was baby Avery's nanny, she was the mother figure to Emma (a child Tracy's own father wanted to save at the expense of his own life) when Robin (a young woman Edward dearly loved) was presumed dead. Tracy tends to be cynical and suspicious of women when she's A) jealous or B) the woman has a history of lying or being a criminal and/or poor taste in men such as her nephews. I doubt she's even aware that Sabrina was once involved with Carlos. 

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That's the bigger WTF for me than Michael knowing or not knowing much about birthin' babies. Sabrina gets all squirrelly at any mention of the baby by him. 



I am going to "double down" and just say that the whole business is stupid and idiotic, starting with the characters themselves and then the writing and everything else.


I have never thought that Michael was all that bright or intelligent, and I could care less if he spends his off nights watching the Discovery Health channel, but between he professing his love to Sabrina and now playing her giddy baby daddy to be despite the fact that she seems to cringe and look horrified/terrified whenever he talks about "their baby" that apparently is just a tad over-sized...its just too much for me. 


I already hated them enough separately as is, now that they're together and this bullshitty sham of a relationship is going on which includes yet another unnecessary pregnancy...I just cannot.

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Didn't they have another doctor other than Kelly working in that department? I normally block out all things dealing with more useless kids being added to this show.


A doctor? On this show? Called General Hospital?  Surely you must be jesting.


There was recurring character Dr. Chu, who was Lulu's and Dante's fertility specialist.

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A doctor? On this show? Called General Hospital?  Surely you must be jesting.


There was recurring character Dr. Chu, who was Lulu's and Dante's fertility specialist.



Heh, whatever was I thinking. I am now of the opinion that this show should be renamed to "Getting Hostile" because when I think of what this show once was and what it is now...


Ah, right, her too. She's not going to have any patients at this rate since Dante is apparently now so determined to knock up Val with her self sustaining womb.

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Sam and Maxie used to be friends but most of the female friendships have disappeared completely in the last few years


Oh come on! Women don't need friends. All they need are their mans and their babies! Those are what make them feel necessary and useful. Friendships. Pah!!


Now I'm going to go cry my eyes out because as sarcastic as I am in the above... I'm pretty sure that's exactly how the show feels about it all. You know, the show allegedly written by women.

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So now Jason is joking about his own mumbling and the amnesia, and actually believes that Jake will be "fine" because he has Danny to play with?! Ugh.


LOVED Mac stopping and confronting Anna!  LOL at telling her, "You're a little rusty." Such a great, kind, loving man. I wanna see a Robin-Uncle Mac reunion far more than I want to see an Anna and Robin reunion. 


Sam saying she wants to fast-track the divorce so she's "not tempted" to use the truth against Liz (and mess with the Liason relationship) makes about as much sense as when Liz said she thought Lucky knowing he's Aiden's father would cause him to feel obligated to her and walk away from Siobhan. The truth is Sam is afraid of risking her amnesiac husband's rejection (again) if she goes after his "great love" Liz with her suspicions and blowing up her own relationship with Patrick, knowing deep down she doesn't want Patrick...she wants a second chance to be a family with Jason and Danny. Yet she obviously convinced herself that moving forward with Patrick is best under the circumstances, and this is what she needs to do to save her relationship with Patrick. Sad.


Re Special Report:  Not surprising, but very saddening, to hear that the attack on the center in San Bernardino, CA is officially being considered an act of terrorism connected to ISIS. Prayers for the victims and their families. 


ETA: I get the impression we missed Nikolas telling Liz to keep her mouth shut, go home and be happy with Jason?  Liz and Laura both looked sad/tired (but Genie looks stunning nonetheless).


A Liz-Sam showdown over Jason for Monday?  Gee Show, that didn't get old the first 54351 times.  Patrick snapping at Sonny is an almost decent preview though.

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LOVED Mac stopping and confronting Anna!  LOL at telling her, "You're a little rusty." Such a great, kind, loving man. I wanna see a Robin-Uncle Mac reunion far more than I want to see an Anna and Robin reunion.


And he and off-screen Felicia were worried about Anna!  Finally, an acknowledgement that Anna should have had people to comfort her during Duke's death besides her arch-nemesis and the creeper she slept with out of grief.


Need a Robin/Mac hug ASAP.

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I watched a block of this week's shows last night, and either I might be a little dumber than I thought, or Michael is way smarter than I thought, or maybe, I'm just a bad Mommy. I'm currently pregnant with my 2nd, and I actually did get pregnant in July, not May, like Sabrina may or may not have. I'm 22 weeks today, so just about the same time as Sabrina is claiming she conceived. I've given birth to one child, and had multiple ultrasounds for this 2nd one, and when I have an ultrasound, I can barely make out the arms and legs (granted, my ultrasounds are more for the medical information than for the 3D pix like their recent one was, but I've had several). Last week, I genuinely thought my son's butt was his head. Either I'm a really bad Mommy, or Michael Q is really smart and gifted at ultrasound images, because there's no way I'd know that my son was measuring big or small (he's fine, by the way) just from an ultrasound image. Let me say that I have to see a neonatologist for several factors, so the ultrasounds I receive may just be more for tracking the organs and measuring growth than for the 3D images like they had, but I always have to ask about his growth and what we're looking at. The ultrasound tech actually said to me at the last ultrasound "there's his junk", because, I didn't have a clue what I was looking at.


Also, hadn't Sabrina & Michael already had the sexy times by May? I'm thinking Michael gave Avery back to Sonny in the spring-ish, and they were either sleeping together right before, or right after, so my guess is that this kiddo turns out to be Michael's anyway.


Ironically, I was also pregnant last time Sabrina was, when she was pregnant with Gabriel, and I had to stop watching until that storyline was over. I know she gets a lot of hate for her Pollyana ways, rightfully so, but kudos to her for playing that whole Gabriel storyline out while being pregnant in real life, because I couldn't even watch it.

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So that was hilarious, Sam basically pulling a Liz.  "I won't tell Jason because HE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE."  That's basically the entire reason Liz won't tell Jason the truth either, because it means he'll stop loving her. Sam won't tell because Jason won't start loving her.


Sam, Liz and Carly. They're interchangeable when it comes to Jason.

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So that was hilarious, Sam basically pulling a Liz.  "I won't tell Jason because HE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE."



I might have missed when she said the quoted caps. I assume those were her words since they are in quotes.


What I heard is; She said she'd like to say no, when Alexis asked if she doesn't want to confront Liz because Jason is now with Liz. That is a far cry from the quote above. Sam's response to Alexis' question is a response from someone in a very conflicted situation. She has every right to feel the way she feels. It's been, what whole week since she found out about Jason and  Liz' fucking lie is something she has to weigh on her. 


Despite the conflict, she stated very clearly, that she looked at things from Patrick's perceptive and she realizes she hurt him with her focus on Jason. She wants to move on and be with Patrick. There was no conflict here, she wants to do right by Patrick regardless of how she may or may not feel about Jason.


There are all these expectations about how she should feel and act, and to her credit, she is trying. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Is there somewhere I can see the ending of the Dec. 2nd show?  Viewable to Canadians?  I've been to Dailymotion, Youtube, Nathan Varni's link on FB, CityTV.


Yeah, it's on the abc website.

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MAC!!!! Has he been seen at all in 2015 before today? He's looking mighty fine with longer hair :)


I think he's shown up twice before this ALL YEAR, in the standalone episode about the election and for Duke's funeral.

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And this is why this Jason story has lost all drama. Liz's fear was, once the secret was out- Jason would remember who he was and go back to Sam. 


But he knows who he is and wants to stay with Liz. He doesn't even feel especially conflicted about Sam, and of course, even with the new therapist-- he's making no effort to recover any of his memories.


Learning who he was didn't change Jason's perceptions of himself or his life- but the fact that Liz kept the non-life changing secret from him would be significant enough for him to change his perceptions? 


Um, no.

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Dude, I might be Michael Quartermaine Dumb too (I know I'm smarter than Michael Corinthos). I've never been pregnant, but have seen many sonograms due to family and friends. I can't tell what any part is. Unless it's 3D, the kid looks blurry, like hurricane tracking. Clearly on Baby SabrCarrrloQ, you could see the head and a face. But that kid should be old enough to know the sex.

Which would be the most amazing way to find out imo. Or just have Flight Attendant or Captain from The Boat play a doctor filling in that just blurts it out.

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I might have missed when she said in the quoted caps. I assume those were her words since they are in quotes.


No, not a quote, but it's basically what she said.  I mean really, what is stopping her? Didn't she just huff about Liz taking Jason from his life? That what Liz is doing is wrong, wrong, wrong?  So what's her excuse for staying quiet? Why is she allowing Liz to get away with it if she truly believes Liz has lied all this time? She shouldn't feel any conflict whatsoever.  She believes Liz has known all along, she should tell him. Liz knowing means Sam and Danny and a bunch of other people were denied a relationship with Jason. It means Jason was denied his name, his family, his child, his identity.  What she did was terrible.


So why doesn't Sam immediately go to Jason and tell him? It would be the right thing to do, it's really the ONLY thing she should do.


Yet she won't.  She's his wife, she's suppose to love him. This is suppose to be about HIM.  Yet it's really about her feelings.  Waffling over her backup man and the one she really wants.


And now she's going to confront Liz. Well, of course. Liz is her competition for Jason's affections. And that's exactly what Liz sees when she looks at Sam. Competition.

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And this is why this Jason story has lost all drama. Liz's fear was, once the secret was out- Jason would remember who he was and go back to Sam.

But he knows who he is and wants to stay with Liz. He doesn't even feel especially conflicted about Sam, and of course, even with the new therapist-- he's making no effort to recover any of his memories.

Learning who he was didn't change Jason's perceptions of himself or his life- but the fact that Liz kept the non-life changing secret from him would be significant enough for him to change his perceptions?

Um, no.


It has all fallen flat.

And Sam.

I mean, did I watch a different feed or was Sam not in love with her husband when he "died?" Was she not crying and talking about him this ENTIRE past year? And now she finds out that Liz might have known the entire time and I'm supposed to believe Sam wants to just let Jason know to...let him know? And she's just so deeply in love with Patrick and Whatevs?



This is either Sam as a deluded individual or the writing stinks.

Or both.

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What happened to "Omg we haz to tell Jasus or he'll have a giant hissy like a two year old?!" Or Jasus basically being a brain damaged hit man on the Autism Spectrum?

I get Jason not wanting to be that Jason. But imo it's coming off more as "Jason doesn't want to be Jasus, so is rejecting everything he did/was about." Which is cool for killing and being proSonny and antiQ. But he's fighting his own feelings.

Or maybe it's because BM/BH are so boring now.

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The other 3 soaps need to watch this Liz/Jason/Sam clusterfuck so as to see what NOT to do at every turn of a reveal story. Cannot believe how massively flat and fucked up it has turned out to be. No drama whatsoever.

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