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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Resident optimist catching up on weeks' worth of viewing!


1. Sloan had gained some ground with me while he cared for Anna in the aftermath of her killing Carlos and Duke's death. But then he creeped me the hell out at the airport when he practically growled that she should stay. Um...what? I think Sloan doesn't have practice keeping his temper in check, and he really needs it. 


2. I love that Anna wants to work through her turmoil alone, and I really dig that she's been given such dark material. But I so wanted her to say she was going to seek out her daughter for some time together. It's glaring to me that she didn't.


3. I'm intrigued by what Laura is forcing Luke into. I have no clue what it is, but I know it sure as hell isn't "Let's get back together." Hopefully, it's about Lucky?


4. I like the slow build of the Lulu/Dante/Valerie triangle a lot. I think Dante will end up cheating but almost be blindsided by it. Like, how did that happen?


5. No, Ava, I don't care how much you want to be with AJ. You're a vile woman in all other regards. And I'm so over Morgan, I don't even care that my heart twinged a little right before they kissed. I'm also laughing that Morgan is going to be cheating on Kiki again...with her mother...again.


6. New Dillon is okay so far. Hasn't had much to say to inject personality, but at least he's been bright and sunny. Add some quirk, and I'll be satisfied.


7. I know, I know, it's crazy, but I can't help but be charmed by Nina's doe-eyed naivete. I think the actress overshoots her 20s and goes straight to the tweens in terms of the character's emotional development, but it's a little endearing. A little. Come on. You have to give me a little.


8. There's been no Spencer for weeks! Y'all must be doing somersaults!


9. Loved Scotty and Sonny locking heads. Although I despise Sonny now, I'm glad he and Luke will end up as friends when all is said and done.


10. Are we finally going to learn more about Brad's family? It's so overdue. We were told they were mobsters like a year ago!


11. I plan to enjoy every second of Luke being ushered off. But I sure hope it's not that many seconds. Please take him away.

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I like Dillon so far but he looks too tanned and the hair needs to change.  Too high. 


The hair is the most in-character thing about NuDillon so far!


What the heck, everyone was just magically whisked off in the middle of the show to the Haunted Star? Worst cut ever.



Ron: We only have ten weeks!


Wait, that actually did happen? I thought I had to have been distracted by the interwebs or something and missed how everyone got to the Haunted Star instead.

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I thought I had to have been distracted by the interwebs or something and missed how everyone got to the Haunted Star instead.


It also looked like the film shots of Scottie/Bobbie, Dante/Valerie, Carly and Sonny did not take place in the same location as the scenes of Luke, Tracy, Lulu and Laura were filmed.


Given that this is Morgan, and he's not exactly Mensa material


When Morgan used the words 'oncologist' and 'cosmetologist' in the same sentence, the actor seemed proud to have been able to recite those multisyllabic words


I love that Anna wants to work through her turmoil alone, and I really dig that she's been given such dark material. But I so wanted her to say she was going to seek out her daughter for some time together. It's glaring to me that she didn't.


Yeah, I'll miss FH but, in addition to her neglect of her own flesh and blood, I won't miss (yet another) police commissioner dance around and ignore the blight on Port Charles - one of the baddest criminals in the country - Sonny Corinthos.

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As disappointing and disgusting as Anna's exit was, at least she wasn't carted off to Shadybrooke or Rose Lawn or Miscavagie or any other mental ward that a wimmins is usually carted off to when the actress exits. It's usually either a funny farm or a body bag for da wimmins.

Edited by Tiger
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No, Ava, I don't care how much you want to be with AJ. You're a vile woman in all other regards. And I'm so over Morgan, I don't even care that my heart twinged a little right before they kissed. I'm also laughing that Morgan is going to be cheating on Kiki again...with her mother...again.



Morgan and Ava are garbage. 

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The hair is the most in-character thing about NuDillon so far!



Wait, that actually did happen? I thought I had to have been distracted by the interwebs or something and missed how everyone got to the Haunted Star instead.

Ron didn't say that, but everyone did indeed just instantaneously show up on the Haunted Star.

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So baby AJ is in Michael's custody?  Last I heard Sonny was the father with an outside chance they could make Morgan the Dad.  So how does Michael have custody?  Why is the baby named AJ?  Did they make AJ or Michael the father through some drunken one night stand or retcon?


As far as we know, baby AJ is the offspring of Ava and Sonny.  After Ava's "death" and Sonny's pardon from prison for killing AJ, he took custody of the baby.  Michael sued him for custody on the grounds that it wasn't safe to be raised in Sonny's house.  After an awesome twist with the custody judge being switched out for the judge who is dating Monica, Michael was awarded custody.  Since the baby's name is Avery Jerome, Michael has decided to call her AJ.


And I know Tracey can be difficult, but I felt sorry for her.  Her first instinct was to tell Luke no because she didn't trust him.  He convinced her to give him a chance and she does and then he pulls the rug out from under her again.  She's Charlie Brown to Luke's Lucy.  He keeps promising that he won't pull the football away but he does every time.  And I know it was done for dramatic purposes but Luke owed Tracey better than announcing in front of everyone that the engagement was off.  He should have spoken to Tracey privately, explained whatever is going on and then made the announcement.  Tracey does deserve better than Luke.

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1. Sloan had gained some ground with me while he cared for Anna in the aftermath of her killing Carlos and Duke's death. But then he creeped me the hell out at the airport when he practically growled that she should stay.


Yeah, … a couple of times he did things with his voice that that made it sound as if he were threatening her. I was trying to decide if it was a bizarre acting choice or a result of him speaking in a different register than he usually does. It was odd -- and creepy -- almost as if two different people were talking. 

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Ron didn't say that, but everyone did indeed just instantaneously show up on the Haunted Star.


Ron actually has been whining in interviews that they only have ten weeks for the Luke exit story.  Hence my jokingly using the quote re: the abrupt teleporting from The Floating Rib to the Haunted Star.

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It's fun and cool to see women hiss at each other! That's what girls do!!11! It's campy soapy goodness1!1!


I think LegalParrot81 had a point though when she said that Bobbie & Laura's relationship is somewhat complicated. Sometimes I think whatever goodwill they have is for more the sake of being (essentially still) family through Luke than anything else.


Not to stop the snark or anything, but it DOES make some sense. I'll stop being serious now though so you guys can still have fun. :)

Edited by UYI
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Ron actually has been whining in interviews that they only have ten weeks for the Luke exit story.  Hence my jokingly using the quote re: the abrupt teleporting from The Floating Rib to the Haunted Star.

Thank God for that. Part of the problem with him is that he will let storylines meander on not end them at their logical ending points. 10 weeks is plenty of time, especially since he likes to cut key scenes anyways, so we can listen to useless rabble. 

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I think LegalParrot81 had a point though when she said that Bobbie & Laura's relationship is somewhat complicated. Sometimes I think whatever goodwill they have is for more the sake of being (essentially still) family through Luke than anything else.


Not to stop the snark or anything, but it DOES make some sense. I'll stop being serious now though so you guys can still have fun. :)


If it had just been Bobbie, possibly, but prom queen Lulu joining in, as well as Valerie's comment, makes me think it wasn't about character history.

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I think everybody got to the Haunted Star after Lulu called Dante, and then it went to commercial break.  So I'm thinking Lulu explained to Dante, then he announced it to the room.


But how crappy for Lucas and Brad, that their already lame engagement party got swallowed up by Luke.

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Fluke probably did something to Lucky - which I would actually be okay with. They really need to explain his absence because it hasn't made any sense for the character to have missed recent events and to have been an absentee father for the past 2-3 years

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If it had just been Bobbie, possibly, but prom queen Lulu joining in, as well as Valerie's comment, makes me think it wasn't about character history.

When did Lulu badmouth Laura?

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I am wistful for a few things in the Luke departure:  If Laura is staying on in PC It could be fun if when all is said and done she and Tracy end up with equal shares of ELQ, maybe Laura some how ends up controlling Nik's stock. A final scene of Luke at the cemetery saying good bye to Ruby, Dan Rooney and Slick. And a final snarling match between Scott and Luke, where Luke realizes that for all his hatred of Scotty and visa verse, it is only Scott he can trust with the statement "Look after Lulu, as if she were your own, and keep and eye on our girl Laura as well"

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As disappointing and disgusting as Anna's exit was, at least she wasn't carted off to Shadybrooke or Rose Lawn or Miscavagie or any other mental ward that a wimmins is usually carted off to when the actress exits. It's usually either a funny farm or a body bag for da wimmins.


I'm a bit surprised an institution wasn't mentioned at all.


I think LegalParrot81 had a point though when she said that Bobbie & Laura's relationship is somewhat complicated. Sometimes I think whatever goodwill they have is for more the sake of being (essentially still) family through Luke than anything else.


True, but there's usually something that sets off the snarking. Here it was Laura simply showing up. Since when does Bobbie care about Tracy's feelings? I didn't expect Bobbie to rush over and give Laura a giant hug, but immediate snark was uncalled for.


But how crappy for Lucas and Brad, that their already lame engagement party got swallowed up by Luke.


They were probably relieved. They got to go someplace with better food and drinks.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Just get JJ back on my screen, kay? And let him have a scene or two with Dante.

Word. I have more of a response but I'm gonna put it in the spoiler thread.

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It was her body language with Tracy more than anything else. If I didn't know better I'd think Laura was a stranger to her.


I saw it more as #1--Lulu trying to keep the peace and #2--she truly does care about Tracy and doesn't want to see her hurt yet again by Luke.

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It was her body language with Tracy more than anything else. If I didn't know better I'd think Laura was a stranger to her.


Well, fair or not, she did spend a good portion of her life away from Laura. Damn the TPTB for that. 

Edited by UYI
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Don't tell me that, for a brief moment, they made Laura's return all about Sonny and Carly.

They did indeed. I hated Sonny referencing himself re: the Carly and Franco engagement as if it's a correct analogy to this Laura/Luke/Tracy scene. Bleh. Sonny isn't fit to lick Laura's shoes, and on her most hateful day, Tracy is still 1,000 better than Psycho NotTodd!Franco. Although Luke as Carly in this situation is not an off-the-wall comparison, given the uncle and niece's awful personalities and values. It was just Carly saying "You're right, my life is so much better without Franco" and kissing Sonny that made me feel stabby.

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 I thought Lulu was pretty snarky toward her mother. The look on her face and tone of her voice was almost accusatory like 'how dare you show up at dad's engagement party!' I didn't get warm fuzzies from her at all.

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If it had just been Bobbie, possibly, but prom queen Lulu joining in, as well as Valerie's comment, makes me think it wasn't about character history.

Also, put that up against Lucy and Bobbie actually physically going at it like middle school girls at last year's nurses ball, and I think PeteMartell's point is well-founded.  Sad, but well-founded.


Bobbie and Laura do have a complicated history. But they are women in their 50s and 60s.  Professional, intelligent, thoughtful, educated, and articulate women.  There's no reason to present them as anything other than civilized adults fully in control of their tempers and sarcasm.


But, golly, it's just so. much. fun. to watch women snipe and tear each other down.

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I thought Lulu was pretty snarky toward her mother.


It cracked me up that Lulu was offended that Laura hadn't called her to tell her she was on her way to PC. I wish Laura had replied, "I called Nik—didn't he tell you?" just to put Lulu in her place.

Edited by dubbel zout
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And, I know this is a silly thing to be bothered about, but the proverbial last straw is technically a little thing, too . . .


How come Anna is going away for several months and has only packed a travel bag with maybe one change of clothing and Duke's ashes? When she left her apartment, she only had the shoulder bag, and she got on the plane with only the bag. Even if there were no money for props, didn't someone affiliated w/ GH have a suitcase at home that could have been brought in for the day? 


On the other hand, maybe that's why Sloan was so insistent that she not go . . . "Anna, I know you've only got a bra and another pair of shoes in your bag; won't you reconsider leaving until you have time to buy a suitcase?"

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It was so weird that Anna and Sloane were the only people standing by the gate and there were no other passengers boarding.  Was Anna taking a private plane or something?  It didn't seem like it, but maybe I missed something.  (But I'm sure it was probably that Frank's extras budget was depleted for the month.)

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How come Anna is going away for several months and has only packed a travel bag with maybe one change of clothing and Duke's ashes?


When Luke arrived, we saw her setting her bigger bag at the door.  I'm just assuming that off screen, the hotel staff took the bag downstairs to check out and she checked the bag when she arrived at the airport.

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So I was mildly distracted during Friday's show, but didn't Silas say that they only took Ava's blood but if they swabbed her cheek or tested her skin she would come up as a match to herself?


There is no way the PCPD would let that go.


And how long did Silas have AJ?  Shouldn't she have showed some sign of having been the donor?  Wouldn't Sabrina, a nurse, notice something when bathing and changing the kid? 

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Everything about this show is garbage. Luckily for me sometimes I like garbage!


Hell yes, hot garbage indeed! And besides, the only time Morgan is tolerable in any capacity is when he's with Ava/NonAva.


And how long did Silas have AJ?  Shouldn't she have showed some sign of having been the donor?  Wouldn't Sabrina, a nurse, notice something when bathing and changing the kid? 


I just assumed he kept her until the wound healed. But it's not like Ron would let a little thing like medicine interfere with his wonderful writing (I'm not allowed to say what I normally say about the writing until next week).


So, I cannot get into Lulu/Laura because I'm still looking around for Julie. I'm sorry, Emme just doesn't sell it to me that she's Laura's daughter.

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Just based on what I'm reading, Luke and Laura's "story" for this summer seems like a retread of the Ice Princess revisit two summers ago.  Laura shows up unexpectedly, and it seems as though

 (the only thing I know for sure is Holly's, Ethan's, and Lucky's brief returns

, Luke and Laura go off and rescue one or more of Luke's kids, they'll come across


, and likely battle and vanquish an old foe or two along the way.  It already feels so wash, rinse, and repeat.

Edited by Francie
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The more I think about it, the more I want Luke to die -- not because of animosity toward the character, but because it would be dramatic and open the door for good story.  (If Frank wants Geary back for special appearances in the future, just go with Ghost Luke -- hell, there's been Ghost Everyone Else, so why not?)  But I'm sure it'll end up being lame and more along the lines of what Francie mentioned above.

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The more I think about it, the more I want Luke to die -- not because of animosity toward the character, but because it would be dramatic and open the door for good story.  (If Frank wants Geary back for special appearances in the future, just go with Ghost Luke -- hell, there's been Ghost Everyone Else, so why not?)  But I'm sure it'll end up being lame and more along the lines of what Francie mentioned above.


Tony Geary has always said that Luke's swan song should be him committing suicide, but somehow I doubt Frank or Ron would go along with that, even if they DID kill Luke off in the end. 

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Hell yes, hot garbage indeed! And besides, the only time Morgan is tolerable in any capacity is when he's with Ava/NonAva.



I just assumed he kept her until the wound healed. But it's not like Ron would let a little thing like medicine interfere with his wonderful writing (I'm not allowed to say what I normally say about the writing until next week).


So, I cannot get into Lulu/Laura because I'm still looking around for Julie. I'm sorry, Emme just doesn't sell it to me that she's Laura's daughter.


They should recast Lulu again, imo. Send her off with the other Ls. I do miss Julie but I'm glad she's not on anymore.

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This stupidity with keeping the real reason for Laura's return a secret (way to waste time, Ron) is doing a good job of making Luke, Laura, and Tracy look bad, but at least Laura got in that retcon...I mean, realization...re: Luke's references to feeling like a prisoner in their house.


Ugh, and so much Francs and Neens.  WHO CARES!

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I totally agree with you all about Lulu - today she was acting like she owed all her loyalty to Tracy, and how could he do this after she put together this party because Luke wanted to do something special for the woman he loves. Dante holding Lulu back from lashing out just makes me roll my eyes. 


Luke's hollow line about taking Laura back, blech. I think TG and GF did a good job though of acting that this is a cover story - I'm almost positive it's because they're afraid for Lucky. Kudos to GF for the sad smile when he said "Love" and the "Is she buying it?" eyes/expression when Luke and Tracy were talking. 


I have to wonder though if Dillon's lines were meant for Ned, but Wally Kurth left so then the TPTP gave them to her other son. NuDillon is being defensive and protective of Tracy like they have a strong relationship and he hasn't been away from her for years. 


Kudos also to JE for owning her scenes today - she was great toward both GF and TG. I liked that Tracy acknowledged it's not on Laura, it's on Luke. Although her saying she's the best thing to ever happen to Luke - in front of her beloved Lulu - is disgusting. I'm sure Lucky would so appreciate that sentiment as well, Tracy. Ugh.  But Lulu crying like she'd just seen one of her parents get shot was OTT. Grandma Lesley, not Tracy, raised her. Or maybe she's crying from realizing Tracy and Luke never had a great love. Her words to Laura had no warmth whatsoever. 


How nice of Nikolas to gossip to Rosalie about Lulu and Dillon's past. Seems like he's going to push Lulu to cheat on Dante with Dillon to get at the ELQ shares.


LOVED Dillon's line to Lulu, so true, except for the "your mother-she deserves him" part. NO Dillon, she doesn't. STFU.


JE was also awesome in her scene with nuDillon. Bravo.


Morgan explaining to Ava/Denise that kissing her was not cheating on Kiki. Wow, he is SO Sonny's son. Such a POS. 


Maxie, Nathan, Franco, etc.blech.


Re: the preview - Nina telling Molly to call her "mom" and Molly's face = HILARIOUS. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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You know, I want to say something smart-assy and/or snarky, but just from reading these comments for the past two days, I just...can't. I was really hoping Genie had gotten written it in blood what she would be willing to come back for. And based on what I've read, it seems like she didn't.



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I wonder how long it will take Denise to tell Morgan she's really Ava. You know he'd never figure it out on his own. Heh.


Morgan:  You kiss just like Ava!


Ava...I mean, Denise:  All twins kiss exactly the same.


Morgan: Oh!

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I've hated Nina/Franco since day one, but I actually liked Nina today and had a good laugh at Silas sitting back eating peanuts, watching the show.


Line of the day:


NIna:  Rosalie bought the shares

Franco: With what?

Silas:  Sass

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