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S12.E01: Sledgehammer


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Derek punches Mark, gets called out. Mark/Derek fight, both get called out. Alex shoves a patient's family, gets called out. Maggie punches a patient's mother in the face and gets high-fived. That tells me how Maggie's going to be written.

Derek punched out Mark for absolutely no reason except he was having a bad day. Maggie punched a homophobe who threatened her and was abusing her daughter. Hardly comparable.

  • Love 1

Derek punched out Mark for absolutely no reason except he was having a bad day. Maggie punched a homophobe who threatened her and was abusing her daughter. Hardly comparable.

I thought Derek punched Mark for talking to/hitting on Meredith but it doesn't really matter. I agree that the woman was a homophobe (and all around awful) but they are comparable because they are all situations of workplace violence. Maggie's (and Alex's) would likely be considered more serious because the lawsuit potential for punching a patient's family is a lot more than an employee punching their friend. Given how lightly Grey's treats anything a doctor does wrong I wouldn't expect anything to come from Maggie's punch, but definitely found the high fiving a bit much.

  • Love 5

But B.S. that a surgeon at her level would need a roommate. I'm sure neither she nor Callie is paying spousal or child support. Even with pro bono, she's making the bucks.

I did like seeing Joey Lauren Adams, though.


Real estate in Seattle is approaching San Francisco levels of ridiculousness. I can totally accept that Arizona might need a roommate to help shoulder some expenses, especially after a divorce.

  • Love 1

In the middle of this heavy-handed episode I realized I really don't like any of these people. I've gritted my teeth through the lazy doctoring that is randomly interrupted by miraclous medical prowess. I've watched as characters have been destroyed & rebuilt into strangers or turned into snooze-worthy placeholders. I've listened to, though ignored, ABC yelling at me that it's time to grab the wine & popcorn & get ready for steamy drama. Last night I enjoyed folding the laundry more than watching & I managed to do it with more subtly & skill than most of this episode. Goodbye Grey's. You were fun for awhile, but when household chores are more enjoyable you're a waste of my time.

  • Love 5

In the middle of this heavy-handed episode I realized I really don't like any of these people. I've gritted my teeth through the lazy doctoring that is randomly interrupted by miraclous medical prowess. I've watched as characters have been destroyed & rebuilt into strangers or turned into snooze-worthy placeholders. I've listened to, though ignored, ABC yelling at me that it's time to grab the wine & popcorn & get ready for steamy drama. Last night I enjoyed folding the laundry more than watching & I managed to do it with more subtly & skill than most of this episode. Goodbye Grey's. You were fun for awhile, but when household chores are more enjoyable you're a waste of my time.

Well-written.I agree. I have realised after watching the premiere and skipping a lot of scenes that I do not really care about the fate of any of these characters. Not invested in any of them.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1

Oh my apologies - I meant on the parent issue. (I should have been more specific) :) 

like I am totally NOT. FOR what the mother was doing, but the minute she tossed out "our pastor" i was like. (sigh) really? really? (or in Grey Anatomy-ese... Seriously? seriously?). 


I fully get that this is an issue - and i'm glad that it was tackled, but just for me - I personally feel it didn't have to have that christian tack on to it (because I flat out know people who believe in de-programming camps, who aren't Christians). 


April is a great example of what I ask for though to be honest, so I can't complain too much. 

No apologies necessary. I've known many wonderful pastors - but there are those who are terrible (as with any other sort of profession/person). It is a difficult balance achieve, acknowledging both types of experiences. This really isn't a show for nuanced writing, so I don't particularly expect it. Since my particular perspective is my own gay child, I lean heavily into the theme of that storyline, but even I thought it was heavy handed.

Premieres of shows are generally my least favorite of the season since they have to both catch everyone up on where they left off and setup the new stories. 

I enjoyed this episode also.  I agree with what windsprints said above, premieres are hard to do well, especially with no major cliffhanger to tie up.  Yes, it was heavy-handed at times (it was called Sledgehammer after all!), but that is what Grey's has always been.  I can see the tonal shift and I appreciate that as well.  


Things I liked:

- the patient story and how the doctors especially Callie could relate to it personally

- The Chief storyline being resolved quickly.  I am on the fence about Bailey as Chief but I am so glad it won't be dragged out for weeks.  

- the subtle Derek references.  The tumor wall, the pictures, the scrub cap.  I think they were nice touches of Derek without having to constantly mention it.  I wonder what happened to the post-it vows though?  

- Meredith telling Amelia she "doesn't totally like her".  I thought this was a nice nod to the fact that they don't really know each other and I thought it was a glimmer of growth in Meredith to think of Amelia as her family.  

- Alex and Jo.  I think all Alex fans will say he didn't have enough screen time, but I thought he had a good amount of screentime and I enjoyed seeing Jolex as a functioning adult couple.  Wow they transformed that loft though! 


Things I didn't like:

- Alex was suddenly an overweight kid?  Like others I can buy that he was bullied, but making him a fat kid seems like it was pulled out of thin air

- Maggie punching the mom.  Yes the mom was horrid but Maggie punching her was too over the top for me.

- Amelia attempting to knock down a wall in the early morning(?) without a stir from the kids.  I too am able to wave the kids away as being in daycare/nightcare/school whatever.  But if they are going to insist on having so many scenes in the house they are going to have acknowledge the kids with more than just toys on the floor.  We don't even need to SEE them, just a baby crying in the background would have been fine.  Or Meredith saying "you're gonna wake up the kids".  Something!  

- the music.  One of my few hopes for the season was new music and bleh at these covers.  I like the Wrecking Ball cover but do not need a full episode of all covers.


Question about Arizona though....yea I don't get why she needs a roommate, but what is her current status?  She went back and started a brand new fellowship, which I assume she completed.  Would she get paid as an attending with 5+ years or is she considered a first year attending?  


ETA: Question #2- Why wasn't Meredith at the board meeting to meet the Chief candidates?  It was just Callie, Jackson, Arizona, Richard and Catherine.  Nobody seems to have taken Meredith or Derek's seats.  And while I'm at it, can we talk out how hilarious it even is to have a board full of Dr. Bailey's friends (and a board that she was a member of) decide who is the next Chief.  LOL.

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 1

I am so not on board with mid-to-late thirtysomethings with highly lucrative jobs and CHILDREN having roommates and all-night tequila parties. Arizona is a top-level surgeon who owns her own fucking hospital, even with a crazy real estate market in Seattle, she could afford to rent a decent 2 br apartment for her and Sofia. Give me a damn break with that contrivance, they should have just had her say that she's lonely since her divorce, has no time or interest in dating, and would like someone to have around the house and hang out with when she doesn't have Sofia. How hard is that? At least with Mer they framed it like that: her husband died and she didn't want to be alone. So she's living with family.

Although I still side-eye the all night tequila and sledge hammer parties. Especially at her age. I have a 1 and 2 year old and they run me fucking ragged. At 36 if I drink too much I am laid out for days, I kind of don't think I could perform as a top tier surgeon with DT shakes and barfy beer burps.


Edited a little to sound less unhinged, this show just makes me crazy!

Edited by Tooch
  • Love 10

I am so not on board with mid-to-late thirtysomethings with highly lucrative jobs and CHILDREN having roommates and all-night tequila parties. Arizona is a top-level surgeon who owns her own fucking hospital, even with a crazy real estate market in Seattle, she could afford to rent a decent 2 br apartment for her and Sofia. Give me a damn break with that contrivance, they should have just had her say that she's lonely since her divorce, has no time or interest in dating, and would like someone to have around the house and hang out with when she doesn't have Sofia. How hard is that? At least with Mer they framed it like that: her husband died and she didn't want to be alone. So she's living with family.

Although I still side-eye the all night tequila and sledge hammer parties. Especially at her age. I have a 1 and 2 year old and they run me fucking ragged. At 36 if I drink too much I am laid out for days, I kind of don't think I could perform as a top tier surgeon with DT shakes and barfy beer burps.


Edited a little to sound less unhinged, this show just makes me crazy!



Also,if they gave Meredith a random alcohol test that morning,she would still have positive alcohol content,so dismissal at one hour notice!

As I understood it well,she drank last night on the show and woke up after that night going to work.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Arizona is a top-level surgeon who owns her own fucking hospital, even with a crazy real estate market in Seattle, she could afford to rent a decent 2 br apartment for her and Sofia. 


I know you were just venting but I've seen it mentioned a few times that Arizona should have money because she owns the hospital.  It was my understanding that the hospital wasn't a profitable venture but just an act to save their own and their friend's jobs.  Plus, they put in all their plane crash settlement money.  So I don't get the sentiment that owning a hospital= having money.  I'l give you the rest though, she still is a high level surgeon.


Slightly off topic but I always have to remind myself how fictional this setting is.  There is a surgeon who lives a few houses down from me and is NEVER home. He lives alone, no spouse, no kids, no pets and definitely no roommates.  So whenever I get frustrated with logistics i just remind myself this is not real life :)

  • Love 1

I know it is nothing new with this show but can we talk about the chain of events that lead to them taking a sledgehammer to the wall? First of all Meredith who has TWO CHILDREN is getting blackout drunk at home. And where were the children by the way?


Then 3 DOCTORS one of which is a very wealthy woman decide that it is a good idea to just sledgehammer down a wall in a house, an older house at that. I mean first of all they are obviously not going to do the repair work themselves, the flooring would have to be changed, there is possibly electrical or plumbing in the wall so what, they decide to take out the wall themselves to save what, a few hundred dollars in the thousands of dollar large project? Oh, not to mention the wall could be load bearing. Oh wait, it was mentioned by doctor number 4 who makes it clear that they could bring down the house and appears to not care that his drunk friend with TWO CHILDREN is trying to do something incredibly unsafe.


But of course cooler and sober minds have prevailed over this idiotic plan by three DOCTORS until they just decide screw it and go ahead with it.



Edited by John M
  • Love 6

Three! Meredith has THREE children, including an infant who is maybe 5-6 months old. <br /><br />As for the profitability of the hospital, it's true owning a hospital probably doesn't make you as rich as owning an oil company, but GSMH is obviously doing incredibly well, with their fancy brain holograms and shit, so there must be some profits. I figure if Alex could afford to buy Mer's huge-ass house as a single doctor with far less experience than Arizona, she can probably afford to buy herself a small condo. It's just a silly way to get the new intern main character inserted into the mix, in my opinion.

  • Love 6

I loved it!


Let's see, the highlights to me:


  • Bailey the Nazi is back!  Seriously ... the whole speech to the board in the operating room was great.  Who can argue with a Han Solo quote?  "It'll always be the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs" ... I fell in love with Bailey all over again.  Go Chief Bailey!!!
  • The Maggie punch ... that whole story line was a little over the top, however, I am so happy that the resolution was that the father won.  The woman was out of line, and obviously not only homophobic but racist as well.  A little too political agenda-ish for my tastes, but I was happy for the end, the two fathers were awesome.
  • I am sensing a story line developing about Alex and some sort of weight related issue ... I felt like it was too much of a setup.  I am on board.
  • Ben backing Bailey up ... go Ben!
  • Uncomfortable about Jackson and April, however, I was never really on board with the two of them, just accepting ... Jackson needs to wait for me to show up.  ::giggle::
  • Stephanie telling Arizona what the interns think of her, I was cracking up ... and speaking of Arizona ... love that an intern will be living with her. 
  • Sorry, but my UO is that I don't like anything Miley Cirus, however, the cover of Wrecking Ball was fantastic!
  • Meredith telling Amelia that she doesn't like her too much, but loves her ... that is family for sure.  At least that is how it works in my family.  We are all that blunt.
  • Glad McConnell didn't make it, I wouldn't have been able to handle the voice all season, ugh.


All in all, I felt it a good start to the season ... looking forward to the next episode!

  • Love 2


I kind of hate that they made Alex a fat kid for us to pity him even more.  I liked it when he had to grow up just so he could fight off his dad and I think Alex being your stereotypical bully works better as a backstory.

What'dya expect...the writers to watch the show or something?


Whoever mentioned Maggie punching Amelia...I'd pay to see that. I'm fairly neutral on both of them, but I would find that amusing.

  • Love 1
I am sensing a story line developing about Alex and some sort of weight related issue ... I felt like it was too much of a setup.  I am on board.


Awwwww, come on Man, the guy had 5 kids :)  Seriously, though, his weight always fluctuates throughout the season, but I think he looks damn good for 45 (and we are the same age so I don't mean in a "for your age" snarky kind of way.)  


I don't want to see any kind of storyline like that.  Not only because there are so many other things I would rather see him deal with, but just imagine if there was an actress who gained a bit of weight (not from pregnancy) and the writers made it a storyline about it. That would be awful and people would lose their shit about it.


Now, the lack of facial hair is going to be a problem...

  • Love 3

Awwwww, come on Man, the guy had 5 kids :)  Seriously, though, his weight always fluctuates throughout the season, but I think he looks damn good for 45 (and we are the same age so I don't mean in a "for your age" snarky kind of way.) 


I feel like I need to clear something up ... I don't think Alex is overweight by any stretch of the imagination ... I just felt his conversation with Jo about being the "fat" kid in school, something I didn't know anything about until he said it was attempt at foreshadowing.


I think Alex is FINE and HOT, always have, always will.


I just felt the "bullying" talk and then the "fat kid" talk was kind of out of place.  KWIM?

  • Love 2

I feel like I need to clear something up ... I don't think Alex is overweight by any stretch of the imagination ... I just felt his conversation with Jo about being the "fat" kid in school, something I didn't know anything about until he said it was attempt at foreshadowing.

I think Alex is FINE and HOT, always have, always will.

I just felt the "bullying" talk and then the "fat kid" talk was kind of out of place. KWIM?

No I understand! I have just read a couple of comments about it and he does look like he may be a couple of pounds heavier, but I still hope they don't go there. That talk did come out of nowhere though...hmmmm.

  • Love 1

Oh, not to mention the wall could be load bearing. Oh wait, it was mentioned by doctor number 4 who makes it clear that they could bring down the house and appears to not care that his drunk friend with TWO CHILDREN is trying to do something incredibly unsafe.


Them glaring at Owen for speaking some legitimate sense was so childish.  If House Hunters marathons have taught me anything, it's that you don't bring down a wall without seeing if it's load bearing first.

Absolutely. I think it was meant to show how Maggie overcomes her past as a bullied girl - but it was absolutely unprofessional and undermined her character. Now, if she'd punched Amelia....

To be fair, she did acknowledge that.  She did feel regret over it.  And honestly, I think all the characters knew that, but that mother was just such a piece of work that I can see why they didn't come down on her too harshly.

  • Love 2

To be fair, she did acknowledge that.  She did feel regret over it.  And honestly, I think all the characters knew that, but that mother was just such a piece of work that I can see why they didn't come down on her too harshly.

Yes, she did. I've actually always liked the character, which is why I would far rather she'd stepped up with her "words" rather than her fist. I mean, Shonda is excellent when it comes to righteous speechifying. But I guess they were saving that for the father.

  • Love 1

Arizona may be cash strapped if during the time jump Leah sued her, and Arizona is either paying a judgment, settlement, or attorney fees for defending a frivolous lawsuit.

Except Leah's ire was towards Callie, not Arizona, since she reported Callie to HR. And on what grounds would Leah have to sue Arizona anyway? Leah got fired a considerable amount of time after her fling with Arizona ended, and it was because she couldn't cut it. That's no one's fault but her own. 


Arizona's cash strapped because the writers, for whatever reason, want her to live with an intern. You know doctors don't make commission on their surgeries, and Arizona must have a contract with a guaranteed salary. There's no reason why she can't afford her own place except for idiotic storytelling. 

  • Love 3

I want to know where Caĺlie is living, since I think Arizona said that they sold the house. I don't think Callie will need a roommate/have money issues because I'm sure her father will give her whatever money she needs (plus she probably doesn't have parents begging her to do pro bono work on their tiny humans, or whatever Arizona said was her reason for being poor (also, way to get interns to choose your specialty, tell them how poor they will be)).

I did like the episode overall, but would have liked some acknowledgement of the kids.

Arizona's cash strapped because the writers, for whatever reason, want her to live with an intern. You know doctors don't make commission on their surgeries, and Arizona must have a contract with a guaranteed salary. There's no reason why she can't afford her own place except for idiotic storytelling.

I was being facetious with my comment regarding Leah. But seriously (and lazy writers aside), anyone no matter what income they have can become cash strapped for myriad reasons, and a lot can happen in a year.

Them having that conversation during surgery was, too. I'd never have surgery at this hospital. I'd fully expect to be the last thing they were paying any attention to.

They are so so unprofessional. This is the trademark of the show. They always wash their dirty personal laundry above the patient´s body to all the staff present during the surgery. Unbelievable. I only laugh at it. It is odd though that writers do not make any attempt whatsoever to tone it down a bit.

How can they even concentrate on anything while talking about tequilla, walls, sexual escapades and whatever kind of stuff there is. This is surreal. But as I said this is one of the issues this show has had since the first season.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1

I am so not on board with mid-to-late thirtysomethings with highly lucrative jobs and CHILDREN having roommates and all-night tequila parties. Arizona is a top-level surgeon who owns her own fucking hospital, even with a crazy real estate market in Seattle, she could afford to rent a decent 2 br apartment for her and Sofia. Give me a damn break with that contrivance, they should have just had her say that she's lonely since her divorce, has no time or interest in dating, and would like someone to have around the house and hang out with when she doesn't have Sofia. How hard is that? At least with Mer they framed it like that: her husband died and she didn't want to be alone. So she's living with family.

Although I still side-eye the all night tequila and sledge hammer parties. Especially at her age. I have a 1 and 2 year old and they run me fucking ragged. At 36 if I drink too much I am laid out for days, I kind of don't think I could perform as a top tier surgeon with DT shakes and barfy beer burps.


Edited a little to sound less unhinged, this show just makes me crazy!


I am turning 30 this year, and when I babysit my niece and nephew, (who are old enough to actually take care of themselves in a limited fashion, 6 and 8) I am exhausted. Kids are balls of energy.  


I loved Bailey. Bailey's Star Wars Nerding out in full glory was the Grey's I remembered, the Grey's I loved. Empire Strikes Back. 


Too bad the rest was the Phantom Menace. 


Maggie punching a parent would be assault charges. 


Arizona needs a two bedroom apartment with the baby. I did an apartment search in 98104, based on the hospital Seattle Grace is based on, Harborview Medical center. And I found apartments. 


And the sledgehammer at the wee hours?  Who does that? 

  • Love 1

Writers who apparently don't have children in the house :/



But Rhimes has kids, as far as I know Harper and McKee (she wrote the epi!!!) the lead writers duo also do. One has to wonder. I am getting annoyed again and this show is not worth it.

They hit the wall in the morning  - I assume the kids were still in bed so just as Meredith woke up shocked, I imagine the kids must have,too  if not more. Also in the evening let´s put down the wall with the sledgehammer merrily merrily as if there are no kids sleeping in their bedrooms one of whom is only a toddler!!!!! I personally would walk on tiptoes not to wake up the little ones. I won´t even talk about the ridiculousness of the whole act - there are qualified craftsmen to do such reconstruction work.  

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 1

Grey's Anatomy returns for its twelfth (!) season with a new Chief, new sisterly living arrangements, and an incredibly satisfying segment of Maggie Pierce's Punch-Out.

http://previously.tv/greys-anatomy/maggie-said-knock-you-out/"> Read the story

"certainly there was a time when Callie was the only main-cast lesbian on a network series -- she's been an important figure for LGBT visibility."


Nope. That was Arizona, Callie is Bi not lesbian.



Edited by GreysFan89
  • Love 2

Them having that conversation during surgery was, too. I'd never have surgery at this hospital. I'd fully expect to be the last thing they were paying any attention to.

Maybe the hospital is losing money.  Let's think of the math in regards to surgeries.  Say a particular surgery at a normal hospital would take 60 minutes from first cut to closure.  At Grey Sloan Emo Death, you have to add four hours for inappropriate conversations between doctors during which they often stop working and stare at each other, interruptions from either the operating theater or another doctor walking in the operating room, doctors complaining about the proximity of other professionals in the operating room or trying to push them out of the way and, of course, time spent flipping out/hyperventilating because something has gone wrong during the surgery.  Also, they need to have at least two if not three or four surgeons on every operation.  I'm not talking about when they are teaching during which it is appropriate.  It feels like every surgery needs half the staff.  So based on this Grey Sloan Emo Death can only accommodate a small portion of the number of surgeries that any like facility would be able to handle.  That's run up costs and limit income.  /snark


I am so tired of the uber panic when there is a problem.  They are surgeons.  It is their job to assess the situation and react calmly and appropriately.  Sometimes you have to call for a specialist but unless they are already scrubbing in, they are not going to be in the room and ready to go in less than a minute.  At the same time, you still do what you need to do to keep the person alive.  (Note to self, never watch with Dr. Muffyn.  He has gone on this rant too many times.) 

  • Love 3

Callie didn't bug me as much as usual, but I thought she had way too much prominence for a premiere. I'm sure the yearly Callie-centric episode is right around the corner too.



But were you completely clear that she's Bi, has she mentioned it enough? That means she likes women and men and gets totally hot at unnecessarly over explaining.

  • Love 2

No,it doesn´t. I totally agree. I get furious each time they do it.

I remember in the earlier seasons, the cast would do interviews where they were talking about shadowing real surgeons and watching surgeries and they said that surgeons chit chat about inane things while operating.

So, it might seem like the show taking creative liberties, but it really isn't. In reality, total silence is probably worse. Easier chance of zoning out.

I have no problem with inane chitchat. But they are hardly ever doing that. It's usually childish histrionics or all-out arguments.

Bailey making her case for chief while she was in surgery was fine. She was cool, knew what she was doing and could connect with them and keep her eye on the ball at the same time. Derek was like that too. I actually like seeing that kind of demeanor. The other stuff is just tedious.

  • Love 1

I remember in the earlier seasons, the cast would do interviews where they were talking about shadowing real surgeons and watching surgeries and they said that surgeons chit chat about inane things while operating.

So, it might seem like the show taking creative liberties, but it really isn't. In reality, total silence is probably worse. Easier chance of zoning out.


I once had surgery where they put me under anesthesia, but not fully knocked out.  So I was like half asleep and could actually hear the doctors talking during the surgery, and there was definitely a lot of talk.  But they weren't talking about their sex lives or anything interesting like that.  They were talking about why my mother was annoyed at the doctor before the surgery started.

  • Love 1
I thought this was too heavy handed with their political agenda.

Anvil.  Sledgehammer.  A building falling on top of the viewer.  Any way you put it, it was really bad, and the ridiculous stereotypes were puke-making.  If it's going to be a season of this, I'm out.


So where does Meredith stash her children while she's drinking the night away with her roommates?  Grow up, Meredith.

  • Love 3

I have loved Callie from the beginning. She is so strong and doesn't take bs from anyone. I find April annoying. Probably because I grew up in "the church" so I really hate how judgemental fundamental christians can be. I know she is just a character but I have always disliked her from the beginning.

I will watch this show as long as it is on tv. I like that it brings up real issues and isn't just fluff all the time. It is kind of a soap opera though and always will be.

Edited by riffraff
  • Love 1
Did anyone else find the covers to get a bit distracting? Rihanna, Miley, Iggy, Pinky... felt a bit forced. Grey's has such great music, and it works best when it's not gimmicky or 'themed'. I mean covers of top 40 songs can't really work forever, I hope it was a one-time thing. 


Yeah, it's not as if this show can't afford the real songs. Heck they could afford to have the musicians participate.


For instance, Bailey's day as chief:


6am. Bailey walks through the doors. She starts looking over the schedule. "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones starts playing.


If you start me up

Start me up

I'll never stop!


Bailey: Why are there 4 suites reserved and why are they supposed to be connected up?


The music continues as she walks, still looking at the information.


Bailey: Steroid shots? Bone and muscle reinforcement? Cartilege injection? Subcutaneous adreanal boosters? Are we building super soldiers now?


The music gets louder as she pushes open a door, enters  hallway and then opens another door...


And finds herself in a large space where the Stones are actually playing.


Bailey: Oh!


The rest of the song is a montage of Bailey being all over the hospital handling all the administrative tasks as well as a couple of surgeries.


Then there'd be a few of scenes with some interaction between the band and the regulars.


Callie: You need to give the knee a chance to heal; keep the brace on for the next 6 weeks.

Mick: But with a brace on i can't jump higher than 4 feet!


April: The results of your blood test are, perfectly clean! uh, i mean perfectly normal.

Keith: Why is everyone always shocked? Body's a temple, you know.


Alex: Have you ever had tendonitis?

Charlie: Just once. But i've learned my lesson: never challenge Ringo to a marathon.

Edited by dr pepper
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