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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Sooo, this is probably total nonsense (consider the source) but, I happened upon this old gossip (from the Spring):


"MediaTakeOut.com has been telling you about a REAL POPULAR CELEB who is pregnant, and set to announce her pregnancy any day now. Well we just got a GIANT POT of extra HOT AND SPICY TEA. According to a person is HUBBY's family . . . hubby has a problem with his SPERM, and the two had to go to a FERTILITY clinic to get pregnant the first time. The doctors used some scientific technique to "enhance" the sperm and impregnate wifey. Well we're told that for the SECOND pregnancy, the couple decided to use some DONOR Sperm. You see, the couple wanted their next child to have more "EUROPEAN" features . . . so they requested SPERM from a "light skinned" African American. The couple is apparently REALLY UPSET with all the SLICK COMMENTS that they've been getting about their FIRST CHILD. And they wanted to be sure that their second child didn't have to go through all that mess. CRAZY . . . Kanye West/Kim Kardashian"



This would be very sad if true, but I have to admit now I'm curious to see little Saint West. Just throwing it out there to discuss.

MTO is notorious for ridiculous stories, but there are probably grains of truth in the mix. I don't think Kim and Kanye are on the same continent long enough to procreate the natural way, so the fertility clinic story is probably true. I don't think Kanye has an issue with his sperm, but I can see Kim being not too happy that North came out looking more ethnic than she expected. She's already altering the kid's features for family pictures, so obviously the poor child isn't living up to Kim's beauty standards. I do think Saint is their bio child. I also think both kids are completely screwed by being born into this trainwreck of a family.

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I think he is much more natural with North. In most pictures of either the three of them or just Kim and North, Kim is more focused on smiling and looking good for the camera than paying attention to her daughter. I think she's going to be Kris 2.0 as a mom. How many times have we heard Kim accuse Kris of "copying" her look? I think I we'll hear the same refrain from North.

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Did someone (who isn't a Kardashian) decide that Kim is some kind of pregnancy style icon? Look at how Chrissy Teigen is dressed , she could have stolen that outfit right out of Kim's closet, right down to the completely see through shirt & coat to hide her arms. Is this what we're going to be seeing on pregnant celebrities now? And John Legend is looking a little Kanye too, he just needs to rip his pants up. This is really sad.

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Chrissy got her start as a Sports Illustrated model and IMO only became more famous because of John. And yeah Chrissy is just as much as a trashy famewhore as any of the Kardashians. All you have to do is look at how she dresses overall and nothing should surprise you about her pregnancy clothes. She posted a pic a couple of weeks ago where she's cooking and her tits are hanging out of the shirt she's wearing. For all the crap Kim has gotten for her nude spreads, Chrissy has done even more, including some of the low tier mags Kim has posed for.

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Kids rarely wear jackets inside. Kim and Kanye are clearly doing it for fashion purposes. I seriously doubt that North was freezing from the air conditioner.

I agree. I don't think Kim is that much of an asshole that she'd refuse to put a sweater on her kid if North told her she was cold. The temp inside was probably comfortable and the Dynamic Duo was wearing jackets because they're so deep and edgy and artsy, lol.

They said he looks like Kim as well.

Which is kind of funny, because brand new North, like most infants, looked a hell of a lot like Kanye to me. She`s more of a mix now, but early, totally Kanye. 


ETA I meant to say that most infants look like their dads, not that most infants look like Kanye. I left the mistake because the idea that I think that all infants look like Kanye West amused me quite a lot. 

Edited by Pogojoco
  • Love 9

I find that girls tend to favor their father's side of the family and boys their mother's. Meaning they may not look exactly like said mother or father but will look a lot like someone on those sides of the family. So even if North didn't look exactly like Kanye she'd favor a sister or his mother etc...Meanwhile this boy's features could have him looking exactly like Kris minus his curly hair which I think he will have. But his nose, lips, etc. could be just like his maternal grandmother or maternal grandfather, an aunt, first cousin....  This isn't always the case obviously, but it's what I notice a lot of the time. 


So I'm thinking this kid will exhibit a bit more of those strong Kardashian genes in the shape of his face at the very least.


Whereas North, I'm not seeing any Kardashian, except maybe in her eyes, but I think those are Kanye's too.

Edited by represent
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Kim was stunning when she was with Reggie..not just the way she looked at him and the way she dressed but that was before she started going overboard with the plastic surgery and she had this exotic beauty. Back then my nephew use to think she was like the hottest female alive, now he'll occasionally ask whats wrong with her face lol 

  • Love 3


Kim was stunning when she was with Reggie..not just the way she looked at him and the way she dressed but that was before she started going overboard with the plastic surgery and she had this exotic beauty. Back then my nephew use to think she was like the hottest female alive, now he'll occasionally ask whats wrong with her face lol 

Really amazing how pretty she USED to be. 

Almost looks like a different woman altogether.

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Kim was stunning when she was with Reggie.

I think a big part of that too was that she was genuinely in love and happy. If you watch Kim these last couple seasons, the woman does nothing but complain. She always used to say she wanted to be married with kids, and now that she's achieved that she seems more miserable than ever. The fact that she keeps messing with her face is a sign that something isn't right on the inside. I mean a little Botox is one thing, but she's morphed into an unrecognizable wax figure.

  • Love 5

Which is kind of funny, because brand new North, like most infants, looked a hell of a lot like Kanye to me. She`s more of a mix now, but early, totally Kanye. 


ETA I meant to say that most infants look like their dads, not that most infants look like Kanye. I left the mistake because the idea that I think that all infants look like Kanye West amused me quite a lot. 

me too, except I am sitting in a dead-silent office trying to pretend I'm choking and not cracking up laughing.  thanks for that.

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I just watched an old episode with Kim, Kourtney and Khloe in Miami, and was STUNNED at how naturally gorgeous Kim was back then.  I mean, she didn't have to do a thing to any part of her face or body, she was beautiful!  She is such a sad caricature of herself now.  I don't understand way she started down this plastic surgery road, but she seems unable to stop at this point and heaven only knows what she is going to look like in 10 - 20 years.


Another thing I found interesting was in this same episode, Kim is crying about Reggie and Kourtney is in tears for a large part of the episode over Scott punching the mirror.  Nowadays, these two rarely if ever shed any tears.  I liked them much better when they were natural and let their emotions come into play.

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This season I really like Kim. In a reality character sort of way. She's just so lifeless and it cracks me up. When she's listening to Scott pour his heart out to Khloe. She can't move her face, it's just not humanly possible. Since she can't show us she's sad, she has to say, "That was sad." LOL.


Plus, I think it's hilarious how Kim is very much, cut him/her off if they don't want to straighten up and get with the program. She lacks sympathy for others. It's a far cry from the ugly crier of earlier seasons of the show. I hope that she's warmer to loved ones off camera. 

Edited by jonesingjay
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Let's see what happens when Kimye breaks up and Kim is left to not only dress herself, but to raise two kids on her own.  And then she needs her family to drop everything and rally around her.  And some of them don't show up for her.


It's not that I don't believe in true love, but I really don't see Kim/Kanye's marriage as one for the ages.  Although they really are two peas in a pod, so who knows.

  • Love 2

Let's see what happens when Kimye breaks up and Kim is left to not only dress herself, but to raise two kids on her own. And then she needs her family to drop everything and rally around her. And some of them don't show up for her.

It's not that I don't believe in true love, but I really don't see Kim/Kanye's marriage as one for the ages. Although they really are two peas in a pod, so who knows.

They're only two peas in a pod because Kim has no sense of self. She has to mould her personality to whomever she's dating at the moment. She's 'High Fashion Diva Kim' now. Inflatable ass sold separately.

  • Love 7

Let's see what happens when Kimye breaks up and Kim is left to not only dress herself, but to raise two kids on her own.  

Let's see what happens when Kimye breaks up and Kim is left to not only dress herself, b̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶a̶i̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶w̶o̶ ̶k̶i̶d̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶w̶n̶.̶  but has to hire more nannies to raise her two kids.........Fixed that for you :-)

  • Love 8

I think a big part of that too was that she was genuinely in love and happy. If you watch Kim these last couple seasons, the woman does nothing but complain. She always used to say she wanted to be married with kids, and now that she's achieved that she seems more miserable than ever. The fact that she keeps messing with her face is a sign that something isn't right on the inside. I mean a little Botox is one thing, but she's morphed into an unrecognizable wax figure.

I think the woman seems to be emotionally dead. I honestly don't think she's capable of truly loving anyone, not even her own children. How or why she got to that point, I don't have a clue, but only superficial shit seems to matter to her (her looks, clothes, money, etc.). Personally, I would rather be dead than to live life that way. If she weren't so arrogant and self-absorbed, I would feel sorry for her.

  • Love 9

Are the rest of them so cowed by her that they just let her digs and remarks go unchecked?

If she dared to criticize my kids shirt or my ass or my lack of fashion sense I'd probably ask her if having a mouth that resembles an anus was her idea or Kanyes?

And how did they all go to that fashion show and keep a straight face? I couldn't figure out if Kourtney was getting a subtle did in or did she drink the kool aid.

Kim needs her ego taken down several notches and soon.

  • Love 5

She's an especially horrid piece of shit for dragging the kids into it. I think Kim is just a miserable person. She can't handle not being the young sexpot anymore and she's lashing out at everyone around her.

With that said, I don't know why the rest of the family puts up with her shit. The only ones who don't seem to care are Rob and Kendall.

  • Love 2

With that said, I don't know why the rest of the family puts up with her shit. The only ones who don't seem to care are Rob and Kendall.

Because they know that none of this - the show, the trips, the bling, the mansions, the cars - wouldn't have been possible if Kim's video never existed?


I feel like some of the K kids (Khloe, Kourtney and Kylie) thoroughly enjoy the trappings of wealth stemming from Kim's shenanigans.  Some, perhaps Rob and Kendall, also enjoy it but have more of a conscience and realize exactly why they are a famous family, feel somewhat conflicted about it, and would actually be okay (perhaps better off) if it all went away.

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I can't post links on my phone, but Daily Fail has a picture of Kim from Kourt's Instagram and Kim's face is unrecognizable. She must have ran to the plastic surgeons after Saint's birth to re-up her Botox and her lips are so stuffed with filler she can't close her mouth. It also looks like she had yet another nose job done, the tip looks even shorter than it did before.

Edited by BitterApple

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