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S09.E02: The Blind Auditions, Part 2

Tara Ariano
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I didn't think the last country guy (James, per the app) was all that great. I'm fine with Adam getting him then.


The standouts for me tonight were Evan , Emily Ann, and Ellie. I think they all have potential. There was no way Ellie was going to pick anyone but Gwen. It will be interesting if having someone so in her wheel house will help Gwen's coaching. Gwen really struggled last time she was here.

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Finally. A couple of artists I am interested on as arises. Evan and Ellie. Evan has an incredible voice. Even in the rock song the tone was great. And Ellie choosing to arrange We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off like that was really interesting. --(loved her excitement over the queen if ska!)

I actually thought Gwen was a good coach on her last season. Just not great at pitching contestants.

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Adam and Blake's schtick grows more nauseating by the millisecond.


Do this show's producers really think anyone is entertained by that?


GAK.  I nearly turned off the show.

Edited by tpplay
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Ellie seems like a cool chick, and has maybe the only interesting voice I've heard yet this year, but she said she doesn't sing country, and isn't that a country song? Oh well, I guess I don't know anything about contemporary music. I haven't known or liked any of the songs people are doing. Whatever genre they're supposed to be, they all sound the same. Too many words crammed into each line and no real melody.


The only other person I liked was Blind Joe. Good performance, and for once, an actual true hard luck back story, though he didn't seem to be asking for sympathy, which was also cool.


I thought the woman who sang "Oh, Darling" wasn't great, but she was better that 16 year old blonde girl country singer they all went nuts for. I just think there's now such a country music slant on this show that if you sing country the judges are way less critical. Unless you sing horribly out of tune you're going to get chair turns.


For me so far this season is a whole lot of meh. Too many teenagers with wispy voices and way too much country. The singers we're supposed to go nuts about have left me cold. Evan was okay, but not worth the raves. And they just happened to have that Stevie Wonder song cued up? How phony was that? And Regina, this year's designated black woman soul belter, is not Sisaundra by a mile.


I really hope they are saving the better singers for the last two blind audition shows, or I won't be sticking around.

Edited by bluepiano
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Does anyone else suspect Gwen got stuck at the end of the auditions with a bunch of openings on her team after everyone else had filled theirs?  I thought the little montage of her being the only judge hitting the button for several singers who seemed mediocre was pretty fishy.

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So, my favorite line of the night was Blake to Adam after he won that last country singer, James; Blake says, "I can't wait to see what Sublime cover you'll have him do." That pretty much sums up Adam's feelings about country music to me. As far as I can recall Adam has had two country artists, Amber, who he got after Blake's team was full, and another one (whose name always escapes me) whom he won over Blake with the same shtick as last night "I want to beat Blake with a country artist". With Amber (who did very well in other genres, absolutely) she only sang country when it was contestant's choice, Adam never gave her a country song to sing. What did she do after the show? Moved to Nashville and got zero traction, possibly because she never showcased her country leanings on the show, who knows? With the other guy he dumped him in the next round, so much for beating Blake with a country guy.

All that being said, I didn't even want Blake to turn around for James. I wasn't impressed with his voice and his clip package left me cold, wasn't feeling him. So I'm fine with Adam taking a "country" guy that I don't like. I'm interested to see if he'll do anything with him. Also, poor Gwen, all those one chair turns!

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I did love the way that Blake handled Blind Joe. He didn't really dive into sarcasm in fighting over him. He knew that he had the upper hand and let Adam be the idiot. Gwen and Pharrell seemed to turn just to give props to the performance, knowing that they didn't have a shot in hell, and neither one really did much other than compliment Joe. Although, I loved Gwen's "Country Mafia" schtick. Then, after Blake went up to Joe to speak to him, he gently guided him over to the others with a "Let's go meet the other coaches." Respect.

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I too was impressed with Zach aka Superman.  He goes to HS here in Kennesaw so I am rooting for the local boy!


So are the rumors true Gwen and Blake are an item?  I watched them closely the last two nights and Blake seems get up and go down by Adam a lot more than he did before.


And Adam is just not a good coach unless you fit into his mold or idea of what he thinks you should be.  If he likes you then you have a chance.  If he doesn't you can count your days on the show.

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I did love the way that Blake handled Blind Joe.



I wish more contestants were blind, just so Blake would STOP IT with his creepy finger-pointing "pick me" at his head. That has become SOOooooo irritating, I can't stand to see it any more. So Blind Joe was a refreshingly GOOD change for Blake.

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James Dupre - He was the one who got married, participated in making 4 babies in 7 years, and then got divorced and took off for Nashville to follow his dream? And as he laments, it's hard because, well, his ex is in Bayou Chicot, LA, and with that, plus his schedule, he just doesn't get to  see (or should I say parent) his 4 boys as much as he'd like to.  

Wow. What a sterling example of a man. 


I really don't care whether there are two sides to the marriage. She could be a terrible shrew for all I know. They married young and ended up having problems, I get that. But I cannot help wondering about the woman left back in Bayou Chicot with 4 very young boys to raise--mostly on her own. (Except when Dad comes home from time to time and apparently gets to do fun things like teach the boys guitar.)


Plus, it's not like Dupre left to go back to, say, college to get an accounting degree or something likely to help him put food on the table later. No, he's gambling on a sufficiently lucrative music career.


I hope the judges cut him early. YMMV

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I'm so tired of the stories. WE didn't have four children that we can't parent because we're chasing our dreams. And I'm even wearier of the FIFTEEN year olds who say "this is my lifelong dream." I have lint at the bottom of my handbag older than your lifelong dream.


The only story I could truly appreciate was Blind Joe's. It was honest AND as someone else said, he didn't seem to be angry or thinking the world owed him a living or anything like that. He's worked hard at his craft AND he and wife both work and they were adorable. If charisma could win this thing, I'd put all my money on him.


Adam doesn't seem quite as annoying this season, but it's still early. Gwen is doing a much better job this time than she did last go round when her whole pitch was you're so cute and I have a clothing line so we can tog you out or something stupid like that.


Still not many of the singtestants have super excited me. So far I'm pulling for Blind Joe and the kid who did Overjoyed and wound up picking Pharrell. I'm never excited about the big belters. I thought that type of singing had gone out of style.

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I'm glad the first girl who sang last night - cute young blond who went with Blake - did not choose Adam.  He got kind of a pervie look on his face after he turned around and saw her.


Blake has the history of youngins on his team, but other than some questionable song choice, I have not noticed anything blatantly saying Uncle Pervie to me.  I'm hoping that there are not a slew of responses giving examples of exactly that!



I have lint at the bottom of my handbag older than your lifelong dream.


Ha!  So funny and so true!

Edited by DeLurker
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Oh, yeah, PepperMonkey, and wasn't there a 16- or 17-year-old boy who talked about "when I was growing up"? I can't quite remember his exact words, but I was like, "Dude, you're still a kid and you're still growing up!" 

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Too. Much. Country.

Why don't they just rename this show "Nashville Star"?  Or "Blake's Creeping Finger Strikes Back".


At least Lee Ann Womack is a nice break from the usual shit-kicker music they usually do to appeal to Blake.

Edited by Kromm
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So are the rumors true Gwen and Blake are an item?  I watched them closely the last two nights and Blake seems get up and go down by Adam a lot more than he did before.


This was taped right on the heels of last season, so if you notice, Blake is still wearing his wedding ring in these shows. He has a nervous habit when he talks, of turning his wedding ring around his finger. Fidgeting with it. It will be interesting to see how many people notice that NOW. 


Since Gwen and Gavin announced their split a couple weeks after Blake and Miranda (as did a bunch of other celeb couples). I would HOPE that there's nothing to see during the blinds and battles. It's the live shows that people will be trying to read into shit.  

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Finally. A couple of artists I am interested on as arises. Evan and Ellie. Evan has an incredible voice. Even in the rock song the tone was great. And Ellie choosing to arrange We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off like that was really interesting. --(loved her excitement over the queen if ska!)

I actually thought Gwen was a good coach on her last season. Just not great at pitching contestants.

That was NOT Ellie's arrangement. She did the Ella Eyre version.

Whoever thought the original was a country song--OMG, no! It was an 80s dance song.

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Ellie seems like a cool chick, and has maybe the only interesting voice I've heard yet this year, but she said she doesn't sing country, and isn't that a country song? Oh well, I guess I don't know anything about contemporary music.

Nope- not a country song at all.  It was a top 10 Billboard R&B/Dance hit in 1986 the mid 80s by Jermaine Stewart and is so full of 80s fun & cheese!


Loved Ellie! That arrangement was dynamite and I truly love that song.


I still find Blake and Adam enjoyable though so... (I know-there is no accounting for taste.)

Edited by gik910
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I felt like I was overdosing on country and by some pretty mediocre country singers at that.  But at least we finally got a couple of performers who I really liked in Ellie and Evan.  I loved pretty much everything about Ellie's performance from the arrangement to that rasp in her voice that she let loose in just the right moments. 


Of the country singers, I think my favorite was probably Emily Ann.  Her verses were somewhat tentative at times, but her voice did sound gorgeous when she went up high.  I just don't think she's quite ready yet.  Probably should have waited a year or two before coming on this show.


While Regina certainly has a powerful voice, she's no Sisaundra Lewis.  Not even close.


BTW: Was Grimmie's singing career such a doomed endeavor she had to switch to spokespersoning?



She's still singing, though her career hasn't really taken off much beyond You Tube.  I think its mainly because she's proven to be not much of a songwriter and hasn't been given any good songs with the potential to become hits.  She's been doing a lot of spokesperson and MC gigs all along, even before coming on the show.

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Wow. The introductions took so much time that 3 of Gwen's additions got a few seconds each. That's what I call crappy programming ...!


Looks like every panel in any "The Voice" franchise (I follow The Voice US, Australia, UK and Germany) repeats the most common error again and again: Filling up the slots too quickly, with true talent having no chairs turned in the last few auditions. Will they ever learn or is it all just for drama's sake?

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Wow. The introductions took so much time that 3 of Gwen's additions got a few seconds each. That's what I call crappy programming ...!


The montages are 100% intentional. If they wanted to show every audition they would. This has been the format from day one.

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I wanted to love the last mom that sang... but Oh, Darling, while a favorite, was too ambitious.


And sounded like she was TRYING to copy Juliet Simms' version.  Fail. 


Man, that clip made me remember when The Voice was new and fresh...and had REALLY GOOD singers. Also,  Blake looks like he's aged. And CEE LO!! (yeah, I know he's smarmy, but I miss his overblown retro themed productions and how pissed Adam was that Juliet picked him) 

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I liked Blind Joe.  I don't know if he will get the opportunity to go far, as it seems like people with disabilities often (can't say always, because I don't know that) end up going by the wayside on a competitive show like this, especially after it moves to the popularity side of things with America voting. 

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I like this season so far, there are a lot of good singers. I did like how Joe knew who Adam was without him saying who he was (probably because he said "me" like 10 times.


Ellie was also really good and stood out to me. I'm glad she got to be on Gwen's team.

Edited by blueray
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I'll admit that I wonder how many times they had to cut around mentions of Miranda during these blinds, especially during female country singers. Usually her name is thrown around all over the place when he's turned his chair for a woman who sings country, at least as often by Adam or one of the other coaches joking around over how Blake always has that card to pull out than by Blake himself.

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I think they put the Country singers in this episode to set up the scenario that Blake gets all the country contestants.  However, Adam is always fighting for them because he just wants the victory of taking a country singer from Blake.  If I was a country singer, I would choose Blake because of his connections even after the show.


So they set it up so that it's a big deal that Adam got the last country guy who I didn't even think was very good.

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Team rosters/cheat sheets:


Team Adam

Keith Semple (2)

Jordan Smith (4)

Regina Love (2)

James Dupré (4)


Team Gwen

Kota Wade (3)

Braiden Sunshine (2)

Ellie Lawrence (3)

Noah Jackson (1)*

Tim Atlas (1)*

Hanna Ashbrook (1)*


Team Pharrell

Mark Hood (4)

Siahna Im (3)

Ivonne Acero (2)

Evan McKeel (4)


Team Blake

Nadjah Nicole (2)

Barrett Baber (4)

Blind Joe (4)

Zach Seabaugh (3)

Emily Ann Roberts (2)


Names in bold indicate newly-added team members.  An asterisk indicates that this contestant was montaged.


So Blind Joe was very good.  I agreed with the four-chair turn.  But yeah, there was no way he was going to pick anyone but Blake.


Loved having Ivonne back (I kinda had a feeling she would be back) and was so glad she made a team this time!  I thought she'd choose Gwen, but I hope Pharrell does right by her!  And I'm glad Adam's team was probably full, because he'd have done her wrong several times over.


Gage Navarro had a decent voice, but he needed to choose a song that showcased his voice a bit more.  Like Gwen said, there were things to like about his performance.  But there was also something off about it.  I can see why he didn't manage a chair turn.


Regina was sensational.  She won me over quickly.  (And a friend of Evander Holyfield's friend?!  Awesome!  My brother met him once before, and he was intimidated by him!)  I don't think she'll make it to the Lives (the coaches nowadays seem allergic to taking older people that far), but I think she'll at least make it to the Knockouts.  Oh, and I love how she mentioned Sisaundra and what Blake did for her!  Not surprised she didn't go with Blake, though.  If a contestant says whom they want to pick, they'll ultimately pick someone else.  I really don't think Adam's going to do right by her.  He failed to do right by Tonya, who got as far as she did despite Adam, not because of him.


Zach was good, but I don't know if he's going to do well with so many country people on Blake's team.  On a side note, though, he looks like Mason, who failed to make a team last season.


Loved Evan!  Loved that he picked Pharrell, though I felt sorry for Gwen.  She looked crushed when she didn't get him.


I'm not too surprised at Bryan Bautista getting shut out.  Good voice, but terrible song choice.


Emily Ann was adorable, but I don't think she'll last long.  Agreed with the above that she should've waited a year or two before going out for this show.


So was Ellie the first one to actually pick the coach she was talking about picking?  I've seen several others say they'll pick someone, but then pick another just because they supposedly get a better pitch from him or her.  But I loved her performance and think Gwen's a great coach for her.  I hope she does right by her.


From what we saw of them, Noah, Tim, and Hanna all sounded good, but I don't see any of them getting to the Lives for the simple reason they were montaged.  Actually, I won't be surprised if Gwen cuts them all in the Battles, hence the montages.


Natalie Yacovazzi.  That was too ambitious.  Plus, she sounded off-key at a few different points.  Quite noticeably flat (not sharp, like Blake said), in fact.  Fantastic voice, though.  I hope she comes back.  And her daughter looked so cute!


I have to agree with what's been said.  James was good, but not that good.  But the show wants to pimp him as a favorite, so he'll probably last a while.


Not as many voices that caught my ears this time.  But I hope next Monday has better ones.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Finally, finally got both episodes from this week watched.


Thanks Donny Ketchum, as always for your running tallies :-) I'm also on the same wave length as apollonia666 when it comes to thinking that at least two of the three montaged contestants were 1 chair Gwen turns (very possible they came at the end of the auditions after the other three teams had completely filled up).


The last guy was wildly underwhelming. As soon as the first three turned his voice got flat (or under) and really monotone sounding. Whatever you think of his family situation I hope upon hope that Adam doesn't advance him past more talented artists out of a morbid fascination to try and beat Blake w/ a country singer.


On the flip side, I think Emily is going to regret not going w/ Adam....because I think she is going to get smoked on Blake's team. Possibly by Superman-boy. Who I am stunned that Blake chose him solely for the fact that he gave an almost carbon copy performance of the Sam Hunt version. I'd give Adam and Pharrell a bit of a pass for not knowing the original and being more impressed. Sam Hunt for those who aren't aware is one of the break out modern "country" stars of this year. I put country in quotes because his whole vibe and look has a very urban feel (definitely w/ songs like House Party and Leave the Night On).



Ellie almost seemed like a plant, just to give Gwen an actual contender she could get. She was probably my favorite of the night. I'm still pissed that Gwen immediately bailed on the girl who did ZZ Ward's Put the Gun Down....if she screws up Ellie too I'm calling for Shakira to come back lol.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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On the flip side, I think Emily is going to regret not going w/ Adam.

Believe me, I don't think there's anything regrettable about not going with Adam.  Since he's mostly about his bromances, he'd dump her outright, anyway.  The only woman I think might've stood a chance on his team, had she not picked Pharrell instead, was Jean Kelley from season seven.  That was someone with whom he could've worked very well.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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YMMV, but I think on Adam's team Emily could've at least matched Deanna Johnson's performance. On Team Blake I think she's an instant battle round loser unless he picks up another questionable young female country singer. Then it's still no better than a coin flip for her...


I forgot Evan and the returning Canteloupe girl. He gets a million @midnight style points for singing at a dementia/alzheimer's facility. Kudos for using his musical talents in that capacity. And he get Voice style points for doing a different sort of audition song and doing it well (the Stevie blurb was nice too). I'm surprised he didn't pick Gwen. You'd think some strategic contestants would start to realize that her "lane" is going to be much much easier to navigate than Pharrell or Blake's.


I enjoyed Yvonne's Style cover and was super happy she happened to be one of the chosen returnees. Do I think she'll make it through the Battle/K.O rounds on Team Pharrell....no. But I do think she's potential steal material for any of the other three coaches.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Does anyone know if the show has to pay royalties when contestant sing a cover?


Yes they do, plus they need permission from the song-writers (or whomever owns the rights to the song).

Edited by viajero
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I forgot Evan and the returning Canteloupe girl. He gets a million @midnight style points for singing at a dementia/alzheimer's facility. Kudos for using his musical talents in that capacity. And he get Voice style points for doing a different sort of audition song and doing it well (the Stevie blurb was nice too). I'm surprised he didn't pick Gwen. You'd think some strategic contestants would start to realize that her "lane" is going to be much much easier to navigate .

Right? I've always wondered why more people didn't choose that strategy. I mean I get the country people picking Blake. And I see people hoping Pharrell will produce them (but how many people can he produce?)

But a three or four chair turn going to Gwen might have a better chance of lasting longer.

I thought Evan's audition was great, and different.

Edited by Cramps
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There are some really interesting singers so far. I like Cantalope girl--Yvonne?--very glad she is back and she might have some st aying power with her immigrant story as well as her voice.  Loved Blind Joe and his lack of sob story. (If Gwen doesn't know about a genre of music she shouldn't try to fake it. He wasn't playing folk music and -definitely- it wasn't bluegrass). 


Ellie was very good--something refreshingly different--and it was nice for Gwen to have an enthusiastic fan girl for a change. Zach did a nice job and is so handsome it will be fun to see him stick around for a while--I'm sure he will.  


I forget who sang "Oh, Darling" but I thought she was just trying for the McCartney version. If she had heard Juliet Simms GREAT performance, I would think she would have just chosen another song, knowing 2 of them had heard it done so much better.


I enjoyed Evan a lot on "Typical" and good on Pharrell for asking him to sing some Stevie and --wow-- so impressed he could pull that together so fast and so great with the band. Pitch perfect and like he'd rehearsed it with the band before. Impressive!  (of them too)


ETA: Thank you, Donny Ketchum! That is -so- helpful!

Edited by Padma
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<snip> Superman-boy. Who I am stunned that Blake chose him solely for the fact that he gave an almost carbon copy performance of the Sam Hunt version. I'd give Adam and Pharrell a bit of a pass for not knowing the original and being more impressed.


Not only was it completely unoriginal, but I thought it was extremely lackluster as well.  He seemed like he was either out of breath or having a hard time fitting in all the words, cutting off the first word of a few phrases and dropping out before the last word on several other phrases.  I was shocked that anyone turned around for him, let alone three!


I wasn't impressed by James, either, but kudos on picking a great song, at least.  But Blake definitely doesn't have to worry about Adam beating him with this country singer.


Same with Emily who sang "I Hope You Dance."  She's cute as pie, but she just wasn't good.  Lee Ann Womack is a warbler, but she's a good warbler, ya know?  She supports the notes.  This girl sounded like her voice was warbling because she couldn't hold it steady, instead of being a choice not to.

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So, my favorite line of the night was Blake to Adam after he won that last country singer, James; Blake says, "I can't wait to see what Sublime cover you'll have him do." That pretty much sums up Adam's feelings about country music to me. As far as I can recall Adam has had two country artists, Amber, who he got after Blake's team was full, and another one (whose name always escapes me) whom he won over Blake with the same shtick as last night "I want to beat Blake with a country artist". With Amber (who did very well in other genres, absolutely) she only sang country when it was contestant's choice, Adam never gave her a country song to sing. What did she do after the show? Moved to Nashville and got zero traction, possibly because she never showcased her country leanings on the show, who knows? With the other guy he dumped him in the next round, so much for beating Blake with a country guy.

You might be thinking about Warren Stone in season 4.  Adam eliminated him in the knockouts against Sarah Simmons.  Not too dissimilar to this season in that there are a ton of country contestants. I don't think it was necessarily bad strategy for Warren to pick Adam for that reason.  .  


Believe me, I don't think there's anything regrettable about not going with Adam.  Since he's mostly about his bromances, he'd dump her outright, anyway.  The only woman I think might've stood a chance on his team, had she not picked Pharrell instead, was Jean Kelley from season seven.  That was someone with whom he could've worked very well.

The bromance thing isn't really true.  Adam has advanced a lot of women to the lives over the seasons.  

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