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S06.E11: Sorry Not Sorry

Tara Ariano

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I believe that, it was bad all of last season, too. You can tell Jeremy's been checked out of the marriage for quite some time, now. 


True, but I believe her on this 1 b/c the marriage was bad all of last season, too and I remember her talking on the phone w/a friend and saying she's afraid of what people are gonna think if she divorces him because she's in her early 20's and already married and divorced twice. 

I might believe it, except Leah did everything to prove to everyone how she and Jermy were in love. That included bashing Cory and Miranda on social media and in various articles. Leah was all over the place with her claims that she and Jermy were perfectly happy. The countless articles that showed Leah's tweets, posts on FB and Instagram where she tried to convince the world that they were stronger than ever. Leah really thought they were happy when it was Jermy who was miserable. If anything, Leah was trying to hide her addiction and her cheating ways from everyone, not the embarrassment of her being in another failed marriage. By holding onto Jermy, she could hold on to her secrets.


I don't know if they're pushing them. I'm sure Kail needs no motivation to trash Jo. But I can see MTV choosing to air those scenes over more "boring", school related scenes. I would kind of be pissed if I were her. I really didn't know she was back in school. That's why I was so confused as to why she was anchoring their news pieces. 

You didn't know Kail was in school? There was the episode about Javi being mad at her school mate who texted her. They mentioned her being in school, and she even said the text was about if she was going to go to school that day. There was a scene or two of her at school as well.


Kail, you can't fool me. You said out loud that Jo was wrong about the time of the game which was why he wasn't there at the game on time. Then, in another scene with Javi, you try to make it seem as if Jo purposely missed the game. I am a parent. I was late to appointment or I was wrong as to what time an appointment was or what time a game started. It happens. I did it, plenty of parents do it. It's called being human.


As for the graduation, there wasn't enough information to go on for me to make out what had happened. I won't go simply by what Karl reads off of her broken iPhone. I have a feeling something happened somewhere in between that meeting at the park and by the time graduation day came, if that timeline is even correct. I can't trust MTV editing either. They are as shady as Karl.



Well apparently (so says Kail) MTV is pushing these convo's about Jo since she wants to show off her school accomplishments.

So typical of Karl to be upset at MTV not showing her accomplishments. She is not upset that they didn't show Isaac's graduation which is something I would have enjoyed watching, not Karl's accomplishments, whatever those are.

  • Love 7

I don't know why Chelsea has to cut down Adam, he does a good enough job of that on his own.  To make Aubrey feel better, she should be emphasizing how much Adam's parents love Aubrey and how glad they are to see her. 

Agree. The actions of Adam are what matter and will matter the day Aubree sees for herself what an idiot her dad is to her.


As for Chelsea talking about Adam, we all saw how Teen Mom producers were when they were shown on last season's fourth wall breakdown with the original girls. They prompted the cast members to talk about specific things. One good example was when Ryan was prompted to talk about Maci to his friend. Kail and Javi are lounging around doing nothing, of course. The producer is there likely asking her to discuss what had happened about Jo and xyz. The producers ask Chelsea to talk about Adam because what else are they going to film? The producers ask Leah to talk about her non-existent drug issue. It is part of what these reality shows are all about.


I am so done with hearing Chelsea talking in that baby voice. It has become beyond annoying to me.

  • Love 6

I want to defend Jo because this isn't typical of him... Who knows maybe he had a headache that day and dealing with Kail would have been the icing on the cake... Maybe he just had a moment where he's over the bs and acted out, but what sucks about the situation is that whatever the scenario Isaac is the one who loses. I wish Kail would just put the pettiness behind her, but Jo is gonna have to figure out how to work around it. Now that he bowed out Kail knows she gets to him so she knows all she has to do is turn on the hulk mode (although is it ever really off?). I guess there is a plus next week where it looks like Jo loses it on Kail.

  • Love 8

What cracks me up about this is, Javi said all of that while he has that massive tattoo of Isaac on his arm. Oh, when the day comes that he is no longer with Hulk, he will regret having had that tattoo done.

Course, he can always try to parlay that tattoo into more reality-show money by getting on Tattoo Nightmares!

Leah: When is Leah going to admit that she has a drug problem, and not anxiety and depression?

Mainland China will probably admit that it no longer owns Taiwan before Leah admits that it's a drug habit.

  • Love 9

I was gob-smacked at Chelsea's "your father sucks and Cole's your new daddy" talk last week, but wow did she double down on that shit in this episode! I started copying all the posts I agreed with, but there were too many, so shout outs to lasandi and Chicken Wing among others.  


1. Stated both in VO and to her Dad: "I asked Aubree IF she wanted to make something for Cole for father’s day." Aubree already knows she gets positive reinforcement for saying yes.


2. The parental alienation/coaching scene - Chelsea: "Why do you think that's bad (to have a lot of girls)?" Aubree: "You said it was bad." If parental alienation isn't illegal in South Dakota, it should be.


More leading questions: "Do you wish you saw [your Dad] more?” “Are you excited for Cole to move in?” “At least you have Colie!” “Do you think me and Cole are going to be together forever?" “Do you think Cole is kind of like a Dad for you?” “Is it nice to have someone like a mommy and daddy in the same place? Because you never had that before." (Wow, sick burn on Aubree. Way to rub the salt in the wound.)


And Randy is old enough to know better. He's always snickering and chuckling over Aubree’s father’s shortcomings. What's so enjoyable about his granddaughter being disappointed? "She's starting to look at Cole as a Dad anyway." No, just no.


"I just wish he would go away now. Adam, we don’t need you anymore." Yes, you finally found someone else to hook up with, but life doesn't work like that. And hey, Adam may be dating a lot, but at least he isn't telling Aubree they're her "new mommies."


Chelsea's 21 (?) so it's most likely she and Cole won't be together forever. If and when they break up, Aubree will never see Cole again. Same with a broken engagement, and even if they were to get married and he was her stepfather.


Here's why it's personal for me. I had a stepdaughter when she was aged three through eight who loved the hell out of me. When I divorced her father, he never let me see or speak to her again. No goodbyes. IDK what she was told about where I went and why, but she had to be devastated. These are crucial ages, and these new mommies and daddies can go away. Forever.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 15

Jeremy looked more attractive in that scene than he has for a while. The divorce was clearly healthy for him.


When I FF'd a bit to the last scene with Jenelle's lawyer, I thought that was Leah for a second with a new hairstyle.


F-loved the show using Jenelle's mugshot as the final frame of the episode.


Divorce must agree with Jeremy physically as he looked kind of hot in this episode. I guess the stress of Leah and her problems are off his shoulders and it shows.

I will admit to being strangely attracted to Jeremy in this episode. LifeafterLeah looks great on him.

  • Love 4


I will admit to being strangely attracted to Jeremy in this episode. LifeafterLeah looks great on him.

He isn't bad looking but has a weak jaw line. I think he looked worse when he first dated Leah and didn't have any facial hair to define his jaw. How much sleep he gets varies from week to week too depending on work.

  • Love 2

Chelsea: "Why do you think that's bad?"

Aubree: "You said it was bad."


Enough! Said!

God I hated Chelsea this week more than the three others COMBINED, including Dawn and Nathan.  That is some tough shit to top!

I know. I like Chelsea. She's my favorite TM. And Adam is a piece of shit. But she needs to stop.

I know what it's like to have one parent bad mouth the other (my parents were together, but one is an addict...and the non-addict would tell me all the time about how bad the addict parent was & how the addict loved alcohol more than us, etc). It sucks. When you're a little kid, you love your mom & dad. You don't understand what's going on like adults do. You want to take up for your parent. You're half of your parent. When your other parent talks smack about how bad the other is, it feels like they're saying half of you is bad. You can end up even resenting the parent who is the better parent/primary caretaker because they say such hurtful things about your other parent.

I know it's easy to want to say these things to Aubree because Adam is pretty awful. But Aubree will figure that out on her own and come to terms with it. It may takes years of disappointment and maturing before she can really understand it. But please stop, Chelsea. She'll get it without you telling her now.

Also, Chelsea.....do you know what all your dad has done for you?

- Supported you & Aubree emotionally & financially for years

- pushed you to get your GED when for years everyone else thought you were destined to just stay on the couch under a leopard skin blanket whining about Adam

- let you take that adorable Darla dog with you when you moved out of his house (Darla was the real star of Chelsea's 16&P episode)

- Left work to come comfort you when Adam texted those awful things to you on 16&P

- stopped what he was doing at work to answer calls when you cried about Adam

- drove you and your friends to a concert in his RV

- let you and your friends party it up in his lake house

- appeared on this shit show on national television

- has gotten into Twitter spats to take up for you like he's your BFF (and your age)

- and most importantly, he refrained from physically hurting/killing/hiring someone to kill Adam....which I assume would have been tempting for any man who saw his daughter & granddaughter repeatedly hurt by such a douche as well as a man who potentially endangered Aubree's life by driving with her in the car despite not having a license because he has a history of crashes/speeding/DUIs/etc.

YOU GET RANDY A FATHER'S DAY PRESENT, CHELSEA. At the minimum, you at least get him a card.

  • Love 19

Yep, my mom is 60 next month (I'm 36) and they look like they could have gone to high school together. AND my mom has lived most of her life in that same region as Dawn too, so it's not the Appalachian air or anything. Delta Dawn has definitely done some stuff. Don't know what, but my guess is cigarettes and a whole lot of booze and baby-making. Possibly all at the same time; wouldn't surprise me one bit if there was a bunch of FAS in their family tree.*

*NOT knocking women who take a little tipple during pregnancy, we all know a glass of wine here and there, especially during later stages, will generally not harm the fetus. But I get the feeling Mama Dawn is the kind of person who likes to overdo things a little. Just a hunch. ;-)

I actually just think it's an addiction to slurpies and fried chicken and maybe too much time in the sun. Diet, genetics and lifestyle play a huge part in the aging process. Dawn just doesn't look healthy and whatever she's eating plays a huge role in that.

  • Love 6

When he went into that high, cracking voice "WHY WOULD I WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU?" she should have slapped him in the face with a stack of 100 dollar bills.

Can you find Leah's grandma Sandy?

I searched Sandy Kay, Elkview WV   I don't really know if her last name is Kay or what. I couldn't really find anything. However, her facebook link is SandyCandy56.  I'm going to guess her age is somewhere around 56. (depending on how long she has had her facebook page)  That would mean she had Delta Dawn at 16.  Or it could mean she was born in the year 1956.   I'll keep looking though.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4
YOU GET RANDY A FATHER'S DAY PRESENT, CHELSEA. At the minimum, you at least get him a card.

YES!! I said the same thing. Like, you didn't get your dad a damn tie!??? Part of me wants to believe that the whole scene was staged but I can see her not getting Randy anything because she's so spoiled. And Chelsea is my favorite! Girl, I hope you at least made him dinner or took him out.

  • Love 10

I might believe it, except Leah did everything to prove to everyone how she and Jermy were in love. That included bashing Cory and Miranda on social media and in various articles. Leah was all over the place with her claims that she and Jermy were perfectly happy. The countless articles that showed Leah's tweets, posts on FB and Instagram where she tried to convince the world that they were stronger than ever. Leah really thought they were happy when it was Jermy who was miserable. If anything, Leah was trying to hide her addiction and her cheating ways from everyone, not the embarrassment of her being in another failed marriage. By holding onto Jermy, she could hold on to her secrets.


You didn't know Kail was in school? There was the episode about Javi being mad at her school mate who texted her. They mentioned her being in school, and she even said the text was about if she was going to go to school that day. There was a scene or two of her at school as well.


Kail, you can't fool me. You said out loud that Jo was wrong about the time of the game which was why he wasn't there at the game on time. Then, in another scene with Javi, you try to make it seem as if Jo purposely missed the game. I am a parent. I was late to appointment or I was wrong as to what time an appointment was or what time a game started. It happens. I did it, plenty of parents do it. It's called being human.


As for the graduation, there wasn't enough information to go on for me to make out what had happened. I won't go simply by what Karl reads off of her broken iPhone. I have a feeling something happened somewhere in between that meeting at the park and by the time graduation day came, if that timeline is even correct. I can't trust MTV editing either. They are as shady as Karl.


So typical of Karl to be upset at MTV not showing her accomplishments. She is not upset that they didn't show Isaac's graduation which is something I would have enjoyed watching, not Karl's accomplishments, whatever those are.

I want to tell her that the show is about the struggles of raising a child, the STRUGGLES, not the accomplishments of mom and her expensive cars, houses, tattoos, scarves, vacations, remodeling, book sales, etc. The struggle of Javi not being able to close his mouth, and Kail not being able to shake his head like she want. It's sooooo frustrating that won't air what she wants them to. Maybe she should shake someones head.

  • Love 7

My eyes rolled so hard when Jenelle complained to Barb that Nathan takes Kaiser to daycare just so he can go out on dates with this other chick....cause you know Jenlle would NEVER blow off her child to go hang out with a guy. I'm also so sure that every second she's not in school (you know, two days a week), she has Kaiser with her. She never ditches him to go stalk Nathan at the gym. She never goes on a frenzied race down the highway to escape Nathan returning him to her because she's watched him for a month. Jenelle never does anything like that. /sarcasm

Honestly, I can't feel sorry for Jenelle and the way Nathan treats her (or vis-versa). These two psychopaths are perfect karma for each other. I just wish their kids weren't stuck with them as parents; Jace & Kaiser don't deserve this.

I am shocked that (then) one year old or nearly one year old Kaiser will just chill in his car seat carrier while the adults talk and eat their frozen yogurt. He is one chill baby. My nine month old would be having none of that. He's super curious and always wants to explore. He loves to interact with people - smile, babble, grab, chew, crawl, cruise, etc. He would have been trying to get attention from Barb & Jenelle, reaching for their yogurt, trying to crawl out of his carrier, etc. No way would he have just hung out in his carrier. He would have been fussing to be free to explore, be held and talked to, etc. Thank goodness Kaiser is so chill. I hate to think of how Jenelle would react to my very active and curious baby. :(

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 8

I have a one year old and there's no way that she would sit quietly in her car seat on the floor like that. Kaiser is the most chill baby I've just about ever scene. I actually think his mellow demeanor is a survival mechanism. He knows his mother is a lunatic and the only way to keep those bottles coming is to keep quiet. I can't even imagine how Jenelle would handle Leah's wild children. She'd have a real panic attack after ten minutes with my baby and she's just an average one year old (drunken monkey/Tasmanian devil.)

I really feel bad for Jace. Poor kid just wants to hang out with his mom and egg donor and egg donor can't even take a few minutes from her pity party to engage with her son. She has like zero emotions when it comes to Jace. He was so excited to point out an airplane to her and she couldn't even fake some enthusiasm for him. My nephew is four and loves to show off his rock collection. Is it interesting, no, but my sister acts like those rocks are the coolest thing on the planet. That's what a real parent does.

  • Love 14

 That would mean she had Delta Dawn at 16.  Or it could mean she was born in the year 1956.   I'll keep looking though.

Sometimes as a genealogist I wish I could have met a first, second or even third-great-grandparent, who might still be around if everyone had kids in their mid teens. all my great-grandparents passed before I was born. It seems much more sensible to wait for parenting til the twenties, though.


I  tried to map out all her umpteen Gibson siblings once in one of those long Facebook threads where they all talked tough about going over to someone's trailer park to give 'that person that's been talkin' shit' a good whoopin', but all I got was a migraine. :)

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 6

Leah's life is all about poking, and being poked.


Especially on this show where the whole name of the game is life after being poked.


Much like Nathan poking Jenelle's back. I really could have done without her saying that.


I'm getting ready to start fast forwarding Chelsea's segments. She used to do this crap to Adam, trying to play happy family. And she kept up with it until Cole came around. Enough with the shit talking Adam in front of Audree, coaching her to hate her dad and think he's a bad, bad man. I about spit out my tea when Audree said, "yes, he's bad...that's what you said, remember?"  I can't with her. It's uncomfortable. "Audree made you a card after I told her what to draw and wrote what she should say!"  I feel second hand embarrassment for that and the baby talk, which she seems to be adding a lisp to now in addition.


Oh Jenelle. Famous words are "he was mean to me..."  She causes so much shit, then ends up crying that he was mean. Once this show is over, and she doesn't have money to pay for all these attorneys and court costs, she's going to be in for a world of hurt. Getting arrested 16 times is not normal. She needs to grow up already and start taking responsibility.

  • Love 9

How does Kail's enormous skull tattoo fit in with the whole Pinterest mommy thing she has going on? All of her fashion and decorating choices seem so devoid of any personality, bland and manipulated by advertising that I wonder how something like full sleeve with a skull centerpiece came about.

I had a friend who became one of those faux-wealthy mommy-bots at the urging of her new boyfriend, I actually watched her whole life turn into a trendy Pinterest board in just a few months. There's nothing wrong with the whole infinity scarf/designer bag/pumpkin spice latte thing if that is genuinely what you really like but its sad and/or snark worthy when its obvious someone's personality is dependant on whatever they are told is currently hip.

Just adding, I didn't really mean to poop on Pinterest so much in this post, I use it all the time to keep track of art reference pictures, recipes, tutorials, and funny cat pictures. It is what you make of it.

  • Love 6

I'm going to second with Corey and say that Leah needs more then 30 days. I'm a recovering addict and I have been doing outpatient for over a year now. 30 days is nothing..a year is when your finally out of early recovery.

Too bad Leah doesn't even acknowledge she is an addict.

This. If she went to a treatment center that uses the traditional 12 step program, I can only imagine how shocked and confused she was at the whole concept.


"Wha? Ah'm not powerless with mah pillses. Ah just need to get me some rest cuz Corey and Jermy are sayin Ah'm not takin care of the girlses real good."

"Wha does moral inventory mean? Ain't inventory sumthin they do at WalMart?"

  • Love 5

I am just remembering something, in that "Father's Day" drawing that Aubree did and the red headed person was her mom and Cole said he was the pink one but I could have sworn I heard Aubree say that she was the pink one. Did you all hear that as well? I will certainly watch this episode again to know for sure.

I think Aubree reversed her decision a couple of times, lol. I wonder if Aubree originally meant for the two figures to be her and Chelsea, but Chelsea assumed they were Aubree and Cole.

  • Love 8

I stand alone in a corner on the topic of Chelsea-Adam-Cole and the Dad issue.   Adam has failed Aubree by not being the kind of dad she wanted/needed.   She clearly loves him, yet he can't even devote the four days a month he has with her to be with her.  Four days a month to be full on Dad.  That's it.   He hasn't, he can't, he won't.  


Aubree has stated in her preschool age language skills, that she wants a dad.   Chelsea has never blocked Adam from stepping up and being a true parent to his little girl.  


Cole came along and he was the dad type person Aubree was wanting.  Just in watching the show, I come away that Aubree and Chelsea are emotionally confused on how this all works.   Aubree has asked if she can call Cole dad.  Chelsea has stated twice (I think), she is not even sure if she'll let Aubree call Cole dad, since she does have a dad.   Quite frankly, I as a mom to three kids (2 grown adults, 1 teenager), I'm not even sure of the perfect answer to all this.   That's because there is no perfect way to handle such a situation.   Every action has a consequence, some good and some bad. 


Chelsea wants her little girl happy.  She wants to give her the moon, which is normal.  All parents do.   But parenting is hard, and emotional, and complicated by feelings.  I feel for Chelsea, she has wanted/wants Adam to step up for Aubree.   If he had, this issue was be nonexistence.  Adam would be dad, Cole would be Cole.  


All that said, yes I sincerely concur that Chelsea needs to ease back on the forcing of Cole "dad" role on Aubree and on Cole.  But Chelsea is young, this is her first and only child.  She will make mistakes, like all parents do.  Its not easy.  Parenting the emotions does not come with black or white answers.  This is why parenting  is the hardest job out there.  

  • Love 16

I think Aubree reversed her decision a couple of times, lol. I wonder if Aubree originally meant for the two figures to be her and Chelsea, but Chelsea assumed they were Aubree and Cole.


I think that's definitely what happened, but I don't think Chelsea assumed. I think she just assigned him the figure in pink. "Oh a drawing of a child and adult? That would make a cute story. Tell Cole this is him. It'll warm his heart, and maybe he'll marry mommy sooner!" 


Cole is nice and all but has zero personality. He just goes along with whatever Chelsea says or does. I worry sometimes he says "yes" just to keep the peace or because he's on camera. I think it's nice he's easy going, but it's almost too easy going.


I stand alone in a corner on the topic of Chelsea-Adam-Cole and the Dad issue.   Adam has failed Aubree by not being the kind of dad she wanted/needed.   She clearly loves him, yet he can't even devote the four days a month he has with her to be with her.  Four days a month to be full on Dad.  That's it.   He hasn't, he can't, he won't.  


Aubree has stated in her preschool age language skills, that she wants a dad.   Chelsea has never blocked Adam from stepping up and being a true parent to his little girl.  


Cole came along and he was the dad type person Aubree was wanting.  Just in watching the show, I come away that Aubree and Chelsea are emotionally confused on how this all works.   Aubree has asked if she can call Cole dad.  Chelsea has stated twice (I think), she is not even sure if she'll let Aubree call Cole dad, since she does have a dad.   Quite frankly, I as a mom to three kids (2 grown adults, 1 teenager), I'm not even sure of the perfect answer to all this.   That's because there is no perfect way to handle such a situation.   Every action has a consequence, some good and some bad. 


Chelsea wants her little girl happy.  She wants to give her the moon, which is normal.  All parents do.   But parenting is hard, and emotional, and complicated by feelings.  I feel for Chelsea, she has wanted/wants Adam to step up for Aubree.   If he had, this issue was be nonexistence.  Adam would be dad, Cole would be Cole.  


All that said, yes I sincerely concur that Chelsea needs to ease back on the forcing of Cole "dad" role on Aubree and on Cole.  But Chelsea is young, this is her first and only child.  She will make mistakes, like all parents do.  Its not easy.  Parenting the emotions does not come with black or white answers.  This is why parenting  is the hardest job out there.  


I know Adam is a shitty person and a pretty shitty dad. But, that's still her dad. Chelsea had this dream of getting pregnant with him and living happily ever after(knowing what a tool he can be) and now she's got to live with that decision. You can't just say, "he's not always available, so let's just bring in a newer model dad".  The thing is, they're not even engaged or married. Not even a long term relationship. It's a boyfriend she's had for under a year.


Every parent wants what's best for their kid. My kids have a stepmom. We all may not get along, but never has my ex tried to put her in the mother role. We each bring our own pros and cons to parenting and parent together. But again, Chelsea's not even married to this guy. But it's hard to tell based on only what we've seen on TV. We don't know what scenes are staged.


I'd also like to see all these teen parents in real relationships with no MTV. You know marriages where you have to go to work and bring in money. It's all fun and games right now for all of them because they could stay home and be filmed all the time and make money doing that.

  • Love 13

Jenelle - if you have to worry about whether or not a guy is hooking up with someone else, he's quite possibly the WRONG GUY!  OMG - her constant neediness is crazy.  


Now Kail wants to go into mass communications?  Is she one of those who becomes a life long student?  She doe NOT have the personality for that type of job.


Leah shouldn't have face timed the girls.  Call them.  Corey is right, they do need to be with him and Miranda.  Those girls have no structure.  Leah is all over the place.  Her "therapy" doesn't have a chance in hell of working.  Until she can admit she has a problem with addiction, she doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of actually getting better.






  • Love 7

I can't fault Chelsea too much. Compared to the others, she is the gold star. 


The contrast of Leah with the girls-running around the house, Grace having to sit in the corner every ten seconds- to Corey's is astounding. I agree, Leah shouldn't have faced-time the girls, they were all yelling about who was getting the ipad more or something to see her. Bad idea. A phone call would have been best.


I still think something happened behind the scenes with Kail and Jo. It doesn't seem like Jo to miss important events like Issac's pre-school graduation but if the tension is REALLY bad. Then..well. Plus, this show is always going to try and paint the moms in a better light than is maybe true because THEY are our storytellers. The show for the most part wants us to be on their side and hear their story and if you need a reference guide for this see how the show and how they will try to avoid if they can anything bad, no mention of why Janelle and Nathan started to fight after their trip to the virgin islands. So, if they wanted to leave something out with Kail, they could and would. They have stories to tell. 


Janelle is gross and it makes me sad that she probably called Barb for "moral support" because the producers realized she and Jace hadn't really been together in some time and they needed to rectify that. Because Jace is the reason Janelle is even on this show, she should probably spend some time with him., But it's sad that its really an act for the show that she even cares. I doubt she spends much time with him when the show isn't filming. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 6

Jeremy all but put air quotes around "prescription pill addiction."


I noticed that, too and was glad SOMEBODY said something other than "therapy."


But I'm not familiar enough with the real story to know what that meant.  Was she prescribed some pills at some point but then got addicted and is using them illegally now?  Or is she using something like meth that never was prescribed, and he's using "prescription pill addiction" in quotes as a euphemism?  Her story has always been therapy for an inability to place her needs above others', right?

  • Love 4

That's what I was thinking, StatisticalOutlier. Why the air quotes when we all know she's used prescription meds? Is there something else she's using that Jeremy knows of? How did Leah pass her drug test?


I'm guessing because while she likely initially had prescriptions for the opiates she takes, she probably also buys them off the street once her prescriptions run out or between prescriptions.

  • Love 7

I'm guessing because while she likely initially had prescriptions for the opiates she takes, she probably also buys them off the street once her prescriptions run out or between prescriptions.

She was on meds for anxiety first, then this season we heard about her 'headaches' and that she was getting meds for them, too. Someone on this forum grabbed a screenshot of  her drug test results and hydrocodone was there as a prescribed med. She was able to pass her drug test because she had legit prescriptions for opiates and probably some benzodiazapine like xanax or valium for anxiety. I totally agree with you that she's been buying pillses like crazy when her prescriptions are all gone. Street prices are insane and I'm sure that's where about 90% of Jermy's wages went.

  • Love 5

She claimed she was also prescribed pain meds after her "spinal tap" (epidural?) while having Addy. For anxiety, the immediate-action Rx is often a benzodiazepine such as Xanax or Klonopin, which can be highly addictive.

Yes, I think she meant epidural too but it still made me laugh a little that she was explaining all this and said spinal tap so matter of factly. I do remember when she started her anxiety meds, she was literally falling over. It was a really drastic change to me. Like one episode she was very stressed out but then the next she started meds and was no longer able to sit up.  Supposedly, she got them in check  but it never seemed like it. The headache condition was a whole new thing this season. I guess to explain the other drugs she started to take and they hardly mentioned her anxiety issues, now it was the headaches. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 3

Yes, I think she meant epidural too but it still made me laugh a little that she was explaining all this and said spinal tap so matter of factly. I do remember when she started her anxiety meds, she was literally falling over. It was a really drastic change to me. Like one episode she was very stressed out but then the next she started meds and was no longer able to sit up.  Supposedly, she got them in check  but it never seemed like it. The headache condition was a whole new thing this season. I guess to explain the other drugs she started to take and they hardly mentioned her anxiety issues, now it was the headaches. 


Yeah, she was clearly taking way too much! Not sure if that was a problem with how it was prescribed, or just Leah thinking "if .25mg feels good, 2mg will feel AWESOME!" Anxiety is real, and I can believe that Leah really has it, but it's stuff like this that makes the meds so hard for the rest of us to get. I use way less than I'm prescribed because I'm so afraid of being reported as "drug-seeking" if I need more. Meanwhile this trick is passing out mid-sentence, talking about baby head injections, and claiming it's just "stress."

  • Love 6

I still think something happened behind the scenes with Kail and Jo. It doesn't seem like Jo to miss important events like Issac's pre-school graduation but if the tension is REALLY bad. Then..well. Plus, this show is always going to try and paint the moms in a better light than is maybe true because THEY are our storytellers. The show for the most part wants us to be on their side and hear their story and if you need a reference guide for this see how the show and how they will try to avoid if they can anything bad, no mention of why Janelle and Nathan started to fight after their trip to the virgin islands. So, if they wanted to leave something out with Kail, they could and would. They have stories to tell. 


If that's the case, then they totally missed the mark with Leah. Filming both her ex-husbands trash talking their ex-wife while she was in "therapy"?  Her story was being told by 2 guys who really don't like her. Of course on my end I'm shouting "ratings GOLD!"

  • Love 4

I just watched this episode Ondemand.

•••I'm so mad we didn't get 2 see what really happened between Jenelle & Nathan. In Jenelle's version, she didn't do anything wrong.... That's actually the story of her life- it's everyone else's fault. She said Nathan "betrayed" her. That's funny. Seems like every episode she's doing something to get further & further away from getting custody of Jace. That's GREAT!!

••• I think one of the biggest reasons Javi wants Kail to take Jo to court is to keep Jo at a distance. It bothered him that Jo went to "his" house. Ever since, he's been yapping about what Jo is & isn't doing. He doesn't want Kail & Jo to get along & it's selfish. He's a butt. I've been saying how Kail has changed.... Maybe Javi has been the problem all along. Jo has been very patient & he's agreed with what Kail has said. The least she could do is set something up with their lawyers withOUT going to court. IF he screws up, and there's problems, then she could take him to court.

••• I know Cole is better to Aubree than Adam is. He seems like a great guy (& he deals with Chelsea using ANNOYING high pitched baby voice to talk to him.) Adam is FAR from a good guy & even further from a good Dad. BUT he is Aubree's Dad. He's better than he used to be. Chelsea's little interrogation was a bunch of CRAP. Both Chelsea & Adam need to take classes on NOT involving the kid in adult conversations/problems. Chelsea would love to get Adam out of the picture completely & that's not right. The info for this episode should've said "Chelsea makes Aubree realize how much Adam's decisions are affecting her." So how long do yinz think it will take for Cole & Chelsea to give Aubree a little sister or brother?

••• I didn't like Jeremy & Corey's little meeting. It feels to me like they're ganging up on her. I hate that they're talking like everything was Leah's fault in both their relationships. Look, I hate cheaters. I've never cheated, I don't get the point. If you don't wanna be with someone, don't! But any therapist will tell you that people who are happy and have great marriages usually don't cheat. When she cheated on Jeremy, that marriage was already over for a good while. Jeremy isn't perfect & he should take some of the responsibility for the marriage going south. I thought she sounded better one the phone too. I know she's made mistakes but NO ONE is perfect. She's had things stacked against her since she had them babies & while she hasn't made things easier on herself, everyone deserves a second chance.

  • Love 2

I've never seen a parent and child that look more alike than Jermy and Adderall.

I'd love to see pics of an infant Jermy and baby Addy side-by-side.

Seriously. It's like the universe knew that Leah is a cheater who likes the dickses and Jeremy might be inclined to doubt the paternity of a child she pregnant with while they were together. To remove any doubt from Jeremy (or anyone else's mind) & the need for a paternity test, the universe made sure that baby looks just like Jeremy.
  • Love 6

"Gym time is me time"

"I didn't even get to do abs"

Is Nathan's gym time similar to Desmond pushing the button on Lost so the world didn't implode? Guy is obsessed.

Loved the Desmond reference!

Seriously. It's like the universe knew that Leah is a cheater who likes the dickses and Jeremy might be inclined to doubt the paternity of a child she pregnant with while they were together. To remove any doubt from Jeremy (or anyone else's mind) & the need for a paternity test, the universe made sure that baby looks just like Jeremy.

Hopefully she inherits her daddy's work ethic too, whatever she does in life, not just his face.

Maybe Jenelle doses him with something. 

Carbs, by the look of it.

  • Love 9

True, everyone makes mistakes and deserve a second chance. But this is Leah's what 4th chance we know of. On her original episode of 16 and pregnant did she cheat on Cory? We know she cheated before she married him. She cheated on Jeremy. Then apparently she cheated again on Jeremy with Cory. (I'm unsure abt that one) If all those are right that's four. I can't forgive a serial cheater. I live with one and I hate it. There is no excuse. Absolutely none. Especially when kids are involved.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 5

Especially on this show where the whole name of the game is life after being poked.

Much like Nathan poking Jenelle's back. I really could have done without her saying that.

After years of experience in relationship dysfunction, she still suffers from the same fallacy as Leah. He had an erection around me, he wanted sex, therefore he loves me and respects me and wants to be there for me.

Yeah, she was clearly taking way too much! Not sure if that was a problem with how it was prescribed, or just Leah thinking "if .25mg feels good, 2mg will feel AWESOME!"

Without someone else dispensing the meds for her, she might also have lost track of how much she had already taken in a day. Her life isn't the most organized as it is.

  • Love 4

••• I didn't like Jeremy & Corey's little meeting. It feels to me like they're ganging up on her. I hate that they're talking like everything was Leah's fault in both their relationships. Look, I hate cheaters. I've never cheated, I don't get the point. If you don't wanna be with someone, don't! But any therapist will tell you that people who are happy and have great marriages usually don't cheat. When she cheated on Jeremy, that marriage was already over for a good while. Jeremy isn't perfect & he should take some of the responsibility for the marriage going south. I thought she sounded better one the phone too. I know she's made mistakes but NO ONE is perfect. She's had things stacked against her since she had them babies & while she hasn't made things easier on herself, everyone deserves a second chance.

Cheating usually has 90% to do with the cheater (and their ego) and less than 10% to do with the state of their marriage.  People who are in shitty marriages, know they're in a shitty marriage.  Oftentimes you'll hear that the betrayed spouse "had no idea".  It's also the reason why most cheaters don't leave their spouse and take up with the mistress - the marriage wasn't so bad.

  • Love 4

Yeah, she was clearly taking way too much! Not sure if that was a problem with how it was prescribed, or just Leah thinking "if .25mg feels good, 2mg will feel AWESOME!" Anxiety is real, and I can believe that Leah really has it, but it's stuff like this that makes the meds so hard for the rest of us to get. I use way less than I'm prescribed because I'm so afraid of being reported as "drug-seeking" if I need more. Meanwhile this trick is passing out mid-sentence, talking about baby head injections, and claiming it's just "stress."


I suffer from degenerative disc disease and I am SO fucking tired of being treated like a junkie every time I need pain meds or end up in the ER.  I was in the ER twice last weekend in a 12 hour period for intense pain and while one doctor was cool, the other was treating me like I was some addict who rolled in off the street trying to score drugs.  When you're kneeling in front of a chair, throwing things because the pain is so bad, a smug doctor telling you how the drugs they're about to give you "aren't a long term solution" is enough to make me want to fly out to West Virginia to punch that bitch in the face.  It's absurd.  It's also really fun to try and get a norco script (for 20 5 mg tablets which is NOTHING) filled and having to walk to the pharmacy to do it in person, get the side eye from the pharmacist and wait 3 times as long as everyone else because clearly no one actually has a legitimate need for that stuff. 


Pill heads make me rage.  They're easy to get addicted to and it just makes it hard for the rest of us.

  • Love 11

I had an epidural 5 years ago when I had my daughter and my back is permanently messed up because of it. I sleep like shit and wake up in pain every morning. I do not take anything for it, even though I probably could. As a former meth head I try to stay away from pills because zi would probably end up like Leah, and I sure as hell don't have that cushy MTV money to support a habit!

She's definitely not going to get anywhere as far as recovery goes since she won't even admit she has a problem! I feel sorry for her kids.

  • Love 1

I don't understand how Leah needed ANY medications after having Addy. She had a spinal (lol) Ok and? Why the need for long term pain management?

I definitely needed my percocet after my c section. My prescription was 30 pills, which if I had taken 1 every 4 hours like I did at hospital, would have last about a week, which would have been 10 days after actual surgery. I did stop taking them about 6 days after the surgery but I def needed them those 6 days. I am not sure how Leah has managed to get pain pills related to her c section 2 years down the road. If she's getting actual prescriptions, she must have a very laid back doctor.

  • Love 1

Cheating usually has 90% to do with the cheater (and their ego) and less than 10% to do with the state of their marriage.  People who are in shitty marriages, know they're in a shitty marriage.  Oftentimes you'll hear that the betrayed spouse "had no idea".  It's also the reason why most cheaters don't leave their spouse and take up with the mistress - the marriage wasn't so bad.

  IMO this is true. Cheating is usually all about the cheater, not the person who is cheated on or the relationship.

I suffer from degenerative disc disease and I am SO fucking tired of being treated like a junkie every time I need pain meds or end up in the ER.  I was in the ER twice last weekend in a 12 hour period for intense pain and while one doctor was cool, the other was treating me like I was some addict who rolled in off the street trying to score drugs.  When you're kneeling in front of a chair, throwing things because the pain is so bad, a smug doctor telling you how the drugs they're about to give you "aren't a long term solution" is enough to make me want to fly out to West Virginia to punch that bitch in the face.  It's absurd.  It's also really fun to try and get a norco script (for 20 5 mg tablets which is NOTHING) filled and having to walk to the pharmacy to do it in person, get the side eye from the pharmacist and wait 3 times as long as everyone else because clearly no one actually has a legitimate need for that stuff. 


Pill heads make me rage.  They're easy to get addicted to and it just makes it hard for the rest of us.

Lezlers, I also have degenerative disc disease. It sucks & I'm sorry you also have it. At its worst a few years ago (right before being diagnosed and I started doing physical therapy, exercising, heat/massage therapy, etc that have helped tremendously) I could not make it up out of my husband's recliner to the bathroom a few feet away without help. The pain literally had me bedridden (okay, recliner-ridden, as that was the place that was the most comfortable at the time) for weeks. I do live with some level of chronic pain everyday and still occasionally have bad flare-ups/have to be aware of my body mechanics so as to not have bad flare-ups. Thanks to people like Leah, it is extremely hard to get mess when I have a flare-up. If it happens after my doctor's regular office hours or the weekend, I usually just try to suffer through it. I know if I go to urgent care they're just going to look at me like I'm desperately trying to score some pillses. All thanks to people like Leah. I have sympathy that she's an addict but it still pisses me off that people with chronic pain have to jump through hoops to get mess they legitimately need.

I also wonder if Jeremy's air quotes around "prescription pills" means Leah has moved on to heroin. Lots of Rx opioid addicts end up moving on to heroin when they can no longer get pills from their doctor. It's usually cheaper than buying pills on the street, too.

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