Lady Calypso September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Gah~ First Frankie Fucking Grande and now this. Good thing I'm still high from the Austin eviction. I'm gonna go re-watch to prolong my buzz. It's weird....but no matter how much I loathed Brenchel in seasons 12 and 13....I've kind of grown to tolerate them. And then Frankie came along and I knew they couldn't be as hated for as long as Frankie Grande was around. I'm sure I'll remember why I hate(d) them once they come on and Rachel goes full theatrics, but...I have to admit, they are strangely one of the best showmances and they seem to really, genuinely love each other, and are still together after five years. That's pretty...impressive. So, if they are having a baby, good for them. I hope their child turns out more like...Elissa (sure, the child can take after the aunt), but good for them. Plus...I MUST hear Rachel's opinion about Liztin and how Austin probably thinks they're the next Brenchel. YES! Austin's out. I can't really give Vanessa full kudos, because it's final five and it's not like she has had options, but....girl, all I can say is that you should have nominated Austin/Liz wayyyyyy before Steve/John. But now the ones who are left are decent players, so...ok. Steve won HOH. Ok, he's in final 3. Tumblr must be screaming in rage. I personally like it, but kind of wanted Johnny Mac to win more. "It's time for some blood, people!". Brilliant, Johnny Mac. Now see what happens when DR doesn't force you to say cheesy one liners? I LOVED this. I love how John basically said "screw it, let Vanessa get blood on her hands" and threw Steve his vote. That was a brilliant move on his part. And I doubt he really truly was going to get rid of Steve. He knows this is way better for his game, anyway. And I doubt he was going to throw the veto, no matter what his DRs had him say about him thinking about it. Austin and Liz's faces when he was evicted were priceless. Austin was so cocky and confident that he'd stay that he couldn't even bother to put on shoes! Haha! Vanessa...I really like you, but please stop crying. At the very least, wait until Austin's done his interview with Julie. 4 Link to comment
MrsMommy September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 What is a family at home package? I was blindsided tonight I had no idea van had it in her to boot him. I was so excited I jumped out of my seat and started cheering! And I'm perfectly happy Steve won hoh now he needs to get van or liz out! 1 Link to comment
mayziemay September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 does Austin not realize that 'the bold and the beautiful' is not interested in an unattractive, cocky, unemployed wrestler?? Give it a rest dude, it will never happen, hope they invite jmac just to drive Austin nuts 11 Link to comment
Mischievious September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 does Austin not realize that 'the bold and the beautiful' is not interested in an unattractive, cocky, unemployed wrestler?? Give it a rest dude, it will never happen, hope they invite jmac just to drive Austin nuts I'm quite surprised he didn't try to mention it again at the end of his interview with Julie. I almost expected him to say something like "so Julie, how about we put me on the Bold and the Beautiful?" 3 Link to comment
Tiggertoo September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) Yay! Finally! I thought when Austin put his hands in his head, it was kind of a nervous gesture. He was expecting a 2-0 vote, I think. I still and probably never will understand JohnnyMac. When he offered to throw the veto to Austin/Liz without extracting any promise from them in return. Huh? I don't hate Austin or any of the HGs this year but I'm so glad Austin is gone. And that he was blindsided. And that he had a hissyfit tantrum. His speech was so condescending to Steve. It was a goodby speech. Hahaha! vanessa did seem like she was really crying in that DR. JohnnyMac: let's get some blood! So funny. Family at home: the interview packages with families. They haven't had many this year. Edited September 16, 2015 by Tiggertoo 2 Link to comment
BlackMamba September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Fucking love Vanessa! Austin's biggest mistake was wanting to backdoor Vanessa a few weeks and it came back to haunt him. If Vanessa is still in the house in less than an hour that was huge for her F2 resume. She needed a big game move. The jury with James, Shelli and most definitely Now Jackie will give her the votes to win imo so as long shes not against Jmac. 3 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) "Julie you're not supposed to be here on a Monday." Surprise one, it's Tuesday and surprise two it's eviction night, bitches! Hah. And now we can add "Put on some damn shoes" to our usual "Put on a damned shirt Austin!!" Not that we have to worry about that anymore... but he might show up shirtless to the finale I suppose. This eviction is going to be an official buzzkill for the Jury House. I kinda love that JohnnyMac just seems to do whatever option entertains him the most. I love that he let Vanessa be the tie vote. Loved the assorted sourpuss faces from Liz and a replay of Julia pouting over never being picked. Liz's ">I< was allllmost donnnne tooooo!!!" to JohnnyMac when he mentioned that he had to do it since Steve was a bout to win brought out one of the best pouts of the year. Edited September 16, 2015 by Wandering Snark 2 Link to comment
Eolivet September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Austin deserved to go home for many reasons, not the least of which was namedropping the lame likely-cancelled-next-year CBS comedy in his eviction speech. Seriously, what was that?! Jeff Schroeder called and said "Dude. There are things even I won't do for CBS." 10 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) Yes! Austin's blindside eviction was the "overwhelming no" moment of this season. This HoH comp comes close to how great that eviction was -- great job by the editors of making bleeps that could have been covering for "fucking." I'm pretty sure that unnecessary bleeping is a bit Jimmy Kimmel uses on his late show. Kinda bold of CBS to "steal" it in such a blatant way. his punchable speech His eviction speech was uncalled for, IMO. If he thought Steve was on his way out why did he need to insult him? Ugh, Austin's head was so big it's a wonder he was able to walk out the door and not get stuck in the hallway. I think Vanessa beats anybody if she makes F2 and owns her game. I think so too but I'm really scared for her in this next eviction. I'd be surprised if Steve doesn't put her and Liz up and then she'd definitely need to to win the veto. Edited September 16, 2015 by Joimiaroxeu 3 Link to comment
candall September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) How did Steve win HoH? He forgot to put the "zero" on the end of his math computation. Which he then proceeds to tell everyone. See, I just don't see handing this guy half a million dollars for his . . . strategery. Tonight's big winner was Liz. For the first time in months she sleeps unpawed and doesn't have to cling to the outer four inches of bed. . Edited September 16, 2015 by candall 8 Link to comment
UncleChuck September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 I'm quite surprised he didn't try to mention it again at the end of his interview with Julie. I almost expected him to say something like "so Julie, how about we put me on the Bold and the Beautiful?" I'd bet a nickel that he's already tried to bring up the idea to every BB producer that he encounters on his way to the jury house. 1 Link to comment
SteveAC10 September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) His eviction speech was uncalled for, IMO. If he thought Steve was on his way out why did he need to insult him? Being that much of a asshat in your please don't evict me speech could also get you evicted if it wasn't already the plan. Only 2 wavering votes needed to be flipped. All it would have taken is a brief glance between 2 players to change it up after his speech. Edited September 16, 2015 by SteveAC10 1 Link to comment
P2C2E September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 How did Steve win HoH? He forgot to put the "zero" on the end of his math computation. Which he then proceeds to tell everyone. See, I just don't see handing this guy half a million dollars for his . . . strategery. Unless he's lying, because he wants people to think he won by accident. Steve might be playing a long con. 7 Link to comment
candall September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) Unless he's lying, because he wants people to think he won by accident. Steve might be playing a long con. Well, that would be clever, which is pretty much exactly what I'm suggesting that he's not. Our mileage varies! : ) Edited September 16, 2015 by candall Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) Hmm... he's told us he's not throwing anymore like he did to stay UTR early on. So he probably didn't 'screw up' intentionally. He almost changed it to 706 or whatever at the last moment so that makes me wonder if he was lying about 'forgetting a digit'. Wouldn't he have caught himself then when changing it to 700? So... I think he said that because it sounded a lot better than what he I think he was doing; playing low intentionally. Ye olde Price Is Right one dollar bid gambling everyone goes over. 'Cause someone as smart as Steve appears to be able to quickly multiply 60 by 10 and realize that's only 10 freakin' minutes... and he was in that Leprechaun costume for a helluva lot longer than that. He seems to have been doing his best to 'awww shucks' off his win to continue playing down his game abilities. And on a semi-related note them replaying the "They're talking in there..." freak out I remember I wanted to say that he sounded like a kid that just walked in on his parents having sex. Same tone and panic/revulsion. Edited September 16, 2015 by Wandering Snark 1 Link to comment
Former Nun September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 does Austin not realize that 'the bold and the beautiful' is not interested in an unattractive, cocky, unemployed wrestler?? Unless...unless they can write a this character: an unattractive, cocky, unemployed wrestler. It's just a walk-on lines and no shoes. hope they invite jmac just to drive Austin nuts I'd tune in for that! Maybe they could do a parody of the dentist in "Little Shop of Horrors." 5 Link to comment
goodolmom September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 "Julie you're not supposed to be here on a Monday." Surprise one, it's Tuesday and surprise two it's eviction night, bitches! Hah. And now we can add "Put on some damn shoes" to our usual "Put on a damned shirt Austin!!" Not that we have to worry about that anymore... but he might show up shirtless to the finale I suppose. This eviction is going to be an official buzzkill for the Jury House. I kinda love that JohnnyMac just seems to do whatever option entertains him the most. I love that he let Vanessa be the tie vote. Loved the assorted sourpuss faces from Liz and a replay of Julia pouting over never being picked. Liz's ">I< was allllmost donnnne tooooo!!!" to JohnnyMac when he mentioned that he had to do it since Steve was a bout to win brought out one of the best pouts of the year. All of tonight's program actually did happen on Monday so JMac's statement was correct. This all gets so confusing toward the end! Link to comment
Former Nun September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Johnny Mac has been playing a character for the ENTIRE SUMMER....he's a phony...please don't hand him a check because he is "funny". He's not. For many of us, he is funny and certainly entertaining. If he "has been playing a character for the ENTIRE SUMMER," he deserves the $500,000 AND an Emmy! 14 Link to comment
Stripper Glitter September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 I need a cigarette after that. Lovely. Beautiful. Epic. So satisfying. Ahhhhhh. 4 Link to comment
Stripper Glitter September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 My cat yelled "YESS!!!" and scared me!! I think you mean "YAAAAAAASSSSSSS", right? ;-) Link to comment
RedheadZombie September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 It drove me crazy that Austin stayed seated so long after being evicted. So arrogant. I was hoping Julie would pipe in: Austin, get your ass up outa that chair, and get out here. I guess he realized his Julie one on one camera time was in jeopardy, and was finally compelled to stand up. And then there he went stomping in his gigantic bare monkey feet. I guess she should be grateful that he had a shirt on - in Austin's world, that's probably formal wear. I don't watch Bold and the Beautiful, but I know it's about rich WASPs who run a major fashion house. Yeah, Austin would fit right in. I finally realized who Austin reminds me of - a college campus bus driver. The guy looked exactly like Austin, and we secretly called him George of the Jungle. One stifling hot day, the dude pulled the bus over, trotted over to the pond, ducked his head under water, dramatically flipped his wet stringy hair around, then trotted back to the bus. No one said a word. 9 Link to comment
Cutty September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) I'm still laughing at Steve clapping over the awkward silence and saying "Good luck, Austin" as Austin stormed out of the front door. Edited September 16, 2015 by Cutty 10 Link to comment
Cosmocrush September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) He is so bitter. "No one in jury will vote for Vanessa." Sorry, not a Vanessa fan but if she makes it it final 2, his might be the only vote against her. The rest of them will probably respect the "game moves" once they have a little time and distance from the BB house. Austin was delusional in his eviction interview. I think most of jury respects the game that Vanessa has played. I don't know how many hgs have said as much about Vanessa during their eviction interview with Julie but more than a couple have praised Vanessa's game. I almost want her to win just to see the look on Austin's face, although tonight was very very satisfying in itself - especially the barefeet, lol. But I'm rooting for Liz to take the win. Wait, wait, don't throw things and no I'm not related to her, haha. But I do want to see a girl win this game this year. I think she's played a decent game won enough comps and most importantly, I don't hate her. That's super rare when we get down to F4. I'd be okay with Vanessa but her crying and almost everything else annoys me, so I'm going for the longshot of Liz. Of course I'm assuming she drops all communication with Bigfoot the minute she gets home to Miami. Edited September 16, 2015 by Cosmocrush 5 Link to comment
AnnieGirl September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Usually the best part of eviction night is Julie's stunning dress. Another beautiful one tonight. 3 Link to comment
Maharincess September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 For many of us, he is funny and certainly entertaining. If he "has been playing a character for the ENTIRE SUMMER," he deserves the $500,000 AND an Emmy! Could not agree more. He's the only reason I'm still watching. I think he's hilarious. I forget exactly what he said but Austin said something to Julie about entertainment when he said "after what happened with wrestling", which nobody knows or cares about. I think he really believes he's going to be a big star after BB is over. I bet he's picturing Judas Halloween costumes and people knocking on his door to make him a star. I wish I could see him when he realizes that nobody likes him. I've never thought that just winning competions is the only reason somebody should win the game. I've always hated the term floater and have never fully understood what it means and why its such a bad thing. I think Johnny Mac should win just for being so damned entertaining. 7 Link to comment
MsTree September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 For many of us, he is funny and certainly entertaining. If he "has been playing a character for the ENTIRE SUMMER," he deserves the $500,000 AND an Emmy And I hope all the SHOUTING is part of his character...because if that's really him, just no. 2 Link to comment
ghoulina September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Those bitches stole my low-fat Cheez-its! Wow, when Julie announced the surprise eviction, it looked like Steve immediately started to hyperventilate. Johnny Mac was driving me nuts. I kept screaming, "No! That's so stupid! Don't do that!" But it all worked out perfectly in the end. His Veto strategy was great, and I was glad to see he didn't throw the damn thing. I swear, that kid has Stockholm Syndrome or even consider throwing it this late in the game! And then he and Vanessa came through and did the right thing! Bye bye, Austin, with your uninspired, cookie-cutter graduation speech. What a loser. He was so arrogant, he did not see that coming. And I loved did. Right down to his little hissy fit exit. Way to keep it classy, Austin. I don't know why he is so certain Vanessa can't win jury votes. I suppose it depends on who she is up against, but she has a played a pretty good game. She is paranoid and exhausting, but not everyone votes the same. I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that people won't vote for her because they don't like her. How funny that Steve's vote was so low because he forgot a 0. I thought he was doing the Price is Right version of $1. So glad it wasn't Liz. That is all. Now she can go cry in her bed for the next few days. 4 Link to comment
justjen September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 I had my fingers crossed that Johnny Mac was going to win but no, of course it's Steve. I call bullshit to his "I forgot to put another zero" claim there at the very end. Especially since his 2 previous attempts at the exact same answer didn't have that zero. I can understand forgetting the zero once, but not three times!!! 2 Link to comment
ghoulina September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 I'm still laughing at Steve clapping over the awkward silence and saying "Good luck, Austin" as Austin stormed out of the front door. That was so awesome! Good luck with what? His (ex)girlfriend? Finding employment? "Good luck" is what Austin should have been saying to THEM on his way out, but he's too bitter for that. 2 Link to comment
ghoulina September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Anyone but Liz is my current motto. Same here. I would be fine with any of the other three. I actually like Steve and John, and don't care much for Vanessa. But she has played hard and I wouldn't be upset if she won. During the POV tonight, was I seeing things or was JMac running back to press the button by running on the ground... while the others were using the balance beam to get to the button? Yes, he was. But JMac wasn't using the 20 second timer at all. He was letting it run out, because he wasn't putting anything on the board. He only ran back when he was going into the negative, so he wouldn't be out of the game entirely (like Vanessa). Using the balance beam was for keeping your magnets on the board, if you fell off while running back and forth, your pieces fell as well. Since he had no pieces up, it didn't matter. Ugh! I hate, hate HATE this! About 7 weeks ago I made a post that the game was now in a dangerous place where someone would realize dragging a do nothing floater like Steve to the end would be their best chance to win the game...and I guess Vanessa latched onto that. The ONLY reason he is in position now to win HOH is because he was a floater while people early in the summer were playing the game. There were whole episodes where he appeared once and maybe even not at all. MMV, but I don't see Steve as a floater. IMO, a "floater" is someone who flies under the radar because they really aren't interested in the game. Someone like Victoria who just sit around all day doing their hair and hoping people like her enough to keep her around. It's not strategy. Whereas, with Steve, I believe he intentionally stayed under the radar during the beginning of the game. I think it WAS strategy with him. And it worked out well. I'm pretty sure he even mentioned before throwing comps so people wouldn't take notice of him. When he won the double eviction HOH, he wasn't intending to - and he was pretty pissed about it. So I don't have a problem with someone who plays a low key game to get them further, and I do think he's really stepped it up here in the end. But, in my eyes, all of his moves, tactics, etc. in the house have been intentional. I see him plotting it all out in his head like a chess game. 1 Link to comment
laurakaye September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) Vanessa being more emotional than Liz regarding was unexpected. It took me a few seconds before I realized it was Vanessa sobbing and not Liz...and then I laughed and laughed. How did Steve win HoH? He forgot to put the "zero" on the end of his math computation. Which he then proceeds to tell everyone. See, I just don't see handing this guy half a million dollars for his . . . strategery. I don't know, Steve's hands were shaking like crazy while he was writing, I almost believe he forgot the zero based on his shocked expression when Julie gave the correct number - I don't know if he's that good of an actor. There was SO much to like about this episode. My favorite part was Vanessa in the HOH room, her face all puffy and slimy from sobbing...but it wasn't because she was crying, it was because of what she was wearing: a bright orange tee shirt, a yellow hoodie, her burgundy beanie and the green eyeshadow. She looked like a regurgitated bag of Skittles. Edited September 16, 2015 by laurakaye 3 Link to comment
Primetimer September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Is John really crazy enough to make the game moves he's talking about? Yes. But will he? Read the story Link to comment
Wootini September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 It took nearly the entire season, but finally someone made a move that actually made logical sense! I know, right? When Johnny Mac voted out Austin, I was thrilled because it meant forcing Vanessa to stand up and pick a side in front of everyone. Voting someone out to their face is always harder than just giving an "anonymous" vote to Julie in the DR. And when she voted out Austin, me and my husband probably scared everyone in the building with our squeals of delight! It was glorious! Especially after that asinine nominee speech from Austin. WTF was that BS? Mentioning The Bold & The Beautiful again (nice try, dude, but as I said on Twitter, you're neither.) and even name-dropping that awful-looking new CBS show? (Which I have no intention of watching, especially when I didn't watch it the first time when it was called Parenthood ;) ) Austin had always been a little bit of a famewhore, but in this episode, he basically just put it all out there, admitting he came into the house to advance his career and get on TV. Oh, but then he fell in "love." Ewwww. He's so desperate it's almost a bit sad. Almost. Oh, and there wasn't actually an audience, was there? Because it wasn't actually a live show, so I can't imagine they'd bother. Since we never saw a single shot with an audience member, I can only assume that Austin's applause was canned. Heh. Somehow that seems sadly appropriate for him. That HoH comp was kind of hilarious because it spoke to the 7-year-old in me with the fake dirty sentences. Obviously Steve will put up Liz and Vanessa, but it doesn't matter who he puts up, because the person who wins the Veto really holds all the power for the next elimination. Unfortunately for Vanessa, I don't know if her crocodile tears are going to be enough to get her through to the final 3… I think her game is falling apart around her. (I hope Vanessa isn't hoping to parlay this into any kind of acting career like Austin, because her acting skills are… well, they're not good, to be polite.) As for Brenchel, yeah, they're not as obnoxious as Frankie. Because when they're not in the show, they're not actually as terrible in small doses. But even a glimpse of Frankie is enough to send me into a white hot blinding rage. I would assume that they're going to announce their engagement. Unless they already got married? I don't remember. Last time I saw them was on The Amazing Race, and I don't remember their status. I feel like Brendon was still not proposing and Rachel was getting irritated. Because I'd much rather have him propose to her or announce their engagement than announce that they're breeding… :) 2 Link to comment
laurakaye September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Any chance Vanessa threw the Veto comp? Her reaction after she ran her clock out was odd - she sat down and jutted out her lower lip like a pouting toddler. If she really wanted to win and made such a stupid blunder, I'd have expected her to show a lot more emotion. We know she knows how to do that. I would like to see a final 2 of John/Steve...and John, when he gets up to make his speech to the jury, abandons "Crazy John" for "I've Been Playing You Guys All Summer John," makes an incredibly coherent and lucid speech about why he should win, and the shocked jury gives him all the votes. But Steve is cute and I wouldn't mind if he won, either. 5 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) She looked like a regurgitated bag of Skittles. Hah! Maybe she can get a spokesperson deal. I would assume that they're going to announce their engagement. I read elsewhere that they're getting a reality show. So it could be pregnancy, engagement, etc., all to be covered on the show. Whereas, with Steve, I believe he intentionally stayed under the radar during the beginning of the game. I think it WAS strategy with him. I think Steve might be the kind of person who doesn't do well in large groups and tends to try to hide in the background. Once the house numbers got pared down he really started to come out of his shell more and more. I think he does better with a smaller number of people because then it's easier for him to interact with each of them on a personal level. Edited September 16, 2015 by Joimiaroxeu 3 Link to comment
Ceeg September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Rachel and Brendon have been married for like 3 years. 2 Link to comment
Wouldofshouldof September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 No Julie, I really, really, really, really, don't want to see Brenchel again and I don't care if they are breeding or whatever. Bleh. These are the people who think we want to see Jesse and Frankie repeatedly, too. Pretty sure a clue can't be bought. 4 Link to comment
AbsoluteShower September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 After last night's awesome eviction, I now have an image of Vanessa constantly scrubbing her hands in the bathroom like Lady Macbeth. "Blood on my hands...blood on my much blood..." 8 Link to comment
Sweets McGee September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 (edited) I've never thought that just winning competions is the only reason somebody should win the game. I've always hated the term floater and have never fully understood what it means and why its such a bad thing. I think Johnny Mac should win just for being so damned entertaining. You had me until the last sentence. We can thank Rachel for making floaters seen as a bad thing. "Floaters, grab a life vest!" Personally I think it's a very valid - if not superior - strategy to just winning comps. John certainly should not win for being entertaining, and he shouldn't win because he's been evicted already. I wouldn't mind a Steve win. I've been Team Vanessa all game though. She might have way too much blood on her hands at this point though. And a Liz win wouldn't be the worst thing that has ever happened (that would be Jordan winning). Edited September 16, 2015 by Sweets McGee Link to comment
Wings September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 I came to like Rachael and Brendon; it took awhile but I did! I am looking forward to seeing them. Jesse has now become the cringe and moan regular. I suspect the Ariana concert was a free set up for CBS, moan and cringe worthy too! Link to comment
Ceeg September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 We can thank Rachel for making floaters seen as a bad thing. "Floaters, grab a life vest!" Personally I think it's a very valid - if not superior - strategy to just winning comps. Targeting floaters (or anyone who doesn't win comps) is a legitimately smart strategy for strong competitors like Rachel and Vanessa, though. That's why I had no problem with Vanessa targeting Meg, and evicting Julia over Liz, and targeting John over Austin/Liz. A strong competitor is always going to be targeted over floaters, and a floater can always be dragged to the end because they're beatable in the final comps and with jury votes. I came to like Rachael and Brendon; it took awhile but I did! Same. I actually liked them their original season, because I thought Britney and everyone else were just sooo mean to her and behind her back. Yeah she's annoying, but I'm not into the mean-girl attitudes about her either. 5 Link to comment
Sweets McGee September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Targeting floaters (or anyone who doesn't win comps) is a legitimately smart strategy for strong competitors like Rachel and Vanessa, though. That's why I had no problem with Vanessa targeting Meg, and evicting Julia over Liz, and targeting John over Austin/Liz. A strong competitor is always going to be targeted over floaters, and a floater can always be dragged to the end because they're beatable in the final comps and with jury votes. Yeah, agree with you there. It really depends on how the game is going. Meg especially was a Jordan waiting to happen. Get dragged to the end and win because bitter jury hates the other person. Link to comment
AbsoluteShower September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Sadly, here's what Steve has to look forward to during his HOH reign... "Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math Nominate Johnny do the math..." 6 Link to comment
Ceeg September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Nominations are meaningless now. All that matters is that Steve has secured F3 for himself, and whoever wins Veto will decide who goes home (unless Steve wins Veto, in which case, he'll decide who gets the vote to send someone home). Link to comment
Former Nun September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 And I hope all the SHOUTING is part of his character...because if that's really him, just no. When his family, patients, and dental office staff were interviewed early in the season they said the "character" on the show is NOT the guy they know, love, and respect. Guess we shall see............ 2 Link to comment
Wootini September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 I actually think Steve did have a strategy, and laying low is a strategy. It was probably his best option because he IS pretty socially awkward, so it's not like he could rely on the social game the way that Johnny Mac did. And he couldn't get into a showmance for safety like Liz and Austin did. And it's dangerous to play super hard like Vanessa is probably going to find out. (Seriously, anyone who takes her to the end is an idiot because EVERYONE in the jury is going to reward her gameplay. Even Austin… unless she's up against Liz, in which case Liz will get one vote to win from Austin.) In this game, I've always felt like Floaters were players who "floated" between multiple alliances. I never felt like Steve did that, really. Although my memory is spotty, and I could be wrong. I'm sure if I am wrong, one of you will let me know! :) I felt like Steve had his loyalties, and didn't really bounce around. I'd actually love to see a Steve/Johnny Mac final two because I think it might be a close vote. Of course, knowing the way this show works, Vanessa will be one of the final two and it will be basically unanimous that she wins. Because BB just loves their unanimous votes now! 3 Link to comment
AbsoluteShower September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Also, what's with Steve and all the hugging? It's like he just discovered girls or something... 2 Link to comment
AbsoluteShower September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 "It's time for some blood people!" aka Phrases You Never Want To Hear Your Dentist Say... 17 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Also, what's with Steve and all the hugging? It's like he just discovered girls or something... Steve and his "can I have a hug" bother the shit out of me. I do not necessarily believe he's a secret perv (though that "I'd like a chocolate shoved up my ass, depending on who's doing the shoving" was tres head-tilting), but that forced physical contact is so uncomfortable. What, is someone going to say "no, Steve, it makes me uncomfortable"? Perhaps that's what Becky did to him to warrant the bizarre diary room hate-on! Link to comment
Lady Calypso September 16, 2015 Share September 16, 2015 Steve and his "can I have a hug" bother the shit out of me. I do not necessarily believe he's a secret perv (though that "I'd like a chocolate shoved up my ass, depending on who's doing the shoving" was tres head-tilting), but that forced physical contact is so uncomfortable. What, is someone going to say "no, Steve, it makes me uncomfortable"? Perhaps that's what Becky did to him to warrant the bizarre diary room hate-on! Maybe it makes him uncomfortable, so he feels the need to ask every time he wants to hug someone? I agree it's uncomfortable to us viewers and can be to the other person, but it's better than someone giving another person an unwarranted hug when they don't want one. At least this way, if someone doesn't want a hug, they can say no and Steve can say ok and leave. I think it's just a foreign concept to us that asking for physical contact is so rare. But then again, if I look at it through the possibility of Steve having Asperger's, it makes total sense. For me, floaters are people who go from one side to the other, pretending to be aligned with whoever holds the power, but never quite committing to anyone. It's not the fact that floaters will turn on others when it's good for their game, but rather they'd turn on people who have had their back just because the HOH, and their alliance, want a particular person out. Basically, they can't make up their minds and are more willing to turn on potential allies due to the situation of the house in that week, more whether it's not beneficial to their game. And then once the tide turns, they switch over to the people in power. So, for me, laying low and floating are two different things. Steve had been the outsider for weeks. The only ally he had for so long was actually Vanessa. Everyone else had him as a potential number but Vanessa took him in and offered him an alliance. John and Becky kind of had an alliance but they were also outsiders until they also had to choose a side. But none of them were floaters, as they all had a side chosen once someone did let them in. I guess John might be closer to being a floater, but not by his choice; it was because nobody really wanted him. I would say there are no floaters this season. Victoria from last season wasn't even a floater; she was more of a pawn in Derrick's game. Andy from 15 was kind of closer to the definition of a floater, but again, mileage varies on the definition. 1 Link to comment
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