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Season 2 Discussion

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I'm still trying to recover from a double dose of Luca, a character possibly more annoying than Abby.  I kind of wished he was killed at the beginning.


Abby and Sebastian weren't too bad together.  They make her like some superwoman and nobody comes close to her.  Never makes a mistake.  Sebastian is different.


I'm not crazy about being force fed Bishop  ugh.

Glad I decided to watch NCIS live because I don't usually watch this version. I would have missed part 2. Not a bad resolution. I am usually in the minority because I really like Abby and Bishop. I actually loved that Luca was an even sunnier version of Abby, Despite Abby's flaws she is capable of seeing people's flaws her brother is not.

Not sure why they put the Bishop divorce thing on part 2. That would've worked better on part 1 but I guess since the writers are assuming you are watching both shows they just put it there.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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All in all, a very nicely done crossover.  Loved the back and forths between the two MEs.  I wasn't so fond of all the agents being all up in each other's business with the NOLA team knowing all about Tony's breakup and Bishop's divorce.  That seemed...forced and entirely unnecessary as a ploy to make it seem like all the agents know and care about each other.  They can be friends without being all up in each other's private lives.  I expect that from Tim and Tony, or Bishop and Tim, or Pride and LaSalle or Brody and LaSalle, but not between Brody and Bishop or Brody and Tony.  Those were false notes to me.  Especially since Brody as well as Percy have been introduced as "tough as nails, don't give a crap about your personal life" female agents who have softened toward their own team.  They should have been friendly to the DC team, and open and interested in getting to know them better, but having them all gleefully and gossipy supportive of their love lives was just wrong.


That said, I have to say that Percy is really growing on me as a team member.  At first I thought she'd be like a token gimmick--classic tough black girl from the projects trying to work from within to better her community--and at first she really was like that, very prickly, quick-tempered, fast to take offense.  But either the writers or the actress have mellowed the character to become a real person, which is nice.  I like how she's now integrated into the team, and the actress and character have great chemistry with the rest of the cast.

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Well..it took me this long to like Scott Bakula's acting in something other than Quantum Leap. This really is a great vehicle for him....and the chemistry in the NOLA cast is pretty good..or at least palpable....

I must admit the new chick is growing on me..and Daryl Mitchell's character is a nice addition....and CCH Pounder just rules any scene she is in...

She should have a crossover episode with original recipe..

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Having DVRed original recipe, I didn't know this was a two part crossover, and they did it in such a way as to make sure that using the DVR would make it poop out in the middle of the second episode and make certain you couldn't use the on-demand feature without having to rewatch the entire part one in it's entirety. Not cool at all.

To make things even worse going to the CBS website, in order to see the second part, you had to see ALL the commercials from the first before it started.

I don't personally know anyone who has Russian roots (parents or self born there) but if I did, I would probably just assume that he/she is a spy because if you believe TV, everyone from Russia is a spy.


I would have preferred Tony or Tim to go to LA and pass over the 57 or so Bishopanvils being dropped. Who in the creative studios said "I've got a great idea! Let's have Jake cheat on Bishop!" should be fired.


I agree that new girl is coming in well. I like all of the people on NOLA now that the show has gone on long enough that I have a clue about who's who and maybe a half sentence about their background.


Sebastian - All you have to say to Abby is, "Your brother is an adult over whom I have no control. I'm sorry that this is frustrating for you but your reaction is not my responsibility to control".


This is more on the mothership part of the ep but there was no need for any suspense about Luca being dead, because there is no way on the blue earth that the writers would cause that kind of strife in Abby's life. Everyone else, sure, but Special Snowflake Abby, never. 

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OMG, Abby, just shut. Up! Poor Sebastian doesn't have to deal with yours and your brother's bullshit, actually. And your brother is not a teenager, so go away and shut up.


Sorry, writers, when Russians say they like drinking tea with jam, that doesn't mean literally putting jam in the cup of tea. Because that? Is disgusting. *facepalm*

Edited by CooperTV
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No posts so far?  I'm surprised.


I thought this episode was better than the mothership episode.


I knew the brother was going to be involved in the human trafficking and I even suspected the mother for awhile too.  Glad it turned out that they weren't really involved, just trying to get their sister/daughter back.


I don't know why people think it's okay to put up a dating profile for someone else.  I liked Pride's response to them - I appreciate your concern but stay out of my business.

Edited by Trey
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Thanks, Trey. I've been meaning to post but I've been busy and you said pretty much what I was thinking!


I was missing Sonja this week - mainly because I wanted her to give the smack down on the guys for posting a dating profile for Pride. The guy came out of a decades long marriage..a divorce he didn't really want...there is nothing wrong with him spending some time on his own. In fact I think it's probably healthy. I'm really not big on any kind of pairing with him anyway. I'm still upset they wrote in a divorce on some pretty ridiculous reasoning.

Good on the gals for not taking part in that silliness! And Sebastian, the expert on women! Yea, right! I do like the guy, but , seriously!

I did like that Pride took down his old buddy without a second thought. Guy deserves jail time and deserves no favors. I come from a la enforcement family and I HATE bad cops.

I enjoyed this episode...and the family moments had me tearing up! I want Cade back!

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So I'm playing catch-up...commenting as I watch this ep.... and my first thought is - Loretta said they the "methodology was cold" and that the removal of the tongue was "surgical". Yet, the killer leaves behind the Top Secret folders instead of just taking the whole pile with him? NCIS would never have been involved otherwise.

I'm inclined to believe the SEAL commander that bonded with Sonja is our killer.

No wait..there is a Bolivian refugee conveniently cooperating with our team. It's probably him. We shall see.

The SEAL with depression is an obvious red herring..oops..never mind, he's dead already! Oh, but hey, there is a cellphone! Conveniently left behind, though he had time to take out the sim chip.

Aww...Patton! Never change!

Oh wait, and there is Sebastian talking about greater meaning in the world. I may be of one mind with him! Minus the geek knowledge.

And Jensen fights our heroes but doesn't kill them outright? So I'm thinking HE can't be the killer.

And Senastian determines the massacre photo is photoshopped. Yay, Senastian. So...if the SEALs are being framed, I'm still leaning to the Bolivian being involved.

Sebastian and Patton working together! Geek heaven!

Wow..CIA! I admit. I did NOT see THAT one coming! And he sure is cocky. Cute. But cocky. I'm not convinced he's guilty.

Bam! It's the Bolivian! And the CIA agent too?

Despite my critical analysis, I really did like the episode. I enjoy the interactions among the team.

Wow, the NCIS shows are really failing at the science tonight.

Malignant hyperthermia is not an allergic reaction, you cannot tell that a person had malignant hyperthermia by looking at their eyes, and sodium pentobarbital is actually considered safe for patients who have had malignant hyperthermia in response to other anaesthetics.

Also, the drug company that made sodium pentobarbital stopped making it a few years ago over concerns regarding it being brought into the American market to be used for lethal injections.


It was a relatively interesting episode, though. The mayor is a good recurring character. I was sad the guy died in the end, though.

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I was just thinking about Brody and the pics myself. It's been a long time since they picked up that storyline.


I am really glad they added Sonja to the team, I like her interactions with everyone. I also love that the entire time talking about Marion, I assumed it would be a black woman, so I like that I was surprised it wasn't.

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I hope it's not an ongoing thing of Pride not trusting Sonja. That will get old fast, and he can't really have a team he doesn't trust.

Yes it will get old, but at the same time I don't want Pride to just let her slide. Sonja ran off to join in a deep cover op with another agency without so much as telling Pride what she was doing or why, then had the sheer audacity to spend the episode putting down Pride for not trusting her after what she pulled. Newsflash lady! If you do things that give people perfectly good reason not to trust you they probably won't, and you can't just expect to get their trust back just like *SNAP* that.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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I just want to say I called it as soon as they said the wife was out of town in Pensacola.  It sure took them long enough to check into her.

Yeah, that line of "We both agreed that his inheritance money should be donated to the charity" sticking it to the memory of his awful father after just saying that they had put all their money into a new house? Part of it, sure, but $200,000 when you're near broke? That raises a red flag there. 

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