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So I have to suffer thru 2 weeks of the sports world slurping all things Patriots....and God help me I dont see either team coming out of the NFC having enough experience and poise to beat them...so most likely we're looking at a 6th SB championship...and back to back at that.  Im so disgusted. 

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1 minute ago, FuriousStyles said:

So I have to suffer thru 2 weeks of the sports world slurping all things Patriots....and God help me I dont see either team coming out of the NFC having enough experience and poise to beat them...so most likely we're looking at a 6th SB championship...and back to back at that.  Im so disgusted. 

A Jacksonville-Vikings/Eagles SB would have been so refreshing. Oh,well. 

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The next two weeks I expect there will be an epidemic of a lot of brown, nasty stuff in sportswriters' eyes.  It will take them a while to figure out that it's because they've had their heads up Brady's ass.

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10 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

My Patriots hatred is getting out of control.

Seriously. I cant even watch this game or I would have gotten ragey around the kids. I've already resigned to the fact that the Cheatriots are going to win another SB this year, and then maybe we can finally be rid of Brady and Belichick. Screw the AFC for not beating these fuckers. Figure I will be too busy stuffing my face at a party to watch them win, and then leave the room when they get the Lombardi trophy handed to them.

Edited by twoods
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7 minutes ago, FuriousStyles said:

So I have to suffer thru 2 weeks of the sports world slurping all things Patriots....and God help me I dont see either team coming out of the NFC having enough experience and poise to beat them...so most likely we're looking at a 6th SB championship...and back to back at that.  Im so disgusted. 

Colin Cowherd will be leading the way in annoying coverage of them. 

I'm hoping that the Vikings win today. Nothing against Philly, but I don't see a Nick Foles led Eagles team beating the Patriots. IMO, Philly/NE is the worst possible Superbowl matchup of the four teams. If the Eagles win their game today, I think that's almost guaranteeing that the Patriots win a 6th Superbowl. 

I think that the Vikings have a better chance. A good defense, and I think that Case may end up playing better than Bortles played today. (Though Bortles played well in the 1st half) But who knows maybe the Jags will end up being the Patriots toughest game in these playoffs. It's disappointing that they didn't do more in the 2nd half. If Blake and the offense had made a couple of more plays, I believe they could have won that game. 

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7 minutes ago, Jx223 said:

If Blake and the offense had made a couple of more plays, I believe they could have won that game. 

Yes, for sure. I feel like the Jags ran out of steam, and I think the Pats defense stepped up in the second half to shut down the running game. There was a stretch where they kept getting the ball back at the 10-15 a couple times and just couldn't put enough plays together to get down the field. 

After so many 3 and outs, I think the defense got just tired. 

I'm not a hater, and that's fine whomever is, but I'm not looking forward to all the media coverage either so I'm just going to skip much of it. 

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New England was penalized once during today’s AFC championship game. The last time that happened? In the 2011 NFC championship game, when they were also penalized just once. 

Are the Patriots that disciplined, or does someone really, really want to see the Patriots in the Super Bowl. Again. SMH

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5 minutes ago, topanga said:

New England was penalized once during today’s AFC championship game. The last time that happened? In the 2011 NFC championship game, when they were also penalized just once. 

Are the Patriots that disciplined, or does someone really, really want to see the Patriots in the Super Bowl. Again. SMH

No big shocker there. I'm sure there was plenty of defensive holding that would have gotten the Jags first downs, but instead the fans are treated to two back breaking PIs on the Jags.

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2 minutes ago, ganesh said:

The Jags were only penalized 6 times though. That's not a lot either. The refs also weren't responsible for Bortles making some poor throws in the second half either. 


Just now, twoods said:

No big shocker there. I'm sure there was plenty of defensive holding that would have gotten the Jags first downs, but instead the fans are treated to two back breaking PIs on the Jags.

Both good points. As my husband tells the little topangas, ‘you’ve got to play beyond the refs. Don’t wait for the refs to bail you out.’

JAX just didn’t have it in the second half. When they couldn’t move the ball after the defense gave them a gift-wrapped forced fumble, I knew in my heart it was over. 

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I can understand the appeal of Tony Romo. But I also can understand the hatred.

Troy Aikman is dull as doornails, but he just blends in with the action. He's innocuous. And Joe Buck has improved a lot as a broadcaster since the terrible Giants call 10 years ago.

So I don't mind him.

Romo actually brings the entertainment factor. But it just seems like he's trying too hard. Maybe he could tone it down???

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That's why Matt Patricia is such a hot commodity right now. Yes, Brady has a lot of comebacks but in order for that to happen the defense needs to step up. They seem to adjust well in the second half, and that's just good coaching.

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The hot take is always “is it bad for college football if Alabama is always in the title game/playoffs?” and “is it bad that UConn wins so much and is always in the title game {2017 notwithstanding}” and “is it bad for the NFL to have the Pats win so much and always be in the Super Bowl?”


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13 minutes ago, topanga said:

Both good points. As my husband tells the little topangas, ‘you’ve got to play beyond the refs. Don’t wait for the refs to bail you out.’

That's good advice. Or, you could say don't let the game get down to where the refs are 'deciding' the outcome. I mean, I get why people are rolling their eyes that the Pats won *again*, but the Jags had a 10 point lead going into the 4th quarter. They needed the offense to make a couple of plays and they just couldn't and didn't. Even in the 3rd quarter, the Pats barely could move the ball. 

I mean, if you're a CB and not looking back at the ball coming in and there's contact, the refs have been calling pass interference basically since the beginning of time. 

Besides, if the refs were calling the game in favor of the Pats, they wouldn't have upheld that fumble. 

It does speak to a larger context that officiating is not high quality, and I think it's because of the use of so many reviews and how everything has to be looked at 50 times. 

Edited by ganesh
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I thought it was bad enough that I'd be checking out of the SB at halftime because of fucking Justin Timberlake.  Now, thanks to the fucking Patriots, I won't' be watching any of the SB. 

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The Refs didn't give the Patriots the game, the Jags forgot to show up in the fourth quarter. The only semi-controversial call of the game went the Jags way. They took their foot off the gas, much like Atlanta did in the Super Bowl. 

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4 minutes ago, mojoween said:

The hot take is always “is it bad for college football if Alabama is always in the title game/playoffs?” and “is it bad that UConn wins so much and is always in the title game {2017 notwithstanding}” and “is it bad for the NFL to have the Pats win so much and always be in the Super Bowl?”


I agree that parity makes the game exciting. That’s one of the reasons March Madness is so fun. You never know who’s going to win it. 

But I do like that UConn has given women’s college basketball the national attention it deserves. 

And with the Patriots, so much of their success has been aided by the refs or blatant cheating (Tuck Rule, Spygate, etc). For me, it always taints my perspective. I think Tom Brady is amazing, but my disgust for the team keeps me from being able to enjoy his great play. 

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3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

The Refs didn't give the Patriots the game, the Jags forgot to show up in the fourth quarter. The only semi-controversial call of the game went the Jags way. They took their foot off the gas, much like Atlanta did in the Super Bowl. 

I don't know if I'd compare it to Atlanta because they just made terrible play calls. The main thing you want to do is keep Brady off the field, but the Pats were just able to finally get to the running game and put more of the onus on Bortles, and he just couldn't make good throws. Similarly, for someone known to make plays with his feet, Bortles had zero rushing yards. 

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4 minutes ago, Silverglitter said:

Woohoo Patriots!

I'm not even much of a football fan. I just love seeing all the foaming at the mouth hatred over them. Makes me wanna root for them and Brady at the top of my lungs. XD

Sigh. Silverglitter, are you Mariah Carey? LOL 

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18 minutes ago, topanga said:

Sigh. Silverglitter, are you Mariah Carey? LOL 

Why yes, yes I am.

Sorry, but I have no idea what you're alluding to. I mean, of course I know Mariah, but have no clue about the context of your joke. I don't know pop culture anymore. I gave up on that after high school.

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Man if Eagles make it to the Superbowl I'm going to have some serious soul searching.

I Hate the Eagles, I spent 4 years (college) being a Giants fan in Eagles territory it wasn't fun. Plus do I really want someone  from the NFC East winning the Superbowl?

On the other hand, I really Hate the Pats, I hate how the media constantly ass kisses Brady and Belichick and, I'm so damn tired of them being in the Superbowl.

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32 minutes ago, Silverglitter said:

Woohoo Patriots!

I'm not even much of a football fan. I just love seeing all the foaming at the mouth hatred over them. Makes me wanna root for them and Brady at the top of my lungs. XD

Laughs.  I don't hate them  and obviously they are a very good team. Or maybe the other teams are not as good as them on a regular basis.  I get that it would be more exciting if an underdog won once in a while.

Cheer up, Patriots haters, Brady has to retire at some point.  Then maybe they won't be so dominant.

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Yikes. I saw it was 14-7 and walked out to do  some art with the kids. Maybe we don't want the Vikings D in the SB. 

Saw a clip of an analyst on ESPN (Ryan Clark) saying that the Jags suffered from historical ignorance. Pretty spot on, relying on their defense instead of getting some more points and first downs when history shows that the last thing you want to do is be complacent against the Pats.

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

I thought it was bad enough that I'd be checking out of the SB at halftime because of fucking Justin Timberlake.  Now, thanks to the fucking Patriots, I won't' be watching any of the SB. 

Ditto....and especially if the Eagles make it too.  As a Giants fan thats a no win for me.  I cant root for either side.  I really might just sit out the whole SB this year.

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33 minutes ago, Silverglitter said:

Why yes, yes I am.

Sorry, but I have no idea what you're alluding to. I mean, of course I know Mariah, but have no clue about the context of your joke. I don't know pop culture anymore. I gave up on that after high school.

 Mariah Carey starred in a famously bad movie called ‘Glitter.’

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1 minute ago, topanga said:

 Mariah Carey starred in a famously bad movie called ‘Glitter.’

Oh, yeah, I remember that. Never saw it. While I liked Mariah's music (mostly the earlier pop stuff) it's usually a disaster when singers try to act.

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But ultimately, Jacksonville gave NE this game. The Patriots didn’t really  win it. 

IDK, had the Patriots lost I would be furious at how many self-inflicted injuries they had. I still am, actually. Much like the Super Bowl last year, a lot of today's victory was the Pats just ceasing to shoot themselves in the foot. First, I don't know WHAT the hell McDaniels was thinking, but the playcalling, especially in the third quarter, was utterly atrocious. "Let's call the same play 20 times! It keeps only getting us a yard or two, but by golly, it's got to work at SOME point, right???" Yeah, no. I was screaming at the TV for the Pats to fucking go vertical--every time they did, it worked, and then McDaniels went back to the 2-yard pass to Lewis. WTF?! McDaniels had better have a much better game plan come the Super Bowl or the Pats will be toast (also Indy you might want to rethink that decision...). Also, while it worked out so I suppose I shouldn't crank too much, I couldn't believe the Pats didn't go for it on fourth down the second time in the fourth quarter, or even tried an uber-long field goal. Against a better offense, they wouldn't have gotten the ball back.

Cooks' drop was horrifically brutal, as was the defense in the entire first half. Chung and Butler in particular looked bad (though credit to them, they turned it around some in the second half). Dion Lewis needs to hold onto the fucking ball--not just the fumble but also the dropped passes were baaaaaad. Lewis is a great weapon but they were a little too addicted to him today. When it's not working, don't force it to him. Look elsewhere. James White always come through.

On the flip side, Danny Amendola is so great. So clutch and underrated. I always thought he had a lot to offer, even when most Pats fans despised him, so I'm SO glad he's shined in the playoffs. Just a great team guy.

Gronk better be back at full strength for the Super Bowl. I thought we were going down in flames after he went out. Glad to be proven wrong about that. That was one nasty hit--I'm not sure he'd be out of the protocol in time for the game if the SB was next weekend.

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Why did Pats fans hate Amendola? I always thought he was as pretty good and a nice second option to Gronk. He seems very nice and classy as well- would love seeing him in Buffalo. At least the Pats win despite being mediocre for most of the game. It's ridiculous.

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That was about the funniest thing I've seen in a long time on a football field - there's a fight, a big scrum, the officials are trying to separate guys, and suddenly the Eagles cheerleaders run into the middle of it to do some dance number.  

Just like the Packers' big win over Dallas in last year's playoffs, the Vikes' miracle win last week becomes what Ron Wolf would call a fart in the wind.  It means nothing unless you get to the Super Bowl and win it.  

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13 minutes ago, twoods said:

Why did Pats fans hate Amendola? I always thought he was as pretty good and a nice second option to Gronk. He seems very nice and classy as well- would love seeing him in Buffalo. At least the Pats win despite being mediocre for most of the game. It's ridiculous.

Patriots fan here and I love Amendola; always have! He always turns it up for the playoffs making clutch plays.  Maybe he's less impressive in the regular season, but I've always liked him.  His Youtube videos with Edelman are also hilarious!

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