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"The View": Week of 09/14/15


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There are co-hosts on the View past and present who have said things so much worse than what Michelle and Joy said about nurses.  Where was the outrage then?  I'm cynical enough to believe this is a manufactured outrage.  Not that nurses aren't feeling slighted by what was said but that there is something else going on here.  Maybe we should take a look at who benefits from the View (and Joy in particular) having to deal with this.

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There are co-hosts on the View past and present who have said things so much worse than what Michelle and Joy said about nurses.  Where was the outrage then?


There has been plenty of outrage.  Hell, people still bring up rape-rape and ching-chong-ching.


Joy's "doctor's" stethoscope crack was stupid and unfunny, I don't feel bad that she's getting blowback for it.  She's the woman who's been touted as being so smart and the savior of the View, she should know better.  Instead her dumb joke made her look out of touch, like she hasn't set foot in a doctor's office or hospital in the past 60 years.

  • Love 5

Something's fishy here. J & J was exposed for pushing a dangerous drug http://highline.huffingtonpost.com/miracleindustry/americas-most-admired-lawbreaker/

and then they pause their advertising on The View in response to a manufactured outrage and vendetta against Joy. I smell money. 

Edited by merriebreeze
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I'm not sure at what point a question turns into a crack/joke, but YMMV, of course.

I wouldn't even know that nurses were up in arms if not for this forum. Thankfully, I'm spared the evils of Facebook outrage since I've never used it more than a handful of times, and I haven't heard it mentioned anywhere else. I'm shocked sponsors weren't threatening to leave during the daily Cosby defense earlier this year.

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Well, I don't think what Joy said was meant as a joke. It was a question, albeit an ignorant one, and she admitted, she didn't know, prior to the airing of the clip, that Miss Colorado was a nurse by profession, and that she was going to recite a monologue as part of the talent portion. She didn't watch the pageant, did she? And she admitted yesterday, she was inattentive, and didn't know what was going on.  She didn't call Miss Colorado stupid, or question why she was wearing scrubs, or make a snarky comment about wearing scrubs at a beauty pageant. This whole thing is so beyond ridiculous.


And Hell must have frozen over, because I actually liked some of the things Whoopi said yesterday and agreed with her.  And I saw Joy's point toward that you tube person.  She prefaced her statement by saying, before she [Joy] would call anyone fat, she, Joy, would call herself fat first; meaning, Joy would poke fun at herself first. Does that make sense? It was Michelle who brought up the "crossing the line" statement. Not Joy or Whoopi. And that igit was totally backtracking trying to say she was joking, and being satirical, which no. Get thee a dictionary and look up the word, you NinCOWpoop.  


That said, I do agree that I don't always find Joy's jokes funny, and tired of her constantly bringing up Lewinsky. But I love when she debates politics. Also, politicians attacking each other like Trump has started isn't anything new.  Go back to the 1800s and Congress members were always insulting and degrading each other on the floor. If any of y'all saw Lincoln, those scenes where they're fighting over the 13th Amendment? Not dramatic license. I think I looked it up and they did insult each other.  But I don't believe they need to entertain me to engage me. I'm with Whoopi on this--that's what actors are for. So shut it, Raven.


Does anyone know what that blond twit was saying that got bleeped?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I'm shocked sponsors weren't threatening to leave during the daily Cosby defense earlier this year.



That's my point. What Joy and Michelle said was intended to be a joke.  An unfunny one but still a joke.  What Whoopi said about the Cosby accusers and her indefensible defense of him was miles more offensive than what was said a couple days ago.

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She was a Baptist! All she did was change Christian denominations? That certainly hasn't been made clear. I thought it was very strange that she was newly Christian given the culture in which she lives.



I believe she was a churchgoer, but not "born again," which happened four years ago.


The whole situation reminds me of friends who have become Christians, become vegans, become chanting Buddhists, started transcendental meditation, etc. They love that their lives are transformed and are eager to share the news with the world. They are empty vessels who are being filled with whatever they are told by the people who have more experience than they do in their new passion.  As time goes on, the evangelical aspect of it usually fades, and while they are no less sincere in their beliefs, they sort out the wheat from the chaff and get a grip on what they fully embrace about their new lives and what is simply someone else's agenda.*


If Kim Davis weren't hurting people, and costing taxpayers a boatload of money, I'd nearly feel sorry for her, because she is obviously not smart enough to realize that she is acting cruelly, and is not embracing Christ's teaching that one must love one's neighbor as oneself, and is not acting like a Christian at all. She has been badly taught. The zeal is there, but not the ability to realize that she is a puppet for someone else's agenda.


* I've been a vegetarian since 1994. In that time, I've seen my BFF devour steaks every time we go out and buy herself a floor-length mink coat. Didn't say a word, not my business.  Three years ago she became a vegan, and we actually had to put our decades-long friendship on hold because she was screaming "unclean!" at me when I was putting sugar in my coffee because it's strained through animal bones or something. She also started posting horribly graphic videos to my Facebook feed.  She is still a passionate vegan and animal rights activist, but she is no longer at the KimDavisDefcon5 level of insanity, and boy, is the world happier for it.

  • Love 10

There has been plenty of outrage.  Hell, people still bring up rape-rape and ching-chong-ching.


Joy's "doctor's" stethoscope crack was stupid and unfunny, I don't feel bad that she's getting blowback for it.  She's the woman who's been touted as being so smart and the savior of the View, she should know better.  Instead her dumb joke made her look out of touch, like she hasn't set foot in a doctor's office or hospital in the past 60 years.

What was the "dumb joke" that she made??

  • Love 4

I believe she was a churchgoer, but not "born again," which happened four years ago.


The whole situation reminds me of friends who have become Christians, become vegans, become chanting Buddhists, started transcendental meditation, etc. They love that their lives are transformed and are eager to share the news with the world. They are empty vessels who are being filled with whatever they are told by the people who have more experience than they do in their new passion.  As time goes on, the evangelical aspect of it usually fades, and while they are no less sincere in their beliefs, they sort out the wheat from the chaff and get a grip on what they fully embrace about their new lives and what is simply someone else's agenda.*


If Kim Davis weren't hurting people, and costing taxpayers a boatload of money, I'd nearly feel sorry for her, because she is obviously not smart enough to realize that she is acting cruelly, and is not embracing Christ's teaching that one must love one's neighbor as oneself, and is not acting like a Christian at all. She has been badly taught. The zeal is there, but not the ability to realize that she is a puppet for someone else's agenda.


* I've been a vegetarian since 1994. In that time, I've seen my BFF devour steaks every time we go out and buy herself a floor-length mink coat. Didn't say a word, not my business.  Three years ago she became a vegan, and we actually had to put our decades-long friendship on hold because she was screaming "unclean!" at me when I was putting sugar in my coffee because it's strained through animal bones or something. She also started posting horribly graphic videos to my Facebook feed.  She is still a passionate vegan and animal rights activist, but she is no longer at the KimDavisDefcon5 level of insanity, and boy, is the world happier for it.

I was feeling the same way. That she was something of a "baby" Christian. I felt bad for her that church leaders weren't helping her through this more effectively. But when I heard she was a Baptist. The "born again" language is quite Baptist in origin more than it is Apostolic Pentecostal IMO

  • Love 2
I don't feel bad that she's getting blowback for it.



The "blowback" is out of control.  Friends of mine (we're in our 70s) who were nurses and are on Facebook are posting/reposting all kinds of hatred for Joy Behar over an inattentive (even ignorant) comment.  They're gathering their organizations to boycott The View and Joy.  This is more than viral.  

  • Love 4

I really believed Joy when she said she wasn't paying attention when she asked the six word question that is sending tidewaves thru the medical community. I did, however, think she was rude to John Kasick today when he didn't want to discuss Donald Trump. He didn't chicken out. He's smart enough to know the way to get Trump out of the headlines is to stop talking about him.

  • Love 8

Hello, Viewers. We'd like to remind you that this is not a political or news forum. While "The View" does include current and political events, we won't allow debate of these issues beyond the mentions of it on the show. Political and other news discussions are discouraged across all PTV forums. We consider it off topic and will hide posts if it happens. Thank you.

  • Love 3

I did, however, think she was rude to John Kasick today when he didn't want to discuss Donald Trump. He didn't chicken out. He's smart enough to know the way to get Trump out of the headlines is to stop talking about him.



The View has always worshipped Donald Trump.  Even when he insults various co-hosts they still treat him as if he is the second coming. 

  • Love 8
I think the whole nurse thing is rediculous. Joy misspoke and explained why and Michelle has profusely apologized.


I'm a nurse. I saw the clip, and I do agree that Joy was just foolish and her apology was fine. I think it escalated even more when the response of other hosts was essentially (and I'm paraphrasing for sure), what's the matter with you dumb nurses? Didn't you listen? Didn't you understand that we didn't mean anything by it?  The attitude espoused by Raven and Whoopi during the apology just made matters worse.


They, unfortunately, stumbled accidentally upon an extremely sensitive subject for a very opinionated and strong group. As a profession, nurses tend to be outspoken, stubborn, and opinionated.  We are often subjected to comments like, "You're smart, why aren't you a doctor?" and "You can't help, you're just a nurse". So when Joy asked why she was wearing a doctor's stethoscope, she inadvertently stumbled into an enormous insult to nurses. I believe her when she says she didn't mean it that way. I am a reasonable person. But then the View didn't acknowledge that while in their opinion this was taken in the wrong way by 3 million nurses, they may have some ownership in understanding that what was said was very offensive to us. To have such an enormous group up in arms and then blow them off by saying, "Well, you just didn't listen right", is the wrong way to soothe ruffled feathers.  They should recognize that this huge groundswell of anger is a pretty big sign to them saying they fucked up big time. Instead of acknowledging the fuckup, they defended themselves.  You explain and apologize sincerely. Not, "We're sorry you feel that way" - how about, "We had no idea what we said was awful, and we are sorry WE MADE you feel that way."


Just one nurse's opinion. I don't really have time to be angry and participate in active boycotts, but it sure is amusing watching the hubbub!

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Joy's big defense is she wasn't paying attention. Ok, then why say anything at all?  I mean I really get that these women are being paid to criticize everyone and anyone but when you don't know what you're talking about the smart thing to do is to maybe just keep your mouth shut.  And my two cents worth - nurses are up in arms over the implication that nurses wouldn't need a stethoscope (I mean all they do is give bed pans right?) but they are also angry about the way Michelle Collins mocked what they do.  Maybe the monologue wasn't a talent but it was heartfelt and something a lot of people in the audience could relate to, most people don't appreciate it when stuff like that gets used for comic fodder on a talk show.

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Joy's big defense is she wasn't paying attention. Ok, then why say anything at all?  I mean I really get that these women are being paid to criticize everyone and anyone but when you don't know what you're talking about the smart thing to do is to maybe just keep your mouth shut.  And my two cents worth - nurses are up in arms over the implication that nurses wouldn't need a stethoscope (I mean all they do is give bed pans right?) but they are also angry about the way Michelle Collins mocked what they do.  Maybe the monologue wasn't a talent but it was heartfelt and something a lot of people in the audience could relate to, most people don't appreciate it when stuff like that gets used for comic fodder on a talk show.

I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't offended by Michelle's comments about her "reading her email" because that sounded to me more like a commentary on her performance than on her profession. The truly offensive part to me was Joy's offhand comment, and even though that was the worst part, I do understand that Joy didn't mean it the way it came out.  The "apology" just made it all worse.  

  • Love 1

Pixel, I really appreciate this -



They, unfortunately, stumbled accidentally upon an extremely sensitive subject for a very opinionated and strong group. As a profession, nurses tend to be outspoken, stubborn, and opinionated.  We are often subjected to comments like, "You're smart, why aren't you a doctor?" and "You can't help, you're just a nurse". So when Joy asked why she was wearing a doctor's stethoscope, she inadvertently stumbled into an enormous insult to nurses. I believe her when she says she didn't mean it that way. I am a reasonable person. But then the View didn't acknowledge that while in their opinion this was taken in the wrong way by 3 million nurses, they may have some ownership in understanding that what was said was very offensive to us.


I can understand how some folks are hyper-sensitive around things that the rest of us may be clueless about. My apologies along with Joy's. I still say Joy's the most empathetic one on the panel and I'm sure she didn't mean to offend anyone in the nursing profession. 

Edited by merriebreeze
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 but they are also angry about the way Michelle Collins mocked what they do.  Maybe the monologue wasn't a talent but it was heartfelt and something a lot of people in the audience could relate to, most people don't appreciate it when stuff like that gets used for comic fodder on a talk show.

I agree with you, CherryAmes. Michelle should be taking the flak for bringing up the subject instead of Joy. But you're right in that Joy shouldn't have made a comment if she didn't know what the clip was all about. Do you think there has been an overreaction to this whole thing, though? I take it that you are a nurse, so I would like to know your opinion. 

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Oh I'm definitely seeing a big reaction and in the context that this was just a dumb comment on a TV show I'd agree there's an overreaction going on but there are a few layers of anger going on here.  One that I haven't seen mentioned here so far but have heard discussed elsewhere is the idea that at least part of the problem with what Joy said was that a woman with a stethoscope is what surprised her.  If she really wasn't paying attention why did she assume the woman was a nurse and not a doctor in the first place?  Because nurses are girls and doctors are boys?  I think that may be reaching a bit to take offense but man did she open a big can of worms!

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Honestly, what a knee jerk reaction by J&J ( and I am a stockholder) and Eggland's ( whose eggs I often buy here in AZ). How could the PR people at these big businesses watch the actual show where they pagent was discussed and see it was anything other than a dig at the fact that someone reciting a monologue is not real talent for the talent portion of the show. I will be emailing both companies. Nurses, as a whole, could be using there collective voices to comment and rally about so many other healthcare issues.

P.S. I checked with two close friends who are nurses (30+ years each) and they agree with me and think the whole thing is silly.

  • Love 10

 You explain and apologize sincerely. Not, "We're sorry you feel that way" - how about, "We had no idea what we said was awful, and we are sorry WE MADE you feel that way."


I agree that "We're sorry/I'm sorry you feel that way" is utterly lame and dismissive in any context. But, in my humble opinion, no one can MAKE you (the generic you) feel a particular way without your consent and that includes nurses.

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Nurses, as a whole, could be using there collective voices to comment and rally about so many other healthcare issues.


I'd be surprised if they aren't.


This whole "there are bigger issues to be upset over" thing has always bugged me.  I'm perfectly capable of being annoyed/upset/irked/outraged/mildly ticked off about any number of things pretty much simultaneously :).

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If anyone should be offended it should be pageant participants since it didn't seem to occur to Joy that Miss Colorado could be a real nurse. She thought it was a costume.

Miss Colorado was just on Ellen. She is really adorable. Very smart, funny, and likable. She talked about what the monologue meant to her but didn't mention the controversy.

What do these loving, compassionate nurses want from Joy? It is unbelievable how nasty and mean some of them are about this.



It's disappointing.  A group of educated and compassionate women are jumping on a bandwagon to attack another educated and compassionate woman.  Most of them don't even know the context.  Oh, well....

  • Love 10
The "blowback" is out of control.  Friends of mine (we're in our 70s) who were nurses and are on Facebook are posting/reposting all kinds of hatred for Joy Behar over an inattentive (even ignorant) comment.  They're gathering their organizations to boycott The View and Joy.  This is more than viral


.My mother was an RN as was her mother and I was a ward clerk on a oncology floor.  I  have son with devastating illness and surgery lost my husband to cancer last year, I could not have made it thru any of the above without the help and kindness and brilliance of nurses.  Nurses are at the bedside 8-10-12 hours they pick up when a patient is going bad..........not the doctor who breezes in without their stethoscope.  As a rule I do not let anyone say anything negative about nurses or really call them out on it.  My mother was a force to be dealt with who kicked her hat down a catholic hospital hall when nurses did not get a raise but the nuns bought new silverware. The  inattention to what was on the screen by Joy the question she had about why the stethoscope is just that: inattention.      If anyone who does not watch pagents ( ME!!)  saw that clip would say the same thing....how odd what she doing? Why is she in scrubs and wearing a stethoscope?.  Of all the crap nurses have to put up with on a daily basis they need to put that energy to rally around a candidate that is not going to change women's rights, unions, the health care system or sending our loved ones to war . Here in CA nurses have been in the union for a very long time.

Someone in the know do nurses own their own stethoscopes now? They were hospital property when I was last an employee.

Are we going to keep giving this horse CPR ?

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How curious that this show (supposedly) done for women by women about women is being raked over the coals for insulting a profession traditionally held by women.  Hmm <chin scratch> in a way, I guess it makes sense ... who better to insult, I guess.  Right? 


At any rate.  Of course Joy's comment was ignorant - to begin with she didn't know what she was talking about, and she ought to not make her stupid remarks when she is totally in the dark about the subject at hand, in this instance not being aware the contestant was in fact a nurse.  And Joy really showed how out of date she is ... she really, seriously thinks only doctors use stethoscopes?  Really?  That is just kind of incredible. 


But the reaction to it?  I'm not so sure.  I can totally get with a bunch of nurses creating a campaign to "Show Us Your Stethoscopes!"  That seems intended to educate people, and I am okay with that.  But a boycott, first by nurses and now by sponsors?  It seems disproportionate to the offense.  Joy's "crime" was one of ignorance, not intention.  She wasn't really being insulting, she was being dense.  Perhaps the apology/not apology inflamed things.  I think they would have been better off just ignoring the controversy if that was the best they could do, quite frankly.


Still, the fact remains that (to my knowledge) this show has not suffered a loss of sponsors before, when some of the most offensive diatribes I've ever witnessed on television were made on it's stage.   There were, of course, huge audience/media backlashes over Whoopi's repeated defense of several different rapists, but I don't recall sponsors showing the kind of outrage over those remarks they are showing over this stethoscope comment.  Where were the outraged sponsors when Whoopi was defending Roman Polanski and Ben Roethlisberger and Billy Cosby?*  


There is just something about J&J and Eggland's Best's decision to join the fray that strikes me as opportunistic.   It is just too easy. There is no real controversy, no big issue being argued about, no one really defending what Joy Behar said.  It feels like these companies are interjecting themselves into the fray in order to score a little free publicity while ostensibly supporting nurses (who doesn't love nurses?), all at absolutely no risk of anyone taking the "other side" against them.  It really feels like pandering more than sincere support of nurses and the important work they do.    YMMV.


*Maybe someone out there knows more about how sponsors responded to the things Whoopi has said and will share.  But I tried to search to see if I could find any reference to a sponsor backlash, and couldn't.  Maybe someone else will have better luck.


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I agree that "We're sorry/I'm sorry you feel that way" is utterly lame and dismissive in any context. But, in my humble opinion, no one can MAKE you (the generic you) feel a particular way without your consent and that includes nurses.

See, when people say that I feel like it's therapy speak. Sure, nobody can make me feel something if I choose not to, and in theory that's correct. But in reality, when someone says something shitty to you (the generic you), it's pretty much going to make you feel a certain way about it. How you choose to act on those feelings or allow them to fester vs blowing them off and moving on is up to you. But the idea that something external is only a catalyst for your feelings if you allow it is not reality, in my opinion. If we could truly control our emotional responses to perceived hurts, there wouldn't ever be any hurt feelings at all. Who would choose to be upset if they could choose otherwise, 100 percent of the time?

Edited by Pixel
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The live stream of AFTER THE VIEW is interesting.  NO WHOPPI!

So I guess this is the latest gimmick on the reboot?  Well, WWHL has always had an after show (and TDS and Bill Maher, etc. etc) so the pendelum has swung from "DON'T TWEET ME, I DON'T CARE" to Please let us be part of your online/social media experience.   No surprise Whoopi wouldn't be there, just like we will never see her on a live Friday - it's probably not in her cushy contract.   I don't believe Whoopi will ever do one extra thing without getting paid, which I guess is fine but shows me she really isn't on board with any deviation from The Whoopi Goldberg Show of the last half of last season.  Which is fine by me since my disgust at Whoopi reached a tipping point about six months ago. 



I'm a nurse. I saw the clip, and I do agree that Joy was just foolish and her apology was fine. I think it escalated even more when the response of other hosts was essentially (and I'm paraphrasing for sure), what's the matter with you dumb nurses? Didn't you listen? Didn't you understand that we didn't mean anything by it?  The attitude espoused by Raven and Whoopi during the apology just made matters worse.


They, unfortunately, stumbled accidentally upon an extremely sensitive subject for a very opinionated and strong group. As a profession, nurses tend to be outspoken, stubborn, and opinionated.  We are often subjected to comments like, "You're smart, why aren't you a doctor?" and "You can't help, you're just a nurse". So when Joy asked why she was wearing a doctor's stethoscope, she inadvertently stumbled into an enormous insult to nurses. I believe her when she says she didn't mean it that way. I am a reasonable person. But then the View didn't acknowledge that while in their opinion this was taken in the wrong way by 3 million nurses, they may have some ownership in understanding that what was said was very offensive to us. To have such an enormous group up in arms and then blow them off by saying, "Well, you just didn't listen right", is the wrong way to soothe ruffled feathers.  They should recognize that this huge groundswell of anger is a pretty big sign to them saying they fucked up big time. Instead of acknowledging the fuckup, they defended themselves.  You explain and apologize sincerely. Not, "We're sorry you feel that way" - how about, "We had no idea what we said was awful, and we are sorry WE MADE you feel that way."


Just one nurse's opinion. I don't really have time to be angry and participate in active boycotts, but it sure is amusing watching the hubbub!

Emphasis added by me. 


Thank you for this post pixel (as well as those from the other nurses here chiming in.)  This is such a good point and exactly what I've thought has always been wrong with this show when one of the co-hosts steps in it but I could never express it as well as you have.   Come to think of it,  I've never heard a sincere apology or acknowledgement of responsibility from anyone at the table.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3
There is just something about J&J and Eggland's Best's decision to join the fray that strikes me as opportunistic.   It is just too easy. There is no real controversy, no big issue being argued about, no one really defending what Joy Behar said.  It feels like these companies are interjecting themselves into the fray in order to score a little free publicity while ostensibly supporting nurses (who doesn't love nurses?), all at absolutely no risk of anyone taking the "other side" against them.  It really feels like pandering more than sincere support of nurses and the important work they do.



Maybe it was pressure from various nurses' organizations...many organizations and hundreds of thousands of nurses who could complain...and boycott.

Maybe it was pressure from various nurses' organizations...many organizations and hundreds of thousands of nurses who could complain...and boycott.


Has enough time gone by for there to have been any significant amount of pressure brought to bear?  They want to avoid a boycott but it's also possible they agree with the nurses and other members of the public who are not happy with The View and the way they handled this.

 I wonder why the long knives are out for Joy. It isn't only the nurses now. I have seen posts from the far right calling out Joy for saying that Fiorina wasn't really for women's rights. It was from the day that Joy mentioned suffrage. Personally, I am glad she is back. No she isn't perfect, but look at the other hosts. Joy is a counter balance for the conservative viewpoint. 

  • Love 12

There was really no reason for nurses to be offended.... they were talking about a beauty pageant talent competition and next thing we see is a woman wearing scrubs and a stethoscope and she made a WTF comment....... It was a nice story..... but not much of a talent..... then again it was "just a pageant"


It seems people are just looking for something to be up in arms about..... I guess it was a slow week

  • Love 18

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