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S06.E10: Expect A Miracle

Tara Ariano

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You're probably right, zenme. Really, Leah would have it made if she went to school right now--a built in army for childcare, a substantial income she doesn't have to work for, and plenty of time. No, she's not ever going to become a doctor or lawyer, but she could at least drop back into beauty school. But I unfortunately agree that she will probably coast along on child support and whatever other losers she can rope into taking care of her. Until she is in her late 40s or 50s, the child support runs out and the losers aren't lining up to pick up the slack. I also want her to prove me wrong and not become a statistic.

  • Love 6

Chelsea is shown time and time again being unable to handle the actual parenting part of parenting, she is great at being Aubree's buddy but has never been able to discipline her effectively and this episode was no different. Why was she even trying to keep Aubree away from the video game anyway in the first place? She could have played while Chelsea was getting her hair curled and it would have avoided the whole meltdown, she didn't really need to wait till after the photoshoot, did she? Why force or bribe a vanity photoshoot on a kid that's not into it either?

I was also appalled that Chelsea would choose have a slut shaming conversation about Adam with Aubree, how awful. Chelsea needs to stop shit talking Aubree's dad in front of her, nothing good will come of it.

After thier divorce my mother would constantly talk smack about my father's girlfriend to/around me, so when my dad finally brought his girlfriend to meet me I treated her horribly and refused to kiss her good-by because I said she was a witch who chewed her own toenails (I was 7 years old.) She ended up in the bathroom in tears and my mother thought the story was hilarious. I continued being awful to my father's girlfriend till he married her and my mother lost her mind about the whole thing and decided to give up custody of me completely to my father and the woman she had been encouraging me to harass for the past year. It sucked.

It is possible Adam could attain increased custody of Aubree in the future and regardless of what happens he will always be her father so its not fair to Aubree to fill her head with garbage about him, true or not. Let her make up her own mind. Of course that does not mean the leading questions and all the crap that Adam spouts when Aubree is around is preferable, they both need to improve, obviously.

  • Love 14

I get that Leah is really dumb and totally unqualified for pretty much any job so what is her plan for the rest of her life? To never work? When the girlses are in their teens or twenties and thirties will she still not work so she can take care of them? Doesn't seem like a very good idea but she's very dumb so I guess I'm not surprised.

  • Love 6
  On 9/13/2015 at 4:49 AM, FozzyBear said:

$1700 a month is a little less than $25000 a year. That's nice, but I'd hardly call it a lottery ticket or an excessive amount of money to raise a child. Plus child support has nothing to do with how big a bitch the mother is. It's not punitive.

I agree that Joe should go through the court and get a fair settlement instead of trusting Kali, WHICH IS WHAT KALI SUGGESTED!

I don't like these girls either, but I'm not seeing criminal masterminds this week.

  On 9/13/2015 at 4:53 AM, lexiexx said:

25000 dollars a year is great for doing nothing except spreading your legses to whatever guy is in the picture and hanging out texting and talking shit about your exes. Also this is WV we are talking about. People who actually have jobs make less than that.

This^^ I think some of us (particularly those of us who live in areas with low costs of living and therefore, low pay scales, are just gobsmacked by some of these child support figures because we know (or ourselves are) educated, gainfully employed people who bring home around or less than what these young guys pay per month in child support for one kid.

After paying insurance, 401k contributions, and taxes being taken out, I know several registered nurses in south Louisiana who make around $2500/month, which is what Leah gets in child support for all three kids. These are men and women who have what's considered one of the best jobs you can get in the area with a four year degree. Once taxes, insurance, etc are taken out I know teachers, police officers, and college instructors who make less than or around $2500/mo.

I guess we are just shocked that Leah is getting that much for one kid when it's not like she actually seems to "work" as a stay at home mom (I know plenty of women who work inside the home/stay at home moms and they are involved in their kids' lives in a way Leah is not....they aren't nodding off or dropping the kids off with relatives every day so they can get their nails done, get ratty extensions, and sleep. They're taking their kids to the park, museums, playgroups, etc. They're making healthy meals and volunteering at their kids' schools. Their homes aren't filthy and they do laundry.). I guess many of us are just shocked that Leah is getting $2500 while Gracie's makes toast for her sisters as Leah sleep so in. And many of us probably can't fathom how allegedly unemployed (sure, Javi) Jo is making so much bank that he'd ever be paying $3k/month per one kid. Considering how much Jeremy makes and his payment is $1700 (and he sees Addie less than Jo sees Isaac), it seems like if Jo was ever going to be ordered to pay $3k/month, he's have an insane salary. (I get that they live in different states, but still.) Those of us who delayed having kids until after we were educated and seemingly well-employed are just having some issues grasping that these girls are getting this much and that the guys make enough to pay so much.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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  On 9/13/2015 at 2:37 PM, Adiba said:

I agree with most of what you said. The only thing about Kailyn buying another house so soon is that it is not a good investment if you already have a home that is not yet sold. The exception would be if the rental and/ or seller's market is booming in the area. Also, if Javi is in the military (?), is it possible that they may move yet again in a few years?

How much equity could they possibly have built up in the "starter" home?  Not to mention the Capital Gains Tax - and we ALL know how responsible Karl (heh) is with her taxes...

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  On 9/13/2015 at 4:57 PM, leighroda said:

What makes me furious about Leah's lack of a job... Is she got IN to a nursing program... She had plenty of opportunity to make something of herself, but she threw it away.

I could be remembering this completely wrong, but I thought her getting into nursing school was kind of a sham? She took the entrance test, and then they showed a counselor saying she failed it, but they'd let her in anyway?

One of the things that bothered me most about these girls is how lightly they took their education. Two of the major hindrances for teen moms pursuing an education are cost and childcare. With the MTV money, they could afford a really good daycare (if they ddidn't have babysitters available, like most of them did), they wouldn't have to take out loans and they wouldn't have to work a minimum wage job on the side. They could have afforded being full time students, and degrees by now. Out of the 8 TM girlses, Maci has an associates in journalism or something, I think Tyler and Catelynn took like 1 college class, Farrah has an associates in culinary arts, Kailyn is back in school, and has (I think?) An associates in dental hygiene that she used for like two weeks, Chelsea has her esthetician (sorry I can never spell that) license and Jenelle has her Medical Assisting degree that she'll never use because she's a known drug addict. Amber got her GED in gel, and Leah graduated HS. All of these are achievements, but given their resources, they could have done a lot more. As much as I can't stand Karl, I do like that she is using this time where she has MTV money and Javi's family as babysitters to put herself (and Javi) through school. Does anyone know what she's going for?

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  On 9/13/2015 at 5:20 PM, truelovekiss said:

Does anyone know what she's going for?

"Kailyn is one smart cookie, and already has a mini-degree under her belt. Yep, this girl completed a 12-week program in dental assisting and X-ray certification, and even worked at a dental office before moving to Delaware with her family!


So, how many more years of school does Kailyn have to complete before graduating? Unclear. This blondie-locks has a partial degree in social work, but told Wetpaint Entertainment that she hopes to study TV, Radio and Film at Delaware State University, where she recently applied to." 



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  On 9/13/2015 at 5:25 PM, MrsSmartyPants said:

"Kailyn is one smart cookie, and already has a mini-degree under her belt. Yep, this girl completed a 12-week program in dental assisting and X-ray certification, and even worked at a dental office before moving to Delaware with her family!

So, how many more years of school does Kailyn have to complete before graduating? Unclear. This blondie-locks has a partial degree in social work, but told Wetpaint Entertainment that she hopes to study TV, Radio and Film at Delaware State University, where she recently applied to."


1) she's more of a bear than goldielocks, but whatever

2) I thought she had an associates in dental hygiene, but is this 12 week program is more in league with what Chelsea and Jenelle have?

3) I'm all about following the dream. I've switched my major, taken time off, etc plenty of times. The difference is, I don't have a kid to support. I can appreciate her having a dream of working in film and tv production, and she probably has some connections through MTV (but then, so did Maci and we saw how that flopped). But what she really needs to focus on is finding something really concrete to build a life on. And how much opportunity is there to work in film, tv and radio in Dover, Delaware? Sure, there are local tv channels and radio stations, but if this all actually pans out, I smell another move in the not too distant future. I can just imagine Jo saying, "Pack your hoop earrings, Vee. Karl just got a job in LA."

  • Love 5

I hate to sound snotty, but I'm sick and tired of certificate programs being referred to as college degrees. I worked my ass of getting my Masters and it grinds my gears to see someone like Jenelle being placed in the same category. I'm not trying to shit on anyone's education or profession, but until one of these broads gets an Associate's or Bachelor's from an accredited school, it's not college. *End of rant, stepping off soapbox to stew in corner with Cheetos and purple Hugs.*

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 18
  On 9/13/2015 at 5:20 PM, truelovekiss said:

I could be remembering this completely wrong, but I thought her getting into nursing school was kind of a sham? She took the entrance test, and then they showed a counselor saying she failed it, but they'd let her in anyway?

One of the things that bothered me most about these girls is how lightly they took their education. Two of the major hindrances for teen moms pursuing an education are cost and childcare. With the MTV money, they could afford a really good daycare (if they ddidn't have babysitters available, like most of them did), they wouldn't have to take out loans and they wouldn't have to work a minimum wage job on the side. They could have afforded being full time students, and degrees by now. Out of the 8 TM girlses, Maci has an associates in journalism or something, I think Tyler and Catelynn took like 1 college class, Farrah has an associates in culinary arts, Kailyn is back in school, and has (I think?) An associates in dental hygiene that she used for like two weeks, Chelsea has her esthetician (sorry I can never spell that) license and Jenelle has her Medical Assisting degree that she'll never use because she's a known drug addict. Amber got her GED in gel, and Leah graduated HS. All of these are achievements, but given their resources, they could have done a lot more. As much as I can't stand Karl, I do like that she is using this time where she has MTV money and Javi's family as babysitters to put herself (and Javi) through school. Does anyone know what she's going for?

No, you're right, that's kinda my point... She got let into a program, and she threw that away. Granted that may have been the plot line all along, that she would get in and leave because let's be honest I'm not sure she would have the best bedside manner... Can you imagine her... "Drink this Mountain Dew and I'll come check on you in a few hours"

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  On 9/13/2015 at 5:26 PM, zenme said:

Oh, and I'm sure Kailyn is using Javi's GI Bill to pay for her school. In a few years, when Javi and Kail are no longer, Javi will regret that.

OMG I never thought of that! I doubt they are putting much away in retirement, if anything, and Issac's college could be covered with the GI bill. If he wastes it on Kail...

I think you have to serve a certain amount before you can utilize the GI bill, or at least I hope. How long has he been in, maybe two years at this point?

Edit: I meant Lincoln.

Edited by TaxNerd
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I think you have to serve a certain amount before you can utilize the GI bill, or at least I hope. How long has he been in, maybe two years at this point?


Yes.  This is true.  Come to think of it, perhaps Kailyn couldn't get those just yet, but I've no doubt that if they are available to her, she will use it, then leave Javi.  He certainly could use those for himself, or transfer them to Lincoln or any other child he may have in the future with wife #3. 


ETA: that I know someone who did that.  Her husband spent 8 (!) tours deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq.  She used his GI Bill, got her degree, and then left him, deciding that all his time away was too much strain on her and their relationship. I'm sure she and Kail would be best friends.

Edited by zenme
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  On 9/13/2015 at 5:42 PM, BitterApple said:

I hate to sound snotty, but I'm sick and tired of certificate programs being referred to as college degrees. I worked my ass of getting my Masters and it grinds my gears to see someone like Jenelle being placed in the same category. I'm not trying to shit on anyone's education or profession, but until one of these broads gets an Associate's or Bachelor's from an accredited school, it's not college. *End of rant, stepping off soapbox to stew in corner with Cheetos and purple Hugs.*

No, I agree with you. I'm graduating with my BS this spring, and it burns my behind to hear about how Jenelle is "practically a nurse," when I know how hard it is for BSN students. I looked up Jenelle's school on Glassdoor and read reviews from faculty members. It is a for-profit degree mill, where they will pretty give anyone whose check clears that shows up enough a certificate.

  On 9/13/2015 at 5:42 PM, BitterApple said:

I hate to sound snotty, but I'm sick and tired of certificate programs being referred to as college degrees. I worked my ass of getting my Masters and it grinds my gears to see someone like Jenelle being placed in the same category. I'm not trying to shit on anyone's education or profession, but until one of these broads gets an Associate's or Bachelor's from an accredited school, it's not college. *End of rant, stepping off soapbox to stew in corner with Cheetos and purple Hugs.*

No, I agree with you. I'm graduating with my BS this spring, and it burns my behind to hear about how Jenelle is "practically a nurse," when I know how hard it is for BSN students. I looked up Jenelle's school on Glassdoor and read reviews from faculty members. It is a for-profit degree mill, where they will pretty give anyone whose check clears that shows up enough a certificate.

  On 9/13/2015 at 6:01 PM, TaxNerd said:

OMG I never thought of that! I doubt they are putting much away in retirement, if anything, and Issac's college could be covered with the GI bill. If he wastes it on Kail...

I think you have to serve a certain amount before you can utilize the GI bill, or at least I hope. How long has he been in, maybe two years at this point?

I'm not really experienced with this sort of thing. I thought the GI Bill could only be used for the person who served? Can it be used on immediate family members too?

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  On 9/13/2015 at 4:17 AM, lexiexx said:

I'm almost positive the amount was around 250 a month.   

A few sources mentioned Jo was paying $600 a month. That was set up three years ago. I have never heard Kail or Jo mention any amount on camera. If Kail mentioned any amount, I may have forgotten. I think members here who are watching the previous seasons can mention to us if any figure has ever been mentioned.


  On 9/13/2015 at 7:15 AM, DangerousMinds said:

Agree about Vee's pregnancy. She wanted a child so badly, she better be prepared to help support it.

Kail wanted a SECOND child so badly with Javi (to ensure he marries her). She should have considered what that entailed. With all that is being posted about Jo should have considered what it was going to do to him financially about bringing another child into the world, the same holds for Kail. She should have considered how much will a second child will cost her financially and how will that affect the needs of Isaac.



Does anyone remember what it was Cory was willing to pay Leah when she wanted an increase in child support shortly after she and Jeremy bought their home? Cory was going to give her extra money on the side. Then, Leah went to her attorney and found that she could actually get more money and decided to go that route (of course!). What amount did she actually receive?

Edited by GreatKazu
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  On 9/13/2015 at 6:15 PM, truelovekiss said:

I'm not really experienced with this sort of thing. I thought the GI Bill could only be used for the person who served? Can it be used on immediate family members too?

The Post-9/11 G.I. Bill allows for transfer of benefits to spouses and/or children.  OOPS, already answered above.  Well, here's a link anyway:



Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 4
A few sources mentioned Jo was paying $600 a month. That was set up three years ago. I have never heard Kail or Jo mention any amount on camera. If Kail mentioned any amount, I may have forgotten. I think members here who are watching the previous seasons can mention to us if any figure has ever been mentioned.


I hope it's closer to the $600 than the $250 that someone speculated,  because YIKES! $250? If it's $250 then I agree that Jo needs to be re-evaluated.  I hope it's not.


Is there a limited amount? Say Javi and Kail go on his GI Bill. Can Lincoln do it too? Say Javi has 3 more kids. Can they all go on it too? I feel like they have to cap it somewhere, right?


Javi can give up to 3 years to his spouse and child/children, but he has to keep one for himself.  So he can divide those anyway he wants.  He can give 1 person all the 3 years, or he can divide those 3 years however and between whoever. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 4



That was 2011.  According to Kail on her twitter this weekend it hasn't been changed in years.  She got a letter saying he was due for reevaluation and that's the reason she decided to talk about it again.  Whatever.  She thinks she needs more money now, probably to finish tattooing her entire body. hahaha  A permanent scarf tattoo perhaps?

  • Love 4
  On 9/13/2015 at 6:43 PM, Mkay said:


That was 2011. According to Kail on her twitter this weekend it hasn't been changed in years. She got a letter saying he was due for reevaluation and that's the reason she decided to talk about it again. Whatever. She thinks she needs more money now, probably to finish tattooing her entire body. hahaha A permanent scarf tattoo perhaps?

She got a letter saying it was time for a reval?

Why do I picture some scummy lawyer mass mailing these things out with a contingency fee option?

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  On 9/13/2015 at 7:43 AM, Cosmocrush said:

I would guess it's because anything she could make wouldn't even cover child care for three small children, one with special needs. Then there are the doctor appts and physical therapy appts. etc.   Despite popular opinion, taking care of three kids under the age of five is work.   I know Leah's condition has prevented her from doing much of that this past year, but in the end she is the one that's responsible for the day to day of it.   She seems completely overwhelmed and I really hope she gets some help that sticks.   

I think the majority of people here have mentioned that taking care of children, regardless of their age, is work. Very hard work. it is a job in itself.


As for her working and not making enough to take care of costs for childcare, I think Leah's circumstances are different than the average teen mom without an education. Leah has had the opportunity, and the cash, to make a better life for herself and her children. She could have put her money to good use by getting an education and career so she is not having to rely on minimum wage jobs. As for daycare and childcare costs, Leah has had free childcare from day one. She has had her family and Cory's family there for her anytime she needed them to watch the girls. Even if she didn't have free childcare, again, she has MTV money to pay for daycare services while she attended school. Even if Leah wanted to be with the girls until they were in school full-time, she could have put her money aside until that day came so she could pursue a career.


As for therapy and doctor appointments, even when Leah was unable to take her children to those appointments, Cory was ready to step up and do what was necessary to ensure his children were taken to their appointments. If Leah couldn't do her job, there were plenty of people ready to do it.




I couldn't believe Jeremy would toss the mother of his child out of her house, not to mention it's the girls' home too.    I truly feel bad for Leah.   She just seems so broken.

I don't believe Jeremy threw out his former wife and the children out on the streets like they were garbage. Likely, there was an agreement that Jeremy would compensate Leah. Back when I worked in the courts, I saw plenty of cases where one party retained the home while the other partner was given a certain amount of cash. That home likely could have also been Jeremy's parent's home. They are the ones who likely paid for it since it is on their property. In that case, it is not Jeremy's property to divide.  I can't imagine Leah wanted to live there anyways since it was quite a distance from Mama Dawn and the rest of her family. Leah would want to be near her family, not Jeremy's. 




I cannot even imagine how overwhelming that would be - especially without a partner she felt she could count on.

I imagine Jeremy felt the same way. He married this girl thinking she was going to hold up her end of their partnership while he was out of town working to support his family. He supported her when she had some goal to own her own tanning salon and her other ventures. That is, until he realized she was throwing money away faster than he could make it. I think Jeremy thought he could count on Leah to do her job of being a SAHM.  I think Jeremy would have been supportive of Leah's addiction, if she wasn't shady about that issue. Instead, she lied and burned through his money and on top of that, she cheated on him. I don't know about the rest of you, but if it was Jeremy who had done all of that to Leah, I'd be screaming at my television that she should pack her bags and get the hell out of Dodge. I think others would have felt the same.




I hope it's closer to the $600 than the $250 that someone speculated,  because YIKES! $250? If it's $250 then I agree that Jo needs to be re-evaluated.  I hope it's not.

I forgot to add, I think IF there was a $250 amount, it was way in the  beginning when Jo and Kail first broke up. There is no way he would be paying $250 a month for three years. No way.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

Chelsea need to shut the fuck with her trash talking Adam in that stupid fucking baby voice. She needs to quit that stupid fucking baby voice thing period. I would rather listen to Janelle crying dude for 3 straight hours rather than 5 minutes of Chelsea.

It's all on Chelsea that Aubrey thinks of Cole as a dad. No, I'm sorry, Aubrey has a dad and frankly he does seem to really love her. Instead of pointing out all of his shortcomings and telling her he sucks and can't be depended on she needs to just deal with the shit as it happens. Don't ask Aubrey if she thinks her dad will show up, if he does then great! And when he doesn't then just say I'm sure something came up, I'll bet he wanted to be here, we'll call him later. Whatever excuse you want, Aubrey is just a little kid, she doesn't need it rubbed in or pointed out that Adam wasn't there. She knows. Just accept the fact that maybe Adam isn't the kind of father you want but he is the father she has. Stop making a big deal about it and it won't be a big deal.

Jo is being an idiot about his child support. Go to court, get it figured with the state standards and be done with it. Javi was spot on.

Leah made her leaving harder on the girls than was necessary. And what was with all the worry about the girls being sad and confused about going to their dad's for a month? I know that was more last week's episode but really? It's not like they were going to a strangers house. Just say in a chipper voice "mommy's going to 'therapy' for a month, you're going to your daddy's! That will be so fun for you and mommy will call you before bed every night to see how much fun you had!".

God these girls are dumb as shit.

  • Love 12
It's all on Chelsea that Aubrey thinks of Cole as a dad. No, I'm sorry, Aubrey has a dad and frankly he does seem to really love her. Instead of pointing out all of his shortcomings and telling her he sucks and can't be depended on she needs to just deal with the shit as it happens. Don't ask Aubrey if she thinks her dad will show up, if he does then great! And when he doesn't then just say I'm sure something came up, I'll bet he wanted to be here, we'll call him later. Whatever excuse you want, Aubrey is just a little kid, she doesn't need it rubbed in or pointed out that Adam wasn't there. She knows. Just accept the fact that maybe Adam isn't the kind of father you want but he is the father she has. Stop making a big deal about it and it won't be a big deal.


I could not agree with this more.   Adam is no prize but he is her father, she knows him and she loves him.   Chelsea is a total asshole for the constant trash talking right in front of Aubree, and saying that Cole is a better dad.   What has Cole done for Aubree?   Nothing, he shows up and plays with her, just like Adam does.   At least Adam pays child support.    I feel like Chelsea gets way too many props.   She is successful because her father is loaded, she gets great money from the show, and her dad has been there at every turn to advise her.   She wouldn't be living that lifestyle with her part time esthetician job.   

Aubree seems like a spoiled brat and she should be in therapy if transitioning between visits makes her act out.   Even Jace hasn't been seen shoving at Barb or Jenelle or screaming at them or throwing stuff at them and look at all the anger and violence that poor kid has seen.  

She is filling Aubree's head with shit, at least let Cole prove himself to be superdad before you go convincing the poor kid of that.    I think she's totally trying to alienate Aubree from Adam and it's gross.   She is setting that kid up for all sorts of daddy issues.


I forgot to add, I think IF there was a $250 amount, it was way in the  beginning when Jo and Kail first broke up. There is no way he would be paying $250 a month for three years. No way.


It was.  That was back when Kail first moved out and Jo still lived with his parents.   

Edited by lexiexx
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  On 9/13/2015 at 2:49 PM, HeySandyStrange said:

I'm no fan of Germy, but I don't really think he 'tossed' Leah and the girlses out of the house. I'm guessing both agreed to the arrangement beforehand, for a number of reasons. I believe their house was right next to his parents so Leah would probably feel uncomfortable living there after all that went down. And just a guess, but maybe Leah didn't want to maintain the house by herself? I wouldn't call her homeless in any case. Along with Mama Dawn and her millions of hillbilly relations, she is pulling in six figures a season plus child support from both dads. She can and possibly already has already gotten a place of her own.

"Toss" was probably the wrong word choice here.  I think you're right about an agreement beforehand because Leah read it without comment, while I was stunned.  I didn't know it was located on Jeremy's parent's property, (which to me would be even more of a reason for Addylyn (sp???) to stay there)  but it makes sense that Leah would want out of there; like all these girls, she does move alot and it doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest. 




  On 9/13/2015 at 3:54 PM, poopchute said:

I get that Leah is really dumb and totally unqualified for pretty much any job so what is her plan for the rest of her life? To never work? When the girlses are in their teens or twenties and thirties will she still not work so she can take care of them? Doesn't seem like a very good idea but she's very dumb so I guess I'm not surprised.

I don't know Leah's long term plans,  but statistically, I think they will include taking care of her grandchildren in her 30s - not unlike her own mother.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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  On 9/13/2015 at 7:38 PM, lexiexx said:

He said he didn't pay for Paislee on the show .   If he was behind for Aubree she would be bitching about that too every single week.   With Aubree sitting right there.  


There was a time he didn't pay CS for Aubree. Still, a good father pays support to all of his children, not just one.

  • Love 8
  On 9/13/2015 at 3:22 PM, zenme said:

Leah never seemed to have the drive to do any of the work that will be required to get some kind of higher level education, or trade school education.  She constantly makes excuses.  I don't think she realizes that many, many women manage to hold full-time jobs, have children, and manage to take classes and do homework.  My sister-in-law is a single mother of 4 children--one of them has special needs, works full-time, and manages to make straight A's while taking classes in the evenings.  Yes, she has a lot of help from her mother, but so does Leah.  Actually, Leah has more help than any of the other Teen Moms.  Of course, Leah will have to give up her pillses and dickses.  Yeah.  Leah SHOULD be gettting herself to a school of some sort, but I just don't see that happening.  Prove me wrong, Leah!

I think you are exactly right, I'm sure Leah doesn't know anyone who is working full time, taking classes and raising kids (including special needs)  as a single parent.  Her  mother was 16 and pregnant, had three kids by age 21  and a grandmother by 34, although she does [did] have a job when we first met her ( I'm thinking dental assistant?) but also married Leah's stepfather right after her first marriage - so she never really did it alone either.      It's ironic that these girls can be good examples of what not to do for so many teen girls and yet have very few good examples in their own lives.  With exceptions, of course. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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  On 9/13/2015 at 8:00 PM, lexiexx said:

Aubree is supported by mtv money , which is there because aubree herself is there. And by randy like when they lived in his rental for free. And before that when they both lived at Randy's. But the point is why is cole the better father? He's not supporting her in the slightest. He hasn't done anything for aubree.

Because he treats Aubree's mother with respect is what comes to mind.  


That said, I think it's a mistake to introduce Cole into Aubree's house before they have been together even a year, but that's just me. 

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  On 9/13/2015 at 6:43 PM, Mkay said:


That was 2011. According to Kail on her twitter this weekend it hasn't been changed in years. She got a letter saying he was due for reevaluation and that's the reason she decided to talk about it again. Whatever. She thinks she needs more money now, probably to finish tattooing her entire body. hahaha A permanent scarf tattoo perhaps?

I'm dying at permanent scarf tattoo. Maybe she could tattoo a smile on her face.

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  On 9/13/2015 at 8:00 PM, lexiexx said:

Aubree is supported by mtv money , which is there because aubree herself is there. And by randy like when they lived in his rental for free. And before that when they both lived at Randy's. But the point is why is cole the better father? He's not supporting her in the slightest. He hasn't done anything for aubree.


No one here ever mentioned Cole being a better father. And, no one has ever supported Chelsea in her idea that Cole is the better father.


That said, I think it's a mistake to introduce Cole into Aubree's house before they have been together even a year, but that's just me.

Others have mentioned how they disagree with Chelsea's decision. It goes further than Chelsea. The same thoughts have been applied to Leah's decision to be with another guy and Kail as well when she was pushing Isaac onto Javi.


So, because MTV money is available, Adam is not responsible for paying support? Going by that idea, Jo shouldn't pay support to Kail because MTV money is there. Jermy shouldn't pay support because "MTV money is there." Who knew? I thought people paid support because they brought children into the world and they must support them in many ways including financially. I guess Adam's mystique goes further than just manipulating Paislee's mother.

Edited by radishcake
  • Love 6

Chelsea is the one that said it. I never said he shouldn't pay. But let's be real. Aubree and Chelsea are doing well financially because of randy and Mtv. Whatever piddling support he might have to pay isn't going to really affect aubree. But he has paid and is in the hook to pay. Cole isn't doing anything above and beyond what Adam is doing on his visits.
We really don't know how Cole acts with Chelsea and if he's respectful. He's being edited. And even if he is a better partner for Chelsea, which he probably is, it doesn't make him a better father.

Edited by radishcake
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  On 9/13/2015 at 5:16 PM, MrsSmartyPants said:

How much equity could they possibly have built up in the "starter" home?  Not to mention the Capital Gains Tax - and we ALL know how responsible Karl (heh) is with her taxes...

I'm sure she has little equity unless they put some decent money down.

However she isn't responsible for capital gains taxes when you roll the sale of your primary residence into a new home.

  • Love 2

Regarding Jo paying $250 per month child support, that is incorrect. I found an article with a video showing Kail and Jo discussing child support. Jo mentions paying $470 per month. The date of this video and article is January 2012, which is when the show was airing. According to the article, it mentions the clip is a scene from an up-coming episode:



I did some checking. Jo's child support order was changed to $600 per month. The child support order was modified circa March 2011 according to this article.  That would mean the episode above was filmed sometime before March 2011:


  • Love 3
  On 9/14/2015 at 12:06 AM, ClassyCourtHeels said:

I'm sure she has little equity unless they put some decent money down.

However she isn't responsible for capital gains taxes when you roll the sale of your primary residence into a new home.

LOVE your username lol.

Did they sell their starter home? It looked like they put in an offer without listing the starter home.

I guess it could have been contingent on the sale - but I don't know.



  On 9/14/2015 at 1:03 AM, MrsSmartyPants said:

LOVE your username lol.

Did they sell their starter home? It looked like they put in an offer without listing the starter home.

I guess it could have been contingent on the sale - but I don't know.

According to Kent County Records both houses are still in Jose J Marroquin's and Kailyn Lowry's name. No new owner listed for the old house.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3

Finally watched the episode. That was a whole hour of nothing. Not one single thing was resolved...again. Leah goes back to rehab, and too much Dawn/Messer clan.


Chelsea was....boring. If that's all they have to show of her I guess that means her life must be pretty normal, overall...which doesn't really make for interesting tv. They probably only show Aubree's tantrum-y sessions cos (maybe) they're more lively than the 2 of them sitting home playing with Barbies, or cuddling the dog. Also all the talk about whether Cole is a better dad than Adam is likely producer driven, I doubt Chels really gives that much of a shit about Adumb, except for when he has Aubree.


Jenelle was a bitch, yet again. I love how she tried to show herself as flexible about getting Jace back, but her terms were "every week day, or nothing at all.". That's pretty much the opposite of balance, and Barb is right. Jenelle only thinks about what she wants, right at that minute. She doesn't factor in Jace's feelings about anything. Taking him from Barb, moving him 2hrs away, putting him in a different school, exposing him to all the crazy fights between her and Nipples (or whoever, it's not like she doesn't fight with basically everyone she knows) and whatever other stupid shit she does....it'd be a shell shock to Jace, and those things are obviously way over her head. Also, there was almost no Nips this episode, yay!!!


Karl, just ugh!!! I laughed when they're sitting there in the park trying to talk child support and when Jo asked for real numbers and expenses Karl started sputtering and crying as if Jo said he wasn't gonna pay a penny. And, STFU Javi...you're out of your element. All the "omg we're arguing already!" was ridiculous....Karl was the only one talking!!!! I don't understand how she thinks she just gets to randomly decide some magic dollar amount and expect Jo to not question it...or without seeing some sort of real documentation for what the expenses actually are. Is she an idiot? I also kind of expected her to just say "YES!!" when Jo asked her if what she wanted was for him to just hand over all of his money to her. She was smart enough to not agree, but I'm sure that is exactly what she wants. I also think her trying to raise the child support is more of a punishment to Jo (and Vee by association) for moving closer and "violating her privacy" or whatever dumb bullshit she keeps talking about with them being in the same town again. Girl, grow the fuck up.

  • Love 9


I wish Barbara would call Janelle's bluff and give her full custody of Jace starting NOW. Just hand him over, say you'll visit every now and then like the grandmother she is (and Janelle keeps calling her), and say bye-bye and good luck. Janelle wouldn't last a week on her own with a toddler and a six year old. She'd hand Jace back in a hot minute, and wouldn't raise the topic again anytime soon.

If Jace were two, this might be an effective strategy.  Sadly, what would happen if Janelle had custody of Jace is exactly what we have been seeing at Leah's house - the twins basically being left alone to take care of themselves, make themselves breakfast, blow drying their own hair and supervising their younger sibling.   Janelle would probably just plop Jace in front of the tv for all the hours he wasn't in school and scream at him if he ever interrupted her time on the phone/twitter and fighting with boyfriends.   Honestly, Kaiser probably would be a lot better off if Jace were in the home since at least he'd have someone to talk to and Jace would probably take better care of him than Jenelle or Nathan, but it would be too devastating to pull Jace out of a stable environment and send him to Janelle's full time.  I'd hate to saddle Barb with another kid, but maybe if she could pull in the kind of MTV money the other girls are making, she could take care of both children and have money to hire babysitters so she could get a break.  

Edited by kitkat343
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  On 9/13/2015 at 5:20 PM, truelovekiss said:

I could be remembering this completely wrong, but I thought her getting into nursing school was kind of a sham? She took the entrance test, and then they showed a counselor saying she failed it, but they'd let her in anyway?

Yes, the nursing school episode felt like it was staged to make people STFU who wanted to know why she wasn't trying to find employment.

  On 9/13/2015 at 5:42 PM, BitterApple said:

but until one of these broads gets an Associate's or Bachelor's from an accredited school, it's not college. *End of rant, stepping off soapbox to stew in corner with Cheetos and purple Hugs.*

Don't drink all the purple ones, I need a couple to dye my hairses. :)

  • Love 4

I never called my tech school a college, and it annoys me when people do. I originally did want to do my MA program at a local community college because then I'd be able to use the basics (medical terminology, A&P...etc) towards something else if I ever wanted to go back. But it didn't work out that way. I had all my pre-req's done and just had to pass the interview with the lady in charge of the program....who was pretty much a total bitch because I have a tattoo on my inner wrist. During our chat she looked at my scores/grades and basically told me nothing was wrong with my academics, but there was no way in hell she would place someone "like me" in an externship because of the ink. And it's not like any of my tattoos are offensive, whatsoever. My wrist says lucky with a clover on the y, and unless I'm wearing a sleeveless top that was all you could see. It still burns me that people are so judgmental about that sort of thing. So yeah, without that woman's approval I wasn't getting into the program I wanted to. And turns out I got more financial aid at the smaller tech school than I would have at the local community college. The only issue is a lot of the credits aren't transferable so if I were to go back for anything else in the field I would have to start over. Tech schools can give a good education, but you get what you put in.

  • Love 3

yup, i got that same impression re: javi and kail's new house. haha! plus kail, of all people, seems like the type that would want to inspect every nook and cranny of a house before she buys it, no matter how big or small. 


i'm glad chelsea is happy with cole but i think they're kinda annoying to watch together - all the baby talk makes me want to gag. lol. sorry but it's cheesy as hell. someone shoot me if i  EVER get that way w/a boyfriend. i'm surprised her friend can even stand to be around them together, they're that nauseating. 


i don't think talking about how great cole is is just a PR campaign for her, though, I think that's just how she is in romantic relationships - obsessive, idealistic, falls hard and they become her world. She was like this w/Adam, too. 

  On 9/11/2015 at 5:27 AM, BitterApple said:

Adam: "I don't even know where my daughter is going to preschool next year". That's because she's in kindergarten, you moron.

Chelsea, we get it. Cole is father figure of the year, you can stop the PR campaign now. Aubree is a spoiled brat. Good luck with that one.

I was really surprised to hear Barb's friend take Jenelle's side. Jenelle in no way deserves to have Jace but I also get the feeling Barb wouldn't let go even if Jenelle was a decent, functioning human being.

I have a feeling Kail's walk through was like House Hunters where the featured couple have already closed on the home so the "hunt" is just one big fake. If you're about to drop 350k, you'd take your ass outside and look at the yard no matter how hot it is.

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