Tara Ariano September 8, 2015 Share September 8, 2015 The Power of Veto competition is held. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/
RandomWatcher September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Can they just go ahead and name Vanessa the winner? 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491243
Ceeg September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Vanessa convinced Julia mid-competition to challenge her closest non-blood related ally for veto. WHEN WILL YOUR FAVE?? 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491244
MarquisDeCarabas September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Can they just go ahead and name Vanessa the winner? It was a brilliant move but i guarantee JSteve wand maybe john will do everything they can to get her out final four if not five. Julia when Vanessa says she's an expert in Game theory, then it's pretty clear you wouldn't be her priority. Also Austin had the right idea attacking her in public, so what do you do? talk to her in private so she can turn it all around on Austin when he's not there to call bullshit. That's almost as dumb as challenging Austin. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491273
PaperTree September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Too funny! Vanessa mists Julia into screwing herself, then Austin goes off the deep end of paranoia. Really Austin, that Judas schtick is just incredibly lame. As much as I despise Jesse, his crapping on "Judas" was excellent. But Austin did kind of dis him first. It looks like they really don't like each other. Maybe it's some rasslin' thang from the outside. This witch hunt is hilarious. Good recovery Vanessa. "I was only looking out for you" While keeping herself off the block and knowing a twin is going home no matter what, (barring production manipulation). "I ruined my life for you" hahahahahahahahahaha. "I'll do anything", except use the veto on her. hahahahaha Fighting couples do make for great TV. Liz should stop whining and just walk out the door. I won't miss her. Then we get the make-up make-out that launched a thousand gut wrenches. Ewww It's interesting Steve is now looking to whack Vanessa. He and JMac are in trouble if Johnny doesn't win HOH. This is a strange season. I just can't generate the hate I usually have at this point, even for Austin. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491318
ByaNose September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) So, when Vanessa swears on Mel's life she isn't being sincere, right? LOL!! Gotta give the poker player credit. She's really good. Damn! That was a great episode. With all that was going on Vanessa was switch to so many gears. She's incredible. Edited September 10, 2015 by ByaNose 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491323
Newbietunes September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Vanessa convinced Julia mid-competition to challenge her closest non-blood related ally for veto. WHEN WILL YOUR FAVE?? Yeah, that was some Jedi Master shit there. But then, the force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded (I hear). 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491337
Eolivet September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) I can't believe Austin had the nerve to ask Vanessa why she would tell Julia to challenge him. Somehow, trying to save herself equals disloyalty? Oh...Judas christ. Highlight of the episode (besides the Liz and Austin fight) was the totally random shot of Johnny Mac popping up in the middle of the middle of a discussion between Liz and Julia, like whack-a-mole. Whack-a-Johnny-Mac has potential. Edited September 10, 2015 by Eolivet 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491354
candall September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Can they just go ahead and name Vanessa the winner? Okay by me. She not only engineered that wtf? move outside under pressure, but managed to cover her ass with everyone afterward. Outstanding! 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491364
mayziemay September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Austin really was a douche this episode and should retire the lame Judas persona, it's not working. I hate the twins too, they ruined this season for me and were the reason I cancelled live feeds Sept 1. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491408
Katesus7 September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Vanessa did kick all kinds of ass this episode. That was a master class in playing the game. Hell, there was one DR where she was looking right at me, doing that fast talking thing she does, telling me that Austin was totally willing to take out the twins and everything she was saying was right, and I found myself getting anxious and wanting to agree with her. And then I remembered that ten minutes ago she told me she did it to keep herself off the block, because of course the Austwins would stick together. So then I snapped out of it. Man, one 30 second DR and I was practically hypnotized. I can't imagine the torture of listening to her for the 15-20 minute soliloquies she likes to do. I think I'd self-evict. Make it easier for her. Still can't stand her. Julie was so very dumb. Austin was so very gross with his Judas nonsense, and wearing that damn veto around his bare torso which has me begging him to just put on a damn shirt already!! I still loathe that Jessie person. And John seems to throw yet another comp. I think that was a bad move on his part. Unless he's just playing for final two, in which case it's probably a good move. Who knows with these people. Edited September 10, 2015 by Katesus7 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491435
North of Eden September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Unbelievable! Absolutly Unbelievable! Julia is officially the DUMBEST houseguest (leap frogging over Lawon and his "superpowers") since Marcellus way back when. Safety was practically theirs for the taking but she must share her brain cells with her sister. Even more astonishing in the aftermath in a TINY house...Austwins are unable to compare notes and ferret out the Vanessa is the lyingest liar who ever lied! How can they be so stupid to let this woman manipulate them into turning on each other. And there was even any mention made of trying to campaign Steve to put someone else up...they just rolled over and died. I have no more words....I can only shake my head. I've got my fingers crossed for an Austin HOH....just to see him burn the house down..and maybe...just maybe get Vanessa up on that block! In other news its also amazing how much mileage Grodner has gotten out of her pet ass clown over the years...but as annoying as seeing Jesse...my blood started to boil during the commercials when no other than "Chaos Cass" turned up in a SURVIVOR promo...hate...hate...hate...that woman! Edited September 10, 2015 by North of Eden 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491453
mojoween September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I would love to know if Clay was watching and to know his thoughts on what Austin said. Whac-a-John would be fabulous. I also loved the editors putting in the roar sound when Steve was eating and Liz was giving the voiceover that she was coming after him. The editors do have fun on this show. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491518
parisprincess September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Man, Vanessa is good! When James told her she was playing too hard, she was insulted, cried, and said he was being disrespectful to her, but then she tells Austin he's a piece of shit, and not only does he not take offense, but HE ends up apologizing to HER! I can't believe everyone has to get her opinion before making a decision. They all believe her when she says she's looking out for them/protecting them/saving them, etc., and can't get it through their collective heads that she came on the show to win half a million dollars, not advance their game. Like others have said, just give her the check now. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491519
Wandering Snark September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Agreed, Vanessa FTW. That was some seriously crazy jedi mind shit... I just wonder if it's Steve now that's becoming the supposedly cold and calculating Judas. So we got a retread comp hosted by the most retread contestant evar. Great. It was kind of great to see him kick proverbial sand in the wrestler wannabe's face though. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491558
parisprincess September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Another thing that pisses me off is having to spend half of the show watching Austin and Liz's stupid relationship. Grodner keeps shoving this shit down our throats because its probably the only romance she has in her life. I wish they'd get rid of her because the show gets more lame every season under her direction. I want to see game play, not some big, ugly asshole and dumber than dumb blonde laying all over each other. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491559
Joimiaroxeu September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Brava. That was some next-level mindfcukery Vanessa pulled tonight. Wonder if production fed Austin that line about Julia sealing Liz's fate. Weak. Sorry, Austin, that line belongs to Kaysar forever. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491614
Mischievious September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I can't believe Austin had the nerve to ask Vanessa why she would tell Julia to challenge him. Somehow, trying to save herself equals disloyalty? Oh...Judas christ. Highlight of the episode (besides the Liz and Austin fight) was the totally random shot of Johnny Mac popping up in the middle of the middle of a discussion between Liz and Julia, like whack-a-mole. Whack-a-Johnny-Mac has potential. I am still giggling over the moment. It was just so random and yet perfect timing. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491631
nottopbravo September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I could go another season without seeing Jessie again. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491655
Turtle September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I can't believe Austin had the nerve to ask Vanessa why she would tell Julia to challenge him. Somehow, trying to save herself equals disloyalty? Oh...Judas christ. Highlight of the episode (besides the Liz and Austin fight) was the totally random shot of Johnny Mac popping up in the middle of the middle of a discussion between Liz and Julia, like whack-a-mole. Whack-a-Johnny-Mac has potential. I can't believe that they all bought her explanation of why she told Julia to pick Austin. I think Vanessa has played a good game, but I don't think she's a mastermind- she's been really obvious in her lies and duplicity, and they've all completely failed to pick up on it or, even worse, ignored it. That random JMac shot was so .. random! Didn't even really make sense in the story. It was really just totally random, which made it that much more hilarious. Vanessa did kick all kinds of ass this episode. That was a master class in playing the game. Hell, there was one DR where she was looking right at me, doing that fast talking thing she does, telling me that Austin was totally willing to take out the twins and everything she was saying was right, and I found myself getting anxious and wanting to agree with her. And then I remembered that ten minutes ago she told me she did it to keep herself off the block, because of course the Austwins would stick together. So then I snapped out of it. Man, one 30 second DR and I was practically hypnotized. I can't imagine the torture of listening to her for the 15-20 minute soliloquies she likes to do. I think I'd self-evict. Make it easier for her. Still can't stand her. Yep. She's a bullshitter of the highest order, and I do think she's playing the game well. But I do not care for her at all. She's not even a love-to-hate villain; she's just not fun to watch. She's uncomfortable to watch. I could go another season without seeing Jessie again. I could go a lifetime without seeing him. Several lifetimes. Never found him interesting or entertaining in the slightest, and to me, he's the 'fetch' of Big Brother. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491726
kathybgd September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I just do not like anybody left in that house. There isn,t a vile hatred I usually feel for at least one houseguest, I just don't like anybody. Boy , one of those twins when in the d.r(I still can't quite tell them apart) sure resembles that character in Ice Age! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491887
ennui September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I can't believe Austin had the nerve to ask Vanessa why she would tell Julia to challenge him. Somehow, trying to save herself equals disloyalty? Oh...Judas christ. Highlight of the episode (besides the Liz and Austin fight) was the totally random shot of Johnny Mac popping up in the middle of the middle of a discussion between Liz and Julia, like whack-a-mole. Whack-a-Johnny-Mac has potential. Did I imagine it, or did Austin explain to Vanessa that it should have been him, Julia and Liz as Final Three? WTF? What did he think Vanessa would do, apologize? I don't care for Vanessa, but I admire her ability to manipulate people. She's got those big eyes and sympathetic eyebrows, and everyone falls for it. If she had a different face, she couldn't do it. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491888
Nashville September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 "I'll do anything", except use the veto on her. hahahahaha Hey, even Austin has his limits. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491931
Artsda September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Julia's an idiot. Vanessa's fake crying and swearing on lives while she lied was disgusting. Austin was right to react the way he did, Clay quitting is no respect. Julia's the one Liz should be pissed at. For being an idiot. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491979
AndreaK1041 September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Maybe Austin is right not to use the veto on her, but taunting the bench at the veto comp when he won? He's a dick. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1491986
candall September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 At this beginning of this episode: Liz is still confined to her bed with the vapors because of Steve betraying her and putting her on the block. Between all the "not fairs" and "literally's," she says, "I would NEVER have done that to HIM." Hahahahaha--this chick cracks me up. . 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492251
ghoulina September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I am just loving, LOVING watching the implosion of Austwins. I can't stand any of them, so it's glorious watching them meltdown and turn on each other. They've all been sitting pretty for far too long in this game. I always love when people who have been safe for a long time start freaking out because someone DARES to put them on the block. As if they should just be handed the game. Liz was all, in regards to Steve, "I would never do that to him. Ever". Um really? So if it was final four with Austwins and Steve, you'd put up Austin and your sister? Okay then. Also, Julia with her, "I'm going to pray every 30 minutes" upon devising their veto strategy. Yes, because frequency of prayer causes God to change His mind about who He selected to win the veto. Hahahaha Also, the fact that Julia finds no-neck-Jesse hot just sealed her fate with me. Dead. I literally had to look away when he was on. That Veto was so tense in the beginning! I couldn't even watch. It was pretty hilarious because my husband sauntered out of the bedroom to find me wincing, covering my face, and shrieking - "I can't watch! I can't watch!" So he turns to see a large, tattooed guy in a tutu, spinning around like mad. I got the most "dafuq" look ever in our marriage! But seriously, that shit could not have gone better. I still do not care for Vanessa, but girl is a mastermind. Austwins went into that thing with their plan on lock, and it only took Vanessa two seconds to talk Julia into screwing the entire thing up. It played out perfectly! Of course it didn't hurt that Julia is an idiot. Johnny Mac and the "enraged gorilla" were both pretty good at this comp. But I was pleased to see Johnny falling back on his old ways, throwing the comp. It really was a smart move, as he was in no danger at the moment. And just the way that asshole Austin gloated about his win, and all the blow-ups that happened in the house after - totally worth it. I was just so let down to see Liz back in Austin's arms by the end. Grrrr. Also, Liz looks confused ALL the time. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492268
ghoulina September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 And John seems to throw yet another comp. I think that was a bad move on his part. Unless he's just playing for final two, in which case it's probably a good move. Who knows with these people. I don't really think it was dumb. He wasn't in danger of being the replacement nom, and having Austin win caused all sorts of fractures in the house with Austin and his "Angels". It didn't really LOOK like he threw it, because he was pretty close behind Austin, so I don't think anyone would suspect him. So basically, Austin is the only one that knows and that favor might come in handy if Austin gets the next HOH. But I don't think it would hurt him. Even more astonishing in the aftermath in a TINY house...Austwins are unable to compare notes and ferret out the Vanessa is the lyingest liar who ever lied! She really played that perfectly. I think even if they did compare notes, it wouldn't effect her. Her reasoning with Julia was - "You have to take out Austin, because if he wins it, you go up". But even when Austin calls her on helping Julia, Vanessa's all - "Well, you were planning to throw it and save all three of you. Who do you think would be the replacement nominee". And, damn, it was true. She would go up. So either Austin was planning to throw Vanessa under the bus, in which case he can't be mad at her for what she did....OR he really wasn't planning to to throw it to Julia, in which case he better just keep his mouth shut. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492296
laurakaye September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) I think Vanessa's eyes have hypnotic powers. She could come up to anyone in that house and get them to do her bidding just by telling them to "think about it" and staring deep into their eyes. She could've babbled anything to Julia during the veto comp and Julia would've bought it. I cannot STAND the way Vanessa uses tears to her advantage, but if it ain't broke, why fix it? If everyone left in that house melts into a puddle of stupid when confronted with Vanessa's tears, they all deserve to lose, and Vanessa should win the game AND the fan favorite money (do they still do that)? Just give her ALL THE CHECKS and let's wrap up the most stupid, weird, and badly edited season of Big Brother ever. P.S. I still heart Steve and want him to win, I just don't see how anyone can surpass Hurricane Vanessa at this point. Although I would be very curious to see if he could pull it off just based on the fact that he finally broke up the Austwins. But again, all Vanessa would have to do at Final Two is cry and talk a hundred miles a minute and she wins, because if no one can follow her logic, she must be right. Edited September 10, 2015 by laurakaye 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492301
Primetimer September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Vanessa very nearly manages to break up Austwins even before the eviction. Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492433
AbsoluteShower September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Also, the fact that Julia finds no-neck-Jesse hot just sealed her fate with me. Dead. I literally had to look away when he was on. Maybe he can take her on a date to see Sigmund and Freud... 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492476
Wootini September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I don't know what was more delicious. The Ben & Jerry's ice cream I was eating during this episode or watching the Austwins implode. After bathing in the tears of Liz having been put up on the block, watching them snipe at each other and succumb to Vanessa's hypnotic powers was AMAZEBALLS. It's kind of hilarious how throughout the season we see these moments where people go "Vanessa is totally manipulating all of us! She's super dangerous!" But then nobody ever does anything about it. At this point, if she can make it to the final two, she'll probably have an easy time winning. Even if you don't like her (and i don't), you have to admit she's played the game. Overplayed it, really, but still, more than most of these idiots could manage. Plus, I would love to see her final two "Vote for me" speech. It would be five minutes of nonsense rambling doubling back on herself working herself up into an emotional breakdown where she CAN'T QUITE squeak out any actual tears. It would be awesome. But watching Austwins implode was glorious. As I've said before, it's always nice when the people who strut around the house acting like people should just hand them the grand prize finally get put on the block and they have a complete breakdown. "DON'T THEY KNOW I DESERVE TO WIN THIS? HOW COULD THEY PUT ME UP?!" Wonderful. Unfortunately, after Liz sniped at him, Austin somehow managed to get back in her good books and we were forced to watch them make up. Ick. And yeah, Austin? When Jesse thinks you're ridiculous, maybe it's time to rethink this Judas bullshit. Seriously. JESSE. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492491
AbsoluteShower September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Also, the fact that Julia finds no-neck-Jesse hot just sealed her fate with me. Dead. I literally had to look away when he was on. Plus. she does realise that because of the roids he's like a Ken doll, right? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492509
Biosynth September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I have to admit, Jesse didn't look too bad. Nice abs. I didn't need to see Austin's though. Yuck. I've decided that his tattoos are a representation of the box art for Angry Orchard and that he loves hard cider. I've not been the biggest Vanessa fan, nor do I want a millionaire to win more money, but damn she was pretty masterful last night. And it was nice to see her laughing sincerely with Austin when they were talking. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492552
Cutty September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 The concealer Vanessa used to cover up the zits on her chin just made them stick out even more. Very distracting. Anyway, not much to add here. Good episode for Vanessa. The twins are annoying brats. For a fleeting moment I actually felt bad for Austin, but it was short lived. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492692
Nashville September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) At this beginning of this episode: Liz is still confined to her bed with the vapors because of Steve betraying her and putting her on the block. Between all the "not fairs" and "literally's," she says, "I would NEVER have done that to HIM." Hahahahaha--this chick cracks me up. . Keep in mind - until a week and a half ago, neither of the Twins had sampled the bitter fare of OTB For Eviction. Up until now, their entire game experience has been casually throwing other HGs' names around, and each Thursday watching somebody ELSE stand up from one of the Chairs and walk out the door while they made snarky comments behind the evictee's back. So I expect the past week and a half has been a little jarring. Not to say it isn't funny as hell. ;) But one could hope their current experience might generate some degree of awareness and empathy for what other HGs have been experiencing all season. Maybe. But I doubt it. Edited September 10, 2015 by Nashville 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492712
candall September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) I think Vanessa's eyes have hypnotic powers. She could come up to anyone in that house and get them to do her bidding just by telling them to "think about it" and staring deep into their eyes. She could've babbled anything to Julia during the veto comp and Julia would've bought it. I cannot STAND the way Vanessa uses tears to her advantage, but if it ain't broke, why fix it? If everyone left in that house melts into a puddle of stupid when confronted with Vanessa's tears, they all deserve to lose, and Vanessa should win the game AND the fan favorite money (do they still do that)? Just give her ALL THE CHECKS and let's wrap up the most stupid, weird, and badly edited season of Big Brother ever. P.S. I still heart Steve and want him to win, I just don't see how anyone can surpass Hurricane Vanessa at this point. Although I would be very curious to see if he could pull it off just based on the fact that he finally broke up the Austwins. But again, all Vanessa would have to do at Final Two is cry and talk a hundred miles a minute and she wins, because if no one can follow her logic, she must be right. You give Steve credit for breaking up the Austwins, but he was bound and determined to put both twins on the block and Vanessa's the person who convinced him otherwise. Austin winning the veto with Steve's masterplan in place zooms the Austwins straight to the end. I think she has more going on than fasttalk and tears, and this week she was definitely a smarter player than Steve. Edited September 10, 2015 by candall 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492753
LoneHaranguer September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Unbelievable! Absolutly Unbelievable! Julia is officially the DUMBEST houseguest (leap frogging over Lawon and his "superpowers") since Marcellus way back when. I'm a bit torn between loathing Vanessa for taking advantage of somebody so mentally challenged, and suspecting that Julia and Vanessa have had a deal we didn't know about. Either way, I'm finding myself rooting for Austin to do a little belated "housecleaning", although if he's successful, I'm fine with JMac walking away with the win instead. I would have liked to see Vanessa asked to explain what she meant by "game play", just to hear what she would have made up to keep from saying how she had played Julia. Does the fact that Vanessa felt a need to do damage control mean she's planning to evict Julia? It was pointless if, as swing vote, she's going to evict Liz, but if she wants to keep her pretense going, she's going to have to keep Liz and just sell that to Steve and JMac (which shouldn't be difficult). Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492775
AbsoluteShower September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Does the fact that Vanessa felt a need to do damage control mean she's planning to evict Julia? It was pointless if, as swing vote, she's going to evict Liz, but if she wants to keep her pretense going, she's going to have to keep Liz and just sell that to Steve and JMac (which shouldn't be difficult). If the hamsters had any sense they would take advantage of the situation and split up two couples with one vote by evicting Liz. Unfortunately they are morons, so obviously tonight we will see a unanimous vote to evict Julia. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492823
laurakaye September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 The concealer Vanessa used to cover up the zits on her chin just made them stick out even more. Very distracting. I noticed this too, as well as her hair, which looked like she hadn't washed it in a week or so. She was looking pretty ragged in that episode. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1492983
laurakaye September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 If the hamsters had any sense they would take advantage of the situation and split up two couples with one vote by evicting Liz. Unfortunately they are morons, so obviously tonight we will see a unanimous vote to evict Julia. They couldn't possibly be that stupid, could they? I mean, it's way advantageous to keep Julia because she would have no problem going after Austin, yes? I don't know why I continue to assign logical thoughts to the players on this show, when I totally know better... 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493001
AbsoluteShower September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 They couldn't possibly be that stupid, could they? I mean, it's way advantageous to keep Julia because she would have no problem going after Austin, yes? I don't know why I continue to assign logical thoughts to the players on this show, when I totally know better... 1) Julia cannot stand Austin so their 'alliance' is on shaky ground 2) She's pretty much useless at comps 3) "I vote to evict Julia" 4) GAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493038
Dewey Decimate September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Oh my goodness, I've enjoyed this season immensely (relatively speaking), and with only 6 HGs left, it still entertains. Even Jesse's appearance was worth it for the shade thrown at Austin. The twins' oohing over his muscles ( Julia continued to talk about his admiringly that night on BBAD - hilarious! ), and then Julia tossing the Judas hat along with his clothes? I almost felt sorry for the guy. Love her or hate her, Vanessa made my mouth drop when she mind-controlled Julia's pick. "Johnny Mac is not the HG you are looking for..." Steve's tutu-tumble off the dais - hee! The monkey sounds while Austin scooched on the ground like an enraged gorilla were Everything. If the wrestling doesn't work out, maybe he could be a giant spider vombie baby on The Strain. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493171
alegtostandon September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) I can't believe that they all bought her explanation of why she told Julia to pick Austin. I think Vanessa has played a good game, but I don't think she's a mastermind- she's been really obvious in her lies and duplicity, and they've all completely failed to pick up on it or, even worse, ignored it. That random JMac shot was so .. random! Didn't even really make sense in the story. It was really just totally random, which made it that much more hilarious. Yep. She's a bullshitter of the highest order, and I do think she's playing the game well. But I do not care for her at all. She's not even a love-to-hate villain; she's just not fun to watch. She's uncomfortable to watch. I could go a lifetime without seeing him. Several lifetimes. Never found him interesting or entertaining in the slightest, and to me, he's the 'fetch' of Big Brother. Those 2 random shots of Johnny Mac were so well placed, the one where he just popped up in the middle of one of the "emotional" scenes, there was another when, I believe Vanessa was crying to the twins, they popped up a shot of Johnny Mac playing air guitar. I just cannot get over Vanessa, within a few seconds, she talks Julia into choosing Austin, once the twins realized what Vanessa had done, the confront her, only to have Vanessa turn on the waterworks & the twins end up comforting her! Loved Julia throwing Judas's disgusting hat around. How many times have we heard Austin bellow that 'Judas is now in the house, everyone had better be very afraid!' speech? Exactly what is the "Judas" persona? How is he different than "Austin"? Wednesday nights is "Family Big Brother" night. We all had tears from laughing, first, when Steve fell over after twirling. Austin, I still laugh when I think of how ridicules Austin looked crawling on his knees and knuckles! Was anyone else expecting Austin (or Judas) rip the top of his tutu off after Jessie ripped his off? Edited September 10, 2015 by alegtostandon 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493238
AbsoluteShower September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Those 2 random shots of Johnny Mac were so well placed, the one where he just popped up in the middle of one of the "emotional" scenes, there was another when, I believe Vanessa was crying to the twins, they popped up a shot of Johnny Mac playing air guitar. I just cannot get over Vanessa, within a few seconds, she talks Julia into choosing Austin, once the twins realized what Vanessa had done, the confront her, only to have Vanessa turn on the waterworks & the twins end up comforting her! Another great Johnny Mac reaction shot was when Steve announced "hey everybody it's time for the veto competition!" - cue shrieking and whoops from the twins. Cut to Johnny Mac's mocking "yay, veto!" "Oh my god-uuuuhhhhh Vanessa, we're so sorry you fucked us oveeeerrrrr-uuuuuhhhhh!!!" 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493273
Wootini September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I do admire the way Vanessa has been playing the hell out of this game, but I also have to wonder if she'd be having such an easy time of it if it didn't seem like everyone else in the house was sharing one brain cell between them. ;) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493281
AbsoluteShower September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I noticed this too, as well as her hair, which looked like she hadn't washed it in a week or so. She was looking pretty ragged in that episode. Please tell me if I am contravening any board rules by saying this, but Vanessa just seems very.....tweaky to me. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493291
alegtostandon September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Please tell me if I am contravening any board rules by saying this, but Vanessa just seems very.....tweaky to me. I am not sure if you are, but I totally agree with you. I've wondered about that too. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493386
Wootini September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 On a somewhat related note, remember when this show would make a big deal about giving the hamsters treats and alcohol? It was never enough to get really drunk, though, which is why that one… Krista, maybe?… guzzled mouthwash. :-/ Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493453
ghoulina September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 They couldn't possibly be that stupid, could they? I mean, it's way advantageous to keep Julia because she would have no problem going after Austin, yes? I don't see Austin voting out Liz, but I really hope Johnny Mac and Vanessa do. I mean, Julia was never a target, just a backup in case someone won Veto. I think everyone knows full well that Liz would be the best bet. I know the hamsters often do the opposite of the best move, but this time I think they might just get it together. I just cannot get over Vanessa, within a few seconds, she talks Julia into choosing Austin, once the twins realized what Vanessa had done, the confront her, only to have Vanessa turn on the waterworks & the twins end up comforting her! Right? I'm pretty sure I heard Liz tell Julia that she needed to LOUDLY confront Vanessa and call her out on the manipulation. But no, they ended up hugging her and making it all okay again. These people.... 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/31517-s17e34-episode-34/#findComment-1493458
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