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S07.E22: Reunion (Part III)

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OMG - STFU Beth and STFU Andy with asking Beth for her opinion on almost every topic.


I hated this episode.  I was silently screaming.  God, Lu, did you forget your 'copped' to making out with the married guy (oh, who is now getting divorced.  Give me a break).


Kris won the night with her comment to Ro about letting the guy sleep upstairs.


Anyone notice that Beth referred to Kristen as 'Kris'... but don't call her 'Beth'.


Sonja, you are delusional.  And sad because you are so delusional.  Um, yeah, sure, Madonna didn't come in because of security.  Honey, if Madonna was coming to your fashion show, her people (and you) would certainly have taken care of 'security'.


Doris - I don't care about you but you sure do like to go on and on. 

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 God, Lu, did you forget your 'copped' to making out with the married guy (oh, who is now getting divorced.  Give me a break).


I noticed that too.   She also seemed to forget her reaction when Kristen told her he was married.  I seem to remember LuAnn was speechless for a few seconds and then shrugged it off and said "It happens."

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So basically Lu pulled a Kim Richards and deflected ("Let's talk about your husband") and tried to create smoke where there is no fire. I'm not a Heather fan by any means but I don't buy for one second that she was doing anything untoward in her room on vacation.

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Oddly enough I wasn't focused on Kristen's ridiculous extensions and dress but actually listening to what she had to say.  She did an impressive job in calling out both Ramona and LuAnn.

I don't disagree that she didn't have a point and she was well spoken - if not a tad trying too hard. It's just it was hard to take her angry, scolding face seriously when she looked like she was at a Lord of the Rings costume party. If you're going to hunt bear, dress appropriately.

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These bitches really pissed me off.

Dorinda had a nervous fucking breakdown because Heather didn't wait for her to walk into the restaurant together, and she's still whining about hurt feelings - but she steamrolled the hell over Kristin's reaction to her handsy boyfriend and mocked her "Are you fine? Are you pregnant? Did you call 911? Oh my god! Oh my god!" complete with dramatic faces. I only WISH Kristin had thrown that shit in her face and carried on the same way when two seconds later she was all about her butthurt feelings.


LuAnn is STILL crying about Mario calling her "countless," but Heather and Carole are overreacting to some strange sleeping in the next room?


Bethenny: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You weren't there and stop trying to co-host and manage the fucking reunion. And boo to the rest of you ladies for letting her punk your asses. Except my girl Heather. Holla all you want, Mama.


And I call bullshit "so what, nobody got robbed." Fuck that, you'd have screamed bloody murder if you were there.


Sure LuAnn, insist everyone let Bethenny speak ... but only when she's supporting your bullshit theory when it's clear to everyone they only went in that room because Ramona punted. And still nobody is mad at Ramona behind that shit.


I don't hate Bethenny, but god it's really disgusting watching her get the Nene treatment. LuAnn, Ramona and Dorinda go at Heather and Carole (and Kristin) with fucking bared damned teeth - but as soon as Bethenney jumps in and decides who is to be believed and how, they settle the fuck down. She says LuAnn does her best work in the bathroom and instead of her "I'm single, I can do what the hell I want, and??" snarl, she just purses her lips and shakes her head.


These reunions are frustrating as hell. For me, that is. I need better fighting!


Love this post!  I nominate you to write the recap!!! 

That made me laugh.   


Since when have the HWs ever been appropriate?   


True, but Kristen's outfits are usually SO on point... 

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So basically Lu pulled a Kim Richards and deflected ("Let's talk about your husband") and tried to create smoke where there is no fire. I'm not a Heather fan by any means but I don't buy for one second that she was doing anything untoward in her room on vacation.

I'll have to go back to see what Lu said, but I can buy that there might have been something. I'm not saying Heather slept with anybody but I still believe there is, or was, tension in that marriage and I can see Heather blowing off some steam while on vacation with a bunch of other, liquored-up, horny women.

I think it was a bitch move for Lu to bring it up but no bitchier than Heather has been about other things. They all bishes.

Edited by ryebread
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That was hard to watch/see, you could clearly see his death still haunts her and that she still loves and misses him a great deal.


It especially jumped out when asked what they thought their husbands would think, and Carole answered in the present tense.


Doris - I don't care about you but you sure do like to go on and on. 

For real, tho. She's too inconsistent for me and preaches way more than the people she's accusing. Sadly it seems she's here for another season. UGH.


Did I miss it?  Did either Heather or Kris get a package about their time this season?


Wow, nope ... now that you mention it, I don't recollect AT ALL. Fuck! Damn you Andy Cohen. My husband had it right when he said he can't watch your show because he always feels the urge to punch you in your smug face. He never feels like that about anyone on TV - and he occasionally watches Fox News.



Love this post!  I nominate you to write the recap!!!

Aww, thanks!

Edited by SnarkKitty
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I believe a lot of the conflict we've seen was producer driven and/or manufactured for screen time so I'm not about to totally accept the peace that was made with all those hugs at the end of the reunion.  However, I thought this was one of the best Reunion finales I've ever seen.  A while back someone commented that they hate the reunions because they keep going in circles and nothing is ever resolved.  Whether tonight's "hugs" were scripted or real, these women did resolve many of their issues.   There's always an exception.........tonight's exception is Sonja.  Poor delusional Sonja still believes Madonna came to her fashion show.

Edited by AnnA
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You're not alone. I don't get it.

Usually they do a clip package mainly focusing on each woman sometimes they pair them highlighting their season. They didn't do one for either Heather or Kristen.

Edited by biakbiak
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What do you mean, breezy?

On the reunions, there's a montage (or package with questions by Andy following) for each of the housewives on their season.  There wasn't one on either Heather or Kris.  I don't recall that ever being omitted before.

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Thanks for the "package" explanation.  


I didn't notice that tonight or at any other reunion.


I need to add something to my previous comment about delusional Sonja.  I was glad to learn that she finally understood what happened with Kristen and  the NY Post reporter about her toaster ovens and apologized. 

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Kristen was the surprise of the night for me.


I think she needs a new tagline...





Kristen nailed Ramona for Naked Guy, and I applaud her for it.  She was clear and concise and cast the blame where it belongs.  Of course, Ramona just shrugged it off by saying she was drunk, and then Bethenny had to pipe in with her opinion, and it was done.  

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Thanks for the explanations of a package. I'll keep an eye out because I have to re-watch anyway - kept flipping between the reunion and Project Runway.

Yeah, I know where you're coming from.  Watched Project Runway and recorded Reunion III and watched afterward. 

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I did like Andy putting Luann on the spot about knowing the cameras are there.


I still get a laugh when I see the clip of Luann shoving past Heather, and barking "not really".  I loved that it revealed the real Luann.  I wonder how Noel feels about Johnny Depp now.


Damn, Carol made me tear up again.  Imagine how interesting it could have been if Doris had shut the fuck up. 

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There is something about the way Kristen scolds Ramona as though she is a child that really bugs me.  She even does the wagging finger.  Yes, Ramona is a piece of work, but she is old enough to be Kristen's mother.  I really hope Josh's monkey business doesn't get Kristen another season.  She was given even less attention than Heather during the reunions and not much during this past season.  I was hoping that signaled her departure.  


If Heather is leaving I'm fine with this being her last hurrah.  I never developed an appreciation for her.  I'm ambivalent about Carole and Bethenny remaining.  Dorinda entertains me so I hope she stays.  The rest of them all drive me crazy at some point but I can't imagine this franchise without Ramona, Luanne, or Sonja.


Best thing about the reunion shows has been the ads for Ladies of London.  I'm really looking forward to that.


ETA: spelling

Edited by ichbin
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IDamn, Carol made me tear up again.  Imagine how interesting it could have been if Doris had shut the fuck up.

To quote Luann, "Not really." :-p I just can't with Carole. Nothing about her is compelling to me. Except her puppy which is really, really cute. But she named him 'Baby'....

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There is something about the way Kristen scolds Ramona as though she is a child that really bugs me.  She even does the wagging finger.  Yes, Ramona is a piece of work, but she is old enough to be Kristen's mother.  [ /quote]

Tonight on Project Runway, Kiernan Shipka (who played Don Draper 's daughter on Mad Men) was a judge. Though she didn't scold and was actually quite charming for a 15 year old, it was odd to see her critique the work of designers twice her age. I'm not sure what it was about Kristen tonight but she does appear she has a problem with people taking her seriously. I think her age is the least of it but I agree she always looks...not-authentic?...when trying to take down the OG.

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I love everything you had to say in your post, but I wanted to elaborate on this part.  I actually had to rewind and watch this part again, because I was dying laughing at how stupid Luann came off.


Lu:  "Let Bethenny speak for a second, quiet".

Beth:  Lu was caught showing her ass with the pirate, so Lu has learned her lesson.

Lu:  Piously nods head, "that's right".

Beth:  They knew Lu may have a man in there, based on the past.

Lu:  Still pious, bravely nods her head in agreement.

Heather:  Acts confused, Beth yells about Lu and the pirate in the past -

Lu:  Rocks back on coach, cackling uproariously.

Beth:  It's ironic because this is the first time you're being honest about your off-camera life.

Lu:  "It's true!"

Beth:  This is the season in which you finally cop your shit

Lu:  "I own it!"

(Hilarious Sonja aside:  "Let's move the table and put the mud in.")


I hate to tell you this Lu, but Bethenny was in no way complimenting you. 

Actually that was Bethenny's complaint about Luann from previous seasons.  So when Luann was on Bethnny's talk show she pretty much confronted Luann over her on camera and off camera persona.  So this season with Luann being more open-Heather decides to out Luann's smoking.  So I do think Bethenny was in an odd way complimenting Luann.


Bethenny drives me nuts with her interrupting but she did manage to get the matter resolved.

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I hate to tell you this Lu, but Bethenny was in no way complimenting you.

I've read the posts about how Bethenny talks too much and should STFU. I agree with the first part; she does talk too much but I wouldn't want her to STFU. However, I think she needs to learn to express herself more succinctly. I like Bethenny so she probably annoys me less than she does some of you. It's not unusual for one HW or another to hijack a discussion and if we look at the other seven HWs on the NY franchise, I wonder which HW those who dislike Bethenny would prefer in that role.

During this reunion, Bethenny managed to get some of the others to own up to this or that and that's something Andy doesn't do well.

Edited by AnnA
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What a great season.  I loved this cast and would keep them all.  Plenty of drama but I don't feel any toxic, season-long anger - storms blow up and pass immediately.  Hopefully Luann and Carole will work through it.  What a fun group of ladies.  Yay NYC!

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Yeah, it doesn't really stand out or bother me that Bethenny takes over more of the talking space than the other women, simply because I am always interested in hearing her take on things.  I like her, so most of what she does is okay with me.  I don't like Ramona, so everything she does bothers me, except tonight she managed to do something for the first time that didn't bug me when she fell asleep like a great grandma in the middle of a room full of people talking. Bethenny's so smart and quick that I think she finds it incredibly frustrating sitting there trying to wait for the other women to finish their (not always coherent) thoughts, and even though the right and courteous thing for her to do is to wait and let everyone have their turn, I understand why she's not always able to.  She's desperate for everyone to just get to the bottom line, already.  Finish beating all the dead horses, everyone just own up to whatever you did that was shitty, apologize if you need to, and call it a day. I laughed when she said she got out of the shuttle in Turks and Cacos like a normal human being, not realizing that it should have been an ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO! situation to grab the best room.


It was refreshing for a reunion to close out with everyone on at least decent terms.  Was that a first, for all the franchises?  Usually it seems like there is at least one grudge still happening at the end of every season.

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SnarkKitty, I 'liked' your post, but wanted to say how much I adored it. Preach!

A few thoughts. I don't dislike Bethanny, but I feel it was about 30% too much of her on the show, and 60% too much on the reunion. She was not there for many of the hot topics, she could sit back and STFU at least a few times. Please! But why should she, when Andy is constantly turning to her and asking her thoughts. "Bethanny, you were on a plane home at the time, but what do you think about something you only saw edited on TV?" I mean, really? It was especially egregious at the end. Usually Andy talks to each houseguest, even if for a moment. Tonight, he started with Bethanny (because, sure) went to a few more, and then....went back to Bethanny and scene. That's just bullshit.

The rawest moment for me was when Carole was telling Dorinda about how she and Anthony had never had the "moving on" conversation because he refused to acknowledge what was happening to the bitter end. Sonja - and I don't think she meant this in any other way than trying to be supportive - asked Carole if that's what she meant when she said she just wanted one more day. Carole's face kind of matched mine. No Sonja, Carole doesn't want one more day with her husband so he can tell her to move on. Awkward!

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My last thought on the ridiculousness of the fight in the Turks & Caicos - it's unbelievable how LuAnn continues to insist Heather and Carole broke some girl code on the very night that she spent the night (doing whatever - doesn't matter) with another woman's husband. If that isn't breaking the girl code, I don't know what is.



I always thought "girl code" was that you never, ever, hook up with any of your girlfriends' exes....EVER!  That is the only "girl code" I've ever heard of. 

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I always thought "girl code" was that you never, ever, hook up with any of your girlfriends' exes....EVER! That is the only "girl code" I've ever heard of.

You're right not hooking up with married people is just decent human code. Edited by biakbiak
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Watch out Andy, Bethany is coming for your job!


Okay, so this all seemed mostly fake/ manufactured drama being "resolved" but I don't care. I was happy to see the end with hugs, and I hope it extends to this board.


I'm with those that agree that Luann had something on Heather that Heather didn't want revealed. There were a lot of words between the two back and forth before the "I'm sorry" hug thing. Eh, I don't much care though. I liked everyone hugging it out and putting it behind them.


I do think it was obvious that Heather and Kristen were not going to be coming back. However, with the Ashley Madison thing- Kristen will definitely be asked back. That's a hot topic right now that so many people are dealing with, it would be ratings gold.

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I'm with those that agree that Luann had something on Heather that Heather didn't want revealed. There were a lot of words between the two back and forth before the "I'm sorry" hug thing. Eh, I don't much care though. I liked everyone hugging it out and putting it behind them.

I disagree because Heather instantly and twice said let's.talk about it. And than Lu instantly backdowned but Heather didn't seem remotely worried/shocked/have an issue with it

At most I imagine drunk Lu and pirate dude came into Heather' s room demanded a kiss and than stumbled out. Listed back down so quickly I agree it was similar to Kim Richards trying to pretend she knew something about Harry but could never back it up.

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These bitches really pissed me off.

Dorinda had a nervous fucking breakdown because Heather didn't wait for her to walk into the restaurant together, and she's still whining about hurt feelings - but she steamrolled the hell over Kristin's reaction to her handsy boyfriend and mocked her "Are you fine? Are you pregnant? Did you call 911? Oh my god! Oh my god!" complete with dramatic faces. I only WISH Kristin had thrown that shit in her face and carried on the same way when two seconds later she was all about her butthurt feelings.

LuAnn is STILL crying about Mario calling her "countless," but Heather and Carole are overreacting to some strange sleeping in the next room?

Bethenny: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You weren't there and stop trying to co-host and manage the fucking reunion. And boo to the rest of you ladies for letting her punk your asses. Except my girl Heather. Holla all you want, Mama.

And I call bullshit "so what, nobody got robbed." Fuck that, you'd have screamed bloody murder if you were there.

Sure LuAnn, insist everyone let Bethenny speak ... but only when she's supporting your bullshit theory when it's clear to everyone they only went in that room because Ramona punted. And still nobody is mad at Ramona behind that shit.

I don't hate Bethenny, but god it's really disgusting watching her get the Nene treatment. LuAnn, Ramona and Dorinda go at Heather and Carole (and Kristin) with fucking bared damned teeth - but as soon as Bethenney jumps in and decides who is to be believed and how, they settle the fuck down. She says LuAnn does her best work in the bathroom and instead of her "I'm single, I can do what the hell I want, and??" snarl, she just purses her lips and shakes her head.

These reunions are frustrating as hell. For me, that is. I need better fighting!

"Uh huh, yeah yeah". Right on, right on.

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Doris has her moments, but I needed her to shut her giant Joker-ish mouth so Carole could get a single word in, but no, she steamrolled right ahead again. I'm glad Sonja addressed Carole directly, and her response was the best moment of the night (just like her London scenes were a respite from the usual nonsense).


I do think Lu has something on Heather but betraying that confidence would either implicate her and/or make retribution fair game. It's important enough for Carole to chime in with support when Heather reasoned, "Trust me, I've had your back, LuAnn."


I liked when Bethenny called Heather's outburst "a lot" and "Scarlett O'Hara" dramatic. I also liked when Bethenny and LuAnn shared a moment when they locked eyes and Lu said, "You've grown up a lot." It felt like a genuine "welcome back" and "I'm proud of you" which only she (and Ramona) could share w/ B.


Sonja's look is like something Ivanka Trump would have worn when she was still married to the Donald. It's glamorous but so dated and safe.

Edited by anonymiss
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I am not comprehending the idea that the Ho'wives hugged it out and, now, all is well in the land. IS THIS PROGRAM NOW AN ACTUAL SOAP OPERA? These women haven't forgiven. It's just that Bethenny sashayed into the maelstrom of madness and took over this conclave of the embarrassingly weak-minded and weak-willed (except for Heather Thomson).

With skeevy gleefulness, Andy's rancid soul feeds upon the self abasement of these women, so he used Bethenny and her will-bending powers to do his job. And, it worked!

It worked especially well on LuAnn, Dorinda, and Ramona who smiled while being beguiled into illuminating their lies, rampant hypocrisy, and slimy begrimed characters.

Ramona was knackered and maybe a bit peckish from the strain of handling the pet on her chest affectionately known by the name, "her new boobs". Apparently, it was their feeding time, leaving Ramona exhausted and sleepy, thereby, curtailing any ability to mitigate her deviously dirty machinations. Her pet "boobs" must be part Teflon because EVERYthing just slides right off of her responsibility.

Oddly, Dorinda is both a dithering ditz and a dastardly demon. She IS a definite nutter with her scowling visage and blistering tones always at the ready to be lobbed at Heather and Kristen--ONLY. She bewilderingly adheres to her pathetically nasty revealed character even when Almighty Sage Bethenny and the Bravo Bitches Consortium highlight her bewildering rage, misplaced, yet relentless attacks, and erroneous conclusions by showing reel after reel of her slurring and spitting break-dancing crumbs as she lumbers her way across the boulevards.

LuAnn is plainly a practiced liar and monumental hypocrite evidenced by, well, everydamnthing.

Is she the author of the urtext of miffed and indignant behaviors? Or, does she have a ghostwriter?

Amazingly, Bethenny's power of ensorcellment was so powerful that ABSOLUTELY none of her tiresome monopolizing, unflattering fakeness, and vicious meanness in the first half of the season was shown, remarked upon, or even acknowledged. Rather, she directed the entire BOREunion. Remarkable powers, indeed, Sage Bethenny.

Is Sexy J Sonja barmy?

She believes that she is frolicking through the Mists of Avalon so...

The relevant question here is-- Is Carole a distinct body, a person? Or, is she a construct created by the great powers of Sinister Andy and hypocritically would be despot Sage Bethenny??

Kristen, Kristen, Kristen. Sorry about your narcissistic cheating-ass pissant of a so-called husband. Do what you need to do and fare thee well.

Heather, if this is your goodbye HOLLA, you must be respiring in relief to no longer have to slavishly, although not bufoonishly, perform at the whim of a pathetically soulless marionette of evil.

So, HOLLA and fare thee well to you too!

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Many have made the comparison between Heather and Bethenny, arguments have been made about how these two women are savvy business mavens, how assertive they are and probably that is why they are so succesful, how abrasive they can be, know-it-all , etc, etc, etc.


So I kept wondering and wondering, if in essence they are so similar why I like Bethenny and do not care for Heather?  


The only honest answer I can find is quite simple: witty humor.


While Heather expresses herself correctly, is well spoken and can make her point across , she always comes IMO as arrogant, condescending and almost as if she is preaching to the other party. She rarely acknowledges any of her shortcomings and while one of her virtues is that she is loyal, that is also her downfall because she comes accross as lending blinding support to the most stupid causes, she fights other battles but not to make the conflict go away, she deepens the conflict and then that problem becomes her problem as well. All that can be forgiven if Heather would have some instrospection and would use humor to tone it down instead of scalating it. She sets herself in this kind of pedestal so she becomes an easy target.


Bethenny on the other hand has the gift (I wish I had) of having witty comebacks, it is not only the content, it is the delivery as well. When someone makes a cutting remark or a passive agrresive dig, I sulk on it for hours and then I come back with an awesome reply that I wish I would have though hours before and that makes me even madder, lol. Bethenny is quick on her feet, she nails it but usually with humor which makes the conflict dissipate or at least brings it down so there is possibility for reconciliation.  Bethenny is the first one to acknowledge her shortcoming and usually puts it all up front and by doing that and laughing about it she disarms her opponents.


The way she handled the issue of the toast was masteful IMO, she didn't overeact, she said she believed it but let it go , (lol, poor Luann doesn't know what she has coming her way next season), by doing so and not dragging it out she set the tone and even joked about it which make that conflict dissipate. She now has one little weapon to throw at Luann every so often.


I know it is not fair for Heather, humor just doesn't come to her easily as it doesn't for many of us, but Bethenny has that gift and boy does she use it well.

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I love everything you had to say in your post, but I wanted to elaborate on this part.  I actually had to rewind and watch this part again, because I was dying laughing at how stupid Luann came off.


Lu:  "Let Bethenny speak for a second, quiet".

Beth:  Lu was caught showing her ass with the pirate, so Lu has learned her lesson.

Lu:  Piously nods head, "that's right".

Beth:  They knew Lu may have a man in there, based on the past.

Lu:  Still pious, bravely nods her head in agreement.

Heather:  Acts confused, Beth yells about Lu and the pirate in the past -

Lu:  Rocks back on coach, cackling uproariously.

Beth:  It's ironic because this is the first time you're being honest about your off-camera life.

Lu:  "It's true!"

Beth:  This is the season in which you finally cop your shit

Lu:  "I own it!"

(Hilarious Sonja aside:  "Let's move the table and put the mud in.")


I hate to tell you this Lu, but Bethenny was in no way complimenting you. 

I love it - so pious and brave Lu. :)  It wasn't a compliment AND she managed to undercut her argument - 'cause if Lu learned her lesson, then wouldn't she have expressed that to her "girls" at the start of the trip or before? And therefore they wouldn't have expected anybody to be caught in her room. So try again, Crackerjacks.


I've read the posts about how Bethenny talks too much and should STFU. I agree with the first part; she does talk too much but I wouldn't want her to STFU. However, I think she needs to learn to express herself more succinctly. I like Bethenny so she probably annoys me less than she does some of you. It's not unusual for one HW or another to hijack a discussion and if we look at the other seven HWs on the NY franchise, I wonder which HW those who dislike Bethenny would prefer in that role.

During this reunion, Bethenny managed to get some of the others to own up to this or that and that's something Andy doesn't do well.

As one of the early STFU-ers, I noted I'm not one who dislikes her, so it has nothing to do with looking for anyone else in her place. But gawd almighty, it was enough already when she started making pronouncements about things she wasn't even there for. Like, we get it, you talk faster and louder than everyone else and you mock everything so it seems like you're keeping things lively. But seriously, you don't have to have an opinion - or at least not voice it - about EVERYTHING.


SnarkKitty, I 'liked' your post, but wanted to say how much I adored it. Preach!

A few thoughts. I don't dislike Bethanny, but I feel it was about 30% too much of her on the show, and 60% too much on the reunion. She was not there for many of the hot topics, she could sit back and STFU at least a few times. Please! But why should she, when Andy is constantly turning to her and asking her thoughts. "Bethanny, you were on a plane home at the time, but what do you think about something you only saw edited on TV?" I mean, really? It was especially egregious at the end. Usually Andy talks to each houseguest, even if for a moment. Tonight, he started with Bethanny (because, sure) went to a few more, and then....went back to Bethanny and scene. That's just bullshit.

The rawest moment for me was when Carole was telling Dorinda about how she and Anthony had never had the "moving on" conversation because he refused to acknowledge what was happening to the bitter end. Sonja - and I don't think she meant this in any other way than trying to be supportive - asked Carole if that's what she meant when she said she just wanted one more day. Carole's face kind of matched mine. No Sonja, Carole doesn't want one more day with her husband so he can tell her to move on. Awkward!


As always Katesus, we are here :::fingers to eyes:::: Your response re: Bethenny is just right. I especially love the bolded part. She needed less airtime during the season, and to take a back seat during the stuff she wasn't even present for. That right there would have cut her talk time down to enough.


I disagree because Heather instantly and twice said let's.talk about it. And than Lu instantly backdowned but Heather didn't seem remotely worried/shocked/have an issue with it

Exactly. She was like "bring it." And Luann backed that shit up. (ha)


I liked when Bethenny called Heather's outburst "a lot" and "Scarlett O'Hara" dramatic.


The total inability of these women to see the plank in their own eyes continues to astound me. EVERYTHING about Bethenny is "Scarlett O'Hara" dramatic. I don't want the fucking meatballs! [sob]...because it's too much attention.  I want to be invisible! [sob] ... on camera. I'm homeless! [sob] ... with a mulitimillion dollar home under reno, and a house in the Hamptons. I'm just sayin', it's a lot /Bethenny dismissive shrug

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Many have made the comparison between Heather and Bethenny, arguments have been made about how these two women are savvy business mavens, how assertive they are and probably that is why they are so succesful, how abrasive they can be, know-it-all , etc, etc, etc.


So I kept wondering and wondering, if in essence they are so similar why I like Bethenny and do not care for Heather?  


The only honest answer I can find is quite simple: witty humor.


While Heather expresses herself correctly, is well spoken and can make her point across , she always comes IMO as arrogant, condescending and almost as if she is preaching to the other party. She rarely acknowledges any of her shortcomings and while one of her virtues is that she is loyal, that is also her downfall because she comes accross as lending blinding support to the most stupid causes, she fights other battles but not to make the conflict go away, she deepens the conflict and then that problem becomes her problem as well. All that can be forgiven if Heather would have some instrospection and would use humor to tone it down instead of scalating it. She sets herself in this kind of pedestal so she becomes an easy target.


Bethenny on the other hand has the gift (I wish I had) of having witty comebacks, it is not only the content, it is the delivery as well. When someone makes a cutting remark or a passive agrresive dig, I sulk on it for hours and then I come back with an awesome reply that I wish I would have though hours before and that makes me even madder, lol. Bethenny is quick on her feet, she nails it but usually with humor which makes the conflict dissipate or at least brings it down so there is possibility for reconciliation.  Bethenny is the first one to acknowledge her shortcoming and usually puts it all up front and by doing that and laughing about it she disarms her opponents.


The way she handled the issue of the toast was masteful IMO, she didn't overeact, she said she believed it but let it go , (lol, poor Luann doesn't know what she has coming her way next season), by doing so and not dragging it out she set the tone and even joked about it which make that conflict dissipate. She now has one little weapon to throw at Luann every so often.


I know it is not fair for Heather, humor just doesn't come to her easily as it doesn't for many of us, but Bethenny has that gift and boy does she use it well.


I think your distinction is interesting and it's true people forgive a lot in a person if they entertain them. Where I disagree is in Heather doesn't own her shit [buzzword]. She cops readily to talking too much sometimes and being a bit of a lecturer. And owns up to being competitive. I also think she's no more arrogant or condescending then Bethenny, IMO. And she's not cruel where Bethenny can be. Nobody is safe from her "humor." Hell, nobody means anything to Bethenny, The world is her audience and she cares for no one and nothing except Brynn. 

But it's understandable she reads "easier" than Heather. I find her amusing and funny at times, but I have no need to envy or live vicariously through her manic wit (I'd say she lands 60% of the time, the rest is cringe-inducing and falls flat. "Get off my jock" ? The way she mocked the guy at the bar? Yeah, ouch.) so I'd rather have Heather in my corner any day.

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If there's ever an argument against having more than 6 HWs, this season was it. If it's true Heather is not returning for her own reasons, I totally get it. This was Bethenny's season. She got to psychoanalyze everyone at the reunion and butt into storylines that had nothing to do with her. She moderated a reunion while the host just sat there. She commented on every single person, but no one got to comment on her. Bravo had an agenda with Bethenny's return and it has now taken me completely out of the NYC series.


Bethenny claimed Heather was never supportive of Sonja's business ventures and to that I say...WTF are you even talking about? She tried and gave a significant amount of her time to help Sonja with the damn toaster oven thing. Her help wasn't appreciated then. She eventually apologized to Sonja about doubting the clothing line. What else could she have done? Yeah, she didn't think Sonja was going to go anywhere with her business, but hell, who did? I just didn't care for Bethenny at all during that discussion.


For all of Sonja's insistence that she has such a strong background in PR, I still don't get why she didn't consider that maybe Kristen hadn't said something offensive about the stupid toaster oven. Magazines and newspapers manipulate quotes out of context all of the time.


I found Bethenny's stance about the man in the other room in T&C very odd. I have no doubt that Bethenny would flip out if she woke to some guy in the room next to hers. I thought she should have piped down completely during that discussion because she wasn't even there. Also, I thought it was funny that she completely insulted Luann, and Luann totally didn't get it. She was basically saying that Luann was sleeping around before while faking it as the Countess and now she's open about it.


So basically Lu pulled a Kim Richards and deflected ("Let's talk about your husband") and tried to create smoke where there is no fire. I'm not a Heather fan by any means but I don't buy for one second that she was doing anything untoward in her room on vacation.

I don't either. If there were dirt to say about Heather, it would have been out there already. Maybe Heather was smoking pot or something.

Edited by trimthatfat
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If anyone could have stopped Bethenny's alpha stampede to the top of this crew it would have been Heather, it was odd seeing her being fairly submissive towards Beth.  I would have thought she'd have some more umph in her.


Carole's one more day was touching.  However throughout this reunion and the re-play clips I finally found what bothers me about her.  In her fights with others she rarely speaks out before one of her ally's does.  When Carole and Heather went to confront Luanne her reactions were timed, even the hand gestures, just a second behind Heather's.  Like they weren't authentically hers.  Ramona is right (I think it was Ramona), Carole's a lackey.  The only time I saw her speak in a confrontation without anyone else was towards Luanne and the boyfriend fight.  

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