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S06.E08: What Makes You Happy

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I've been trying to figure out if Chelsea's house is actually in Sioux Falls. All the places she's filmed in are in Sioux Falls such as Aubree's preschool, Wine and Canvas, the Sioux Falls Airport, etc. The skating rink where Adum and Skeletor took Aubee skating is also in Sioux Falls. The Lincoln County Courthouse is in Canton, but since part of Sioux Falls is in Lincoln County either she or Adum could live in SF and have filed the case in Lincoln County. I think Adum lives in Sioux Falls. It's such a quick hop on the interstate between Sioux Falls and Vermillion that Chelsea could be driving back and forth. Does anyone know for sure?

Ok I stand corrected. I went back and read some of randy and chelsea's tweets and she does say she lives in sioux falls.

Just watching this show I would think aubree was the only grandchild and chelsea an only child. Instead chelsea has 3 older sisters who want nothing to do with the show and aubree has cousins. I think the Houskas, as opposed to other teen mom families, have done a great job of only showing a small part of chelsea's life on MTV.

  • Love 9

If this show was only about Chelsea, and we didn't have to compare the other train wrecks to her, we'd all be saying what a dumb ass she is.


I take issue with generalized comments, especially ones that put me in the mix. I have my own opinions and no, I would not be posting Chelsea is a "dumb ass" if this show was only about Chelsea. I know a couple of girls who became teen moms and who could better their lives because they have the means to do so but instead, they choose to make some questionable choices. Now those are the people I would refer to as dumb-asses. I'd throw in a co-worker into that category as well but, that is a different topic.


If the show was about Chelsea being with Adam, I'd have some not so nice things to say about her, like I did when this series first started.



I know Adam's an ass, but he's not an absent parent.

You are right. He is only absent when the MTV cameras are done filming for the season. MTV films for about three months for this show so that means that Adam is only absent for nine months of the year.


Technically, he is Aubree's dad. There is nothing that can change that until Aubree decides to cut him out of her life or Adam makes the choice to abandon her and allow another to take over as Aubree's dad.



Chelsea has no idea at this point whether she and the boyfriend will last. She's setting Aubree up for another disappointment if things don't work out.

I don't like when these girls bring these guys into their children's homes. Cole seems very nice, he seems like a great match for Chelsea and he really seems to interact well with Aubree. Aubree seems to enjoy having Cole around. I wish them well. That doesn't mean I like hearing him being referred to as Aubree's daddy or anything remotely like that. I wish Chelsea would have held off having Cole move in. I am not talking marriage here, simply cohabiting.



When MTV pulls the plug and Chelsea has to work full time to pay her bills, having 3 pets plus a school-age child is going to overwhelm her. One of those animals is eventually headed for another home or to the animal shelter.

I can't foresee the future like some people. Chelsea wouldn't be the first single person to have a home filled with pets and a child. I can list at least five people I know in that situation right now.


The pig? That is another story. I don't know anything about pigs, what they require, how to care for them. Will that pig be huge one day or will it stay relatively small? If so, what then?

  • Love 6

As for Aubree turning out like Leah? WTF? I think that's preposterous.


I agree with your whole post, but I mostly wanted to comment on the idea of Aubree turning out like Leah.  Out of all of the Teen Mom 2 offspring, I would say Aubree probably will turn out to be one of the best, in the long run.  In my opinion, she'd only be rivaled by Kailyn's boys, who I also think will turn out well.  Aubree is obviously spoiled, and we've seen her behave poorly.  But she's also five.  I haven't seen anything in her behavior that didn't seem typical of a five year old.  I can imagine her getting into some trouble during her teen years, like many kids do.  Her mom isn't the best disciplinarian (on camera, anyway) and she's going to have some dad issues.  I can see her trying to guilt trip Chelsea into letting her go to a questionable concert or getting her belly button pierced or whatever.  But I don't see her getting married and divorced twice and having 3 kids by age 23, or being addicted to pillses. 

  • Love 12


I agree with your whole post, but I mostly wanted to comment on the idea of Aubree turning out like Leah.  Out of all of the Teen Mom 2 offspring, I would say Aubree probably will turn out to be one of the best, in the long run.  In my opinion, she'd only be rivaled by Kailyn's boys, who I also think will turn out well.  Aubree is obviously spoiled, and we've seen her behave poorly.  But she's also five.


I think Aubree is spoiled and while she is a little bratty at times, I've seen nothing to indicate that she has any real behavioral problems. She is surrounded by a large and loving family. While I'm sure the Houskas have their dysfunction, I don't get the feeling there is anything deeply wrong going on there (especially compared to the Messers). Also being a little spoiled doesn't necessarily mean a child is going to grow into an irresponsible, out of control teen or adult. I've know more then one spoiled kid, family of mine included, who have turned out just fine in the end. Really, it is a crap shoot because anything could happen with any one of these kids, but I see the odds stacked in Aubree's favor as compared to say, Jace or Kaiser.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 7

I stumbled upon the answer to my own question.  Property records show that Chelsea's address is Hartford which is just NW of Sioux Falls.  According to the record she paid $262,000 for the place. 

And since it is already on some Teen Mom websites, here is her house.  Apparently, she likes the rural life -- there isn't much around her according to the map.  There's a photo of that child-unfriendly kitchen counter that Aubree almost impaled herself on.  Yikes.


Now I see why her vehicle is always muddy.  Nothing but dirt roads out her way.



Edited by Bella Roche
  • Love 1

Confession time: sometimes...I use a baby voice. Sometimes I use accents. Sometimes I use a hulk smash voice. All of these are used in front of my family and friends. Why? Because I like being silly. Chelsea's baby voice might grate, but I haven't noticed her use it when speaking to a lawyer or at school or work.

I talk silly all the time, anything from high pitched sqeaks to metal-sounding growling. I like accents too, but I am terrible at them, lol. Life's too short. Just have fun!!! Talk silly, dance silly, act silly. Anytime I don't have to be or sound professional I act like a huge dork. And I love it. So does the boyfriend. He purposely tries to make me squeal like a guinea pig, he thinks it's hilarious. Maybe Cole digs the high pitched baby voice thing, and that's totally a-ok.

  • Love 6

I stumbled upon the answer to my own question.  Property records show that Chelsea's address is Hartford which is just NW of Sioux Falls.  According to the record she paid $262,000 for the place. 

Is it just me or does anyone else think it's kind of scary that anyone can just jump on the internet and find out where any of these girls live?

  • Love 7

Is it just me or does anyone else think it's kind of scary that anyone can just jump on the internet and find out where any of these girls live?

No. The purchase of real estate is considered public records. The availability to find out information on who owns a piece of property has always been easily accessible. This generation just has it made because they can access information through the internet instead of having to go to city hall, the government center, library or public records like we had to do back in the days. Growing up, the addresses of where people lived were always printed in the newspaper. If a crime was committed in our city, the address of the criminal would be listed as well. When a person died, their full address was listed. As the years have passed, that ceased due to people using that information for fraudulent purposes. That doesn't pertain to public records, which is exactly what it means. I once needed to find out the owner of a home on our street to make a complaint about the residents who were renting the home. I made one phone call and was given the information of the owner.


ETA: easily not easy

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 3

Is it just me or does anyone else think it's kind of scary that anyone can just jump on the internet and find out where any of these girls live?

Not just for these girls. There really is little privacy these days. Any public record is accessible online. My divorce from the 90s has our full names, ss numbers, drivers license numbers etc. that has changed in recent years but older decrees have all the info one needs for identity theft.

  • Love 2

I think Aubree is spoiled and while she is a little bratty at times, I've seen nothing to indicate that she has any real behavioral problems. She is surrounded by a large and loving family. While I'm sure the Houskas have their dysfunction, I don't get the feeling there is anything deeply wrong going on there (especially compared to the Messers). Also being a little spoiled doesn't necessarily mean a child is going to grow into an irresponsible, out of control teen or adult. I've know more then one spoiled kid, family of mine included, who have turned out just fine in the end. Really, it is a crap shoot because anything could happen with any one of these kids, but I see the odds stacked in Aubree's favor as compared to say, Jace or Kaiser.


This is very true.  My best friend in high school was ridiculously spoiled.  She ruled the roost, for sure.  She had the master bedroom in their home while her parents stayed in the smaller second bedroom.  That level of spoiled.  She turned out a o.k.   Not that spoiling children is a good thing, it just doesn't automatically mean the kid will end up screwed up. 

No. The purchase of real estate is considered public records. The availability to find out information on who owns a piece of property has always been easy accessible. This generation just has it made because they can access information through the internet instead of having to go to city hall, the government center, library or public records like we had to do back in the days. Growing up, the addresses of where people lived were always printed in the newspaper. If a crime was committed in our city, the address of the criminal would be listed as well. When a person died, their full address was listed. As the years have passed, that ceased due to people using that information for fraudulent purposes. That doesn't pertain to public records, which is exactly what it means. I once needed to find out the owner of a home on our street to make a complaint about the residents who were renting the home. I made one phone call and was given the information of the owner.


Yeah...this is kind of terrifying, actually.  Especially for someone like myself, who works in the criminal justice system.  I've gone to great efforts to prevent people from being able to access that kind of information about me from a google name search. 

  • Love 5


I think Aubree is spoiled and while she is a little bratty at times, I've seen nothing to indicate that she has any real behavioral problems. She is surrounded by a large and loving family. While I'm sure the Houskas have their dysfunction, I don't get the feeling there is anything deeply wrong going on there (especially compared to the Messers). Also being a little spoiled doesn't necessarily mean a child is going to grow into an irresponsible, out of control teen or adult. I've know more then one spoiled kid, family of mine included, who have turned out just fine in the end. Really, it is a crap shoot because anything could happen with any one of these kids, but I see the odds stacked in Aubree's favor as compared to say, Jace or Kaiser.

I agree. The comparison to Leah is just that, a comparison. It doesn't mean that a spoiled child will turn into a junkie.  I have known spoiled kids turn out to be spoiled adults, nothing more. I have seen honor roll kids turn to alcohol or drugs. I have seen kids come from the roughest neighborhoods and broken homes who ended up graduating from universities. Children's behaviors are not always a reflection of what will lie ahead for them into their teens and adulthood. Besides, I think there is more to Leah than just her being supposedly spoiled.


Leah has a mother who needs to back off. Why her mother seems to hover over her at times and tries to control her life, I have no clue. Anyone want to play armchair psychologist here?


Going back to that scene where Leah talked to her mother about possibly giving Cory some more time with the girls. Muther Dawn just about shit in her pants upon hearing Leah saying such a thing. She quickly let her know that was not acceptable. First of all, no parent should be telling their adult child what they should or should not do. Leah wasn't asking her mother for her view or opinion, she was merely telling her what Cory suggested to help Leah's burdens. I so bad just want to reach through my television and grab Dawn by that rat's nest she calls hair and tell her to STFU.

  • Love 1

OOPS: Just  now catching up from work and saw most of this was already posted. 




She got a new Jeep last summer so she has had it a yr.  Tried finding tax records on the house to see how much it may have been but it looks like her county doesn't have them online for public.


Edited to add: What I have found is this, her new house is in Hartford, SD.  An hour from Vermillion and her daddy's house.  20 minutes from Sioux Falls.


Found the property records.  I wanted to see who's name was listed as owner but they don't list owner names.  She paid 228,00 for the house. 

http://therealteenmomtalk.com/exclusive-trtmt-takes-you-inside-the-home-of-chelsea-houska/ You can find it on Minnehaha County Records.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 1

Chelsea's pet pig interests me from an insurance perspective. If she has homeowners insurance, I wonder if they are aware that she has this pig living in her house. Insurance companies are very particular about homeowner's insurance and the type of pets living in the home. Many insurers will not even insure certain dog breeds, let alone a live-in pig. I wonder if pigs cause a lot of damage to the home?

If Chelsea owns her house outright without a lender, then she may not even have insurance anyway but I highly doubt it.

  • Love 1


Insurance companies are very particular about homeowner's insurance and the type of pets living in the home.

One of my sister's is an insurance agent. In our area only two insurance companies are very particular about insuring homes where a pit bull, or a similar type of dog, resides. The reason being due to dog attacks. If an attack occurs, depending on the insurance company, the homeowner can lose their coverage for future homeowner's insurance. Pigs are not allowed in any residence in our area, only the rural areas.


As for Chelsea, she lives in a rural area where certain kinds of animals are expected to be. Still, I have yet to find out if her pig is the kind of pig that will continue to live indoors or if he will eventually be put outside.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 1

Is it just me or does anyone else think it's kind of scary that anyone can just jump on the internet and find out where any of these girls live?

I agree and I think it's creepy as hell that anybody would take the time to look that sort of thing up in the first place. I don't see the point of seeking out that sort of information.

  • Love 8

Public records laws are kind of creepy that way, but it is what it is. Anyone can find out anything about anyone else excluding, I think, copies of their birth certificate and any juvenile police or court records. That's it. Anything else is fair game. If you can't find it online, it's just because they didn't bother to put it online. You can still get it at the courthouse. All you have to do is ask. It's just scary how much actually is online nowadays, and how little effort it takes to find something. Which is what amuses me about Kailyn and Javi's real reason for changing houses - because people found out where they lived. Guys, you know they can just find your new address, too, right? You didn't change your names.


On a side note, my boss paid way too much for his house.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 7

One of my sister's is an insurance agent. In our area only two insurance companies are very particular about insuring homes where a pit bull, or a similar type of dog, resides. The reason being due to dog attacks. If an attack occurs, depending on the insurance company, the homeowner can lose their coverage for future homeowner's insurance. Pigs are not allowed in any residence in our area, only the rural areas.


As for Chelsea, she lives in a rural area where certain kinds of animals are expected to be. Still, I have yet to find out if her pig is the kind of pig that will continue to live indoors or if he will eventually be put outside.

I believe she has him house broken.  And he does tricks.  I guess he's just going to live in the house forever.

Public records laws are kind of creepy that way, but it is what it is. Anyone can find out anything about anyone else excluding, I think, copies of their birth certificate and any juvenile police or court records. That's it. Anything else is fair game. If you can't find it online, it's just because they didn't bother to put it online. You can still get it at the courthouse. All you have to do is ask. It's just scary how much actually is online nowadays, and how little effort it takes to find something. Which is what amuses me about Kailyn and Javi's real reason for changing houses - because people found out where they lived. Guys, you know they can just find your new address, too, right? You didn't change your names.


On a side note, my boss paid way too much for his house.

Agreed.  I think if they had kept it quiet that they moved, no one would know any different and it would be a while before it was found out.

  • Love 1

For what it's worth, I agree with your first and last points. I respect that Chelsea isn't a hot mess like her co-stars, but that's not saying much. In the grand scheme of things, she's essentially just a functional adult, which IMO is nice but doesn't make her such a saint that she's immune from snark. I just find her annoying to be honest (and not just because of the voice). Obviously that's my personal opinion and not some great character flaw of hers, but regardless it sure meant I did a lot of fast forwarding this week. She was particularly grating for some reason.

As to your last point, I wouldn't go as far as to compare her to Leah, but I could see Aubree being a handful as a teenager. She's adorable, but she has a defiant streak that Chelsea doesn't seem to be great at handling. Also throw in her potential daddy issues, and things could get rough. Sadly, I guess a lot of the sweet little ones on these shows are destined to repeat their parents' mistakes.

I could see Aubrey being defiant and ending up 16 and pregnant.

  • Love 3

I totally agree with the above many times over.  These are young kids, most of which displaying young kid behavior.  I can't even conceive of thinking because a 5 year old might be bratty at times that they will become a teenage mom?  That is quite a leap!  Kids can change so much over the years, and how they act now might not be how they act in a month or a year, or they may act out now, and be angels as a teenager.  You just don't know.


What I do know is that Aubrey appears to have enough love and structure to set her up for a good life with good values.  Where I would say differently is for Leah's oldest child--I think Corey and Miranda have a chance to balance out her life at her mom's house, but her life at her mom's house is not one that creates the necessary structure that she seems to really need.  She is definitely more at risk in my mind than the others.  I think even Jace seems to be doing well because he seems comfortable at Barbara's house, and seems to understand that Janelle isn't a real mom (just a place he goes occasionally).  Kail's children seem okay as well.  


I think that we see their random bratty behavior, and most of it seems typical to me (even Leah's oldest child--she is acting out due to the life she has at Leah's house from what I can tell--she seems to be a different person at Corey's). 

  • Love 2
I could see any of the kids ending up pregnant or getting someone pregnant at 16. It's kind of hard to predict a person's potential teenage lifestyle based on their behavior as kindergarteners, which for all of these kids spans the range of what I would consider typical anyway.


Children of teen moms often end up as teen moms themselves. The cycle has a way of repeating itself. Look at Leah. Her mother was a teen mom, and wasn't Grandma Sandy as well? 


I had a girlfriend that had her first kid at 19 and the kid turned around and had HER son at 19. 


I know you can beat the odds, but it seems more often than not, the cycle repeats. 


So yea, I agree that it's just too early to say. I hope Aubree can beat the odds. She's a bit spoiled and bratty, but many 5-year-olds are and turn out fine. Out of all the kids on here, I worry for Jace and Aleeah the most. 

  • Love 6

I agree, I'm more concerned about Jace and Aleeah not because of how they act now (like normal five-year-olds, aka annoying) but because a lot of their behavior seems to be a direct result of their specific environmental influences. So I fear for their ability to "grow out of" their behavior like the majority of kids do only because their circumstances seem more geared toward feeding into it and making them worse.


And yes, there are statistics that show the daughters of teen mothers are statistically more likely to become teen mothers themselves than their contemporaries who were born to adult women. Leah was a teen mom, as was her mother and her mother before her. (Is this really the kind of "tradition" in which one would want to have to use that line?) As a result of this long pattern of behavior, the odds are favorable for any of her girlseses repeating the cycle yet again - but more because it seems to just be rampant in their family and none of these people seem capable of learning the lessons of their predecessors and their community seems to be one of those that makes getting pregnant/married young look like the norm, not necessarily because the statistics about the children of teen moms say so. They're just statistics, and there are plenty of other variables and influences involved in the "what leads to teen pregnancy" thing to put too much weight on that as a real predictor. There are plenty of teen moms whose daughters manage to not get pregnant as teens, and plenty of girls who do get pregnant as teens even though their own mothers did not.


But my point earlier was really in response to the suggestion that these kids are destined for this or that based on how bratty they act or how their personalities are now. Aubree sometimes being a little pill in desperate need of a firmer hand hardly indicates a likely future of teen rebellion and punkhood. She's five.


Kids often end up very differently from how one might have predicted they would based on how they were as kids. Very often the quiet kid ends up causing the most trouble in high school while the one that never listened and tore up the house as a preschooler turns into the studious overachiever. There's a guy I knew in grade school who was THE troublemaker of the class - the one who got into fistfights in the cafeteria and landed in detention every week, the usual. I'm sure all the parents secretly voted him Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail. He's a pastor now. Growing up is weird.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 8

I think that the big move was basically Kail reminding Jo who is in charge when it comes to Isaac.  He moves closer so she moves further away, just to prove a point.  I remember when they bought the house and kept on going on about how it was the house where they would raise their family, etc., etc.  They certainly weren't calling it a starter home when they moved in!  

I bet that Corey and Jo are secretly looking forward to the MTV gravy train stopping.  Kail won't be able to keep moving and might (shock horror!) have to get a job which could mean that Jo gets more time with Isaac. Then again, she might just pull out the good old victim card and talk about how overwhelmed she is Leah-style. Corey has already pulled out and if the show was to stop tomorrow, he would probably see it as a good thing - the girlses growing up without cameras.  Leah might also be more amenable to rehab and split custody if the world isn't watching.   

I foresee some massive temper tantrums and melt-downs from Kail, Javi, Jenelle, Nathan, Leah and Adam when MTV pulls the plug.  It's a shame we won't get to see ;)

  • Love 10
Leah has a mother who needs to back off. Why her mother seems to hover over her at times and tries to control her life, I have no clue. Anyone want to play armchair psychologist here?


Going back to that scene where Leah talked to her mother about possibly giving Cory some more time with the girls. Muther Dawn just about shit in her pants upon hearing Leah saying such a thing. She quickly let her know that was not acceptable. First of all, no parent should be telling their adult child what they should or should not do. Leah wasn't asking her mother for her view or opinion, she was merely telling her what Cory suggested to help Leah's burdens. I so bad just want to reach through my television and grab Dawn by that rat's nest she calls hair and tell her to STFU.


There have been many times this season where it seems like Leah is hinting that she needs help and the people around her are too used to running over her (her mom) or totally sick of her shit (Cory and Melinda). I don't think she is as cold-hearted as Kail or Jenelle but I think she has the maturity of a 13 or 14 year old. Her storyline is just sad  I think she particularly would do better without the Mtv cameras around. It would be interesting if the rehab counselors recommend that.

Edited to add: Oops Miranda not Melinda, thanks Mkay! Sort of happy though that some parts of my brain are still Teen Mom 2 free!

Edited by Soobs
  • Love 5

There have been many times this season where it seems like Leah is hinting that she needs help and the people around her are too used to running over her (her mom) or totally sick of her shit (Cory and Melinda). I don't think she is as cold-hearted as Kail or Jenelle but I think she has the maturity of a 13 or 14 year old. 


She doesn't seem to have a will of her own. She just does what other people want her to do. You can almost see the blank look on her face when she talks to her mother, like she's waiting for Dawn to tell her what to do. I thought it was really sad when Jermy said to her, "You gotta love yourself before you can love someone else," and she looked like he was speaking Greek and then said, "I do love myself. I do." 


I don't think it's a matter of love with Leah. I think she is deeply exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally. She has kept up a good front for a long time, but the whole thing has taken a toll, and over time has added up until it is now all too heavy. She has a lot of guilt and regret about cheating on Cory and wrecking that marriage, and I think deep down she thinks Ali's disability was divine retribution. That has been eating away at her all along. Sneaking off for 10 minutes of Robbie's forbidden lovin' is probably the only reprieve she has from the never-ending soul-sucking NEED of her real life. When she was saying her fake goodbye at the airport and the girls were screaming, I just felt so much exhaustion from her as she walked away. Everybody needs her to be a certain way. Maybe Robbie just lets her be the weak, not-very-bright, and aimless girl she was before she got pregnant with Cory. For 10 minutes, she can stop pretending. 

Edited by lidarose9
  • Love 14

According to Leah, her "pain" issues is what triggered her using prescription drugs. According to the article with the exclusive interview by her drug dealer, he confirms this. They both refer to the epidural as a botched "spinal tap". I have made it clear that I believe all of Leah's problems go further than that point in time. I am just not sure when her drug problems began. For argument's sake, assuming her drug issue began with that period of time after giving birth, I have wondered what exactly triggered it. Was it having Adderall? The idea of having a third kid with a guy who was not going to be around due to his job? Was Leah having feelings of regret? I know Jeremy was the one who was pushing her to have a baby for his own selfish reasons. Did she feel mad at Cory for not wanting her back? Is this shades of Kail? Kail is so vengeful towards Jo. It is speculated that it is due to him no longer wanting Kail and having moved on to Vee. Some articles pointed out a tweet from Leah about Jeremy being the best at co-parenting. Nothing but negativity when it comes to Cory.  She is obviously angry at Cory. I know a big part of it has to do with the custody issue, but Leah seemed so angry at Cory way before all that happened. It was as if she was just finding anything to throw at Cory and painting him in a bad light. Just like Kail.


Just an observation on my part.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

If this show was only about Chelsea, and we didn't have to compare the other train wrecks to her, we'd all be saying what a dumb ass she is. First, letting her kid refer to her boyfriend as a second dad is just WRONG. I know Adam's an ass, but he's not an absent parent. And Chelsea has no idea at this point whether she and the boyfriend will last. She's setting Aubree up for another disappointment if things don't work out.


Second, all the animals. When MTV pulls the plug and Chelsea has to work full time to pay her bills, having 3 pets plus a school-age child is going to overwhelm her.


Somehow, I picture Aubree eventually ending up like Leah. They seem to have similar life situations as children, and they seem to have similar personalities.

The reason Chelsea does so much better than the rest of them is that she has much support from her relatively normal family. she will never have to work full time because her father supports her and the little one. There is nothing wrong with this.

look at Kails mother. What a nightmare. How do you recover from that? Look at Leah's hillbilly family. listen to Barb talk about her abusive husband. Chelsea would be no different than the others if she had their horrible upbringings. Lucky for her she's got sweet sweet Randy and her mom.

  • Love 9


she will never have to work full time because her father supports her and the little one.

Excuse me but, how do you know this? It may just be an opinion, which I can understand. It just comes off as if it is a fact that Chelsea will never work full-time. There has also never been any proof that Randy financially supports her. He supports her emotionally and in other ways. 



look at Kails mother. What a nightmare. How do you recover from that?

I have witnessed people who were dealt far worse than Kail. Much worse. They did great in life because they chose therapy and other means to better themselves and their lives. Kail knows of therapy, she just chooses not to use it to her advantage. She uses it to point out how others are at fault, mainly Jo and Javi.



listen to Barb talk about her abusive husband. Chelsea would be no different than the others if she had their horrible upbringings.

Jenelle also has mental issues [bipolar]. That, combined with drug use, alcohol use, anger issues, and what she likely witnessed and heard growing up, all of that and more, plays a part in how she is today. Not everything is related back to what happened to Barb. There are many factors that play a part in how someone turns out. I don't think one can put Chelsea in anyone else's position and know exactly how she would have turned out.

  • Love 6

I could see any of the kids ending up pregnant or getting someone pregnant at 16. It's kind of hard to predict a person's potential teenage lifestyle based on their behavior as kindergarteners, which for all of these kids spans the range of what I would consider typical anyway.

I hope they break the cycle but statistics show kids often repeat the cycle of becoming teen parents themselves. Some dont, but others do. It might be hard to predict but I could totally see this kids following in their parents footsteps.

Children of teen moms often end up as teen moms themselves. The cycle has a way of repeating itself. Look at Leah. Her mother was a teen mom, and wasn't Grandma Sandy as well?

I had a girlfriend that had her first kid at 19 and the kid turned around and had HER son at 19.

I know you can beat the odds, but it seems more often than not, the cycle repeats.

So yea, I agree that it's just too early to say. I hope Aubree can beat the odds. She's a bit spoiled and bratty, but many 5-year-olds are and turn out fine. Out of all the kids on here, I worry for Jace and Aleeah the most.

Jace poor kid. I hope his future is bright. Leah girls I could totally see them following in her footsteps. But at least they have Corey and Miranda

  • Love 1


Children of teen moms often end up as teen moms themselves. The cycle has a way of repeating itself. Look at Leah. Her mother was a teen mom, and wasn't Grandma Sandy as well?

I think that situation is a little different. Leah's mom was allowed to marry at the age of fifteen. She made a promise to her parents she would put off becoming pregnant for a while. She became pregnant two months later. Mama Dawn's mother also married young. Leah is the one who became pregnant at a young age without having been married first. Something about that family where the women are not frowned upon for marrying young. It could be how they are in the area or just her family, not sure.

  • Love 4

I think that situation is a little different. Leah's mom was allowed to marry at the age of fifteen. She made a promise to her parents she would put off becoming pregnant for a while. She became pregnant two months later. Mama Dawn's mother also married young. Leah is the one who became pregnant at a young age without having been married first. Something about that family where the women are not frowned upon for marrying young. It could be how they are in the area or just her family, not sure.

I know this is regional and it's a different time and whatever, but who the fuck lets their 15 year old that isn't even pregnant yet get married? And who honestly expects that she won't get pregnant for 5 years? Sandy Kay got married young and brought forth some childses soon after. How did she not see that coming? And when I said a different time, it was like 1991, not 1836.

  • Love 12

I know this is regional and it's a different time and whatever, but who the fuck lets their 15 year old that isn't even pregnant yet get married? And who honestly expects that she won't get pregnant for 5 years? Sandy Kay got married young and brought forth some childses soon after. How did she not see that coming? And when I said a different time, it was like 1991, not 1836.

I hear what you are saying (commenting lol). It blew my mind when I read that article. It just goes to show the mentality of the family. They have moonshine for brains.

  • Love 7

I agree. The comparison to Leah is just that, a comparison. It doesn't mean that a spoiled child will turn into a junkie.  I have known spoiled kids turn out to be spoiled adults, nothing more. I have seen honor roll kids turn to alcohol or drugs. I have seen kids come from the roughest neighborhoods and broken homes who ended up graduating from universities. Children's behaviors are not always a reflection of what will lie ahead for them into their teens and adulthood. Besides, I think there is more to Leah than just her being supposedly spoiled.


Leah has a mother who needs to back off. Why her mother seems to hover over her at times and tries to control her life, I have no clue. Anyone want to play armchair psychologist here?


Going back to that scene where Leah talked to her mother about possibly giving Cory some more time with the girls. Muther Dawn just about shit in her pants upon hearing Leah saying such a thing. She quickly let her know that was not acceptable. First of all, no parent should be telling their adult child what they should or should not do. Leah wasn't asking her mother for her view or opinion, she was merely telling her what Cory suggested to help Leah's burdens. I so bad just want to reach through my television and grab Dawn by that rat's nest she calls hair and tell her to STFU.

About Leah, (and I have no proof to back this up), I think that she was abused or molested by one of Mama Dawn's boyfriends/husbands/cousins. It would explain the overt favoritism Mama Dawn shows to Leah over her other kids, Leah's maturity stopping at 13-14 (when I think the Incident occurred), the 'pain, anxiety & stress' she keeps referring to, and her freaky ways ever since. It's obvious she never had therapy to deal with it, so her mistakes, choices, and acting out is all as a result. She is using the narcs as a bandaid for these issues that she has never talked about on-camera. Maybe she even has some guilt about it, like she tempted the guy or something---Jermy's comment that she should love herself makes sense. Usually when someone deals with addiction, they are using a physical mechanism to salve an emotional wound. Something happened to Leah, something happened in her teenage years that broke her emotionally, and she's been hiding from it ever since.

  • Love 8

About Leah, (and I have no proof to back this up), I think that she was abused or molested by one of Mama Dawn's boyfriends/husbands/cousins. It would explain the overt favoritism Mama Dawn shows to Leah over her other kids, Leah's maturity stopping at 13-14 (when I think the Incident occurred), the 'pain, anxiety & stress' she keeps referring to, and her freaky ways ever since. It's obvious she never had therapy to deal with it, so her mistakes, choices, and acting out is all as a result. She is using the narcs as a bandaid for these issues that she has never talked about on-camera. Maybe she even has some guilt about it, like she tempted the guy or something---Jermy's comment that she should love herself makes sense. Usually when someone deals with addiction, they are using a physical mechanism to salve an emotional wound. Something happened to Leah, something happened in her teenage years that broke her emotionally, and she's been hiding from it ever since.

Something went wrong somewhere IMO...

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