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S03.E01: More Foam, Bosun!

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Five new crew members join the cast in the Season 3 opener, which finds the gang preparing a luxury yacht for a fresh charter season in the Bahamas. Here, they plan an on-boat foam party despite a forecast of inclement weather.

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Dismal.  I missed Kat and Ben.  I'm not digging all the subtitles.  These shows are my guilty pleasure - I don't want to have to read or concentrate too hard.  I felt like I needed to go clean my ears because I could barely understand a word Leon or Emile said. 


For the season opener, it was a let down.  Couldn't they have found more appealing guests for the first charter?  Fat, drunk rich guys, their girlfriends + foam party was a sad start.


Leon's food looked better than Ben's, though.

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Dismal.  I missed Kat and Ben.  I'm not digging all the subtitles.  These shows are my guilty pleasure - I don't want to have to read or concentrate too hard.  I felt like I needed to go clean my ears because I could barely understand a word Leon or Emile said. 


For the season opener, it was a let down.  Couldn't they have found more appealing guests for the first charter?  Fat, drunk rich guys, their girlfriends + foam party was a sad start.


Leon's food looked better than Ben's, though.


Well, we do have Cynthia Bailey to look forward to....(Didn't look like there were any other ATL housewives there, though)

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I miss Ben.

I agree the premiere was pretty lackluster. Maybe because - no Ben?

Is it me, or did the boat look not as nice or luxurious as from seasons' past? Please know that the nicest boat I've sailed on is a sunfish, but I watch the show for boat porn!

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I mostly enjoyed the first episode but I'm not feeling any of the newcomers yet.  Hey, we got to see the behind the scene crew that doesn't appear on the show - I liked that.


It does look like Leon is a better chef than Ben but I did miss him.  Don't miss Kelley or Logan.


Here's some background on 'Eros' which is really 'Mustang Sally':



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Oh my gosh.  It's only the first episode and I'm ready to start banging heads together!  TWO people who don't want to do their jobs because they're too good for that lowly crap and they would really prefer to do something else. 


"I just can't perform if I don't feel passionate about the job."  Gaaaaa


Nice for Kate to admit that she felt all pissy last year about Amy's cheerful attitude, which she's still perfectly willing to slam as "game show hosting."  Gee, Kate, that's a pretty good analogy for a big part of your job.


(As opposed to what is not part of your job: "mother to the deckhands.")


Oh, but Captain Lee and Eddie are here and Kat is not, so it's all good.  Ahoy.



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Wow I thought having a foam party in 2015 was sad but that "party" was one of the saddest thing I have ever seen.

Rocky tries too hard to be a special flower and she reminds me of Sam who also thought she was too good to make beds or do the none "fun" stuff. Do the job you were hired to do and have fun on your time off.

Kate is fine with Amy because she doesn't have sourpus Kat to bitch with and Amy does her job.

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This was ok for a first show/introductions to new cast.  The party host went from being fun to sad pretty quickly.  I, too, was glad that they showed some of the people who are really running the yacht.  I watched this alone last night but I couldn't help myself when I yelled out "Ben!!!" to no one in particular.  It was like an old friend came back. 


I wonder who gets the plane ticket this year?

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Kind of a let down for the first episode of the season.  Rocky needs not be on a small boat with other people with her personality.  Why sign up for INSIDE duty only to want and moan about being OUTSIDE?  Oh to get your 15 minutes of fame I suppose.


Not feeling any of the new people, at all.

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What a boring season opener. I can tell already the only newb I'm gonna like is Connie. The rest are really annoying, especially what's-his-face who signed up to be a deckhand but really wants to be another engineer. Dude, do the job you were hired for and quit bitching. Eddie is the bosun. Deal with it. Glad to see Amy back, and I am still meh on Kate. Maybe without Kat around this season she won't be so bad with that superiority complex she had. Last season it seemed like she resented the people that she was serving since she felt she should be the guest. I also think she may have laid off the Botox, which could make her seem more pleasant.

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Rocky can get the fuck out of here with her hyperactive, over-the-top, psychotic and ANNOYING self.

Never have I seen anyone who so desperately needs a real-life Spike.


I cannot imagine being stuck on a boat with Rocky.  One of us would end up going over board.  I'm not sure if I'd push her or jump though.

I think I'd just keep quietly suggesting other wacky things to do like dancing the Hokey Pokey with the radar antenna until she Final Destinationed her own ass off the ship.

"Hey Rocky, have you ever been on one of those Windjammer cruises where the crew climb up the masts like pirates? Gee, that looks like so much fun."

"Can you imagine how great it would be to go night swimming and get a close-up look at the orcas playing in our wake? The ones with the grey fins are the friendliest!" [quietly dumps chum off the stern of the yacht]

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I didn't really understand what Captain Lee said about the lead passenger's profession?  He owns some electrical companies in Mexico or something like that?  Whatever, I hope that the guy was mortified when he saw how wasted he was....although, he seems to be the type that has a good time wherever and not a nasty drunk, so I guess he just likes to party!


What I didn't get was the whole "let's find Aerosmith" mission.  Did this guy think that they were just going to be able to hop on Steven Tyler's yacht and start partying with him?  

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I miss Ben.

I agree the premiere was pretty lackluster. Maybe because - no Ben?

Is it me, or did the boat look not as nice or luxurious as from seasons' past? Please know that the nicest boat I've sailed on is a sunfish, but I watch the show for boat porn!

I said outloud that I thought this boat was nicer.

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I have to wonder about the tiny, tiny crew quarters on that gigantic boat, though. I get that they're not going to get luxurious accommodations like the guests (and presumably Captain Lee), but with only a dozen people running a 161-foot yacht you'd think they could get a bit more breathing room than sailors on a submarine.

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I watched most of last season and thought it was decent.  I didn't and still don't like Kate.  She does have a bitchy resting face and got bad plastic surgery too.  How old is she??  In her late 30's - early 40's???  I liked/like Amy!

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No Ben, no Kat and that crazy camera ham Rocky. I'm so bummed. I like Below Deck partly because the crew was mostly sane but the charters were crazy/weird. I hope it's not the "Rocky Show" because that's what it looks like.

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I liked the guest.  He was weird in a harmless and friendly sort of way.  The foam party was bizarre, but it did seem like the crew was enjoying themselves despite how awkward it was.


I don't like any of the new crew members, except maybe Connie.  Leon was okay in this episode, but he didn't do too well in the preview for the season.

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I can already tell I'm not going to like Rocky. It seems like she told herself that she's going to be the "wacky" one and is acting accordingly. In one scene she was laughing like a normal person, then it was like she remembered that she was the wacky one so she started laughing like an idiot.

I miss Kat.

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I thought I saw in the previews that the 200 proof tycoon's charter was going to extend more than one episode? Though I guess he's at least very positive despite acting like a drunk toddler, he never had anything bad to say about anyone or got unpleasant when Mother Nature thwarted his foam party dreams.

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I want Adrienne to come back. She was a horrible manager, but seemed competent at stewardessing. Put her under Kate with Amy and there's bound to be drama while still getting the job done. Or, I think I recall reading she's a chef too. Stick her in the galley if not-Ben doesn't work out.

Rocky belongs on a boat that does day charters for tourists. She'd be fun as a snorkeling guide, but not what I want in a server, housekeeper, etc.

There must be something about men on reality TV shows because most of them on Top Model are not likeable and the same can be said here.

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I actually wonder how Eddie and David slipped through their casting process in the first season what with not being obnoxious tools or idiots. Though I guess back then Eddie did come off as a big goofball, and they may have counted on David's porn past to trigger some drama instead of being a total non-issue.

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I know that after the season David was enrolled in film school and occasionally working for Aleks on his charters. Maybe one or the other got him in with a group of friends rich enough to hire the Below Deck crew?

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I wonder who gets the plane ticket this year?


They seemed to try really hard to make it look like it was Eddie or Rocky. So probably someone else. Maybe Dan (?) the guy who thinks he's too good to be a deckhand. Or the chef.


The previews of the upcoming season were the best part of the episode. Rocky will definitely be annoying but Emile is the one I dislike already. He seems like a sexist pig.

Edited by ExplainItAgain
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Kept waiting for the robed drunk host to piss on himself into the foam as he swayed back and forth.

Or stop breathing from alcohol intoxication.

Did I miss the tip or is this episode a 2 parter?

Plane tickets for any or all of these 3:

Don-don't be questioning any order Eddie gives you while you are ON DECK, you dick.

Rocky-what a camera hog! Am sure the Bravo crew already hated her after the first episode. Look at me! Film me!

Leon-when Kate calls him out as a lazy chef will be the last straw after a string of conflicts with her.

Foam guy "Time to wrap it up!"

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I forgot about David, too, but it's SAM I self-lobotomied out of my brain.  Yeeeeesh, she was The Worst.


I'm sad we can't see Amy serving under Adrienne and everything would just go clickety-clickety-click. 


For the millionth time, simply seeing how the yacht world works, with maybe some goofy or snooty guests thrown in for good measure, would be enough.

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I really hate the newbies.  They all seem like they went to "Reality TV School Outrageous Cast Member 101."


And like others, I miss Kat.  But I always liked her.  She may be um, not the most chaste person but she had a great sense of humor.  

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Maybe it's because I didn't really watch Season 2, but Kate doesn't bother me. She seems to have her act together, and the instances I've seen of her acting frosty so far seem prompted either by pretty brusque and dismissive behavior (Leon) or past friction (Amy) that she's willing to put behind her. She kept her cool a lot better than I would have if faced with new underling Woody Woodpecker announcing that she thought my job was beneath her.

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Total dud for the 1st episode this season.

Will try again next week but I'm out if it is as dull as this week.

Seriously. I could barely make myself pay attention. The new people don't interest me...Rocky seems like she's trying too hard to be "quirky" or something. Was she the one who was like "Working with Capt. Lee will be good because there won't be any sexual tension." Um. Okay, sure, that's the first I think of when I start a new job too *eyeroll*. And the girl who's like "Take me fishing and I'll take my pants off" can just go away. I liked the first season of this, but by round three they are just out of material. Kooky demanding guests! People arguing with the chef! Captain Lee disappointed in his crew! Snooze. There's nothing else for them to do, other than have weird partially-scripted drama. 

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