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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Speaking of Alex, does he actually listen to the contestants during the interviews?

I know he paid attention to my story because he made a follow up "joke". 


I REALLY need to learn the state capitals.

Its something that we all probably need to restudy - I did learn them in school but probably haven't really thought about all these years later.  That and Presidents.  I really should be able to name all the Presidents in order that they served.

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Being an English major, I'm embarrassed I didn't get a Moveable Feast.

English major too. I never read it, but the title floated into my head, so I said it - thinking I was wrong.



You say crayfish, I say crawfish, we all say "STFU, Alex!"

We always called them crawdads.



I would've recognized Michael Steele if I'd seen that game because of the puppet him on The Daily Show.

I couldn't remember his darned name, but I can't see a picture of him without seeing that puppet.
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I can't tell you anything about Italian art, or the Bible, or mythology, but every year or so I like to list out the states in alphabetical order and then fill in all 50 capitals.

I really am SUPER fun at parties.

In 4th or 5th grade, we learned a song of the 50 states. Being able to list them all in under a minute helped in party games like Pictionary where the answer was obviously a state! And I used it recently at pub trivia to get at an answer (clue being something about the only state with a certain number of consonants in a row). These are my kind of party activities, so you'd be super fun!

  • Love 6

I got Pilgrims and investigation, but I went in the wrong direction with FJ. I was trying to think of comedians who died in 2015. All I could come up with was Robin Williams, who died in 2014.

I also immediately thought of Robin Williams, then remembered that he died in 2014, and then was at a loss until Alex's comment after time was up.

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Also, Broadway is not a street. It's just Broadway. No need to be condescending when the contestants can't parse the poorly worded clue.


It's still a street, in the sense of a paved stretch of road for cars to drive down with sidewalks, et cetera.  It's not a "Street" as in the name, but I don't think the clue was poorly written.  Of course, I've walked past the Winter Garden hundreds of times, but I think they were trying to make it easy to guess Broadway.  This time, I don't think it's the writers' fault if people got hung up thinking it had to be named X Street.

  • Love 4

Hey, I had wine last night, too! That's what the problem was.


Honestly, when the first contestant revealed her answer "What is Augusta," I groaned because I thought she was thinking Augusta, Georgia. I REALLY need to learn the state capitals.

I consider myself pretty good at state capitals, at least I used to be before I turned 40. Yet I still shouted, "Anchorage" with full confidence. Yep, I know the capital of Alaska is Juneau. But by this time I was halfway into my third Moscow Mule. I'd like to think I'd have gotten it correct with more sobriety.

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Go Todd!

I wonder if they would have accepted Via Appia (which I was screaming at my TV) for Appian Way?

I was pretty much brain dead today. I didn't get any TS, and it seemed like there were a lot of them, nor FJ.

I was also wondering if they would accept that.. I screamed Via Appia Antica to my set. I wonder if they would have accepted that? That is what it is called now, Via Appia Antica. There is also a Via Appia Nuova. But back then it was called Via Appia so they should accept that too.


I thought Alex was so rude on the Investigation- Vestiges- you know FEET??? Such a rude tone he used AS IF he knew this and everyone knows this- I got Broadway but I thought he was really rude to them too when they got it wrong.

Edited by operalover
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Also, Broadway is not a street. It's just Broadway. No need to be condescending when the contestants can't parse the poorly worded clue.

I didn't think the clue was poorly worded at all.  It was a matter of knowing (or not, as the case may be) that the Winter Garden is a theater in NYC, and therefore Broadway would be the most likely answer to the name of the street on which it is located.  I've never been there, but I did know that is was the theater where CATS played for years.  Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten it.

  • Love 1


I thought Alex was so rude on the Investigation- Vestiges- you know FEET??? Such a rude tone he used AS IF he knew this and everyone knows this- I got Broadway but I thought he was really rude to them too when they got it wrong.


His 'tude always reminds me of Celebrity Jeopardy on SNL: "Now, listen to me! You back off, Trebek! You wouldn't have known that if you didn't have that card in front of you! This guy reads from a card!"



I'm not sure when the show was taped but if I remember correctly, after the attacks in Paris, many people were talking about A Moveable Feast.


It was taped the first week of February (I was last night's middle podium).

  • Love 3

His 'tude always reminds me of Celebrity Jeopardy on SNL: "Now, listen to me! You back off, Trebek! You wouldn't have known that if you didn't have that card in front of you! This guy reads from a card!"



It was taped the first week of February (I was last night's middle podium).


I thought you did very well - that was quite a comeback you made and I was hoping you would win.

  • Love 5
It was taped the first week of February (I was last night's middle podium).


Dear all Jeopardy contestants, please let us know ahead of time that you're going to be on the show. We want to root for you!


That said, Megan, I didn't know you as of last night and I was rooting for you big-time during that comeback in Double Jeopardy. Way to go! Too bad Yogi Berra didn't come to you in time.

  • Love 6


Way to go! Too bad Yogi Berra didn't come to you in time.


Thanks! I was mildly terrified to watch the show, because all I could remember was all the clues I biffed, even though I knew I rallied at the end. But it wasn't as bad as I feared. (The margaritas didn't hurt either ;-))


It's funny -- when I told people I was going to be on Jeopardy!, they all asked which categories were going to do me in. Sports: Always Sports. So, even if the ghost of Yogi Berra had appeared before my podium and said, "I am the answer to this question," I'd have said, "That's lovely. Who are you?"


Doubly amusing: We spent 10 minutes talking about Yogi Berra and his Yogi-isms in the green room that. very. morning. (Purely coincidental)

  • Love 8

Megan - you had an amazing comeback and I too was rooting for you.  Sports would likely be my downfall too except in limited circumstances and from the way the clue read for FJ, my brain was drawn to the entertainment field - looking at "the wit", not the percentages.  Also you did what you needed to do with your bet for FJ so take pride in that.  Hope you had a great experience and can look at it as an accomplishment (I can't even get past the on-line test stage so good on you!).

  • Love 4

Dear all Jeopardy contestants, please let us know ahead of time that you're going to be on the show. We want to root for you!

AND not say anything snarky about you. :D



It's funny -- when I told people I was going to be on Jeopardy!, they all asked which categories were going to do me in. Sports: Always Sports. So, even if the ghost of Yogi Berra had appeared before my podium and said, "I am the answer to this question," I'd have said, "That's lovely. Who are you?"


Wow. Bad luck that FJ was in your worst category.


Doubly amusing: We spent 10 minutes talking about Yogi Berra and his Yogi-isms in the green room that. very. morning. (Purely coincidental)

The Fates were trying to give you a hint.


Your comeback was incredible. How nervous were you being in the red? If you want to share anything else about your experience, please do!

  • Love 3

I would have bet my mortgage that OJ Mayo went to UCLA. I could have sworn he was on that team when they went to the Final Four a few years back. I was so focused on his name that I didn't even pay attention to Reggie Bush who I know went to USC. And the bad OJ went to USC anyways. I must have been thinking of Kevin Love.

I knew they were going to leave that category for last and I was so worried they weren't going to get to it. I loved it.

I guessed wrong on FJ with Maggie Smith with a secondary guess of Helen Mirren but I wasn't confident in either choice, obviously with good reason, heh.

If that girl in the middle had ended up winning because Todd was wrong and then lost the next night she wouldn't even have beaten the third place person!

I would be so pissed to come in third because after NY taxes I would bring home 600 bucks. And most likely less because I'm sure there are more taxes than just the state luxury tax.

Edited by mojoween
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I did not think the contestant should have been given credit for her answer of Tudor being the victor in the war of the roses.  House of Lancaster defeated House of  York and then Tudor defeated the House of Lancaster.  So her answer should have been Lancaster, and not just tacked on after already answering Tudor.


My only TS was Marmaduke and I did not get FJ.  I thought of Helen Mirren, dismissed  Katherine Hepburn right away and went with Meryl Streep for no real reason.  Judi Dench didn't even enter my mind.

  • Love 1

I also was torn between Mirren and Dench. Meryl Streep is the first name that comes to mind when it comes to multiple Oscar nominations, but from the wording of the clue I knew it had to be someone who didn't get much Academy attention until she was over 60.


I guessed Marmaduke and also King Kamehameha/ Father Damien.


Three excellent players again; I was rooting for the lady at the end who had been a teenager on the earlier Jeopardy! It's nice to be reminded that a couple of thousand dollars was a big win back then. Top dollar value was $100!

  • Love 4

Dear all Jeopardy contestants, please let us know ahead of time that you're going to be on the show. We want to root for you!


Yes, please do!  Especially since I was in a mood last night...well, I've been in a mood, I missed the show, and just ended up deleting all of this week's episodes off the DVR without watching. Sorry I missed you, Megan.

  • Love 2
I guessed Marmaduke and also King Kamehameha/ Father Damien.

I got Marmaduke and King Kamehameha, but I didn't pay attention to the other part of that clue, so I didn't get Damien.


For FJ I immediately thought Streep, Dench, Mirren. My sister said confidently that it was Streep, but I was thinking she wasn't old enough for the clue. I went with Mirren.


I suck at college categories.

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For FJ tonight, I waffled between Judi Dench and Helen Mirren, and ended up going with Helen Mirren.  Oh well!

I came up with Judi Dench right away, than started wondering if she'd gotten that many nominations.  I knew it couldn't be Meryl Streep because I didn't think she'd have been over 60 in 1998, but I did think of Helen Mirren.  I stayed with Dame Judi, though.

I would have bet my mortgage that OJ Mayo went to UCLA. I could have sworn he was on that team when they went to the Final Four a few years back.


I mostly sucked at that category, other than knowing that the much-loathed Christian Laettner went to Duke (former Terps fan here).  And I'd never heard of any OJ other than Simpson, so I was screwed.

  • Love 1

I've never heard of OJ Mayo. Is that his real name? Sounds like a really gross condiment.


I just looked up Dench's noms. I knew the first one was Mrs Brown, but couldn't remember all the others.


Mrs Brown (1998)
Shakespeare in Love (1999) - won
Chocolat (2001)
Iris (2002)
Mrs Henderson Presents (2006)
Notes on a Scandal (2007)
Philomena (2014)

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 4

I figured Streep and Mirren are too young.  I was torn between Maggie Smith & (to quote Steve Martin at the Oscars one year..) that Damn Judi Dench.


I got the Dvorak DD.


So did I, not because I knew what music they'd listened on the Apollo 11 mission, but because I know that the correct title for Dvorak's 9th Symphony is "From The New World" although it is more colloquially know as the New World Symphony.  (I have to admit that I am rather touched by this, as Neil Armstrong was a personal hero of mine, and the New World Symphony is one of my favorite pieces of music of all time.)


I did not think the contestant should have been given credit for her answer of Tudor being the victor in the war of the roses.  House of Lancaster defeated House of  York and then Tudor defeated the House of Lancaster.  So her answer should have been Lancaster, and not just tacked on after already answering Tudor.

I could make arguments for both Lancaster and Tudor being correct, but then again, I answered York so . . .  I felt pretty stupid about it too, having majored in Medieval and Renaissance Studies at college.



And now I have the English horn solo from the second movement stuck in my head.  A good piece, that.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 4

It didn't for me, but I had a conversation with a friend once about Hemingway and A Moveable Feast was his one work that she liked.  (I don't like any of his stuff.)

It didn't have any religious connotations for me either - and I didn't read the book during my lit courses. BUT, when the title popped into my head, I thought "So that's what it means!" I love those aha! moments.
  • Love 2

Judy Dench was the first answer in my head (probably because I still watch "As Time Goes By" most Saturdays when my local PBS isn't fundraising) but then I started second guessing down the Streep/Mirren pathway.  Under pressure in the studio, I hope I would have answered correctly and had the guts to bet correctly but in my own little corner, in my own little chair, I confess I am not sure I would do so.  One version in my head has me being the next Ken Jennings and the other has me flaming out so badly that a Hazmat team is needed for the clean up. 

  • Love 5

I did not think the contestant should have been given credit for her answer of Tudor being the victor in the war of the roses.  House of Lancaster defeated House of  York and then Tudor defeated the House of Lancaster.  So her answer should have been Lancaster, and not just tacked on after already answering Tudor.


My only TS was Marmaduke and I did not get FJ.  I thought of Helen Mirren, dismissed  Katherine Hepburn right away and went with Meryl Streep for no real reason.  Judi Dench didn't even enter my mind.

Actually, that's incorrect and the contestant (I) was right. House of York first (under King Edward IV) defeated House of Lancaster (King Henry VI and subsequently, his son, Edward of Westminster). After Edward's death, however, his brother King Richard III (another York) seized the throne. He was ultimately defeated at Bosworth Field, the final battle of the Wars of the Roses, by Henry TUDOR (Henry VII), the Lancastrian successor to Henry VI via his mother, Catherine of Valois's remarriage to Owen Tudor (Henry Tudor's grandfather). Instead of keeping the Lancaster title and emblem, Henry VII chose to found a new house, the House of Tudor. 


As you can see, I'm a passionate student of British history. That's why, when I got that question, I wanted to say the Tudor branch of Lancaster, and worded it Tudor or Lancaster just to be safe (no pause in between), because I did not want to be too specific. I guarantee you that had I just answered Tudor, I would've either gotten the credit then or after the break after they fact-checked.


Anyways, hope that helps clear that up. Certainly not defending all my answers, but feel very strongly about this one and thought you'd welcome the info.

  • Love 9

Thank you very much, RiaBee,  for your post. I enjoyed your brief history lesson:) And thank you very much for dropping by and making this your first post here.  Hope you stick around.


I knew it was Edward IV who defeated his opponent and that his younger brother Richard III was defeated by Henry Tudor at Bosworth Field but I had the names of the houses,  York and Lancaster,  reversed in my head.


It's a good thing I didn't get that question - I really would have looked stupid. Not that I'd ever be a contestant.


And prosperina65 is vindicated!!

Edited by Trey
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