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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I'm going to give Barbara the benefit of the doubt that she was facing the board (with her body rather than just her eyes as everyone else does) rather than doing some sort of beauty queen pose, but, having listened to the interviews for once, I was rooting for the guy in the middle because he has a cat.


I found this a rather ho-hum game, with a lot of over-valued clues.


Lillian Gish as a TS was jaw dropping to me, given the clue itself, the photo and the category spotting them the -sh.  Charles Dickens was a pretty close second.  Diane of Sam & Diane fame was pretty surprising, too.

Edited by Bastet
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Barbara wasn't overly modest about her success in winning scholarships in those beauty pageants, "just about every time."  So it was satisfying to me that she did really badly at first.  Glad she didn't win this time.


Congratulations on the new address, Carpe!  There's more than one way to get into Harvard!

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Barbara wasn't overly modest about her success in winning scholarships in those beauty pageants, "just about every time."  So it was satisfying to me that she did really badly at first.  Glad she didn't win this time.


Congratulations on the new address, Carpe!  There's more than one way to get into Harvard!


I think I said this after her CJ appearance, but girl needs to lose the severe bun and oversized glasses! She's only 57 but looks 20 years older. I Googled her and she's a very attractive woman when she's not sporting the old cliché "uptight librarian" look.

She's only 57?! I thought she was in her 70's.

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I just want to know why Barbara was standing sideways.

I'm sad no one knew Diana and that Charles Dickens was also a TS.

I assumed she was auditioning for a weather gig. She has the look and the delivery.


It also breaks my heart a little that Pogo was a TS

Doubly disappointed here in that I didn't know my state had a state possum, AND that middle guy guessed Li'l Abner!

Glad to see the champ get a second win. His first seemed like a fluke, so it was nice to see that it was not.

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Oh, and bottlebrush was an easy one for me.


Me too, but I wondered if that was a function of geography.  They're quite common here (Los Angeles), but I didn't pay attention to where any of the contestants were from.  If they weren't familiar with bottlebrush trees from their surroundings, it's not the sort of thing I'd expect them to have covered in their J! preparation.

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I didn't know it, but it did look just like an actual bottle brush, so that was potentially guessable.


I was surprised Cheers' Diane was a triple stumper, but I post on a TV website, so.... But the champ knew Chachi.

That seemed like a real age thing. A little kid would watch Joanie Loves Chachi and/or Happy Days more than Cheers. 


I'm going to give Barbara the benefit of the doubt that she was facing the board (with her body rather than just her eyes as everyone else does) rather than doing some sort of beauty queen pose, but, having listened to the interviews for once, I was rooting for the guy in the middle because he has a cat.

A cat named Enola Gay! WTF. 

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Colour me surprised that Dylan pulled off a second win. Wasn't an overly impressive game, though.

They left a lot of clues on the board.  That's been happening a lot this season.

I just want to know why Barbara was standing sideways.

I'm sad no one knew Diana and that Charles Dickens was also a TS.

I missed Dickens, and I've seen portraits of him before.  I guess I just got stuck on the South Pacific thing.  All I could come up with for Nordhoff & Hall, who wrote books on the Bounty Mutiny and its aftermath.

 As I have stated repeatedly (but I never get tired of stating it!), I hate hate hate when they start anywhere other than the top of the categories.


Me, too!


Is this some kind of new "normal"? I don't like it, but am seeing it more and more. Super annoying.


Leaving so many clues on the board also super annoying :/

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Me, too!


Is this some kind of new "normal"? I don't like it, but am seeing it more and more. Super annoying.


Leaving so many clues on the board also super annoying :/

I think one leads to the other.   When they start at the bottom they don't have a feel for the category and too often get it wrong anyhow or have no answer at all, which leads to time wasted and more clues being left. 

  • Love 9

I was surprised Cheers' Diane was a triple stumper,



I know. It's not like they were asking for the name of Lassie's first owner Jeff's best friend (Porky) or the kid Joey Newton hung around with (Packy) on Fury. Cheers wasn't THAT long ago.


I thought me knowing Lillian Gish would set me apart from the rest of the crowd, but good on everyone here who also knew her name.


Okay, I wrote down a note to post here today and cannot figure it out. The answer was "Who is CARSON!" in the Presidential Hopefuls category. I was so tickled to have Carson as an answer, I just can't remember anything about it today. Help, anyone?

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I know. It's not like they were asking for the name of Lassie's first owner Jeff's best friend (Porky) or the kid Joey Newton hung around with (Packy) on Fury. Cheers wasn't THAT long ago.


I thought me knowing Lillian Gish would set me apart from the rest of the crowd, but good on everyone here who also knew her name.


Okay, I wrote down a note to post here today and cannot figure it out. The answer was "Who is CARSON!" in the Presidential Hopefuls category. I was so tickled to have Carson as an answer, I just can't remember anything about it today. Help, anyone?


@saber5055 -- the clue was about Dr. Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon.

I got that. Just, naming your pet in honor of the bombing of Hiroshima seems in poor taste to me. 


I suppose it's probably not any worse than naming the plane that dropped the bomb after his mom -- which is what the pilot (Tibbets) did in this case.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I hate the board-jumping too, especially when it leads to missed answers. Start at the top; get comfortable with the category! One of them hit a DD on a $2,000 clue yesterday in a category that hadn't even been started. For me, it makes it less fun to play along at home. I know the reason for the strategy, but I don't enjoy games nearly as much when they're hopping all over the board.

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I loved the Comic Strips catagory but then I used to read most of them as a kid.  Not surprised Pogo stumped them all but it hurt because it is a personal favorite.  When my mom was pregnant with me, she gave me the nickname Grundoon based on one of the characters who only spoke in consanants.  As you can see from my user name, I still use it sometimes.  Mom also wrote Walt Kelly  who created the strip for a picture of Grundoon and he sent a whole original strip with a letter authenticating.  Go Georgia for keeping Pogo alive!

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They're right up there with David and Maddie as frequent comparisons when talking about putting TV couples together.



Ha ha! I can hear the contestants now when confronted with identifying David and Maddie ... *crickets* ... How weird is it that for some reason Moonlighting came to mind this morning, I haven't thought of that show for years. I was reading your brain, Bastet!

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This champ is pretty awful but he still manages to squeak by every day.


It was just the woman's bad wager that won Dylan the game.  I don't know if it really was a bad wager, according to all the wagering experts, but it certainly didn't work out for her.


Many clues left on the board in the J! round, not quite as bad in DJ.


I got FJ but it really was a guess - once Alex started talking about ribbons and such I figured it was correct.

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Dammit, Amanda! Why did you wager so much?

I'm really getting sick of Dylan and his always starting with the $800 or $1,600 clues. It's throwing off everyone's game, resulting in too many TS's or totally unanswered questions, which is wasting time and leaving too damned many clues on the board.

I was broken hearted that no one knew Ringo's big hit, "It Don't Come Easy".

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Apparently The Wizard of Oz has been published under that title, but I wish that they'd insist on "wonderful" being in there when they're talking about the book.

Hmmm. I have several versions of that book, including one in Italian, and they are all titled The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

I guess they'd only require the complete name if it was The Wonderful Kit Carson of Oz.

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I thought Washington Irving was a well known enough writer to require a first name for "Irving", but that rule is haphazard at best. The champ continues! I blew (not Bleu) FJ, drawing a blank. I would have written down something like The Order of the Three Courses, because Holy Ghost= Trinity in my head, and food just confused the issue.

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All Pope all the time here, no Jeopardy today. :(

Pretty much the same thing happened where I am. I got the last 10 questions of double jeopardy and FJ. So I got to watch them mostly just stare at the board. I had no clue on FJ, but I probably wouldn't have wagered much for that category.

The only foreign language I've studied is German, and they don't ask a lot of German language questions. I assumed it would be about something French.

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I don't know how they all missed Ringo.


I did not get FJ either.  With enough time I might have been able to reason my way into it, but it did not come to me in the time given.


Amanda had to bet big; she would have felt terrible if all three contestant got FJ (which is common) and she lost because she underbid.  That's why when FJ is a TS and the game is not a runaway, the second place contestant often ends up winning.

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My sister watched with me, and neither one of us could figure out FJ. 


I said George Harrison for the song while my sister kept saying, "Ringo! Ringo!" And then I could hear his voice in the song.


I'm so weak on the elements. I need to bone up.


I liked both the new contestants' stories. I'm sorry they didn't do better.

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That was the hardest FJ to figure out in ages.  Much googling yesterday yielded no answers.  Can anyone explain what a cordon has to do with the Holy Ghost?  Didn't understand Alex's blathering about medals, either...

I couldn't understand it either. I just checked Wikipedia:

The origin of the school name might come from L'Ordre des Chevaliers du Saint Esprit, an elite group of French knights that was created in 1576. Each member was awarded the Cross of the Holy Spirit, which hung from a blue ribbon. According to one story, the group became known for its extravagant and luxurious banquets, known as "cordons bleus".


I went to Google Translate to find out what 'cordon' meant. It means ... cordon. So I went to the dictionary. One meaning is "a ribbon worn usually diagonally across the breast as a badge of a knightly or honorary order."

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If J! Archive is accurate, the contestants have cleared the board on JUST 3 ROUNDS since this season has started, and it's not like the clues have been that difficult over all.  That's absolutely pathetic.  Makes me wonder if the producers are casting more for what they think are entertaining personalities rather than good players.


That said, last night's FJ was really hard and, despite being interested in cooking and having many years of French classes behind me, I did not have a clue.

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