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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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We're just old, and that's even sadder! (Oops, I should speak for myself).


We just may be but the judgmental judy in me feels like that's no excuse.  I can recognize picture of Greta Garbo, Clark Gable and Rita Hayworth and neither of my parents had been born yet then. 


I hope the Pantene people get in touch with Shannon.

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I was kicking myself for not getting William Blake. I just couldn't come up with his name.


Similarly, I knew Sinatra was from Hoboken, but I couldn't bring the name to mind. Also, Nelson Riddle. I haven't seen any of the recent Sinatra specials, so this was simply buried in the recesses of my mind, along with the majority of my "knowledge."

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I am old enough to have gotten Ava Gardner and Nelson Riddle without thinking about it.  I figured out the Hoboken 4 from the clue and I distinctly remember that Agatha Christie died in the 1970s so I was stunned when two players used her for FJ.  Beatrix Potter popped in my head from the date of death and a mystery book series using her and the animals at her farm as characters.  I was glad the champion pulled it together and one, especially when he was the only one to get FJ.

I am also old enough to know the difference between one and won but clearly my brain was asleep for a moment.  With my luck that would happen if I were ever to appear on the show. 

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I haven't been able to catch many episodes and this was another unimpressive one for me. Have they been this way for awhile? I had to laugh at the answer alpaca lips. Not because it was funny but because it looked like Alex had to look again to get the lips part of the answer. He's such a prissy perfectionist I love when he messes up.

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I missed the first round and tuned in at the start of Double Jeopardy.  Katie had something like -$800.  She took that to +$14000, which is a good turn-around.  Her opponents gave little competition.  It was all Katie in DJ.


FJ was an instaget (imho) and the contestants all knew it was Kennedy/John XXIII even if Katie got the year they died wrong.

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That 'Puns' category in the Jeopardy round was just awful -- Alpaca lips ... ugggh !


Katie's mannerisms kind of bugged, plus the long pauses while selecting the next question. Regardless, she smoked Alex and Brandon in the DJ round.


I was surprised that Alex the contestant got so many questions wrong, and they seemed like easy questions too.

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Both of the challengers irritated me, so I wanted the champ to win, but then he kept annoyingly buzzing in and obviously not knowing the answer.


FJ was incredibly easy, although my initial answer was "John XXIII and JFK", and then I realized later on that they wanted the year - still before time was up, though.

I can't believe Katie didn't know what year JFK was killed. I can't see her lasting too long as a champ, although she did do well in DJ.

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Alex the champ screwed himself tonight by buzzing in without an answer. WTH was up with that?

I instantly didn't like Brandon because of his weird gyrations during the intro.

Katie could never be a poker player. I've never seen so many bizarre facial expressions. She acts like she's 12 years old. I was shocked when she pulled ahead in DJ.

When Alex T. said something about the clues being tougher tonight, I answered, "No, the contestants are dumber."

I actually got alpaca lips. Hardy har, har. And James, Dalton, apple and pageboy.

It took me a minute to get FJ but I figured it out in time.

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Alex the champ screwed himself tonight by buzzing in without an answer. WTH was up with that?


He did that in previous games too. I liked him a whole bunch, but that habit was annoying the hell out of me, and I figured it would eventually be his doom.


Alex the host jinxed him with the (extremely premature) comparison to Ken Jennings. Yikes.

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I'll miss the champ, who reminded me of Seth Macfarlane a bit

To me he looks so much like Joe Lo Truglio. 462219390.jpg?v=1&g=fs2%7C0%7Ceditorial1


I kind of liked the new champ during her interview, but then she started to bug me during the game with her long pauses and mannerisms. I actually went back and forth betw liking her and being annoyed. So I'm on the fence... though I do wish she wouldn't pause so long before choosing a category. Oh, and getting the year that JFK was assassinated wrong is unforgivable on this kind of show.


I love puns, even if I groan I love them. So I was disappointed I didn't get any of them. I wasn't paying attention when the first clue was read, so I forgot it was supposed to be a pun. I'd like to think I would have gotten it.


I got Wallabies and Jimmy Choos. When I was in high school, I so wanted a pair of wallabies. I don't know why I never got them. 

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I was all proud of myself for getting FJ, but apparently it wasn't all that difficult. I've found over the years that most people, even those raised Catholic, don't know the order of the popes very well, even the more recent ones. So based on that, I was kind of surprised all three of them knew it was John XXIII/JFK (even if the new champ got the year wrong), and then everyone here knew that, too. I don't think your random non-Jeopardy fan would know it, though. :)


A couple of days ago, the answer to a question was "Danny Boy", the contestant answered "Oh Danny Boy" and was ruled correct. But the name of the song isn't "Oh Danny Boy", it's just "Danny Boy", and I thought that should have been dinged. I kept waiting for them to go back and rule it incorrect, but they never did. More inconsistent judging.

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Brandon had that weird hand gesture at the beginning, but I liked him. Always have liked gingers, and that worked in his favor. I thought I would like any of them winning, and usually root for the woman (solidarity!) -- but her long pauses made me second-guess that. Hope it was simply a nervous habit and she gets over it.

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I was all proud of myself for getting FJ, but apparently it wasn't all that difficult. I've found over the years that most people, even those raised Catholic, don't know the order of the popes very well, even the more recent ones. So based on that, I was kind of surprised all three of them knew it was John XXIII/JFK (even if the new champ got the year wrong), and then everyone here knew that, too. I don't think your random non-Jeopardy fan would know it, though. :)

Well, that and "John" is the only name of any US President that could also be pope's name. I know there are multiple presidents named John, but it still narrows it down, and JFK is probably the most well-known president with a first name of John. And in terms of American history, John XXIII was somewhat involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think Jackie Kennedy also met John XXIII at some point. So this might point you in the right direction. John XXIII was also canonized fairly recently, so if a person had paid attention to the news then, they might recall the approximate time he died.

I haven't the slightest clue about the order of any of the popes before John Paul II, but I don't think that was necessary to answer the question. I think that's part of what made it so easy - there are many different thought processes that would allow you to reach the correct response, depending on what areas your knowledge base is stronger in.

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Well, that and "John" is the only name of any US President that could also be pope's name. I know there are multiple presidents named John, but it still narrows it down, and JFK is probably the most well-known president with a first name of John.


I approached it from the opposite side...there aren't many (any) presidents named Pius, Benedict, Francis, etc., so it had to be John.

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I am finding Katie SUPER annoying. Buzzer violating, wiggling all over, too-long pauses, making noises when the answer was revealed...oy. Also, the accent.

This is how I got FJ - "a ferry, is it Seward? No, that was folly, it has to be something with ferry, is there a famous ferry? Oh, Harper, it has to be Harper."

Edited by mojoween
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Was it just me, or did the retired gentleman (the new champ) seem to answer all of the "that was before your time" questions correctly?

I noticed that particularly in the 'two bands' category.  I liked him well enough except for his saying the whole category name with 'please' tacked on the end.  I was hoping he would pick up on the two women choosing categories with one or two words but he did not.


Instaget FJ but I wasn't totally sure it was correct.

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I like Sam, although I do have a small quibble. They shouldn't have accepted the Manson Group. It was the Manson Family.

I'm so glad Katie is gone! She was exceedingly annoying and looked like a petulant child at the end when she lost.

I was disappointed so many clues were left on the board.

I guessed Dobb (for Dobb's Ferry) for FJ even though I knew it was wrong. I slapped my forehead at the correct answer. Duh!

  • Love 5

I am finding Katie SUPER annoying. Buzzer violating, wiggling all over, too-long pauses, making noises when the answer was revealed...oy. Also, the accent.

To be fair, she was probably getting even with announcer Johnny Gilbert's pronunciation of her hometown.  Johnny called it

"Pee BOD e", whereas in Massachusetts-ese it's pronounced "PEE ba de"...aka Peabody, MA.  :)

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I like Sam, although I do have a small quibble. They shouldn't have accepted the Manson Group. It was the Manson Family.


I don't know that he said Manson Group though, as in with capital letters.  If you call them the Manson group (not a proper name) I think it can count, and I think that's what the ruling was (Alex seemed to glance over for an ok before he accepted it).  If he'd called them the Manson Menagerie, though, I think he'd be out of luck.  (jk)

When there's less than a minute to go and two full categories left, it's not a fun episode for me.

I like the new champ and am also glad to have one who might know the answers to some of the questions better suited to older players. I don't mind younger players, but sometimes they can make for a painful game.

Spleen was an odd triple stumper. Did they all forget the category?

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