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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I'm bummed Sean lost, and I predict the new champ is a one-and-done. She guesses a lot (incorrectly). (I know, that served her well in FJ.)


That Project Runway guess for the tv show 'Manh(a)ttan' was pretty bad, but congrats to new champ Nikki.


I'm surprised they didn't award Sean with a correct answer in FJ, since avoidance is a type of denial -- what with the rather loose way the judging has been lately.

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That Project Runway guess for the tv show 'Manh(a)ttan' was pretty bad, but congrats to new champ Nikki.


I'm surprised they didn't award Sean with a correct answer in FJ, since avoidance is a type of denial -- what with the rather loose way the judging has been lately.

I guess "avoidance" hasn't entered the popular vocabulary the way "denial" has. If "pop" weren't in the category name, I would think there would be a number of possible answers. I wonder if "repression" would have been acceptable. 


I knew Sean was doomed when he showed his lucky charm. I agree Nikki probably won't last long--she blew a pretty substantial lead. There were quite a few TS's today. The one that stood out for me was "You Might Think" by the Cars. That was one of the best early videos. I still laugh at a teeny Rik Ocasek popping out of a tube of lipstick.

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Don't you know Alex was on cloud 9 for having the Translate the French category? After the Presidents' Middle Name category, I've concluded that if a parent wants their child to achieve greatness, name them a weird fucking middle name. Gamaliel...wasn't he the villain on The Smurfs?

The Smurf's villain is Gargamel.

Other than that, I have nothing. Baseball pregame again.

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I don't think any alternatives would have been accepted for FJ, because the clue referred a direct quote. They don't allow any other answers for these types of clues, because they're asking specifically for the word in the quote (or title, or whatever else the clue may contain that the answer is supposed to "complete").

I guessed "defense mechanism" or "defensive behaviour", but I don't think those would have been accepted.

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Don't you know Alex was on cloud 9 for having the Translate the French category?


When I saw that come up, I thought "Oh crap, what are we going to have to sit through from Alex now..."



What a rare game!  I didn't hate anyone, they all started at the tops of the categories, and the boards were cleared.  Most enjoyable despite the multitudes of TS.


I wasn't crazy about the guy in the middle - he gave me a "slacker dude" vibe - but otherwise it was an enjoyable game.  I liked Nikki and was happy to see her win - I think we had the same reaction in FJ...I guessed "denial" but it seemed too obvious, and was surprised when it was correct.

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Gamaliel...wasn't he the villain on The Smurfs?


Don't know about the Smurfs, but Biblically, Gamaliel was a Jew who argued in front of the elders against the apostles being put to death. He is also said to have been a teacher of St. Paul when he was a young man.


Yes, it's a very weird name. I had no idea it was Harding's middle name. I wonder if his political enemies mocked him for it, the same way Humphrey got called "Horatio" and Obama gets called "Hussein."

Edited by ChicagoCita
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I don't recall anyone referring to Tricky Dick as "Milhous," though.


I have a "hangman" game that I downloaded - and you can make up your own categories/words...so I have one of the US Presidents.  I've included their middle names, so, yeah! I ran that category!!  I always forget, though, that it's Thomas Woodrow Wilson and Stephen Grover Cleveland.  Those unused first names throw me all the time.

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I've heard of Ed Sheeran, and even saw him on a couple of shows (like SNL? maybe Graham Norton?). Anyway, I can't name or identify any song of his.


For FJ I said repression. 


I got The Cars answer as well as Sibelius. I'm trying to remember other ones.


In the interview portion when the middle guy said his bride walked down the aisle to the theme to Jurassic Park, I thought it was pretty dumb of Alex to say that the theme starts with the T Rex stomping. Uh, no. That is part of the movie. However, I thought it was gracious of the guy not to correct him and, in fact, to make a little joke.

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Raise your hand if you got the impreza Suburu answer because of the wonderful ad with the man and his dog going on a bucket list trip to visit all their favorite places....

I don't watch commercials, but I got the Subaru answer simply because I like cars.


However, I'd never heard of a Kia Cadenza, so I stared at that clue the same way the contestants did. I looked it up afterward, and it starts at $35,000 and looks like a fancier version of their Optima. They also make something called a K900 that starts at $55,000. Kia has, apparently, come a long way from the econoboxes they used to be famous for.

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 When I saw that come up, I thought "Oh crap, what are we going to have to sit through from Alex now..."



My words exactly!


Pardon my ignorance, but why do some of you dog on Alex's pronunciation of French words?



Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but to me....he's just so pompous. It's irritating.


I'm sure I'll agree with other replies to this, someone will probably relate it better than I can.

  • Love 5

My words exactly!



Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but to me....he's just so pompous. It's irritating.


I'm sure I'll agree with other replies to this, someone will probably relate it better than I can.


You can speak for me.  It's a combo plate of pomposity and condescension.   By his tone, he manages to telegraph how idiotic he finds your response.   Something like "no the answer is [___], you're thinking of an accent aigu not an accent grave."  {{slowexhale}} you know what Alex, I still don't know how smart you are, you're the one holding the cards.  And the thing is, I kind of dig sarcasm, but his delivery makes me lose my shit.  

  • Love 7

I guess my stupidity worked in my favor on this one.  There are only three people I absolutely know to have signed the document, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and John Hancock.  And whenever I see a picture of the document, what stands out is the huge signature of John Hancock.

My usual go-to answer is Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the last signer of the Declaration to die.

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I too thought of Alexander Hamilton instead of John Hancock for that FJ. I guess my mind automatically went for a "big" name from that time period rather than remembering the literal big name on the document. I feel like my eighth-grade teacher should give me detention.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Raise your hand if you got the impreza Suburu


I ran that category, it's truly my Cliff Clavin field (I work as an auto industry analyst!)


I was shocked that Subie was a TS as it's the golden automaker right now, with massive sales increases literally every month. 


But the lesson here is: don't assume everyone knows what you know. The corollary is: automakers, people don't know nearly as much about your brands as you think or what car guys think. You guys need to figure out why your brands aren't well known. 

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Raise your hand if you got the impreza Suburu answer because of the wonderful ad with the man and his dog going on a bucket list trip to visit all their favorite places....

I got it because I once considered buying one.

I got The Cars answer as well as Sibelius.


I missed Sibelius despite know he was Finnish, and that Die Hard 2 tried to make Finlandia work the way Ode to Joy worked in the original.

You can speak for me.  It's a combo plate of pomposity and condescension.   By his tone, he manages to telegraph how idiotic he finds your response.   Something like "no the answer is [___], you're thinking of an accent aigu not an accent grave."  {{slowexhale}} you know what Alex, I still don't know how smart you are, you're the one holding the cards.  And the thing is, I kind of dig sarcasm, but his delivery makes me lose my shit.  

I don't get that from him at all.  I just think he likes pronouncing foreign words and gets a big kick out of it.

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I too thought of Alexander Hamilton instead of John Hancock for that FJ. I guess my mind automatically went for a "big" name from that time period rather than remembering the literal big name on the document. I feel like my eighth-grade teacher should give me detention.

I'll be right there with you, CW.  I made the same mistake.

  • Love 1
Don't you know Alex was on cloud 9 for having the Translate the French category?

Odd thing is, I don't know any French except those commonly known words ("Oui!") and I could answer every one of those French clues. Man, that category was too easy peasy.

I wasn't crazy about the guy in the middle - he gave me a "slacker dude" vibe

If he had won, I would have had to FedEx a scrungie for his scraggle hair.

the same way Humphrey got called "Horatio"

Which president or person made the faux pas of introducing him as Hubert Horatio Hornblower? One of the best video bites of that era.

Ed Sheeran.  I have a friend who's in love with the guy. Go figure.  (I've never heard his stuff.)

Check him out. He's a hottie, mainly because of his hottie voice and songs. Yowza! Me likie.

I couldn't believe that Nikki didn't guess that George Jr's book about his father might have been titled 41.

Especially since it's been on the news, plus the senior George is commonly called 41 by the press.

*note to self - don't drink wine on late Jeopardy! game nights*

I overrule that note.

Pardon my ignorance, but why do some of you dog on Alex's pronunciation of French words?

What everyone else said. Plus, Trebek OVER PRONOUNCES every foreign word to such an extent that they can become practically unrecognizable. Go back some pages here and there is a link to a hilarious video of just that, Trebek over-pronouncing words interspersed with clips of contestants bugging their eyes at his interruptions. Trebek is so pompous, he deserves to be dogged.


ETA: Will miss the champ. He was a role-model contestant. I guess he just got tired so tanked this game, an unexpected failure. Glad the new champ is a woman but, as someone else said, I doubt she will be around long. Maybe there will be a lot of "Woman" categories, just for her! You know, Woman Poets, Woman Writers, Women in Politics, Woman Inventors and that old favorite, What a Woman Wants.

Edited by saber5055
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Contestant: What are gorillas?

Alex: Gorillas or monkeys.

NO. No no no.

OMGosh, that totally freaked me. WTH, judges? Why not just throw homo sapien kids in that answer, they like bananas too.

I like Nikki because she has shiny hair and what looks to be a good figure

I liked her red sweater yesterday. Red is my favorite color. It was a tad baggy, revealed at the end, which left her "figure" open for speculation.

Edited by saber5055
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What a bunch of time wasting guessers! Nikki deserved to win because she controlled herself and didn't ring in and throw out a wild-ass answer for every clue. I don't think she'd do well against contestants who actually had a breadth of knowledge, though. I was impressed she got FJ.

Julia bugged the crap out of me. Another of those "Alex can I please have The Complete Name of the Category for "x" amount of dollars, thank you" types.

What an epic flame out by Damien. I don't think I've ever seen someone do so poorly. Dude, if you can't guess the $200 answers, why do you think you'll even have a remote chance at the $2,000 ones?

WTF with gorillas = monkeys?

Here are a few of the TSs I got - Memphis, Zuni, Gallup, Three Days of the Condor and Whoville. There were more, but I was too busy screaming at the TV and trying to eat dinner to write them down.

I do have to say, that was a spectacular photo of our Denver Airport.

*note to self - start drinking more wine during Jeopardy!*

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When Alex said "gorillas, or monkeys" I thought, wait a minute, the clue said "these primates." So basically she could have said ANY primate and gotten credit? It seemed hella-redundant. I actually got the FJ but that's because I love saying Djibouti as often as possible. Also I had it fresh in my mind that someone recently answered a clue "what is Django: Unchained?" with a hard D (...that's what SHE said), and I yelled out loud "the D is silent, motherfucker!"

Edited by ClareWalks
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Djibouti was pretty easy for a FJ question. In what language is the first letter of Ivory Coast silent??
Four Weddings and a Funeral was also pretty easy for a DD.

The guy in the middle was horrendous and painful to watch. I can't believe he was actually out of the red for a little while. Of course, then he went and blew it all.

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I liked her red sweater yesterday. Red is my favorite color. It was a tad baggy, revealed at the end, which left her "figure" open for speculation.


Her tops were nice both days.  But whoever's been picking out her pants is not her friend.


And oh, Damien.  Maybe it's the name.  The Exorcist, The Omen, leprosy, and now this.  Do not name your child Damien, that's my advice.

  • Love 2

I feel terrible, but I was laughing by the end of DJ when Damien went back in the red! Did someone tell him that he HAD to ring in every time? AND start with the highest dollar amount clues! That said, I did fail at Final Jeopardy. I always pronounce the "D", so it would never have come to me. (I also pronounce the "I" in Ivory Coast.) The TS's were ALL so easy!

  • Love 5

I started looking thru that link but didn't see why she chose 88. (I associate it only with piano keys.)


That was a pretty bad game. How embarrassing for Damien. 


I thought Julie's DD where the answer was 'fresco' was easy, but what the heck was with her guess of 'imbroglio'? That doesn't even make sense?


The TS's I got were Pecos (River), Whoville, and Three Days of the Condor. I couldn't bring to mind the names of any polls, so I didn't get Gallup. Oh, and instead of Zuni, I came up with Zuma. 


I hope I remember that Memphis is the home of FedEx.


I always have a hard time remembering the number in the movie 127 Hours.

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Not only was Ivory Coast totally wrong on its face, it also isn't on the "horn of Africa" as the clue required. *facepalm* Truth be told I had no idea where Djibouti was, but it was a worthy guess, turns out. Can't think of any other African countries with a silent first letter, anyway.

The official name of the country is
Côte d'Ivoire typically pronounced as "Kote dee Voah"

Now that you mention it, I'm surprised Alex didn't say that after reading her Ivory Coast answer.

  • Love 3

Not only was Ivory Coast totally wrong on its face, it also isn't on the "horn of Africa" as the clue required. *facepalm* Truth be told I had no idea where Djibouti was, but it was a worthy guess, turns out. Can't think of any other African countries with a silent first letter, anyway.

Now that you mention it, I'm surprised Alex didn't say that after reading her Ivory Coast answer.


The official name of the country is

Côte d'Ivoire typically pronounced as "Kote dee Voah"



I suspect PierreMonet really is Alex Trebek.

Edited by Trey
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