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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I really did laugh out loud when he did the jazz hands when he was introduced. Kid is growing on me.


Me too! There were a few comments here last weekend that convinced me to try to change my attitude. (Mostly the comments that reminded me of Talia and Jennifer. I still get a twitch just writing their names.) Because while Matt is a scary serial killer, he's fast, he's smart, and he doesn't flail with the buzzer. By Wednesday, I was nervous that he might lose when it wasn't a runaway. Even my husband laughed at the jazz hands today, because he remembers the long ago days of last week, when I could barely look at the screen while Matt was on. Apparently I'm capable of changing my mind about almost anything.

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Agreed. You make a good point that it must be frustrating to have your turn to complete come up against one of the greats, however, that kind of frustration must be held in check and not exhibited the way she did. She succeeded only in making herself appear childish and petulant. This is not standard jeopardy contestant behavior; normally they act quite placid and polite. This is the kind of thing you complain about privately to your sister on the phone, but you don't actively sigh and moan and make disgusted faces right there on stage while they are filming. Can't imagine what type of reactions she would have had when she undoubtedly would have lost FJ but I was pleased there was no chance to find out. Bye, Felicia indeed.


Jeopardy!, for me, was always a cut above other game shows.  It's classiness was what distinguished it.  I miss the days when Jeopardy! contestants dressed and acted with decorum. 

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At the end of Double Jeopardy, Alex said "I hope you enjoyed yourself" to the departing contestant Emily who ended up in the negative.



Yes, Trebek wasn't really being a smartie pants IMO, he was trying to throw a happy bone to the obviously pissy Emily. Didn't work though.


I, too, got a gigantic kick out of the Jazz Hands during the opening. Well done, Matt. I also watched this episode more so noticed Matt doesn't bob or weave, flail with the buzzer, wave his arms around, dance or pull out drumsticks while he is playing. And he dresses well. In all, he's the perfect Jeopardy player according to the rules of this thread. Board skipping doesn't bother me, except it makes it harder for ME to answer some clues. And, you know, I only watch this show to proclaim my own brilliance.

BTW, Alex said "Das Boat." Is that how you pronounce it? I've always said Boot, just like it looks.



I saw the movie way back when it was in first-run theaters, so got this answer immediately. And in the movie, which was in German with subtitles, it was pronounced "boot." And I've always heard it pronounced "BOOT" everywhere else, and it's been an answer in other game shows. Maybe someone skilled in German can say for sure, but I believe Trebek was wrong.


I am positive I would enjoy Matt as a friend IRL.

Edited by saber5055
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I missed a couple days but it sounds like Matt is still there. Ugh. I want to like him because I hate being annoyed so much by someone. Especially someone who is doing so well. I want to root for him like I did Julia.

I wonder who decides where they're going to stand at the end. I noticed the other day they were standing by the contestants' podiums and not by where Alex stands. I have too much time on my hands to think about things. Ha.

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What do you all think Matt is thinking with that slow smile? Is he trying to be funny?


I tried doing a slow smile like Matt's but my face wouldn't cooperate.  It's sad that I do silly things like this in my leisure time, Isn't it?  What's worse is I'll never be a creepy Jeopardy contestant. 


Jeopardy!, for me, was always a cut above other game shows.  It's classiness was what distinguished it.  I miss the days when Jeopardy! contestants dressed and acted with decorum.


Several years ago, a female contestant wore a glittery blouse that was worn off the shoulder.  On TWoP, I expressed my dismay about her attire and some readers found nothing wrong with her blouse.  To me, she was dressed for a cocktail party.  Call me a fuddy duddy!

  • Love 4


Jeopardy!, for me, was always a cut above other game shows.  It's classiness was what distinguished it.  I miss the days when Jeopardy! contestants dressed and acted with decorum.


They have to adjust to times.  Jeopardy struggles to get viewers under 60 as it is, I doubt they want to alienate younger contestants, either.  But I think what dressing and acting "with decorum" all varies.  To me, wearing t-shirts, an off-the-shoulder blouse or nice jeans and "daring" to get excited at winning or getting a correct answer is all right.

This is just something that has been bothering me almost since Matt got on J!, and it's actually entirely not his doing.  People keep saying/acting/assuming he's an attorney.  He very clearly is not.  That is not a knock--paralegals work hard and are indispensable to the legal profession as a whole.  However, as they keep announcing at the beginning of each of his episodes, he's a paralegal.  Not a lawyer.


Sorry, this was just making me crazy every Jeopardy! where I go, and I had to get it off my chest.


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This is just something that has been bothering me almost since Matt got on J!, and it's actually entirely not his doing.  People keep saying/acting/assuming he's an attorney.  He very clearly is not.  That is not a knock--paralegals work hard and are indispensable to the legal profession as a whole.  However, as they keep announcing at the beginning of each of his episodes, he's a paralegal.  Not a lawyer.


Sorry, this was just making me crazy every Jeopardy! where I go, and I had to get it off my chest.


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Do you mean people in your daily life assume he is a lawyer? Because I haven't seen anyone here or on the show say that. I was curious if he was a law student as well as a paralegal, but they haven't mentioned it.


The streak continues! I feel bad for anyone who has to go up against this guy. He knows almost everything. Although that Game of Thrones category was hella easy. I have never seen the show and I knew almost all of the answers (or questions, I suppose).

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Alex expressed disappointment that Matt didn't get to cumulative winnings of $400K today.  At the rate he's going it will take one or two more days to pass Julia Collins and Dave Madden.


The player on the right - Victor - was quite good with the buzzer and rang in fast.  He just didn't have the knowledge that Matt has.  And when Matt got the two daily doubles in a row - both of which I would have missed, so he impressed me - the game was a runaway.

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is it a hard and fast rule that you never play a person with the same first name? I am eagerly awaiting an answer....



There were contestants glad they were named Alex when Alex Jacob was on his streak. They knew they didn't have to play him.

The player on the right - Victor - was quite good with the buzzer and rang in fast.



Oh, but he bugged the heck out of me with his board jumping. That's for people who have won at least one game and have earned that right!


And okay, guys, I sat and watched today's episode without doing work during, and because of that, I have now fallen madly in love with Matt. I know, crazy, but smart is sexy in my world, and Matt is sexy as hell IMO. Yowza!


And no "11" at the intro, just a very satisfied smile. I could watch this guy until those cows come home. And then come home again.


I'll snap out of it to complain about Trebek, though, when he gave one clue in some accent that made the answer a total giveaway, even to anyone who didn't know it. After that reading, EVERYONE knew the answer. Gah ... just stop it Trebek.


ETA: I'm all in for winning that Lindblad trip. Crossing my fingers!

Edited by saber5055
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Victor bugged me, too, even though he was pretty good, smiled and seemed to enjoy himself. But missing the Truth In Lending Act DD was truly bad.

Julia was beaten on the buzzer by Matt, but she was knowledgeable. She was also very pleasant.

Matt almost won me over with his cat story but not quite.

The St. Elmo's Fire TS was puzzling. And a picture of Diana Rigg? Really?

I haven't watched GOT since season one and ran the category. Way too easy.

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On another note, you guys who have actually played, is it a hard and fast rule that you never play a person with the same first name? I am eagerly awaiting an answer....


My name is Andrea, and on my episode, one of my contestants was Andrew.  :)


All the talk about clothes reminds me of a last-minute trip to the Culver City mall, as I was in an absolute panic over my wardrobe choices.  I was in a panic about a lot of things (lol), but clothing was at the top of the list.  


Sometimes my major in French comes in handy.  Tonight's FJ was one of those times.

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This is just something that has been bothering me almost since Matt got on J!, and it's actually entirely not his doing.  People keep saying/acting/assuming he's an attorney.  He very clearly is not.  That is not a knock--paralegals work hard and are indispensable to the legal profession as a whole.  However, as they keep announcing at the beginning of each of his episodes, he's a paralegal.  Not a lawyer.


Sorry, this was just making me crazy every Jeopardy! where I go, and I had to get it off my chest.


You may return to your regular viewing.


He's 23! He would have to be some kind of prodigy to be a lawyer. 

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Since I didn't know the answer for FJ, I was surprised that all three contestants got it correct.  *Face palm* The Bayeaux Tapestry must be pretty much common knowledge, only I was ignorant about it.  This was the same feeling that I had about last year:s FJ answer of Scheherazade.  Jeopardy is great for exposing people to new facets of knowledge.

  • Love 5
Do you mean people in your daily life assume he is a lawyer? Because I haven't seen anyone here or on the show say that. I was curious if he was a law student as well as a paralegal, but they haven't mentioned it.


No--all over the internet, including the usually detail oriented J-board.  In my real life I am a lawyer, and so are most of the people I see daily, so that's not something we would mistake. 


He's 23! He would have to be some kind of prodigy to be a lawyer.


Although I went to law school with a girl who went to school in the Philippines, so she finished high school at 16, which even that two years would be enough to make a law grad at 23.  Not much of a prodigy.  Just a year early for high school and college, or two years short in college, which can be done by taking college courses in high school and aggressive summer school.  No genius required for that method either.


I knew the Bayeux Tapestry almost immediately (although there was a quick second of --it's THAT tapestry--what is it's name?), but then I was a medieval history major. 

I'm still not a Matt fan.


Edited by Ailianna
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Matt almost won me over with his cat story but not quite.


Heard the word "cat" as we were zipping thru,  and we cat people rewound to hear whole story. Opinion of Matt rose smidgen after hearing it and seeing that game-counting has ceased. At least for the moment.


Also, should he wish to, I'm certain Matt could pursue law. Or most anything else he wished. Just MHO, of course. And I say it grudgingly. LOL

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FJ was one of those clues I could have sat here until I died and not come up with the answer -- I have never heard of the Bayeux Tapestry.


Damn you, Alex, for asking if Matt’s cats were still alive.  Obviously Matt felt comfortable talking about them despite the loss of Jules this year, since he wrote about them on his questionnaire, but jeez.  You know his family got the cats about 15 years ago, and you have cats so you must know 16 years is the average lifespan (assuming they're indoor) – don’t ask that.  J! is supposed to be my distraction.


I'm watching football, so I didn’t see much else of the game.

Edited by Bastet
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When Alex read FJ, I didn't know it but figured I would slap my forehead in recognition when the answer was revealed. Uh... no. Never heard of it. I hate when that happens.

Sometimes my major in French comes in handy.  Tonight's FJ was one of those times.

Why is that?


But missing the Truth In Lending Act DD was truly bad.

Now THAT was a foreheard-slapper. I couldn't figure out TILA, but of course I knew it when Alex said it.


I didn't do very well in this one. I can't imagine what Matt's downfall will be. Probably fatigue.

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Arthur agrees with my observation that the early 30s seem to be the best age to compete on Jeopardy.

"For most people it seems like 30 is the sweet spot, when your reflexes are still fast enough to be competitive but you’ve had enough time to accumulate knowledge, life experience and discipline to not totally fall apart on TV."  I started a thread about this last year: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/18409-what-is-the-optimal-age-to-be-a-contestant-on-jeopardy/ 


Matt is only 23, so he might actually get better over the next few years (if they have him back for special tournaments and such).

  • Love 1

Ohhhh. I didn't pick up on that. Pretty good one, Erik.


I just rewatched the end.  After Matt's answer is revealed, Alex says, "He got half of it only. So he's going to lose some money, I fear not much." So what Alex is saying here is that he fears that Matt is not going to lose very much, i.e., Alex wanted him to lose more. Again, I'm sure he didn't mean that.


Interesting.  In my ear, that sentence looks like this:  "So he's going to lose some money, I fear.  Not much."  and I'm about as big a Trebek fan as Connery.


I came running to the forums right after this episode went off to see if anyone had anything to say about this.  My dad even called me about it during the game.  I guess Alex assumed he meant $5,000 (and so did I) but I'm surprised there wasn't some kind of clarification made after the commercial break.  


Crap. You guys and your pedanticism.   The mister swore this happened.  I swore it did not and knew he couldn't prove it b/cc we don't dvr.  He said go ask the geek board (sorry lol).  Now I owe him a Sunday in the stands at a Giants game.  Damn ya'll.   Double or nothing that it was never rectified (or mentioned).  Was it?

  • Love 2

He said go ask the geek board (sorry lol).


Ha!  I suspect that's a badge most of us wear proudly.


Double or nothing that it was never rectified (or mentioned).  Was it?


Not that I heard.  The correct total (reflecting a loss of $5, not $5000) was shown on Matt's screen, but we heard Alex say his new total as a loss of $5000.  I'm sometimes late coming back from commercial, so I could have missed something, but I did not see any "I misspoke earlier" segment. 


I'm sure that Matt and/or the producers interrupted when Alex made his misstatement, so I'm wondering a) if Alex was the only one who got it wrong and thus the total on Matt's screen was always correct (versus Alex not being the only one who thought "five" meant $5000 and thus Matt initially having too much money deducted) and b) why they didn't edit Alex's misstatement out or have him overdub it.


While contestants can say, for example, "[Category], six," as a shorthand for the $600 clue in that category, I don't think they're allowed to similarly express a $5000 DD wager as "five."  If I'm not dreaming that, Alex should have known "five" meant $5.  Or at least had a "Just five dollars?" moment of clarification.

Edited by Bastet
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You guys have made me feel better about the FJ. Never in my 7 decades have I seen those 2 words together. And I even took a fine arts class in college...

I certainly have gaps in my knowledge base, but I can't remember the last time all three contestants got an answer that I had never even heard of. Hell, I was the only person I know who got Liederkranz when Stefan (one of my favorite champs) was on the show!

I had to look up Bayeux Tapestry, too.

Matt started his cat story with, "So..." and I couldn't help but chuckle. There's a poster here who despises when people do that, so it was funny to me. You guys are with me even when I'm not reading this board.

Edited by teebax
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I knew the Bayeux Tapestry almost immediately (although there was a quick second of --it's THAT tapestry--what is it's name?), but then I was a medieval history major.

That was me exactly - but I knew because of my obsession with British History.


I did not enjoy last night's game but as I've said, I hate it when they start at the bottom. 

  • Love 1

Ha!  I suspect that's a badge most of us wear proudly.


no one more so than this girl <---  :D


Not that I heard.  The correct total (reflecting a loss of $5, not $5000) was shown on Matt's screen, but we heard Alex say his new total as a loss of $5000.  I'm sometimes late coming back from commercial, so I could have missed something, but I did not see any "I misspoke earlier" segment.

I'm sure that Matt and/or the producers interrupted when Alex made his misstatement, so I'm wondering a) if Alex was the only one who got it wrong and thus the total on Matt's screen was always correct (versus Alex not being the only one who thought "five" meant $5000 and thus Matt initially having too much money deducted) and b) why they didn't edit Alex's misstatement out or have him overdub it.


Exactly what I was looking for.  I thought either he's required to or if not, isn't shy about correcting himself.


The $5/$5,000 has been discussed a lot on Jeopardy's facebook page, where people have linked to this video. Alex says "Your lead has been reduced to $8,395" when Matt's score goes from $13,400 to $13,395, because the next highest score is $5,000.


Um, yeah ok, let's just keep this between us.  What happens on the boards.....

  • Love 1
Was it possibly punctuated: "So he's going to lose some money, I fear. <wager revealed> Not much." ?
In my ear, that sentence looks like this:  "So he's going to lose some money, I fear.  Not much."  and I'm about as big a Trebek fan as Connery.

No. I just watched it again. It's definitely, "So he's going to lose some money. I fear not much."



Matt started his cat story with, "So..." and I couldn't help but chuckle. There's a poster here who despises when people do that, so it was funny to me. You guys are with me even when I'm not reading this board.

I started noticing that the game before, and now I can't unhear it. I used to call that type of word in speech a crutch, but I think there's a particular term for it, the kind of word/phrase like "you know," "like," "so," "um," etc.

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 3

No. I just watched it again. It's definitely, "So he's going to lose some money. I fear not much."



I started noticing that the game before, and now I can't unhear it. I used to call that type of word in speech a crutch, but I think there's a particular term for it, the kind of word/phrase like "you know," "like," "so," "um," etc.


Oh.  Lol! thanks I didn't see the previous discussion.   Reverting to full strength Connery-hate.


They're called filler words.  Add no meaning or contain no value.  Love to say em, hate to hear em. 

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