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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Tuesday: Once again we see a promising challenger able to keep up with Matt in the first round.  Then Matt flips the switch or takes a smart pill or something during the commercial break and blows everyone away in Double Jeopardy.


I don't dislike Matt, but a string of runaway games Every.Single.Day. is getting old.  I will say that $40K in one day (today) is pretty impressive, though.

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I thought Matt should have gotten a BMS for the "I.T." Guys, but oh well. It's not like it made a difference.


Also, useless Alex mispronounced the Ian Thorpe clue. "His nickname is the Thorpedo," Alex pronounces it torpedo. Facepalm.


Loved how the...husky fellow (whatever his name was) in the middle was clearly PISSED about losing. He didn't even clap when Matt got the DDs.

Edited by ClareWalks
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It seems that Matt's weak spot is pop culture.  He seems pretty quiet in questions about current music, movies and TV shows.  Big Eyes was a pretty easy DD even if you haven't seen the movie (which I haven't)-- the photo even showed the artist with one of her big-eyed paintings, and the movie got major award nominations, but he didn't know it.  And in some of the categories where they've had to identify bands, he's stood silently.  While his knowledge about history and science seems pretty broad, his studies didn't seem to involve popular culture.

Today he was totally silent in the TV category.

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Today he was totally silent in the TV category.



I know. He chose that category as his first, then didn't ring in once. Maybe he wanted to give Big Guy a lead/head start before wiping him out?

I thought Matt should have gotten a BMS for the "I.T." Guys, but oh well. It's not like it made a difference.



Oh, that P.O.d me, especially since later Trebek, who was at fault for NOT asking BMS, took $4,000 away from Matt.


I think Matt underlining HERMANN on Hermann Hesse in FJ was his FU to Trebek. Not that it was an FU really, I just don't know what else to call it. Losing the 4K was a bit of a burn.


Loved how the...husky fellow (whatever his name was) in the middle was clearly PISSED about losing. He didn't even clap when Matt got the DDs.



I did not notice that, but I did see Matt clapping for him when he got a DD.

Tuesday: Once again we see a promising challenger able to keep up with Matt in the first round.  Then Matt flips the switch or takes a smart pill or something during the commercial break and blows everyone away in Double Jeopardy.



I know! For a moment there, I thought Matt was gonna lose. I wonder if he is doing it on purpose. If so, wow, more power to him.

Also, I can't believe sticky bun was a TS.



Oh, I love me a deliciously good sticky bun ...

Edited by saber5055
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I wonder if they're intentionally picking pop culture categories.


Also, I can't believe sticky bun was a TS.

Hmmm--John (the big fella in the middle) is an IT guy and "IT Guy" was a category, and there was also a category with synonyms for "fat." Supposedly the boards are randomly selected since no one knows in advance who the players will be at any given time, but coincidences like this make me wonder. The same issue came up during Ken Jennings' run when clues about booze seemed to turn up more often (KJ is a Mormon and thus a teetotaler.)

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I loved that The Serial Killer lost $4,000 for not giving the first and last name. I actually cheered. The dirty look he gave Alex made me fear that he'll wind up in the trunk of Matt's car. What an ass, underlining Hermann.

I want an entire game of just pop culture clues. Of course, I probably won't know a lot of them if they go into recent music territory (Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, etc.) but anything to get that boring, rude sucker-of-life-from-the-game off my screen.

I had high hopes for John. Alas, it was not to be.

Sticky buns as a TS was mind blowing.

  • Love 7

Sticky buns don't need to have cinnamon, but cinnamon buns (obviously) do. Cinnamon buns also lack the honey and/or syrup and/or nuts that may be found in sticky buns.

I've never even seen a sticky bun before, but I have heard the term, and was able to come up with it instantly given the clue and photo (which, if I am remembering correctly, comes from Wikipedia).

I was half-listening to the show while on the phone, so I missed a lot of tonight's game.  So Matt gave a last name only, Alex didn't ask him to be more specific but instead simply accepted the answer, and then later the money was taken away?  I'd be pissed too. 


Also, useless Alex mispronounced the Ian Thorpe clue. "His nickname is the Thorpedo," Alex pronounces it torpedo. Facepalm.


That's one of the clues for which I was paying attention, and I heard Alex pronounce the H.

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I think Matt underlining HERMANN on Hermann Hesse in FJ was his FU to Trebek. Not that it was an FU really, I just don't know what else to call it. Losing the 4K was a bit of a burn.

Calling it an FU makes me laugh. I think it's fair to call it that. 


I'm not sure what else the judges should have done. Yes, Alex should have asked Matt to be more specific, but he didn't, so I guess the only recourse was to take the points from Matt.

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I was half-listening to the show while on the phone, so I missed a lot of tonight's game.  So Matt gave a last name only, Alex didn't ask him to be more specific but instead simply accepted the answer, and then later the money was taken away?  I'd be pissed too.


When the category has special requirements, like this one (The "I.T" Guy) and the contestants have been specifically told that each correct answer will be two words, one beginning with I and one with T, it's on the contestants to remember the category--which Matt had just called.  So I think it was appropriate, and not at all like a regular clue that has two possible last name people, and they are told to specify (like a presidential clue when they have to distinguish Roosevelts or Bushs or Adamses). 


I HATED the Ken Jennings reference.  I like Ken, but it was that this kid has only won 8 games--Julia Collins won 20 and he never compared her to Ken. 

  • Love 7

That's one of the clues for which I was paying attention, and I heard Alex pronounce the H.


I could have sworn he said "torpedo," oh well, my point is Alex sucks ;)


It's amazing how Matt's existence has basically divided the world into Matt Haters and Alex Trebek Haters. I could debate both sides but so far I am enjoying watching Matt more. We will see who becomes more tedious...or if they both become so tedious that my head explodes.

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I HATED the Ken Jennings reference.  I like Ken, but it was that this kid has only won 8 games--Julia Collins won 20 and he never compared her to Ken.

Of course he didn't. She's a woman. Jeopardy has already told us what we want in the category, "What Women Want." Apparently, we want clothes, tea, and a vacuum cleaner. With all that on our minds, we don't have time to be smart like Ken.

  • Love 12

Tuesday: Once again we see a promising challenger able to keep up with Matt in the first round.  Then Matt flips the switch or takes a smart pill or something during the commercial break and blows everyone away in Double Jeopardy.


If I were given to conspiracy theories (which I'm not) and hadn't seen for myself how the show works, I'd be inclined to start wondering about how Matt manages to ring in faster than everyone else in DJ.  So, even though I find Matt a tiny bit less annoying when I'm not actually looking at his Angry Bitchface, I think I'm out for the duration.  Because, among other things, he's making me start to think about conspiracies.


And how did no one get sticky buns?  Really?


I will confess to having had absolutely no idea on FJ.  Never read Hesse or anything about his work, and although I do know a bit about European writers, that knowledge is mainly pre-20th century.

I thought Matt should have gotten a BMS for the "I.T." Guys, but oh well. It's not like it made a difference.

Does Alex ever do the "be more specific" in Double Jeopardy?  It seems like that's a first round thing, although I could be wrong.  But the category title did specify BOTH initials, so I'm not bothered by it.  Hey, at least they were consistent with needing first names for once, if only for that one category.

I think Matt underlining HERMANN on Hermann Hesse in FJ was his FU to Trebek. Not that it was an FU really, I just don't know what else to call it. Losing the 4K was a bit of a burn.


It totally was an FU, and just made me dislike Matt even more.  Yeah, Alex shouldn't have said his answer was correct when it wasn't, but the category title was explicit about needing both initials.

Yest. 9:22 pm


I guessed cinnamon bun as well. I wonder if there's a regional preference in terms as in "soda" or "pop"?


Cinnamon buns, which are sometimes called cinnamon rolls, and sticky buns are two different things.  Two different, very delicious things.  (Or what Secnarf said.)


Now I want both cinnamon buns and sticky buns - damn you, Jeopardy!

Edited by proserpina65
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When the category has special requirements, like this one (The "I.T" Guy) and the contestants have been specifically told that each correct answer will be two words, one beginning with I and one with T, it's on the contestants to remember the category--which Matt had just called.

As much as I'd hate to discourage it, this may be the one problem of shortening the category names upon call-out.  I can see where someone could get into the rhythm of calling out a one word title, completely forgetting the gist of the category.


If I were given to conspiracy theories (which I'm not) and hadn't seen for myself how the show works, I'd be inclined to start wondering about how Matt manages to ring in faster than everyone else in DJ.

Personally, I think this is just Matt's way of playing with his opponents...he starts off at a "normal" game pace to give the others a false sense of security, and then turns it on and blows them away in DJ.  Not nice, Mattie!


With regard to the sticky buns question, the answer had to be "sticky" b/c the clue specifically referenced the sense of touch, which really wouldn't apply to a cinnamon bun.  That's what gave me the deciding point.

Edited by Tunia
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Yes, Alex, it IS too soon to mention Ken Jennings.



I hated this. Maybe the money is close, but game wins? No, not. When Matt gets to 50 or 60 games, THEN you can mention My Idol. I mean, Ken Jennings.


I can see Matt losing the money for the I.T. gaff, but it was Trebek's fault for not "noticing" Matt only gave the T part of the I.T. answer. So this is my FU to you, Trebek. Heh.


Same with the cinnamon/sticky bun clue. While Matt forgot the I.T. category, whomever answered "cinnamon bun" forgot THAT category. And the picture did look like a cinnamon bun (even though it looked more like a sticky bun, which it was). So I can see how that answer was given in lieu of the correct one. 


I'm not sure when I first heard the term "sticky bun." But I remember being older, and thinking oh, yeah, I guess it IS sticky. But I thought it was a stupid made-up name, not a "real" one. And I'm a midwesterner through and through. I grew up drinking "pop." That's a midwestern term as well. My California friend says "soda."


I don't see any conspiracy with Matt beating everyone to the buzzer. Ken Jennings (yeay!) did it for what, 75 games?

It's amazing how Matt's existence has basically divided the world into Matt Haters and Alex Trebek Haters.



I've disliked Trebek since I was at tapings for the show many years ago. Trebek spoke to the audience during breaks, and I found him rude and rather crude in what he said. At least he offended my virginal ears way back then. I've not liked him since, so everything about him bugs me now. It's a case of he can do no right with me.

  • Love 4

I don't see any conspiracy with Matt beating everyone to the buzzer. Ken Jennings (yeay!) did it for what, 75 games?


My mom's still convinced that the fix was in for Ken, whom she really disliked.  I had actually stopped watching just before his run (not sure why, might've been working two jobs at the time) but didn't care for him in the various tournaments until fairly recently.  Like I said, I'm not given to conspiracy theories; I just dislike Matt extra for even making the thought flit across my mind.  And for making me consider whether or not Arthur Chu is looking better in comparison.  Aiyeee!

Edited by proserpina65


My mom's still convinced that the fix was in for Ken, whom she really disliked

I know you don't think so also but you can tell her, it really wasn't.  Most of the reason that I lost to Ken was because of me - nothing stacked for him.  I actually got all three daily doubles (the only one to do that) and if I had gotten the answer right on the second one, I would have had a really good chance to possibly beat him.  I would have been close at least moneywise.   The only advantage he had was that he had the experience of the other games which granted I think did make a  difference.  Later on in the later KenVictims, they gave them more time to practice on the buzzer.  

  • Love 6

I know you don't think so also but you can tell her, it really wasn't.  Most of the reason that I lost to Ken was because of me - nothing stacked for him.  I actually got all three daily doubles (the only one to do that) and if I had gotten the answer right on the second one, I would have had a really good chance to possibly beat him.  I would have been close at least moneywise.   The only advantage he had was that he had the experience of the other games which granted I think did make a  difference.  Later on in the later KenVictims, they gave them more time to practice on the buzzer.  

Hey, I try, but even after I'd been on and told her what it was like, she's still convinced.  Now, if she'd liked him . . .


It's always fascinating to read about other people's experiences as contestants, especially someone who competed against a long-term champ like Ken.  At what point during his run did you end up facing him?

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 And I'm a midwesterner through and through. I grew up drinking "pop." That's a midwestern term as well. My California friend says "soda."

Pop is also the Canadian term for sugary carbonated beverages :)  As far as I know it's uniform across the country - I don't think we have much regional variation with respect to that particular term.

I know I've said before that I like runaway games and I like watching contestants do really well, but even I'm getting a bit bored.

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As much as I'd hate to discourage it, this may be the one problem of shortening the category names upon call-out.  I can see where someone could get into the rhythm of calling out a one word title, completely forgetting the gist of the category.

I think the show instructs contestants to use the full name the first time a category is called. A shortened name has been fine after that, but a hazard/advantage of jumping around is that someone might forget.

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Mojoween, thanks for telling me that commercial is on tv. I'm so busy flipping channels during commercials, of course I'll never see it!  For some reason, Tunia, I missed your link. But I follow Ken jennings on Twitter so caught it yesterday via his tweet:


"So embarrassing when you run into someone you used to go out with & they are clearly still into you. http://bit.ly/1PgKrOC"


His Twitter account is really fun, one of the best out there. Plus every Friday he posts a link to his Slate quiz, which can be frustrating as some of the news reports are pretty obscure. Still, the quiz is fun and funny much of the time. 

Edited by saber5055
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Color me bad and sad that I did a "YES!" fist air pump when the last FJ answer was revealed.

she had to talk about Mad Men, her favorite show



Gah, I HATED Mad Men. And Trebek let her monologue go on and on and on some more about why she liked it.


Color me bad, sad and a titch sexist when I saw the two competitors were women. And there were no "Woman Only" categories. I think even Matt was disappointed and let his lead drop out of pity. And yeah, I'm a card-carrying NOW member.


Maybe everyone was a little tired today?

Edited by saber5055
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See here's why Matt will never ever sink to Arthur for me - he obviously didn't know anything about sports, he only bet five bucks to be safe...and STILL tried to answer the question. And his was WAY harder than Stanley Cup.

Aww I liked the Mad Men story. I loved that show so much.

When they showed FJ I did the math first, said Indiana Jones immediately, then doubted myself the rest of the time that it came out in 1981.

There was a question I was really surprised was a TS because I knew it but I can't remember what it was now. Of course, there did seem to be a ton of TS in DJ.

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I noticed a weird thing during this match -- when Matt wagered 5 dollars on the DD and got it wrong, Alex mispronounced his new total as if he had wagered $5000 instead of just $5.


I came running to the forums right after this episode went off to see if anyone had anything to say about this.  My dad even called me about it during the game.  I guess Alex assumed he meant $5,000 (and so did I) but I'm surprised there wasn't some kind of clarification made after the commercial break.  

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