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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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But no, she has to go out of her way to tell AT that McNichol is spelled differently than both 'nickel' and 'tickle' -- does Christie not know how rhyming works ?

That wasn't what she was talking about at all!

Alex pointed out that the actress is "KRISTY" McNichol, and "CHRISTIE" the contestant remarked that their first names weren't spelled the same.  So, she was responding to Alex, not "weird editorializing." 

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2 hours ago, The Wild Sow said:

That wasn't what she was talking about at all!

Alex pointed out that the actress is "KRISTY" McNichol, and "CHRISTIE" the contestant remarked that their first names weren't spelled the same.  So, she was responding to Alex, not "weird editorializing." 

Funny, I did not pick up on that at all.  Christie didn't say anything about first names, she simply said "spelled differently".

Anyway, I'm just glad Christie is gone.

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10 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

They really needed a BMS on that Springfield clue -- there are many, many Springfields in the U.S., but AT tosses in Illinois for good measure

AT tells Christie about her Galapogos story that sharks are dangerous, but rays are nothing to worry about -- tell that to Steve Irwin.

I agree. We have a Springfield just up the road, and I'm not in Illinois. Unless the clue was about the Simpsons, AT should have said BMS.

"Tell that to Steve Irwin" - exactly what I said out loud when AT said that. Like minds. :)

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For the obelisk thing, I thought that that was just a bad answer on Christie's part. Yes, it's an obelisk. There are many obelisks. That's like answering "building". But, it's not technically wrong, just too broad, so a BMS wasn't totally out of place. But, if she knew the actual name of it (and she was definitely on the right track with Cleopatra), then why didn't she just say that in the first place? That whole thing was just weird.

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They really needed a BMS on that Springfield clue -- there are many, many Springfields in the U.S., but AT tosses in Illinois for good measure.

Exactly, and a running joke on the Simpsons. That and the labor statistics thing made me think Alex and the judges they were throwing a lot of slow underhand pitches to Christie. I can't fathom why.

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Canton as the location for the College Football Hall of Fame?  Fine if someone doesn't know where it is, but Georgia is in the clue!  I guess at least she kept in the same sport, instead of saying Cooperstown or something.

I'm surprised polar bear was a TS - fluffly, white, lethal, endangered?  I know it was in a "leftovers" category, but there were lots of hints there.

William O. Douglas as a TS made me sad.

I sucked at the musicians on TV category - didn't get a single one.

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Hindsight is 20/20, but once again we saw a familiar pattern today. Late in the game, two contestants running neck and neck, one gets the Daily Double and bets too conservatively.  If Shyamlee had bet $5K insted of $1K (I think that's all she bet), she would be a repeat champion.  Zach got a few answers at the end, and that was all it took for him to win.

I know it is easy for me to say this from the comfort of my couch without the pressure and studio lights on me, but time and time again we see contestants make the mistake of overly conservative betting late in the game.

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I hated Zach from his smug grin and his salute before the game even started.  Then he compounded it by rocking and bouncing when he buzzed in, being slow to answer and to choose the next clue, and of course, starting with the highest value clue.  I'm kind of mad that he won.

Other than that, it was a good game, with very few TS, though the ones I got were surprising.  Not surprising that I got them, but surprising that no one else did.  Those were Illinois, Gap, and Yea.

  • Love 6

Zach is an I sufferable asshat.  Swaying, starting with high dollar clues, looking all smug when he slowly answers.  Blech!  I hope he's gone on Monday.  I will set off extra fireworks if he loses.

I was screaming at Shyamlee to bet big on that Albright DD.  She could have smoked that jerk, Zach.   I'm sorry she's gone.   That book is excellent, by the way.

I got Gap and Yea.  That Eisenhower DD was waaay too easy.

FJ was an instaget.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Bastet said:

I'm surprised polar bear was a TS - fluffly, white, lethal, endangered?  I know it was in a "leftovers" category, but there were lots of hints there.

I just can't think of polar bears as fluffy.

For TSs, I got Gap. I think that was it. I said "verify" when it should have been "yea."

I really liked Shyamlee. I liked the way she told stories. I liked her sense of humor. Oh well.

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25 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I just can't think of polar bears as fluffy.

I've got to agree with @peeayebee on this, bunnies are fluffy, bears are furry -- even polar bears -- so that was yet another in a long list of poorly worded clues by the writers.  Unless the polar bear in question just came back from a salon day.  :)

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 5

Oh, hurrah!  So glad Zach was a one-and-done.  The game was painful to watch while he was on.  Yay, Liz!  And Space Mountain?  Really?  UNICEF = children = It's A Small World. Instaget for me.

Since I couldn't really pay attention with Zach's antics, I don't remember most of the TS, but I did get opossum and Clark Gable.

  • Love 7

Liz seems pretty cool, glad she won.  I did like the fellow on the end too, even with his bad FJ guess - which Zach also gave but scratched out and put the right one.

I didn't think there were too many ts's.  My only one was Clark Gable - and I was surprised that was a ts. 

I ran the Shakespearea'm' category and felt good about that:)

When I saw the FJ category I figured I wouldn't have a chance at getting it but I did, not an instaget but in plenty of time to write it down.

Edited by Trey
  • Love 6

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I liked Justin! Why "Space Mountain"? Anyway, glad the previous champ's annoying "start from the bottom" and weird inflection are gone. I grew up by Lake Itasca, and was not surprised that no one knew that answer. All my life people have been surprised that that's where the Mississippi begins, and that you can jump across it at that point! Gable was easy as well, though for some reason I had thought it was Monroe's last movie as well. But the GWTW part of the clue didn't apply. Still sad about Justin.

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When I saw the Disneyland category I was thrilled. Finally a category I would almost guaranteed know! That guy guessing Space Mountain was a major WTF moment, because Space Mountain opened 10 years later and at Disney WORLD, not Land. Plus it has nothing to do with UNICEF or what would be a good World's Fair exhibition. The only other decent guess might have been Carousel of Progress.

  • Love 3

"Worlds" Fair and UNICEF made FJ an instaget for me. That, Space Mountain and Epcot are pretty much all I know about Disney Land or World.

That was a pretty good game. Especially when Zach blew that True DD. Not many TS I don't think. I got liquor picker, partisan artisan and Frankie and Johnny. 

I was cheering for Justin but from the look on his face as Alex approached, it was clear he hadn't gotten FJ. Congrats to Liz though; she seems OK.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Trey said:

I ran the Shakespearea'm' category and felt good about that:)

I almost ran it. I missed the last one, Mab I think it was.


2 hours ago, NorthstarATL said:

I grew up by Lake Itasca, and was not surprised that no one knew that answer. 

I guessed Ithaca. Oh well.


2 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I got possum, Frankie and Johnny and Clark Gable.

I got Frankie and Johnny and Clark Gable. I felt I was this.close to getting possum, trying to think of a marsupial in the US.


1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

That guy guessing Space Mountain was a major WTF moment, because Space Mountain opened 10 years later and at Disney WORLD, not Land. Plus it has nothing to do with UNICEF or what would be a good World's Fair exhibition.

It's been a while since I've been to Disneyland, but it had Space Mountain when I was last there. Nevertheless, that was a dumb guess. My sister and I said "It's a Small World" simultaneously.

I was immediately annoyed by the new guy's face during the intros -- too cutesy -- but he was pretty knowledgeable. I have no objections to the woman who won.

  • Love 2

I've never been to Disneyland - went to Disney World once, maybe a year after it opened.

But I did go to the New York World's Fair and I got it!

As for Lake Itasca, I knew what they wanted but wasn't quite sure how to spell or pronounce it.  I kept thinking, "Lake Iticaca....no, that's not it!"  Apparently conflating it with Lake Titicaca.

  • Love 3

I missed the FJ because I have a mental block regarding that ride. Let's just say, I never much liked it, and grudgingly endured the ride multiple times with "It's a Long Ride After All" running through my mind.

I came out with something that was almost Itasca, though there might have been a few consonants that didn't belong. Mostly I was amazed that I came up with anything resembling it - as I'm terrible when it comes to lakes.

I did get Clark Gable, though.

  • Love 3

I had thought it was Monroe's last movie as well.

It *was* Monroe's last movie. I don't remember the phrasing of the clue but it pinpointed Gable and I was shouting, "Gable, Clark Gable, you f*ckwits!" I, too, ran the Shakespeare category except for Mab. And I, too, knew possum and Frankie & Johnny. As for the short duration of the Pony Express, I researched it for a novel I wrote (my heroine rides for the PE disguised as a boy).

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