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S10.E12: Racing To The Truth

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Shannon needs to make a damn choice whether to move on one way or the other, BUT, then she makes a hilarious random comment about 13 bathrooms versus 14 bathrooms (being tacky) and I like her again. She's so weird.


God, Vicki, don't make me side with Meghan in an argument.

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"I don't want this to be, 'everyone feel sorry for me.'" And, after a stellar maiden season performance largely grounded in reason and defensible arguments, Shannon establishes herself as someone determined to contend for the title of least self-aware cast mate across an entire franchise typified by mild mental instability and pervasive personality disorders. I suppose David's choice of restaurant was part of his nefarious and insidious psychological abuse and plan to gaslight his wife. What does he do in order to *really* put the screws to her emotionally - present her with - vapors! - fake Chanel? Either Shannon or David need to locate some parental responsibility and exit, if not the marriage, then the metaphorical stage of Bravo. Subjecting those poor kids to bickering in front of camera crews for a nationally televised show is really perverted . . . Also: "I didn't say anything!" Well, Shannon, it's all on fucking camera! You will all see the truth! . . . Perplexed why the skepticism expressed by Tamra and Heather as well was attributed entirely to Meghan. Loved that she came for Vicki and didn't back down even if the "I'm just so concerned" revisionism was pure bullshit (although masterfully executed). I have no idea what Brooks's situation is and I hope that I would never express doubt about its veracity were I a co-worker of his but the sentiments voiced by Meghan and Heather and Tamra are not about one incident (like his discontinuation of a certain treatment) but the totality of multiple inconsistencies (the smoothies vs the carbs, the perennially shifting account of whether or not Vicki accompanied him to his sessions, etc). If they don't want their honesty questioned, then they probably shouldn't be on this program and/or do a better job of explaining the specifics of their logic.

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 If they don't want their honesty questioned, then they probably shouldn't be on this program and/or do a better job of explaining the specifics of their logic.

They don't owe anyone explanations of their medical choices


ETA, I had to come back and edit because I need to be clear that I can't stand Vicki, but for me this is a touchy subject and I have strong feelings about it. 

Edited by JennyMominFL
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Shannon is the most miserable person I have ever seen. If having your kids witness the tension is so horrible, then do what you can to avoid it. What a bitch.


I was seething with anger over her reaction to her birthday dinner.  Your husband and children try to have a nice birthday outing for you and all you can do is criticize the meal and tear up because he didn't do more?!  Damn woman!!!  I guess she wanted a trip to Paris with dinner at a fancy French bistro or something.  You're at dinner with your family complete with a birthday cake!  Cherish this moment because you might not have many more.  She keeps saying that her kids have been through so much, but much of the shit they have been through has been because she puts them through it.  She's making me really dislike her right now.


Re questioning Brooks not contacting Shannon's doctor or refusing chemo, I believe it. As someone who has lived with AIDS for a very long time, I have had many people claim they had a cure. "Here drink this tea, Jen. It cures AIDS. " "See My friends  friends friends doctor, He cures AIDS etc".



And of course we see that Shannon's doctors couldn't even save LeeAnn.  I do think people mean well but if someone followed the advice of every person who gave it there wouldn't be enough time in the day to follow all of those "remedies". 


Shannon should have been more gracious and accepted the plans David did for her party. However, he should know by now that a sports bar might not be up her alley..maybe had her birthday at an elegant tearoom with her, her daughters, some girlfrienda, etc.... and then later maybe he could have taken her out for a romantic meal at a restaurant.



I'm thinking that David probably has taken his side piece to every nice restaurant in OC and Shannon made him give her a list so that they don't go to any of them anymore ever so the playing field has been reduced immensely! 


The editors are sure gunning for Vicki with the repeated showing of her saying she hadn't gone to Brook's doctor appointments after she says she never said that. And every time Vicki shouts about God fixing Brooks, or Tamra talking about baptism, I want to vomit.



Vicki said that she hasn't been to Brook's doctor appointments but she has been to a couple of his chemo sessions.  That's what she said tonight also.  She never lied about that.

Edited by swankie
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I'm not going to specifically rewatch the last episode, but I'm pretty sure Vicki initially said that she had never gone to an appointment/consultation but had gone to chemo then, at CUT, said she only didn't go to appointments/consultations while in Polynesia, then is now saying something about the "last six" times/sessions.

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Hi, I'm Jim, Jim Edmonds.

Hi, I'm Jim, Jim Edmonds.

Hi, I'm Jim, Jim Edmonds.

And on and on and on.

What an asshole!

If people "know" who you are there is no need to name drop yourself! DORK!!

After he moved on, I'm sure they all turned to someone and said, "Who is Jim Edmonds?"

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If someone tells me he has cancer, then he has cancer unless there is some definitive proof otherwise. And by definitive proof, I don't mean dietary habits, gossip, or vague insinuations from a psychic. Don't get me wrong, Brook's past is def. something that I'm aware of but accusing someone of faking cancer is a pretty serious. If he's lying, then he and Vicki can live with that guilt for the rest of their lives. I could not live with the guilt of publicly accusing someone of being a fraud when there's a life-threatening illness involved.


Seeing Tamra's face during their conversation about Meghan/Brooks/cancer stuff was very telling. I think she wasn't expecting the reaction she got from Vicki. Tamra's not telling Eddie about the house is a major betrayal in my book


Why would anyone want to eat lunch at a construction site? This so dangerous, especially since these idiots walk around in heels. I did lol at Shannon's snarky talking head re: 13 bathrooms. She totally has the Dubrow's number. I can't get over how obnoxious Heather is. The maid's room is in the basement? Why isn't it on the same floor as the kids' rooms?

I think everyone in the cast is sick of Meghan's shit. Heather was pissed that her lunch was being turned into a boxing ring, esp. since she had asked Meghan about the possibility of that happening at NASCAR. Meghan's the shit-stirrer. Jeez, Meghan needs to stop carrying her damn cross. SHE doesn't have cancer. LeAnne does.Why can't she wait to talk to Vicki one-on-one? Also, curious, isn't chemo typically given through a port?

Lol, I felt bad for those "friends-of" who were there expecting to get a good lunch and some camera time. All we got of them was some shots of their heads turning like cats on a ping-pong table.


Why the hell was Heather's stomach held together by tape in the preview for the next episode?!

The maid cleans the house and the Nanny cares for the kids, that is why the maid is downstairs. LOL


Yes, Chemo is delivered through a "port", it is not fed through an IV into the arm.


All I want to know is if Brooks died yet from his untreated cancer. Knowing the answer to that will satisfy me. Vickie is overreacting to all this Meghan crap which makes me very suspicious and the fact that she and Brooks broke up since he is the love of her life makes me curious too.

And kudos to the poster who remembered that Vic thought a psychic was able to talk to her mom since she is a good christian and all that. Thingss that make you go hmmmm.

Shannon, dear god woman just pull the plug.

(small voice- is it bad of me that I want Brooks to show us his port?)

According to Vicki, he gets his Chemo via the arm! In other words, Vicki has never seen Brooks get Chemo because it is given via a port in the chest.


No. She had said in the past that she had never went to a doctors appointment with him but she had been to several chemo treatments with him.  I can totally buy that.  I've supported family and friends by going to chemo treatments with them but I have never been to any of their doctors appointments.

Chemo is delivered via a port, located in the upper left side of the chest, not in his arm as Vicki stated. Which is why Heather's eyes got so large, she now knows something is not right.

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I was seething with anger over her reaction to her birthday dinner.  Your husband and children try to have a nice birthday outing for you and all you can do is criticize the meal and tear up because he didn't do more?!  Damn woman!!!  I guess she wanted a trip to Paris with dinner at a fancy French bistro or something.  You're at dinner with your family complete with a birthday cake!  Cherish this moment because you might not have many more.  She keeps saying that her kids have been through so much, but much of the shit they have been through has been because she puts them through it.  She's making me really dislike her right now.


OK, Shannon, why not just say "my husband had an affair" 8 billion times on TV?  Will that satisfy you, Shannon?  What would satisfy you, hun?  To chop his balls off in front of us?  She'll never forgive him & she's making him & her kids miserable.  Man, she just seems like such a miserable woman.  OK, so David banged you on your last birthday & then he went to bang his girlfriend, so what the fuck do you want from us, Shannon?  Sheesh, enough with this pity party shit.  Enough!  I don't wanna see any more of this crap.


Given that millions of people are coping with a similar situation as Shannon (with the Ashley Madison hacking), my patience is wearing very, very thin on her whining about his affair.  And I also really don't give a fuck about it.  If she's looking for sympathy, she can forget it.  And her continuing to mention it just makes her look pathetic.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I want to see Heather's mansion when it is complete! The tour was OTT and fun, but I still have a hard time envisioning it.

Aaaaand once again, HW get-together (Heather's luncheon) is wrecked by housewives fighting. Sigh. I'm sure the producers egged them on, but please.

Oh, Shannon. Your children are making me embarrassed for you. Have you aired too much dirty laundry to them??? Just eat the spare ribs; they are yummy. It's your birthday, live a little! Then please divorce your husband.

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Shannon, I'm going to need you to stop, take a look around that table, count the number of fucking kids you still see sitting there, and STFU about how goddam miserable your birthday is because it's at some pub restaurant. BELIEVE ME I can give you some details on what a fucked up birthday really looks like. Have some goddam perspective.


*** I know it's past that time, but there's always next year. Pull that shit together.***


Love the twins. Go Stella.

Edited by SnarkKitty
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I usually like Shannon, but tonight was horrible.  I actually felt sorry for David (even though he's a cheater) and her kids at the restaurant, in a way.  But, on the other hand, David just seems like he really doesn't care anymore, and is putting very little effort into anything~~sometimes, he seems like he's tired even by speaking.  I don't know if they would be happier apart, or what, but their combined frustration with each other is exhausting.  No wonder the kids are picking up on it.


He really could have put a little more thought into the type of restaurant that Shannon would have enjoyed, and brought her there.  He could have given up the sports bar/pub food place that would be perfect for his birthday dinner.  He knows that she is not into eating unhealthy food, even at home, so I don't blame Shannon for feeling a little disappointed at his restaurant choice.


I thought that the girls' painting were very nice - they seem to have some artistic ability.  

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Shannon just wants retribution through torture. Sadly we have to be tortured along with David and their kids. I want to smack her into next week. What on earth does she think she's doing?


I don't know of many people have have gotten chemo for cancers such as Brooks' type who receive chemo through an arm vein. For follow up treatment of colon cancer and other solid tumors yes. But blood cancers not usually at all, the chemo just eats veins and then you have a whole nother problem.

Edited by Chicklet
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Meghan King Edmonds has done the impossible - she has dethroned Tamra as the reigning queen of the fakest crocodile tears imaginable.


Tears??  Did you see tears?  I sure didn't!  I guess one thing we can say about Meghan is that she certainly hasn't taken any acting classes in preparation for her appearances on TV.  

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So Meghan told Vicki that she really cares about Brooks, hence her discussing him.  No, Meghan, you said "The psychic said Brooks doesn't really have cancer." (which he did not say).  That's caring about someone battling cancer? She's so nasty and full of shit, I can't even. And please, she's never heard of Motley Crue and Bon Jovi?  Punch another play dumb hole in her youth card. I bet she's just a few punch holes away from another Jimmy-free 2 to 3 weeks!


That being said, Tamra started the whole Brooks lying about cancer rumor.  We saw from the first episode when Eddie coughed "Bullshit" when Brooks was talking about it.  In fact, before the season even started, she sneakily put it online, using whispers to others to get it out there on Twitter.  She is the culprit of it all.  Her specialty is starting rumors then sitting back and watching everyone else get reamed out and blamed.  


When is Vicki going to wise up and realize that Tamra is the one who causes most of her grief?

Yes, Meghan DID tell Shannon what the Psychic said about Brooks BUT she never said that she believed him or that she thought Brooks did not have Cancer, she never called Brooks a liar. Shannon herself has expressed doubts about Brooks, Cancer and his Dr's/treatments from the get go as have Tamra/Eddie as you said. It started with the 2 of them and has steamed rolled into what we are now watching.

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The maid cleans the house and the Nanny cares for the kids, that is why the maid is downstairs. LOL


Yes, Chemo is delivered through a "port", it is not fed through an IV into the arm.


According to Vicki, he gets his Chemo via the arm! In other words, Vicki has never seen Brooks get Chemo because it is given via a port in the chest.


Chemo is delivered via a port, located in the upper left side of the chest, not in his arm as Vicki stated. Which is why Heather's eyes got so large, she now knows something is not right.


My Dad did not have a port in his chest - his chemo was delivered through IV into his arm.  


My Aunt received chemo via injections and also pills.  There are many different methods for chemotherapy treatments.

Edited by njbchlover
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Except this is his third round of Cancer and they usually use harsher/stronger Chemo's at this stage (stage 3) and that would require a port. He was supposed to be getting Chemo once a week (isn't that what he told everyone?) and that destroys the veins, they collapse very easily with Chemo treatment which is why a port is surgically implanted. Now, if he was getting Chemo once a month, then an IV in the arm would suffice.

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Wait, wait, wait, Shannon says 13 bathrooms (which she has) is fine, but 14 bathrooms is "obnoxious"?  What do you bet Miss Terry counted the bathrooms in Shannon's place & specifically wanted 14 to beat them out?  Yup, that is just who Miss Terry is.  Nice hotel you're gonna be opening, Heather.


Sure, Meghan, you really care about Brooks.  Uh-huh.  First time I'm calling a woman a dickhead.  But damn, Meghan is a dickhead.  She is a woman, right?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I think it's funny that Meghan acted like she didn't know who Tommy Lee and Richie Sambora were, saying that they are for old people, when "old people" are the only ones that are going to recognize her husband. She doesn't seem to get that she is married to someone who is the sports equivalent of Tommy Lee or Richard (probably more Richard Sambora) and her husband probably dated Pamela Lee or Healther Locklear. She should be a little more aware.


Shannon was dreadful on her birthday. She should thank her husband for having everyone together instead of being a bitch about it being a sports bar. They way she pouted and ruined the mood for everyone was terrible of her.

I call bullshit on Meghan thinking that Tommy Lee was the lead singer of Bush. Bush's heyday was when Meghan was a tween and teen and the lead singer, Gavin Rossdale is married, but separated, from OC native Gwen Stefani.

I wonder how often people tweet Shannon to just divorce David. That bickering she did in front of her kids is messy as hell. Remind me to never eat ribs at Shannon's house. Hers sound dry and terrible.

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OK, Shannon, why not just say "my husband had an affair" 8 billion times on TV?  Will that satisfy you, Shannon?  What would satisfy you, hun?  To chop his balls off in front of us?  She'll never forgive him & she's making him & her kids miserable.  Man, she just seems like such a miserable woman.  OK, so David banged you on your last birthday & then he went to bang his girlfriend, so what the fuck do you want from us, Shannon?  Sheesh, enough with this pity party shit.  Enough!  I don't wanna see any more of this crap.


Given that millions of people are coping with a similar situation as Shannon (with the Ashley Madison hacking), my patience is wearing very, very thin on her whining about his affair.  And I also really don't give a fuck about it.  If she's looking for sympathy, she can forget it.  And her continuing to mention it just makes her look pathetic.


I actually don't think it was really the restaurant and food she was upset about.  It was the fact that her husband went out and plowed his piece after plowing her, on her last birthday.  He could have taken her to the nicest, most expensive and romantic restaurant, one that specializes in dry salads, and she still would have cried and complained.  Those fatty, sugary ribs represented the mistress (you just know the mistress ate fatty, sugary stuff with David), and the sexual gluttony he shared with her.  Her birthday will forever be tarnished.

Edited by cherry slushie
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All this talk about chemo reminds me that Mom got an IV but eventually had a port b/c they ran out of veins in her arm to use.

Shannon's birthday dinner was painful to watch. How sad that last year David screwed his mistress after their dinner.

Tamra paying the downpayment for Ryan's house was not unexpected, nor was she not telling Eddie. I kinda laughed about her metting her new boss and not looking happy about Tamra's attitude.

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Not everyone gets an implanted port. I used to work in an infusion center and gave chemotherapy to people. Some people do get chemo through an IV in their arms-- I used to start the IV, get the bloodwork and then begin hydration until the bloodwork was done. Then give the premeds and the chemo. Not all cancer meds mess up the veins (are vesicants) but often those are given via a peripheral IV. Not all cancer meds are "chemo" -- some are antibiotics, biologics, steroids, etc. Some are given as an injection. Some chemo meds are given as oral meds. It really depends on the patient, the cocktail etc. He could have had a port and gotten an infection in it and had it removed. Some people get PICC lines instead of a chest wall port. I even had to access ports in the upper arm, and one in the groin area. Some people have what are called Omaya ports-- ports on top of their heads.


My Dad did not have a port in his chest - his chemo was delivered through IV into his arm.  


My Aunt received chemo via injections and also pills.  There are many different methods for chemotherapy treatments.

I was Pharmacy, a Tech, that prepared IV's and specialized "compounds" in a major transplant hospital that also has a very large Cancer Treatment Center and I am very familiar with the different methods Chemo drugs can be administered. Brooks has stated that he is Stage 3 and that this is his third battle with cancer so I have no doubt that they would use the stronger chemo's/cocktails to put him back into remission. Did you notice Heather's face when Vicki said that he received his chemo via the arm? She was shocked to hear this and I am sure that Vicki and Brooks have cued them into the specific chemo cocktail he was getting.


Oh, and I was NOT doubting that Brooks was getting chemo, my comment was aimed at Vicki saying that she has been with him when he got it. Vicki must not remember saying that she never went to his chemo treatments because she could not handle him getting sick/vomiting when she was leaving on her Award's trip and Disney vacation with Brianna right before his next treatment.

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I actually don't think it was really the restaurant and food she was upset about.  It was the fact that her husband went out and fucked his piece after fucking her, on her last birthday.  He could have taken her to the nicest, most expensive and romantic restaurant, one that specializes in dry salads, and she still would have cried and complained.  Those fatty, sugary ribs represented the mistress, and the sexual gluttony he shared with her.  Her birthday will forever be tarnished.


You know, I could actually like Shannon & maybe even feel sorry for her (er, somewhat) -- but all this freakin' whining & the way she's making her kids so miserable with the never-ending whining is really getting on my nerves.


Hate to break it you, Meghan, you fuckin' piece of shit, but Vicks is only 53 & she's not a "old woman".  Fuck off, Meghan, for calling her that.


Love the preview where Vicks takes on asshole Jimmy.  He tells her to STFU & she says "talk to me in 5 years when you're on your next wife."  Awesome!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Except this is his third round of Cancer and they usually use harsher/stronger Chemo's at this stage (stage 3) and that would require a port. He was supposed to be getting Chemo once a week (isn't that what he told everyone?) and that destroys the veins, they collapse very easily with Chemo treatment which is why a port is surgically implanted. Now, if he was getting Chemo once a month, then an IV in the arm would suffice.

Brooks said he gets it every six weeks. I think there is an abundance of evidence that chemotherapy can be delivered in different ways.

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Yes, Meghan DID tell Shannon what the Psychic said about Brooks BUT she never said that she believed him or that she thought Brooks did not have Cancer, she never called Brooks a liar. Shannon herself has expressed doubts about Brooks, Cancer and his Dr's/treatments from the get go as have Tamra/Eddie as you said. It started with the 2 of them and has steamed rolled into what we are now watching.


True, but she perpetuated the rumor by saying it.  She could have said "The psychic said Brooks doesn't have cancer, but obviously a psychic isn't proof of anything". Meghan knew exactly what she was doing.  She's Tamra, the sequel, but meaner on the outside.

Edited by cherry slushie
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I saw someone say that they saw Gretchen in the group for lunch at Heather's. So I re-watched and damn if it didn't look like her. Why would Heather invite her? Were they friends?


No, trust me, we would have heard & seen Gretchie-poo if it was her.  And she probably woulda made some excuse to drag along Slade.  There was a woman at the party with a similar blonde haircolor as Gretch's & an oddball Gretch-alike hairdo, but she was captioned as a friend of Heather's.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Brooks said he gets it every six weeks. I think there is an abundance of evidence that chemotherapy can be delivered in different ways.

That does make a difference, every 6 weeks. I thought he said every week for 6 weeks and was stopping after the third week/treatment. Sorry, I apologize and stand corrected.


Although, Vicki did say that she never went with him for treatment as she was leaving on her trip.



True, but she perpetuated the rumor by saying it.  She could have said "The psychic said Brooks doesn't really have cancer, but obviously a psychic isn't proof of anything". Meghan knew exactly what she was doing.  She's Tamra, the sequel.

Yes, she did but she never said she believed him. She was chiming in with Shannon questioning why Brooks/Vicki never went to see that Dr she recommended to them. They were all expressing doubts about Brooks, Meghan, Tamra AND Shannon.

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I call bullshit on Meghan thinking that Tommy Lee was the lead singer of Bush. Bush's heyday was when Meghan was a tween and teen and the lead singer, Gavin Rossdale is married, but separated, from OC native Gwen Stefani.

I wonder how often people tweet Shannon to just divorce David. That bickering she did in front of her kids is messy as hell. Remind me to never eat ribs at Shannon's house. Hers sound dry and terrible.


In all fairness to Shannon, I believe that she had ordered short ribs, and I will have to agree with her, that at times, they can be very greasy.  I make them quite often, and order them at a couple of our favorite restaurants, with differing results each time.  Sometimes, they are wonderful, rich and flavorful.  Other times, they can be more greasy and stringy.  

I'm envisioning Heather swinging from her closet ladder ala Belle from Beauty and the Beast in her new library.


LOL!!!!  I'm picturing Collette doing that....and Terry standing below her saying "Get down her, you little bitch!!"  

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That does make a difference, every 6 weeks. I thought he said every week for 6 weeks and was stopping after the third week/treatment. Sorry, I apologize and stand corrected.


Although, Vicki did say that she never went with him for treatment as she was leaving on her trip.



Yes, she did but she never said she believed him. She was chiming in with Shannon questioning why Brooks/Vicki never went to see that Dr she recommended to them. They were all expressing doubts about Brooks, Meghan, Tamra AND Shannon.


No, Shannon said that she'd recommended some holistic doctors to him and he hadn't taken her up on it, but his new doctor sounded promising.  Then she scolded them for even questioning his cancer. But, it's all opinion upon watching, which makes these forums so enjoyable :).

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A Tweet from Shannon:'  To the cruel haters.  U are seeing  my marriage less than 6 mos after my husband fully committed to our marriage. Give me a break I am human.


Yeah, well, given the overlap of storylines with this show & NYC, I'm wondering if Kristen Taekman is totally guaranteed another season cuz of the story that just broke & what she has to deal with.  She can be that show's Shannon maybe.  


Eh, boo freakin' hoo for you, Shannon.  Go cry your peepers out in one or all of those 13 bathrooms of yours.  Not a hater, but I don't feel much sympathy for all the freakin' whining either.

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If I was an invitee to Heather's luncheon I would be borderline pissed. Who the hell wants to eat lunch at a dusty ass construction site? Sawdust in the salad, dust bunnies in the appetizer, a film settling over your glass of champs. How appetizing! Seriously, invite my ass over to your echoing cavernous reception hall of a house when your shit is complete.


So Shannon has 13 bathrooms? One less than the Dubrows. I guess now we know who they were trying to best.


I pray to gawd David's name isn't on that Ashley Madison site. Selfishly, I pray for this for my own sake. I couldn't stand to see next season with Shannon asking for the list of websites David has been on; copies of his profile; hearing that on the anniversary of their first date the credit card payment went through; blah blah blah. I just can't. 


I feel like everyone was wrong at that Beador b-day dinner, except the kids. David for not knowing that his wife ain't here for no sports bar, especially on her birthday. So wrong because he himself said in an earlier scene that Shannon doesn't have much by way of athletic ability (plus we've seen her try to work out) and she doesn't strike me as someone into sports if her daughters aren't involved. It just struck me as really being tone deaf to a woman you have been married to for over a decade. To add insult to injury he supremely was a fuck up last year and should be at defcon 5 of project atonement and should have catered to Shannon's taste - refined, ultra traditional and stodgy. On Shannon's side, she could at least be gracious and try to put on a happy face for the sake of the kids. Wait to bitch his ass out later when alone and out of earshot of the kids. 


How jacked up is it that the kids didn't want to go to dinner with their parents and recommended a date night just the two of them. I can see why they want no part of that.


Tamra really weaseled her way out of looking like the shit stirring little gargoyle that she is in her 'Brooks is faking cancer' whisper campaign. Bitch completely escaped blame. 


So a grown ass man hooks up with a woman with 3 kids on IG, moves in with her after weeks, proposes after months, knocks her up but doesn't have a pot to piss in nor a job no dependent on his mother hiring him to fold towels at her struggle gym and has to have mommy make the down payment on a rental? Lordt. 


Vicki if you don't want someone in your business, don't comment on other's business. That being said, everyone should mind their own business about Brooke's and his alleged cancer. If you have no definitive proof STFU! Who the hell are you to decide or question whether someone opting out of chemo is weird or shady or proof of lying? I wouldn't listen to any these bird's opinion on how to treat a pimple let alone cancer. 


So tired of all the age shaming on both ends. And again, when did 30 become the new 19? So ridiculous to see people try to pass off 30 as being not old enough to know better or have any life experience. Come the hell on!  



Love the preview where Vicks takes on asshole Jimmy.  He tells her to STFU & she says "talk to me in 5 years when you're on your next wife."  Awesome!


When I heard this I not only LIVED!!! I guffawed so damn loud that it woke up my dog and cats.


Megan looked like a broom wearing a mushroom wig in that preview. Not a good look AT ALL!

Edited by islandgal140
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I  currantly am an oncology nurse.  Chemo can be given in the arm or the port.  If his chemo is every 6 weeks then he is probably receiving a targeted therapy of RItuxan.  That may be for maintenace treatment.  It is none of those cackling hens place to determine what he should get or how or when.  Also, one of the oncologists I work with will not see a patient if they decide to go to City of Hope.  So it must not be Cure all as Shannon claims.  

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Shannon's birthday dinner was painful to watch. How sad that last year David screwed his mistress after their dinner.



I know that David eventually confessed about his cheating on Shannon, but did he really have to go into this much detail about it?  Did he really have to divulge that he banged his side piece on Shannon's birthday?  He could have just said that he cheated and left it at that.  He didn't need to tell Shannon about every single meeting did he?  Did he also tell her about every position they did it in and how many times he made her cum?  Sheesh!  Talk about over disclosing!  smdh


So tired of all the age shaming on both ends. And again, when did 30 become the new 19? So ridiculous to see people try to pass off 30 as being not old enough to know better or have any life experience. Come the hell on!



IKR!  By the time I was 30 I had 4 kids and had been divorced for six years.  Just sayin.

Edited by swankie
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Oh Shannon - you just keep on disappointing me this season.  I had so much hope for you after last season.  Never mind just your relationship with your husband.  After seeing the last few scenes with you kids, your relationship with your kids needs help.  BTW, it may have been your birthday but it was a 'family' dinner.  Maybe your husband went with the pub atmosphere because he thought it would be more fun, especially for your kids.  Yeah, let's go to Chateau Fancy with the kids so they can have a gourmet dinner with the parents.  Nope, David can't do anything right.


I don't 'get' Vickie's attitude about Brooks cancer.  I think things were definitely going downhill.  Vickie is just not that laid back. 


Heather's new house looks like it's going to be a major monstrosity.  But if it makes her and Terry 'happy'.


Jim is a total jerk but the NASCAR scenes were fun to watch.

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